Fairy Tail RP

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    Rabbit Run!


    Rabbit Run! Empty Rabbit Run!

    Post by Guest 23rd February 2019, 10:45 pm

    Job Title: Rabbit Run!
    Rank: C
    Job Location: Anywhere
    Solo Word Count: 1,500
    Group Word Count: 3,000
    Additional Requirements: At least one player in the group must have completed the job lunar rumor. Five mages max. Mages must be C rank or higher, or have two D rank mages.
    Job Description: You have now learned enough about these lunar creatures to go out and try to meet them! Your job is to find the rabbits, who will tell of needing help to get back home. Their home was attacked and they escaped to find help! But now you need to go on a scavenger hunt of sorts. With their help, you or your group will find the material and learn to build a teleporter that can take people to the moon! It will be a bit too big to carry, but they have assured you that anyone who comes to help will be able to return through a teleporter. Thankfully the rabbits have blueprints so they are not expecting you to go from knowing nothing about building to genius, but it will still be quite a challenge.
    Reward: 20,000k Jewels and the ability to use a stationary teleporter to visit a rabbit city on the moon.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:13 am