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    No Man's An Island (Social)


    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 85
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,155

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asura Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    No Man's An Island (Social) Empty No Man's An Island (Social)

    Post by Homura 26th November 2020, 11:20 am

    Homura had only just entered the guildhall and was given a brief tour by one of the officers of the guild. Though he had to admit, he wasn't 100% thrilled to be there. The building was pristine, better than the small satellite location building back in Cedar. He preferred that place more for the easy means of traveling to and from one job to the other. It was better for him to keep moving, but on this island was another problem.

    Due to Asura inside him, it was not smart to have a single place to stay. He was a walking time bomb waiting to happen if Asura got rowdy and took him over. The bastard of a demonic god would even at times take him over in his sleep, and have a 'fun time' when he wasn't even aware of it. Even worse, an island was not the best place he felt at home with water all around and no fast way to travel.

    He felt confined there, for better or worse. On his own, he wouldn't mind. But this island was the HQ to the guild. How could he be allowed to stay there and be a risk factor.

    Homura now rested in the mess hall of the guildhall, sitting rather unconventionally with his back to the table-- feet kicked up against another adjacent stool to rest on. Anyone who would see him would see clearly a loner out of his element. His stay there was not a welcomed one as it was a change he didn't know what to do.

    Oh, don't like it here? We could blow it up. Hahahah... Asura laughed inside his head. Come on. It be fun!

    Homura gritted his teeth and gave the side of his head a mild strike with his palm. "Shut up... you will not do anything of the sort here. This is our guild's home base." he grumbled to himself.

    Ha! Like no one here doesn't want to play rough. Come on, just five minutes, boy. I promise I'll leave their limbs in tact. he pestered. Asura KNEW he would never get his way-- but it didn't stop him from trying to annoy Homura for it.

    Homura dug his fingers into his crossed arms-- containing his own anger and nerves. The more angrier he got, the more Asura could arrest control, so he tried to keep his cool. He took a deep breath and rested back, trying to appear somewhat natural despite his unusual 'roguish' state of rest.

    Needless to say, the nameless young man new to this ultra-elite Guild Hall would no doubt raise questions to those nearby. Least of all to try and make a conversation.

    WC: 451



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 23,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: None
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill: None

    No Man's An Island (Social) Empty Re: No Man's An Island (Social)

    Post by Aoi 28th November 2020, 1:39 pm

    Some things never changed with the seasons. It made nature that much more interesting of a life to see it ever changing with its own shifts. The seasons change and with it birth new things as swiftly as it kills off others. This endless cycle had brought life to adapt to the best of its abilities and it amazed her whenever something seemed to be withstanding the rest of time, so to speak. It brought a few things into a little bit of a new light for the cursed mage, but not enough to change her disposition of her own life. She was still down on her own luck and mentality overall. And frankly it wasn’t much higher than usual, but enough she felt she could at least take a walk around the island for some fresh air.

    Specifically, her sight had been set on that of the few bushes around the island closest to the guild hall were always well tended to very tenderly. Something the farmer in her had taken notice to every time she’d previously passed the flora, but never really took the time to really appreciate whomever had taken the time out to do this sort of thing. Maybe that’s what she should do. Look into who was this mystery gardener and try to make a little small talk with them... unless it was Officer Pegasus. That... that would be no small talk for her.

    Shaking her head free of that thought, the cursed mage entered in the main doors of the guild hall and held little eye contact with anyone. What she did manage to pause for was seeing someone she hadn’t really recognized before. The officer raised a brow for a moment seeing someone new having been standing around as if they were waiting for something. But, if they were someone wanting to join or just having joined, she couldn’t just leave them there... Wait, maybe if someone was nearby she could get to do it for her? Peering around the room, nobody she saw was at her rank or close to and frankly it was annoying. She didn’t have the mentality to be around new people, but she had a job to do and frankly if she put her head into a different space, it might help.

    The brunette dressed in full uniform and her mouthguard just being removed from her mouth, she let out a sigh and approached the somewhat out of place man. Though it wasn’t from any lack of a uniform on that made him look out of place, however she had to think he was from being so unfamiliar to her own memory. Then again, she didn’t know everyone by face, so it could just be he was one of those whom slipped through the cracks of being seen by her before. Who knew? ”Howdy, partner. Are y’all new here or somethin’?” She asked, letting loose her whole draw of an accent.

    493 words



    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 85
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,155

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asura Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    No Man's An Island (Social) Empty Re: No Man's An Island (Social)

    Post by Homura 6th December 2020, 9:19 pm

    Asura tried to calm the whirlwind of his own head as well as the miasma that Asura was trying to cause in him. When he focused, truly focused, he could silence Asura for a time. It was then he could actually feel 'normal' and not the vessel for a vengeful god. He felt he could be in control a bit and relax. Maybe he would try some of the food this galley had to offer. He was a bit hungry as he considered his next step...

    It was then a voice spoke up to him. He drew his head up to soon find a new face. A young woman with very, very long black hair with hints of red in her locks. She had a lily like flower in her hair and had a deep, almost haunted look in her eyes. Homura was wordless as he acknowledged her, as if she had her own baggage weighing her down today. Despite it, she was here trying to greet him.

    He gave a kind smile to her, as best as he could muster. "Hey there," Homura greeted her in return. "You certainly seem like a lively one?"

    Still, he hadn't paid much attention to other members here, so he should try to reach out and get to know his fellows as well. "I take it your an older member to this guild, hm?" he asked cooly, almost casual despite his 'loner aura'

    WC: 240


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 10:41 am