Fairy Tail RP

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    Job : A wrath like no other.

    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 14th July 2014, 8:41 am

    It was a normal simple day for Adelheid she had got up early and had gone out for a healthy jogging.
    After getting to the guild she had been looking for jobs as she was a little restless after being inactive for a day or two.
    Looking at the job board some of those jobs picked her attention but where either out of her rank or her magic wasn't adequate to the job.
    After a while a sighing she set up with an easier looking and seemingly simple job.
    the conditions for it where simple "go pick jewelry get it engraved and deliver to the wife's balcony without anybody noticing... simple enough.
    First of all she communicated with the Butler of the client to  make sure they knew that she had taken the job. After that she got out of the guild through the teleportation lacrima and started traveling to Oshibana
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 16th July 2014, 6:33 am

    The road to town was long and boring filled with rocks weeds and more rocks and more weeds with the surprise of a small animal passing close to the road from time to time but since she had opted for the least rock filled mountain path it was even and easily transitable meaning that she would get to her destination in good time.
    For the job and easy transportation she had borrowed a bike of the type that runs on your mana. Since in her travels she had learn to ride them she thought that it would make the job easier and faster.
    She calculated that she wouldn't take much more than a couple of hours to get to all the way to oshibana at a medium not tiring speed and then take the train to crocus that way she would save mana to sprint all the way to the clients house to get the job in time the plan was set and she was hell bend to do it in time and form.

    Last edited by Adelheid Faustus on 18th July 2014, 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 16th July 2014, 6:34 am

    After some time of traveling Adelheid consulted the map taking out a compass to make sure she hadn't taken a wrong turn in choosing a path.
    After a while of traveling from the rock filled mountain path another type of vegetation started to appear signaling that she was more or less in the zone of her destination trees giving her the welcome to a more entertaining path in which she could hear the birds singing and spot some animals from time to time like squirrels or even a bear but after a while that path was also left behind soon enough to give way to the fields in which farmers worked to produce food for everyone.
    After some time houses appeared more frequently heralding towns and cities and not long after that she was in Oshinaba.
    Once there she didn't wasted any time and found her way to the train station.

    Last edited by Adelheid Faustus on 18th July 2014, 3:50 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 18th July 2014, 3:15 pm

    Adelheid made it to Oshibana after that she bought her ticket and put the bike in the cargo bandwagon, she took seat and and relaxed letting the train take her to her destination as she saw the scenery outside the train pass by.
    The greenery in between towns and cities was nice and relaxing and so she passed through Kunugi Onibus magnolia and finally made it to Hargeon where she was supposed to buy the jewelry.
    She took the bike from the bandwagon and started to look around she wasn't familiar with the city so she explored it a little sight seeing the part restaurants and getting a little lost before finding her way to the jewelry store.
    The place was as big bizarre and outlandish as it was spectacular holding true to the wealthy type of taste that the madam was supposed to have according to the job description.
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 18th July 2014, 4:33 pm

    Once she entered the store she was marveled by the sher amount of shiny useless stuff.
    Well it was pretty but in her sincere opinion it was fairly over prized she looked trough the stands rubies sapphires pearls amethysts all kinds of shiny rocks that with some luck could get you into a lady's pants...maybe she could buy one just to have one handy if the chance arise.
    Adelheid was deep in her inner monologue and thinking as a employee of the store approached her "excuseme madam does any item is of your interest?" the employee asked looking at her clothes slightly confused as she didn't seemed to have the money nor the interest for jewelry "alright "Sebastian" I came to buy something extremely overpriced and shiny but there seems to be a lot of those things in here so I would like you to help me to select the kind of gift that would make a woman in her...bad time of the month forget that you forgot her anniversary"
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 18th July 2014, 4:54 pm

    The employee was slightly confused by her cynical approach but non the less she wanted to spend and he wanted to sell "I think we might have exactly the kind of selection that you are looking for over here madam " he said guiding her to a section of the store a little further away "If I where to say the madam wants a really expensive and beautiful jewel Right? in that case I present you our "bizarro" collection by the artisan Zeionich Karamazov his pieces are not just valuable because of the quality of the metals and stones he works but because his own craftsmanship elevates the beauty of the jewels with outlandish and bold designs fit of a queen " and true to his words each if said jewels had it's own impacting beauty that could not be ignored the light seemed to cover and dance around them as the colors shined with ethereal power.
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 18th July 2014, 7:17 pm

    Adelheid's eyes widened at the spectacle of glimmers and light that almost seem to dance to a spectral melody inaudible to human ears "truly the word of an artist...carries feeling... even a soul I would dare to say" she said examining the first piece a baroque work of a ring the principal piece was a fiery ruby that practically shun with the power of a long forgotten flame.
    Around the ruby there was an arrangement of amethysts that made a nice contrast all in a ring of white gold that made the stones shine with a greater strength.
    The piece was wonderful but she wanted to see more before reaching a decision "yes I can see a person melting after receiving such a wonderfully expensive and yet tasteful gift but I would like to watch a couple more of pieces before reaching a conclusion " she said as the employee put it in a box and went to get the next one.
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 18th July 2014, 8:30 pm

    "The next one is a little treasure on and by itself " Said the employee coming back with a box of mahogany in his hands and a smile on his face "this is a wonderful piece from the same artist a precious necklace of made with a blue diamond as the center piece with an arrangement of aquamarines connected by a chain of orichalcum"
    Truthful to his words the metal was shining in an electric blue that reflect phantasmagorical sparks in the stones that where arranged like a flower a big beautifully proportioned flower of the likes that could only exist in the mind of a artisan but what really drew attention to the piece was the how every single spark of light torn from one of the jewels was responded by another from another one in a spectral ball of lights of the likes that would take the breath away.
    "Truly truly a beautiful piece but don't you have something maybe more sober? "
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 18th July 2014, 10:28 pm

    "oh I see maybe something less outlandishly baroque would be a better..
    he said letting the box there and starting to search "yes maybe something from good old gold with an array of little diamonds should do the trick to clench the fires of wrath from any woman of good taste" he said coming back with an ivory box opening it showing a golden bracelet encased with a beautifully uniform array of small "white" diamonds around a single pearl contrasting magnificently in a wonderful foil "it is truly a great selection the ones that you have showed me in fact I do not to see anymore but I think that maybe I need some time to think of which one of these magnificent pieces I will chose "
    she said to the employee "as you wish madam " he said leaving Adelheid alone to weight her decision.
    The ring is beautiful in all senses of the word but the collar is just magnificent then again it could be more prudent to go with a more regal choice and purchase the bracelet since it is the one to have the highest probability of being liked by the wife of her employer... truly a difficult choice.
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 18th July 2014, 10:43 pm

    In the end she was one to take a little risk after all you only live once.
    She took the necklace in the mahogany box and examined its mesmerizing glow and outlandishly design "This is the one " she said smiling
    "a truly magnificent choice madam I will put it in a bag or do you prefer to take it wearing it? " the temptation was there but Adelheid dismissed the idea as soon as it came "no thanks is a gift" she said smiling and taking the bag as well as paying the jewels for the piece of jewelry... a truly truly outrageous price.
    After that she took the necklace to get labeled with the following inscription: "To my beautiful wife, for our amazing twenty five years".
    After that she got out of the store and thought for a moment before going to a gift store she had passed by and having it wrapped with a ribbon and all as she stuck a card on it that said "to my wonderful partner in life each day I have spent with you has been a gift ten thousand times more valuable than gold" after that she secured it inside her jacket and rode the bike putting the security helmet... it was going to be a shaky ride but she was going to make it in time as sneak was called Adelheid.

    Last edited by Adelheid Faustus on 19th July 2014, 9:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 18th July 2014, 11:15 pm

    The mana motor roared as Adelheid made to the maximum permit speed in town and the accelerating once again once she got out side of it.
    The road was filled with bumps rocks and the like but that didn't matter to her her objective was delivering the blue necklace to the employer's balcony without any retard.
    She needed to raise her senses to their maximum as she continued to dodge obstacles and wildlife.
    A squirrel some dogs and even a hedgehog appeared in front of her and she dodged all by a teeth skin.
    None the less those weren't the worse dangers for one she had just passed by a bandit even before he had a chance to ambush her but at this rhythm it was entirely possible that she could run out of mana before making it to the mansion of the employer she thought as she followed the road.
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 19th July 2014, 11:18 am

    Adelheid continued on the road for around one hour before slowly stopping and taking off the helmet before pulling out a map and a compass checking it and taking some time to catch her breathe and replenish her mana a little.
    After some time of resting and checking directions she got back into the bike and started to drive back to the employees mansion.
    Acording to the contract she still had around eight more hours before the accorded time and she had still around 6 hours of road plus having to rest twenty minutes for every hour of top speed traveling to recover her mana.
    it just wouldn't do... she would need to push herself to use more mana that what she could regenerate in order to make it in time so from then on she resolved to rest only ten minutes for each hour of travel or so.
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 19th July 2014, 2:01 pm

    The exhaustion build up in Adelheid as she continued to drive the bike trough miles and miles of rock and holes filled path at her top speed feeling the pain of over exerting herself and overusing her mana in order to accomplish her job in time.
    Soon enough her head felt like it was blasting with a powerful puncturing pain as her body felt heavy as lead the numbness her only consolation from the ache but she ignored the accumulated symptoms of exhaustion and the pain that they brought with them. hour after hour and minute after minute the lack of sleep and overexertion took its tool on her making her speed fall the little oasis of rest the only true consolation but one hour before the accorded time she was in front of the clients house she took a deep breath as her body felt like lead but that was the final part of the job just a little bit of trespassing with permission a little of climbing and she would have finished.
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 19th July 2014, 9:33 pm

    Adelheid dismounted the bike as she stretched letting the blood run trough her body freely as she let her mana be replenished for a little before taking on the fence.
    Jumping to get inside the property undetected was relatively easy and since she had a inside accomplice passing by the garden without dogs guards and the like spotting her was really easy.
    The owner of the house must have been made the security lax in that day on purpose.
    She made it to the side of the mansion with little difficulty...then she looked up to see how tall she had to climb.
    She let out a sigh and bare handed started to climb up.
    First getting a good hold of the separations of the rocks and painfully and slowly climbing up to get to the balcony if the master bedroom with the objective of delivering the black boxed gift and get the job finally finished.
    Adelheid Faustus
    Adelheid Faustus

    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 133
    Guild : Saber Tooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hecate Faustus
    Experience : 268.75

    Job : A wrath like no other.  Empty Re: Job : A wrath like no other.

    Post by Adelheid Faustus 19th July 2014, 10:07 pm

    Just a little bit more a a mere ten centimeters just an in just a breath away...and the made just to the balcony and stretched her arm to put the box in it...and before long she had to hide under the balcony because the someone got out and took the box.
    After that she started to slowly go down little by little but the pain and exhaustion replaced with the happiness of having done a good job.
    After getting down she sat in the grass for a while to catch her breathe as she sighed knowing that she had been a breathe away from failure.
    After getting up she want to the door and rang the doorbell waiting for a little before the butler opened the door.
    "The gift has landed " she said before he smiled and let her in guiding her through the mansion to the owner of the place.
    Adelheid was fairly surprised as the man was nothing like the poster which showed your typical small rich guy the man before her was a towering man tanned and with arms like logs.
    "hahaha imagine my surprise when I saw such a fancy necklace and my wife was fairly pleased...anyway you made a great job in such little time the reward is here and a little extra" he said patting her her shoulder and giving her a box with a ring "a little protective charm for my partner in "crime" hahahaha"
    After that she got out of the mansion and sat in the bike.
    The sun was setting and the and the wind was good plus the road was fairly pleasing it was probably going to be a long relaxing travel back to the guild...at a really slow peace.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 1:22 pm