Fairy Tail RP

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    B1C2: Albedo


    Tournament Participation Badge- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 98
    Guild : Just A Passing Through Dark Mage
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 0

    B1C2: Albedo Empty B1C2: Albedo

    Post by Waffles 24th March 2014, 4:04 am

    For several days, ever since the 'Era Incident' and after he discovered he has no power and magic, Veigar went on a journey to find new magic. He seeks magic which surpasses other magics. He seeks a very powerful magic, but to develop a new magic takes time to be developed. And if he did, he will do anything to perfect this magic.

    Rumors says that there once lived a great magi in the haunted castle. That magi is long dead, but his spirit roams the very gloomy corridors. Perhaps this magi can help him, but what if he doesn't? He can't use force on a spirit. It's a fucking spirit. How can you hurt a spirit? And so, Veigar checked out this haunted castle.

    The large door on the entrance opened as he glared at it. Bats came out from the gloomy corridor with horrifying shrieks and screams, but its just music to his ears. He's not afraid. He does not fear the dark, because he is the dark. As he stepped inside, the door closed.

    The corridors smelled like rotten corpse. Foul odor filled every corner and every room. He took a deep breath, and smiled. "The smell of death... I like it." You can also see corpse lying around the corridors of the haunted castle. What about ghosts? He doesn't fear ghosts. The ghosts fear him. Veigar continued his journey towards the great library. For every step, the candles ignited, lightning the way to his destination.

    He came upon a large door. It is rather intricately designed. You can see golden trimmings and ornaments, and the door handle is made out of gold as well. The door itself is made out of the roughest wood, which requires magic to be cut down. The light from the candle made the door shine, as if it didn't age. He opened the door, and you will not believe what he found.

    The library appears to be well kept. The library books didn't scatter around, rather, it is well arranged in its respective bookshelf. There's not a single spec of dust that can be seen around. The golden chandelier lighted as he stepped inside, lighting the room. The other candles lighted as well. You cannot smell the stench of death inside, and it smells really nice inside. Veigar roamed around the room to explore, taking a book, setting aside his staff, and reading it. He read it at incredible speeds, just like when you use wind-reader glasses. He is able to finish at 5 seconds flat.

    "Old, boring, never heard of this, ew, childish, cliche, and why is there a male to male romance here?" He judged every book as he finished. But one book piqued his interest. It's about cosmology. He went to every bookshelf to get books related to cosmology and set it to a pile so he can read every book.

    "I see you have an interest in cosmology." A voice said. Veigar paid no attention at the voice, but he read each pages slowly, like how you normally read. "...Veigar..." the voice said again. He stopped reading the book to respond. "What do you want?" He asked with his cracked, high pitched voice.

    "Nothing," the voice chuckled "Its just that I rarely get any visitors. So, do you have an idea for your... magic?" The voice asked, prolonging the word 'magic'. The voice knew what happened to Veigar. Irritated, Veigar went back to his reading. "It's none of your business, disembodied voice."

    A few minutes later, he finished every book he collected from the bookshelves, and returned the books to their respective places. "Cosmology, hm? Are you thinking of cosmic magic? That's strong." The voice remarked and chuckled. "Oh, shut up. Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Veigar retorted and chuckled, "Because I can't kill you if you're dead."

    The voice sighed, and suddenly, the entire room was filled with black aura. This aura is so familiar. It is so familiar that Veigar can easily recognize. Black clouds stirred on the ceiling, and a spirit came down from the black clouds. The spirit is surrounded with chains and obsidian shards, and energy seen flowing within the charred obsidian shards. "...Albedo..."


      Current date/time is 6th June 2024, 5:29 pm