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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Aven Alveron 19th October 2019, 9:20 am

    The sky was a brilliant shade of blue, that day, as Aven soared through the clouds towards the plateau above Era. He had questions that needed answering, and there was no better place that the Headquarters of the Rune Knights. It was his first time visiting Era, in truth, but there was no mistaking the massive structure above him, ethereal wings carrying him up and over into the reception area. Aven's pearly short sleeve button-down flapping wildly in the wind above his tight light grey pants, as he touched down with a light clack of his matching white shoes onto the pavement. He'd opted for a less formal look for this meeting, considering the fact that he wasn't anyone important in the eyes of the Rune Knights.

    As Aven landed, and the golden light faded from behind him, it struck him just how many wizards were gathered in the area: a side effect of a deepening of his connection to both his magic and Dark Matter, he could feel the pulse of countless prisoners confined within the main prison. It was only natural, he supposed, that the strongest criminals would be held in their most secure facility, under the constant watch of the main branch. With a small puff of breath, he dampened his attention to his sensory abilities, as they'd only serve to distract him from the task at hand.  Approaching the receptionist's desk, he rang for assistance, one hand tucked idly into his pocket as he leaned against the counter. Hopefully, he'd find purchase with an experienced member who could put his growing concerns to rest.


    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Aven_Sig

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Lilith 19th October 2019, 2:46 pm

    Lilith was just returning from fixing herself up in the ladies' bathroom when the visitor arrived. It had to be about the fifth trip she'd made there today, any excuse to look at something other than the dull front desk of the Rune Knight Headquarters. This was a boring day for the raven-haired girl, something she couldn't stand. She had joined the Rune Knights in hopes of one-upping her brother and getting to kick some bad guy butt like one of those hot babes from the Barry's Angels'' films. But here she was, manning the headquarters, not experienced enough with the legal system to head out into the public sector quite yet. She was stuck at the guild and she was bored as shit.

    As she stepped back into the main reception, she spotted a man at the desk and paused. Her sea-green eyes taking him in, he was handsome in an almost aristocratic kind of way. She adjusted the black skirt of her new acquired work uniform, reaching up to ensure the top few buttons were satisfying loose. You know, this was work but, it didn't mean she couldn't be teasing. As she strode towards the desk, she didn't take a seat but, instead moved around the table to approach him directly. "Hello Sir, is there anything I can help you with?" She asked in a polite yet silky tone, a voice she'd practiced to perfection during her years as a receptionist at her previous job. As she stopped in front of him, she took the opportunity to get a better look at him now she was a little closer. He had a nice build, attractive eyes, he was undoubtedly the most interesting thing she'd gotten to look at all day.

    WC: 293 Thread WC: 561


    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Aven Alveron 22nd October 2019, 12:03 pm

    A vixen... Aven's first thoughts were surprisingly curt, depending on who was asked, as the receptionist came into view. She walked with a tempting sway of her hips, a gait Aven would've described as a 'sexy walk'. Months of meditation in the foothills of Tolgalen had begun to heal his broken heart, but it was far from mended: at a glance, he felt a dangerous aura from the young woman, and his instincts fired off warning signals. The fairer sex had always found the chinks in his defenses, even as strong as he'd become, but this one was different. Vixen was too soft a title: this girl was a man-eater.

    It was a struggle, but Aven maintained his composure, running himself through a mental mantra he'd used to calm his mind during his training. The Rune Knight's attire wasn't helping, either, unbuttoned down to tease any onlookers with just barely enough to attract, while still leaving everything to the imagination. He decided to opt for direct eye contact, steeling himself to avoid straying down for a peek. "Just Aven, if you don't mind. I'm here to satisfy a curiosity of mine," He paused involuntarily, as the words stuck in his throat, realizing how easily his words could be misconstrued. He continued, hastily correcting himself, breaking eye contact for a brief moment of embarrassment. "O-on the Rune Knight's criminal policy, of course." He attempted to recover, locking eyes once more. "Um- and who do I have the pleasure of speaking with, today?" Aven was kicking himself, internally; it had to be a woman at the counter, not some battle hardened warrior knight, or some polished administrator. His first time back in civilization in three months, and he ran straight into the eye of the hurricane.


    [WC: 295.]
    [Thread WC: 856.]


    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Aven_Sig

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Lilith 22nd October 2019, 2:28 pm

    Her sea-green eyes met his unwavering gaze, listening as he proceeded to introduce himself. She arched a brow at his comment, not sure if he'd meant to phrase it that way, only to giggle as he corrected himself. "Of course," She repeated back to him playfully, enjoying the look on his face. So it seemed he was a shy one, how cute, she liked that. As he continued, asking her for her name, she adjusted her blazer casually before stating her recently acquired title; "Private Kadokawa, but you can call me Lilith." She hoped he would use the latter because quite honestly Private Kadokawa just wasn't hot, it didn't roll off the tongue very nicely.  But she didn't just join this place to take it easy, she certainly had plans during her time in the Rune Knights.

    But she had to start somewhere, as it happened this was probably the first official time she was presented with anything substantial to do as a Rune Knight, which she was happy to grasp at considering how bored she was. Even if it was just listening to a guy's queries and pretending to know the answer,  she glanced around. She could have done the more professional thing, and gotten someone of a higher rank to deal with Aven. But if she got someone, it meant she would have to go back to standing around, being bored to death and she didn't want that. "So you have some concerns you'd like to address huh, If you like I'm certainly available to take any questions you might have, we could go somewhere private." She gave it a pause, allowing him to interpret that however, he wished, before turning slightly and pointing to some doors across the room, "We have some interrogation rooms that are free right now," She added, her eyes glimmering with intrigued.

    WC: 309 WC: 602 Thread WC:1165


    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
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    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Aven Alveron 26th January 2020, 3:11 pm

    Somewhere more private. He felt like a mouse eyeing a delicious hunk of cheese outside its hole. He knew all too well it was a trap, just as he knew there was a cat waiting to pounce just outside his view. Still, he needed information, and as alluring as Lilith could likely be, he highly doubted he was in any danger... right?

    Interestingly enough, the word "Private" was doubly significant here. Lilith was effectively a new recruit, by military standards, though he was unsure how that translated to the Rune Knights as an organization. It was possible that normal members were classified as Privates, while the senior members were granted higher military titles. Sure as he was that it would be rude to request a higher ranking member, he decided to settle for what answers he could glean from Lilith.

    The problem became, how would he approach the topic? Interrogation room was inaccurate, in this case, since Lilith wasn't under any obligation to answer any of his questions. If he was going to get any information at all, being the prey wasn't an option; he'd have to be the hunter.

    He had a strategy, then. Even if he was outmatched, he wasn't the naive boy he was before, and he'd put up the best fight he was capable of. Reaching forward, he took a bold first move, grasping her hand and leaning down to give it a light kiss, a high society flattery technique he'd watched his Father use quite a few times. Perhaps a bit less smooth than his practiced old man, but not altogether clumsy. He released her hand as he spoke. "Lilith, then. That would be splendid; please, lead the way."


    [Word Count: 285.]
    [Word Count Total: 1450.]


    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Aven_Sig

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Lilith 31st January 2020, 2:54 pm

    Lili watched the man's reaction curiously, there was a small pause after her question. Following which he make an action she hadn't anticipated from someone who'd been quite shy only moments ago. Like a gentleman, he would take her hand and lean down, pressing his lips against the skin of the back of her hand. Lili's brow would arch at the sight, she had only had the back of her hand kissed a few times. But for the most part, the more confident men she encountered tended to greet other parts of her as opposed to her hand. It said a lot about the fellow she was interacting with. He was by no means a predatory being, but he wasn't a kitten either. This only peaked her interest further, wondering what it might be like to dance with someone of his nature.

    As he released her,  she would be beam warmly at his acceptance of her suggestion, turning on her heel. She would stride away, leading the man further into the buildings. A few corridors and doors later, they would arrive at one of the available interrogation rooms. She pushed open the bland door, stepping inside, she would hold it for him. As one might expect of such a room, there was little to it. An empty space, blank grey walls and flooring, nothing but a table with a set of chairs on either side. On one wall, a glass mirror, which functioned as a window from an adjoining room.  "Feel free to take a seat Aven, would you like a drink? Some water, coffee?" She asked, it wouldn't be difficult for her to grab another private to fetch something for him. Truth be told, it was the first time she was getting to visit one of these rooms. It was a shame, she'd hoped since her joined the police force that she would get to shake a confession out of a few perps. However, it seemed this wasn't the case for the newer recruits, she had training to work through first. Also known as bullshit on paper.

    She glided over the table, she kicked her chair out of the way, not wanting to use it. Instead, she  turned so that her back was facing away from the table, before hopping up in such a way that result in her being perched on top of it. Adjusting her skirt, she would raise one of her slender legs and cross it over the other. Resting her palms back on the table, she cocked her head at the attractive visitor. "So, tell me hun, what it is you wish to enquire about?"

    WC: 441 WC: 1043 Thread WC:1891


    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Aven Alveron 31st January 2020, 3:54 pm

    The inside of the Rune Knight's headquarters was about as bland as he'd expected. The feeling he got, at least from what he'd heard and seen so far, was that of a no-nonsense organization; however, Lilith obviously had no such inclination. It piqued his interest as to why someone of her persuasion would seek employment with Law Enforcement of all things, a subject he considered bringing up at some point during their 'interrogation'. After all, endearment was the quickest way to reliable information. The only uncertainty that remained: would he be able to keep up his faux confidence? Every step made with certain gait and his head held high taxed him, and they hadn't even begun the proverbial fight. Only one way to find out, he supposed.

    As he followed after Lilith, he found the battle had, unsurprisingly, already begun. She strode with a mesmerizing sway of her hips, the kind that would bewitch weaker men. Knowledge, however, was half the battle, and knowing her game was enough to keep Aven on his own. The interrogation room, on the other hand, was a sharp contrast to the seductress before him, an unfortunate turn of events, though an expected one. He was on her turf, a place with nothing interesting to keep his attention besides her, perhaps just what she wanted. Well played, Private Kadokawa...

    He took a seat as prompted, relaxing back into the chair. He'd have to lean into the act, if he wanted to play the role correctly. "Yes; coffee, if you would. Say, a bit ironic, isn't it, that I'll be the one asking the questions on your own interrogation room? I suppose, both feet have to wear the shoe, sometimes." A godsend, really; a mug of coffee to keep his hands occupied, and his mind alert. Lilith gave him no time to rest, of course, taking a perch up on the table and methodically sowing off her legs. Gods, this is going to be difficult. Aven leaned back as casually as possible, raising his eyes to meet hers. "Of course. I wanted to ask about the Rune Knight's stance on the New Guild, Dies Irae. I heard about them in passing, from the Vice President of the West Fiore Trading Company, Kyran. He only mentioned them briefly, but it was enough to raise concerns." He took a breath, exhaling softly. "Apparently, even as a Legal Guild, they've been granted permission by the Magic Council to, and I quote, 'Take a harsher stance than the Rune Knights when facing down crime.' Unless I'm mistaken, the Rune Knights make a concerted and labored effort to take capture convicts, rather than put them down. By that logic, the only conclusion I can draw is that Dies Irae doesn't have those qualms." His eyes narrowed, though not in suspicion, but a conscious effort to restrict his peripheral vision from tempting his eyes any further down. "Am I correct, in my assumption?"


    [Word Count: 492.]
    [Word Count Total: 1942.]


    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Aven_Sig

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Lilith 31st January 2020, 5:12 pm

    As he agreed to take a coffee, Lili turned back into the hall, her emerald eyes hunting down the first spare body she could see. She requested his coffee rather sharply, before shutting the door behind her. Once she was comfortably situated on the table and had opened the conversation up for his enquiry. Which wasn't what she had been expecting, she had figured it was about a local crime perhaps. Some long-winded complaint about a group of youths vandalising public property, or a local pervert preying on women. But instead, it seemed his issue lay with the guild known as Dies Irae. A relatively new faction, not that dissimilar to the Rune Knights but with a little more lee-way in their justice system. Lili had been somewhat tempted by the faction, the possibility of being able to dish out whatever she liked just because someone was labelled a 'dark mage' thrilled her. But Alas, Shen was here, so if she was to make sure her bratty little brother didn't show her up or end up dead, here she would have to stay too.

    She would allowed him to finish before taking a moment, really she could only speak for herself, not for the Rune Knights as a whole. Maybe he didn't realise but a private didn't have much sway in the factions stance on anything. Although she had heard murmurs here and there. Much like most things, there was some division, some Rune Knight thought that Dies Irae we're a carbon copy of the police force but with special permissions. That their extreme sense of justice did more harm than good, whilst others viewed them more like bounty hunters. A necessity to take out the evil that the Rune Knights weren't able to. Despite the ineffective position she was in as a member of the police faction, she still decided to go ahead and give him her two scents on the matter. "Well, as far as I'm aware, Dies Irae does have the means to eliminate those deemed evil should it come to that. Although I wouldn't say that this is their only course of action in these circumstances, much like the Rune Knights they are restricted by protocol and some legality concerns. No one is above the law after all, and we all answer to 'higher authorities'." She replied referring to the Magic Council itself. A force that influenced both guilds as far as she was aware. Her lips curled into a smirk, she knew that she shouldn't pry, but she couldn't help herself, she leaned forward slightly.

    "Does this bother you Aven? The prospect of a division allowed to deliver a 'final justice' to those the Magic Council consider so evil that they must be stopped by any means necessary?"

    WC: 464 WC: 1507 Thread WC:2847


    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Aven Alveron 31st January 2020, 6:06 pm

    Aven let out a small puff of air through his nose. "As long as they have legal permission to be judge, jury, and executioner on the spot, minor inhibitors like 'protocol' are about as restrictive as a wet paper bag. Any number of excuses could be given as to why a perpetrator was, 'too difficult to be brought in alive'; dead men tell no tales." Witty remarks aside, his suspicions were confirmed; so, why did he only have more questions? He didn't get the sense that she was lying, or withholding anything important, and that meant it was likely the extent of what she knew as a Private. He could try to work his way up the chain, but in truth, that tidbit was all he really needed to know. Anything else, he'd want straight from the horse's mouth, which meant he'd need to pay a visit to Dies Irae. Though, whether or not Johann would be willing to speak with him was another matter entirely.

    However, Lilith wasn't finished. She decided to prod him a bit, edging a bit closer to him. Aven crossed his arms, cocking an eyebrow at the Private. "...And if it does? Tell me, Lilith: how many people would I need to kill to be considered evil enough to be killed in retribution? One? Two? Ten?" He cocked his head a bit to the side. "Or, maybe, I just need to kill the right people? A few Councilman would do it, right? After all, it would be impossible for them to ignore those deaths, unlike the people killed wantonly by bandits, bounty hunters, and monsters every day." He planted his hands firmly, and a bit loudly on the table, rising abruptly from his chair to meet her at eye level. "Who could possibly be so free of guilt that they could stare into my eyes, and claim that my sins were grave enough to bury me? Pushing their own brand of self-righteous bullshit, pretending that they have the right to draw the line of who deserves to live or die?" Before he knew it, in the fervor of his rant, he'd gotten close enough to her to see his reflection in her eyes. His adrenaline plummeted, and his blood rose to a boil, producing that cursed flush of red. Embarrassed, he sat back down, looking away toward the featureless wall. "My point is, either everyone has the right to live, or no one does. The Magic Council is just a group of people, like the rest of us, and their idea of good and evil is no less subjective than yours or mine." In retrospect, he may have gotten a tad too heated, but the thoughts had been stewing ever since he heard about it from Kyran. The idea infuriated him, to the very core of his being, a sentiment that was terribly difficult to hide.


    [Word Count: 482.]
    [Word Count Total: 2444.]


    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Aven_Sig

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Lilith 31st January 2020, 7:00 pm

    His reaction to her response was clearly one of displeasure, his response was sharp, relentless. It seemed all shyness melted away when it came to the man's passions, a curious feature to behold. Then there was a matter of her prying, and despite his likely best intentions, he would bite. He began with a question designed to challenged her. But as he continued to deliver a rant that accelerate the heart in him, he would even go so far to slam his palm firmly against the table. Standing suddenly, he was suddenly in her space, a reaction that she looked over in quite a casual manner. She had expected that something like this might happen, men who had a cause tended to hold a rather 'personal attachment' to it, they were fighters who would face any challenger with their determined will. Her eyes would lock with his as he bore into her with his words, a content smirk on her lips.

    She was by no means intimidated by his actions, in actuality, she welcomed it. Especially when he came to realise what he'd done, the flush of pink across his features caused her to take a sharp intact of breath. Her attraction magnified by his embarrassment, she wanted to toy with him. She could feel it, the huntress inside her wanting to claim him. To play with him in various illicit manners as a means to deepen that blush. But that could wait, because right now, she needed to address the matter at hand. As he offered his closing statement, she would hop of the table, stepping over to him. Because if this man thought he was going to get away with that and not get a little rebuttal, he would have been mistaken. She would lean over him, this time it was her turn to invade his personal space. "Aven. Look at me," She ordered sharply, regardless of whether he'd do so, her hawk-like gaze would bore into him as she spoke.

    "I get it, you're angry. The idea of death abhors you, somehow unlike so many, your brain got wired to think that everyone deserves a chance at life. An honourable notion. But not a realistic one, at the end of the day, Dies Irae, the Rune Knights, and so many know that it doesn't matter. No matter how hard you try, or how much you want hope. Death is inevitable. And sometimes, people have to do the hardest thing, because that is the only way to stop the suffering. You honestly think that sparing the likes of serial killers, rapists, pedophiles does more justice than eradicating them then you're deluded sweetie. Arresting them whilst effective, doesn't always work; they escape, they get parole, they finish their time only to go out and repeat the same horrors they were imprisoned for. Sometimes we can't even catch them without innocents dying as a result, when it gets to such a point, are we even killing humans anymore. Or just man-made monsters?" Her voice was steady, and firm. She had always had this understanding about humanity, despite society attempts to lead her along the same thought-track the man before her carried. Somehow she just knew. Things weren't black and white.

    "Now, am I not saying there isn't the possibility of abuse in this system? No, of course there is. Corruption is a common sin amongst our kind. But that is something neither you, nor I would be able to control. We're individuals, and if it's not Dies Irae, it'll just be some other reckless vigilante with his own twisted idea of good and bad. At least, if it's a faction, then it can be monitored, regulated even. It's not ideal, but it's something." Her expression softened, she reached over to him, placing a hand on his arm.

    "Is this... personal for you?" She asked, it was a rather intrusive question, but she was intrigued. His passion was so strong, she wanted to know it's roots.

    WC: 667 WC: 2174 Thread WC:3514


    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Aven Alveron 31st January 2020, 7:44 pm

    Aven met her eyes as Lilith spilled out her response. Her eyes were hard, the gaze of someone who'd seen the worst in people. It was the response everyone gave, the enlightened 'nothing is black and white' argument. It was an unfortunate topic, because it wasn't an argument that was easily countered: the world was a mottled mess of grey, which uncertainty around every bend. At a base level, both of their assertions were built on that same foundation, that nothing could be defined as objectively good or evil, but Lilith's view, the one he'd heard so many times in defense of killing dark mages, was one of practicality, rather than morality: it begged the question of guilt, whether letting a murderer live to possibly murder again stains the hands of those who spared them.

    Despite all of that, he was staunch in his defense. "And so, we entrust the license to kill to other, fallible humans? The right to judge a person's life by a snapshot, sweeping aside their struggles, hardships, pain and past, as though they were nothing? Are you so cynical to believe a person can't change, that there's no saving the drowning from the deep end?"

    Then, Lilith did something unexpected. She dropped the hardness in her voice, adopting a piercing gentleness that cut through his guard like butter. His eyes widened, as she leaned in and rested her hand on his arm soothingly. "Personal...?" His mind sifted through his memories, and he broke eye contact, staring down and away at the monochrome floor. "I... I have a twin brother. He was taken, back when we were only kids, and turned into a pawn for a dark wizard. He's doing everything he can to fight it, but he's being controlled to sow the seeds of an invasion of Fiore." He clenched his fists. "Where's the justice for Zane? We were only ten years old, what did he do to deserve a life like that? In that snapshot Dies Irae would take of his life, they wouldn't see his constant struggle to keep me from that wizards hands, nor would they see the pain and suffering he's endured as a result. All they would see is a threat to the Magic Council, a target for elimination."

    Aven raised his head, light blue seas glistening with the whisper of tears, frustration stinging them as he forced his defiant gaze back at Lilith. "I refuse to abandon him to that justice! I'll face down every single wizard in Dies Irae at once before I let them enact their petty justice on him, even if the whole world hunts me down!"


    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Aven_Sig

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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Lilith 25th February 2020, 7:23 pm

    His response was predictable at this point, it was clear to the Ravenette that he wasn't going to budge on the matter. Which was why she had made the choice to go in a little softer than before, to pry into something deeper than may have been motivating him. And so would begin a woeful tale about his twin brother. An individual apparently under the control of some dark mage and being forced to do evil at their behest. She would listen, allow him to talk. Her emotions weren't especially caring, but if anything, she was a socialite and now how to act towards people. It was probably one of her more ideal skills as a Rune Knight, amongst others.

    "I'm sorry about your brother, but If you want my honest opinion. I don't think that you have the power or prowess to change such a cemented system. A few heated debates with higher up isn't going to get you far, and heck if you want to fight Dies Irae, go ahead. But I'll be the first to tell you, it's stupid. All you'd be doing is hurting people who are just doing their jobs in the hopes that they can protect the innocent. If I were you I'd take a different approach. Maybe work with the Rune Knights, if you really feel like he isn't in control of his actions then maybe we can keep Dies Irae from moving in on your brother. Maybe we can even investigate this dark mage you mentioned, Dies Irae aren't the only faction responsible for handling bad guys you know."
     She suggested with a shrug, not really sure if he would take her up on her offer, but figured she would put it out there anyway.

    It was that point there was a knock on the door, and a mousy haired private walked in holding a paper cup filled with a coffee, a handful of sachets of cream and sugar in their spare hand. Lilith hopped off the table, striding over she would take the coffee and extras. Before dismissing them with a nod, she turned to Aven, returning to where he was sat she would place it all down on the table next to him. "Listen, to me it sounds like you've got a lot on your plate. Maybe take some time to think about things before you do anything rash, and hell, if you need a distraction." Her lips curled upwards playfully at him, "I was thinking of heading out for some drinks after work today, I could use some company. Might do you some good to switch off for a bit, have some fun with lil ol' me. If you're up for it, I finish a five." The offer had been a last minute decision on her part, she had intended to go out with the girls. But she hadn't texted them yet to confirm, and if Aven agreed then she wouldn't have to. Admittedly she was quite intrigued about the silver-haired man with the sparkly emerald eyes. There was a passion burning inside him and she'd only seen a flicker of it. Just enough to tempt the vixen in hopes that maybe, he could provide some unique entertainment.

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    Aven Alveron
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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Aven Alveron 15th March 2020, 1:21 pm

    Aven's eyes dried steadily, an ounce of surprise leaking out as he realized he'd been tearing up. Had it truly weighed so heavily on him? Zane... His brother had likely endured far more than Aven could imagine, but Lilith wasn't wrong. It would be far wiser to work to prevent the situation, than to attempt to resolve it afterwards. That was, of course, why he'd visited the Rune Knights in the first place; he was no stranger to preventative measures. On the contrary; despite his brief loss of composure, he'd gotten most of the prerequisite information he needed to move ahead on that very subject, and schedule a meeting with Dies Irae. Knowing where they stand, now, he could go into a discussion at least partly informed about what he needed out of them... the only question was, what would they ask in return?

    Aven adjusted his collar, pulling the free-hanging shirt firmly to his shoulders, reaching out and snagging the fresh brew. A small sip gave his mind the warm reprieve it needed. Lilith certainly knew how to push his buttons, but that's likely because her targets were the weak ones. He locked eyes with her, a long, solid pause, wondering which of those buttons she'd be targeting next? After all, his shirt was already completely undone, nothing much left to go after. With a grin, he took another shot at his coffee. "Alright, I'll bite: what did you have in mind?"


    [Word Count: 244.]
    [Word Count Total: 3134.]


    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Aven_Sig

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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Lilith 16th March 2020, 6:58 pm

    The Rune Knight watched as the man collected himself, composing his momentarily emotional lapse and detracting himself from the means to which his sad little story was affecting him. It was curious for Lili, she didn't so much feel any pity for his situation, but there was a semblance of understanding under it all. She pondered what she might feel if Shen was in this sort of situation. For a start, she'd be full of her usual irksome disappointment towards her brother, it was certainly like him to end up controlled by someone else. He was clumsy and awkward, the quirky weirdo who obviously died first in the horror movies. Regardless, if for whatever reason this circumstance did come to be. She would crush anyone that attempted to pass their own sentence upon him, although she likely didn't have the same justice-based morals as our dear little Aven here did. She would do very, very bad things, because the only person who was allowed to pass judgement on Shen, was her.

    Once he seemed to have settled down, he would meet her steady gaze, his emerald iris's almost a parallel reflection of her own albeit a few different flecks, and varying tones. He would grin at her, meeting her suggestion with his own suggestion. She smirked, "Oh, just a little music, conversation, and some beverages of course. Please tell me you're not one of those tea-total types, I'm only inviting you because I'm curious about you. You seem like a very... passionate guy, and sometimes, that equals fun. Are you fun Aven?" She would stride forward, sliding across the distance between them in a few elegant strides. Leaning down, she reached forward, tickling the underside of his chin with her index finger. "Because I, sure as hell, am - maybe a little too fun. Not everyone can keep up." Turning on her heel, she strode away, her playful hips swaying as she left him to his thoughts. "I think that about wraps this up, I'll see you tonight, Fun guy."


    The rest of her shift had been surprisingly dull compared to her little tête-à-tête with Aven; some much less exciting civil complaints, aiding in processing a few perps that her fellow knights brought In, more paperwork. And so the hours had slowly ticked by until finally, it was time to check out. She shut the door of her assigned room in the barracks, having quickly changed into something a little less conservative as the Rune Knights Uniform. A little red jumper-style dress and black knee-high boots, something a little more fitting for her personality.  She swiftly strode through the guildhall, not wanting to leave her company waiting too long. As she made her way to the front entrance, glancing around to see if he really had the pluck to show up.

    WC: 473 WC: 3,187 Thread WC:5,212


    Aven Alveron
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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Aven Alveron 17th March 2020, 3:12 pm

    Aven paced back and forth, stewing in front of the mirror in his hotel room. I'm a fun guy, right? He was just going out for a drink and a bit of socializing; so why did he feel so self conscious? Dark Matter swirled around him like a tempest, over and over, as he flitted through different outfits: black tie, tuxes, blazers, suits, it seemed all he had practiced making, barring the casual wear he'd donned earlier in the day, was far too formal for the occasion. It was new to him, the feeling of being over-dressed, but he assumed it was just a result of his intake of societal convention.

    With a loud sigh, he flopped back onto the queen-sized bed. At least, the accommodations in the town were high quality, given the right price. Months on the mountains, while enlightening, had gave him a particular hatred of having to manufacture himself a bed: he never quite struck the right balance between comfort and support when he used Dark Creation for a bed, and ended up with a crick in his back in the morning. Leaning over, he picked up one of the tabloids provided by the hotel, flitting through it mindlessly. He'd be embarrassed to go if he was going to look shabby...

    ...and then he found it. Like a beacon of light in a dimming world of fashion, Aven flipped to a page with a male model sporting what they called, "The New Century Gentleman". The man wore a suit, the jacket unbuttoned and hanging, and no tie or ascot, his shirt instead unbuttoned three buttons down, and slightly flared out to show the barest hint of his chest; His hair was styled up and to the side, and to top everything off, he wore a pair of stylized black sunglasses. Aven wasn't sure about the sunglasses, given it would be nighttime, but the rest he could absolutely use! Making his way to the mirror once more, he spun darkness into a brilliantly white version of the ensemble, choosing include the sunglasses, but hanging them from the 'V' on his chest instead of wearing them. After a bit of fussing with his hair to get it to work with him, he gave himself a proud smile. Tonight's going to be fantastic!


    Aven strode gently toward the front entrance of the Rune Knight's guild hall. They'd agreed to meet around five minutes from the current time, if the clock tower was to be believed. Sure enough, just as he reached the entrance, about to knock, the doorway swung open, and Aven was face to face with a far more dangerous form of Lilith; he got the impression that the guild was not her natural habitat, nor her forte, and though he'd had a similar thought before, the confirmation of the theory was still a noteworthy event. Shooting her a signature smile, Aven made an effort to start the ball rolling. "You look even lovelier than I'd imagined, Lilith. I don't suppose you have an idea of where we'll be headed tonight?" He'd tweaked his posture slightly, under prompt of a few of the articles he'd read: apparently, proper posture was viewed as rigid and haughty, and he hardly wanted to emulate those qualities. So, he'd opted for a more open, relaxed resting pose, one hand tucked in his pocket and one leg cocked slightly out to the side, based partially off some of the models in the articles. He just hoped he hadn't picked the wrong source material, like that previous mistake with the... Boy on Boy literature...


    [Word Count: 602.]
    [Word Count Total: 3736.]


    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Aven_Sig

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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Lilith 18th March 2020, 9:44 am

    And there he was. Standing there in his casual white suit, her eyes raked him over enjoying the sight. Her gaze rose up to his, throwing him a devilish smirk as he apologized to him. She spotted his sunglasses, "Ooh very nice," She remark, reaching forward she plucked them from his shirt. Opening them she would pop them on, pulling them down the bridge of her nose so she could look over the top of them. In one swift movement, she pulled out her gold iLac, opening up the camera. She would turn, backing herself into him for just a movement, she craned her neck so that he could look over her shoulder. Pulling up her front-facing camera, "Smile, hot stuff!" She told him before flashing a brilliant smile and clicking the circle in the middle of the screen. She pressed it a few times, before looking at the camera and stepping away from him. Checking the images, "Mmm, much cute. Quite the photo-genic little justice warrior." She said teasingly, turning back to him and popping the sunglasses back into his shirt.

    "Let's see, we could be tame and go to bar, or there is something else I had in mind. Although it might be a little on the wild side, can you handle dancing?" She would ask challengingly, it was hard to picture him in a nightclub. He was so well-spoken, almost aristocratic, he looked like the type who would sip champagne at charity functions as opposed to grinding amongst sweating bodies and flashing lights. But she would no assume, instead, she would let him decide on what playing field he would accompany her tonight. Although if he did agree to the latter, then she had no doubt that things could get a little crazier than she anticipated. Not that she minded, the idea of seeing such a pristine individual let lose was fascinating to her, what was Aven on the wild side like? A question she was eager to learn the answer to.

    WC: 335 WC: 3,522 Thread WC:6,149


    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Aven Alveron 18th March 2020, 10:52 am

    Lilith's reaction was refreshing, if not a bit of a culture shock. She leaned in for a few self portrait photos with her iLac, donning the sunglasses in a punk-ish pose. She might notice that the glasses were incredibly heavy for their size, unnaturally so, though not enough to simply drop off her nose. Aven couldn't help a small blush at the compliment; he'd worked fairly hard to pull off the look, and a dose of validation was just what he needed to bolster his confidence. Breaking unconsciously into an even brighter smile, Aven laughed. "Justice warrior, huh? I guess that makes you the flirty policewoman?"

    Lilith followed up with a few options, and one immediately caught his fancy. "Dancing?" Aven's eyes lit up. He hadn't expected something so far up his alley! He was proficient in four different forms of dance; she couldn't have suggested anything better. However, a brief flash ran through his head, a memory of his time dancing with Nessa. Aven's eyes dimmed briefly, before he shook off the gloom. "I'd love to go dancing, that's a fantastic idea," Gesturing ahead, he'd shoot his company a wink. "Lead the way!"


    [Word Count: 195.]
    [Word Count Total: 3931.]


    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Aven_Sig

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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Lilith 18th March 2020, 12:54 pm

    Lilith laughed at his retort, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. Flirty policewoman certainly was an appropriate title for her, one she had no qualms about. She wasn't going to quell her personality just because she had taken a job in the public sector. Anyone who had a problem with it could just get good. It would seem that he was content with her suggestion of dancing, quite excited by it in fact. She grinned, "Dancing it is then." She replied, opening up the Ubar application on her phone and setting up a taxi to pick them up. Before looking back at him, she did an excited little hip wiggle. "I'm so glad you said that because Limbo is doing three for one on drinks tonight, and I plan on taking full advantage of that." She told him, luckily she had a little bit of cash leftover from her last job to play with, although it was quickly dwindling. It had paid a little better than the Rune Knights but it had been dull and required constant civility towards obnoxious upper-class folk.

    Her phone would ping to inform her the car was here, she ushered him to follow her, climbing into the taxi scooting across to let Aven join her. Swinging one leg over hers, she leaned back into the leather, turning to head to face him. "So Aven, seeing as we're going to spending the evening together, I should probably learn a little more about you. Tell me about yourself?" She would ask, having realised that aside from his name and his high moral compass, there wasn't a lot she knew about the white-haired man accompanying her tonight.

    WC: 278 WC: 3,800 Thread WC:6,622


    Aven Alveron
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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Aven Alveron 18th March 2020, 1:29 pm

    Three for one drinks? That was a deal, for sure, though he was decently positive a generous helping of alcohol wouldn't do his dancing any favors. Most of his skill in the field involved precise and practiced movements, even the more lively genres like Salsa. As the cab pulled up, he would open the door for Lilith, before sliding in next to her. The seats were comfortable enough, though he was still getting used to the transportation in the big cities: he'd much rather fly than ride, after all.

    Lilith didn't waste much time getting into small talk, as he probably should've expected. The subject was a surprising one, mostly considering he had the same question to fire back. "Hmm... about me?" He let the though settle in the air, as he gauged just what, and how much, he wanted to say. Aven didn't have anything to hide, exactly, but he figured she'd only be interested in the highlights. "I'm a Fairy Tail wizard, have been for a few years. Heir to the Alveron Family estate, I've only recently gotten out into the real world, and started experiencing what it's actually like; after all, high-society is a realm of its own." He gazed wistfully out the window, watching the city roll by. "I guess you could consider me an eccentric, both in magic and life; I've put everything I have into learning how to protect myself and others. Ironic, that I feel the need to ask for help protecting my brother, given that fact." He returned his attention back inside the vehicle, meeting Lilith's eyes. "What about you? Surely, there's more to Lilith Kadokawa than just a social butterfly in uniform?"


    [Word Count: 282.]
    [Word Count Total: 4213.]


    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Aven_Sig

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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Lilith 18th March 2020, 2:02 pm

    Lilith was mildly surprised when he opened the door for her, it was especially gentlemanly of an act to partake. One she didn't get to witness that often, it was intriguing to see him treat her like a 'lady' when many would consider her nothing of the sort. As she brought him into some light conversation to kill time during their journey, she would listen idly, playing with a loose strand of hair as she did so. She assessed his summary of himself, she wasn't super familiar with high-end names. She'd only really interacted with one family of status that she knew of, and that had been a more physical relationship as opposed to one that included a lot of talking. She did, however, recognise the guild he mentioned, one he'd read about in magazines from time to time. Although that was where her understanding ended, she just knew that it was a guild located in Magnolia. "Ahh, a well-bred rich boy. See I'm not super surprised by that, although I am intrigued by your use of the term eccentric."

    He would reflect the question back at her, she took a moment to contemplate her answer, debating what to say about herself. "Oh there is more, but for the sake of easing you in I'll keep it to the outer layers. Let's see, I'm twenty-four, I live here in Crocus, but I grew up in Cedar. And honestly, I'm a bit of a wildcard. I just like to let loose and forget about the bullshittery that is life's boring conformities." There was some other stuff she could have told him, some darker, lee savoury things. But she wasn't quite ready to expose those parts of herself yet. Not until he was ready to experience them, something he might never get to do. Depending on whether he was suitable for the games she actually preferred to play.

    WC: 317 WC: 4,117  Thread WC:7,221


    Aven Alveron
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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Aven Alveron 18th March 2020, 2:24 pm

    Outer layers was right, Lilith certainly played her cards close to her chest. Aven didn't mind, though; not everyone was an open book, and some novels had to be read page by page. He chuckled lightly at her response. "Life's boring conformities, huh? That's quite a lexicon you have going there, but I have to wonder: why should a girl like you be worried about conformity?" Aven's eye flitted out the windows, as the cab slowed to a crawl, pulling up beside a bright neon sign, reading, 'Limbo'. Odd, it was a small venue to have any kind of ballroom floor, seemingly no bigger that a bar. Maybe, there was a basement? He could tell from a glance, but he picked up a faint thumping of music from within.

    Ignoring the rhythm, for the time being, he swung open the door, stepping out onto the curb and offering a hand to Lilith. He spoke with a teasing grin. "Between the two of us, one would assume I'm the one who needs help breaking free of the monotony. I guess problems reach across the isle, huh?" There were social lines that Aven couldn't always identify, a part of the reason he'd come in the first place. At the moment, he was testing the line between confidence and sass, hoping to land somewhere in 'charming' zone rather than the 'rude'.


    [Word Count: 229.]
    [Word Count Total: 4442.]


    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Aven_Sig

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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Lilith 18th March 2020, 2:59 pm

    Her eyes flickered slightly as he questioned her explanation, her expression growing more amused by the layering of the sass in his words. "Oh honey, you have no idea.  I'm not exactly the shining beacon for a standard of 'appropriate' behaviour for a woman my age. At least so I'm told." She told him, assertion in words the nature of her rebellious persona. Developed extensively after several years of being told to behave more civilised, not to do certain things, not to talk in a certain way. Teachers, Friends, and even family seem to consider her 'unnacceptable', something that only proved to spur her on.

    The conversation was momentarily tabled as they arrived at the club, taking Aven's hand as he guided her out of the vehicle, shutting the door behind her. She stood up, adjusting her dress slightly, before gazing over at him. Arching a brow at his comment, "Oh, boo~ I broke free when I stopped giving a fuck. You should try it sometime." She remarked, winking back. She began to guide him toward the familiar night club, the rhythmic booming filling her excitement for the night ahead. She guided him into the line, for the club where a queue of random club-goers waited. Scantily clad girls in high heels, men in polo-tees and cheap yet suitable shoes. She moved to pull Aven closer, "Try not to stray too far if you can help it, it can get a little crazy once we're inside." She told him, a small attempt in preparing him from the hectic energy of the club. As they reached the bouncer, she flashed them her identification, waiting for them to check Avens before leading him inside.

    Ways to describe the inside of Limbo was overpacked, loud and intense. The twenty-four-hour club already thriving even at this time. As the club was named Limbo, it appropriately carried themes of heaven and hell combined. Inside there were podiums with poles, were dance cages all through the bar, where sexy angels and demons danced along to the music. The ones that weren't inside the cages wandering the floor offering shots of 'Miracle', their signature drink here. "Shall we get a drink?" She asked, nodding towards the bar.

    WC: 370 WC: 4,487 Thread WC: 7,820


    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Aven Alveron 25th March 2020, 4:15 pm

    Aven gave a light chuckle, as he helped Lilith onto the sidewalk. "Language, Lilith! Perhaps you don't give one, but casual use of those words is a slippery slope." He'd never been fond of flippant 'F-words', believing the word's errant usage detracted from the situations that truly warranted it. Still, his tone was humorous, realizing full well that many didn't share his opinion, and often joked about that difference. His thoughts were quickly interrupted, however, by a quick once over of their destination. Something was definitely off, or at least, ill-fitting of his expectations: the attire of the patrons entering "Limbo" were suspiciously risque, especially some of the women. Furthermore, a large, muscular man was posted at the front, checking identification. Normally, he wouldn't have thought anything of it, considering many soirees and balls had guest lists, but they hadn't exactly made a reservation, to his knowledge. Maybe, Lilith had called ahead?

    Aven pulled out his Fairy Tail membership, handing it politely to the man at his request, and received it back without a word, ushered inside along with Lilith. So she did make a reservation! A bit more forward-thinking than he'd expected from the seemingly spontaneous young woman, but a welcome surprise. With a gracious nod to the musclebound receptionist, he strode in, smiling in response to Lilith's warning as they walked through the door. "I'm sure I'll be fine, I've been to crowded gatherings before!"

    The music was boisterously loud on the inside, of course, but that was hardly what drew Aven's attention. In fact, nothing individually encapsulated his focus, but rather, everything did. He was quickly overwhelmed by the sight of various metal poles, most being unceremoniously mounted and caressed by women scantily dressed as Angels and Demons. Given his experience with the former, he could immediately tell they were nothing of the sort, but that was hardly relevant. The establishment was absolutely rife with an overwhelming aura of desire and lust, the sheer magnitude hitting Aven like a brick wall.

    Stumbling for a moment, before he regained his balance and composure, Aven realized his jaw had dropped ever so slightly. On what he assumed was the "dance floor", people of all kinds moved in provocatively alien ways, though some slightly reminiscent of the more scandalous salsa performances he'd witnessed in the past; at least, in the sense of pelvic proximity. His normally gentle smile became skittish and nervous, matching both the tone of his skin and voice. "O-oh. Well, this is a... a bit more than I expected." His eyes flitted toward the bar, and he nodded vigorously. "A drink! Yes, of course, we should get a drink! That'd be fantastic." He hurried over to the bar, eager to sit and process his predicament. He'd ventured out to expand his horizons, that was true; still, he was quickly dawning on the conclusion that he'd wandered into the lions den, and his only lifeline was none other than a lioness herself.


    [Word Count: 495.]
    [Word Count Total: 4937.]


    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Aven_Sig

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    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Lilith 25th March 2020, 5:44 pm

    Lilith threw back her head and laughed as he checked her language, she had heard such a thing so many times in her life that it didn't even phase her. In fact if anything it spurred her on, she loved it when people felt the need to bring up her behaviour, she moved into his space a little more. Her tongue running over her teeth as she stepped up to this latest challenges, as she spoke her voice was low and seductive, "Oh, you don't want me to say fuck huh? But I happen to like the word fuck, and all of it's naughty conations. I'm especially fond of 'fucking', Aven, it just sounds so fucking good on my tongue." She purred at him teasingly her face a few short inches from his, she couldn't help herself, she wanted to make him squirm a little. She stayed there for a minute before pulling away with a snicker, "I'm just screwing with you, although I'm totally not going to curb my language. I'm not one for submitting to others, not unless they make it worth my while." She remarked suggestively before moving on toward the club.

    Unlike Aven once they were inside Lilith felt completely at ease, she'd been to clubs such as this on so many occasions that she was practically a regular, aside from the ones she had been banned from. A few too many drinks, a mindset like Lilith's and a little bad behaviour meant there were a couple places where they had educated every employee on remembering her face and to turn her away at the door. Not wanting to risk a repeat of her devilish shenanigans. She turned back to him, noticing the change in his demeanour, which only made her grin like a Cheshire cat. Moving over to him, she would place her hands on his arm before guided him towards the bar. As they moved closer, Lili's eyes scanned for a spot where they could squeeze in and get served as quickly as possible. As she slid into a gap, she leaned over the counter, trying to catch the attention of the bartender. Once he came over to her she would order two shots of 'Miracle' as well as two vodka cordials on ice. Miracle was possible a little on the strong side, about five times stronger than a normal shot of liquor. But did Lili consider this might be a little intense of a start for Aven as she handed him the shot of blue liquid? Yes. Did she give a fuck? Not in the slightest.

    "Cheers," She said to him, clinking her shot against his before knocking it back. It was sweet, almost like diluted syrup, but easy on the throat. One of the many things that made it so dangerous was how unlike most strong alcohols, it tasted so pleasant. But its effects were swift, and it was barely a matter of moments before Lili could feel it's intoxicating buzz seeping through her. "I can probably swing us a booth, unless you wanna risk the dancefloor?"

    WC: 515 WC: 5,002 Thread WC: 8,830


    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Empty Re: A meeting with the Rune Knights...?

    Post by Aven Alveron 2nd April 2020, 9:33 am

    Aven's eyes trained on the bar, chancing a smile as he accepted the drink, clinking the glass. "Cheers." After downing the shot in one go, a look of surprise washed over him, as he realized that the drink was actually very sweet and pleasant. From the sound of it, he'd expected an incredibly hard liquor; instead, he found that the concoction slipped down his throat without so much as a whisper of burn. As to whether that was his magic protecting him, or a quality of the drink itself, was anyone's guess; not that he lingered on the thought for very long. If anything could've been said to be 'liquid courage', Miracle was a strong contender, and as Aven felt a warm buzz wash over him, he called over to the waiter. "Another, if you would!"

    His eyes flitted over to Lilith, who'd finished hers as well. "A booth, or the dance floor?" He gave the center of the room a good once over, drinking in the details. Women lewdly grinding on men to the steady rhythm, a few contingents of segregated gatherings waiting for the opposite to gather the nerve to approach, and even a few couples in the background making out in a booth. If there wasn't already a small tinge of red from the shot, he was sure the color had made it's way there. The aura of the patrons was still pounding away at his senses, forcing him to purposefully dull his magical awareness. He'd be fine to drop his guard; it was supposed to be a fun 'night out', after all.

    One more glance at the booth, before he intercepted his second dose of Miracle as it slid across the bar, taking the time to savor it this go around. Halfway through the shot, Aven gestured out to the floor. "I'll take my chances with a dance," He downed the rest of the shot, and stood up, holding out his hand, "That is, if you'd be willing to join me?" Those hooligans on the floor didn't know what it meant to really dance, rather than simply throwing one's body all over someone else. The core of dancing was passion, not lust, and he'd be sure to show them just how different the two were.


    [Word Count: 380.]
    [Word Count Total: 5317.]


    A meeting with the Rune Knights...? Aven_Sig

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