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    Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Guild Spells/Pet/Assets

    Onyx Moon
    Onyx Moon

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    Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Guild Spells/Pet/Assets Empty Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Guild Spells/Pet/Assets

    Post by Onyx Moon 28th February 2018, 6:13 pm

    Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Guild Spells/Pet/Assets T9fEnRD

    Keeper of Vice (Offensive spell) - Death Comes:

    Keeper of Virtue (Defensive spell) - Keeper's Secret:

    Keeper of Balance (Support Spell) - Elysium Touched:

    Last edited by Onyx Moon on 8th April 2019, 2:37 pm; edited 6 times in total
    Onyx Moon
    Onyx Moon

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    Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Guild Spells/Pet/Assets Empty Re: Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Guild Spells/Pet/Assets

    Post by Onyx Moon 28th February 2018, 6:22 pm

    Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Guild Spells/Pet/Assets TsfRvYW


    Name: Romulus
    Rank: Guild Pet
    Species: Feathered Storm Bird
    Type: Combat Pet

    Romulus, the guild pet of Onyx Moon, appears as a large bird covered entirely in pitch black, steel like feathers that have the ability to store and release magical energy, glowing red eyes and a sharp beak and claws. Standing at 20 feet (~6m) tall with a wingspan of 65 feet (~20m), the creature is rather intelligent, commands storm magic with absolute control over the atmosphere around itself, enabling it to wield wind and lightning magic or even combine the two into storm magic. It's beak-like mouth is lined with long, razor sharp teeth, the claws on its legs easily able to rip through steel. The magical beast additionally possesses a long tail that ands in a sharp, blade like pointed appendage that can be used for slashing.



    Feather Storm:

    Teravolt Crown:

    Stormwind Artillery:


    Last edited by Onyx Moon on 8th April 2019, 2:37 pm; edited 4 times in total
    Onyx Moon
    Onyx Moon

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 66
    Cosmic Coins : 5
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    Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Guild Spells/Pet/Assets Empty Re: Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Guild Spells/Pet/Assets

    Post by Onyx Moon 28th February 2018, 6:29 pm

    Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Guild Spells/Pet/Assets CFQjrkA

    Guild Ship
    Build Topic:  Here

    Ship Name: The Valkyrie
    Class of Ship: Aerial Guild Ship
    Ship Size: 2500ft long x 1000ft wide (at the front half of the ship) or 600m wide at the aft half of the ship
    Crew Size: 10 NPCs / 23 PCs
    Description: Utilizing a great amount of steam technology and electronics upon the ship, this mechanical giant is capable of storing up to 10 tons of gear within it's cargo-hold.  This ship is also equipped with state-of-the-art and up-to-date furnishings for every member of Onyx Moon.  This mobile fortress is used as a secondary base to the Onyx Moon with modern day amenities such as a modern kitchen, modern freezer (for holding several weeks worth of food) modern bathrooms.  The bathrooms, however, are coed due to the size restrictions of the ship.  The showers are open-roomed showers, meaning there is no dividing wall between each shower.  
    At the bottom-most deck, there is an 800x600 platform that opens up with a cargo door, allowing for deployment of other aircraft out the aft end of the ship.

    This ship is also equipped with a Slayer Detector, allowing those that are slayers to not feel disoriented or motion sick within the ship.  This is to keep them fighting-fit and ready for action at all times.

    Hull Changes:
    - Refined Adamantium [750,000J]
    Weapon Changes:
    - 1x Tier 6 Military Weapon [550,000J]
    - 4x Tier 4 Massive Weapons [400,000J]
    Ordinance:  [50 Slots]
    [2 Slots] 2x Weapon Drops [60,000J]
    [2 Slots] 1x Rose Garden Engineer (5% HP Healing per post) [500,000J]
    [1 Slot] 1x Oxygenator [30,000J]
    [10 Ordinance Slots] 10x Speed Core for +50 knots.  [150,000J]
    [2 Ordinance Slots / 2 Seats] Rift Drive [50,000J]

    Tactical Ability:  [100,000J]
    Ghost Ship Cloaking:

    Tactical Ability:  [200,000J]

    Offensive Ability:  [75,000J]
    Blast Barrage:
    Defensive Ability:  [75,000J]
    Ghost Ship Armour:

    Last edited by Onyx Moon on 8th April 2019, 2:39 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Onyx Moon
    Onyx Moon

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 66
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Guild Spells/Pet/Assets Empty Re: Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Guild Spells/Pet/Assets

    Post by Onyx Moon 28th February 2018, 6:34 pm

    Onyx Moon/West Fiore Trading Company Guild Spells/Pet/Assets UpQNfHQ

    Ship/Schematic: Just the Schematic [120,000J]
    Total Cost: 3,060,000J
    I don't know where it was bought...  but it was bought, trust me.

    Ship Name: Mayflower
    Class of Ship: Transport
    Ship Size: 120x80
    Crew Size: 10

    The Mayflower is a space capable transport ship meant for use for planetary travel. It has the technology to go through Wakusei Portals to go to distant planets, and has another on board to allow the crew to access any Wakusei Portal they have been to before and go there in person immediately. The ship is highly modified for combat, removing a lot of the crew space to allow for more firepower and explosives. The armor used is beyond what is normally capable, though the makers of the ship are long since dead so there's no way of finding out how they managed such a feat.

    Hull Changes
    Magic Adamantium

    Weapon Changes
    2x Tier 6, Small Lasers. (Single Target, 4000 meter range, magic damage)
    1x  Tier 2, Medium Kinetic Cannons (Single Target, 6000 meter range, physical damage)
    5x Tier 1, Small Shrapnel Launchers (Shotgun spread weapon, 500 meter range, less accurate after 100 meters, physical damage)

    Explosive Supplier; All 3 Choices

    Tactical Ability
    The Crazy Ivan -- The engines of the ship boost in different directions, causing the ship to do a sudden 180 degree turn to avoid attacks and put the ship in an advantageous position. May do this four times per topic max, no cooldown.

    Offensive Ability
    Focus Fire -- The ships weapons are overclocked, causing all weapons to fire thrice when used once, but overheating for the rest of the topic after they are fired this way.

    Defensive Ability
    Shields Up! -- Activates a shield for three turns that absorbs all incoming damage, and reflecting physical objects back in the direction they came from. Can take 100,000 damage before it fails, though overkill from the same source will not pierce through.[/spoiler]

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 10:58 am