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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady

    Post by Shard 9th April 2014, 3:10 pm

    Shiraz had wanted to make these people himself, but it seemed that the guildmaster wanted to show her skills, the true power of Fairy Tail. In one attack she wiped out most of the opponents and sent the rest running. It was a truly devastating attack that she had unleashed. "It seems your power frightens them Lady Ebony." he said calmly In truth it frightened him a bit. He had never seen such a display of power. "Perhaps their boss will show himself soon." He hoped so. Fighting subordinates like this, even if they challenged him a little, was not beautiful. In fact, it was downright ugly. Shiraz sensed the approach of someone and with a flick of his wrist his candy cane sword flew at a man impaling the wood next to him. The man stared at it for a second, and saw the glowing blue eyes of Shiraz, before turning and running. "Though I doubt he will pose much of a threat to you milady." he said and turned to begin walking towards the place they were supposed to be guarding

    It was then that a bullet tore towards him cutting off the tip of his nose. It seemed that he had moved at a different pace to what they were expecting. If he'd been walking a fraction of a second fast that would of hit him a lot harder. He turned, his eyes glowing in fury, looking for the target. He saw the man atop a roof with a sniper rifle. Behind him was another mage, one of the alcoholic mages by the looks of him, generating a translucent barrier of darkness to protect both of them from attacks. It seemed they wanted to take him out so they could focus their efforts entirely on Lady Ebony. He broke into a run towards them, zigging and zagging so as to make it harder to get a direct hit on him. A few bullets clipped him as he got close, but not enough to stop his approach. He made a gesture with his hand and then threw a large blob of cotton candy at the opponents. It wasn't meant to damage them. In fact, it did exactly what he hoped and covered the barrel of the gun, which was sticking out of the barrier slightly, in the sticky goop. AS the man tried to fire the stickiness prevented it and caused the weapon to backfire. That was all the opening he needed.

    He leapt upwards, using his hair to grab onto the wall, and flung himself up onto the roof. "You dare damage my face you ugly wretches?" he said forming hand gestures ready to attack. "Do you know how much a decent rhinoplasty costs nowadays?" A blast of darkness flew at him, but he dodged it with a movement of his head. "I guess you wouldn't. Candy Make: Jaw Breaker." as he punched the floor. A faint rumble was heard before a large fist of candy came up and hit the dark mage in the jaw sending him flying upwards. The barrier was dispelled with that blow allowing Shiraz to launch a powerful kick to the sniper, who was still recovering from his backfired weapon.

    Enemies remaining:

    Last edited by Shard on 9th April 2014, 3:29 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady

    Post by NPC 9th April 2014, 3:10 pm

    The member 'Shard' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Cosmic Fairy

    Cosmic Fairy

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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady

    Post by Leapflight 7th July 2014, 3:21 am

    “Yeah Shiraz!” Ebony yelled as she watched him take on the three mages that tried to attack him. It was quite funny really, for once they weren’t attacking her, and watching him use his magic was quite enjoyable. It was unique and creative; all the things she liked watching. His destructive power made her laugh, how could something so sweet be so deadly?

     She turned her head, seeing three more walk towards her. One was carrying a knife, the other two seemed stronger. “What happened to our buddies, the moonshiner will not be happy” the tallest, and strongest of the three spoke, stepping forwards as they stopped about two hundred meters from her, the smallest one running towards her.

    Ebony sighed, spinning the cloud above her head as darkness began to fill the sky as the cloud covered the sun. The mages looked at her in awe, Ebony grinning, “Game, over.” She flicked her wrists once more as the clouds spun towards the three, they, were frantically running backwards while the Moonshiner apprentice was trying to set up some defensive spell, he quickly changed to gun magic as he shot a mixture of six bullets towards her. Of course, the immensity and power of Ebony’s spell seemed to overwhelm them, easily bowling all three over like they were bowling pins, Ebony, only seeing the bullets until the last minute, ducked to the side, only to realise another five coming at her, having no time to block she ducked down, only to realise the bullets followed her, making the second bullet scrape her face. She jumped up, sending the next three into the ground.

    When is that Boss coming… Ebony sighed, wiping the blood of her face. She was bored, and needed some more interesting opponents. No one could even come near her here, although those bullets were interesting, I haven’t seen following bullets before. Maybe I’ll try some new techniques, good time to practice. She began to smile, realising that this was a perfect time, as well as watching Shiraz and making sure he was safe. She still had her hand raised, the cloud above her still spinning violently. This won’t last much longer.

    MP Remaining: 81%
    2% MP restored due to Ebony being in sunlight.
    Enemies Remaining: 0
    Jupiter's Gravity: Cooldown of 2 posts
    Asteroid Belt, Cooldown of 1 posts
     1 posts until Saturn Rings can be used again.
    Magellanic Cloud has a Duration of 1  post remaining.

    Last edited by Leapflight on 7th July 2014, 4:38 am; edited 1 time in total



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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady

    Post by NPC 7th July 2014, 3:21 am

    The member 'Leapflight' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 WeakMonster The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 NormalMonster The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 StrongMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady

    Post by Shard 12th July 2014, 9:24 am

    It seemed more opponents had turned up, but whether because she was getting stressed out or bored at these weaker opponents and the length of the mission she eliminated them almost instantly. He stood atop a building observing his surroundings. Things had gone well so far, but where was the boss. There was no sign of him and it didn't look he was turning up anytime soon.

    "The boss is getting quite pissed and not in the good way." said a voice from behind him. He turned and leapt to the side believing, quite correctly, that only enemies would be speaking behind him like that.  ANother one of the moonshiners had turned up. "Very pissed indeed." He was forced to move more as he saw two more hired thugs each with pistols aimed at him. THey were revolvers so quite slow, but still it was an annoyance he did not need. Particularly when he spotted two more mages with very red faces. Five opponents. Three of which were either equal to or stronger than him and most of his best spells were not able to be used yet. He leapt back using his hair to move him through the air as if he was flying, in reality he was holding himself up by them. As he leapt back he formed a gesture with his hands and flung his hand forward causing popping candy to fly out and explode in front of the faces of his opponents. The bright flashes provided enough distraction for him to get nearer to his guildmaster.

    "Lady ebony more guests have arrived. Would you like to deal with them?" he asked. HE did not want to rely on her, but right now most of his magic was unable to be used and he didn't have much to deal with these numbers or power. "If you could protect me for a short while then I should have recovered enough to aid you properly." With her spell out for so long it likely wouldn't last long so this would also give her a way to use it and not waste it. Or so he hoped.

    Enemies remaining:

    Last edited by Shard on 24th July 2014, 1:03 am; edited 2 times in total


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady

    Post by NPC 12th July 2014, 9:24 am

    The member 'Shard' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 WeakMonster The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 WeakMonster The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 NormalMonster The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 StrongMonster The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 NormalMonster

    Cosmic Fairy

    Cosmic Fairy

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
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    Age : 25
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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady

    Post by Leapflight 13th July 2014, 8:46 am

    "Lady Ebony more guests have arrived. Would you like to deal with them?" he asked her. Ebony smiled, shaking her head as she looked at the five approaching. "Of course, anything for my guildmembers~" The weird thing was, two of them went inside the bar, only to come out a minute later with beer in their hands, it was like an act of defiance.

    "If you could protect me for a short while then I should have recovered enough to aid you properly." He told her as she nodded. "Perfect. I'll deal with half of these guys. No manners at all, tchh, not good enough." She had her hand on her hip as she moved her moved her finger from side-to-side as if to say 'no'. She pointed her finger down as the cloud spun once more, speeding down towards the five victims. They looked horrified at such power, and Ebony's smiled as she looked at the Candyman, "Are you ok? I hope the boss shows up soon; I'd rather eat your sweets all day than do this." 

    As she redirected the cloud to follow the running mages, it managed to hit the first two mages that had no magic, while the other three ran frantically in other directions. She sighed, moving her hand towards the Moonshiner apprentice; the stronger of the three. He turned quickly, doing something with his hands as a black orb was shot at Ebony followed by a series of black bullets. She ducked quickly as she slammed the galaxy onto the mage; as the bullets swirled past her. The orb however was slower which confused her and managed to hit her in the leg. She flinched, her eyes a shade darker as she threw the Galaxy at the two remaining mages. The first managed to duck, crawling on the floor; while the other was swept of his feet and knocked out. She sighed, watching as she threw the galaxy high into the sky as it burst into a stream of bright cosmic light that looked like fireworks~ She smiled, only to see the last mage scrambling towards the bar. "Can you handle that one?

    MP Remaining: 83%
    2% MP restored due to Ebony being in sunlight.
    Enemies Remaining: 1 (I thought there only 5 enemies... not 8 o.o)
    Jupiter's Gravity: Cooldown of 1 posts
    Magellanic Cloud: 5 posts



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Age : 30
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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady

    Post by Shard 24th July 2014, 1:23 am

    It seemed that whilst Ebony was indeed powerful, much stronger than he, and her magic was beautiful, at least as beautiful as his own, she was not infallible. Her power had defeated four of the opponents, but a fifth remainined. He swept a hand through his hair and dashed forward. "Candy Make: Lollipop Hammer" he said forming in his hands once more the powerful hammer that looked strangely like a lollipop. He leapt into the air using his subtle control of his hair to propel himself and came down with a pile driving strike the man's head. There was a loud crack, the sound of his skull fracturing and then the man fell unconcious. Shiraz stood atop him for a moment before walking back over to lady ebony.

    When he got near her he noticed that her leg was injured. "How dare they hurt my lady." he murmured with an angry tone to his voice his eyes glowing that piercing blue for a moment. He bowed to her and then with a quick motion formed a large triple chocolate chip cookie and handed it to her. "I wish we could spend the rest of the day just eating candy and enjoying ourselves too." he added with a smile. It was something he dearly wished. He liked to see people enjoy his candy. He enjoyed seeing them enjoy it.

    He wondered when the boss of this group would show. He must be getting pretty pissed by now. They had wiped out enough of his men to conquer this town. His resources must be getting low now and he would make his appearance soon. Right? That was what Shiraz hoped. "Perhaps their boss is a coward." he mused. "And is too afraid to face you milady."

    It was a plausible hypothesis. She was the powerful current guildmaster of the legendary fairy tail guild. She was a woman who with barely any effort had knocked out many, many people on this mission. Plus there was the fact that she appeared quite young. Perhaps he was worried that if he lost he would lose face because of that. Losing to a young woman would do nobodies reputation any good even if that woman was a guildmaster. He doubted the boss would be afraid of him even if he had done some serious damage to the troops.

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    Cosmic Fairy

    Cosmic Fairy

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Mentor : Self-taught
    Experience : 100,337.5

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    First Skill: Space/Cosmic Magic
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady

    Post by Leapflight 19th August 2014, 6:17 am

    The girl sighed, her red velvety hair flowing delicately in the breeze as she closed her eyes for a moment, soaking in the sunlight of this beautiful morning. It seemed her 'fireworks' had cleared up any remaining clouds within the area. She opened her eyes to hear the sound of the Candy mage's voice. "How dare they hurt my lady." Ebony smiled, her hand covering her leg as she looked down. There was a small dent where the black orb had hit her. She sighed, "Nothing but a scratch, no need to worry."

    He formed a large triple chocolate chip cookie and handed it to her. "I wish we could spend the rest of the day just eating candy and enjoying ourselves too."
    Ebony grinned, "Then why don't we? Seeing as we're just waiting here, how about we sit on one of those tables outside the bar and just order some food while fighting off some bad guys. I mean seriously, if they haven't learned their lesson, there is seriously something wrong with them" She laughed softly as Atlas jumped on her head, nodding vigorously as Ebony handed him some cookie.

    She took a bite, Omg. She took another. "I am in heaven. We are definitely going for the food plan." She walked up to the bar, sitting at the front most table where no shade was.  "How about some refreshments while we wait for those meanies to arrive. Waiter!" She said jokingly, never expecting a waiter in this pub. She looked around, only to see a small man in a black and white tux appear before her. He had a strange look about him and a weird, sticking up long moustache that Ebony was sure had to be fake. She could help but laugh, trying to cover her mouth as she looked downwards.

    "What may I get you?"
    For a bar, this place sure posh. He handed them the menus as Ebony looked at Shiraz. "Holy cow. These prices are... I mean, I'll pay Candyman...Hehehehe..." She looked over at the small man. No wonder people are stealing stuff, they couldn't afford to buy any more of it!

    MP Remaining: 85%
    2% MP restored due to Ebony being in sunlight.
    Enemies Remaining: 0
    Magellanic Cloud: 5 posts



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
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    Guild : Black Rose
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    Age : 30
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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady

    Post by Shard 20th August 2014, 6:40 am

    It seemed a splendid idea and Shiraz dispelled his hammer entirely and walked over with her to sit down. Shiraz glanced over the menu and raised an eyebrow before making a quick calculation in his head. In order for these dishes to be this expensive the ingredients would have to be the finest and such ingredients didn't come from this area. He knew this for a fact for he had travelled the land searching for recipes and delicious ingredients. The reason the prices were so expensive was therefore that they imported these ingredients. Another quick calculation suggested that if they had not preserved them magically then the quality of such items would not be worth this price. "These prices are quite...ex...spenive." he said directly to the waiter restraining himself from using the word extortionate. "I expect that is due to a high quality chef and the importing of fine ingredients. I would like to speak with your chef and see him work...cooking is a hobby of mine. Perhaps I can assist him or learn something myself" The waiter seemed to consider this, but before he could answer Shiraz was already on his feet. "I know the way. Please serve Lady Ebony in my absence." He made a gesture with his hand and formed another edible glass of soda for the cosmic mage in front of her. There was a message on it saying 'I'll be right back'

    With that he left and headed to the kitchen. As soon as he entered the smell alone told him something was off. He ran a finger along the side and stared at it in disgust. [/color]"This is the state a fine establishment keeps its kitchen in?"[/color] the chef, a large heavyset man and also quite fat walked over to him with a cleaver in his hand.

    "What you saying about my kitchen?" the man snarled, but suddenly found himself unable to move. "What you doing to me?" Shiraz shook his head.

    "I thought that would be obvious. I am restraining you. Why? So I can cook my own food. I do not trust your cooking a true chef would not let their kitchen get to this state. If you let me cook as I see fit I will release you to your work." the man strained against the bonds for a while whilst Shiraz began working preparing the kitchen to his liking. After a few moments the chef relented and Shiraz released him. Shiraz walked about and using his hair and his actual limbs began to clean the kitchen till it was sparkling clean. "Much better. Now I wonder what Lady Ebony will order?" He mused this over picturing the menu and thinking about what he knew of her. It would likely be something sweet and prepared without alcohol at a guess. What would she order?

    (I thought i'd have some fun with his cooking knowledge XD)


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
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    Cosmic Fairy

    Cosmic Fairy

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Age : 25
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    Experience : 100,337.5

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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady

    Post by Leapflight 27th October 2014, 4:14 am

    Ebony watched as Shiraz stood up, "I know the way. Please serve Lady Ebony in my absence." And with that, he formed an edible glass with soda in it right in front of her. Her eyes sparkled; this magic was truly special. As she picked up the glass, she found a note saying 'Be right back' and couldn't help but laugh slightly. She knew Shiraz was going to inspect the kitchen. He was a 'food master' after all, and she had a slight suspicion that he was going to stay there.

    Well, I better stay here in case those annoying thugs come back. Ohh, they have waffles!
    Atlas facepalmed as he looked at the menu over her shoulder. "Hmm, I'll have two waffles please, with ice-cream, caramel syrup, cream and chocolate chips. And oh! Could I have a chicken burger as well please, preferably spicy. What do you want Atlas?"

    The pet's eyes widened, That.. was all for you? Ebony laughed, "I haven't had breakfast you know. And beating up thugs takes it out of ya.'' She gave him a cheeky grin as she leaned back on her chair, the two remaining legs wobbling unsteadily underneath her. Well, I'll take the spicy wedges thanks.

    Ebony nodded, "And spicy wedges please".
    The waiter nodded, "Is that everything?"
    Ebony smiled sweetly, "Yes thank you."

    As the waiter walked away, Ebony's chair toppled underneath her, sending her to land on her butt. Ouch... I think I'm gonna need another chair...


    She sighed. The sun hung high in the red soup sky, and the girl with crimson hair now sat upon the roof of the building. Her hair swayed in the wind, yet her eyes were fixed upon the horizon. It seemed like she was looking for something, her mind set in deep thought. She turned her head looking down to where Atlas sat at the table. "The waffles aren't here yet... What is happening in that kitchen?"

    Ebony had been up of the roof for the last twenty minutes ever since her chair broke, waiting for the food she had ordered. There has been no food, nor thugs since Shiraz left, and she was pretty certain something was up. Maybe I should go into the kitchen and check... But wouldn't that be rude to the chef? The chef is probably Shiraz. But what if it isn't and I just barge in there and the they don't give me my waffles?! Her mind ticked over as she jumped down from the roof and onto the table. Come waffles, comeeee!

    MP Remaining: 87%
    2% MP restored due to Ebony being in sunlight.
    Enemies Remaining: 0
    Magellanic Cloud: 4 posts



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
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    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Age : 30
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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady

    Post by Shard 2nd November 2014, 4:52 am

    It was as she jumped down onto the table that Shiraz came out with plates floating next to him as if suspended by telekinesis. In reality they were held by his hair, but that was not possible to be seen by the naked eye. They were tiny, thinner then ordinary hairs. Some had her chicken burgers on. Some atlas' wedges and some a meal for himself. There was also a trolley being pulled from behind him. "Your meal Lady Ebony, Lord Atlas. I hope it meets your standards" he said placing the plates in front of them. "When you are ready for dessert I will prepare them for you." He added indicating the trolley. With that he sat down at his own plate. This plate consisted of a simple chicken salad. However, it seemed to be prepared in such a way as if to emphasise the beauty of the ingredients. The other plates, the ones he had given to the others were the same. Presentation was everything.

    "I am sorry for the delay milady. The kitchen, particularly for such an expensive restaurant, was frankly disgusting." he said and swept a hand through his hair. "It had to be cleaned thoroughly before it was suitable for your food. The chef was also...incooperative which caused further delays. I am afraid I will have to write a rather stern letter when I return to the guild." He paused briefly and then whistled and from the sky descended Syrup once more. Shiraz gestured with his hand and a plate filled with sweets appeared on the table from which the alicorn began to eat happily though also politely and without making mess.

    "The chef and kitchen might of been a state, but the equipment was top quality. The oven in particular outclasses the one back at Fairy Tail by a factor of five or perhaps even six." he said thoughtfully holding a piece of chicken up to observe its beauty. The dressing glistened on it in such a way that it almost sparkled. "I might have to consider upgrading the Fairy Tail kitchen somewhat. It should make meeting the demand for food at Fairy Tail all the easier."



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    Cosmic Fairy

    Cosmic Fairy

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    Age : 25
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    The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole ~ Candyman and Cookielady

    Post by Leapflight 22nd November 2014, 7:23 am

    "Your meal Lady Ebony, Lord Atlas. I hope it meets your standards" he said placing the plates in front of them. The girl's eyes sparkled, laughing a little as she watched the plates of food dance through the air and onto the table.

    She was amazed once again by this Shiraz’s magic. It was so beautiful, yet could be so destructive at the same time. She was surprised that it could be so flexible, especially now. Her eyes were still focused on the magic plates when she began to wonder how he did it. She was curious of how he made the plates dance, as his magic didn’t really seem the type to be making things hover. Nevertheless, the girl thanked her dear friend as she gestured for him to sit next to her.

    “The chef must always taste his own food, am I right?” A grin appeared to crawl upon her face as the wind bellowed through the windows of the bar. She looked over at Shiraz’s plate while trying to figure out the best way to eat this monster of a chicken burger. “Oooh. That chicken salad looks delish.”

    Ebony tried to squash the burger down with her hands, almost making the bread break apart. Hmm. Maybe not that way. She thought for a moment, thinking that if she grabbed it all and stuffed it in her mouth at once, she could experience all the flavours of the burger in one bite. I am so smart. But then again, if she had done that, it would not have shown Shiraz a very lady-like behaviour. The young girl sighed, grabbing a knife and cutting the burger in half before putting it in her mouth.

    The flavours exploded like fireworks on new year’s day, the girl’s eyes almost popping out of her head. “Ohghh mnmha gooosnhdhes” (Oh my goodness) “Dish ish lith dtha phood sever!” (This is like the best food ever).

    The blue furred pet also seemed to be enjoying his crispy wedges by the look of his face and empty bowl.
    Stay friends with this one.

    MP Remaining: 89%
    2% MP restored due to Ebony being in sunlight.
    Enemies Remaining: 0
    Magellanic Cloud: 3 posts


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