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    Reich Lyserg [DONE]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
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    Completed Reich Lyserg [DONE]

    Post by Tuna 12th May 2014, 9:50 am

    Name: Reich Lyserg
    Gender: Male
    Biological Age: 35
    Actual Age: 2400 years
    Age of Appearance: Varies
    Birthday: 4.3.
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Special Characteristics:

    Age - With his abilities, Lyserg is able to stretch his own timeline to infinite lengths. This makes 1 second of his life appear as thousands or even millions of years. He is technically immortal through this, but he himself would rather describe his constitution as "eternal".

    Variation of Appearance - Thanks to the nature of his magic, Lyserg has the ability to constantly change the image of his appearance. He can change not directly change his appearance that significantly, but can make it so the age of his appearance varies. He can appear as a 7 year old boy, or a 90 year old man if he wishes to.


    The Enigma - Lyserg is cryptic. In the parameters of his own personality and existence Lyserg is completely explainable. But in contrast to his inward being, his mannerisms are ominous, unreadable and incalculable. His actions follow a straight line. The problem for others is likely that this straight line of behavior seems to be a contingent web of arbitrary actions. Whatever he does, he does for reasons. But his reasons might seem irrational, inhuman or even insane to some. There are very few people that have ever understood him during his time of existence, and sometimes even the people who are able to anticipate Lyserg have a hard time comprehending the meaning behind his words and actions.

    The Logician - Lyserg is a realist. He does not act instinctively. He disregards his instincts to the point where he can simply shut them off to prevent impetuous and heady actions. There is a distinct sense of awareness in Lyserg that has lead him to be someone who can easily analyze those around him and come to all sorts of logical conclusions about their being, their strength, their psychology and nature. Additionally, he has discarded his emotional world over the course of his past time. As a human that has been sentient for time that some would find hard to grasp, he has managed to explore his own emotions in the most rational way possible. Lyserg is not an unfeeling person, nor is he heartless. He simply knows exactly what he feels and why he feels it. There is not one single speck of self-doubt in his emotional realm. This has made him into an extremely logical human being that conducts his own actions as precise and accurate as possible.

    The Visionary - Lyserg has visions. The passion he holds for the goals he has set for himself in life is stronger than one could ever assume at first glance. What seems like a cold, merciless business man is truthfully a restless, passionate visionary who wishes to shape the world's future in the prospect of his own ambition. He has goals that he wants to fulfill no matter the price. Seeing as he holds patience as a virtue and his magical prowess has allowed him to borrow more time than any human could ever imagine to have this culminates together with his rationality and realism. Lyserg is neither optimistic nor pessimistic about his own ideas, he knows exactly where to place them within the realm of politics and society. He simply believes directly in the law of the stronger, meaning that he knows strength is all that is needed to claim the top. Furthermore, what stands at the very start of his ambition has always been the gain of a solid foundation and a secure environment in which he can grow and prosper.

    The Idealist - Lyserg has ideals. Deeply-enrooted into his persona is a grave set of ideals that shape his thoughts and actions. Resulting from his twenty-four centuries of experience, Lyserg has built a strong, not to say impeccable foundation on which he has found foothold to justify himself, his existence and his meaning in front of himself and others. There is not one bit of his being that contradicts itself once you fully understand him. Then, Lyserg is extremely passionate about his ideals. There is likely no one, not even himself, that can uproot his world view. He is an eternal gainer that deems strength to be the primary factor for leadership. Power, in any and every form. It almost seems like he would call it the rules of life. If you want to be on the top, you better start playing by them and use them to your utmost priority. And after such a long time, Lyserg has learned the rules by heart.

    The Academic - Saying that Lyserg is smart is a complete understatement. He is not only a historian, philosopher, psychologist, scientist, war tactician and former ruler of an entire kingdom, but he is also a man that has lived through the ages and witnessed the change happening. His view on humanity, death, life, society and many other matters aren't peradventure. They are fundamentally acclaimed views based on his own life and centuries of accumulated wisdom. He is a scholar, an academic and an intelligible man of the highest degree. His words are as mighty as storms and as grounded as the pillars on which the Magic Council was built on. Lyserg is not a man to be quarreled with. He is dead serious and knows how to utilize his knowledge to put himself in any advantage possible. He is an opportunist, realist and lastly, intelligible but passionate extremist.


    • Never Ending Story: The historical boundaries, occurrences, process and flux are likely the field of research that interest Lyserg the most. He follows the idea that if one doesn't know history, they are bound to repeat it. And he really can't waste his time repeating something that has already failed once.
    • The All-Engulfing: The natural order of living things and the Chain of Being are incredibly relevant to his own personal moral code. Nature dictates living beings, to figure out how to dictate living beings, one must find out how to dictate nature. To determine how nature works and what its meaning in the context of existence for the individual is, has worked itself out as one of the most relevant things for Lyserg's theory of existentialism.
    • The Theorem Of Life: Monkeys, magic, planets, skies, stars, ants and humans. All things that exist have one thing in common. They evolve, they change. They evolve to become higher beings, and if they can't keep it up, they falter under the weight of others' strength. Evolution and its laws are likely the most important thing in the context of Lyserg's existence. To stand above the order of evolution is his personal goal. And it seems he has achieved this. To research and steer it would be the second act, towards which he is constantly working.


    • The Meticulous Hypocrisy: The closely and accurately webbed perspective of existence that coins balance and promotes passiveness is the least enjoyable thing to Lyserg. He deems it as weak, not strong and disregarding of basic natural laws. It's an attitude of lax and primarily neutral behavior. Something which Lyserg utterly condones and ascribes attributes of self-righteousness to.
    • Density Of The Mind: There is an uncountable amount of people that are simply weak but still have powers so immense that they impact history itself. There are numerous accounts throughout history in which the densest and most unfitting people acquired strength just to utilize it for hedonistic activities that don't serve any sort of greater reason or purpose. He utterly despises people without a sense of awareness for themselves and those around them.
    • The Unsoundness Of Strength: Lyserg holds loyalty in high regards. Be that to him or to oneself. The art of being completely aware and without insecurities is immense. But tragically, often people follow paths that they can only make through power they were usually gifted with. Completely ignoring the fact that people do their veriest to improve themselves, others who receive natural gifts blatantly disregard their own power relative to others.


    • The Wandering Library: Lyserg wishes to acquire more and more knowledge. Deeper knowledge, more detailed knowledge, more specific knowledge. Knowledge on biology, on history, magic, society, the future and politics. Knowledge is the purest form of power a being can hold. Once knowledge is acquired, it lies in the hands of a self-aware being to put this knowledge to use.
    • Uproot The Heavens: Changing the world, putting a mark in history, determining the direction of the future. However someone chooses to name it, Lyserg wishes to shake the foundations of humanity, nature and even the world above self-awareness. To best the higher beings of the world is one of his personal motivations.
    • Brave New World: To achieve a higher state of existence, above that of humans. To become a human that is stronger, mightier and incomparable to the rest. To then go on to achieve the heights of divinity and surpass even that. Lyserg has enough time on his hands to be able to attempt that. He knows that it might take hundreds of thousands of years. But he is determined to wait.


    • Absolute End: He has worked his primary lifetime to create a method to ultimately escape death. He is utterly afraid of being erased out of existence.
    • A Dying Will: If everything he fought for, his passion and visionary guidance towards the world should be proven to be meaningless, void and naught in the face of the entirety, he would likely end his own existence right away. Since he is a grounded and rational being however, this is very unlikely to happen.
    • A Kingdom Of Ants: As Lyserg wishes to ascend, to transcend, he rejects the idea of one omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent being. If such a thing should somehow be proven or should the epiphany strike him, he would likely deem himself as useless and meaningless again and end his own life.

    General Appearance

    Height: 1.85 m / 6'0''
    Weight: 85 kg / 190 lbs
    Hair: Blonde, short, spiky
    Eyes: Brown
    Skin Tone: Average Caucasian
    Body Shot:

    As his body is stuck at the eternal age of 35, he takes the appearance of an adult male. Short, blonde, spiked hair and a chin beard mark his face. Strong and piercing green eyes support a stern and serious demeanor and physiognomy. With an extremely toned and well trained body, his appearance is rounded off at an average, thoroughly trained and fit adult that has no time for petty games.

    His clothes take an Elizabethan turn. He has a trademark red hood that he wears at almost all times. To see him without the cape is extremely rare and would likely only happen if it was destroyed by external force. Although, Lyserg could likely fix it just after. He wears armor-like paddings all over his body and overall strong and sturdy leather-coated and metal-padded attire.

    Furthermore, he can change the appearance of his image. While Lyserg's body itself will not change, the way others perceive him does, by morphing the timeline of his physical image to the past or the future of its current state. As this happens instantly, he is able to confuse people by indefinitely changing the age of his appearance.


    Guild: Tartarus
    Tattoo: Would be on the chestbone
    Rank: SS

    Last edited by Lyserg on 26th December 2014, 8:34 am; edited 4 times in total

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
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    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Reich Lyserg [DONE]

    Post by Tuna 12th May 2014, 1:22 pm

    Completion Bump



    Completed Re: Reich Lyserg [DONE]

    Post by Guest 12th May 2014, 1:31 pm

    Approved! Best application I've read so far!

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

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    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
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    Completed Re: Reich Lyserg [DONE]

    Post by Kihia 11th October 2014, 7:42 am

    Reich Lyserg [DONE] Approv11


    Reich Lyserg [DONE] Kihisi10
    Reich Lyserg [DONE] 17496c10




    Moderator- God Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Guild : Sabertooth
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    Age : 30
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    First Skill: Hemokenisis
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    Completed Re: Reich Lyserg [DONE]

    Post by Gemma 11th December 2014, 12:13 pm

    Unlocked on request.


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