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    The Chaotic Wilds (Intro Topic)

    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : XXX
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,062

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water God Slayer Magic
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    The Chaotic Wilds (Intro Topic) Empty The Chaotic Wilds (Intro Topic)

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 8th May 2019, 10:13 pm

    The jungles south of Talonia were indeed the wilds of Fiore as they were isolated due to the great trenches left in the earth. It was a whole new world for strangers to enter, a land full of dangerous hungry beasts, wild tropical plants and untraveled terrain. Even the paths in the jungles were unkept and easily eclipsed by the foliage. Travel for anyone normally was impossible-- unless they didn't care if they got lost or been around it long enough to know how to transverse it.

    Indra was one of those souls. The lightning Dragon Slayer had once again sought the solice of the jungle for training. He had worked up a sweat doing pull ups from the trees, fighting a few grizzly beasts that tried to take advantage of him and one carnivorous plant. All of which was a decent work out for him as he recovered.

    Kage was taking care of things at the guild hall, seeing to keep its members in line and planning missions for them. With the exception of the catacombs, Kage was the fastest one who could come and go from the jungle via flying overhead.

    Taking a break, Indra chewed on a fruit that grew from one of the trees. The guild, Rakshasa had formed for about a month now and he was working hard to help his members grow stronger, while aid his own strength.

    Still, the founding principal of the guild was strength and he wished to test his strength more-- against those who were strong and capable. Real opponents, and not just beasts. Little did he know he would get his wish as a new face had roamed into the jungle-- one with his own thirst for battle as well...



    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Chaotic Wilds (Intro Topic) Empty Re: The Chaotic Wilds (Intro Topic)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 12th May 2019, 4:37 am

    Feitan walked along with the swirls of his eyes obvious and a bit of a stumble to his step. Behind him was the ever-present foci in his life. Orthrus was walking behind him the beast was a giant twin-headed serpent tailed and was a loving companion for him. At least as much of a loving companion as Feitan could possibly have, being the psychopath that he was. On top of Orthrus’ right head was the toy soldier that had come to life somehow, who’s name was Sarge. He sat on top of the right head of the beast and looked at Feitan’s back “Cap, you are in the slumps. You need something. You left Onyx Moon, you Left Basilisk Fang, and you had Laughing Coffin taken from you. I know you’re suffering, but you can’t be off the chain. You are too deadly, and too powerful to not have someone above you!”

    Slowly turning his head around to Sarge he tilted his head to the left then to the right like a dog hearing a strange sound “I don’t recall asking the opinion of a piece of talking wood. I saved you from certain death, your life is mine, and I will take it away from you should you vex me!” he hissed clearly unstable.

    Orthrus’ right head snarled at this point trying to step in, while the left head turned to look at Feitan with slow blinking eyes. This brought Feitan to a harsh reality check. He bellowed angrily turning and drawing his blade letting it go to its full powered form and swung it. As he did so five slashes of yellow energy roared from his blade and ripped through the jungle without any concern for anything in his way. When the destruction was done, he panted heavily in anger holding the blade in front of him his eyes still swirls of madness “I was something! I am the Tombkeeper of Madness damnit!! Yet, why is it that I am the one suffering! Jewels are on the low, my skills are hardly tested, and I have no one worthy of following!!! My evolution will stagnate at this point! I will grow diseased, sick, and worthless!!! AAAHHHh!!!” he bellowed to the heavens clearly having lost what little mind he had left.

    Slowly, with the heavy two-handed blade dragging on the ground behind him he started to slowly walk through the jungle twitching and flinching. Orthrus slowly began to pace him growling softly his heads twitching and snapping randomly showing that he was almost a mirror image to the madness of his master. They were not paying attention nor were they aware that the jungle was a home to a new guild.


    The Chaotic Wilds (Intro Topic) TwlZpF6
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    Books I've Written and Published:
    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : XXX
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,062

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water God Slayer Magic
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    The Chaotic Wilds (Intro Topic) Empty Re: The Chaotic Wilds (Intro Topic)

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 14th May 2019, 11:09 am

    The calm and serenity of the jungle was indeed a pleasant pace, even after Indra's training had vented. He was going to head back to the guild, maybe find one of the amazons who was interested in having some fun in the guild hall drinking and such. As his own dirty mind would amuse himself, he heard a sound in the distance-- to his sharp hearing came out as a loud crash as if it was only a few feet away.

    He shook his head and glanced ahead from his canopy in the trees. He saw the motion of trees falling. Someone was clearly mowing his way through the jungle, and from the sound of it it was only one person. He also smelled the presence of something forign in the jungle.

    Having been bored up till then, he smirked as he figure this would be interesting to check out. With that, he rose up and charged up his electric aura. With ease, he entered an excited pace of speed and hopped from one branch to the next, getting close to the logger in his midsts.

    Acting as stealthy as possible, he stopped short behind one of the trees and looked down, spotting the dark stranger, venting at the forest in his path with the odd little toy on his head and a two-headed dog-like creature in toe behind him, also throwing a hissy fit. He felt the urge to laugh at the sight of them. Part of him was curious what brought them to the jungle-- the other part, the trickster demon, malevolent gods inside him, or whatever you wanted to call it wanted to mess with them.

    Well, that would depend how they respond to him.

    In the interest of saying 'hello'-- Indra let out a loud roar. BUt it wasn't so much a roar, but a literal clap of thunder that echoed overhead. Electricity crackled off his limbs from the sheer action, as he easily sat down on the tree branch, his leg dangling off the side and his chin supported on his fist in a leisure position.

    "You may want to think twice about swatting those trees. Some of them like to hit back," Indra replied leering at the black haired mage. A grin showed on his face as he waited to see the guy's reaction. "Normally i wouldn't pry but my ears were burning with your racket. You certainly don't look like you'd survive here long. "

    Inside his head, he heard the chuckle of the deity that resided in his mind-- he only recently awakened to realizing he was the descendants of ancient storm gods. This one, Raijin-- the same alians as he once took on for himself-- chuckled in his mind. "Oooh, this one looks gamey. Probably won't be a good meal but fun to hunt. Hehehe..." Raijin said in his mind.

    Give it a rest, Raijin. Let us see who he is first before you plot his grizzly murder. , Indra thought.



    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Chaotic Wilds (Intro Topic) Empty Re: The Chaotic Wilds (Intro Topic)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 15th June 2019, 8:57 am

    Feitan, and his companions looked around for the source of the thunderclap. However, Feitan wasn’t looking as if he was worried about it. His eyes, those swirls of madness lazily looked around as he tried to find the source. However, Sarge and Orthrus looked as if they were ready to fight and he snarled angrily as he looked.

    When they saw the source however Feitan only leaned on the blade that was as tall as he was and looked at Indra. He raised his brows slowly with amusement the swirls in his eyes glowing ever so slightly “Oh, I see. Well, I do hope so, I had a lot more to fear when I was living in Sin. These jungles ain’t half so bad as all that.” He looked around with a smirk then back at Indra “Not to mention the trees in the Netherworlds where I did most of my real hunting and fighting actually had many, many trees that would hit you back. More of them would eat you.” He looked up at the creature and snarled softly “So, tell me exactly what you are doing here, and why you are bothering me. Unless this is your jungle and in which case, I suppose I can be moving along.” He held up his right hand “Although, I have a very important question. Why is a Raven like a writing desk?” he asked a slow mad smile spreading across his face as he asked the question.

    Orthrus looked at him with a snarl. He didn’t trust this guy, and he couldn’t believe that his master would allow the little intruder to try and scare them. Sarge looked at his commander and then raised his little toy gun. Which was fairly surprising in what it could actually do. He didn’t dare do anything more as he really didn’t want to draw attention to himself.

    Feitan waited for an answer and then began to shake his head looking around with his eyes slowly spinning the swirls traveling deeper into his eyes “I don’t know what drew me here. I have…lost my way…. Evolution, power, freedom…money, those are what I seek, those are what I need. Yet, I can’t find them. I am…. lost, lost to the madness that I am the keeper of.” He snapped his gaze back to Indra with a wide smile showing off the edges of his mouth even with his very large collar which hid the entire bottom half of his face.


    The Chaotic Wilds (Intro Topic) TwlZpF6
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    Books I've Written and Published:

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