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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 1st June 2013, 3:36 pm

    A full moon glistened in the skies high above Karakuri City. A chilling breeze blew a top the Eclipse Soul guildhall. There Reiki was perched on the highest platform of the castle the guild called their home. No one else ever really went up this high, usually due to the fact of how cold it was and how difficult it was to access. The stairs that originally led to the top of the tower Reiki was on were severely damaged before the guild had moved in, meaning the only way up was being able to fly.

    There Reiki sat, staring into a half full glass of the finest ale he could get his hands on in this city. Reiki hadn't had a drink in quite some time, but he found tonight a fine time to have just one. What an insane day this had been. First thieves, then getting his jacket burnt to ashes along with his back, then having to realize his best friends psychotic side was much more powerful than himself. Slowly, Reiki swirled the ale around in the glass, reflecting on the days events.

    Aian is now immensely stronger than I am, Alye is incredibly powerful... and that just leaves me. Reiki thought, as he looked over to the bag at his side. After he was healed from his battle with Kamuy, Reiki had returned to the guild hall and began packing supplies. He had promised one of his guild mates named Kyll that he would attend a mission with her. Though the supplies weren't for that. As soon as that mission was over, Reiki was going off on his own to train. Where he was going to go or for how long, he didn't know. All he knew was that he was determined to get much stronger.

    However long it takes me, I'm gonna remember everything my father taught me... Reiki thought, firming his grip on the glass. I can't call myself by the title of a Dragon Slayer if this is really the extent of my power. I've been stuck in a rut for months now, not remembering anything for so damn long... It's keeping me from growing stronger.. he thought, pulling back his head as he took another swig from his glass.

    As the frosty brew flowed its way down his gullet, Reiki sat there staring up at the moon. He always enjoyed being out on nights like this, getting a full view of the moon and its beauty. Not only that.... I also need to grow stronger for... he thought as he closed his eyes, letting out a small sigh as he did.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471 Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) H05POqb Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- God Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Self-Taught
    Experience : 337500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Storm Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Alye 1st June 2013, 6:50 pm

    I love the wind
    Sometimes I wonder if it loves me too
    My name is Alye. I belong to Eclipse Soul. For now, and forever. If you don't believe me, that's your problem. But you better believe when I say "I'll die for my guild". Cause I will. And if you want to test me on that, go right ahead.
    I enjoy a challenge.
    || notes - ||

    Sensing an ever familiar magic power, Alye stepped out of the main guildhall door and looked up. Not at the stars, but past the steeples that the majestic Eclipse Soul guildhall was adorned with. She could feel him up there, torn.

    Wrapping the soft white blanket she had wrapped around her, Alye's lithe frame lifted quietly into the air as gentle winds wrapped around her feet, sending her upwards. Soaring high into the night sky, Alye silently appeared before Reiki. She appeared before him, her from blocking the moon as her blanket flapped gently in the breeze.

    "I thought I might find you up here".

    Alye drifted closer to him until her feet rested against the roofing that he was sitting on. She gave him a gentle smile as she sat down and wrapped her blanket around herself once more.

    "Whatcha thinking about?", she asked.



    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Age : 31
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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 3rd June 2013, 5:45 pm

    Reiki was soon greeted with the sight of a familiar mages figure engulfing his sight of the moon. A-Alye.. he managed to stutter, so engulfed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice her magic power approaching. She drifted over and sat down next to him, giving him a warm smile as she wrapped a snow white blanket around herself. "Whatcha thinking about?" she asked him.

    Reiki nervously turned his gaze from Alye to the glass of ale he had before stuttering out a response. Just... thinking about what happened today With that, Reiki threw back his head, inhaling the last of his beverage. He then stared silently at his empty glass, not sure of what exactly he should say.

    About a minute passed before he finally said something once more. ....Some "Dragon Slayer" I am, huh? he said with a small, sarcastic laugh. He set the glass down next to the bag of supplies to his left, before looking back up at the moon once more. Dragon Slayer.... like hell I could slay a dragon with how weak I am... he said to her, letting out a small bit of how he was feeling right now. Reiki felt quite weak with the performance he had displayed today.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471 Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) H05POqb Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- God Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 978
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Self-Taught
    Experience : 337500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Storm Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Alye 5th June 2013, 8:17 pm

    I love the wind
    Sometimes I wonder if it loves me too
    My name is Alye. I belong to Eclipse Soul. For now, and forever. If you don't believe me, that's your problem. But you better believe when I say "I'll die for my guild". Cause I will. And if you want to test me on that, go right ahead.
    I enjoy a challenge.
    || notes - ||

    The pain in his voice was almost as palpable as the light shining from the moon overhead. A gentle yet cold wind whipped across the land, causing their hair and her blanket to shift to the right. He was upset about what happened earlier. Alye could understand why, but she felt differently than him. He hadn't seen the strength that she had seen him show. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

    Alye didn't say anything for a moment. She just looked up at the moon, the light of the lunar mass reflected in her eyes. "You know, for the longest time, I thought that having magic meant that I had to be the best, the strongest, and the most powerful at everything I did. I would train day in and day out, ignore everyone around me just because I wanted to get "stronger". One day, I had gotten hurt during training and I'd broken my hand. Since I couldn't train I went out to try and play with my friends and you know what happened? They walked right past me. They had forgotten my face", the girl said.

    Alye looked over to Reiki, her skin almost a glow in the light. "Reiki, you are selling yourself quite short. You took out a powerful Earth mage all on your own, and then you turned around and snuffed out a massive fireball with your magic power alone. You've been gifted with a magic that only you can do. You should be proud of that. Today? You were strong. You know why? Because you had a goal. You had an ambition", she said before she placed a cool hand on his shoulder. "You wanted to protect those around you", she said.

    "Because of that goal, that motivation of yours, you were strong. That drive is the thing that pushes you forward, pours fire on your flame. You can simply become "stronger" by training, but you will not grow truly stronger if you lose that drive, Reiki, remember that", she said as she got to her feet.

    Alye took a step forward and she was floating in the air once more.

    "If you really want to become stronger the way that you want, meet me at the opposite mountain side tomorrow at noon. I'll help you train. Goodnight, Reiki", she said with a wave before she slipped from his sight and went back to her room.



    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 8th June 2013, 8:48 am

    Reiki looked over at Alye as she began to talk. He had no idea that her friends had abandoned her when she was younger. Then again, Reiki didn't know all that much about her in the first place.

    As she turned and looked at him, the two mages eyes locked. Reiki didn't look away as she told him what she thought about his display of power earlier. As she placed her hand on Reiki's bare shoulder and told him why she thought he was strong earlier. Because I wanted to protect you... he thought, as Alye finished her lecture and bid him goodnight. She also told him to meet her on the opposite mountain side at noon. With that, Alye floated her way back down to the guild hall.

    All night long, two words rung loudly in Reiki's mind. Strength and protection. She...thinks I'm strong ...because I want to protect her.... Alye saying that to him made Reiki feel quite better about what he had displayed today. Reiki admired Alye's strength, so hearing her praise him did raise his spirits quite a bit. This only served to strengthen his resolve. I'll definitely catch up to you and Aian.... and I'll surpass you both! So that I can protect you, Alye...

    With this thought in his mind, Reiki's eyes sealed themselves shut as he fell into a deep sleep. His dream that night was essentially a memory back to his child hood. He was about 7 years old, staring up at a hulkingly massive figure, the figure being shaded out from his view. All he could see were the glowing blue eyes of the creature. Reiki, what is something you want to protect? the creature asked. Reiki thought for a moment, scratching his head as he tried to come up with an answer. Um..... Oh I know! I wanna protect you, dad! If anyone tries to mess with you, I'll kick their butts!!! he responded enthusiastically. The creature laughed lightheartedly at his enthusiastic answer. Good answer! As long as keep that kind of drive to protect something important, you'll always have the true power of the Ice Dragon King, Ge.......

    The rest of what the creature began saying became a blur, as the morning sun shined into Reiki's eyes. Groggily, Reiki rubbed his eyes, letting out a small laugh at the dream he had just experienced. So, dad taught me that too, huh? I have Alye to thank for remembering that. he said, as he pushed himself to stand tall. Looking up at the position of the sun, it was roughly about 11:30 in the morning. Well... no time to waste. Let's get to it! Reiki exclaimed, as he blasted forth his crystal wings and set off for the opposite mountain side.

    The Slayer landed in an opening in the trees where Alye had instructed him. He dispersed his wings, shattering them into thousands of tiny crystals. Reiki slammed his right fist into his open left palm. His determination was even stronger than it was yesterday. He had a new found confidence brimming inside of him. He was looking forward to the training that Alye had planned for him. Reiki leaned against a tree, a warm smile upon his face as he awaited his training partner.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471 Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) H05POqb Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- God Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 978
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Self-Taught
    Experience : 337500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Storm Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Alye 9th June 2013, 11:25 am

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.



    Alye retired to her room silently that night. After she closed the door to her room, she leaned against her doorframe and let out a sigh. Was that a wise decision she had just made? At the time, Alye felt that her words were just and true, but now that she dwelled on it, was she doing the right thing? Had her words been the right ones?

    As Alye lay down in her bed that night, she shuffled to the side and looked out towards the moon. The night sky looked lovely through her large window as the moon bathed her room in pale light. Alye laid there for a while, staring at the wise moon. The ever present chronicler of the Earth's history for as long as anyone could remember. Slowly but surely, her eyes closed.

    The sounds of birds outside made Alye rise from her slumber. Her eyes opened slightly, as the light of morning graced her pupils. The girl sat up and ran a hand through her hair before she leaned forward to see what time it was. 10:34. She had some time...

    The girl got up, made her bed and went into her private bath to clean up. When she came out of her pristine bathroom, clad in only a towel, the woman took another look at her clock. 11:03. Still enough time.

    Alye rose a finger towards the window, pushing the curtains closed as she let her towel fall. The white-haired girl walked over to her closet and picked out something different than her usual attire. Today was not going to be any ordinary day. Alye picked through her closet and found a white and blue form fitting shirt and leggings that she paired off with white combat shoes. She then pulled a thick white cloak with a blue cloud pattern adorned around the seams around her neck. Alye quickly ran her hair through twice with a brush before letting it fall gently to her shoulders. Another glance at the clock told the white-haired girl that she still had forty minutes to go, so she decided to stop by the guildhall's cafeteria for a snack.

    When she was done there, Alye nodded her thanks to the ones that opened the massive guildhall doors for her before a gentle wind gathered around her and lifted her into the air. She leaned forward and the winds responded by moving her in that direction. When Alye straightened out, she gained elevation. She was quickly a dot in the sky from the guild's prospective.

    When Alye arrived at the mountain side opposite of the guildhall, she was surprised when she saw Reiki leaning against a tree with a smile on his face, obviously waiting for her. Was she late? The girl looked up, but the sun's position on the sky told her she wasn't. "Well, if he's early that means he serious about this. And if he is, I will be too! She thought to herself as she gently touched down on the ground, grass whipping around in her wake.

    "Hello there, Reiki. I brought us some lunch before we begin, would you like to eat with me?", she said with a smile as she held out a box that was tied in a bright red cloth around it. It was the color of his eyes, actually... To a Dragon Slayer, whose senses were keener than most, he could probably already smell the fried chicken and rice balls that she had brought for them both.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Posts : 912
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    Age : 31
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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 9th June 2013, 4:14 pm

    Before Reiki knew it, Alye was there, holding a box of food for the two of them. S-sure I'd love to.. Reiki responded, slightly drooling. He could already smell the fried chicken that she had brought with her. Fried chicken was actually one of his favorite foods. Reiki just kept in his urge to ravenously attack the box of food and patiently awaited for Alye to give him the chicken.

    As the two sat and ate, Reiki couldn't help but find this rather enjoyable. It was just the two of them together, enjoying a well cooked meal out in the wilderness. It was... peaceful to him. He tried his best not to stare at Alye. She was wearing a much lighter attire than what she usually wore. She looked as beautiful as ever to Reiki. Reiki just didn't want to make her uncomfortable by having him stare at her. He just nervously looked over at her from time to time, smiling as he did so.

    As he finished the meal Alye had brought, Reiki stood up and cracked his neck. He then did the pre-training stretches that his master had taught him at the Thunder Valley Temple. Generally, Reiki threw off his jacket before he started any kind of training, but since it was already burnt to cinders by the fire mage yesterday, there was no need to do so. He had already left his shoes back on the top of the guild hall, so all he really had on were his torn up jeans and the crescent moon necklace that he always wore. It felt somewhat embarrassing to be standing in front of Alye without at least a shirt on.

    Once his stretching was done, Reiki turned to Alye with a nervous smile. Alright, so what's the first thing on our agenda? he asked, once again doing his best not to stare at her. Reiki was ready for whatever she had planned for him. At least, he certainly hoped he was.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471 Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) H05POqb Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- God Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Self-Taught
    Experience : 337500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Storm Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Alye 9th June 2013, 4:55 pm

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.



    "Well, first of all, you need to relax, Reiki. I...honestly have no idea why you seem so jittery. You know I don't bite!", she ended as she plopped her last chicken-and-rice ball into her mouth and wiped her mouth with a napkin. After she set her trash to the side next to her cloak, afterwards pulling her hair into a ponytail.

    "If you aren't completely focused on what we're doing, you won't get the maximum effect of the training", she told him as she walked by him then waved for him to follow her. The two walked for a little while until they came to a barren clearing. The grass ended at the trees, and up ahead there was nothing but tanish brown stone ground. Alye stopped and placed a hand on her hip. "This spot should do. Reiki, stay right there for a moment, will you?", she said as she continued to walk forward.

    The white-haired girl walked until she figured she was in the middle of the clearing. Alye stopped and turned towards Reiki, giving him a wave and a friendly smile. "I'll be just a second!", she called out to him.

    In the space of a few moments, all was awfully quiet. Alye closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. Her leg raised into the air as a dense aura of silver exuded from her body. Alye brought down her foot swiftly, and when her heel impacted against the ground, the initial force and the shockwave from her stomp flattened out the ground in a smooth crater for almost three meters from the epicenter.

    The intenser aura left Alye's body as she flicked her hand upwards. A bright blue magic circle appeared in her hand as a torrent of water shot out, Alye acting like a geyser as she began to hover in the air as she water filled the crater quite quickly.

    When Alye was done, she had pretty much made a artificial lake.

    The girl flew back over to Reiki and landed silently next to him. "Now Reiki, I want you to freeze the water all at once, as fast as you can", she said with a plain look on her face, as if it didn't even phase her as to what she just did.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Age : 31
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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 10th June 2013, 8:46 am

    After telling him to relax and focus, Alye led him out into a clearing with nothing but stone around them. "This spot should do. Reiki, stay right there for a moment, will you?" she said to him, as she walked forward out into the center of the clearing. Confused as to what she was doing, Reiki simply stood and watched.

    What happened next left Reiki in a state of shock and awe. By simply slamming her foot into the ground, Alye had created a 3 meter wide crate from where she stood. She then turned herself essentially into a human geyser, filling the crater and creating an artificial lake. She then simply looked at Reiki with a rather plain expression, like this was a normal thing for her.

    "Now Reiki, I want you to freeze the water all at once, as fast as you can. she told him. Reiki was still in a state of shock. There Alye was, looking at him plainly. Was this seriously normal for her to be doing? It left Reiki somewhat scared if she was barely trying when she did that. Shaking his head and regaining his focus, Reiki looked down at the lake and thought aloud. OK.... freeze it as fast as possible.... then that would be with... with the last statement, he inhaled deeply and threw his head backward, gathering an immense amount of ice magic inside of his mouth.

    Ice Dragon's Roar!! he chanted, blasting forth his Roar along the lake. Moving the Roar with his head to cover the lake as fast as possible, Reiki covered the lake completely with ice in about 6 seconds. The Roar ended, as Reiki looked over at Alye. How was that? he asked, slightly panting. It was rather clear he didn't have full control over his Roar yet and that it took a lot more effort for him to perform than it honestly should have.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471 Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) H05POqb Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- God Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Self-Taught
    Experience : 337500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Storm Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Alye 10th June 2013, 6:15 pm

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.



    Alye watched Reiki closely as he performed the task that she had given him. She watched not only how he gathered his magic power, but how he released it as well. She then followed the spell as it impacted the water. The initial impact sent a lot of water flying, but as the chill reached the water, it froze completely about four seconds later.

    "Hm...", she said as she looked at the water for a little while longer. Alye walked towards the frozen waters edge and kneeled down, running her hand across the surface. Alye closed her eyes as she felt the ice until she felt a slight crack. With that, Alye raised her hand and brought it down hard into the ice, breaking through easily. The force of Alye's blow revealed that Reiki had not fully froze the lake, but the surface of it.

    She stood up and took a piece of the broken ice in her hand. It was cold - of course - but also felt weak as well. It was crushed easily in her hand with the slightest of force.

    "I see the problem now", she said as she walked back over to Reiki. "First of all, have you ever heard of magic quality control?", she said as she gave him a gentle look.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Age : 31
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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 10th June 2013, 6:28 pm

    Reiki watched as Alye picked up on something he couldn't even notice. Reiki's Roar had only frozen the top half of the water. How the hell was that even possible? It didn't make any sense to him. Reiki was sure his Roar was much more powerful than that... how could it only freeze a thin top layer of the lake?

    Alye then asked Reiki if he had ever heard of magic quality control. Reiki thought hard for a moment as he tried to remember where he had heard that before. I....think I might have heard it before. I.. don't think I was ever able to comprehend it though. The way it was explained just made my head hurt more than anything else.... Reiki explained to Alye, as he began scratching his head.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471 Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) H05POqb Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Alye 10th June 2013, 6:44 pm

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.



    The girl chuckled at Reiki's response. So, he didn't understand. Well, Alye could explain it for him then. "Alright. So, if you've at least heard of it before, then you should know about magic quality. If not, I'll explain it anyway. Magic is not only classified by it's type, you know, Caster or Holder, but also in ranks, like us as wizards. Just like us, magic is graded on a D through H scale. As you also, spells are ranked this way based on their power".

    Alye opened her palms to Reiki as she conjured up balls of wind in each hand. "In my right hand is a what would be considered a D-Rank ball of wind. In my left hand is what would be considered a C-Rank ball of wind", she said before she brought them closer together. "Notice how the C-Ranked ball is a bit bigger and more thicker and opaquer than the D-Rank? That is because C-Ranked magic is of a higher quality than the D-Rank. Catching on yet?", she asked him.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 10th June 2013, 6:58 pm

    Reiki watched as Alye demonstrated and explained just what the quality control was. She created two balls of wind in her hands, one being slightly bigger and looking denser looking than the other that she held. That's easy to follow.... so, you mean like this?

    Reiki tried to do something similar with his ice. He created two balls of ice in his hands, trying to copy what Alye was doing. However, he put too much energy into it. This caused the balls to expand rapidly and explode, covering Reiki's entire body in a thin coating of ice due to this. ......That...was...totally what I meant to do! Reiki insisted, as he slightly blushed underneath the ice coating his skin.


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    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Alye 10th June 2013, 7:20 pm

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.



    Alye chuckled at Reiki's antics. At least he was trying to learn. She gently blew a warm breeze onto him, getting rid of the film of ice over his skin. "Well, that brings us to our problem. You see, your magic is of a very high quality naturally, as all Slayers are like that, however, your problem is how you gather magic and how you regulate it. Meaning, your control over how much magic power you release at once is not very refined. For example, when you roared just now, you felt a little winded didn't you? That is because you used a massive amount of low quality magic power to do what you wanted. That is why the water did not freeze completely", she said before she walked back over to the water.

    "Look closely at the ice, Reiki. It took you about six seconds to freeze this water with the quality of magic power that you used. What I expected of you was that you would flash-freeze the entire lake in a second or two. Notice how the ice closer to us is smoother than the ice farther out on the lake? That is because the water had some time to react before it was frozen as well".

    Alye raised her hand towards a tree to their left. "I am going to cut down that tree over there, alright? I want you to look at the quality of the spell, it's speed, and how much it took for me to cut down the tree, okay?".

    A gray magic circle appeared in her hand as she called out her spell. "Storm Art: Air Slicer!", she called out as a churning wind pulsed from her hand and flew right for the tree. The wind then condensed loosely and made a thin blade of wind that flew almost lazily towards the tree before impacting against it, leaving a light mark on the tree's trunk, making it shake ever so slightly.

    "Alright, one more time, but this time with higher quality magic", she said as another magic circle appeared in her hand. "Storm Art: Air Slicer!", she called out once more. Same as before, the winds churned out of the magic circle and then condensed into a blade, but this blade was thicker than the last one and moved much faster. When it hit the tree on the opposite side of the first mark, the tree shook violently and almost fell as a deep gash was inflicted on it.

    "Notice the difference between the two? The D-Rank slicer was less sharp, less big, and less faster than the C-Rank one", she said as she pointed out the two cuts.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
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    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 11th June 2013, 5:43 pm

    Reiki listened carefully as Alye explained everything to him. Reiki nodded at her final question, scratching the back of his head slightly. I get the concept, it's just.... I'll try it again. Reiki stated, firmly clenching his fists. He needed to focus on this as much as he could.

    Walking up to a tree, Reiki closed his eyes as he held his hands out to his sides, his palms open and facing his legs. There was quite a bit of silence as Reiki concentrated his hardest. As magic circles formed at the ends of his fingertip, Reiki opened his eyes and stared down the tree. The magic circles made their way up his arms, essentially transforming his arms into pole axes. The one on his right arm was made of a bit of a thicker ice than the one on his left.

    Without a word, Reiki threw both his hands and drove down his arms into the trees trunk, leaving two gashes side by side in the tree. The axes shattered into pieces, leaving dozens of ice shards in the respective gashes he had just made in the tree. Dammit all! Reiki shouted, as he punched his fist in anger in between the two gashes. Why does my magic keep breaking like this?! It was clear Reiki was upset, but he failed to notice that the gash that he had made on the tree with his right arm was deeper, and the ice shards from that arm had also penetrated the tree trunker deeper than the ones from the left. The punch itself almost knocked the tree over into the next one.


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    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Alye 14th June 2013, 5:11 pm

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.



    Alye stood back and placed a hand on her hip as she watched Reiki do something that she hadn't seen him do before. Which was concentrate. In the short time that Alye had known Reiki, she had only seen him blindly run into a battle and simply dominate his opponent into submission. Now? He was exhibiting concentration, and Alye could see it paying off. She quickly noticed how one of his ice constructions was more well-formed, sharper, and larger than the other. Alye raised an eyebrow as she watched him more. He's getting it... She thought to herself as she then watched the aftereffects of his magic. The higher quality ice left a deeper gash in the wood, and when the ice exploded, it embedded itself much deeper into the wood than the other ice. Alye thought that was what was supposed to happen, but when he got frustrated and almost knocked the tree over with one punch, she thought differently.

    Alye thought back to other times he used his magic in front of her, and then back to the ice on tree. She then thought back to initial impact of his ice... That's it!

    Alye raised her arms and looked at her elbows. "Hmm... Let me see if I...", she mumbled to herself as she closed her eyes. She opened her arms to the side as a magic circle appeared on either side of her. The magic circle slid down her arms, amassing water, positioning it in the form of a blade, and flash-freezing it all in the matter of seconds. Alye let out a slight sigh as she let her arms fall and walked over a tree next to Reiki. She did exactly as he did just a minute ago, bringing her arms down quickly. However, there were two different effects. You see, Alye's ice didn't break, and after a moment of silence, the tree splintered and fell to pieces in a X-formation. "I see", she said as she opened her arms once more and dispelled the ice.

    "I see your problem now, Reiki. The whole problem. Why your ice is breaking and why you're using way too much magic for simple spells", she walked over to him and put a cool finger to his chest, her finger right over his heart. "Your heart isn't in it, and if your heart isn't in it, you can't perform to your fullest. You're doubting yourself, which is causing your body to waste unnecessary strength. Ice, no matter the type, is one of the strongest yes most delicate magics of them all Reiki. You aren't trusting your magic just as you aren't trusting yourself. If you keep this up, you might accidentally get yourself killed Reiki. I am going to tell you once more, you need to calm down", she said before she dropped her hand back onto her hip.

    The girl began walking back to the lake and waved for him to follow her. Once the two were back at the icey lake, the girl snapped her fingers and the rest of his ice simply shattered as she immensely increased the air pressure above it for a second and then returned it back to normal. With that done, she turned back to him. "Alright Reiki, sit down and empty your mind of everything. Don't think or worry about everything. Just take a deep breath and let it aaaall out. Now, I'm going to slowly freeze the lake back over, okay? Don't do anything but watch the ice form and think back. Think back to your dragon. Let...the memories...flow..", she said as she dipped a single finger in the water and began to slowly freeze it over, allowing Reiki to see the lone ice crystals as they spread forth and claimed more of the water.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 14th June 2013, 6:09 pm

    Reiki simply watched as Alye walked up and did the exact same thing he did, only this time the tree was split completely. Alye then placed her cold finger directly above his heart. The entire time she explained, Reiki was staring back at her dead in the eye, absorbing everything she was saying into his brain. I'm sorry... he said as she finished. I'll try harder.  

    He then followed as she motioned for him, bringing him back to the edge of the artificial lake that she had created. Following her instructions, Reiki sat down at the edge of the lake and watched carefully. She believes I can do this... Then I'm gonna do it! he said to himself in his mind, as he watched her slowly freeze over the ice. As the molecules formed, Reiki attempted to empty his mind of everything else but trying to remember what his father taught him about his magic. It was difficult, only managing to get vague bits of information on what his father taught him about freezing with his magic. His eyes didn't avert from the ice that Alye was forming one bit. 

    Reiki just stared at the slowly freezing water for what felt like months. Just then, a strange phrase popped into his head. You almost had it. Just remember how to pronounce it now Reiki. How you chant this spell is important, its Iizdovah R- That was the last bit of information he thought of. Iiz....dovah.... R? R what!? .....Wait...Roar? Reiki thought, as he looked up into the sky. That may not be the solution to everything.... But it'll be a start. Reiki said, as he stood up and turned towards Alye. Turn it back to water, I wanna try freezing one more time.... 

    Once she had turned it back and moved away from the lake, Reiki closed his eyes and began breathing deeply. Just remember what she said.... put your heart into it and this will work. And my hearts telling me.... to do it for her. So I can be stronger than I've ever been before, and...protect her without falling over like an idiot... Reiki thought with a slight blush on his cheeks. The air he was inhaling and exhaling was getting colder and colder. Anyone could notice the change in the surrounding atmosphere. Alye was probably remembering back to what happened yesterday when the temperature had dropped.

    Reiki opened his eyes and threw back his head, inhaling as much of the air as he possibly could. He then chanted the new words he had remembered. Iizdovah's Roar!!! With this, Reiki let loose a large blast of ice magic towards the lake. It was rather apparent that this Roar was quite stronger than the one he had unleashed several seconds earlier.

    The Roar instantly froze the ground that it traveled above as it hurtled it's way towards the lake. As soon as the Roar impacted, it violently exploded on the lake, freezing it and the water molecules it had splashed everywhere in essentially 2.5 seconds. It also started to freeze the water molecules above it, essentially creating a large tower that ascended rather high towards the clouds. When his Roar had ended, Reiki looked to behold the large tower, with the frozen water molecules that had splashed out around it now forming spikes along the edge of the tower. The spikes were actually jutting out quite the distance. A grin was on Reiki's face, as he turned towards Alye. 

    That's more like it!!! he exclaimed, pumping his fist into the air. As he did so, the ice began shaking somewhat before completely exploding into thousands of tiny ice crystals that began forming a pile of ice in the crater that was once filled with water. Reiki simply stared at this hesitantly, a nervous smile on his face. We-well.... At least it's still frozen? he said with a small laugh, nervously scratching the back of his head.


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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Alye 18th June 2013, 8:42 pm

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.



    Alye raised an eyebrow at Reiki's request, but she could tell by the tone of his voice that he was quite serious. The girl closed her eyes and reached out with her magic, breaking down the ice crystals just as fast as she had made them. Alye looked over to Reiki once more. His face, his body language... Alye quickly jumped backwards a couple of feet. As soon as her feet had left the ground, she could feel the temperature in the air suddenly plummet. As the white-haired girl stood there, her mind flashed back to the day before...

    ...Reiki smirked, taking stance. Bending his knees, Reiki leaned his torso over forward, his hands stretched out to his sides, bared like claws. With one finale exhale, Reiki began inhaling deeply as Alye called out for her spell. As Reiki was inhaling, a familiar voice speaking in an odd tongue began ringing in his mind. The voice started out small and meek, but grew louder with each time it spoke. Louder and louder, repeating the same phrase over and over until it was literally shouting in Reiki's mind.

    Reiki threw back his entire torso just as a large pillar of green tinted water fell from the sky, stopping the fire mage dead in his tracks. As soon as Alye shouted, it was Reiki's turn. "IIZDOVAH", he shouted. As his chant echoed, it was as if time itself froze for those next few moments before the final word of the chant. With his eyes consumed with a glaring white light, Reiki threw himself back into an upright position chanting the final word of the spell. "REIN!!". With that, a massive beam of ice shot forth from his mouth. Freezing the ground and grass in its wake, the beam blasted its way forth towards the helpless mage. It exploded on contact with the pillar of green water as a dragons roar echoed throughout the mountain range...

    The words weren't exactly the same, but the effect sure was. Alye watched as a magic seal appeared in front of his mouth that resembled the head of a dragon. She threw her hands up in front of her face but still managed to look as the water, all of it, froze immediately. This roar was so powerful in fact, it condensed the water vapor in the air and froze all of that as well, creating a massive ice tower in their wake. Alye, how had a slightly bewildered look on her face, looked over to Reiki with a smile. "You're starting to get it, Reiki! That roar was C-Rank at least!", she said with a glimmer in her eye.

    Alye walked over to Reiki and patted his shoulder before she snapped her fingers. A yellowish gray magic circle appeared in the air above Reiki's ice. In the space of a moment, a lightning barrage hit all the ice, melting and evaporating it in an instant.

    "We will come back to this later! Now, we'll start something else!", she said as she lead him away from the hole. The two walked for a little until they came to the actual side of the mountain. Alye, who was in high spirits over Reiki's last success, decide to make use of it and do something she knew he would be good at.

    Punching stuff!

    "Reiki-kun! Hit that mountain side with the hardest punch you can muster!", she said as she point to the soon to be crumbled mountain side.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 22nd June 2013, 2:07 pm

    Reiki listened as Alye praised him for his progress. He turned his head, slightly embarrassed by this. O-only C rank? Then.... that wasn't the entirety of the chant for my roar? But it begins with an R.... Reiki thought, as Alye walked up to him, immediately burning up the ice with a barrage of lightning bolts. "We will come back to this later! Now, we will start something else!" she said, as she began to lead him away from the giant hole in the ground. 

    The two walked for a little ways before they came to the actual side of the mountain. It was here that Alye gave Reiki his next task. Reiki-kun! Hit that mountain side with the hardest punch you can muster! she said, as she pointed to the mountain. She seemed rather enthusiastic about this. Reiki simply nodded as he walked up closer to the mountain. Alright, punching things. Now we're more on my level... he thought, as he took a deep breath. 

    In a sudden motion, Reiki brought his fist to collide with the side of the mountain. The rock cracked at the impact of his fist, shattering to pieces and driving in a small cavern 5 meters deep, 10 meters tall and wide into the mountain. Reiki watched as the rock shattered before him, a bit of a smirk on his face. So, the same kind of quality control can be placed on physical power as well. Am I wrong? he asked confidently. Reiki was a bit of a slow learner, but it wasn't very hard to assume that's why she had him punch the side of the mountain. 


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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Alye 30th June 2013, 10:01 am

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.



    This was getting easier by the minute! Alye smirked after Reiki walloped the stone, leaving a mighty crack where solid rock once was. After he posed his question, Alye nodded to him. "Exactly. As you know, everyone has natural physical strength that varies for the person. However, depending on the nature of one's magic, they can bolster their physical strength to unimaginable levels. This ability is mostly exclusive to those that use some form of elemental magic. Take my Wind Magic for example", she said as she lifted her hand into the air.

    Alye's hand began to shimmer with a grey aura as a slightly visible layer of wind wrapped around her raised appendage. "If you can concentrate your magic on a small area on your body, you not only make that area stronger physically, but you also increase that area's attack power of you can use it for such a thing. Allow me to demonstrate", she said as she walked over to the mountainside.

    Alye cocked her magically enhanced hand back and then shot it forward. When her fist impacted against the stone, it began to crack immediately, large chunks of it shooting forth before it began to break away altogether. What was left was a crater in the stone about six meters deep and seven meters tall. In truth, Alye was holding back, but Reiki didn't need to know that. Not now at least.

    "Notice how focused magic-enhanced attacks do more precise and smooth damage than purely physical attacks", she said, pointing towards his strike zone and hers. "However, there is one form higher than that type of magically enhanced attacking. Like I said before, the more concentrated area of magic that is covered, the more power behind the attack. However, the more time to you waste erecting and constantly maintaining that magic infused area can get you killed, and wastes a lot of magic power as well. Therefore, there is a method where one can concentrate magic power to a single small point on their body, but form it at the exact moment of their strike. Which means it all must happen in the space of a few seconds, really. Let me show you just what I mean", she said as she a couple feet away from Reiki and crater she had made.

    Alye stared at the mountainside as she took a deep breath. Her legs tensed for a moment before she shot forward, her hand raised. As she rocketed towards the wall, and began to bring her arm down, her raised hand could be seen with a faint glow upon her knuckles until she bashed her hand into the rock. What followed was the same as her last punch but on a much grander scale. At least three times.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
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    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 16th July 2013, 5:33 pm

    Reiki stood in amazement and watched as Alye proceeded to devastate the mountain side in front of the two mages. He could hardly believe she was this strong. This display of power only fermented his desire to grow stronger. He stood in silence, thinking over what Alye had just explained to him. Well then.... That shouldn't be too hard. I already have something like that. he smirked, walking into the hole that he had created.

    As he neared the end of the hole, Reiki shifted his stance, pulling back his right hand for a mere second before launching it forward. As late as he possibly could, Reiki then lit up his fist with a ghostly aura. Once his hand collided with the rock face, the sound of a shotgun ripped through the cavern, echoing out into the mountain range all around both himself and Alye.

    The result was a cavern carved out 1.25 times as big as last time, with 9 holes tearing through the center, entirely frozen in ice. That was with the aid of a spell, but close to what you were talking about, right? I just need to do that without fully using a spell.......... Which....is gonna be confusing..... Just need to figure out how to get that output with as little magic as possible and no spell..... Reiki thought aloud, his hand on his chin as he stared at what he just created. That and I need to work on my control of my Shotgun Fist as well.... then theres trying to apply it to my armor....and.... he continued thinking aloud, scratching his head as he was clearly getting frustrated with how much he really had to do in order to pull this off. Thinking about it all at once was starting to get to his head.


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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Alye 19th October 2013, 5:57 pm

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.



    He was making progress, that is for sure. Alye watched him demonstrate his Ice Dragon's Shotgun on the suffering cliffside. Alye analyzed his spells and use of magic power as he ripped into the stone, expending some of his power. It indeed was more powerful, but it was coming out in the wrong form... The white-haired girl had an idea.

    She walked up next to Reiki and put a hand on his shoulder. "I think you're thinking about this in the wrong way, which is okay because of the style of your magic." The girl opened her hand and formed a ball of gleaming ice that was about the size of a basketball. "Munch on this and watch and listen to me, alright?" Alye walked in front of him and sat down on the ground. She gestured for him to do the same. When he followed suit, she told him to think back. A gentle wind washed over them both as Alye spoke. "Solid-based magics are very hard to minimize because of their state of matter. However, magic power and magic are two different things. Magic power fuels magic, which are our spells, but magic power can be drawn out without turning into magic. Do you remember that time Kyll had just finished making Thanksgiving dinner and you came in and didn't realize what day it was and ate it all before any of us could have some? Do you remember Kyll's reaction? That yellow energy leaking from her body was her magic power. Kyll's punched you before, but do you remember how that punch she gave you whilst that energy leaked from her body seemed ten times stronger? She flawlessly synced her magic energy into her fist and sent you flying. That is what I mean Reiki. You need to look past spells at the moment. We will get to that later. If you learn how to draw out your magic power, your physicality will be...immense.'' She tried to let him soak it in.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 19th October 2013, 6:21 pm

    Reiki did as Alye instructed, beginning to chomp down on the ice as he listened to Alye's story. Oh yeah.... That... wasn't one of my better moments... Reiki chuckled, slightly ashamed. He had forgotten about it up until this point. But yeah, I do remember that.... I've never really thought about it.... though.... there was that one time... he paused, looking up into the sky as he continued eating, remembering a particular mission he and Aian had embarked on a while ago.

    There was a time where I actually did that, though it wasn't exactly voluntary. Aian and I had to go up to the Silent Glaciers to stop a bunch of rampaging Ice Giants from destroying a village. During the battle, I consumed a ton of ice magic, more than I ever had before. That's when I entered some kind of state...  What was it again? I think Aian called it Dragon Force.... I haven't entered it since then, but it was incredible. My punches felt like they could shatter anything and my spells were more powerful than ever. My magic power was rampaging around me that entire time. So... I think I kind of have a grasp of what you're talking about... though, I know I can't enter Dragon Force willingly, but I don't have to. I just have to unleash a similar effect on a smaller scale, right?


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471 Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) H05POqb Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471

    The Windrider

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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Alye 20th October 2013, 9:49 am

    Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away. 'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday.



    She smiled over to him. He had connected the concept! Alye was inwardly perplexed that he had gone into Dragon Force mode, though. They'd never told her about that. But... there were things that Alye hadn't told them. She didn't hold it against them. However, Alye did imagine what it looked like and how Reiki acted while he held that power. She had heard stories of Dragon Slayers becoming addicted to the high that came with Dragon Force. They would tear their bodies apart trying to get into that state. She hoped he wouldn't turn out like them...

    She spoke once more. "Exactly. The most common instance that magic power can be drawn out is when one is expressing extreme emotion or the exact moment before a spell is released. Since you're kind of new at this, we can try it the emotional way first. I'll try and show you, but, I...can't do it for long..." Her last words held some meaning as her eyes dulled a bit, but she caught herself and closed her blue orbs before her face betrayed her wishes.

    She sat Indian-style and brought her fists together. She took a deep breath and exhaled through her nose. A subtle change in the air came forth that Reiki could note with his acute awareness to the cold. As the air around Alye's skin seemed to shine duly, the sky above seemed to get heavier and heavier for some reason. If Reiki would have looked at Alye he would see that her face had become rather...sullen. The shining light coming from her was starting to emanate, but it was just a faint glow, giving her entire body a rather sad and fragile look about it. The rumble of thunder in the distance would give note to what emotion Alye was bringing forth.


    She was thinking of her family, the friends, the innocents, everyone that she's ever had to let go because of fate. The inner turmoil that she felt about her fault in killing her parents - it never really went away. It just bubbled in the back of her heart, bringing itself out whenever it seemed cruelest. The light from the sun was dulled by the emerging dark clouds overhead. A shivering wind swept over the landscape, thick with water vapor. Alye's hair slowly began to move with the wind as the sky became a dark place.

    And then it started to rain.

    The water fell from in sky in a sad, pathetic sprinkle. It fell upon the area like a blanket of regret. It avoided Alye and Reiki, however. She had simultaneously caused a cone of high pressured air to envelope the two mages so they wouldn't get wet. The rain just fell around them as the aura around Alye sparkled on.

    But then something changed.

    The dull light shining from Alye suddenly began to get brighter. The strands of energy rippled forth and exploded outwards. The look on Alye's face had changed from sadness to anger. And the weather responded. The light rainshower suddenly became a powerful torrent. Reiki and Alye were safe from the elements, but the surrounding forestry was being whipped back and forth by gale force winds and thickets of heavy water. It was like a hurricane had appeared in the space of mere moments. The aura around Alye was bright and intense. It whipped around just as fiercely as the winds around them were. The white-haired girl was thinking of when she saw someone messing with innocents. When she saw the strong picking on the weak for no reason. When she felt helpless to do anything about it.

    She took another deep breath and then exhaled.

    The aura around her began to weaken as Alye reined in her emotions. The response was immediate. The weather suddenly began to lighten. The winds slowed and the rain ceased altogether. It was as if nothing had even happened. Alye took another breath and the clouds began to break apart. Beautiful rays of sunlight broke through to the surface and gleamed off the watery land. A solid beam began to shine around Alye and Reiki, illuminating them. Alye opened her blue eyes. They gleamed in the sunlight. "Using one's magic power like that can strengthen you, but as you can see, you have to be careful. Your power will affect everything around you. That is why minimizing it is so important. The more you rein it in, the less collateral damage you might do. Remember that Reiki. Your magic is especially dangerous. One slip up and you might flash-freeze everything and everyone around you."


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Empty Re: Winds of a Frozen Heart (private)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 20th October 2013, 11:27 am

    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Nye9nc

    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) Nye9nc

    NOTES !




    Freezer Burn All

    "If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end."

    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 1ew2ol

    - Reiki

    Reiki watched in amazement as Alye began to glow before his very eyes. Yet she looked...sad. Her body seemed somewhat fragile with this glow about it. It’s as if she had become a different person entirely. This was rather shocking to him. She had the power to change the weather around them with just her emotions? Just how powerful was she really?

    As the rain began to fall around them, Reiki felt something… different. Not a drop of rain touched Reiki due to Alye’s cone of air protecting them, yet it was as if he felt every drop of rain. He could feel the sadness connected in every drop, as well as a sense of regret. Without an explanation from Alye, Reiki was actually able to determine this was due to his magic. It was based on water after all, so it made quite a bit of sense for him to be able to feel this sensation; though it was still strange.

    Reiki grabbed at his head, gritting his teeth as he felt the pain. Reiki was used to pain, seeing as his magic turned him into a walking fortress. However, this pain was something he never really had a defense for; emotional pain. As he looked up towards Alye through the pain, he noticed the aura around her was getting brighter; her face changing from sad to angry. The weather proceeded to follow suit, beginning to beat the surrounding area with ferocity. Reiki could feel every bit of anger in the rain as it slammed itself against the ground. Finally, the rain began to calm itself as Alye regained control over her emotions.

    Reiki let go of his head as Alye opened her eyes, and listened to her explanation about controlling the emotion, else he freeze half the surrounding area. Reiki simply nodded, as he shied his gaze away slightly. Y-yeah…um… Alye? A-about what just...happened.. he began to ask, a slight hint of anger in his voice mixed with the slightest bit of sadness. The temperature around the two of them began to plummet at an alarming rate, as Reiki clenched his trembling fists so tight that his fingernails began to draw blood. His emotions were beginning to rule the atmosphere; the temperature continuing to fall with every passing second. Whatever he had just felt from the rain had brought over an extremely mixed emotion of sadness and anger; and it was showing. The ground beneath him began to slowly freeze over, violently snapping and cracking as it made its way in a circle outward, with Reiki at the epicenter of it all.

    template by darkee of btn.


    Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471 Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) H05POqb Winds of a Frozen Heart (private) 471

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