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    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Empty ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾

    Post by desirée 18th July 2021, 2:43 am

    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Dd8a7pv-5ffe5d2b-4264-4c27-b645-88c8ad93b6ab.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzZkNTVlNTYxLTNiZWQtNDczNi1hMDc1LTdlYmFkYjE5MWRjN1wvZGQ4YTdwdi01ZmZlNWQyYi00MjY0LTRjMjctYjY0NS04OGM4YWQ5M2I2YWIucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

    Allowing for the brilliant, long strands of her hair to flutter behind her as she would fly across the skies of Fiore, the guildmistress of Luminous Rose found herself bound for the Mysterious Canyon, the home of a dragon said to mimic the heavenly creatures of the crystalline realm. A mythical beast of a lustrous golden color, it would be described upon the higher-ranked job boards to harness the elemental knowledge of steels and metals, able to cut just like an obsidian scalpel. This would not be the first time that Diamandis had challenged a dragon, and though it had been years since she faced one outside of the crystalline realm, she could never forget taking on two twin dragons with a Wizard Saint so many years ago in Crocus. It was a shame that the friendship that she had made on that day was cut short by her old friend's disappearance into the unknown, but she was slowly getting over things from so long ago like that. Having been through so many events one would deem as tragic throughout her life, such as being kidnapped by dark mages and facing the torment of her father, it was hard for Diamandis to not become nostalgic for the good times she spent with good people in this world, even if some of them were off in other worlds. The wholesome and prosperous life she once left behind to wage the war in the crystal realm was beginning to flourish just as it did back then. It made the crystalline girl feel exactly where she felt she belonged, even if she hadn't anticipated her return to Earthland. The universe is always bound to throw curveballs at one's reality, prompting change- it felt to the girl like this ideology was true more and more each day she spent back in Fiore, but finally, these changes felt a little bit better than they used to.

    However, sometimes changes within the folds of reality brought upon things that some people deem to be unfortunate, an ideal Diamandis is quite familiar with as well. Upon the horizon would emerge a heat-wave, affecting nearly all of Fiore and some of its surrounding nations- it was extremely warm outside to the point where wearing anything other than light clothes would not be a choice unless one was trying to die of a stroke! Some near record-breaking temperatures, it was clear that the summer months were at their peak within nature at the moment, and the feeling of this would especially be true to the girl as she would quickly flutter through the clouds. The sun would beat down on her back, which would remain partially exposed within a silk set of clothing that would drape down various parts of her body, such as her arms and legs- the designs on the pink apparel would seem to be reminiscent to one of the desert villages that resided within the southern parts of Fiore, which was exactly where she bought them from. Small beads of sweat forming upon her forehead as she would near closer to her destination, Diamandis would quickly waver downwards followed by the companions that would accompany her on this trip for dragon scales. Even though it felt very hot, the beautifully designed fashion of the desert was enchanted to protect the wearer from getting burned up by the sun, often worn by traders and wanderers alike- she finally had a use for one of the old articles of clothing that she hadn't been able to use since a few years ago, which would make her smile under the silky pink sheet of fabric that would cover the canvas of her face below her optics. Despite the acquiring of as much as she could ever wish for, both in her queendom and pop stardom, she did not like when things of hers went to waste. Wearing an old piece of clothing felt special when going on a job like the one she had gone on so long ago in the Desert Village when wearing it prior, or at least it did to her!

    Holding the notice of the quest up to catch her gaze while she would flutter throughout the clouds, the demon slayer would examine the depiction of what would be the entrance to the lair of the 'Gold Obsidian Dragon', a giant gaping hole surrounded by jagged golden fractals in a deep curve of the canyon. Shining upon the horizon would manifest the vision of just that- it would be a gaping hole in the side of the mountain that would look just like the drawing, and though it was quite deep into the range of rocky landforms, it wasn't that difficult to spot. Descending toward the expanse of flat rocks that would mark the landscape near the hole, upon a few falling rose petals and arrays of bright white and pink light Diamandis' sandals would now touch the ground. Observing her surroundings, her golden optics would flicker as she would look down at one of the large formations of crystalline gold.. it felt quite still to the touch of the crystalline being, as it was not embedded with holy fragments of light as her crystals were. If one were to marvel upon the guildmistress, she would appear to don one of these large holy gemstones upon the center of her forehead, which would shine a magnificent array of pink lights out of it- it would be the mark of the crystal realm, the outward manifestation of her soul. A brilliant, sparkling crown made of rose quartz, diamonds, and crystal roses would sit right above this lucent prism on her head, holding back the thick bundles of hair that would cascade all the way down her back- she would twirl one of the longer strands through her hair as she would approach the entrance of the dragon's lair, illuminating the edges of the cavern system in-front of where she would stand.

    "Huh, that looks like it's gonna be really deep, ♡" the guildmistress would exclaim, allowing her voice to slightly reverberating throughout the entrance of the lair as she would pet her exceed, "the job description said that the dragon's more likely to be dormant at the bottom of his layer on the hotter days of the summer, so I wonder if anyone else is going to turn up to collect some of the dragonscales~ ✰ It's the hottest day it's been all year, so I wouldn't doubt it! We should give it a little wait outside before we go in, it would be better for us to go in with some new friends if anyone else shows! ♡" Turning to exit the edge of the lair's jagged entrance, Diamandis would lean against one of the larger formations of crystals, slumping down to sit against the ground. Releasing a decadent pink backpack from the suspension of her back, she would unzip one of the bigger zippers (decked out in some cutesy star-shaped keychains and other cute pastel designs, of course!) and pull out a water bottle, unscrewing the top to rehydrate as she would wait. It was not a fear of the popstar's to challenge mythical creatures like this one alone, but establishing a party of challengers would be the best bet for an easy and guaranteed success, and for the ability to practice fighting alongside those with similar interests of her own if she got so lucky! By taking on this quest Diamandis wanted to experience just that, even if she didn't personally bring anyone along besides those that stick to her side with her every endeavor- she wanted to be able to grow even more toward what was deemed to be the pinnacle of ethereal power, and what better way than to spar with creatures from the times of the ancient gods?

    Removing the pink lacrima-based technology that she would utilize to provide a social aspect of her musical endeavors, Diamandis would smile as she would begin to scroll down one of her feeds, playing a cute little minigame that would pop up in her suggested. It would depict cute green frogs hopping across lilypads in a pink pond, and each jump had to be timed perfectly- it was quite hard, but with the music that was playing in the background being as rad as it was, she slowly began to get hooked. Wavering through the gentle winds that would blow through the canyon, the silk apparel that would reside among the body of the guildmistress would seem to be doing its job in cooling the girl just fine in the hot temperatures, even if she was a little bit sweaty. She would begin to hum to herself quietly as she would play the game, trying to make time pass- if she were lucky, she wouldn't be the only one preparing to make their way down into the depths of the dragon's lair. It wouldn't be the worst, in fact, it wouldn't be bad at all theoretically, but Diamandis was known for being quite the social butterfly, and she wanted to have a job partner today more than anything! Going into the cavern alone would be much more boring than with friends, after all! ♡

    post wc: 1,543
    job: obsidian gold

    Last edited by desirée on 23rd December 2021, 1:57 am; edited 1 time in total


    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ IY2eFxu


    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Empty Re: ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾

    Post by Fraag 18th July 2021, 2:04 pm

    Having joined a new guild after the disbanding of her former guild, due to the disappearances of the guild leaders, Suzhen had decided that was most expedient that she attempted to engage herself in guild business as much as she could. Life seemed to be nothing but twists and turns and inexplicable inconsistencies, for the most part, and it seemed to be behooved for mortals to attempt to carve out some level of stability in the whirlwind mess called existence. Of course, there was the occasional case of life throwing curveballs, and sadly, that event seemed a bit too often to be occasional. Still, it was always best to make do with what one had, and for Suzhen, that meant making money, as well as advertising herself to Fiore, and possibly Earthland, while she was at it. But none of this was as important as getting stronger. A few events of the past had forced the Dongxian scholar to reevaluate herself and her strength level. Most people would say that at her level, she was one of the stronger folk around. However, there were always stronger ones than she was, and when some of these stronger ones were thoughtless about the lives of others, then she would have to interpose herself to see if she could save the helpless ones. Not being strong enough to face an opponent mightier than she was only meant that she would end up being unable to save those who needed her help, but she would also be at the mercy of the evil ones. Such a thing, to Bai Suzhen, was totally unacceptable.

    But for most of those who were strong, it was no news that the building of strength lay in the desire to improve, and the will to see that desire through. If one was born a god, or demon, or some other such powerful unnatural entity, perhaps striving to become stronger might not make sense. Of course, there could be arguments that Suzhen's power was thrust on her at birth, by a sleight of chance, and as such, she didn't have to work for it, but that was a lie. Even though Suzhen had been born as the Vessel of the World Serpent, it had taken a great deal of physical training for her body to be able to contain the powers she drew from the World Snake, and it had taken an even greater deal of mental training to be able to control herself from yielding to the influences of the mighty beast which lent her a fraction of its power. And still, she had a very long way to go. The end was not in sight, but then, as Dongxians liked saying, it was the journey that was the greatest experience. Suzhen would therefore walk the path before her, striving to grow stronger and stronger, so that her very presence would bring calm to people around, having the assurance that they were safe, no matter what had been plaguing them moments before. And Suzhen had found a place which showed promises of helping her realize this dream. She had found and become affiliated with the guild Luminous Rose, and shortly after joining this guild, had already begun to make new enemies, as well as friends. Maybe this was proof that she was on the right path. Suzhen wanted to think so.

    Anyway, as far as guilds were concerned, Suzhen had seen a guild job on the Luminous Rose mission board, and had gladly taken it, for no other reason than the fact that this job was one of the types called a 100 Year job, one that promised to kill all but the strongest mages. Now, in retrospect, the Dongxian wondered whether her taking this mission was not simply borne out of a desire to prove to herself that she wasn't useless, that she wasn't as weak as she had almost been forced to imagine she was. Whichever the case, Suzhen was content to accept that trying to rest and go on vacations would not make her any better, hence her desire to take this job. As a matter of fact, it was her desire to rest and have some moments of peace and quiet that had led to a very troublesome situation with a dark mage, a situation that had caused her to keep thinking about whether she was truly worthy to be trusted with the lives of Earthlanders, when the time came for people to trust in a hero to save them. Well, it was all well and good to beat herself up over a perceived failure, but beating herself up would never result in her improving or getting any better. So, she had taken a mission to go and get scales from the back of some giant crystalline lizard. Just how difficult could it be?

    Walking through a narrow gorge in the Mysterious Canyon, Suzhen gave herself the answer. For starters, it was actually a dragon, which meant a whole different thing from if it was actually a lizard. Also, there had been rumors about this place, about how dangerous it was. The fact that no one had attacked a lone woman walking in the middle of this dry and deserted wilderness area probably meant that the attackers were chasing better prey, had cleared the area, or were waiting for the best time to spring an ambush. If such an ambush came, Suzhen would be ready. She was dressed in a white Dongxian-style dress, tailored in her personal style: elegant, but with enough skin exposed, and allowing great mobility. This was particularly helpful due to the fact that the temperature of the canyon was maddeningly high, and the fact that she had naturally occurring hyperthermia did not encourage her to try covering up, even when the weather was more clement than it was now. She carried a parasol of the same color as her clothes: white, and strapped to her back was a monk's spade, while some strange chained and bladed weapon hung from her belt. These would be enough to inform an observer that she was probably no stranger to fights, although the level to which she could use those weapons could probably not be determined just by looking at her.

    In time, the Dongxian arrived at a large cave, obviously the lair of this Gold Obsidian Dragon. The golden crystals that framed the mouth of the hole were a telltale enough sign. Positioned at the mouth of the cave was a young woman, dressed from top to bottom in pink, who looked familiar. As Suzhen came closer, she realized with delighted surprise that the person was none other than her guild master, the crystal mage known as Diamandis. Well, it wasn't particularly surprising that the Luminous Rose guild leader would be here, with the mage's apparent interest in gems. Suzhen spent a few seconds admiring the way the fierce light of the afternoon sun scattered in different spectra thrown about by the lady's crown, each strand of light changing with even the subtlest move of her head. A thought occurred to Suzhen. Diamandis was always wearing pink. Even the official color of their guild was pink. Even an idiot could guess what the guild leader's favorite color was. "Hi, Pinkie," Suzhen said brightly, foregoing the formal way Dongxians would favor greeting their leaders, and going for a more informal tone, seeing as Diamandis seemed to be the sort of person to not like the constricting nature of formalities. The nickname had just flashed into Suzhen's mind, and the Dongxian maiden thought it was apt. "What are you doing here? Don't tell me you're also looking to harvest some scales from the mighty lizard beyond. Are you waiting for anyone in particular? And that game looks fun. What's it called?"

    WC: 1305
    Total WC: 2848


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3579
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Empty Re: ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 18th July 2021, 11:47 pm

    Wearing her signature green, gold and white outfit with black bike shorts on underneath the skirt, Leona also wore her Argent Gloves on her hands and backpack of supplies on her back that included not only food and water but her green tank top and her khaki cargo shorts. She carried them in case she needed a change of clothing for some reason. She also carried Ses Revanche in her right boot and her Ranger Laser Rifle slung on her right shoulder. It felt strange traveling without her Silver Longsword on her left hip, but the sword would be of little use against what she was hunting today. Even though she was uncertain how much use her Ranger Laser Rifle would be against her quarry, attacking it from a distance with the rifle was definitely a lot safer than trying to get close enough to attack it with her Silver Longsword.

    Today her quarry was a dragon that was said to be made of "a golden, glass-like stone." Her job was to slay the mythical beast, then claim some of the ore that its scales were made of. Leona had taken a job like this before with Luna Mira of Sabertooth many months ago, but it sounded like a new dragon had taken the place of the dragon she and Luna had slain. Perhaps it was a dragon of the same species residing in a different lair in Mysterious Canyon, but she would not know for certain until she found its lair and went inside to confront it.

    Leona felt the wind blow through her hair as she walked through the western stretch of Mysterious Canyon and looked around for any enemies that might present themselves. She had not encountered any opposition yet: so far her worst enemy was the heat in the area, which was making Leona seriously question her choice of outfit. The long-sleeved outfit top was not the best choice for a hot area and before she was tempted to just wear her green tank top with the green, gold, and white skirt. However, she was a Wizard Saint and she needed to dress in a manner appropriate to her status. Like in her last job for Mister Burke that had taken her to Forgotten Deserts, Leona would just have to bear the heat until the job was finished.

    Having already spent enough time on the issue, Leona did not want to waste any more time standing around and questioning her choice of clothing, so she started walking again at a brisk pace to make up for lost time. The wind picked up again for just a moment, blowing her hair about and giving the Wizard Saint subtle encouragement to keep going. She just had to put one foot in front of the other, but that was easier said than done in this hot climate. It was a good thing that she had brought plenty of water to drink and had worn a light-colored outfit. It was also a good thing that she was a native of Desierto; living in Desierto for sixteen years of her life had given her plenty of time to get accustomed to traveling in hot climates.

    -Mysterious Canyon, outside the dragon's lair-

    Leona was not sure how long it had taken her to reach the entrance to the dragon's lair because she had lost track of time while traveling, but there was no mistaking it once she had reached it. The entrance was marked by a lot of golden crystalline formations that she had not seen anywhere else while traveling in the canyon. Then there was the location... according to the job notice, the dragon's lair was deep in the western stretch of Mysterious Canyon and she had traveled deep into the western stretch of Mysterious Canyon. This had to be the place.

    Leona looked towards the entrance a second time and noticed that crystalline formations around the entrance to the dragon's lair were not the only thing of interest here. She saw two young women standing a short distance away from the mouth of the cave. They were standing at an angle and looked like they were distracted by something the pink-haired young woman of the pair was holding, so the Wizard Saint could not get a good look at their faces. However, she felt magic signatures from both of them and knew that she was in the presence of mages.

    One of the mages was a pink-haired young woman wearing pink clothing of a style that Leona did not readily recognize and the other mage was a violet-haired young woman wearing a white dress of a style Leona did not recognize at all. The violet-haired mage also carried a white parasol, a strange weapon on her back, and a strange chained and bladed weapon hanging from her belt; Leona did not recognize either of those two weapons. The blonde briefly wondered if both mages were here to hunt and slay the dragon.

    Then she thought about what she was thinking and criticized herself for being so dense.

    Of course they were here to slay the dragon.

    What kind of dumb question was that?

    It was a good thing Leona had taken some time to think before speaking because had she opened her mouth to ask such a stupid question the two young women would have laughed her out of Mysterious Canyon. Now she did not look like an idiot and would be treated seriously by the mages. Before introducing herself to the pair Leona took a few moments to catch her breath after traveling for so long without a break. She waited in silence for a minute or two before working up the courage to finally speak. Taking a quiet breath to prepare herself for interacting with new people, Leona finally gathered her courage and greeted them.

    "Hello there. I'm Leona Jarnefeldt." Leona introduced herself to them. She did not bother giving her titles just yet because those were less important than her name. Having introduced herself to them, she then waited patiently for the two young women to introduce themselves to her.

    [Post Word Count: 1,024]
    [Leona's Word Count: 1,024]
    [Total Word Count: 3,872]


    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Empty Re: ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾

    Post by desirée 20th July 2021, 1:55 pm

    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Dd8a7pv-5ffe5d2b-4264-4c27-b645-88c8ad93b6ab.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzZkNTVlNTYxLTNiZWQtNDczNi1hMDc1LTdlYmFkYjE5MWRjN1wvZGQ4YTdwdi01ZmZlNWQyYi00MjY0LTRjMjctYjY0NS04OGM4YWQ5M2I2YWIucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

    Tapping away at the surface of her lacrima-tech, the frog that would hop from lilypad to lilypad would now appear to don a bundle of pink flowers on top of its head, an appearance change that would show after reaching a high enough level of hops. Having fallen into the pink pond and being forced to restart from the beginning, however, made Diamandis let out a sigh as she would proceed to start the level over again- however, upon the horizon would manifest a familiar-looking indigo-haired mage, which would become more and more recognizable to the guildmistress. It was no other than one of her new guildmates, Bai Suzhen! ♡ Allowing the plump olive-green amphibian on her screen to do a flip into a bellyflop into the abyss of pink, followed by an announcement of a game over, she would quickly float to her feet upon a subtle array of bright pink lights and sparkles in order to greet the approaching mage with a bright array of luster projecting from her gemstone and an energetic wave. "Suzhen~! ✰" the girl would call out to the scholar from afar, jumping up and down in excitement as she would near closer to her and the glistening fractals of the golden crystalline formations. It was a blessing that another one of Luminous Rose's mages expressed interest in collecting dragon-scales and sparring with the mythical beast- though the guild mistress felt a little bad that she had not known sooner, as they could have made the journey to the southeast together, she was oh so excited to work and learn more about her new acquaintance. Her golden optics shimmering within the rays of sunlight that would cascade down upon the skies, the pink-haired girl would smile as she would pick up the backpack that once sat beside the gemstones near her feet, listening to the other mage's greetings. Giggling in response to being called that nickname, a soft blush would appear slightly under her transparent mask- one of the previous queens of the crystalline realm used that nickname for her too!

    "Indeed I am, hehe~! ♡ I heard that the scales sell for a lot of jewels, and when I saw that the dragon was made of crystals too, I just had to make my way over here, ✰" Diamandis would excitedly speak to her guildmate as her companions would begin to bob around her head, looking at the beautiful parasol that accompanied Suzhen on her expedition into the canyons, "if you're here to fight that sparkly dragon too, that means it won't stand a chance! I'm super excited to be working with you, Suzhen~! ♡ Oh, and this game is called Hoppy Frog, but it's really really addicting.. you make a cute little frog hop from lilypads to unlock special outfits and collect coins for special frogs, look~" Pressing on her screen once more to show her acquaintance the startup sequence, a small green frog would seem to aggressively launch itself to flop from the side of the screen onto the first lilypad, which would begin to advance farther across a pink pond- she would begin to swipe the frog in different directions to bring it onto new lilypads, collecting coins in-between the jumps to try to make it as far as possible. Diamandis would seem to be immensely focused on her screen as she would launch the rather pudgy frog in an attempt to make a new high score, but would fall into the pool. A loud ribbit sound would accompany another game over screen, along with a frustrated squeal from the guildmistress as she would close out of the screen to avoid getting even angrier with her unimportant failure. Slipping her iLac into her pocket, she would swirl a long strand of her pink hair through her fingers as she would begin to speak to the scholar, interrupted with the gaze of another individual approaching on the horizon.

    "Even though that game is addicting, it is frustrating.. I feel like even though I launch that pudgy frogger perfectly, sometimes he still falls into that pink pond! It.." Diamandis would exclaim to the girl that stood beside her as her sight would begin to focus on the other approaching mage, which would radiate a magical signature- she would raise her hand to greet the girl while interrupting her own verbiage, a certain curiosity forming within the guild mistress's mind. Appearing to look somewhat familiar from appearance alone, she wondered just where she may have seen a depiction of this other mage before- she seemed to wear quite the professional outfit, including long sleeves, which would most likely result in a sensation of her body feeling nice and toasty in this dry heat-wave! The demon slayer could never- she much rather would be in chilly climates than heated ones now that she was part of the crystalline race, which is why she found herself donning quite revealing outfits when it was hot in Earthland. Despite wearing puffy pink pants, her entire stomach would remain exposed, exposing quite a thin yet toned physique. The golden optics of the guild mistress would seem to spark as the Wizard Saint would introduce herself to the two- she recognized the name to align with a wonderous title that she strived for greatly before her disappearance from the natural realm years ago, one of the Wizard Saints, a title that she held great respect for alongside those that were given it. In addition to this, she was also the guild mistress of the guild that she had spent only a few weeks in prior to establishing Luminous Rose. Though Diamandis was unable to meet Leona while she resided within the ranks of Silver Wolf, she had a feeling that it would not be long before she ran into her within her own personal endeavors, regardless of her affiliation. Luckily enough it seemed as though she would finally be able to introduce herself, which would make the feeling of excitement bubble within the mirrored glaze of her gemstone stomach. Still holding onto the dream of one day becoming a God of Ishgar, the idol would blush as she would smile and reach her hand out to the stranger, her companions floating and goofing off within the skies around her crown.

    "It is great to finally be able to meet you, Leona~! I am Diamandis Stellarose, but you can simply call me Desirée, ♡" her eyes would twinkle in resonation with the golden crystals that formed out of the earth's sides, fluttering with the soft yet warm winds that would wander through the canyon as she would happily speak to yet another new acquaintance, "you must be here to take on the sparkly shiny golden dragon too, this is amazing, there's so many of us! ✰✰" While the guild mistress wished to speak with Leona about her experiences as a Wizard Saint, alongside how thankful she was for her experiences she was able to take on due to the time she briefly spent working for Silver Wolf, she would force herself to hold them back for the time being- it would be better to speak of those matters later, especially after the fellow guild master confirmed her titles that Diamandis had felt as though she knew from speaking with others. It would be awkward if she was somehow mistaken in what she knew and what she didn't, something she had known from personal experience- while holding these conversations back was somewhat eating away at her insides, the outward manifestation of these thoughts would not be able to be seen by the other two girls in the slightest, her bright smile beaming under her mask as she would jump up and down in excitement for the mission. Being able to work with not only what she had deemed to be a Wizard Saint and a fellow guildmate of hers sounded like the perfect day, and she was just so excited, she could barely contain it anymore!

    "Oh goodness, I'm so excited you guys! ♡ This dragon won't stand a chance against us~! But I hope it's a bit colder in his lair than it is out here, it's so freaking hot~!" she would joyfully exclaim as she would float about a foot off of the ground, her gaze slipping from the other two mages toward the entrance of the domain of the dragon, which would remain decorated in the finest of mundane golden crystals. Turning her body within the air to fully face it, she would float a bit forward toward the entrance and would allow the light of her forehead gemstone to once again shine into the cataclysm, illuminating the small fragments of crystals upon the walls with her pink glow. "Well, this dragon isn't gonna bring his scales up here to give them to us, we should get moving, hehe~! ♡ I'm sure it won't take that long to get all the way down to his lair, but it looks really really deep," her voice would slightly echo through the large expanse of the cave that lit up in front of her bubbly vision as she would turn around to look at the two that stood behind her once more, her bright lights manifesting what appeared to be stalagmites and stalactites upon the untouched edges of the cave's walls, "but that's okay, I don't think we will have any issues getting down there at all~! Even if it gets steep when we get deeper, I can definitely manifest crystalline formations that span down into the cave like stairs- and, well, I'm basically a walking flashlight, so we should be able to see everything! ✰✰✰" Reaching above her to pull her small pink exceed out of his game of tag with her two bio-luminescent organisms, the guildmistress would smile as she would await her two acquaintances to join her at the cave entrance before she would make her way down, petting its soft forehead. When they would be ready, she would seem to lift off the ground and lead them through the cave while maintaining a slight levitation off of the earth's surface, her lights beginning to light up almost every crevice that stood in their path.

    It was a perk of being able to weave holy lights and crystals, after all; it would feel to her just as it did when she was making her way down into the lair of the hellfire shade worm in the crystalline realm, cascading gently down into the depths of the world in search of a terrific creature while lighting up the abyss. Luckily, she was not alone this time, though, and would be able to function as a bright, fluctuating flashlight for new friends! Diamandis was so excited to take on these matters with Leona and Suzhen, her smile wouldn't dare to leave her face under that pink desert mask of hers- she was determined to make this day of work super fun, and though it was an extremely high ranking job, she would not show an ounce of fear of what resided deeper into the unknown. She was unafraid to fight alongside these two other mages- in fact, the feeling of their magical signatures combined with hers felt extremely strong. It was comforting to the guild mistress, but the ability to get closer to two other mages that she hadn't had the chance to speak with much prior (if at all) was comforting enough- she would appear as a bundle of energy and happiness to the other two, unafraid to show her true, bubbly self within the illuminated shadows of the dark cave system.

    post wc: 1,944
    personal wc: 3,487
    total wc: 5,816
    total wc desi + leona: 4,511
    tags: @Fraag @Leona Jarnefeldt

    Last edited by desirée on 23rd December 2021, 1:58 am; edited 1 time in total


    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ IY2eFxu


    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
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    Character Sheet
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    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Empty Re: ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾

    Post by Fraag 20th July 2021, 4:31 pm

    Diamandis was rather pleased to see Suzhen, from the pink haired girl's response, and the Dongxian allowed herself a smile when her guild leader commented on how the Gold Obsidian Dragon would be in trouble, now that the two Luminous Rose mages were teaming up to fight it. Suzhen wanted to tell the golden eyed mage that she was not as confident in her own abilities as Diamandis projected, but she decided to keep silent. It wasn't that Suzhen was unsure of her combat abilities; she was even convinced that she had what it took to fight the dragon alone and unaided, but she just didn't think it would be as easy as Desiree suggested. But that did not matter; if her guild leader had expressed enough faith in her abilities, then Suzhen would try as well as she could not to disappoint. She wanted her guild mates to have faith in her, so in moments like this, it would probably not do too well to talk down on herself. In any event, it would be fun seeing how her guild leader fought, and what sort of magic she used.

    The Dongxian scholar watched with interest as her guild leader loaded the game she had expressed interest in, although she wondered why a frog should have any delight in trying to acquire coins. So the game was called Hoppy Frog. Suzhen watched a little while as Desiree tried to get the pixelated frog across the pink body of water, but it seemed the frog's destiny was at the bottom of the pond. The Dongxian suspected that game programmers, when desirous to make a difficult game, simply made the computer cheat: a command would not be carried out on time, character avatar responses could be too quick or too slow, and so  on. But Suzhen knew next to nothing about programming. She liked games, though, but she had no time to keep struggling with frustrating games. "Maybe I'll try to get it. If it gets troublesome, I'll simply delete it, I suppose," she replied with a good natured laugh to Diamandis' complaint about the frog seemingly not doing as it was told. She decided not to say anything about her opinion that a frog shouldn't get a game over for falling into a pond, unless it was a toad, in which case the game should have been called Hoppy Toad, but that seemed a tad irrelevant.

    The approaching newcomer caught Suzhen's eye, and she watched in silence as the mage approached. This young woman seemed a little too well-dressed for the ambient temperature, but if she was fine with covering herself up so, it was not Suzhen's business. It was when the woman stated her name that Suzhen gave a frown of concentrated thought. The name made Suzhen realize she had seen pictures of this woman before. Because she was a famous mage, being the guild leader of the independent Silver Wolf, as well as a Wizard Saint of Fiore. The way Leona had introduced herself seemed to suggest that she was not too interested in throwing her titles about; Suzhen however was delighted that by some twist of luck, she was going to be working together with a Wizard Saint. Diamandis made her own introductions, mentioning nothing about Leona's status. If she was as unwilling as Leona to comment about the latter's titles, Suzhen had no such limitations. She gave a deep and polite bow, with a rather pleased smile on her face. "I am Bai Suzhen; my clan name is Bai, and my given name is Suzhen. I am quite surprised but even more delighted to be able to work together with Fiore's Wizard Saint of Courage, not to mention that I am in the presence of two guild masters!" The Dongxian had to clarify which of her names was her personal name, so that people wouldn't be calling her by her surname; Fiore had different naming standards from Dongxia.

    Suzhen agreed with Diamandis' sentiment about hoping that the dragon's cave was cooler than outside. It was also a good idea, as suggested by the pink haired guild leader, to begin the hunt for the Obsidian Gold Dragon. The cave looked rather deep and expansive, though as the pink haired ball of activity had stated, descending down into the cave would not be a particular issue. The darkness of the subterranean space was easily illuminated by Desiree, and Suzhen walked comfortably in the light cast by the crystal mage. They had not gone very far from the mouth of the cave, when Suzhen's Mumajutsu: Shingan Bokusen seemed to suggest that there were extra living bodies hiding in the shadows. She stopped so she could focus on details outside her alert 10 meter radius. "I think we have company. About seventy meters or so away, and they are well hidden. They're probably not here to throw a happy birthday surprise. But please, let me handle this."

    So saying, Suzhen strode forward with quick steps, still carrying her parasol as though the sun was high directly overhead, trying to bake everything to a crisp. A thin knife was thrown from the shadows. In a fluid motion, Suzhen caught it deftly and threw it back. There was a shriek, and then from the shadows materialized five men, who warily moved to attempt to surround the mages. They were dressed in furs and rags, and looked like a cross between trappers and thieves. Silently, they charged, wielding bladed weapons of different sorts. Suzhen stepped forward, using her parasol to block the first attack, a swing with a rather large axe. To the surprise of the axe wielder, his weapon was stopped by the apparently frail parasol, as surely as if he had struck a rock with his axe. Suzhen punched him once on the jaw, and he dropped his weapon, crumpling senselessly to the ground. Two attacked at the same time, but Suzhen planted a straight kick in the gut of the first, and without turning or putting her leg down, gracefully transitioned the front kick into a back kick, taking down the second attacker. Before the last two could move, with her free hand, Suzhen thrust an open palm in their general direction, the air rippled, and they were flung off their feet to smack into the cave wall. They fell in a heap and did not get up.

    "I suppose that takes care of that," the Dongxian said, turning back to nod at her teammates. She felt inclined to at least try to impress them both, even if just a little. "Still, we should look out for more ambushes. I did think that not encountering any bandits and unsavory folk on my way here in such wild country was a bit strange."

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    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3579
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Empty Re: ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 21st July 2021, 12:16 am

    Leona had not been in any real hurry to learn the names of her acquaintances. It was not because she thought herself better than them because of her titles or her power. It was because Leona was just a bit tired from walking all the way here and needed a bit of time to switch from being alone with her thoughts to interacting with other people. Now that she had had a bit of time to recover from the long walk Leona was a little more prepared for social interaction. That was a good thing because the two mages soon introduced themselves to her.

    The pink-haired and pink-clad young woman was named Diamandis Stellarose, but Leona was given permission to call her Desiree. The Wizard Saint would need to remember to call her by "Desiree" instead of "Diamandis."

    The violet-haired young woman wearing the white dress and carrying the parasol plus the two unfamiliar weapons was named Bai Suzhen and she explained the significance of the name order. According to her, her clan name was "Bai" and her given name was "Suzhen." Leona was momentarily confused by that name order because it was different from the name order used in Fiore, but the young woman's careful explanation made it crystal clear which name she was to go by.

    Leona blushed a little when Suzhen seemed happy to meet her and used her titles of "Wizard Saint of Courage" and "Guild Master." The blonde was honored to bear the titles but did not use them very often because she did not want to seem like she was throwing around her titles to impress people. Leona was not that kind of person... also, part of her still felt like she had not really earned her titles through merit but had instead gotten them by being in the right place at the right time. She would have to work on changing how she saw herself, but that could wait until later.

    "It's nice to meet both of you." Leona said to both of them in a friendly tone of voice. Diamandis... er, Desiree, was excited that Leona was here to help her and Suzhen take on the dragon. The Wizard Saint was glad that she was able to help the other two mages, but she was also glad to have their help. Fighting a dragon was tough even for a Wizard Saint and their help was welcome.

    Leona listened to Desiree express the hope that the inside of the dragon's lair was cooler than it was outside the lair. The blonde also hoped that was the case. Even though she was a native of Desierto and was used to hot climates, Leona wanted to get out of the heat and get somewhere cool. She watched as Desiree floated a foot off of the ground and looked at the entrance to the dragon's lair.

    The pink-haired mage said that the dragon was not going to come to the surface and hand them scales, so the trio would have to go down into the cave and get them. Leona was on board with that idea. Desiree then informed her companions that the cave was rather deep... in fact it was so deep that Leona could hear Desiree's voice echo a little.

    Desiree then asserted that they would have no problem finding their quarry because she had the ability to "manifest crystalline formations" that could span down into the cave like stairs. The pink-haired mage could also light the way for them so visibility was not an issue. Leona was pleased to hear that navigating the cave would not be very difficult for them thanks to Desiree's abilities. Not wanting to waste any more time, Leona walked towards the cave entrance and joined the waiting Desiree and Suzhen to explore the cave and slay the dragon waiting within.

    -Inside the cave-

    Leona brought up the rear of the group as Desiree gently floated in front of them and lit the way for them with golden light and Suzhen traveled behind Desiree. Leona had a natural night vision ability so that she could see in the dark without relying on flashlights or other means of illumination, but there was no need to use it thanks to Desiree. She lit everything up and that made travel so easy that the only real problem was the depth of the cave. She wordlessly traveled behind her companions and paused when Suzhen alerted them to trouble and requested that she be permitted to handle it. Leona started to assist the violet-haired mage but stopped herself when she saw that Suzhen was already heading into battle.

    Leona worried that the violet-haired mage might be getting in over her head after five men dressed in furs and rags wielding bladed weapons of different types materialized from the shadows and tried to surround the mages, but Suzhen had everything under control. She singlehandedly shut down the ambush and defeated all five men without breaking a sweat using a series of graceful moves that were perfectly timed and executed.

    "Nice work, Suzhen!" Leona complimented the violet-haired mage for her deft handling of the ambush. She listened as Suzhen warned them to be ready for more ambushes and stated that she found it odd that she had not encounter any bandits in the wilderness of Mysterious Canyon on the way to the cave. Leona had found that lack of opposition a bit strange but had not thought much about it because she was too busy trying not to suffer from heatstroke while trying to find the dragon's lair.

    "I noticed that too, Suzhen. I didn't think much of their absence, but now that you mentioned it, it was more than a little odd. I didn't encounter a single bandit on the way to the cave either." Leona chimed in shortly after the violet-haired mage warned them to be on the lookout for more ambushes. Now that her thought processes had been kickstarted by the unexpected bandit encounter and Suzhen's observation, she began to wonder why the trio had encountered bandits in the cave instead of in the wilderness. More questions began to pop into her mind, but one question in particular kept coming up.

    Did the bandits know that they were taking shelter in a dragon's lair?

    Leona was not sure if the bandits knew that their cave shelter housed something a lot more dangerous than they were. It did not really matter. If any more bandits got in the way of the trio they would end up lying unconscious on the ground just like the ones Suzhen had just dealt with.

    [Post Word Count: 1,106]
    [Leona's Word Count: 2,130]
    [Total Word Count: 8,053]

    Tags: @diamandis @Fraag


    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Empty Re: ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾

    Post by desirée 15th August 2021, 11:37 am

    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Dd8a7pv-5ffe5d2b-4264-4c27-b645-88c8ad93b6ab.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzZkNTVlNTYxLTNiZWQtNDczNi1hMDc1LTdlYmFkYjE5MWRjN1wvZGQ4YTdwdi01ZmZlNWQyYi00MjY0LTRjMjctYjY0NS04OGM4YWQ5M2I2YWIucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

    Looking back at the two with fluctuating golden eyes, the gemstone that rested on the forehead of the crystalline being would twinkle brightly outward in the colors of pink and white, appearing to illuminate everything that reached outward into the darkness of the cave system. The golden fractals that shot outward from the edges of terra would appear to somewhat reflect the light like a prism upon hitting its many surfaces- though it was nearly impossible to not see what stretched in front of the party due to the bright lights, some of the light upon the sides of the cavern would scatter, allowing for the perfect gaps for bandits and other ill-willed creatures to sulk. Suzhen would lead on this idea by beginning to delicately speak of the existence of just that within the shadows of the dark abyss that spanned into the core of the Fioran canyons, which upon making its way into Diamandis' ears in the form of a subtle warning, would produce a small gasp of surprise from her own lips. Though the Guildmistress had expected to not be the only group of individuals making their way through the southeastern cavern systems of the nation's underground, the thought of bandits preparing an ambush on the mages making their descent did not seem to cross her mind much before this instance. It was becoming more and more apparent to her that the nation she called her home had not changed much since those few years before she disappeared into the skies- there were still those ragtag groups of mages and chaotic hoarders of all things in every corner, each with as many capabilities to do wrong as they had strange motives. Maybe one day the lands of Earthland could be as tranquil as the planes of the crystalline realm that remained tucked into the atmosphere, but that would be centuries away, or so it seemed.

    Slipping backward in the form of a delicate levitation, Desirée would near closer to the fellow Guildmistress as Suzhen would begin to approach the group of bandits that would manifest from the darkness that stretched further and further down into the cave system. A smile forming on her face in conjunction with rosiness beginning to span across her cheeks, she would delicately pick up the exceed that rested upon her shoulder and cradle it in-between her arms as she would watch the scholar enter into combat, her glistening eyes paying great attention to everything that would appear within her gaze. "Go, Suzhen, go~! ♡" the pink-haired idol would exclaim in awe as she would watch the girl take them on with hand-to-hand combat, the gemstone upon her forehead twinkling as bright as ever to illuminate the impromptu battlefield as the brawl would cease, "wowie, you kicked their butt, Suzhen~! ✰ That was amazing, great job! ✰" Having not been able to witness what the violet-haired scholar of Fenghai was capable of within combative situations prior to making their way into the Mysterious Canyon, it was quite obvious to Diamandis that she was quite strong in ethereal capabilities and potential- a certain fascination began to take root within the crystalline girl's mind as she would begin to resume advancing downward through the cave system once more, illuminating its darkest crevices with bright pink and white lights. Hopefully, if she was to find herself within combat just as her guildmate did prior, it would be as easy to maintain the gap as it was for Suzhen to beat up those highwaymen.

    "I bet we'll have to deal with more bandits on the way back up than we will coming down, I'm sure they will want to get their hands on our dragon scales, we've gotta keep an eye out~! ✰ I didn't really give the possibility of an ambush much thought until now, so thank you for that, Suzhen, ♡" the demon slayer would begin to speak to the other two as she would approach a giant cataclysm in the path filled with manifestations of shattered golden crystals and large dark-colored rocks, reaching her hand out to prevent her adventure companions from potentially walking off the edge into the pit, "woah, this hole is huge! ✰" Reaching her stretched out hand and arm from her side into the direction of the hole, her arm would begin to refract rose-colored crystalline formations of light into her surroundings- upon moving it to waver the lights that would shine from her presence, a giant decadent glowing bridge made entirely of solidified light crystals and gemstones of diamonds and rose quartz would stretch across the deep hole to meet the other side of the path, which they would be able to use to get to the other side. While it would appear as slightly transparent, it would be entirely stable for the trio to make their way across- as the Guildmistress of Roses would begin to advance up the curve of the glowing manifestation she would begin to speak of her excitement she had to fight the dragon and retrieve some of its scales. "Even though this dragon is supposed to be a really tough opponent, I am really excited to spar against a creature that was said to only be suited for the strongest of the strong! ✰ One time when I went to Terasu I sparred with an elder dragon after sparring with a Wizard Saint, and though it was really tough, it definitely was something that I feel helped me so much in getting comfortable with weaving celestica!~ ♡ I'm so excited to take him with the both of you, it's going to be something I'll always remember, even if I don't get to keep a souvenir, ✰" Desirée would happily announce to the group, her voice beginning to reverberate throughout the large clearing of stone that she had been able to bridge across with crystals. The pink-haired girl was always one to romanticize her life to the extent of never forgetting the bright and dull moments, big and small; it made her feel at peace to talk about her stories, even from when she was once that baby blue girl of the swans. Though life had changed plentifully since then, she'd never been able to forget those friendships and moments that tried to fade away into the oblivion of the past, and she wished to keep it that way.

    Making her way across the crystalline bridge whilst continuing to illuminate the surroundings of the group of mages, the popstar's steps would make small twinkling sounds with each graceful tap, which would potentially be the same for the other two girls- her eyes would remain golden as they would look around the edges of the cave system that stretched in front of them, unable to sight anything out of the ordinary upon the reflective prisms of golden gemstones that sat upon the cave's edges. "I think I might have to keep one of the scales if it's as pretty as these crystals though, oh how I just love them! ✰✰✰" she would begin to speak as she would have finally made it to the other side of the gaping cataclysm, the system of the underground's size becoming the same as it was prior to finding the oddity of crushed stone, "back in the crystalline realm, it's uncommon to find gold crystals outside of the domain of luster, and they are so pretty and dark here- it's because they are untouched by the holy light of the stellar bodies of the universe this deep, it's gotta be! ♡ Wait- did you guys see that too?" Looking toward a strange groove of rock that the guildmistress mistook for the movement of a shadowed figure, silence would fall within the cave system as her light would scan across the giant crystals that shot out from the walls. Suddenly a set of two figures that seemed to have been with the previous party of bandits would manifest from the darkness just like their predecessors, each equipped with thick furs and sharp blades.

    "I knew it~, ✰" the pink-haired slayer would smile as a spinning magical circle of pink would form in front of her chest, levitating a few feet off of the ground to fully illuminate the two seemingly hostile entities that were slowly approaching from the shadows, their weapons sparkling in resonance with the light of her gemstone- they would begin to run toward the floating girl as rose petals would seem to fall from the cavern-top all around her, "If you get closer you're going to get hurt, don't do it~! ♡" Though she would call out to the two in an attempt for them to lower their weapons, they would continue to run toward the trio- out of her magical circle would form a giant spinning hammer of sorts, which would appear as a pink translucent crystal fluctuating in holy glowing lights of white and rose colors. Swinging her hand downward, the hammer would quickly fly toward the approaching bandits and would smash them both into the side of the mountain in a fell swoop, causing them both to sink toward the ground in a state of unconsciousness, their bodies both bathed in sparkling glittered fragments of holy crystals and remnants of light waves. Lowering from her levitation after shattering the manifestation of the holy crystalline hammer of her ethereality, Diamandis would smile and make a cutesy pose toward the other two mages whilst her rose petals would continue to fall around her- a small giggle would follow, the rosiness upon her cheeks continuing to remain prosperous upon her cheeks. "I told them not to, but they should wake up in a day or so from their sleep, poor things~! ✰ Now, I wonder how much more we have to go until we get to the dragon's lair.. I bet it's not that far down, and it's starting to get much less hot! ♡"

    post wc: 1,658
    personal wc: 5,145
    total wc: 9,711
    total wc leona + desi: 7,252
    tag(s): @Fraag @Leona Jarnefeldt sowwy for making you guys wait for a while!

    Last edited by desirée on 23rd December 2021, 2:00 am; edited 1 time in total


    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ IY2eFxu


    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
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    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Empty Re: ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾

    Post by Fraag 15th August 2021, 5:28 pm

    Suzhen was quite confident of her battle abilities, but being commended by two accomplished mages did make her feel a little happier with herself. It wasn’t every day that one got to be applauded and cheered on by one’s guild mistress. It was an even rarer occasion to receive praise from a Wizard Saint (though perhaps a major reason for that was the fact that Wizard Saints tended to be particularly rather rare, due to their levels of power and goodwill). And while the more critical part of the Dongxian mage’s soul wanted to argue that the only reason Suzhen had been complemented was because she was in the midst of rather polite people, the purple haired woman was beginning to understand more and more that while it was good to maintain a humble spirit, it was also quite beneficial to be aware of as much of one’s self as was possible. That included an honest evaluation of one’s strengths and weaknesses. Intentionally, the scholar reminded herself that while she was not where she desired to be, as far as strength levels were concerned, she was most certainly not a pushover, and with determination and diligence, she would improve day by day.

    ”Thank you for the kind words,” Suzhen responded with a smile and a slight, yet formal, bow. It seemed that, like herself, none of the other two mages present on this mission had encountered any hostile presence while making their way to the lair of the obsidian gold dragon, despite the known fact that this region was dangerous territory, and many had lost their valuables or even more important things, just because they had the ill luck to find themselves out in the Mysterious Canyons with too little strength, too little support, or too little sense. The fact that the bandit presence had not been present outside the caves could be an indication that these rogues were trying to hunt smart. Hide in the shadows, and ambush foolish adventurers, who would be actually good targets, seeing as most adventurers coming to such hostile places would be stocked up on resources in order to brave and survive the untoward environment, and probably even have the occasional quality grade weapon, item and armor, or two, the likes of which would be very useful to individuals engaging in the execrable occupation called banditry, in all its forms and hues. Sadly, the downside of such hunting tactics was that the bandits would probably end up biting more than they could chew, seeing as it would be utter stupidity for a weak mage to attempt to go up against something as dangerous and well defended as an obsidian gold dragon. Still, as the adage went, nothing risked, nothing gained. The bandits presently lying on the cave floor had been rather unfortunate.

    Eventually, the walking group got to a large chasm that took up a large portion of the area before them, and made it probably impossible to continue along this way unless one had the power of flight, teleportation, or a way to traverse across open empty spaces. Suzhen was quickly made aware of the presence of the pit due to her mental sixth sense that gave her a consciousness of the world around her, just as the light from Desiree’s ambience illuminated its aspect. Since the pink haired demon slayer had been floating all along, Suzhen was sure that the Luminous Rose guild mistress would not have any issues crossing the deep pit. She was also sure that Leona, being a Wizard Saint and all, would be able to cross. To be fair to herself, she would be able to get across as well, by running along the walls of the cave or some other physics defying feat, but while Suzhen was glad she was with people who could take care of themselves, it was in moments like this that she felt her magic, which was mostly focused around combat, and mostly in close quarters for that matter, would fall sadly short, were she required to help someone else to cross a physical barrier such as this. Perhaps this was a wakeup call for the Dongxian mage to learn another school of magic, one that would allow her to perform more supportive and assisting roles. Suzhen’s worryings about crossing the chasm were unnecessary, at any rate; by the will of the guild mistress, a bridge of scintillating colors soon manifested, spanning the chasm and providing a much easier, calorie preserving means of crossing the great pit. With absolute trust in the integrity of the bridge, Suzhen stepped on it and began to walk across, following her glowing guild leader, even as she tried to peer, out of curiosity, down into the depths of the pit, in order to see if she could make out the bottom if it. It seemed though, that the pit was much deeper than Suzhen had thought it was supposed to be, and she idly wondered what things might be resting at the bottom of this pit.

    Suzhen, on hearing that Desiree had fought an elder dragon before, had to nod in admiration. She had, for her own part, never squared off against a dragon, though she was familiar with the creatures (who wouldn’t be?), because Dongxians seemed to venerate such creatures, especially as their leader, the August Longdi, was reputed to be a dragon. This obsidian gold creature, compared to the Longdi, seemed to be little more than a beast though, and Suzhen was almost feeling it was a bit insulting to have such a creature share the same name as one as illustrious as the ruler of Dongxia. She decided to keep her tongue in check, anyway. Dragons seemed to come in all manners of shapes, sizes and behaviors. Two more bandits popped out from the shadows, and came in for the attack, totally disregarding the pink haired mage’s warning to them to stay away. As Desiree was at the fore of the group, she was first to be approached by the bandits, who simply got hammered, literally, by a bright glowing construct, for all their troubles. Suzhen gave an amused chuckle at Desiree’s pose, imagining how people would probably see the Luminous Rose guild leader as being relatively weak, due to her rather animated personality. The Dongxian was assured that such people would have a painful change of mind.

    ”Quick and effective. Good work, noble leader,” Suzhen laughed, using dramatic words for effect. She stooped to pick an item from the ground; it was a golden crystal flake, too small to be particularly relevant commercially though. ”And yes, I think we’re getting close to the dragon, as this seems to show.” The scholar held up the crystal, then held it out to Desiree. ”You said you wanted a souvenir of sorts. Will this do? I fancy it’s a little small, though.”

    WC: 1146
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    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3579
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Empty Re: ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 17th August 2021, 10:07 pm

    After Suzhen had dealt with the bandits in a decisive manner and the violet-haired mage had received praise from both Leona and Diamandis the trio eventually continued their journey. They walked through the crystalline cave and Diamandis surmised that once they encountered and slayed the dragon they would not be out of the woods because they would likely have to deal with more bandits on the way out. That was fine with Leona. The blonde was always up for a fight. No poorly dressed and equipped bunch of goons could stop her, Diamandis, and Suzhen from slaying the dragon and walking out with what they had come for.

    Leona kept walking through the crystalline cave and found the scenery to be oddly mesmerizing. She had never seen anything as beautiful as this. In fact Leona had been so mesmerized that she barely noticed that she was about to walk right into a deep hole! The Wizard Saint stopped where she was and looked into the pit she was about to walk right into. Her stomach did a few flips and she backed away from it so that she did not look directly into it.

    She had been saved from an ignominious end by Desiree, who had thrown a hand out to prevent Suzhen and the Wizard Saint from walking into the abyss. Now that she had been saved from a nasty fall and was safely away from the edge, Leona began to wonder how she could cross the gap. She could summon the Harpy Sisters to fly her across and she could send them to carry Desiree and Suzhen if neither of them had a way to cross the gap. As it turned out, summoning the Harpy Sisters would not be necessary.

    Leona watched as Diamandis reaching her outstretched hand towards the hole. The pink-haired mage's arm began to refract rose-colored crystalline formations of light into her surroundings; Diamandis moved the arm and a giant lowing bridge made entirely of solidified light crystals and gemstones of diamonds and rose quartz would stretch across the deep hole to meet the other side of the path, which they would be able to use to get to the other side. The Wizard Saint was impressed by the pink-haired mage's display of magic, but then she noticed that the bridge looked slightly transparent. Could the bridge hold all three mages at once or would they have to cross one at a time?

    Diamandis went first and Suzhen followed. Leona, not wanting to be left behind, hurried to follow her two job partners while being careful not to look down. She listened to Diamandis describe her experience fighting an "elder dragon" in Terasu and Leona blinked. There were other dragons out there in the world?

    Leona kept her mouth shut and listened to Diamandis talk about the rarity of golden crystals when the conversation came to an abrupt stop. Diamandis spotted something odd: her response was to create a spinning magical circle of pink would form in front of her chest and levitate a few feet off of the ground to fully illuminate the two seemingly hostile entities that were slowly approaching from the shadows. Leona spotted two bandits dressed in furs and wielding sharp blades and started to reach for her Ranger Laser Rifle as Diamandis warned the two that if they got any closer they were going to get hurt. They ignored her warning and Diamandis formed a giant spinning hammer that glowed white and rose.

    The pink-haired mage swung her hand downward and the hammer flew towards the two bandits, knocking them into the mountainside and knocking them out. Diamandis said that the two would wake up in about a day's time. Leona felt sort of guilty for Diamandis and Suzhen having to do all the fighting. It felt like they were doing all the work while she rode their coattails all the way to the dragon. Then Leona thought about it and realized that when the trio finally got to their quarry she would get a chance to pull her weight.

    Leona's guilt quickly subsided and she focused on what Diamandis had said, which was an observation that the temperature was decreasing the further they went into the cave. She took a moment to observe her surroundings and realized that it was indeed getting cooler, a development which she welcomed. Although the outfit she was wearing made her look the part of a Wizard Saint, the long sleeves trapped heat and made travel through hot climates an ordeal. Now that it was getting cooler she was feeling a lot better about her choice of outfit. When the trio got deep enough into the cave she would likely be glad that she wore long sleeves.

    Leona watched Suzhen pick up a small golden crystal flake and show it to Diamandis. The Wizard Saint was not interested in something like that because she had her eyes on a bigger prize, namely one of the dragon scales. That was the souvenir the Wizard Saint wanted the most. Maybe Leona did not see the beauty in smaller crystals like her partners did. That was the most likely reason she did not scoop a small crystal flake up like Suzhen did.

    The Wizard Saint listened to Suzhen ask Diamandis if the flake the former picked up was a good enough souvenir. Leona began to look around them for any more of those bandits who might be lurking around. They had an unsettling ability to blend with the shadows until they chose to be seen and she did not like that. Fortunately for her that stealth ability was the only real advantage they had... once they actually tried to move in on the trio they were stopped rather quickly. Once Leona was satisfied that they were not being watched from the shadows she turned back to her partners and looked at them.

    She was trying to think of something to say that could contribute to the job, but she was having trouble coming up with anything useful to say. Diamandis had already brought up the possibility of an increased bandit threat on their way out of the cave and had already given her opinion on how far it was to their quarry. Since she did not have anything useful to say at the moment Leona opted to remain quiet until she thought of something. No good topic was coming to her, but as she thought about the dragon they were going to face she decided to ask her partners a question.

    "What's the best way to fight a dragon?" Leona asked the pair. It was likely a really dumb question that would make her look bad because she was supposed to already know this sort of thing, but on this occasion she was willing to bear the loss of face that came with asking the question. She was going to be fighting a mythical beast and she wanted to know the best to fight it without getting roasted by fire or getting stomped into a crimson mush on the cave floor. Maybe Diamandis or Suzhen had some tips they could pass along to her before they encountered the beast.

    That question in turn prompted her to ask another question.

    "Do we have a plan to fight the dragon?" Leona asked the pair. It might be another dumb question, but she wanted to know if there was a basic plan in place before they faced the dragon. She did not mind playing a support role, but she would like to know what was expected of her before they faced the dragon.

    [Post Word Count: 1,274]
    [Leona's Word Count: 3,404]
    [Total Word Count: 12,131]


    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Empty Re: ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾

    Post by desirée 29th August 2021, 6:10 am

    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Dd8a7pv-5ffe5d2b-4264-4c27-b645-88c8ad93b6ab.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzZkNTVlNTYxLTNiZWQtNDczNi1hMDc1LTdlYmFkYjE5MWRjN1wvZGQ4YTdwdi01ZmZlNWQyYi00MjY0LTRjMjctYjY0NS04OGM4YWQ5M2I2YWIucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

    Raising her hands to her rosy cheeks and beginning to shine brightly outwards from the crystalline formation of her forehead even moreso illuminant than before, Desirée would adjust her optics to focus on the other mages that had accompanied her on this journey into the depths, letting out another bright and vibrant laugh. Her eyes would soon begin to fluctuate into the color of a milky rose gold hue, resonating with the feeling of excitement when Suzhen had approached her to offer her a small fragment of the golden crystal- accepting the souvenir with a confident nod, she would hold it up in front of the lights shining outward from her gemstone upon accepting it, beginning to speak to her guildmate while doing so. "I love the way this fragment is cut, you can see a few little rainbow refractions from small structures right in there, oh my goodness! Thank you, Suzhen~! ✰" she would begin to exclaim, scanning through it up and down with her waves of luster in an attempt to get her eyes on anything that would maybe help later on, "I'm usually better at identifying crystals, but I'm a little rusty with pretty ones from Earthland like this one. I've never seen a golden crystal with makeup on the inside like this one around these parts either~ ♡" Having been ordained into royalty within the realm of holy crystals in the atmosphere nearly five years ago, it would not be the most surprising that Desirée had retained quite the knowledge of identifying such natural worldly structures and the various properties of them, or at least, she wouldn't think so. But the crystalline makeup and interior structures of this golden gemstone were a bit strange.. the guildmistress of roses wanted to get to the bottom of this as deeply as she could, even if it was all unnecessary.

    Wandering to the side of the cave system and reaching for one of the larger crystals that sat on the edge of the wall, Desirée would begin to channel her magical ethereality into her hands to produce yet another bright glow of pink around her body, snapping it off the side and into her arms; her souvenir would sit in her pant pocket to avoid harm, but just what would this girl's plan be to solve this mystery in her mind? "I'm certainly reading a crystalline signature in this, so it's definitely something I should be able to use to my advantage in the fight! ♡ But, just to make sure.." she would begin to speak to the two while beginning to levitate, carrying the hunk of gemstone formations up with her a few feet higher than the ground. Lowering the silk mask that would cover her lips, she would then proceed to raise the lustrous golden crystal to her mouth and would take a large bite out of the side, leaving a sharp mark on the side that cut surprisingly straight despite having used teeth. Chewing on it and making loud crunching sounds due to the thickness of the makeup of crystals, the rosy eyes of the guildmistress would soon spark into a fluttering array of color, once again resting in the hue of a bright gold. "Ah, mmm! ♡✰", she would adjust the crystal within her arms to sit in a stable manner whilst bobbing up and down within the air, "it tastes kinda like.. lychee with honey and clear quartz! ✰ And coins made of silver! ♡ This makes me think that there is a possibility that the dragon's going to resonate elementally with earth, crystal, nature, fire, and steel elements.. at least, if the dragon's signature is anything like these crystals, ✰" Delicately placing the broken off stone back on the side of the cavern walls with a clump of similarly cut pieces, she would giddily think of just how good that crystal would taste ground up and mixed into alcohol- it would be so good!

    Turning to face the Wizard Saint as she would begin to speak to the two, the guildmistress of Luminous Rose would smile under her transparent rose-colored mask, raising her hand to pet the exceed that sat upon her shoulders. Leona appeared to have an interest in what both Desirée and the scholar of Fenghai thought would be the best way to fight a dragon- fluttering within her levitation to near a bit closer to the mage of Silver Wolf, she would clasp her hands together while her companions would approach behind her. "Well, it definitely depends on the dragon~! ✰ They are really, really strong and magnificent creatures- when I faced off against an Elder Dragon within the planet of Terasu, I was able to consume the lights Sirius was able to weave and use them against him. ✰ I hope I'll be able to do that again today, but as I'm with two strong mages of Ishgar, I doubt we will have any issues at all defeating this beast, even if it is a dragon! ♡" she would begin to speak in a determined tone, beginning to slowly hover down the path in an attempt to guide the other two to follow her while talking, "the notice that was posted on the Luminous Rose quest board stated that the species of dragon that burrowed deep within the canyons would be unable to fly due to the heaviness of its crystalline structures upon its back, and cut fast and hard with its close-ranged attacks. ✰ The best way to fight this dragon- ✰ I'm not extremely familiar with both of your magical capabilities and fighting styles, but I know that it will be really important for me to maintain a large gap between myself and the dragon. ♡" While the pop star was not the one to create negative opinions on someone based on their experiences, the thoughts of Leona not having an experience with a dragon prior to becoming a Wizard Saint definitely crossed her mind as being intriguing, as some would expect all of the saints to have knowledge on all of these kinds of creatures and the way they fought- Desirée was excited to be there for her first time and figured that there were definitely other great things she must have accomplished in order to be deemed a saint by the Magic Council, however, and hoped that one day she would be able to don that title just like Leona. People that would consider those of higher titles as lesser for asking questions one would expect them to know without a proper foundation were quite frustrating to deal with in the eyes of the slayer- she did not want to be like that, and wouldn't. Despite not knowing much about the Saint of Courage, the Mistress of Roses held onto a great amount of respect for her name and title of the Guild Master of Silver Wolf. The warmth that resided within the cold was something the slayer needed upon her return to the magical world of Earthland from its atmosphere, even if it wasn't for very long; she would always be grateful to that guild and its members, and especially Leona, despite never having the chance to meet her face to face before now.

    "A plan, yes~! ✰ Originally my plans were to stay airborne and fire as many barrages of crystalline material as I could alongside my companions while fluttering around- I doubt it will be easy for the dragon to even catch a glimpse of me if I keep moving around the both of you now that we've all teamed up, ✰✰" the girl of rose-colored hair would brightly speak to the other two as she would continue to walk down the cave system, which would begin to cascade slightly more downward in elevation, "I'm hoping the dragon's lair has a high ceiling.. I could try to elevate it if it's not with gemstones, but that would be a lot.. either way, maintaining high damage output while constantly moving around the dragon and avoiding its attacks is the best spot for me in the pit~! What were the both of you thinking? ♡"  Turning to face the two as she would walk before redirecting her gaze to the path once more, the sight of the guildmistress boosting over large crystals that would span across the pathways would not be the most uncommon through these parts, alongside the apparent trail of rose petals she was leaving behind through the crystalline cavern- each petal would glisten a bright pink color in the void of darkness. "Ah, look~! ♡" Desirée would exclaim to the small party of mages that would advance through the caverns, pointing toward a downward slope of a rocky path that led into what looked to be a giant corridor, "I think that might be it, we've gotta keep our guards up ✰~ So, the plan?" Reaching into her the larger zipper of her bag that hung on her back, the guildmistress would pull out a large flask of water and a bundle of what appeared to be pink potato chips in a large ziplock bag type of magical contraption, stopping in her tracks to remain above the slope. She would quickly twist off the top of the bottle and take a large gulp of the liquid, looking at her surroundings as her companions would flutter beside her shoulders- she was extremely excited to enter the potential lair that was glistening down at the end of the slope, though she had to use some self-control to hold back until the plan was communicated. "If either of you needs to hydrate or have a snack, help yourselves to this! ♡ They are sweet pink potato chips grown back in the crystal realm, but they are more like a juicy fruit than anything! ♡ Even though they look like chips, they are squishy and grow on trees- safe for crystals and humans, of course! hehe ♡✰" she would place the transparent bag with a glowing pink seal on the surface of a rather flat crystalline formation near their resting point, smiling as she would place the bottle right next to it, "and water~! ♡" The pop star was one to bring something for every need with her in her bag wherever she would go, and it would usually pay off while on her adventures- reaching into the bag to grab a small handful, she would pop one of the crystalline fruits that mimicked potato chips of the human world into her mouth under her mask, her gaze directed fully to what her friends wished to say before descending into the glowing lair of golden gemstones. Listening intently, she would look around at the sparkly crystals and her companions that would flutter alongside their fractals- they would all seem to be oblivious to the fact that they would need to assist the idol and her teammates in taking on the obsidian dragon of gold, something that would quickly need to change. Snapping at them with intent as she would try to listen to the other two speak, she would quietly call out their names to approach the conversation, which would cause them to quickly hover over through the dark cavern’s upper tunnelways.

    post wc: 1,877
    personal wc: 7,022
    total wc: 14,008
    total wc desi + leona: 10,426 / 10,000
    tags: @Fraag @Leona Jarnefeldt

    Last edited by desirée on 23rd December 2021, 2:01 am; edited 2 times in total


    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ IY2eFxu


    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
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    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Empty Re: ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾

    Post by Fraag 7th September 2021, 9:47 am

    Suzhen nodded with a smile as Desiree took the small crystal flake with thanks. The Scholar of Fenghai suspected that this gem fragment might actually be a scale from somewhere on the body of the Gold Obsididan dragon, probably from somewhere where scales did not grow to be large in size, like perhaps around the eyes, or near the joints, where large scales would result in problematic movement. Her guild leader had pocketed the flake, and had gone to investigate a larger yellow-hued crystal, dislodging it from off the cave wall and floating into the air. Suzhen watched with great interest, although she said nothing, her face an expression of mild curiosity. Desiree bit the crystal, something Suzhen had not expected at all, although the Guild Mistress’ teeth seemed to have no issues with clipping a healthy piece of the crystal, which Desiree proceeded to chew. And then Suzhen realized with increased interest: Desiree was most likely a Slayer of sorts, for it was generally Slayers who could eat elements to which they were affiliated to. Suzhen didn’t think Desiree’s Slayer element would be something as straightforward as crystals alone, but she was sure that crystals would be somewhere in the bargain. And this meant that there would probably be a huge advantage there in fighting a creature whose body was made of crystalline growths.

    Suzhen watched the light play as Desiree finished eating the crystal, and the Dongxian maiden cocked her head to one side, an unspoken question on her lips, while she waited for her fellow guild member and leader to inform the group on what had been gleaned from the devouring of the crystal. The taste Desiree commented on was quite surprising to Suzhen. She hadn’t expected a crystal to possess a fruity taste; the addition of honey was weird, but Suzhen could at least imagine what it would taste like. She was quite certain she would never try to chew a rock without possessing Slayer abilities, but her imagination had reached its limit when Desiree began talking about quartz crystals and silver coins. Suzhen decided not to bother her imagination further, even though she did feel it would be a relatively interesting thing to imagine, if she had the time, and less pressing things to think about. The amazing thing about Desiree’s interesting analysis of the crystal fragment was that she was able to identify elements which were most likely what this great dragon would utilize in battle. Dragons were elemental creatures, after all. Earth, crystal, nature, fire and steel sounded like formidable elements to be utilized by such a creature. Suzhen was not surprised, although she was impressed. It was to be expected, in any case. A mission such as this, with the highest ranking, would be quite strange if it did not involve a sufficient level of risk.

    Leona’s question, in Suzhen’s opinion, was intelligent. If one had never fought a dragon before, it was the wisest and safest course of action to determine exactly what methods would be best in combating a creature such as this. Desiree seemed to have some experience fighting a dragon before, and gave the wise option of using the dragon’s inability to fly against it by staying airborne. Suzhen was sure she could not utilize such a tactic, but she was already beginning to formulate a strategy of her own, which involved seeking out and targeting the dragon’s weak spots. When Desiree asked what the both of them had in mind, Suzhen shrugged. ”I suppose the best thing would be to use the dragon’s weaknesses against it,” she replied, idly looking at the crystalline structures as she walked along. ”Though I cannot fly, my intention is to be as mobile as possible when I face the beast. Sadly, I don’t think I’m very fast, so despite my intention to be mobile, I do not know how well I shall cope. But I am quite durable, and I can generate a reasonable amount of offensive power. So, Desiree, since you’ve probably got great mobility and long range attacks, you can serve as air offense and long range bait. Leona, you’re most likely a great shot with that rifle I see you carrying, so you can be our markswoman. I shall be our tank and close range bait. In essence, Desiree, you can attack at range, and try to damage the dragon. If it’s too durable, you can divert its attention from the rest of us, while attempting to dodge it from a distance. I shall come in close and try to break through its defense, create wounds or openings through which attacks can be made, and disrupt it if it tries to attack the rest of us. Leona, you’ll keep an eye out for wounds, or weak points, and shoot into perceived weaknesses. Although this beast seems rather powerful, I don’t suppose it has a hundred percent invulnerability in all its parts. So, I’m guessing the best places to attack are the eyes, places with open wounds or broken scales, or into the open mouth. If we can touch its brain, it’s finished.” She paused, looking at the other two mages. ”That would be my idea of a plan, though I don’t know if it’s effective enough,” the Dongxian continued. ”I’d like to hear your opinions, because it wouldn’t do to come up with a plan and expect the rest of you to just run along with it. And while we’re fighting, we should all keep watch for any hostiles who may want to take our distraction to attack us when we’re fighting the dragon.”

    The ground soon began to shake, and there seemed to be a dull yellow glow, brightening as the three mages traveled deeper into the earth. And then, coming round a bend, Suzhen pointed silently, as the tunnel opened into an enormous space, at the bottom of which lay the Gold Obsidian Dragon, watching for the arrival of the group. It lifted its head and roared when they came into view, then began to plod towards them, every step making the ground shake.

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    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
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    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ Empty Re: ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 9th September 2021, 10:17 pm

    While the trio walked deeper into the cave Leona listened to her companions talk as she traveled with them. Diamandis talked quite a bit about crystals with Suzhen, but that was not the most interesting thing. Leona witnessed Diamandis levitate and take a bite out of a golden crystal and describe how it tasted with the detail of a connoisseur. The Wizard Saint could not believe that Diamandis had actually taken a bite out of the crystal without breaking a tooth... or multiple teeth, for that matter. However, the information the pink-haired mage had gleaned from taking a bite out of the crystal was interesting.

    Diamandis had hypothesized that the dragon was going to "resonate elementally" with earth, crystal, nature, fire, and steel elements... whatever that meant. She quickly added the caveat that her hypothesis depended on whether the dragon's signature was anything like the crystals. Even though Leona did not understand a good portion of what she had just been told, she had a rough clue as to what she would be going up against... if Diamandis was right.

    Diamandis eventually told Leona that the best way to fight a dragon depended on the dragon one was fighting. The blonde was embarrassed by the question she had just asked because it made her sound really dumb. If her partners looked closely they could see the embarrassment written all over her face.

    She should have known that there was no one-size-fits-all approach to dragon slaying.

    She should have been smarter than that.

    Shoving her embarrassment aside and focusing on the task at hand, Leona listened to Diamandis describe the dragon in detail and learned that the dragon they were after was not capable of flight because of the weight of the crystalline structures on its back. She also learned that the beast employed close-range attacks that could hit hard. Diamandis then added that she did not know much about the fighting styles of Suzhen and Leona, but the pink-haired mage needed to keep as much distance between her and the dragon as she could.

    Diamandis went into further detail about her plan to fight the dragon, which involved flying above the beast and firing as many barrages of crystalline material as she could and staying out of its reach. Leona noted that she also mentioned "companions", making the Wizard Saint wonder if Diamandis was a summoner too. Diamandis then expressed the hope that the dragon's lair had a high ceiling so that her plan was easier to execute.

    Leona then turned her attention to Suzhen and listened to the violet-haired mage give her opinion on how best to fight the dragon. Her opinion was to exploit its weaknesses to their advantage. She stated that while she was incapable of flight she intended to stay as mobile as possible during the fight. The violet-haired mage then offered in-depth suggestions as to what role each mage should take on.

    Diamandis would provide the air power for the trio. Suzhen would be the "tank" of the trio who tried to wound the beast and break holes in its defense that Diamandis and Leona could exploit. As for Leona, she was the designated marksman who was going to use her Ranger Laser Rifle to shoot for weak points that the group made in the dragon's natural armor. Suzhen had even suggested vulnerable areas like the eyes, inside its mouth, and places with broken scales or open wounds.

    Leona was initially skeptical of the Ranger Laser Rifle's ability to harm the dragon. She did not know much about it, but she was fairly certain that it was not made with dragon-slaying in mind. She was concerned that she had brought a useless weapon to the fight, but Suzhen's detailed strategy gave her hope that the weapon had some use even if she could not just shoot the dragon anywhere and hurt it.

    "OK Suzhen, I'll use my Ranger Laser Rifle to target weak points. I also have Wind-based magic with a few long-distance spells that I can use if I have to. I have a spell or two that might can cut through the dragon's skin, but I'll have to get dangerously close to it in order to use them. I'll also need to aim at a weak point in its skin in order to harm it." Leona told Diamandis and Suzhen that a laser rifle was not all she had brought to the table. Most of the spells of Wind Strike Magic might not be much use against the multi-ton mythical beast, but she could still hurt it with Silver Blade and Sonic Slash if the opportunity presented itself. She also had summons who could distract the dragon and give her partners a chance to attack or reposition if the dragon got too close for comfort.

    "I can also call upon summons to help me by attack it or by being distractions for us. Most of them can fly, but I have a few summons who can't fly. The ground-based summons can be used for a combined air-ground offensive." Leona quickly added. Her first choice for the upcoming battle was Sky Champion Rafale. He could fly and his energy blades could be useful since they could be used in diving attacks on the dragon. Tempest Avian was her second choice since he could fly and use powerful attacks like Hurricane Shot and Steel Flechettes.

    The Wizard Saint remembered that Suzhen had brought up the possibility that bandits might take advantage of the trio's fight with the dragon to attack them. That was a possibility Leona had not considered. Attacking three powerful mages while said mages were busy fighting a dragon was one way to level the playing field. It would be hard for Diamandis, Suzhen, and Leona to fend off the bandits while dealing with the dragon, especially if the bandits attacked in large numbers.

    "I didn't think of that possibility, Suzhen. Since I can have up to four summons out at once, I can have two of my summons watch for the bandits while we deal with that dragon." Leona offered to have two of her summons watch for bandits while the mage trio fought the dragon. Of course two summons would not be enough to stop them all, but the summons would be enough of an early warning system for the mages to avoid being totally blindsided by the arrival of human adversaries. The possibility of having to deal with human attackers gave Leona's summons another potential use.

    They could keep the bandits busy while Leona and her partners focused on their main objective. Griffin and Tempest Avian had abilities that were perfect for crowd control, but the sheer intimidation factor of Guardian Lion could not be overlooked. A large mechanical lion running towards the bandits on all fours was sure to send some of them running in the other direction... or at least buy Leona enough time to shift her focus from the dragon to the bandits.

    Leona would have to figure out what combination of her summons would be used and what roles they would be assigned later because the ground suddenly began to shake. The Wizard Saint looked around for a possible source of the disturbance and noticed that Suzhen was standing just around the bend and silently pointing toward something that had caught her eye. Leona quietly walked forward and silently looked in that direction and saw the tunnel open into an enormous space. At the bottom of it she saw what looked like the dragon itself. The Wizard Saint remained calm, kept her mouth shut, and did her best to not make any noise until everyone got ready and got into position for the fight.

    Her efforts to try and be somewhat stealthy were in vain because the dragon almost immediately noticed the trio. It lifted its head and roared at them, then began plodding towards them with steps that literally made the ground shake. Leona took a deep breath and took the Ranger Laser Rifle off of her shoulder, putting its grip into her right hand and raising the weapon. She needed to think and think fast.

    What was the best way to start off the fight?

    She did not have long to decide because a multi-ton mythical beast was stomping towards her and her job partners. She made eye contact with it and then she remembered what Suzhen had suggested.

    Aim for the eyes!

    Raising her laser rifle to her right shoulder, Leona used the scope to aim for the eyes and fired at its left eye. The laser hit a few inches to the left of the eye; the shot only succeeded in getting the dragon to notice her. Undaunted, Leona aimed and fired at its eye again, but the shot veered right and barely grazed the side of its head.

    "Guys, you might wanna hurry! This dragon's heading right for us!" Leona urged Diamandis and Suzhen to act while there was still time to put their plans into motion.

    [Post Word Count: 1,506]
    [Leona's Word Count: 4,910]
    [Total Word Count: 16,436]


    ☽ desert rose ✧ w/ leona & fraag ☾ KjmbioC

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