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    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 61
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    Experience : 6,593

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    Post by Wiggles 9th November 2020, 10:24 am

    Scully came into the office, just like any other day. Pretty normal for someone of his standing, yet people would be delighted to see him whenever they pass by him. The gentle smile of happiness was always a welcome sight to those who saw it. Which makes the short walk from the front of the building to his desk very pleasing indeed, and it always ended in a sigh as he would sit down and go over the files and tasks he had to do today, as if it signified to put his game face on as his smile hid behind his grizzly beard and the fire in his intensified. For when all is said and done, he was still a cop and he had a duty, although the friendliness will never truly disappear, it just takes a little calling out for the fat man’s attention to be got.

    And it would be got, when a superior approached his desk worriedly accompanied with a worried look in his eyes as if the fate of all of Earthland hung in the balance. Though Scully can’t tell what it was all about since the man’s voice did not relay worry, only the sense of urgency, but only a minimal amount. He had leaned in and calmly explained that there was a situation in town by the residential area. It had turned into quite the scene and that the people are fearing for the hostages’ lives. To make matters worse, the hostage-taker is armed. Scully, knowing the gravity of the situation, and being completely self-aware, thought that perhaps there was someone better to handle the situation.

    “Come on, I don’t have that much magic. And you say this guy has a bomb strapped to his chest. Surely, there’s gotta be someone more qualified than me?” he wondered.

    “Sorry, management asked for you directly to handle this situation. Look, they wouldn’t be giving it to you if they thought you couldn’t handle it.” the superior replied, trying to encourage Scully to take the job for he had carried a rather optimistic tone throughout his explanation. “You can talk to guys here perfectly and convince them. You can do this.”

    “Yeah, but you guys are sane. This guy is clearly out of his mind.” he replied, still unsure of himself if he could. What if the hostage-taker can use magic, he thought? What? He was supposed to go there with just a silver tongue? Nevertheless, he was knee deep in it now, and with a sigh, he reluctantly accepted the assignment and headed to the scene on a standard ride for the Rune Knights.

    The ride itself was uneventful. Everything looked normal for the first few blocks they had passed by. Which was honestly a relaxing sight. Yes, this may be a big deal, but if most parts of the city aren’t affected, then perhaps this wasn’t that much  of a big deal after all. He had gotten to the scene, which was a little less than what he had been expecting, judging by how the man who put him up to this sounded. But still, his outlook towards the case would not change. No job is too small for him, especially if there are lives on the line, and that’s actually saying something because he is indeed a very, very humongous, fat man.

    Vehicles and other Rune Knights circled the building, creating a perimeter to ensure that the area is secured and under control. Various marksmen dotted the roofs of nearby buildings, ready to take a shot at the man once they had a clear one. There were several nosy civilians in the area which he thought was to be expected from a huge display such as this. Indeed, he took this all in once he had stepped out of his ride. He approached the Rune Knight in charge of the scene and asked for an update on the situation. Naturally, he approached as competently and professionally as he could, which to be fair, was hard for a fat man with no magic for since this is a magical world.  Nevertheless, they all respected him and may be just the man they were looking for because apparently they have heard stories of the jolly fat man back at headquarters.

    He wore a protective vest handed to him at the scene and approached the building with his hands up, eyeing the structure as he approached it slowly and noticed the bodies strewn across the ground, with medics assisting them. It would appear that many have tried to negotiate, or as he would overhear, try to catch the hostage-taker by surprise and take him out. Truly, Scully had his work cut out for him. These were very skilled mages on top of being a Rune Knight, but perhaps it was the fact that they were a mage that sealed their defeat. The door slowly opened as he neared it and reluctantly, he entered, still with his hands up.

    Inside, he found employees of the small bank in the district tied up on the floor, and a hostage-taker standing up on the side emanating a magic aura. He warned that if he tried to cast a single spell, the magic cast in the area would fire various spells at Scully. He squinted his eyes and slowly he reached for an object behind his back while telling him that it’s ok. There’s no need to be alarmed, but the criminal was still jittery. He couldn’t do anything though because he can’t detect usage of magic, and his aura would only attack people who're charging up magic power. He shouted at Scully. So much so that Scully believed that he was intimidating the smaller person in front of him, that has now brandished a gun at Scully.

    But Scully was still unwavering. He continued to move his hand further behind him as he stared at the man that would very much be his death with cold fierce eyes. The hand behind him stopped moving. The tension between the two was scary and was felt by everyone in the room, and everyone prepared for what will happen next. Scully’s expression grew even more serious, and the man before him could only imagine what he could do without magic. He might not be sure if a bullet would stop him anymore. The fat Rune Knight slowly took his hand out from his back and the criminal shouted at him to stop. But he didn’t stop, Scully’s face only grew more determined to pull the object out of his back all the while still saying words such as “It’s ok.” and “Everything’s alright.” the criminal only got more agitated. He was sweating profusely and he was shaking a lot. Despite all the threats, Scully won’t stop and the man had enough. He closed his eyes and took his shot from his silenced pistol…

    The hostage-taker slowly opened his eyes and was frightened in disbelief at what he beheld. Scully had his left hand up, it was bleeding from the gunshot that he took from the man while his right hand held a piece of sweet goodness.

    “Doughnut?” he asked. Smiling at the man that had just shot him.

    Stammering and stuttering, the shooter fell down and questioned all that had just happened. Scully sighed and sat down beside the scared man and still offered the doughnut to him. “Don’t worry, it’s not poisoned or anything. I’ve been eating from the same box since earlier.” he said, laughing at the end as he took another doughnut with his bleeding hand and ate it.

    “You don’t look like you’re the kind of guy to do this. So what gives?” he asked.

    “I-I-I needed the money… for my sister… She’s… dying…” the man replied, in tears at this point.

    “Don’t you have insurance for that? What’s your name by the way?” he said, finishing his doughnut and encouraging the man to eat his.

    “J-j-judy… Judy Andrew. We couldn’t afford healthcare so I just rushed her to the hospital and thought I could pay them off with any work I can find. But their rates are ridiculous.” he said sobbingly, putting his hands over his face and cried.

    Scully looked away and thought of what he had said. The man seems to be genuine in his story and stroked his beard. He wanted to help him, but on the other hand, he also had to answer for his crime.

    “How about you come work for me at my doughnut shop?” he said, happily. “One way we can prevent stuff like this from happening is by giving people opportunities. But you still have to serve your time. So how about you work my doughnut stand at the Rune Knight headquarters? Your sister will get the healthcare she needs, you’ll earn a living, and pay me off one day.”

    Judy was heavily considering Scully’s proposal. He’ll be in jail off working hours, and whatever he earned working the stand, Scully will take off from him as payment for answering his sister’s hospital bills, and anything he earns once it’s all paid off is his. Judy stopped crying and just looked at the doughnut Scully gave him. The doughnut that showed him another way. And after staring at it for a few seconds and then at Scully who had the same twinkle in his eyes from when he offered the doughnut. The doughnut of his new life. “I trust you. Don’t worry, Judy.” he calmly said as he placed his non-bleeding hand on his shoulder. The man wept and wept and offered his hands up to take him away. And after he had cuffed Judy, he lead him out of the door and explained the terms of his surrender to the other officers. “I’ll see you in headquarters.” Scully said, before they parted ways with a smile. Scully hopped on the same vehicle he came to the scene with to go back and the driver asked who he did it. Scully laughed and said “You just gotta be nice sometimes.” smiling afterwards.

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