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    Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company

    Onyx Moon
    Onyx Moon

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 66
    Cosmic Coins : 5
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    Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Empty Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company

    Post by Onyx Moon 8th May 2020, 2:03 pm

    Onyx Moon is a unique guild that is split in half: one legal side and one dark side. The legal side is a trading company called the West Fiore Trading Company. It has some freelance positions for those who like to fight as well as a business part that might intrigue those looking for something a little different. Onyx Moon is the name of the dark side. It is a shady network that buys, steals, acquires, and sells everything for a profit. It isn't required to be a part of both halves of the guild. You can be legal, dark, or both in Onyx Moon if you so desire.

    Guild Goals
    The Main Goal: Make money. Prosperity is Power
    The WFTC goal: Expanding their trade network and amount of trade partners
    The Onyx Moon goal: Using Shady exploits and Shady people to make money

    West Fiore Trading Company
    The Light Side

    Prosperity. Prosperity for the company and its employees: that is what the WFTC focuses on publically. From the CEO to the lowest employee, everyone in the company is viewed as equal. Those with titles, such as the CEO or the VPs, are simply acknowledged as having certain expertise. As a company, the West Fiore Trading Company tries to bring happiness to every customer. A happy customer will pay more and keep on coming back. However, they understand that they can’t please everyone. While they primarily focus on trading, the WFTC has a few other departments in order to help them expand into and control the majesty of Tolgalen. The entirety of the operation of the West Fiore Trading Company is used to clean any Onyx Moon ‘dirty money’. Usually, the jewels will be used in a subsidiary of WFTC or a dummy corporation and put into circulation. Rarely, is OM money put directly into the company lest authorities catch it. Not that the average employee is aware of any of this.

    As a large company, the WFTC is split into many branches in order to manage its business. While some branches are smaller than others, each one is deemed necessary for the company to function. Some deal with the affairs of Tolgalen, others are for the benefit of the entire WFTC and the last few are used to expand the company into new enterprises.

    • Medical Branch: In order to prevent money from leaving the company, a Medical branch was instituted. It provides basic care for all employees and their families - an in-house health plan. Enough to keep everyone healthy, happy and oblivious to better health opportunities. Any specialized needs must be seen by others, usually. The company has various facilities placed around Tolgalen for usage by any medical staff should they need it. No medical employee is expected to do field work. However, for those that volunteer, Medical branch employees may find themselves in outlying Tolgalen villages or aiding mages on missions. This saves the company from hiring out.
    • Protection Branch: This branch is dedicated to ensuring the safety of WFTC employees, assets, and, on occasion, clients. After all, a happy person works harder/pays more and the Company makes more money in the long run. The WFTC spends time training these employees so they can stand toe to toe with almost any threat. However, they are not expected to throw away their lives. Those in the Protection branch are to ensure lives are saved over all if driving away or subduing a threat isn't possible. That includes their own lives. Funerals cost many jewels as do life insurances - both of which the company would likely have to pay for.
    • Clerical Branch: This branch handles the mountains of paperwork the company generates every day. People employed at this branch usually have ink stained fingers. They're the ones in charge of the affairs of Tolgalen, financially and otherwise. They also investigate the land for possibilities for new facilities on Tolgalen. They are put to work increasing the payload, speed and durability of Company vehicles. Their projects also handle concepts of weapons of war. War makes money and it pays to be prepared.
    • Diplomatic Branch: This branch handles the creation of contracts with subsidized businesses and partners. Their job, in this case, is to smooth the way for jewels to come pouring in. They handle first contact or continued contact with the natives of the Tolgalen continent. Natives have a variety of uses for near little cost. This is also the branch that holds the company lawyers should any legal issues come up. It pays to have a leech in your pocket.
    • Operations:  The bulk of WFTC employees can be found here. As such, this branch can be broken down into various other branches: Aerial, Naval, Ground, and Tradesman. The Aerial part mans and maintains the WFTC airships as well as all business regarding them. The Navel part is much the same but in regards to the water-based fleet. The Ground section mans and maintains WFTC warehouses and its caravan of various ground vehicles. All three of those sections are responsible for receiving, carrying and delivering goods via their various means. The Tradesmen of the Operations branch man and maintain WFTC stores, selling a large variety while making sure there is enough stock for demand. The Tradesman of Operations also covers any people plying to a trade while in WFTC employ: blacksmiths, bowyer, tanner, artificers, rune crafters, etc. The greater variety of goods the WFTC can send, receive, and make, the greater their profits in the end.


    No employee is chained to a particular branch. After all, all are equal in the company. It isn't strange to find an employee that knows the ins and outs of several branches. The Company openly encourages this since it can cut down on costs. One person can run around doing several jobs instead of several people doing one job each.

    WFTC recruitment is an easy process. One simply needs to apply at the Headquarters on Tolgalen. There the recruit will be tested to ensure their competency before they are placed in a starting branch. A recruit may request a particular starting branch if they have a firm idea of where they want to be in the company. The recruit is, if everything is satisfactory, then stamped with a guild tattoo which allows access to WFTC facilities.

    The WFTC members must wear a white, light or bright uniforms. This look is also accompanied by a crest or collar pin that is the same symbol as the guild tattoo. When out on a job for the company, they are required to wear the uniform. Exceptions may be allowed for darker colored uniforms but there would have to be a good reason and permission would have to be given by the CEO/Captain or a VP/Keeper.

    Onyx Moon
    The Dark Side

    The shadows are filled with many opportunities for making money. Thieves, grifters, pirates, rogues of all sorts steal thousands of jewels with only a little work. Onyx Moon makes use of those many talents to pour those jewels into their own pockets. They take a little pinch of everything the underworld has to offer and twist it into a macabre display of wealth. Their agents lie in wait, looking for any opportunity they can take that doesn’t endanger the guild. You have a vice? It’s likely OM caters to it. And if they don’t, they sure as hell can get you what you need. That is the Onyx Moon network.

    Of course, what good someone if they get caught and spill everything? Or flips and sells all your secrets? In order to prevent such an outcome, Onyx Moon is compartmentalized. All agents only know a few agents above them and perhaps a few below them if they're lucky enough to climb the ranks. In addition, all members are required to obscure their faces via a mask or impenetrable illusion/disguises to assure anonymity. Code names or false identities are encouraged. After all, if they know your real name, they can catch you. The only figures known to every member of Onyx Moon are the Keepers and the faceless Guildmaster. The Keepers, along with a small group of trusted members keep each branch of OM in line. The Guildmaster is little more than a shadow. They appear and disappear without a trace. The illusion is that the Guildmaster could be anybody. However, Onyx Moon members found impersonating the GM are thoroughly punished. Once. There are no second chances for this crime.

    The OM network is made up of three parts, each with its own distinct flavor. Each does its part in bringing in the money.

    • Brutality: Some problems need a rough solution. These guys are exactly that solution. As the brawn of Onyx Moon, these brawlers take on the rough and tumble jobs. When Onyx Moon needs some extra money, these guys are sent out to collect ‘protection’ fees. This branch is also used for more overt acquisition of money. Razing villages, revenge for actions taken against the guild, or even instigating a small turf war - maybe even a full-on war - all fall within this branch’s purview.
    • Skulking: Stealing is their game. The Onyx Moon rogues in this branch take what they want and sell it for the profit. If they want it, they’ll steal it. This branch is used to make items the guild would like to acquire disappear. They are also used to manipulate anything the guild needs. They’re the little push that sends the boulder off the cliff. The spark for the flames of war - sometimes literally. On occasion, the little guy cries out. They’re being oppressed by the system or by someone with wealth/power. These thieves might be kind enough to get that guy some subtle payback and take something for themselves on the side.
    • Trafficking: You need something on the down low? These are the guys to get it for you. This branch handles the black market aspects of Onyx Moon business. Drugs, black magic, weapons, people even sometimes, are all acquirable through these guys. If you can pay their price, they’ll get anything for you. Even if you can’t pay their price, they’re happy to loan out money - at a high interest rate after a certain undisclosed date, of course. The Onyx Moon gambling houses are run by this branch. Again, anything you want, they’ve probably got it somewhere.

    Onyx Moon does not recruit the way a normal guild does. Usually, one has already been working for the guild, helping their agents without knowing. A few Onyx Moon members will carefully spread the word in bars, dives and brothels - anywhere a good candidate might appear. They always mention the wealth involved. Those that express interest find a black envelope on their doorstep. A magical contract is inside that reiterates the promises of wealth with little mention of work. The fine print, written invisibly, covers that. The initiate is instructed with a small letter that comes with the envelope to appear at a specific location with the contract signed for their first ‘payday’. When they arrive, the initiate is blindfolded and taken to a different area for their test. There is always someone waiting there to test them. Should they pass the test, they are given the official guild tattoo and sent back out into the world to await their next assignment.

    In order to maintain the secrecy of the organization, Onyx Moon guild tattoos and masks have special properties. The tattoos fade into the skin or transform into another shape while the connected mask is not being worn. The masks are also enchanted to garb its wearer in their chosen Onyx Moon battle outfit. These masks also will regenerate themselves and the associated battle wear once removed from the wearer. Magic abilities can affect this item. A scent of burnt coal is emitted from the wearer while the masks are worn which can be used to throw off any who know their scent. A guild crest is emblazoned somewhere on the battle outfit where the wearer decides.

    Rules - OOC & IC
    We are both Traders and Thieves! We don't have any political affiliation on either side of our guild, though we do take what the Magic Council says into consideration. We don't care what happens around us, as long as our homeland of Tolgalen and the people that reside within are safe. Other than that, Jewels are what we want! We take what we like and sell all the rest!

    This is the code that all members must abide by as even we have honour.

    1: A member of Onyx Moon may not take from another member of Onyx Moon.
    2: Betrayal is dealt with by the harshest of means and the individual(s) will be banished from the guild.
    3: Members are allowed to take titles such as Coming Storms, Sinners, Rising Stars, Saints, if they wish but are asked to be mindful on how it affects the guilds' story/plot.
    4: Everyone is equal within WFTC. No member will get better treatment than the rest. Everyone has the same living space and everyone gets the same amount of wage, however, those who put in the most work will receive additional compensation for their work.
    5: Squabbles or in fighting will be dealt with in any fashion necessary. Once a squabble has been settled, that will be the end of that dispute.
    6: We do not kill innocent people unless absolutely necessary. Such cases will be reviewed to deem whether punishment is needed for breaking this rule.
    7: Never betray other members of Onyx Moon.  
    8: Welcome all new-comers into the guild. Nothing is worse to a newbie than to not feel like part of a family.
    9: All Onyx Moon jobs should be done wearing a mask or with some kind of illusion/disguise, the only exception to this rule is if you ended up in a job like 'Wedding Crashers' where it's unavoidable.
    10: To join there are a few options:
    - To join the West Fiore Trading Company (WFTC) only, all that is needed is an intro thread.

    - To join Onyx Moon only, you are required to do a single D rank freeform where you acquire something valuable and sell it to someone shady, and then an intro thread.

    - To join both, see above. In addition, do one job with guild members after your first intro thread.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 9:05 am