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    Radioactive Retrieval


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Radioactive Retrieval Empty Radioactive Retrieval

    Post by Admin 3rd April 2021, 4:04 am

    Job Title: Radioactive Retrieval
    Rank: A
    Category: Normal
    Job Location: Mortgate Town
    Solo Word Count: 5,000
    Group Word Count: 10,000
    Additional Requirements: N/A
    Job Description: The area is desolate, saturated with radiation and chemical waste that even a strong mage will take damage from. Not many willingly go here due to the acute hazard to their health, however, you are being paid a great amount to make the trek in to fetch some stuff. Many years ago there was a great family manor on a small mountain that overlooks Morgate Town, much of which was destroyed after the bombs fell. Once exiled from the family, a son of a maid and the head of house has returned to Fiore asking you to go and retrieve what heirlooms you can. Before entering the area, even the highest mage or creature will have to don protective equipment, which may perhaps be found at a store or market for those who wish to purchase it. Whatever heirlooms you retrieve need to be brought back to the Heir and locked inside a lead sealed box for the safety of all those nearby, as residue from the chemical waste and bombs still radiate out.

    Enemies: You have the ability to decide on the amount of enemies, their abilities, if they appear, and can create any other enemies if you so wish.

    • Thorn
      Although these may seem like a minor annoyance, it is important that one is wary of the plants which will tear away at your protective hazmat suit, leading to more toxic fumes and residue leeching into you body. Excess contamination may lead to prolonged nausea, headaches, hallucinations, hormone imbalances, and nerve pain. If too long is spent without treatment it may lead to increased chances of cancer or poisoning.
      Enemy Rank: Weak

    • Snakes
      Get bit and feel the pain. They will swarm, small and fast they snake up your pants and wrap around a torso or leg, every few seconds injecting you with as much venom as they can. Whilst the majority of snakes act like this there are rare cases of larger boa constrictors being spotted with their markings glowing slightly after a hearty feed.
      Enemy Rank: Normal

    • Wolves
      A pack of mutated wolves will nip at your heels. Any member of the party lagging behind will get swamped. If there is a member shown to be weak due to illness injury or age, they will get cornered. Unlike other wolves, these have been affected deeply by the chemicals in the area, now thinking only to attack one enemy with the entire pack at once, regardless of how many canine like creatures may die. Many of these are missing large chunks of flesh, various body parts, or were born with multiple limbs.
      Enemy Rank: Strong

    • Abomination
      The only way to describe this creature is abomination. There is a chance you will awaken the bubonic like disaster. Rising from the ground, it will feel like a mere earthquake until the acid wielding creature erupts from below, glowing slightly as it oozes out a noxious yellow liquid which is boiling and evaporating in some places. Looking much like many tumors glued together, it stands to the height of three average humans and is surprisingly fast. It uses AOE and multi-target attacks with its boiling acid due to having bad eyesight. You may be able to defeat this creature for a short amount of time, however, unless you 'kill' then heal it back above its original health therefore purging it of impurities, then it will simply fall unconscious when hitting 0hp and will reawaken within a few posts, chasing all intruders until they leave the area.
      Enemy Rank: Boss

    Reward: 75,000 jewel.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 10:37 am