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    An invitation! (Closed) Empty An invitation! (Closed)

    Post by Nurarihyon 7th December 2013, 2:47 am

    “Again.. what were we here for?” Nura switched his attention to Kurotabo, gladly walking next to him with a smile attracting the ladies. “Well we’re here to check on Lamia Scale of course." “But why are you attracting those girls here?” Nura’s eyebrow twitched, comically giving off Kurotabo the annoyed look of his. “Calm down, Waka.. This is just.. uhm.. complementary entertainment.” Kuro waved his hands defending himself with the fake intention he just told Nura of. “This is not entertainment. I hate them.” Itaku folded his arms against his chest, his pupils on the edge of his eyes, also annoyed. Kurotabo had been attracting the girls all the while they walked, distracting the group of their original intention of coming to Hargeon. The Lamia Scale destruction news had really shocked Nura, and that he came to check on if there’s still something that could be useful for him, but Kuro had led them astray by attracting all those pesky women. Nura walked in his daily kimono, ignoring all the eyes that were set on him regarding the unusual clothing he had on him in such modern day.

    “Kuro, Itaku, I’m leaving you people here.” “Ehh.. Waka!” “Tch! Nura Reikan!!” Kuro, and unexpectedly Itaku seemed to plead him not to leave, but he knew he had something more important to do than just walk around with girls swarming them. Leaving without looking at them, Nura ignored the two wanting them to deal with their own problem, especially Kurotabo. He had been disrespecting his Waka (Young Master) by attracting the girls, which was obviously against Nura’s will. Shaking the annoyed thought of his out of his head, Nura continued the walk solo, in the search of any infos or anything that could be useful for the Night Parade guild. Being a neutral guild, Night Parade had been under the shadows, and that whatever it does will be taken as evil deeds, and that Nura had to do something to prove the public they were wrong. He walked, bumping onto someone, maybe shorter than him right when he was about to turn in the corner of a building. “Uh.. I’m sorry there.” Nura fixed his slight staggering, looking at whoever he might be bumping onto.


    An invitation! (Closed) J64o3r

    An invitation! (Closed) JkBfSnp


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    An invitation! (Closed) Empty Re: An invitation! (Closed)

    Post by Rika 7th December 2013, 3:13 am

    Rika was one of the few Lumia members that had survived the destruction of the guild, she had been walking around town like a simple commoner for sometime now, and made her self some sort of living, it were rather rare that people did see her around town without her stuff rabbit cause it was basically the only thing she had saved from her stuff at the guild.

    while she were walking around the town and was about to walk around a corner someone bumped into her and she did fall back over and landed on her butt, getting her dress all dirty and even dropped her rabbit as she looks up at the person with a bit of hatred towards the person but then looked over to pick up her rabbit, where after she held out her hand for the person to help her up.

    "Mister could i get a hand" the young lady said holding her Stuff rabbit in the other hand that she were holding towards the guy.

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    Post by Nurarihyon 7th December 2013, 3:20 am

    “Mister could I get a hand?” The voice that came after his apology was a lady’s, catching Nura’s attention after. Pulling her up on her feet, Nura smiled looking at her, a lady bringing around a stuffed bunny. “Sorry for the bump. I’m Nura. Nura Reikan.” He gave the lady a welcoming smile, seeing that there’s something the lady had that was more than meets the eye. She was quite attractive, and her face got beauty on it. And that bunny she carried along really showed her cute side. Sighing, Nura walked closer to the lady, and he was right, she was shorter than him.

    “Well… a bump is rare.” Nura looked around, his sturdy stance unaffected. “Can I take you anywhere, miss?” Smiling, there was something extraordinary from the girl, and that Nura wanted to know more of her for unknown reason. He had finally found something to actually kill time with, and that would be getting to know the lady better.


    An invitation! (Closed) J64o3r

    An invitation! (Closed) JkBfSnp


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    An invitation! (Closed) Empty Re: An invitation! (Closed)

    Post by Rika 7th December 2013, 3:29 am

    Rika got helped up on her feet by the stranger and looks at him a bit confused, not sure if he was a good guy or a bad guy. "Thanks mister for helping me up, but now my dress is all dirty, maybe you could follow me home so i can clean it and get a new one, then we can take a walk to anywhere you feel like, i dont really have much stuff to do"

    The young lady said and started dusting off her bunny as she then smiles up at the guy, "I'm Rika Sanders, happy to meet you mister Nura, but next time you wanna meet girls try not to bump into them as your first move i dont think that move ever worked for anyone"

    she said with a light giggle and turned around and started walking towards her house looking back at Nura to see if he did actually follow her

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    An invitation! (Closed) Empty Re: An invitation! (Closed)

    Post by Nurarihyon 7th December 2013, 4:29 am

    The girl gladly took him by his hand, helping her to get up on her legs.  “Oh, sure.” Nura thought for a few seconds before replying her with a yes, as she said it would be best for her to go home first for a change. The situation might be awkward, but still, he couldn't see any reason to leave the woman like nothing happened. “I see.. that fall really did stain her clothes.” Nura looked at her clothes, feeling slight guilty as he did. The lady patted the debris off her clothes, smiling after. “Rika.. Sanders.” Nura listened with full interest on her, something he had never done to a woman before.

    “Eh?? W-wait what?” Nura stuttered, Rika thought him bumping to her was Nura’s first move for a possible flirt. “Sigh.. she got me wrong.” Nura turned away, looking down as he had the thought. She giggled, leading the walk after. “Oh..” Nura looked at the lady, smiling unintentionally. “Well.. Maybe there IS an interesting woman in this world after all..” Nura sighed, following her with a relaxed pace.


    An invitation! (Closed) J64o3r

    An invitation! (Closed) JkBfSnp


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    An invitation! (Closed) Empty Re: An invitation! (Closed)

    Post by Rika 10th December 2013, 12:14 am

    Rika smiles back at the guy as she keeps on walking holding her stuff bunny close to her chest, She looked up in the sky to see the skies having turned darker which was normaly a sign of rain coming soon or a lightning storm, she set up her pace not wanting to get all soaked with a already dirty dress.

    "Mister, my house is over there lets hurry before it starts to rain, we can't have that we end up soaked thats no fun, you do look like you have a long walk home after all, since i never seen you before here in town."

    She walks towards her house with a smile still looking worried up at the sky

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    An invitation! (Closed) Empty Re: An invitation! (Closed)

    Post by Nurarihyon 10th December 2013, 12:21 am

    “Yes indeed, I am not from this town.” Nura replied, looking up to the sky, now dark. It seemed like it was going to rain, and Rika had just advised they make haste to her house. As she said, being wet is no fun after all, and that things would get messy if the two were to get caught in the rain. “Yes, let’s.” Nura nodded, now picking up the pace of his walks. Rika’s worry was obvious on her face, she looked at the sky now and then. The smile of hers wasn’t enough to cover up her worry, but it was surely attractive enough for Nura to set eyes on.

    “Oh, that reminds me. I’m Nura. Nura Reikan. Sorry for not telling you sooner.” Nura chuckled, as the two kept walking towards her house. “My, you look rather… attractive.” Nura said straight, smiling as he did.


    An invitation! (Closed) J64o3r

    An invitation! (Closed) JkBfSnp


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    Post by Rika 10th December 2013, 12:31 am

    Rika arrives at her house and opens the door and giggles a little at Nura introducing him self for the second time, now thinking the dude is forget full or just have a very horrible short term memory.

    "You already said that once Nura, not need to tell it again, come inside before you get soaked, want a cup of tea or coffe?" the young lady said and went over to a shelf that was filled with stuff animals and beside it was a shelf filled with dolls of all types and shapes.

    the house was quite simply made when you got in there was a small hall with place to hang your coat and a mirror, then you got into the kithcne/living room where she had a couch for two and one for three with a table in the middle and a fire place. it was a well sized house for a single person.

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
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    Post by Nurarihyon 10th December 2013, 12:38 am

    “I already did?” Nura tilted his head, pondering. “Wait.. Why did I forget?” Sighing, he went in Rika’s house after the lady, fixing his kimono gently after the slight rush. Inside, there was a shelf, full of dolls inside it. It was typical for girls to like and collect dolls, but for a lady her age, Rika sure was interesting and amazing. Never mind anyway, the dolls made her look cuter than how she was. “I’ll be good with tea.” Nura looked around the house was suiting enough for her to stay alone. “You’ve got lots of dolls there.” He chuckled, leaning against the sofa as he rested his body. “So, uh, I guess you live alone?” Nura asked Rika, stating his wild guess, judging from how the house was designed. Nura sighed, as rain poured down outside, visible through the windows of her house.

    “I guess I’ll be late for dinner then..” Nura sighed, hoping he wouldn’t have to spend the night at the town because of the heavy rain.


    An invitation! (Closed) J64o3r

    An invitation! (Closed) JkBfSnp


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    Post by Rika 10th December 2013, 12:46 am

    Rika smiles over at Nura with a smile and giggles "Tea it is" she said and went out to set over some water for tea and brings in two cups and milk and sugar and puts on the table and sits down in the other sofa.

    "Yeah i know i got a bunch of dolls, its what makes this my home, i still miss those i had at my old place at the Lamia Scale guild but it got blown into pieces so those i wont see anymore, all i got left from there is my stuff bunny."

    she responded and looked out at the window and looked at the rain happy they did reach her house in time.

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    Post by Nurarihyon 10th December 2013, 12:56 am

    “Wait… You’re one of the Lamia Scale’s?” Nura got his interest suddenly intrigued, bringing his face closer to the lady as he spoke. It was a good chance to ask her about things that happened to the guild, as having the intel was the main priority for his coming to the town. She looked alone though, saying that the stuffed bunny was one of the few dolls of hers that she managed to save before Lamia Scale got blown to bits. Nura looked at her, as she smiled looking at the window. Maybe because she managed to get the two back to her place in time.

    “Uh.. hey, are you… alone?” Since the Lamia Scale got blown, there wasn’t any news about the members, and knowing her as the survivor, Nura wanted to know if she was indeed alone. He killed the intention to ask her about what happened to the guild, shifting his attention to the lady herself. Nura sighed, leaning back against the sofa after.


    An invitation! (Closed) J64o3r

    An invitation! (Closed) JkBfSnp


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    Post by Rika 10th December 2013, 1:02 am

    Rika smiles and looks out the window and looks back at Nura "Yeah i'm fine mister, don't worry i been living here for a few monthes now i just been living my life trying to hide from people asking about Lamia cause no one really know what happened that night, all i know is i was lucky i was at my house that day and not my room at the guild"

    Rika walks to the kitchen and grabs the water and comes in with the boiled water and tea leafs.

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    Post by Nurarihyon 10th December 2013, 1:10 am

    “I see..” Nura sighed, guilt swarming him as he regretted asking about her and her guild earlier. She went back to the kitchen, and as she did, Nura looked around yet again, trying to look for anything she might possess that relates to Lamia Scale. It was not long before she got in the room again, now with hot water and tea leafs. Nura looked at her, wondering how had she been living all alone after the event occurred. Rika looked like she didn’t have any friends other than those she had back when Lamia Scale was still intact, adding up the feel of pity towards her.

    “Well… you know, Rika.. You can live with me.” Nura stuttered. “Er, I mean, with us, back in my guild! Ahahaha.” Nura laughed awkwardly, thinking that she might get the wrong interpretation regarding his invitation.


    An invitation! (Closed) J64o3r

    An invitation! (Closed) JkBfSnp


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    Post by Rika 10th December 2013, 1:17 am

    Rika smiles and giggles as she looks at him and puts the leafs in the water and looks at Nura. "I havent been living with anyone since i just been living alone, just like i did in the Lamia cause it was quite empty at the end most people had either left or died." the young lady says and looks around the area and smiles again.

    "So what guild do you come from mister?, since you say it that way as you just did, not many says my guild."

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    Post by Nurarihyon 10th December 2013, 1:25 am

    “Most died.. Yeah I know that.. The news said pretty much about everything.” Nura nodded, reaching over for his tea, but stopped midway. “Well.. Uh, you might haven’t heard about it.. But anyway, the name’s Night Parade.” Nura leaned back against the sofa, slightly firm on his body composure. “We’re a bit different… Well, to put it simple, it’s a guild both for humans, and ghosts.” Nura hoped she wouldn’t jump or anything, Night Parade was the first guild to be able to accommodate both the living and the dead as its member after all.

    “And most of our guild members live in the guild’s mansion. That’s where I live too, though.” Nura looked towards the window, the rain still pouring outside. “You won’t be alone if you were to join, I guarantee,” Nura looked back to the lady, smiling, “and that it wouldn’t be bad to have such a beauty joining our guild. Well, to be frank, I would love it if you agree to join, so I could be able to stare at those wonderful pair of eyes of yours..” Nura smiled, blushing at the statement he had just given.


    An invitation! (Closed) J64o3r

    An invitation! (Closed) JkBfSnp


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    Post by Rika 10th December 2013, 1:46 am

    Rika smiles and giggles "You like my eyes that much mister?" she said and giggles, "My eyes are not that special really mister, im just an ordinary girl with a little extra then most other girls" she said and took her cup of tea and did put a bit of sugar in the tea to make it a bit sweeter and then took her first sip.

    "So undeads lifes at the guild house that sounds quite cool, but can the mortals see them?, i might be able to see them due to my weird eye" she said and moves her hair aside as Nura would be able to see she had a watch in her left eye that moved counter clock-wise

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    Post by Nurarihyon 10th December 2013, 1:54 am

    “Well, I don’t like them. I love those eyes of yours.” Nura smiled, being honest to the lady about how he felt. “Ordinary? You’re not ordinary, not even when compared to an angel.” Nura chuckled, realizing that it was a pick up line he said just now. “Anyway, yeah, we can see them. They show themselves quite often in the guild. Well, not that they are bad ghosts after all.” Sighing, Nura looked at the lady’s another eye, which was obviously different from the other.

    “And that, my lady, is why I find you attractive, and I’m starting to take a liking to you yourself already.” Nura said straight, again causing himself to blush a bit as he spoke, staring right into the beautiful eyes of Rika's.


    An invitation! (Closed) J64o3r

    An invitation! (Closed) JkBfSnp


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    Post by Rika 10th December 2013, 2:03 am

    Rika looks at Nura not really catching what he was talking about or getting he was hitting on her, since she was not really looking for a lover right now, she smiles at him and took another zip of her tea.

    "Friendly ghosts sounds kinda cool, cant wait to meet one how faar away do the guild hide?, i can at least take a look to see if i like it there i can always go back home if its to scary a place"

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    Post by Nurarihyon 10th December 2013, 2:07 am

    “Well.. uh, about a town away. To be frank.. it’s somewhere near Rose Garden.” Nura sighed, leaning against the sofa as he spoke. She didn’t seem to get what he was trying to do, so he quitted. “Anyway, sure, we can take a look at it.” Nura looked outside, it was still raining. Shrugging, Nura took a sip of the tea, now already cold. After a gulp, he sighed, with his palm on his face. “Damn. I failed.” Nura turned away, whispering to himself about his failure for an affection.


    An invitation! (Closed) J64o3r

    An invitation! (Closed) JkBfSnp


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