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    Farmland Mayhem!


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Farmland Mayhem! Empty Farmland Mayhem!

    Post by Admin 11th February 2020, 5:28 am

    Job Title: Farmland Mayhem!
    Rank: D
    Category: Normal
    Job Location: Beanstalk Village
    Solo Word Count: 500
    Additional Requirements: Solo only. Must defeat all of the Plant Demons without using magic that can damage the crops and farms of Beanstalk Village! The curse on the crops will disappear, but you now have to face off against the Dark Wizard who cursed them in the first place!
    Job Description:Beanstalk Village; nestled in the most northern forests of Fiore alongside the Clover River. This village is responsible for a good bit of Fiore's farm and produce production alongside River Village, and Peace Village. Everything from eggplants to steak can come from here. However, all crops in the village have strangely withered and growing thorns. They also glow with a strange light as if some kind of bad magic is at work, trapping the crops in this foul state. There aren't any wizards in the village so they're completely baffled how entire crop fields of wheat, corn, and tomatoes could just sprout black thorns, wither, and glow. It's very, very, VERY strange to them.

    When you arrive, the cursed plants react to your magic power and reveal vegetable-looking demons munching away. Now the villagers see the source of the problem! Plant Demons are feeding off of their crops! They are drawn to your magical power, popping up in waves to rush you. They look quite cute. Each Plant Demon either has a head and body made up of whatever vegetable it is with thin white legs and arms and glowing red eyes with a mouth that they love to use to eat real crops and to trash talk with. The curse will wear off the crops when you dispose of the Plant Demons, and defeating the Dark Wizard will ensure the curse doesn't return to the village!

    • Tomato Plant Demon x10
      D-Ranked, these Demons are real trash talkers, nothing is off-limits to them. Their bodies look like a giant tomato. Despite their tough talk, they're very weak. They will try to belly flop and body slam their opponents. Their special technique is 'Tomato Juice Cannon' which blasts their opponent with a stream of ketchup from their mouth. Be careful, it packs a punch and deals D-Ranked spell damage and knockback that will lift you off your feet if hit.
      Enemy Rank: Weak
      Enemy HP: 40 HP
      Enemy MP: 100 MP
      Enemy Melee Damage: 10 HP
      Enemy Spell Damage: 40 HP

    • Corn Plant Demon x5
      D-Ranked, these Demons have a body like a giant corn cob. They don't talk tough, but think themselves very stylish. They will attempt to flop on and body ram opponents much like the Tomato Plant Demons. Their special technique is 'Corn Corn Cannon' in which they exhale a stream of corn, flying at bullet speed. They hurt like hell, equivalent to almost having baseballs thrown at you. Enough of them will K.O. even tough wizards. This deals C-Ranked damage if hit.
      Enemy Rank: Normal
      Enemy HP: 60 HP
      Enemy MP: 200 MP
      Enemy Melee Damage: 20 HP
      Enemy Spell Damage: 60 HP

    • Broccoli Plant Demon x10
      C-Ranked, these demons have a body like broccoli with glowing red eyes. They are very fast and will charge opponents quickly with shoulder rams and punches. Their special technique is 'Broccoli Swat', in which they pull their body back like a gigantic fly swatter and slam their Broccoli heads down on their opponent in a gigantic smash. This deals C-Ranked damage and can K.O quite easily. If caught off guard you will be slow to move around and be sore for the next post.
      Enemy Rank: Strong
      Enemy HP: 100 HP
      Enemy MP: 200 MP
      Enemy Melee Damage: 30 HP
      Enemy Spell Damage: 60 HP

    • Dark Wizard x1
      The one who put the curse on the entire farmlands of Beanstalk Village, this guy is not to be trifled with. He is a middle-aged man with an extremely impressive beard and wearing dark robes. He uses Curse Magic that can damage you for B-Ranked spell damage as well as curse you with a nasty effect. Once per turn, he will try to make one of your limbs like jelly, as well as cause you to see and hear things that aren't there. His Curse spells can do things like make you blind, make you deaf, paralyze one limb, make you not be able to speak, and make your own spells backfire on you.
      Enemy Rank: Boss
      Enemy HP: 300 HP
      Enemy MP: 300 MP
      Enemy Melee Damage: 30 HP
      Enemy Spell Damage: 80 HP

    Reward: 5,000 jewel.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 2:42 pm