Fairy Tail RP

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    Same Coin. Different Sides. (Allen and Dordur)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Marksman's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 463
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Dragon Fang)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plant Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Same Coin. Different Sides. (Allen and Dordur) Empty Same Coin. Different Sides. (Allen and Dordur)

    Post by timmir1 5th September 2014, 7:30 pm

    It was late in the evening as the sun slowly set in the sky. Yet, despite the cold nip that was beginning to be felt in the air, people were still out and about. This was because of a craft fair that seemed to be going on in the park. People from all over Fiore have come for a chance to sell their homemade goods to the people. And the whole event seemed to have been a huge success.

    Malm, who happened to be in town during today, walked through as he looked through the seemingly endless line of vendors. He saw people selling all sort of stuff. From wooden toys, to homemade jams, to even a particular looking guy that seemed to have been selling only miniskirts. Nothing that Malm found really useful, but still a bit interesting nonetheless.

    Yet the day was ending, and the crowd was beginning to leave. Some of the vendors were already packing there things and preparing to head back to wherever they call home. Malm was beginning to have similar thoughts as well. He hadn't planned on staying in this town for the night, and was hoping to try make some progress on the road.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Curse Of Oni
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    Same Coin. Different Sides. (Allen and Dordur) Empty Re: Same Coin. Different Sides. (Allen and Dordur)

    Post by Shakil 5th September 2014, 9:42 pm

    Allen scowled. "Out of all the places in Fiore, In This Town, it had to be here. This.. park! Agh!" Allen pouted, he had never gotten use to the atmosphere of the town, even though he never really left it. If he hadn't gotten use to it by now, then he isn' ready for the neighboring towns. Allen then criss crossed his legs and arms, thinking, closing his eyes and frowning all the same, "But this is the place where all the good stuff is at so.. I guess I can make a exception this one time." Allen braced himself for the sudden movement of getting up, leaning back so he could throw himself upwards and land on his feet, "Annnd.. Up!" He yawned and stretched as he sprinted towards several foods stands about to close.

    Hiss, Hiss

    He sprinted by the stands it made a hissing sound, like a car zooming past a guy. Only he was slower. Sooner rather then later, he hand armfuls of goodies. Crepes, pocky, squid. What was this? A festival? Didn't matter to Allen, it looked like no one was around to confront him and he'll gleefully dine like a king in a second. He noticed almost no one was left in the park, no one who posed a threat and he laid down on a bench near the water and started stuffing his face with what seemed to be cream puffs. But Allen didn't get out much so he had no clue what the name of the treats were. He was sure making a lot of noise, letting his guard down he nearly choked from stuffing his mouth with treats.

    VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 79
    Cosmic Coins : 90
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Empty vacuums of space
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Same Coin. Different Sides. (Allen and Dordur) Empty Re: Same Coin. Different Sides. (Allen and Dordur)

    Post by Hodor 6th September 2014, 7:28 am

    Thordur the masochist, Was Laying on The ground half asleep untill he heard some cracking sounds ontop of him, He opened his eyes barely and noticed that there was appearantly a man attempting to sleep on the bench that Thordur was trying to sleep under, he then Decided to do a little prank, Basically what he would try to do was, stab a needle in a spot on the man attempting to sleep on the bench ontop of him in a very bad spot possibly not allowing him to move unless he had some kind of super strength magic, This would only happen if he could hit the exact spot he was aiming on, Not even a 0,1 Millimeter away, So if the man would move even just a little, Thordur would put it in the wrong spot and nothing would happen.


    I hear...
    My victim's screams as they feed my insanity.
    I see...
    The victim as they lie on the table, staining their clothes and hair in a cardinal pool of blood.
    I taste...
    The rush of insanity as it holds me in its relentless grasp and pushes me to cut my victim's flesh till they cease their screaming.
    I smell...
    The smoldering of the blood that slowly bakes and dries in the intense lights overhead.
    I feel...
    Like this one victim will be enough, and I must continue to kill to feed this blood lust welling up inside of me.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Marksman's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 463
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Dragon Fang)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plant Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Same Coin. Different Sides. (Allen and Dordur) Empty Re: Same Coin. Different Sides. (Allen and Dordur)

    Post by timmir1 6th September 2014, 10:30 pm

    Malm yawn a bit as he took one last look at things. It seemed just about everyone was gone at this point, with only him and a few stragglers still wondering the park. That was to bad. He wanted to try to get one last look at things before having to go. It was probably for the best though.

    A man on a bench then caught Malm's attention as the teen notice him choking. "Are you okay?" Malm asked some distance away from the man. Then something else more distressing had caught Malm's attention. "What are you doing under that bench?" Malm then asked curiously, having not noticed what Thordur was attempting to do.


      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 6:44 am