Fairy Tail RP

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    Deadman Wonderland-Carnival Corpse


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 1
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Deadman Wonderland-Carnival Corpse Empty Deadman Wonderland-Carnival Corpse

    Post by CarnivalCorpse 5th August 2012, 12:28 pm

    Deadman Wonderland, a maximum security prison housing only death row inmates. It is the first privately owned prison of its kind, doubling as an amusement part where the inmates are the enterainment for the citizens outside. They are forced to compete in humiliating and deadly events to stay alive. But there's an even darker secret being kept under many layers of madness. For certain high paying investors, a special show can be seen. People with the ability to turn their blood into deadly weapons are fought against one another in the sadistic Carnival Corpse. The winner earns their life. The loser must give up a body part for scientific study. These abused inmates, often framed for their crimes, struggle to live in a world where death surrounds them. These are the Deadmen, kept under lock and key by the anti-deadman squad, the sick and twisted Undertakers. Can they learn to cope with their violent ways? Adapt to prison life? Maybe find an escape?

    The RP site is based on the manga/anime Deadman Wonderland. We offer a unique experience where people are able to earn CP for prizes, must earn candy, and can compete in the Carnival Corpse. We are in dire need of strong RPers, preferably ones familiar with the content, but are open to all kinds willing to learn. Check out the site for more information.


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 3:48 pm