Fairy Tail RP

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    Worlds Apart [Private Free Form]


    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
    Position : None
    Posts : 43
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Relentless Luminescence
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Worlds Apart [Private Free Form] Empty Worlds Apart [Private Free Form]

    Post by Rowan 12th December 2021, 10:49 pm

    The winds billowed lifting the dust from the ground. The dust swirled at the feet of a behemoth of a man that standing a towering 7 feet tall (213.36cm). The goliath watched the sun set, his golden eyes watching the sky shift into a swash of purple and orange hues. His wild unkempt hair swayed gently as the breeze picked up again. He walked to a small cave opening that peered to the heart of the mysterious canyon. A soft bark came from the left as the Large Man turned his attention to a wolf pup who's tail wagged happily. The pup was the size of a large wolf despite its youth, this was because the pup was a dire wolf, a species known to grow in great size and strength. The man knelt down and picked up a large branch and threw it, the young wolf barked happily and made a mad dash towards the broken tree branch that was just thrown.

    The man watched his wolf companion run off before he let down a ruck sack and to produce some flint and steel, with little effort the large man piled some sticks and dried foliage, with a swift strike of the flint and steel he managed to set the pile a blaze. He watched the flames dance as the embers flickered. He rubbed his big beefy hands to embrace the warmth of the flames. He sat there in silence as he listened to the flames crackle. Eventually the wolf pup trotted happily next to the man before dropping down the broken and splintered branch. The man reached out and pet the wolf. The fire illuminated his face revealing a deep x shaped scar on his face. He took a deep breath, and picked up a stone, he tossed it up and down in his palm, feeling the weigh of the stone. He set it down and picked up another and repeated the process of weighing the stone in his hand. His wolf companion tilted it's big dopey head curiously as she watched the man weigh the stone in his palm. Once satisfied the man turned his head and in one fluid motion he threw the stone with great strength. The stone's velocity ramped up from the goliaths. The stone met its mark, as it completely eviscerated the skull of a fat canyon rabbit. The wolf quickly went over to the dead rabbit and brought it over to the fire, the Man took the dad rabbit from the mouth of the young wold and began to skin the animal and prep it. Despite the mans ginormous hands, he easily cleaned and prepared the rabbit with great precision and efficiency.

    Although the rabbit was larger than it's kin, the cooked meat was comically small compared to the behemoth of a man that had prepared it. After letting the rabbit meat cook on stick over the fire, the man, split the meat in equal portions giving the other half to his canine compatirot. After eating He pulled out a water skin poured some into the open mouth of the thirsty pup. He then took a swig himself and grunted in mild frustration upon realizing he had drank the last drop of water. He let out a deep sigh and decided to retire for the night, but before he could lie down the young pup's ears stood alert before letting out a howl. The man raised his eye brows curiously wondering what made his friend act this way. The wolf pup barked towards the east and ran off into the night. The goliath nomad grunted and picked up his bag, he then pulled a large burning branch from the fire to be used as a torch. He then began to walk in the direction his canine companion had ran off too.

    The man eventually came to a small incline, where the pup gazed down towards a convoy of caravans. At the man dismissed it at as a simple group of traveling folk camping for the night. He turned around was about to head back to his camp but before he could leave the pup barked and gnawed on his long coat, pulling him towards the the convoy. He sighed and looked back at the caravans and noticed something off...there were figures were closing in... he narrowed his golden eyes and realized the figures surrounding the caravan like how a pack of predators would close in on their prey. Not wanting to reveal himself he quickly suffer out his torch and knelt down. He watched carefully, he did not want to act rashly. He had his suspicions but for all he knew these people closing in on the camp were part of the convoy. The pup growled as the figures drew closer and closer to the camp. Upon noticing one of the figures drawing a blade the pup dashed from the mans side and sprinted towards the hostile figure.

    The camper which was the target of the cloaked figure was alerted immediately at the sound of the large wolf pup clamping down it's jaws on the mans arm. The figure howled in pain as he dropped the blade. The figure drew a dagger from his side and was about to stab the pup but a large hand wrapped around the figures arm. The pup let go of the bandit and barked happily. The goliath stood ominously behind the man, he squeezed the bandits arm, the muscles of his hand tightened and with a sickening snap the goliath snapped the cloaked figures arm with ease. The behemoth of the man then lifted the bandit by the broken arm and threw him like a broken toy into a large bolder, the bandit hit the rock with such force the sound of meat crashing into stone echoed in the air. The force was enough to seriously injure the man, but not enough to kill him outright.

    "There are bandits...Warn your companions" The giant grunted as he turned away from the refugee to face the closing bandits. The giants voice was deep and gruff, the way he spoke was straight to the point, wasting no effort nor words upon giving his warning to the surprised refugee. The refugee nodded and scrambled to his feet and grabbed a horn, sounding the alarm to warn his fellow travelers. The giant turned to face the bandits that where clearly irritated that their cover was blown. The white haired warrior walked slowly towards the group like a lion approaching its prey.

    1090 Words

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:20 am