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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Lily Ambrosia
    Lily Ambrosia

    Lineage : Nature's Child
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 22,200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature's Blessed Gift
    Second Skill: Gaia's Duality
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Lily Ambrosia 3rd August 2021, 11:56 am

    Event Details:

    While Lily often frequented events held by civilized folk to get a feel of what their lives were like this was still a first. Most events happened inside of the cities, with lots of lights in the streets and festive colours and whatnot. They were opportunities for the stonedwellers to transform their settlements into bright and festive locations, and also to have fun without having to move too far away from their homes. The christmas event had been like that, and while the valentine's event had encouraged a bit more travelling through the city the basic idea had been the same.

    This time, however, the event was completely disconnected from the city, or at least was outside of it. Instead everybody was heading for where the earth met the waters, where they removed most of their clothes and basked in the sun. Given that most civilized folk couldn't gain energy from pure sunlight Lily assumed that they just enjoyed the sensation even if it didn't nourish them the way plants would have benefited from it. Speaking of which, these locations were largely bereft of plants: instead of dirt there was lots of sand. Of course, not every meeting of earth and water had to involve plants, but she wondered why the stonedwellers would choose locations without plants. Was it to make it easier to feel the sun?

    Regardless, she was here to experience this event as well, and this time she had someone from the guild with her. Octavia, who she hadn't really spoken to before, but who seemed like a nice person and also was interested in going to the beach. She'd asked Basin if ze wanted to come as well, but the earth guardian had made it clear that ze couldn't see much use in participating in this event, and that Lily could go and have fun on her own. Basin would instead spend some time reading up on some of the stuff Meliora Vitae had been working on recently. It was always a bit funny to watch an animated boulder pour over text, especially since ze needed to be extremely careful when turning pages or picking up scrolls, but it was important work and Lily appreciated that Basin would take care of it while she was partaking in another event of the civilized folk.

    Lily herself was dressed the same as always, as her dress was made of leafs and an extension of herself. Stepping onto the beach she looked around with wide-eyed curiosity, seeing the absolutely humongous amount of people who were enjoying the weather with this beach party. It was interesting to see all the stonedwellers, who otherwise went through such lengths to cover most of their bodies, instead seemed to be doing their best to flaunt as much of it as possible without showing their most private parts. She wiggled her toes to feel the warm sand as she slowly walked forward, ears twitching as she heard the sound of various activities. Some people were tossing a ball about, others were eating a lot of food, yet others were out on the waters and standing on top of floating pieces of strange material which she was pretty sure wasn't either stone or wood, if only because stone didn't float like that.

    "Octavia, do you know that those people are doing?" She turned towards her guildmate and pointed towards the surfers. "It looks very interesting, but I've never seen it before." The dryad looked at the blue-haired woman with pure curiosity and naivety, although she also looked excited to learn something new about the civilized folk.

    WC: 601
    PWC: 601
    TWC: 601/4,000



    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Lily-a10

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Nadarr 3rd August 2021, 2:49 pm

    Octavia would be smiling as bright as the sun, finally a trip to the beach.  IT has felt like forever since she has gone to the beach.  She looked around at all the people at the beach, seeing that some sorta event was going on, she didn't much mind as long as she got to have some fun.   She would be sporting brand new blue one piece swimsuit.  She bought it just for this occasion, however despite all of that, she was more happy to be at the beach with her guildmate Lily.  She really didn't know Lily to well but she was just happy to be out of the guild hall with someone new.  All she could think was *Okay Octavia don't screw this up* She wanted to make some new friends in the guild, and though she wasn't sure about this person she was nice enough to invite Octavia to the beach, so Octavia had to do this right.

    She thought  looking around briefly before her attention was brought back by Lily's questioning of what the surfers were doing. "Oh that, yeah that is called surfing, you take a board, paddle out there and then try to ride the wave to the shore again, It is a lot of fun, if you want we could give it a shot."  She said looking at the vast ocean, songs and stories of the ocean playing though her head on instinct, she was a bard it was only natural for her to do so. she gave a small twirl and a wave of her hand making her magic flourish.  Using her physical Illusions she would make two surf boards appear that they could use.  They would be sized perfectly for them to use.  "There ya go, I can change the color if give it a different design if you want!"  She said making her plain surf board become a blue flowered Hawaiian design to it.   she looked at it giving a nod of approval and then looked to see if she wanted her changed or if she wanted to do it at all.

    WC: 350
    TWC: 951/4000
    Lily Ambrosia
    Lily Ambrosia

    Lineage : Nature's Child
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 22,200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature's Blessed Gift
    Second Skill: Gaia's Duality
    Third Skill:

    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Lily Ambrosia 4th August 2021, 9:36 am

    Unlike herself Octavia was wearing one of those beach clothes all the civilized folk used, even if hers covered more than most of the other people on the beach. Lily thought it looked quite nice, and had already complimented the blue-haired woman before they reached the sand. Right now, however, she was more curious about what the people with the boards were doing on the water, and thus listened attentively as her companion explained it. The dryad looked from Octavia to the surfers and back, tilting her head before nodding. "I see! That does sound like a lot of fun!" She squinted as she tried to look at the boards the people are using. "Those don't look like they're made of wood, though..." Given that she had control over dirt, stone, and wood, Lily was never entirely certain what to do with objects made of something else.

    When Octavia waved her hand the leafclad girl watched with some surprise, which turned into amazement when her companion seemingly summoned forth two of those boards out of nowhere. "That's amazing! You can create things out of nothing?" Lily could form the elements she was attuned to, but she couldn't just form whole, completely crafted objects like Octavia. When asked if she wanted a special design for her board she thought for a moment, picking up the one which still remained plain. "Hmmm... Can you make it look like it's made of living wood with leafs and flowers?"

    Once Octavia had made Lily's surfboard look like it was basically grown into shape the dryad led the way towards the water, where a man sitting at a booth with lots of surfboards waved at them. "Heyo! I see that you guys want to participate! You can sign up here!" Lily looked at Octavia, then walked over to the booth. "Participate? Is there a contest then?" The man smiled. "Well, there's no real prize or anything, but surfing is more fun if you've got others to compete with. See who can remain standing the longest or take on the biggest wave, you know?" The dryad nodded. She understood perfectly well that competition was a vital part of life, and that the civilized folk often sought it out to push themselves. "I don't know anything about... surfing though. I don't think I'll do very well."

    The man gave a friendly laugh. "Don't worry, lots of people who're new to this. It's just about having fun, so nobody is going to judge you or anything." It seemed he either had seen someone similar to Lily before or just didn't care much about her strange appearance. Lily chewed her lip, then nodded and smiled back at the man. "Okay! I'll sign up!" She quickly scribbled her name down, then looked up at Octavia. "Does my friend also have to sign up to surf?"

    "Oh, no, the water's for everyone after all. Only thing we would ask of her is that she doesn't obstruct the contestants. That, and I may have lied a little bit when I said that there's no prizes." He leaned forward a little, speaking in an almost conspiratory manner. "The winner of the competition does get to join the upcoming eating competition for free, but the fee for joining that is small enough that it's more symbolic than anything else. Aside from that the winner can of course brag about it!"

    Regardless of whether Octavia decided to join the official competition or not, Lily would almost drag her along into the water now that she was excited, her tail swishing from side to side behind her. Once in the water she'd place her own board down and climb on top of it, paddling over to where the other surfers were waiting for their waves. If Octavia looked closely she'd see that Lily's fingers were longer than before she entered the water, with webbing between the fingers. That, and with every move she displaced more water than one might expect from her paddling.

    Reaching a spot she thought was good Lily would return her hands to normal and carefully stand on her board, almost instinctively controlling the water directly underneath her to help her stabilize. Looking around she had a bright and excited smile on her face as she looked forward to experiencing this surfing thing for herself.

    WC: 722
    PWC: 1,323
    TWC: 1,673/4,000


    Last edited by Lily Ambrosia on 4th August 2021, 9:37 am; edited 1 time in total


    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Lily-a10

    Posts : 23944
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by NPC 4th August 2021, 9:36 am

    The member 'Lily Ambrosia' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Die_04_42161_sm

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Nadarr 4th August 2021, 10:50 am

    Octavia smiled and nodded one her magic was appreciated, She was quite proud of her magic after all, and upon hearing the request for her board to look like wood and leaves she nodded and made the exact request as she stated how her magic exactly worked. “ I can kind of conjure something out of nothing, I make physical Illusions, basically I make an illusion and I make it manifest for a period of time before it disappears and I have to be contract. Still working on the details of that magic but it is pretty handy. she said looking at her as a man came up and asked about a surfing competition oh, the second competition was mentioned though her eyes sparkled. she loves things like, battles, events, competitions, and anything like that. Anything where they could be a Victorious hero or possibly even an underdog who made get the better of their adversaries what's my musically did their best made for the best stories. Perhaps this would be one she can start with Miss a lily here but right now she just simply nodded and was even more set of hearing that her companion was entering .There was no need to debate, she was in. “Absolutely, you only live once after all!” She said already going into the water to go and surf and ride the waves, ending up next to Lilly.

    This is gonna be fun!” she said beaming next to Lilly as She saw the wave coming looking at Lilly before giving a thumbs up and a smile. “Not that you need it but I am right here for you if something happens okay.” She said as she slowly rose to her surf board as the wave caught her and she began to surf toward the shore looking over at Lilly with the wind in her hair she looked forward smiling, she was surfing, this...was...AMAZING! She was so giddy with glee that she didn’t notice halfway to shore she lost her balance and wiped out, being pushed to the shore by the water, as she washed up on shore, she just started to laugh, she had to try that again sometime, she wasn’t the first to wipe out, but there were still people surfing. She took a deep breath and looked around for Lilly, did the dryad do better then her or maybe roughly the same, she didn’t know. She just hoped she had fun surfing.

    WC: 413
    TWC: 2,086
    Lily Ambrosia
    Lily Ambrosia

    Lineage : Nature's Child
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 22,200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature's Blessed Gift
    Second Skill: Gaia's Duality
    Third Skill:

    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Lily Ambrosia 4th August 2021, 11:45 am

    Octavia's magic sounded quite interesting. Some kind of temporary manifestation of her will. Lily would have loved to spend some more time talking about that, such as what the limitations were, but that was the point where they went to sign up for the surfing competition. The dryad smiled as she saw how enthusiastic the blue-haired woman was about the idea of competing. Clearly she was one of those people who loved to test herself, which Lily always found admirable as those kind of people always had a lot of growth in them. "Absolutely!" She whole-heartedly agreed as Octavia seemed confident that this would be a fun experience. Lily, of course, didn't know what she was talking about, but she was quite enthusiastic and willing to follow her companion's lead.

    She nodded and smiled back at Octavia when the illusionist assured her she'd be there if something went wrong. "Thank you! I'll also keep an eye out!" Truthfully she didn't think she'd have any problem even if she fell in the water, but she recognized it as a kind of signalling that they were looking out for each other. Standing on top of her surfboard Lily considered how to deal with the upcoming wave. She probably shouldn't use her water magic... it came naturally to her, but other contestants didn't have that kind of ability (most of them, anyway) and she'd had past encounters which taught her that you weren't supposed to use blatant advantages like that.

    She shuffled her feet on the board when the wave came bearing down on her. The leaf-clad tree girl felt the way the water moved, and somehow managed to keep herself balanced as the wave began to carry her onward. Looking into Octavia's direction Lily smiled back, excitement alight on her face, but also an expression of concentration as she tried to remain balanced while the water behind her did its best to throw her off. The sensation was truly something else, pushed forward by the magnificent wave but not embraced by it.

    However, eventually she'd wipe out and fall in. As the board she used was but a product of Octavia's, no real wood no matter how beautifully decorated, Lily didn't have a strong bond with it. With the board slipping out from under her she let out a short cry before falling into the water, the sounds of the world being drowned out by the eternal roar of the sea.

    It took a bit longer for her to reach the beach once more, and when she did it looked like she'd been attacked by a forest of seaweed while underwater. Pushing herself upright she did her best to shake the water off, but a lot of it had already been absorbed by her body and turned into more leafs. Her hair, which usually only went to her shoulders, now reached all the way to her waist, with various flowers growing amidst the foliage. She'd also begun to grow leafs on her arms. Looking at herself she began to laugh, then ran over to Octavia. "That was a lot of fun! I came a lot farther than I thought I would."

    Looking around she saw someone else receive the prize for staying on their surfboard the longest, then looked at what other festivities were available. "Any idea what we should do next?" She'd kind of chosen the first competition by asking Octavia about the surfers, so it was only fair that her companion could choose the next.

    WC: 585
    PWC: 1,908
    TWC: 2,671/4,000



    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Lily-a10

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Nadarr 5th August 2021, 12:41 am

    Ignore dice roll didn't realize limbo event didn't need one.

    Last edited by Nadarr on 5th August 2021, 12:43 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 23944
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by NPC 5th August 2021, 12:41 am

    The member 'Nadarr' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Die_06_42164_sm

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Nadarr 5th August 2021, 12:49 am

    Octavia thought for a moment as she saw how happy she was oh, how much fun she had surfing glad she felt the same sentiment as she did. Thinking back for a moment of her question was what to do next. She looked around the beach all the various activities going on for seeing what she saw was a limbo contest. She couldn't help herself she clapped her hands and pointed to the limbo contest. " hey have you ever tried playing limbo before, it's really easy all you got to do is try to get under the pole without touching the ground, not to brag but my flexibility is pretty good so why don't you give it a try?" She said as she turned to walk towards the limbo runs with her companions. As she would get over there a man would look at them and clap his hands.

    "Hey welcome welcome, how low can you go. If you can get to the lowest point you can win a great prize!" Octavia was already in on this. She wanted that especially now there may be a prize involved. However she looked at Lily one more time for confirmation. She did ask if she wanted to pick the next event but you want to make sure it was okay either way Octavia will be participating. I'll cave you will give a small but firm nod and start walking over to where the limbo stick was as there was a small crowd clapping.

    It's really easy with Octavias flexibility she was even able to get past the first three out of five height differences as clouds hard to clap then she stared down at the second one it was pretty low to the ground now. She took a deep breath and got as low as she could slowly moving under the pole her flexibility from dancing and doing all of her performing was paying off in Spades right now. And then got to the last one it seemed literally impossible to go under this but she had to give it a shot looking back at Lily she gave a small nod and a thumbs up slowly bending back slaking her way under it. She swore she felt her hair touch the sand but her back never did. She be feeling that tomorrow but due to her flexibility she was able to get through as the crowd clapped for her she stood up and do a small bow and looks back to Lily walking over "Wow haven't had to bend over like that in a long time, but I did it. What should we do next I'll let you pick this time my back needs a second. " she said with a bright smile laughing a little bit to herself looking down at her companion wondering if she was going to try to. She be more than happy to watch.

    WC: 489
    TQC: 3160
    Lily Ambrosia
    Lily Ambrosia

    Lineage : Nature's Child
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 22,200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature's Blessed Gift
    Second Skill: Gaia's Duality
    Third Skill:

    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Lily Ambrosia 5th August 2021, 6:30 am

    Lily nodded as Octavia pointed towards the limbo competition and quickly explained the rules. "So you just need to go under the bar?" That sounded pretty easy. "Sure, let's do it!" Following her companion to the competition she smiled as the man acting as referee invited them and told them there would be a prize for whoever managed to go the lowest. Watching those who went before them Lily noticed that they all chose to bend over backward even when crouching would make it easier to go low. That was probably part of the rules then. So you had to show off how far backwards you could lean without losing your balance? She honestly wasn't sure how well she would fare, since she'd never done that before.

    Giving another nod to reassure Octavia that she was willing to participate she watched as the blue-haired woman went first, quickly demonstrating spectacular flexibility and limberness as she kept going lower and lower every time the bar went lower. The dryad watched and applauded every time Octavia managed to clear another bar, eyes alight with excitement. When Octavia had to beat the lowest bar and nearly fell over Lily actually was a little bit concerned, since that looked very uncomfortable, but her friend managed to get through the challenge without any problems, making Lily cheer. "That was great!"

    When Octavia noted that she'd probably feel the effects of bending that far Lily blinked. "Did it hurt? Hold on." Placing her hand on Octavia's back she briefly concentrated. Her magic flowed from her hand into the illusionist's body, healing the parts of her body which would otherwise have begun to hurt if left unattended.

    Once she'd finished the brief healing spell Lily stepped forward. "My turn!" Standing in front of the bar (which was at the highest level again), the dryad soon turned out to have little difficulty with the first three levels simply because she was already short enough that she didn't need to bend very far to go underneath. With the fourth level she took a bit longer, brow furrowed in concentration as she managed to pass underneath step by step.

    With the bar now at its lowest the dryad really wasn't sure if she could manage that, but she tried nonetheless. Bending far enough that her knees formed sharp angles she moved forward, step by step. With each step her toes burrowed into the sand, acting as her roots even as she strained herself to retain her balance. More difficult was restraining the urge to use her tail to help support her weight, as she was pretty sure that the humans wouldn't be happy if she just used her tail as a third leg. It'd ruin the challenge, after all.

    While it was certainly a difficult task Lily managed to pass the lowest bar eventually, letting out a relieved sigh as she quickly straightened up and flexed her toes to make sure she hadn't actually begun to grow roots from them. After stretching herself to reach as far up as possible she walked back towards Octavia. "That was... pretty tough." She admitted. However, she was also smiling as the spectators had all cheered when she'd made it.

    As fun as that had been, however, they still had plenty of time left in the day. Looking around Lily spotted something else that looked interesting to her. "Looks like they're using sand to build things over there. Shall we join them?" In the distance a sand castle competition was underway, and Lily was curious to see what the illusionist could make using sand.

    WC: 600
    PWC: 2,508
    TWC: 3,760/4,000



    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Lily-a10

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Nadarr 5th August 2021, 7:46 am

    for the sand castle

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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by NPC 5th August 2021, 7:46 am

    The member 'Nadarr' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Die_02_42159_sm

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Nadarr 5th August 2021, 7:55 am

    Octavia smile feeling her back get healed “Thanks, wow that feels amazing…” she says feeling more invigorating than once you started today. she gave her a warm smile to her companion but then watch to go off and start to do the limbo competition. She wants to do the competition and be below as far as she's a big smile wouldn't lie and claps her hands together. It wasn't quite the same way Octavia big challenge but she beat the challenge none the less Octavia admire that, this one might get a song later for sure she's excited to see what else she was going. Though her attention is returned to the dryad when she pointed at Ace and building competition. I gave you a thought for a moment and give a small chuckle giving a nod. “ why not, let's go see if we can go build something that will blow these people away.” she said if she's going to walk towards where everyone else was doing the competition. Looking around at some of the other buildings in patient being made it was quite a Marvel to behold say the least but Octavia didn't care, she just do what she always did. She would do her best it's all she could do after all. waving her hand a bucket in a few shovels for digging sand would appear for them.

    Octavia looked at Lily for a moment before giving the smile oh, she wanted to suggest somebody that would be befitting of a new dryer trying to call perhaps using some seaweed and saying if they did it right they can make a forest or something but would that be too overboard, would that be insulting... Octavia thought about it for a moment voice speaking looking down at Lily. perhaps you would just start building and see what her create to really love them how much you would sure Lily had betrayed of just like she was otherwise she would have suggested the competition. she just gave a small giggle to herself and scooped up some sand in her bucket. “ all right Lily, how go at your pace... what kind of things should we make?” he said starting to get a few buckets horse and Wild she went for a companion to discuss and help her the row of the build population was Key after all.

    WC: 400
    TWC: 4,060
    Lily Ambrosia
    Lily Ambrosia

    Lineage : Nature's Child
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 22,200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature's Blessed Gift
    Second Skill: Gaia's Duality
    Third Skill:

    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Lily Ambrosia 6th August 2021, 6:10 am

    Second sandcastle.


    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Lily-a10

    Posts : 23944
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by NPC 6th August 2021, 6:10 am

    The member 'Lily Ambrosia' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Die_02_42159_sm
    Lily Ambrosia
    Lily Ambrosia

    Lineage : Nature's Child
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 22,200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature's Blessed Gift
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Lily Ambrosia 6th August 2021, 6:29 am

    With Octavia agreeing to try and make some structures out of the sand the dryad happily went over towards where the other people were already creating their own pieces of art. Some of them were indeed amazing to behold, such as one which was half as tall as a grown man, with many towers and spires. Lily wasn't sure she could compete with something like that unless she relied on magic, which just like with the other competitions felt like it would go against the spirit of the event. Especially since there were also children doing their best to build beautiful structures. "I'll do my best, but it looks like there's some really good builders here." Once Octavia had created some temporary tools for them to build their castles with Lily kneeled down in the sand and started planning her construction.

    She looked back at Octavia when the other woman asked her what kind of structure she wanted to make. "How about we each make our own castle and compare them after? I'm curious to see what you'll make!" So far the blue-haired illusionist had already shown herself to be creative with the decorations of those surfboards, and aside from that illusion was a type of magic which relied on a powerful and rich imagination. If the two of them worked together on the same castle that would probably just result in Lily limiting Octavia's creativity.

    Now, as for what she wanted to make... For starters the dryad began to pile up sand into a plateau. Since she couldn't really make trees out of sand without the branches falling off she'd have to do something else. On top of the plateau she created several mountains, a big one in the middle surrounded by smaller mountains. Once she got the basic shape down she got to work on all the small details, from crags and cliffs to rivers and valleys. At the end of her work she had an uncannily realistic representation of a miniature mountain range. While it deviated from the kind of structures one would normally expect someone to make out of sand at least nobody could say that Lily hadn't done her best.

    Satisfied with her work Lily turned towards Octavia to see what her friend had made in the meantime. "So! What do you think?" She looked a bit embarrassed as she pointed towards her work. "I don't know much about buildings, so I just went with something I'm familiar with." She didn't think anyone would mind, but she was still aware that pretty much everyone had crafted some kind of building, preferably big ones.

    WC: 438
    PWC: 2,508
    TWC: 4,498/4,000



    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Lily-a10

    Lineage : Comet
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    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Experience : 7,500

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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Nadarr 7th August 2021, 12:35 am

    Octavia was stumped for a moment trying to think of what make and then she just started working with her hands, she wasn't really thinking too much about it but she was thinking enough kind of getting lost herself making it until she heard her friend asked her how she was doing looking up seeing a well-done mountain range, it was quite impressive and she looked down at her which looked to be a representation of the guildhall made of sand down to the finest detail, perhaps use a little bit of magic to make some of the details come out but that was neither here nor there the point is it was a replica of the ship when she smiled looking at the mountains getting an idea she made the replica of the guildhall ship look like it was sailing over the mountains to combine their two structures smiling. " combining two great things to make an amazing outcome.." she said softly looking at her Creations as a judge walked over looking amazing up there work heading into the reward for doing the sand building competition she smiled holding it up to Lily giving her a warm smile.  " looks like we did it, how about we go grab a bite to eat?" She said pointing to a feast with nothing but delicious smelling food on the table and she took a big smell and smile looking down on her companion, they had a long day between surfing limbo and Sand Castle contest perhaps enjoying a meal together and talking would be just what the doctor ordered has she took her companions hand and led her to the feast oh, she didn't know why she felt the need to grab her hand but she did. As she looked at at the mighty Feast of food spread out in front of her she didn't even know where to begin her mouth was watering with delight. " it all looks so delicious what do we should start with?" She asked Lily.

    TWC: 4929
    Lily Ambrosia
    Lily Ambrosia

    Lineage : Nature's Child
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    Guild : Meliora Vitae
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    Experience : 22,200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature's Blessed Gift
    Second Skill: Gaia's Duality
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Lily Ambrosia 8th August 2021, 7:06 am

    While Lily had made a miniature mountain range out of sand her friend had managed to sculpt the massive flying ship that served as the home of their guild. Lily looked at it with open amazement. "That looks amazing!" Crouching down she tried to look under the ship. "How do you keep it from collapsing?" While the airship was quite the massive construction it still was smaller at the bottom than at the top, so Lily wouldn't immediately have figured out how to craft it out of sand without parts of it falling off. When Octavia used her magic to make the sandship float above Lily's mountain range the dryad understood that her friend had achieved such a feat using magical means, rather than solely relying on craftsmanship. "That looks even better! But... are you sure we're supposed to use magic for this?" Given that this contest also included children and people without magic Lily wasn't entirely sure that magic would be approved by the judges.

    Fortunately the leaf-clad girl's worries would be proven incorrect, as even with the addition of magic the judges still declared their work some of the best on the beach, awarding them their reward for participating. Lily studied their reward for a moment before turning back to Octavia at the suggestion of food. "That sounds like a good idea. I'm curious what kind of food they've made available here." She had no objections to being guided towards the feast by Octavia, happily walking with her blue-haired friend as she looked out over the banquet that the people overseeing this beach party had provided. There were a lot of dishes she was completely unfamiliar with, as she didn't often visit the ocean and clearly a lot of the food was either made from things from the ocean or had a theme associated with that great body of water.

    Asked what she'd want to eat first Lily looked a bit uncertain, looking out over that many options available. "I'm... not sure." She eventually admitted. "I don't actually eat a lot usually, so I'm not very good at telling what's good and what isn't." As a dryad she gained her energy from water, air, and sunlight, after all. Maybe we can start with those red things over there?"[/color] One of the dishes available seemed to be a whole bunch of watermelon slices. With nothing else to base her judgement on Lily walked over and grabbed one, popping it into her mouth. "Hmmm! It's very sweet!"

    WC: 417
    PWC: 2,925
    TWC: 5,346/4,000



    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Lily-a10

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Nadarr 13th August 2021, 10:45 am

    Octavia smiled and tried the same thing she did confirming its sweetness give me an audible sound of enjoyment as she closed her eyes letting the sensation sink in. She thought for a moment as she meet for a skewer of for assorted Meats. She took a bite of the nice perfectly cooked tender meat give another Audible moan of approval at the taste.  She didn't know who the chef was but who ever it was put enough time into this to deserve praise.  She sat there with Lilly enjoying a meal as the festival started to come to a close.  She smiled  looking at the sunset then to Lilly.

    "Thanks for inviting me out today, This was so much fun... if possible I would love to do this again with you if you don't mind.."
    she said in an optimistic tone of voice grinning at her a smily grin.  She truly did have alot of fun and while she may have come here her self she got an experience with Lilly she may not have gotten alone...totally worth it.  She smiled standing up offering a hand to Lilly so they could make there way off the beach.

    Wc: 200
    Twc: 5,546
    Lily Ambrosia
    Lily Ambrosia

    Lineage : Nature's Child
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 22,200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature's Blessed Gift
    Second Skill: Gaia's Duality
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    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Empty Re: [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy)

    Post by Lily Ambrosia 23rd August 2021, 4:43 pm

    Her plantlike nature meant that Lily didn't hold a strong desire to eat most of the types of food the civilized folk laid out. While she was happy to munch on the watermelon slices for the most part she just smiled as she saw Octavia enjoy the feast, she herself instead just spreading her arms as she felt the sunlight on her body. The saltwater of the ocean wasn't really suitable for her to drink, but the sun on its own already brought her some nourishment, especially if she combined it with the minerals she obtained from the watermelons.

    "Sure! It was a lot of fun for me as well, and I learned a lot about the kind of festivals stonedwellers like!" Lily was glad that Octavia had enjoyed herself, so much that the blue-haired woman even wished to repeat the experience in the future. When she'd invited her fellow guild member Lily hadn't known just how it would work out, although her optimistic personality had made her firmly believe that it would be enjoyable. And as it turned out, that had been the case: while many of the things they'd done were new to her she had a great time.

    "Not that it's the first time I've gone to a festival, but this one is very different from the ones I've been at before." The dryad explained as she gazed out over the waters. "Usually people stay within their settlements, and spend a lot of time dancing and eating. There was also food here, but most of the festival was about moving about. And there was a lot more showing off of bodies than with most festivals." She giggled. "I guess even if civilized folk don't have fur to keep them warm sometimes it's too hot for them to wear clothes."

    Looking up at Octavia Lily took the hand, accepting the illusionist's help in standing up. Together the two of them would leave the beach. As much fun as the event had been the day had come to an end.


    [Event] Green Water, Blue Skies (Lily Ambrosia/Octavia Delecroy) Lily-a10

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