Fairy Tail RP

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    Penance (Julius)


    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 2,055

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dark Écriture
    Second Skill: 2nd Gen Sky Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Penance (Julius) Empty Penance (Julius)

    Post by Mitsuo 7th March 2021, 10:39 am

    Job Details:

    Penance (Julius) SirXwRd

    A cool breeze worked its way through the port town of Cedar, snaking through the endless rows of houses and shops, and rustling masts and sails on ships at harbour. The sounds of sea birds could be heard over the hustle and bustle of the busy marketplace, many a person making trade of currency for fish, jewels, magic and other such goods. Most seemed to be in a good mood with the sun hanging high above the village, but “most” did not have to deal with the grim task that two young men had been sent on today. Teenage girls in several locations, including right here in Cedar, were being...accosted...by a mystery “gentleman” who would visit them, leave them indecent, and disappear into the night. It seemed as though he had some kind of magical way to have the girls bow to his will, and they had been hired to send him a message, or to take him out...which was the path that Mitsuo Takahashi had decided would serve this monster best. Anyone who would use magic to take advantage of someone in such a way didn’t deserve to breath.

    Wearing long gloves and sleeves that would cover his guild mark on his forearm, a long necked shirt to cover his mouth, and having a kitsune mask to hide his face, the young man wouldn’t have the guild implemented in his actions. In their history they had moved up and down the scale of legality, but now they were right in the middle, and Mitsuo didn’t want to be responsible for their reputation tanking once again. He wasn’t sure exactly what he was going to do to the man when the two of them found him, but he knew that it was going to be bloody and not nearly as horrible as the man deserved. He could feel the pair of brass knuckles in his one pocket, and the piano wire in the other. One thing was certain...this man wasn’t going to get out of this town alive. He leaned against a building in the shadows observing the crowds in the marketplace, watching for his partner as he did so.

    (360) @Julius Seas


    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Penance (Julius) Empty Re: Penance (Julius)

    Post by Julius Seas 7th March 2021, 11:49 am

    Monster Hunter World ~ Astera (day):

    Fiore was known for a lot of it's cities but Julius only knew like three of them which were: Rose garden, Hargeon town and Magnolia town. He knew these towns mostly because most of the jobs he took were in those towns. Cedar was a town Julius had never heard of but apparently it was a port town just like Hargeon town this time had a more diversity then Hargeon and with diversity Julius thought more shadier, but nothing Julius wasn't accustomed in his time with Black Sails he dealt with a wide arrange of people due to their neutral status, in fact Cedar seemed to look a lot like Black Sails when they became the Western Fiore Trading Company. On the surface they seemed like a respectable company but down under was their guild, Cedar on the surface looked like a nice town, you had people visiting the market and trade their wares like any normal market but Julius could feel shadier stuff was happening. His time at Black sails really made him see places in the world with an different perspective heck even his current guild, Fairy Tail seemed to have it's own secret shadier side. Members were allowed to go on dark jobs but only in disguise, the whole disguise part sent a shiver through Julius' spine. Ugh again with this whole disguise bullshit... Julius said with a disguised tone. First Black Sails went with that circus and now Fairy Tail as well... On the surface Julius seemed like he was complaining but there was also some annoyance cause it took him back to his time at Black Sails. You may call it a circus but you're one the clowns now as well, Julius hahahaha Squable found the whole situation entertaining. You can laugh all you want bird brain, but if you think about it, it really is ridiculous why being neutral when you're telling your members to disguise themselves? I am a wizard damn it not some cosplayer... Julius eventually just sighed and admitted defeat in the end he is just happy being back in Fairy Tail.

    Now where were supposed to meet again? Julius asked as he shielded his eyes with his hand for the sun. Oh you're talking about that Mitsuo fella right? Yup I think he said we would meet around here somewhere... Julius looked around but it due to how busy it was it was almost like looking for a needle in hay Who is that guy anyways? I don't know, all I know is that was already around the guild when I first joined Fairy Tail and that just like me he recently rejoined as well. Julius could remember Mitsuo by face but that's pretty much it since the two of them never really talked. Make sure you also keep your eyes peeled for anyone who is more interested in younger girls. Julius almost threw up by just saying it, the reason the two mages where here was, because recently females in the younger age category had found themselves become pregnant without knowing when it happened. We are going to find this guy and put him behind bars no matter what.

    Julius looked around more and saw someone dressed as a ninja with a kitsune mask in a dark alleyway. Julius sighed and facepalmed, he walked up to Mitsuo and stood beside him against the wall in the shadows and crossed his arms. You do know we could've waited till nightfall for our little dress up party, my dear? Julius said sarcastically to Mitsuo.

    Words: 593
    Word count: 953/3000



    Penance (Julius) X9tEBuc

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 2,055

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dark Écriture
    Second Skill: 2nd Gen Sky Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Penance (Julius) Empty Re: Penance (Julius)

    Post by Mitsuo 7th March 2021, 4:06 pm

    He spotted him, the man whom he had travelled here with, a man whom he had seen several times in the past during his time in the Fairy Tail guild before his leave. He knew him as Julius, an impressive water mage who was building up a good reputation when the two of them had crossed paths in the past. He had never had the chance to work with him, sadly, but he was looking forward to getting to work with a familiar face, even if it was one he had only spoken with so briefly. When he originally joined Fairy Tail, Julius was the first person to greet him before he met Heero, and that always stuck with him. If he had made his way back to Fairy Tail as well, they clearly had something in common as two wizards leaving and returning to the same guild at around the same time was no coincidence. He was easy to pick out of the crowd today, mostly because he looked just like he had when Mitsuo had seen him earlier, still in his regular attire, not disguised yet.. The younger mage cocked an eyebrow and slid his mask away from his face when Julius inquired about his disguise, chuckling slightly as he shrugged.

    “We certainly could have, friend...but I figured if we got an early crack at things this...monster would have less chance at doing whatever it is he does to entrance these young girls.” Mitsuo’s voice was calm and kind at first, but turned curt as soon as he began speaking about their charge. “Besides, I look fantastic right now. Nothing like dialing the edgelord level up to eleven.” Another chuckle and back to the kindness that he was more known for. He noted the parrot that accompanied the man, nodding to it and smiling. “Nice to see you again Squabble, it feels like it’s been a lifetime.” He remembered the bird as well, having greeted him as well all that time ago. Mitsuo had been a shy child back then, terrified as he began his new life. Julius, Heero and of course Squabble had made him feel welcomed in that place, and he would always appreciate that.

    “This is the busiest area in town; basically all of the business in Clover Town takes place here. Predators like our course...sorry...target...like to hunt in crowds for the most part. I’m guessing he’s fairly bold considering the number of girls who have been afflicted by him, so it’s fair to say we might be able to either find him, or hear more about him in this place.” He had become far more confident over the years, that confidence going hand in hand with competence. He had done several missions in the past for Fairy Tail, and each one had helped him grow, but now he was back to square one with the guild, something that disappointed him and at the same time drove him to truly prove himself. He had already spotted a few potential suspects, but he couldn’t go just killing everyone he thought might be at fault...or could he?

    “So what do you figure, friend?” He purposely didn’t use Julius’s name as they were supposed to be under cover. “When we find him, what’s the best course of action. You’re more experienced than I, and I defer to that experience.”

    Post - 561
    Total Thread - 1514


    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Penance (Julius) Empty Re: Penance (Julius)

    Post by Julius Seas 8th March 2021, 2:23 pm

    Monster Hunter World ~ Astera day theme:

    Julius looked as Mitsuo as he was undoing himself of his mask and collar. Julius could tell in his eyes that he appeared to be somewhat annoyed at the fact Julius wasn't in disguise yet, and the answer to that was cause he didn't feel like yet for one he held a grudge at playing dress up for jobs and two he would stick out like sore thumb more then he already was by going for the disguise he had planned. Mitsuo shrugged towards Julius when he had finally undone himself of the collar and mask. Julius crossed his arms and took a better look at the boy and in a flash a memory appeared in Julius' mind of the earlier days when he first joined Fairy Tail, he remembered meeting Mitsuo back then in fact Julius was the first person to welcome him. That's right... I was the first person to meet you back then... For a brief moment Julius' smile went to a frown of sadness and then quickly made a disgusted face and shivered. Oi you alright Julius? You looked rather grim there for a second... Like you seen a ghost for a second. Squable asked concerned, Julius quickly regained his composure and coughed. Right... You could say I saw a ghost and it was the ghost of the past.

    Mitsuo explained his reason for already being in disguise was that it would seem easier to act before he even had the chance to prey on another girl, Julius raised an eyebrow while he had his arms crossed. It was an admirable and logic way to think but a stupid way as well, the sun is still up and the streets where still rather busy and besides they don't even know what their target looks like it's one of the very reasons they guy is still on the loose all they know is that they wear a hood. Suddenly like a flip that has switched inside his head he went from more serious to a more happier nature and commented how he looked in his disguise. Julius still had recover from the internal whip lash he went through he rarely had seen someone go through two emotional states that quickly but Julius just went with the flow in the end. Well I am sure your Ninja couture would get tens across the boards. Julius chuckled, it felt nice to have a casual conversation like that again he had missed it in his time traveling the world, the only companion with him at that time was Squable. Though the realization of being on the clock right now had hit him somewhat like a truck this wasn't really the time for pleasantries. Mitsuo even said hi to Squable, something Julius was a bit surprised about cause he felt that his parrot rarely gets acknowledged. Sure has been a while mate! Hope you've been doing while all that time? The world can be a scary place, right Julius? Squable turned to Julius. I don't really think this isn't the time to trade adventure stories, this guy won't wait for us to catch him. Julius looked into the sky and the sun had started to go down.

    Mitsuo went into detail how his train of thought worked in this situation and even asked Julius' opinion on the matter cause he felt somewhat less experienced. Well for starters, our guy may be bold but not stupid harassing a girl in broad daylight would only bring attention, remember there is a reason this guy still hasn't been caught. I suggest we take it to the roofs and keep a hawks eye view of the area... The sun had set and sky was filled with stars as far as the eye could see. Julius reached to a pocket inside his pirate coat and pulled out a white mask, a mask he hadn't worn in a very long time. He grabbed his pirate hat and gave it to Squable who grabbed it with his claws. Go and wait for us at our rendezvous point we'll take the rest from here. Squable nodded and flew away. Julius placed the mask on his face, his blond hair started to colour black, his blue pirate coat changed into a more sleeker black one as well as his pants and shoes, to top it all off he now wore red gloves. In this form you can address me as Phantom. When we find this guy I ask you detain him cause there is something I want to ask you. Julius looked at Mitsuo with a serious face. So... what shall your name be? Should I call you Fox? Or maybe Inari? Or do you prefer kitsune? Hurry and take your pick because we have to hurry, our guy won't wait for you think! Julius started to climb the building they were standing against, his disguise gave him some more flexibility.

    Julius' disguise:

    Words: 822
    Word count: 2336/3000



    Penance (Julius) X9tEBuc

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 2,055

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dark Écriture
    Second Skill: 2nd Gen Sky Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Penance (Julius) Empty Re: Penance (Julius)

    Post by Mitsuo 8th March 2021, 3:21 pm

    As the two of them stood their and discussed the past, and current plans, Mitsuo watched as the shadows began to stretch further, heralding the coming of evening, and then the time he was at his strongest...night. He would feel a tang of irritation as he was somewhat dressed down for his opinion, but nothing he would let show as he’d simply nod along to the take to rooftops suggestion. Julius would pull out his mask and ask Mitsuo to detain the criminal when they found him, the scowl behind the turtle neck hidden as the man seemingly was suggesting they don’t kill this jackass. “Very well. Generally sticking to shadow is my strong point, my particular set of skills working particularly well for that kind of thing. But, soon enough this won’t matter. When darkness envelops all the tide shifts in my favour.”

    He would re-affix his mask and almost laugh at the man’s flair for the theatrical, choosing the tag “Phantom” but realizing he was just as bad for that kind of stuff with his line about the darkness. “Kitsune is fine.” He would say in response as he was asked what Julius should call him, back to his more serious tone. While he had heard a few things about him, Mitsuo didn’t actually know what Julius’s fighting style was. He had only met him the once, and that was a brief kind introduction from a kid who honestly was likely as different from this man than Mitsuo had been from what he was now. The two of them were an interesting pairing, showing an evolution of wizards over a length of time into two very different people. Mitsuo was a little disappointed he wasn’t at his best without his sword, but he had to challenge himself and figured this would be a good way to do so. The young swordsman had spent his entire life training to integrate sword with magic, but was relatively untested without it.

    He would watch as Julius went to climb before looking around and smirking under his mask, using his affinity with the darkness to meld into the shadows, performing what he had come to call a shadow step as a second later he was atop the building in the shadow of the setting sun, keeping close to Julius but showing off a little bit. As their search began on the rooftops, Mitsuo would scan the streets and crowds, frowning at the amount of people obstructing his vision, but not letting it get him down as he spotted a few potential suspects once again, one of the ones he had tagged from earlier seemingly following somebody. It was difficult for him to see exactly what was happening, but he’d point towards the figure so that Julius could see the motion before stepping another building closer and reaching for a piece of chalk in his pocket. If this was their man he would be ready to write up a script to immediately turn the tides in his favour.

    As he prepared to begin to write out his runes, the individual that he had been watching turned away and was walking away from the woman, Mitsuo cocking an eyebrow and frowning once more as it seemed this wasn’t their man. He didn’t take his eyes off of him though, as he could sense a magical affinity to the man, and he refused to give up. That would prove fruitful as he watched the man make his way towards another spot where there was a young lady walking alone, not near anyone else. He would grit his teeth and write out a script with his chalk;

    Let he who casts this spell sprout wings so that he may know the freedom of flight.

    As it had been written, it was so, and dark wings sprouted from the young wizards back, an avenging angel ready to swoop down on his prey...

    Post – 656
    Total Thread - 2992/3000


    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    Penance (Julius) Empty Re: Penance (Julius)

    Post by Julius Seas 9th March 2021, 2:43 pm

    As Julius made it to the top of the roof he looked down to see if Mitsuo was on his way to the top but to Julius' surprise the boy in ninja garments was nowhere to be found and suddenly he was behind Julius, it startled him a bit to be fair but he wasn't planning on showing it. Mitsuo agreed to have kitsune be his alias for this time maybe in a future job they should discuss code names again.

    Julius started to look around in the area to see if he could see anyone suspicious, he yawned as he had been on the move for a while now. God it has been a while to be on the move for so long... Julius stretched his arms out of fatigue, he wouldn't admit it but when it came to do things as a wizard he was still a bit rusty. Looking at the streets all Julius' saw were some people entering bars, drunk guys having a brawl on the streets and couples making their way home.

    Maybe a stakeout like this was a bad idea... Have you seen anything yet, Mitsuo? Julius looked behind him and saw Mitsuo pointing to someone, he quickly looked towards the direction Mitsuo was pointing at and saw a man making his way towards a girl at a rapid pace. As he looked at Mitsuo to discuss course of action the man had suddenly sprouted wings out of nowhere, Julius had a puzzled look on his face as he had no idea where this guy suddenly pulled wings from. Before the water mage had even the chance to ask questions the man jumped of the roof and glided towards his target. Julius sighed and shrugged as he had to make his way to the man. Julius ran as fast as he could to catch up to the mysterious man, as Julius got close he jumped from the roof and pushed the man with his head to the ground. The man fell unconscious due to the impact Julius made on his head. Out of precaution, Julius made sure he tied the man's legs and arms to make sure he won't escape if he suddenly woke up.

    Julius reached into a pocket inside of his black coat and pulled from it a knife and reached it out to Mitsuo. As you're the one who found him first I give you the choice. Spare the man and let him live the rest of his miserable life in a cell to lock away or end his life right here or now. Just so you know to me there is no wrong answer in this matter.

    Words: 447
    Word count: 3439/3000



    Penance (Julius) X9tEBuc

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 2,055

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dark Écriture
    Second Skill: 2nd Gen Sky Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Penance (Julius) Empty Re: Penance (Julius)

    Post by Mitsuo 9th March 2021, 11:34 pm


    0507 WORDS

    3946 THREAD
    @Julius Seas
    Gnat Eminem
    Nothing can stand in my way on my metoric rise to the top. I'm going to achieve greatness. Let those who would oppose me be consumed by darkness and suffer.
    Mitsuo’s frustration at not having his sword would boil over when Julius had managed to get to their enemy and subdue him before did. Mitsuo was faster, his shadow step and his flight, there was no question. He would land and watch as Julius hog tied the man, something that Mitsuo wasn’t necessarily all for but he wasn’t going to question it, and saw him reach into his pocket. He’d pull out a knife, handing it to Mitsuo and explaining how he was going to give the choice to him of how to deal with this. Mitsuo would take it out of respect, pulling the man away from Julius slightly so that he’d have a little bit more  space to work. Somebody like this didn’t deserve a quick death, and Mitsuo wasn’t going to give it to him. He would cut the man’s hamstrings first, quickly forcing him to wake up before Mitsuo took his brass knuckles and knocked him out once again. He didn’t need anyone to hear what was about to happen.

    Mitsuo would dip a finger into the man’s blood, pooling below his legs, and begin to write out a set of runes ;

    All who step within these grounds shall be stricken with silence and unable to speak

    He would cut the binds that held the man, being unable to move at this point due to the first injury and would begin to run his blade across his skin, stabbing into his shoulder and shocking the man back into consciousness. His horrid scream was lost to the void of Mitsuo’s magic, and not a sound escaped the circle that had formed around him as Mitsuo carved the man up, removing his fingers, toes, and other bits before moving to his face and taking his ears, nose, tongue and last his eyes. He would take the wire in his pocket out and wrap one end around the handle of the knife and the other around the brass knuckles, creating a garrote that he would wrap around the man’s throat and squeeze the life out of him while also cutting into his neck, severing his carotid artery. At the end he wouldn’t admire his handywork, and instead would take one of his fingers and use it to write on a nearby wall, in the man’s blood;

    Let this man’s fate stand as a warning. Any person who preys on children or the underage, or anyone who misuses Magic for evil gains, shall suffer this man’s fate. None shall escape this wrath, for even in brightest day, nobody can escape the shadows.

    With that, Mitsuo would pass the knife back to Julius, pocketing the wire and knuckles and saying ”We should get going, we don’t want to be here when they find it...” And with those words he would turn his back away from the man, never to look back or think about him again. He had done a good thing tonight, and there was one less terrible human being, if he could be called that, left in the world...

    {Exit Thread}


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