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    When the Lost are Found


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 309
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,586,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
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    When the Lost are Found Empty When the Lost are Found

    Post by Trinity 13th March 2019, 6:36 pm

    543/1000 WORDS
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x

    Life had sure gone downhill fast.

    Trinity was usually pretty good at keeping herself in high spirits, not one to stay down long, but lately things had been a little bit harder. She kept finding herself coming to in more and more dangerous situations lately, and unsure as to how she’d gotten there. It was a phenomenon that had been happening for years, but no matter how many times it occured it never got any less terrifying.

    Things had been nice for a while when she’d been traveling with Ehoron. He had a lot of darkness about him, but seemed to have his heart in the right place. Over the time they’d wandered around with one another he’d shown himself to be sweet and protective, playful and attentive. She could sense a sadness inside him that was always lurking, but he had appeared to be grateful for her company and that was nice. Trinity had never really had a friend before, mostly because she never stayed in one place long enough to do so -- though if the choice had been hers, she’d have lots of them. Plenty of people had always been so nice to her, but she always wound up disappearing without a word… which was exactly what had happened with Ehoron.

    Was he sad, she wondered? Was he angry with her? She wouldn’t be surprised if he was. Trinity had tried looking for him, but by the time she’d woken up and been separated from him, she had no idea where she’d gone or how to get back. The young woman had searched for days, weeks, and still nothing. Things had started to look up a little when she’d met Baird and he’d noticed her power, inviting her to join him at his guild, offering her a place to finally call home. And then that guild had gone under. She never could seem to hold on to anything, and it was starting to weigh on her normally optimistic mindset -- though at least she’d managed to hang on to some of the clothes Baird had given her, so she wasn’t wearing rags anymore.

    It was a rainy night at the port in Lavanitir. Trinity had not found a place to stay for the night, but she also hadn’t really tried too hard. She didn’t have any money for a hotel room, but there were plenty of bridges and docks in the city to provide shelter enough from the storm. She’d certainly slept in worse places, and comparatively speaking sand wasn’t so uncomfortable a bed to lay on. A bit cold at night, but not as hard an achy as dirt and concrete often could be. Tucked away under the dock, she had her knees tucked to her chest and her chin resting on them as she listening to the soothing sound of the ocean waves rushing back and forth to and from the shore. The rain danced on the sea, making it glitter from the bright moonlight that managed to peek through the clouds. Soon she would probably try sleeping, but for now she was just too awake. There was much on her mind, and she needed to soothe it somehow before she could think about trying to rest for the night.

    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.


    Emory Aldwyn

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Amos' Conciliator
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 134
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

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    When the Lost are Found Empty Re: When the Lost are Found

    Post by Emory Aldwyn 15th March 2019, 2:34 am

    As often happened after a string of jobs left him unable to look at himself in a mirror, Ehoron found himself on the road with naught but his thoughts for company. There was little he could do when he fell into one of these moods but ride it out. It all started so innocuously; a person ended up violently ill after a job where he saved them, a beloved pet was found dead days later after he passed through. It did not take long for him to collect something of a dark reputation when he first started jobs. After that, it had been a matter of less-than-savory jobs or starvation. And so the would-be-hero did those jobs that he had to in order to survive until surviving seemed too good for him and he hit the road.

    This time, his legs had carried him to the port of Lavanitir. Free of any allegiance except to itself, it seemed the perfect place for a social castaway such as himself to retire to for a time. The sea air was something he always found some degree of solace in. It brought with it a sense of freedom that resonated with him. Of course, the idea of being on a boat, leagues out to sea, with a handful of people was a deeply morbid one given his dark affliction that he would avoid at all costs, but the idea of that kind of life appealed to him. Even as the sun set, Ehoron could not help but breathe in the salty-sweet air and sigh with a faint feeling of contentment.

    He wandered the streets, not quite ready to retire to an inn. For some reason, his thoughts kept returning to Trinity and that woman from Shirotsume. Ever since meeting the woman whose name he never bothered to get, Ehoron had found himself wondering more and more about the diminutive woman. She had been the only one in his, admittedly fractured and short, memory that had looked straight into the abyss that haunted him and still chose to keep his company. That had meant more to him than he realized at the time, and now that she was gone he felt that absence all the more keenly.

    Grabbing coulibiac from a cart, he munched on the sandwich whilst walking through the rain. Reaching through the void, he summoned an umbrella to keep himself and his sandwich dry as he wandered out towards one of the many docks. The many ships strung up to port while sailors made arrangements, cargo was unloaded and loaded with sharp cries and bassy shouts, gave the air a soft glow from the many torches. Sitting down with his feet dangling over the dock, Ehoron quietly ate while fighting that nagging feeling that he should have done more to find Trinity. She made her choice to follow him, and it seemed she had made her choice to depart. However much he wanted her there next to him, he'd have to respect that choice. Instead, he just had her memories to keep him company, and a feeling so strong he could almost imagine her scent beside him.


    WC: 526 / 1,000



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 309
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,586,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
    Third Skill:

    When the Lost are Found Empty Re: When the Lost are Found

    Post by Trinity 20th March 2019, 5:09 pm

    1246/1000 WORDS
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x

    She could hear boots walking above her on the dock, which wasn’t unusual even for this time of night and the weather. Sailors came and went as their schedule demanded, though the activity above her had died down some since the rain started hitting. It was starting to get a little cold, though that wasn’t too much of a concern for her. She could just grow some fur or something to get her through the night if she needed to, though that wasn’t ideal. If someone discovered her like that they were bound to label her a monster and try to attack her while she was sleeping -- it wouldn’t be the first time.

    Whoever was moving around over her stopped and sat down, cause she could see their legs dangling over the edge of the dock. She could also get just the barest whiff of the food they were eating, which somehow drifted down to her through the rain. Her stomach rumbled loud enough for her to hear, and she clutched it sadly. She was going to need to eat something soon, and probably was going to need to steal whatever she could get her hands on. Trinity didn’t like stealing, but her options were limited. She didn’t have enough money to buy a meal, but…

    Reaching a hand into her pocket, she pulled out a few jewel. It wouldn’t buy a meal, but maybe it would be enough to beg a couple mouthfuls from the person above her. The young woman was always embarrassed to have to do things like this, but it beat breaking the law. With the money in her hand, she stood to her feet and walked into the rain on the side of the dock away from where the stranger was facing. She didn’t want to spook him by having someone randomly fly up in front of his face, so instead she would go up with a little bit of distance between them on the other side.

    A pair of pink, feathery wings sprouted from her back and she flew up onto the docks, touching down without making too much noise. As soon as she landed, the airy limbs disappeared and left her a normal looking human once more. Or at least, as normal as she ever looked with two different colored eyes and hair. Trinity shuffled her feet a little and bit her lip as she looked down at them, trying to figure out how to approach this man and convey her intent when she couldn’t talk. She was so busy trying to work that out that she didn’t even notice the man had already turned to look at her.

    Her stomach rumbled again and once more she put her free hand on it, silently trying to calm it down. Her uncertain gaze finally rose to look at the man and she blinked for just a moment before shock slammed into her. The paper money dropped from her hand, flying away into the wind and weather where it was forgotten. Her eyes lit with joy at seeing him and a smile started to form on her face as she started like she was going to run toward him, but then the expression twisted into something else. Guilt overcame her. This was the first time she’d ever managed to find someone that she’d lost, and she didn’t know what to do. What if he was mad at her? What if he resented her for leaving without telling him anything, for disappearing in the middle of the night? Maybe after all this time he wouldn’t want her back.

    A slew of emotions wracked her and she fell to her knees, crying. “S… sor…” Trinity was desperately trying to talk, but the words weren’t coming for her to be able to tell him how sorry she was, that she hadn’t meant to abandon him. Her inability to communicate with him properly only exacerbated her feelings of inadequacy and she started crying harder, clutching to herself and shaking as her body got soaked in the rain. Such was her guilt that she couldn’t even look at him, afraid of what she might see in his eyes.

    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.


    Emory Aldwyn

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Amos' Conciliator
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 134
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
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    When the Lost are Found Empty Re: When the Lost are Found

    Post by Emory Aldwyn 21st March 2019, 1:43 pm

    It was odd how he felt in the rain now. Before, it had always been something that never failed to sour his mood as it seemed to perpetuate that feeling of complete aloneness that seemed so pervasive in his life, and always at the worst times. And then she came. Did not matter how much she was affected by hardships or at risk, or how everyone else had rejected him. She ran out into that storm and helped him. It was a small gesture, but one that he never forgot. In that one moment, she transformed his outlook on the rain. Now it reminded him of her.

    For reasons he could not fathom, Ehoron began to smile. It was a small thing, almost imperceptible. But he felt it. It had taken some time, but he finally felt as though he could get on with his life without being plagued by her memories. He would always remember their short time together fondly, but he felt like now he could get on with his life without looking behind every corner and through every crowd to try and find her. He looked down at the half-finished sandwich and felt a sense of closure. He could still go on living, even if she couldn't be there at his side.

    He turned to walk off of the docks when he realized there was someone standing in the center of them, directly in front of him. For a moment he wasn't sure of who it was. They seemed almost paralyzed by indecision, half-curled in on themselves as if fighting themselves over some choice. He frowned slightly in concern before a flash of lightning and a sharp gust of wind made their identity all too clear. There was no mistaking that pink hair standing out against the earthy brown, even slicked to her forehead from the rain as it was. The wind, however damp and salty, carried her scent so strongly that it almost felt tangible as it wrapped around him.

    Shock permeated his whole body and the umbrella fell away from his hand, disappearing in a flashback into the void before ever touching the dock. The surrealness of the moment held him tightly such that he had not moved a muscle when she finally looked up and their eyes locked. Those heterochromatic eyes, so full of sadness... and then shock. Joy. Uncertainty. Regret. He watched a dozen feelings dance across her face as she started to run to him and then stopped herself before falling to her knees and sobbing.  He could not have known in that moment exactly what she went through, but he knew one thing for certain. She had not chosen to leave. Something had pulled her away, and that had clearly eaten away at her just as it had him.

    There was a fluttering noise and abruptly there was the warm weight of leather around her shoulders. Ehron knelt in front of her, having removed his long coat and tossed it around and over her to shield her from the rain; a gesture mirrored in her own actions for him so long ago. "Come on, Trinity." When she finally found it within herself to look up at him, she'd only find him smiling warmly down at her. "Let's get you inside and we can talk more after dinner."


    WC: 1,082 / 1,000


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 1:34 pm