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    The blooming of a new friendship


    Lineage : Maelstorm
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    The blooming of a new friendship Empty The blooming of a new friendship

    Post by Bliss 5th June 2014, 11:04 pm

    The festivities and joy never ceased in Rose garden people walked about shopping, eating, going on dates. The air was filled with happiness except for one green speck in the crowd a young man with green hair in a green over coat with fur tufts on the hood walked about alone, his existence was out of place perhaps nonexistent. The young man looked glum, possibly bored, his hands in his pockets he scanned the area as if tactically noting ideal places to set up an attack or an escape. The young man was like a seasoned tactician looking over the terrain of the battle field before a war, he did not waste a second his movements fluid and coordinated as he waded through the ocean of people with out touching a single soul.

    After a few hours he was satisfied for he found out what he needed. He then took a seat at a the edge of a beautiful marble water fountain, he took out a small case filled with various fabrics, buttons, beads and stuffing. He snapped his fingers, in one hand magical threads and a magical needle began to form and on the hand was a beautiful sliver pair of scissors. The young man began to cut and sew, the fabrics stiffing and thread quickly began to take the shape of a teddy bear. In a matter of seconds the young man had a beautifully made teddy bear, he then tied a bow on its neck as a finishing touch.

    "Now.... what to do with this?..... hmmm" muttered the young man in a elegant, yet venomous voice. He looked at the cute teddy bear he just had made completely unsure of how to dispose of his quick creation.
    marielle sky
    marielle sky

    Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
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    Posts : 358
    Guild : Fairytail
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    The blooming of a new friendship Empty Re: The blooming of a new friendship

    Post by marielle sky 7th June 2014, 7:45 pm

    “-and what happened to you?” Jane Stilson, Marielle sky’s teacher, scowled wickedly at her as soon as she plopped down the studio floor.
    Marielle frowned. She hated high-heel lessons above all the lessons she was being forced to do. It was tiring and never useful plus, the teacher looks like an evil witch set out to conquer the world with her skills in using pointy shoes with her pointy nose and chin.
    “umm… ma’m, I need to go to the restroom.” Marielle said.
    Ms. Stilson evilly glared at the lady-in-training that Marielle could not help imagining red lights flashing under her long pointy chin.
    “Go” the teacher said in one word yet very slowly.
    Marielle laughed as soon as she got out of the room. She knew her teacher and the other girls, all bearing noble names, could still hear her, but screw them, she had bodyguards.

    Guys in black overalls, low cropped hairstyles, the habit of wearing sunglasses even when out of the sun, these were the guys hired by Marielle’s parents to guard her. Oh no, not from bad guys, their job… was to guard the surroundings from Marielle. You see, the 12 year old, dress wearing little girl is actually a mage of a brutal yet cheerful guild of Fairytail. As I am narrating now, she is actually busy knocking out her bodyguards with no mercy.

    “Bye!” she cheerfully bid, jumping on the head of one of her guards.
    “Ooohh… that must hurt” she said, remembering her high heeled shoes. She took it off mid-air, hitting several other guards. She chuckled and air headedly jumped on a civilians head, landing gracefully at a beautiful marble water fountain.
    Wait, no, she actually landed in the water with no idea whether it was a fountain or even marble. She even violently splashed water on a guy who was holding a beautiful teddy bear, which made her feel sorry.
    “Help!” she muttered between bubbles, she was not drowning because of her magic. Unfortunately she could not swim too.  

    Last edited by marielle sky on 11th June 2014, 2:32 am; edited 1 time in total


    The blooming of a new friendship Marielle_s_signature_by_blancwhiteheart-d62xbty

    The blooming of a new friendship 2m82r0i

    Lineage : Maelstorm
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    The blooming of a new friendship Empty Re: The blooming of a new friendship

    Post by Bliss 8th June 2014, 4:13 pm

    The young man sighed as he was splashed with a wave of water, with a flick of his wrist his magical threads began to weave into the shape of a net, the threads darted forward into the water fishing the little girl out. The net hung the soaked girl upside down in front of the green haired young man, which by the way wore an amused look. He then took his pair of scissors and sliced the strings with ease causing the girl to fall in front of him.

    "Now what do we have here....?" sighed the young man as he ran his fingers through his wet hair. He then offered the girl a hand, and helped her up.
    marielle sky
    marielle sky

    Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
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    The blooming of a new friendship Empty Re: The blooming of a new friendship

    Post by marielle sky 9th June 2014, 4:34 pm

    Marielle gratefully took the hand of an attractive green haired young man, who was obviously a mage too. She grinned at him wildly as an exciting plan quickly formed in her mind.
    “Thanks” she said with a twinkle in her eyes.
    “Sky, get back here at once!” Stilson shouted over the crowd.
    Marielle shrugged and wrinkled her eyebrows in a not very innocent way.
    “Guess someone’s in trouble” She laughed very loudly and ran in the opposite direction as her teacher, dragging the green haired fellow with her.
    “There’s 23 on your right and 15 here at our left. I hope you don’t mind the marketplace.” She said, counting the number of Sky bodyguards that were after them.
    Without letting the man speak, she hauled him at the direction of a bustling place filled with stands and magic purchases.
    The two of them collided into a lot of various stalls. One purchase dried Marielle off, another turned her dress white, while a weird poison gave her googly eyes. When she felt that her guards were nearing them, she turned to a corner and jump to a roof. That was when she noticed the sticky goo that had unfortunately glued the two mages together.
    She said nothing of it and shrugged it off as unnecessary.
    Up above, she glared at the ruins of a previous marketplace. She grinned naughtily and moved her googly eyes in amusement. At long last, she remembered her companion and the young mage excitedly turned around to see of what has become of him.


    The blooming of a new friendship Marielle_s_signature_by_blancwhiteheart-d62xbty

    The blooming of a new friendship 2m82r0i

    Lineage : Maelstorm
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    The blooming of a new friendship Empty Re: The blooming of a new friendship

    Post by Bliss 28th June 2014, 12:51 am

    Bliss merely allowed himself to be dragged about here and there, he really didn't mind. He ran with her darting away from the persistent gaurds, apparently the girl was from the upper class, perhaps the daughter if a famous Mage Mage or dome rich nobleman. Bliss found it amusing how the girl stubbornly refused to listent to her teacher, but even more do when he witnessed the clumsy so called guards stubble and fall by the girls quick and witty escape. When the two stopped he realized that they where stuck together dye to some type of goo that was probably from one of the stalls they plowed through.

    "We it seems that you and I will be getting to know each other better." bliss said as he gave a small sigh. He then noticed a disturbance in the magical string he spun. The guards where closing in, fighting those men would be a simple walk in the park for bliss, but dunce he was stuck to the energetic young girl, it seemed fighting them off would prove difficult..... But oh well, Bliss always loved a good challenge.

    The guards surrounded them, Bliss simply looked about with a bored expression, he then gave a flight grin and drew his face close to Ms. Sky. With his free hand Bliss snapped his fingers and a thousand silver threads burst from the palm of his hand, the threads spun and danced creating a beautiful spider web that captured the pale drops of moonlight. In a matter of seconds Bliss snd Sky where surrounded by a silver spider web of magical threads that gave off a sliver glow due to the resection of the moonlight.

    "My dear lady Sky, may I have this dance," smiled Bliss as he put he hand on her hip gently as if ready to dance with her. Bliss felt the stare of the guards as he asked their lady to 'dance'. The show was about to start all he needed was the lady's approval....
    marielle sky
    marielle sky

    Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
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    The blooming of a new friendship Empty Re: The blooming of a new friendship

    Post by marielle sky 1st July 2014, 1:04 am

    “Awww” Marielle complained very loudly as Sky guards started to surround them again.
    “Don’t you even know when to surrender” She gave out a tremendous sigh as a point of disappointment, when she saw a certain grin made by the young man she was glued to.
    Marielle’s eyes widened. She was not used to people having unnatural ideas like her. It somehow scared her to see someone smile like that, when suddenly, Bliss drew his face close to hers.
    She was taken by surprise, that her whole face turned so much red.
    “Ahhh!” she said, unsure what to do for the first time.
    With Bliss’s free hand, he snapped his fingers turning a thousand silver threads into the most beautiful spider web that surrounded the two of them. The web glowed wonderfully by the moonlight, giving off a certain light that made the green haired young man before the young lady appear more dashing than her first impression of him.
    “A-aahh” Mariele stammered as her heart pounded so fast for a reason she could not understand.
    "My dear lady Sky, may I have this dance,"
    Marielle did not know what to answer. She stared at him, as he placed a hand on her hip. Awkwardly, she lifted her free hand to Bliss’s shoulder.


    The blooming of a new friendship Marielle_s_signature_by_blancwhiteheart-d62xbty

    The blooming of a new friendship 2m82r0i

    Lineage : Maelstorm
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    The blooming of a new friendship Empty Re: The blooming of a new friendship

    Post by Bliss 8th July 2014, 5:58 pm

    Bliss laughed, he began to waltz with her, each step and motion the two made caused the strings to wrap around the guards. One of the guards slipped past the webs through an opening, Bliss swung lady Sky in a dancing motion causing her to knock her guard in the face.

    It went like this for a good ten minutes, till all of the guards were defeated. Bliss placed a sharp thread and sliced the glue that held the two together.

    "Well.... that was fun... but I have to end our get together...." Said Bliss as he gave a small bow, he dashed off into the night. (exit)

    [sorry I have to end this thread so soon :p]

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