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    The Apprentice: Thorns in the Garden


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    The Apprentice: Thorns in the Garden Empty The Apprentice: Thorns in the Garden

    Post by Admin 20th June 2020, 12:54 am

    Job Title: The Apprentice: Thorns in the Garden
    Rank: A
    Category: Normal/ Job Series
    Job Location: Rose Garden
    Solo Word Count: 5,000
    Group Word Count: 10,000
    Additional Requirements: Must have completed Worshippers of Death: Roots Stretch Further Still.
    Job Description: Since Rose Garden was circled on the map from before, focussing there seems like a good place to continue. It is uncertain what you’ll find and you’ll be starting at ground zero, leads wise. There have to be cultists around there somewhere, though.

    After you successfully discover the cultists within the city and locate the cultist running the operation they have set up in the city, he/she will refuse to back down or leave the city, forcing you to fight them. You must defeat the cultist no matter what. Once you have defeated them, place them under arrest and either interrogate them or look for any clues in their area. Or both.

    If you are convincing enough, or if you find something, you discover that they’ve been sending rather odd resources, as well as a large number of ingredients for corruption potions.  At the same time you learn that corruption has spread to multiple other areas as well: Between Hargeon and Neutral Grounds. A little ways away from Era. Oak Town. Mysterious Canyon. After being defeated, if spoken to accordingly, the cultist will reveal that one or two of the high cultists may be in a safe house in Peace Village.

    • Grunt x10
      Most of the cultists in hiding are cowards and easily intimidated into breaking and sharing information. Of course, they can also be reasoned with too. Citizens tell you that they just look for possible members, and the workers tell you that they store supplies for the cult and send them to the high cultists. If persuaded, they can point to where the cultist in charge of the operation is.
      Enemy Rank: Weak

    • Recruiter x6
      Most of the cultists in the city aren’t full-fledged followers but aren’t about to sell out their brothers in bond at any time soon. They aren’t intimidated by you and can be difficult to persuade. It seems that these cultists are here not only to help the cult but also to make a profit. If convinced or tricked, they’ll share that they are an operation designed to persuade individuals to join the cult, as well as gather resources not only from customers and the land around but also by pickpocketing and stealing. If driven to such a point, they will show or point you to where the cultist in charge is.
      Enemy Rank: Normal

    • Loyalist x4
      These cultists are bound by their oath to keep to secrecy and you will receive no information nor mercy from them. They won’t openly attack unless you attack first, as they know that self-defense is well within the law. You must find a way to obtain something of theirs that will tell you more, in a way that doesn’t break the law. Or at least, not be caught doing so.

      The cultists, however, have codewords and know each other very very well, and thus shapeshifting or disguises won’t work. Until you obtain the information, you have no legal means of arresting them. If you obtain the information, you discover that they are an underground criminal organization that uses pickpocketing, stealing, minor mugging, deception, manipulation, and multiple other illegal and legal ways to obtain resources of a massive variety. Some of these resources appear to be humanoids. By showing the cultist what you’ve obtained you can convince them to show you to their leader if you're persuasive enough.
      Enemy Rank: Strong

    • Local Cult Leader
      This man/woman is a wealthy and rather well-known merchant, also known for his/her good deals and charm. Besides this good reputation, the cultist is a lightning wizard with telekinesis magic as his/her secondary. It takes 20x A-rank attacks to defeat him/her.
      Enemy Rank: Boss

    Reward: 75,000 jewel and access to The Apprentice: A Not So Peaceful Village

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:49 am