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    Double Trouble !


    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
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    Double Trouble ! Empty Double Trouble !

    Post by Arkhives 12th December 2013, 5:56 pm

    Double Trouble ! 2zqr7k4

    Tsu's Themes:

    As Tsuragi walked through peace village he admired the peaceful and serene enviroment. Children chased after each other hiding behind buildings and random passerby's on the main street. The elders walked around slowly with a certain wistfulness, probably remembering their days as a child in this village. The air was warm and humid and the sky was mostly clear and sunny except for a few clouds. The breeze carried the smell of fresh food and flowers, which reminded Tsu of his old village. Noticing that he was getting off track he shook his head and pushed away his old memories.

    Enough reminiscing...time to get to work.

    As he thought this he pulled out a letter with a very detailed border and very neat writing.

    "Hello to whoever is reading this, my name is Alice. I'm a busy business woman who has a set of ten year old twin sons. I was wondering if someone can take care of them for the day while I go out of town on some business. My sons want to go to this new amusement park that I cannot take them to because i'm so busy. So I'm asking you to take them. Their names are Zach and Chris. I must warn you zach is a wild one and will run from you if he doesnt want to be where he is at. Chris is more calmer, but he'll follow Zach if he runs off. Please dont let them wander off or get hurt."

    As Tsu read the description of the kids he thought hey it should be easy to keep up with a couple of ten year old kids, especially with his capabilities.

    "Now I just have to find the house" Tsu said aloud furrowing his brow.

    As Tsuragi walked he passed a white and cream house, he noticed two boys who looked exactly alike playing outside in the front yard in what looked to be a home made battlefield. As he onlooked Tsu saw one of the boys run and dive behind a tree hug it closely with his back. The other boy was raising his hands like he was straining with something invisible.

    "Watch out Chris, here it comes!! My ultimate move!"

    The boy did a fake little Kamehameha and screamed at the top of his lungs as he pointed at the tree... and nothing happened.

    The boy who must have been Chris just hid behind the tree tightly until Zach stopped screaming.

    "Your Dead!" Zach said pointing at his brother. "I hit you with my Raging blast."

    Chris just stepped from behind the tree and started shaking his head vigorsly.

    "Yes you are!" Zach said.

    Once again Chris shook his head dismissively then pointed to the tree.

    "The tree blew up too" Zach whined

    Chris just shook both his hands at the tree like a hand model pointing up and down it.

    "What do you mean its still there?" Zach asked angrily, "Of course its still there its a real tree and were playing a game stupid."

    Chris started to do another motion but then he saw  Tsuragi standing in the gateway. When Zach saw him staring, he turned and looked too.

    "who are you supposed to be lady." Zach asked in a agressive tone.

    "Um im a man, and I'm Tsuragi Im supposed to be taking care of you guys today." Attempting to be nice he flashed his million dollar smile.

    "eh its you? you arent so special at all, go away we dont need you."

    Tsuragi's smile dropped in a heartbeat, Then remembering something from the letter it returned, but slower this time.

    "well all right, I was gonna take you to the amusment park today but hey I guess I'll go alone."

    As Tsuragi turned away back down the road the two boys ran to intercept him at incredible speed.

    "Amusement park!?" Zach said "well why didnt you say so?"

    Chris just looked Tsu, his eyes sparkling like never before and his head shaking up and down like a bobble head.

    "Well lets go" Tsuragi said smiling once again.

    Last edited by Arkhives on 22nd December 2013, 1:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
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    Double Trouble ! Empty Re: Double Trouble !

    Post by Arkhives 21st December 2013, 4:20 am

    Double Trouble ! 2zqr7k4

    Tsu's Themes:

    As Tsuragi began to get closer to the amusement park butterflies began to fly around in his stomach. He wasn't one for nervousness but this was undoubtedly the first time that he had ever even been within 100 feet of a amusement park.

    As he walked over and purchased the tickets he smelled a slight hint of candy in the air. Immediately his stomach began to growl. However he had no time to think about it before he felt a hard tug at his sleeve. looking down he saw zach-- or was it chris. Now that he thought about it the boys were basically wearing the same thing and they looked exactly alike. The boys wore a red shirt with a fairy tail emblem and shorts that had suspender straps on them but the both let them hang loosely.

    As Chris(finally figured out that one of them doesnt talk.) Tugged on his shoulder he also pointed at a big ferris wheel, gawking at it with his eyes wide open. He kept pointing insistently so Tsuragi guessed that was going to be their first destination.

    "Ok Ok chris I get it the Ferris wheel right, we'll go let me just get zach."

    Chris just responded to his name by reflex however he was still entranced with the Ferris wheel.

    "Oi zach come on were gonna go to the Ferris wheel first."

    When Tsu did'nt hear a smart retort he turned and saw nothing but a outline of where Zach was blinking like way to go stupid you just found out he's gone.

    "Hey chris..." He said turning back around, but once again he was meet with the outline of a second missing child, and this one said "master of combat but you cant keep up with two kids?"

    "Ugh are you serious." With a sigh Tsuragi walked over to the ticket booth and asked the lady inside if he had saw a little kid run anywhere.

    "Um yeah miss i think one of them ran towards the roller coasters and the other one followed just now.. you can still see him running over there.

    "First of all im not a wo...Wait where!"

    Turning around to where the lady was pointing Tsuragi saw one of the two twins running away at full speed and without missing a beat Tsu was running right behind him.


    Chris being the stubborn kid that he is was kind of mad when the attendant told him he was to short to ride the roller coaster, so taking matters into his own hand he decided he'd get on one way or another. The roller coaster wouldn't be taking off for another 5 minutes because it was cooling down. So he walked behind the roller coaster and had the idea to climb it then drop in one of the coasters back seats without being seen. He had gotten pretty good at climbing especially with as many hiking trips he and his brother had been on. The roller coaster was easier than a mountain because everything was closer, so it should have took less time.

    "Don't want to let me on huh? I'm too short huh? we'll see about that."

    After about three minutes of climbing Zach made it to the roller coaster and luckily the guy was just loading passengers.

    As he flipped over the bar he quietly walked on the rail until he got to the back of the roller coaster, and without being seen he slipped inside. As he brought the bar down it reached about to the bottom of his neck, thinking it was supposed to be like that he just smiled and laughed at his own ingeniousness.

    As The roller coaster started to pull of Zach saw Tsuragi and Cody running towards him.

    Happily he waved at his brother and then he stuck his tongue out at Tsuragi

    "Later loser!"

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
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    Double Trouble ! Empty Re: Double Trouble !

    Post by Arkhives 22nd December 2013, 1:44 pm

    Double Trouble ! 2zqr7k4

    Tsu's Themes:

    The roller coaster took off like a bullet train. Going so fast that Zach Had to stop mocking Tsu and hold on with all his might. The ride was exhilarating even though no curves or upside down spins occured yet. It was exhilarating because this was the first roller coaster he had ever been on. He began to turn his head to the empty seat beside him because It was Chris's first time as well and he wanted to see the look on his brothers face, but when all he saw only the empty seat it hit his heart.

    "...Oh wait chris isnt on the ride"

    Zach was acting like his mother, the two people he really wanted to be on this ride with werent on it and the one person who was here right now and could have got on with him was down on the ground below them.

    "I should have considered Chris's feelings instead of being so selfish. I'm the worse big brother ever."

    As the rollercoaster crept up the hill and began to plumet down zach let out a frightened scream. He had no idea it would be this scary. He had the feeling that he was gonna pop out and plument to the ground at anytime. As the coaster rode around a bend and was about to bend upside down Zach closed his eyes. In that moment he felt pure weightlessness he thought it was because the coaster turned upside down but then he felt when pushing around him really fast, and his gravity plummeting down.

    Opening his eyes he realized he was free falling through the air, scared he tried to flap his arms,while screaming, like a bird wishing he had some unknown magic where he could fly. However when he did this he switched his decent from a face first fall to a back first. At least he wouldn't see it coming.


    As Tsu was about to walk to get Chris a stuffed animal at a nearby game stand he heard a scream fill the air. Looking up he saw Zach free falling through the air. He was gonna let Zach finish his ride and then give him a harsh rebuke when they were leaving the park. but now he was glad he didn't go anywhere that concession stand was ten feet away. If he would have went he would never have caught zach. Even though he didn't know if he was gonna catch him now.

    "If anything happens to him I might as well kill myself before their mom does."

    Taking off in zach's direction like a blur of lightning Tsuragi was 5 feet away while Zach was 10 feet to the ground. Seeing a nerby boncy house Tsu had a idea. Instead of running to the Bouncyhouse he ran to a cafe and scaled the wall in seconds, using his momentum from running up the wall he jumped and caught zach in mid air five feet from the ground and they both dived towards the bouncy house landing on top of it and sinking straight to the bottom with no bounce. Without a doubt it was busted, and without a doubt Tsu was gonna have to pay for it.

    As Tsu clenched to zach like it was dear life and looked down at him he saw zach's face streaked with tears.

    "Im..Im sorry mister Tsu I just had never been on a roller coaster before and I just had to ride it...b,but it wasnt worth it. I didnt even get to go with chris and I bet he hates me now."

    Tsuragi let out a sigh a ruffled the little kids hair.

    "It's fine kid,and your brother doesnt hate you I promise."

    "ho.., How do you know?' Zach asked whipping his eyes and nose.

    "Ask him."
    Tsu said nodding with his head towards Chris who had just entered the destroyed bouncy house.

    He looked like he was in the same condition as Zach, his nose running and face soaked with tears.

    "Chirs..I..I..I'm so.."   In the middle of his words Chris came up to zach and wrapped him in a tight hug. Shocked Zach just stared at the wall behind chris before closing his eyes, putting his chin to his brothers neck and hugging him even tighter.

    "I love you Chris"

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
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    Double Trouble ! Empty Re: Double Trouble !

    Post by Arkhives 24th January 2014, 9:57 pm

    Double Trouble ! 2zqr7k4

    Tsu's Themes:

    The rest of the day went smoothly Chris stayed close to Zach to make sure he would not run off without him and zach decided to actually not run off. Through the next three hours, they tried a different assortment of rides and attractions such as the Ferris wheel, the house of mirrors, a few game tables and even a magic race which was strictly a competition between Zach and Chris. The other kids had no chance. As the two tied in their last race and ran up to Tsu wheezing he let a smile settle on his face.
    “ I won that one right Tsu?!” Zach said anxiously hoping he would get a automatic yes. However before Tsu could respond Chris was pointing to himself with his chin held high to the sky as if he was saying “No I was the victorious one.”
    “Well Tsu’s so slow so he probably couldn’t keep up with us..so let’s call it a tie.” Chris was about to make another gesture but was stopped by Tsu who put a hand ontop of Zachs head. Bending over and grinning he said “Oh and You two believe you could beat me?” As the children looked at Tsu he stood up straight and said how about we see whos the fastest out of us three, The winner gets to make the other two do something embarrassing.
    Both Chris and Zach looked at Tsu like he was mad.
    “Your On!” Zach said
    And Chris simply nodded along.

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
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    Double Trouble ! Empty Re: Double Trouble !

    Post by Arkhives 13th February 2014, 6:56 pm

    Double Trouble ! 2zqr7k4

    Tsu's Themes:

    "Look kids since this is going to be kind of one sided i think that we should make this a race of stamina. "

    Zach and chris just nodded impatiently. Tsu had given them a couple of hours to rest and the boys looked like the were just raring to go now. The park had just closed for the day and the sun was about to disappear over the coastline. Looking at the sun Tsu decided that this would be the best time to have the race because the kids mother should be arriving around the time they walked back. So if they ran there having their little competition and arriving at the house, they would be killing two birds with one stone.

    "Ok zack" Tsu said looking at Zack "and chris" Tsu said throwing a serious look at chris. "were gonna run from here to the house. Thats about a mile and a half so whoever wins will be the ultimate champion."

    "come and stand right here near the gate and put your hand on the gate...now when zach says
    go run as first as you can."

    As everybody took their positions a small flying cat flew by The boys and Tsuragi. It was so amazing that Tsu's mouth dropped.

    "Ready... set..."

    "Wait is that a flying cat!?"

    The cat that was flying looked at Tsu and when he heard him he made a shocked looking face.

    "Huh Where?! the cat said


    The boys took off so fast that It looked like two small ants were down the street in less then 4 seconds. After about a minute and after the boys were so far that he couldn't see them Tsu was finally shocked out of his staring contest with the cat and took off like a flash of lightning.

    The cat simply sat there before looking around.  "Wait wheres the flying Neko?"

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
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    Double Trouble ! Empty Re: Double Trouble !

    Post by Arkhives 29th April 2014, 4:59 pm

    Double Trouble ! 2zqr7k4

    Tsu's Themes:

    While Tsu ran he had an enormous sense of freedom with no ties holding him down to the earth. Except of the weight of gravity and the weight of him having lost zach and chris.
    "Dammit I should have paid attention...now I dont even know where the boys are. I hope they know their way home." Tsuragi shot like a bullet through the streets. He had a route planned out to use if he had run into any types of problems he was the type of person who had a lot of contingencies just in case on plan back fired. So he had no worries with losing the race. But returning home without the kids that was a totally different type of thing. How would he look to the mother coming home without the kids he was supposed to watch after and protect. No matter how strong Tsuragi was he was no match for the wrath of a mother.

    " We was wondering what had happened to you Tsu." Came a voice from overhead. Immediatley honing in on the sound, Tsu saw Zach and chris sitting on top of a candy shops roof.

    We were starting to believe that you had given up because we had left you in the dust.

    "no there was this flying cat...and!"

    "Flying cat really?"

    Zach and chrish then hopped down right in front of Tsu and pointed right at him.

    "you cant just admit that were faster than you?"

    At that moment Tsu's face went from shocked to serious to calm and serene. Without even another word he walked right up to zach and chris and crossed his arms.

    "oh really..you...faster than me? Its time to get serious then...no rules. First person to the house wins."

    Chris shook his head and took off without a second word.

    Zach however was caught off guard and didnt know what was happening.

    "Wait chris he didn't say go!!"

    Tsuragi just slipped past zach and started off with a small little jog.

    "no rules, remember zach." and with that he was gone.

    Chris had gotten a humongus head start and was not that far from the house he only had two more turns and he was their.

    Tsuragi was moving like pure lightning now dashing left and right to avoid people and then just jumped and flew on top of the roofs.

    Zach was the last one to take a move and he knew that it would cost him dearly in the race. so he did something he was never supposed to do and released one of his speed demon seals.

    He was gone in a blur and took off down the street catching up to the other two in only a matter of three seconds.

    Speed demon gave the user incredible speed for a short burst of time but it ripped muscles in the leg the longer it was used and terminated the users running future.

    Three seconds was more than enough for a boy of zachs age. but gladly it didn't do a lot of damage.

    As He turned of speed demon zach caught up to chris on the street. and chris knew what he did the exact moment he appeared beside him. Zach and chris were evenly matched in speed and it was impossible for zach to catch him by normal means.

    Tsu flipped off a nearby roof in front of the boys and jumped over the gate to be the first person in the yard, but Chris didn't care he was worried about zach. Zach looked like he was about to burn out at any moment  and that worried chris.  So he picked zach up under the arm and helped his brother into their yard.

    "Hahahah looks like a won huh?" Seeing the way chris was caring zach stopped Tsu's joy short right as it was coming off his lips.

    "Huh what happened to zach?"

    Chris began to nudge zach edging him to tell Tsu. Not really wanting to be a burden Zach said nothing but the look on chris's face made him submit to guilt and eventually the truth broke through.

    "I unleashed one of my magic seals and the after effects are catching up with me. I didnt break anything or tear any muscles I think but I might be a little sick."

    Tsu then immedately walked over and relieved chris from his duty of holding zach up.

    "Why would you do that?!"
    Tsu asked a genuine sense of pain and anger splaying across his face.

    Seeing how mad Tsu was with him zach began to let tears stream from his eyes. At that exact moment Zach and chris's mom came through the fence and saw Tsu holding zach by the arms shaking him and screaming at him. Immediately her mothers instincts took over and she ran over to aide her children.

    "why are you hurting my child!?"

    With a quick flash the mother slapped Tsu leaving a red print on his light skin.

    "Leave and dont you ever come back!"

    Taken aback at what had just happened Tsu began to walk to the front gate but then chris tackled him with a ferocious hug and then came zach a few seconds later stumbling to the group of two.

    "Wait Tsu dont leave. Mom it wasn't his fault it was mine. I unleashed my magic seal thats why he was screaming at me."

    The mother then took her burning green eyes off of Tsus grey ones and turned them over to zachs blue orbs.

    "Why would you do something so dangerous?!"

    "Im sorry mom I...I was just having so much fun." with a smile on his face Zach then collapsed but Tsu was right there to catch him.

    With a smile he replied. " I had fun too kid." and he handed the boy over to his mother, gave a quick bow and began to leave.

    "It was nice meeting you miss.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 12:21 pm