Fairy Tail RP

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    Unsung Heroics


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Unsung Heroics Empty Unsung Heroics

    Post by Admin 1st April 2021, 10:16 pm

    Job Title: Unsung Heroics
    Rank: S
    Category: Normal
    Job Location: Calm Sea
    Solo Word Count: 7,000
    Group Word Count: 14,000
    Additional Requirements: N/A
    Job Description: There's a mysterious but well paying job posted on the job boards. They don't seem picky about who they get and no details other than 'ship required' are on it, but meeting up with the person who posted it will clear things up. The flyer gives a vague area to go wait and a person in a dark cloak will appear at some point. Once they do decide to show up, it's clear this is some secret endeavor. The person speaks with a voice changer and won't reveal their face. All they have is an envelope with coordinates out in the Calm Sea. They'll tell you only a little about the circumstances and instead tell you what they need you to do. The job is supposedly of critical importance to Fiore and will subvert a war. With who, they won't say. There's a base being set up off the southern tip of Fiore and the people there are planning an attack that could change everyone in Fiore's lives. Go there and dismantle it however you see fit. Don't get caught, or the results could be catastrophic.

    • Guards x20
      Average grunts, mostly just scrubs to alert others of your presence. They're armed with average weapons and really annoying sirens.
      Enemy Rank: Weak

    • Advanced Guards x5
      More scrubs, except these ones are armed and fight better. Their weapons are magical and your choice.
      Enemy Rank: Normal

    • Brute Hounds x25
      Oh, shoot! Someone let the dogs out! Dogs the size of wolves are all trained to devour you, and no matter what you do to try and throw them off your scent or trail, they can sense you and will attack you viciously.
      Enemy Rank: Strong

    • Timer
      The base is devoid of any form of leadership, presumably because you caught them while out. Once you make it to their quarters in the top-middle of the base, on their desk are papers with all the details of their plans, including a map with runes scrawled in specific places all over Fiore. You can't read the language though, as if it's enchanted to be coded or some lost tongue. As soon as you lift them, runes appear in the middle of the room in bright red, then sink down into the floor. The entire base starts to glow with scrolling red runes and shake. It looks like it's gonna blow up! A timer appears in the sky that's already ticking down. You have mere minutes to get back to your ship and get far enough away not to go down with the base. Once you get away, take these plans back to the shady cloaked person who got you started on this job.
      Enemy Rank: Boss

    Reward: 100,000 jewel.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 12:19 pm