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    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Death Dealer
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 100
    Guild : Hidden Blades
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    Fallout Empty Fallout

    Post by Deleronark 26th December 2018, 4:07 pm

    Word Count: 912
    Total WC: 912


    Mietitrice pulled the car into the driveway and looked about. As far as he could tell they were alone. Still the assassin did not trust what he saw. Currently he saw enemies around every corner and assailants in every shadow. The job had gone well, at least so far. Glancing beside him he watched the heir to the dagger family in the seat next to him. The man would probably be considered attractive, and charismatic if the reports were true. He had red hair, and eyes, and a demeanor about him that probably, on most days, drew in all the ladies. Tonight however, Mietitrice could see a difference, the events of the past hour had certainly taken their toll. The two mages had just taken on, and killed, most of the Black Rose guild. A legal institution and sanctioned guild within Fiore. Many had been left dead, and the two fled the scene just before Rune Knights had appeared.

    Currently they were at a rather run down, and quite shitty hotel. The kind you would expect one to find lady favors, drugs, and the like. The hotel was not too far from where the Daggers Family Intel placed Artemis' apartment. Deleronark was to keep an eye on the other man should the events of tonight not go to plan, or should Artemis for any reason not have been at the guild hall. Now, he was to keep an eye on the red head until he left the town, moving out of reach of Black Rose.

    Reaching over the assassin grabbed a black cloth from the back and placed it in the other man’s lap. “Place this over your head, you are too easy to recognize with that hair.” He then wasted no time stepping from the car and telling the other mage to follow him.

    Calling the hotel room sub par would be generous, there was a single bed in the middle of the room, a broken TV, and in the far end what could pass for a bathroom. Upon the bed lay a bag, a black duffel bag which was currently zipped up. Walking forward the Assassin opened it and pulled out a large paper bag. Within it were clothes. Taking a breath, he tossed it at the red head. It was provided by the mans family and supposed to match his ‘style and size’. It was one of the few requests the assassin made when taking the job.

    “Put your clothes in there, get changed.” Mietitrice could tell the other mage was having a rough time. This was, at best, a difficult situation. The assassin knew, if it was not for the fact that this was his job, his living, his livelihood, he would probably have a rough time with it too. In fact, to be fair the only think keeping Mietitrice together was that he had no memories. To be honest, he did not know if what he did was right, or wrong, he was fuzzy at best with laws, and knew only what he had learned over the past three months. That he was good at killing.

    Taking a second, the assassin made a decision. The man in front of him needed help, and that was not something a killer could give him. Reaching up the assassin would grab at his mask, Mietitrice suddenly changed entirely as it was pulled from his face. His hair would turn pure white, and his eyes a shade of lavender. Even his very scent and magical aura would change. Taking a breath Deleronark spoke, his voice would be different and hold a lighter air than the gruff tone spoken through the mask.

    “Listen, I know you have questions. I will try and answer some. But you will forget everything you saw from the moment after I removed this mask, deal?” Deleronark was not certain if the man would understand, but the assassin had to keep his secrets. Even if that meant killing the person in front of him… after he got paid of course. However, something told him he could trust the man. A feeling in his gut, a belief he held for the first time since walking up at Project Deleronark.

    Deleronark would start doing the same, he would remove his clothes and place everything within the plastic bag before getting dressed in the new outfit. Once he was done, and the other man returned he would gather up both bags and place them within a metal bucket. He could tell the other man was having a hard time. Reaching over the grabbed a bottle of whisky from the bag he opened it and poured about three fourths of the content into the bucket and on the soiled clothes. Taking a heavy drink, he passed it to the red-haired man. “You look like you could use a drink.” The alcohol was cheap, and burned far more than it should have, the taste would be bitter, but it would get the job done.

    Dropping a match into the bucket, lighting the alcohol within and removing the rest of the evidence from the past hour he spoke again. “Lets go find something better to drink. By the way, call me Deleronark.” Deleronark was unsure why he gave him his 'given' name, it just made sense. Besides, if he kept using fake names he would only risk confusing the man and having one he doesn't want others to hear slip from his lips.

    Last edited by Deleronark on 29th December 2018, 1:52 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
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    Experience : 2,399,882

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    First Skill: Incubus Soul Takeover
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    Fallout Empty Re: Fallout

    Post by Artemis Dagger 28th December 2018, 2:41 pm

    Artemis body has just about returned to normal; the black had faded from his skin. The claw retracted into normal looking human hands. His jawline had returned to normal, as had his teeth and eyes. For the most part, he looked like the usual, complete Artemis Dagger. Except for the blood, the unbelievably strong scent of blood. His demonic sense made it all the more intense, like a thick cologne that had been spritz on a few too many times. It was odorous, and someone nauseating — a reminder of what they had done. Even after he washed, Artemis knew it would be a while before the scent truly went away, at least for his keen nose.

    He was sat in the car next to Meitritrice, looking away from the assassin, out of the window. His fist clenched tightly, as he tried to digest what had just happened. Together, they had just hosted a massacre. The massacre of several members of Black Rose, a guild Artemis had once been a key part of. Another place, he had failed to fit in. He closed his eyes, feeling the sting. Why could he just belong? Everywhere he went, it was all judgement, whether it be at home with his family, in Silver Wolf, In Black rose. Nowhere would accept him, tolerate who he was and appreciate the part of Artemis he was so desperate to be accepted; himself. Not the rich boy facade he put on at Dagger events, not the playboy antics he displayed amongst women, not the violent hooligan that often found himself scrapping in a club. No, the real Artemis.

    As the car pulled up, Artemis glanced over at the guy he was with, who seemed to be scouting the area. He would reach into the back and hand Artemis a piece of fabric. Commenting on how his hair made him recognisable. He said nothing, pulling it over his head, the only visible feature that remained was his red eyes. He climbed out of the car, shutting the car door behind him, and following after the guy. It was strange, following someone who was pretty much a complete stranger. Yet, he felt no hesitation. After all, not only had the guy saved his life, but he had also seen Morte. Even though, he believed that was Artemis. Still, it was a side of his magic he rarely revealed. They were something to that at least.

    They walked to what looked like a shack rather than a hotel, as Artemis stepped in after Meitritrice, he would glance around the room. It was a dive if he ever saw one, not many would expect to find the heir to a Multi-billion jewel corporation hanging out in such a place. But Artemis didn't care about that right now; he didn't care about anything. He was still lost, unsure of himself, and what to do now. He caught the clothes the guy chucked his way, advising him to change. He looked at the man quietly, saying nothing. Slightly uncharacteristic for Artemis, he was still in a state of shock. His red eyes would watch as the guy grabbed his own face. He would pull the mask away from his face. Underneath he would reveal an entirely new face. Around Artemis's own age, lavender eyes and silver hair. Even as he spoke, his voice had shifted, become less gruff. Art listened to his word, answers, yes, answers would be good especially as Morte had gone quiet, too busy relishing in the suffering he had just caused. Artemis was sure the demon would be satisfied for a while.

    Art nodded at the white-haired man, reaching up, he pulled off his own mask before peeling the clothes off his body, stripping down to his boxers. He would put the clothes in a bag, before heading over to the bathroom. Before he got dressed again, he wanted to wash off the scent. He walked over to the slightly grubby tap and turned the water. Watching it as it pathetically trickled out. He placed his new clothes on the side, before cupping the water and using it to wase his face and arms. His eyes trailing as the water in the sink was tinged a slightly red. Of course, it would, a fair amount of blood sprayed over him after all. He did this a few times before he was satisfied he had washed it down to a bare minimum. Reaching over for his clothes, he recognised them as straight from his wardrobe at the Dagger estate. Funny, they had even been prepared for this. He quickly got dressed, before stepping out of the bathroom, back to where Meitritrice was.

    He watched idly as the guy would begin burning the clothes they had worn. His eyes solemn and tired, he heard the white-haired guys comment. Seeing the bottle that was offered out to him. He would gladly take it. Bringing the rim of the bottle to his lips, he would take several gulps of the brown liquid, some of it trickling down his chin. The whisky would offer him a comforting burn; he would bring it away, swallowing his mouthful before letting out a gasp. "Thanks," He said hoarsely, before wiping his chin with the back of his hand.

    His eyes lingered on the flames before he glanced up at the other guy, who decided that they should go for a drink. "Yeah, let's." He said, Deleronark huh? He thought, surprised the guy would even bother offering him another name. Perhaps another alias, or the real thing? "I would introduce myself, but I guess my father covered that. But if you want, you can call me Art." He said, offering his own shortened name. He preferred it anyway.

    WC: 961



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Death Dealer
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 100
    Guild : Hidden Blades
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    First Skill: Death Dealer's Training
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    Fallout Empty Re: Fallout

    Post by Deleronark 8th January 2019, 4:11 pm

    Word Count: 542
    Total WC: 1,454


    Deleronark looked at the other man and nodded his head. “Art it is then.” He started to walk away and direct them towards the bar he knew of. “Once we get settled, I can answer any questions you have, at least the ones that I am able to.” He was talking quietly, almost so soft that one would not be able to hear. But, with his proximity to the other mage he was pretty sure the man could hear.

    Deleronark cocked his head to the side as he walked next to the Dagger heir. He knew that the boys family would hate that this was going on, after all going to a bar was by no means safe. However, they knew Meititrice would be watching. They just did not know how close the assassin would be. Besides, Deleronark had already made his decision about the red-haired man. He could take care of himself. In fact, the assassin would be willing to bet that had he not been there, somehow whether through pure persistence, or sheer stubbornness Artemis Dagger would have survived the assault.

    The bar the two found themselves in was by no means fancy, in fact calling it a dive would be almost too accurate. However, the assassin had cased the place days in advance and had been there twice already while watching Artemis. Looking towards the other male he spoke “I know it’s not the best, but the drink is good and they stay out of your business.” He went strait to the bar, and ordered a whisky on the rocks, before handing the man at the counter a few jewels. “We would like to open a tab.” He said to the man before whispering to the red-haired mage, “Curtesy of the Daggers, so feel free to indulge.” It was true, the family had been very liberal with their payments, anything to keep the family safe it seemed, and Deleronark was not really one for frivolous spending. In fact, most everything he made was saved, for what, he had no idea.

    Once they had their drinks the assassin walked forward, his eyes glancing across the room. In the end, he settled on a far booth with lots of shadows and very few people. Perfect for this sort of… conversation. Taking a breath he stepped forward and sat himself down, lounging out on one of the booths, and put his arm up over the back. “So, whats first?”

    His tone was soft but direct, he was not going to beat around the bush. After all, the family had told him to protect the heir, and misinformation can be just as deadly as a gun. If needed he would tell Artemis everything he knew, as long as it does not put either of them at risk.

    He enjoyed his drink, and at times found himself looking about into the crowd, it did not seem like anyone was watching them, there were even groups dancing in the distance enjoying their night out. He could tell, almost no one in this room had any idea what had happened in another part of the city. In fact, he had a feel most people who visited this establishment would be oblivious to most things outside.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
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    Posts : 605
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    Experience : 2,399,882

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    First Skill: Incubus Soul Takeover
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    Fallout Empty Re: Fallout

    Post by Artemis Dagger 12th January 2019, 9:28 am

    Artemis followed Deleronark out of the shabby apartment, moving back out from where they came. The two men would begin to walk along the streets of Fiore; they were barely lit, quiet. It seemed a lot of time had flown by already, and the night was well underway. Most shops had long since closed up, and the only places still open were restaurants, bars, tattoo parlours, and other late-night trades. Deleronark seemed to leading Artemis away from the more popular locations that he knew of, which made sense. Having just escaped a mass slaughter meant maintaining a low profile was probably ideal. The streets would only grow quieter and more still, the deeper into, the more secluded and more deprived areas of the city they moved into. Until Artemis no longer recognised what street they were on.

    As he spoke, Artemis would nod at his comment. Questions, yeah, he did have some. But the question was, did he really want to ask? There were obviously things that his father knew, things that Artemis had been unaware of. About Black Rose and their plan for the magic council. Knowing that much was frustrating enough, that instead of reaching out to Artemis himself, he had hired others to handle the matter. He just had that little faith in Artemis. Then again, maybe he was right. Artemis hadn't helped prevent the fight from breaking out. He did what he always did, he provoked. Albeit this time, he had done so unintentionally. So many times he would be in a bar, just itching for something to go down and starting on the biggest guy there just for the hell of it. To get a kick out of knocking down the toughest guys he could find. Yet today, at the Guildhall, he had actually hoped to resolve that peacefully. Perhaps, that just wanted in his nature to do so. He would always be, the centre of mayhem.

    The questions, when they got round to it, he would ask, and accept the answers he got. He understood that Deleronark probably had things he wouldn't be able to reveal. For his own safety and certain degrees of confidentiality of course. But that was fine. He didn't blame the guy for the situation; he was just doing his job. Besides, he had only been put there in the first place, because of Artemis's track record and his families habit of running unnecessary interference in his life. Would he have survived without the guy? Maybe. Would he had tidied it up quite as neatly? Probably not. If things had been different, the likelihood was, Morte would've taken much more control than he had. And when Morte truly lost himself to the bloodlust, Artemis wasn't sure how long it would be before the demon got his fill of blood, days, weeks, maybe longer. Destroying a guild in order to survive, Artemis might be able to get over. But butchering innocents too, that was beyond what he could manage.

    And then there was that, destroying a guild he'd once belonged to. Aiding in the annihilation of several individuals he once called guildmates. That information really had yet to sink in, the demon, Morte was quiet. He knew full well what Artemis was feeling; they had been through something similar before. So the demon was giving Artemis his peace, so his mind could settle down on the matter. It seemed Deleronark would soon lead him to a bar; it wasn't exactly the nicest of places. But Artemis had drunk in worse. He often found that places like this didn't care much about names or status. They were good places to go if one wanted to escape that.

    Deleronark's words seemed to confirm that when the white-haired man ordered a whisky on the rocks. Following which Artemis would order the same, quickly learning that his family were paying for it anyway. At least there was there was some gratification in that. That for all the troubles they would cause him, at the very least they would pay for his buzz. "In that case, I'll have the bottle too." He figured doing this would save them a few trips to the bar. A glass clinked as it was placed in front of him, a bottle set alongside it. He scooped them both up, turning he would follow Deleronark to the booth. Sliding into the seat, he would raise the glass to his lips, taking two hearty gulps. Usually, he wouldn't rush down such a drink, but he needed to be numb. He didn't want to feel the way he did, at least not as strongly. Deleronark addressed him once more, ready for his questions.

    Artemis looked up at him, his red eyes falling on the man who had essentially saved him. Even if it had been at his father's orders, still from what Artemis could only presume, he was probably doing more than what Lucarius expected of him. He doubted his father would approve of the two of them having gone for a drink after, but then he imagined as long as Artemis was out alive and safe, then he imagined certain misdemeanours might be excused still, what question would be best to ask first. Artemis took a moment to think, before finally speaking. "Do you work for my families company, or did he hire you privately?" He asked. To understand how much he could trust this guy, he needed to know how tied up in his families affairs he was. He didn't need to guess what it was that Deleronark did, from observing his handiwork earlier. That much had been obvious.

    WC: 939
    Total WC: 1900



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Death Dealer
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 100
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    Fallout Empty Re: Fallout

    Post by Deleronark 23rd January 2019, 1:54 pm

    Word Count: 532
    Total WC: 1,986


    Deleronark nodded when the red head stated he wanted the entire bottle. It made sense after all, and besides, how much could one mage drink? In the end, Deleronark decided letting him have his fill would probably be a much safer solution that letting him stew on the events of today. After all, it did not help the mind to think of could haves and what might have been. Deleronark asked for a spare glass as they found their table and sat down.

    Sprawling his arm out to one side Deleronark leaned over taking a long draft from his drink. With a deep breath he listened as the Dagger heir asked his first question. Cocking his head, he thought it over, he had been hired privately, that was no object. However, the assassin knew based on their follow-up message that if this job went well, he could expect follow up work. Meaning, in a sense he did work for the company, or at least the man who owned the company.

    In the end, the assassin decided he was overthinking the question. Looking into the other mans eyes he spoke up. “I do not work for the corporation, and I have no ties with any of their holdings or their employs.” The assassin said carefully, even in places like this he knew the walls could have ears. “I was hired by a worried father who wished to make sure his son was making the right decisions.” The way Deleronark said it left nothing to interpretation. His voice was laced with sarcasm, the little bit of experience the assassin now had with the head of the Dagger family told him everything he needed to know. He understood however why Artemis was curious, after all whether the man in front of him was a drone or not was very important.

    “Your father would not… approve of us going out and speaking like this. I am very much sure you are aware he would rather I got you back home as soon as possible. However, I needed a drink after such vigorous exercise.” Deleronark added looking towards the room. No one was really paying the two mages any attention, and in the end the assassin was pretty sure they were alone.

    “I am sure that is not all you wish to know however?” He asked taking another drink. “I myself am very curious as to how one such as yourself finds such situations?” The assassin did not have to say how severe it was to learn that a sanctioned guild and follow of the counsel had hidden so much from their eyes and had in fact planned on ridding Fiore of the counsel itself.

    Deleronark knew this would be the only time he learned what was really going on. After all, once Artemis was back with the family they would expect their Hired assassin to cut ties. Luckily, they knew him as Meititirice, and knew nothing of his true identity. Well, none but the one in front of him. However, for some reason the assassin felt he could trust the man.  


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
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    Experience : 2,399,882

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    First Skill: Incubus Soul Takeover
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    Fallout Empty Re: Fallout

    Post by Artemis Dagger 18th February 2019, 10:33 am

    Artemis eyed the silver haired male, waiting quietly for his answer. He was still trying to get his head round how he was now sitting in a bar, talking to the man who had helped him destroy his old guild. It seemed so surreal, that they had moved into this casual drinking scenario, two others they just seemed like two casual young males in their twenties sharing a drink. But it was more than that, what they had shared, Artemis just couldn't comprehend it. He was surprised by his own reaction,  Artemis had never approved of things like this. The dark deeds committed by his family, it wasn't in his nature, at least he didn't believe it was. To heartlessly kill others, to take away from others for the sake of your own benefit. Okay, so maybe not the latter so much, but life was so finite. Yet, this guy had eliminated like it, as though it meant nothing. Yet, Artemis couldn't judge, he couldn't reject him. Because, Artemis had done the same, maybe he was more like his family than he realised. He was a Dagger after all.

    He spoke, answering Artemis question. At first he explained that he wasn't a Dagger Corp. employee, which most likely also meant that he didn't work for them. He followed comment made Artemis scoff. "Worried huh? Yeah worried about his damn legacy alright. I can see it now, 'Dagger Family Heir taken out by his own guild,' That would be a shitstorm for him."  He grumbled irritably. As far as Artemis was aware, they still had an heir regardless, but for the son to fall fool to the antics of a guild he willingly joined. It would be a shame on the family. Their reputation would be fraught, the media would have a frenzy and the Dagger families stature would take a severe blow. Ensuring he made the 'right decision', that was laughable, he never made the right decision. At least not according to them, ever action he seemed to take tended to work against the families values and expectations of them.

    He continued on, talking about his father disapproval of what they were doing. No change there then. As far as he was concern, his father had influenced his actions enough tonight. If he knew something like this was at risk of going down, he could have warned him. Giving him a different option, a way to get out before things go to bad. It didn't need to escalate such a way, he could have left on his own accord. He could have just walked out and never gone back, before he knew the guilds secret. Before he became at risk. Maybe it was a punishment, a punishment for not informing them of his transfer from Silver Wolf to Black Rose. Maybe there was a different reason, but if he had just known. Things could have been different, all those people, they may still be alive right now.

    "I can only assume, my father used some sort of private investigator to find out about the guild's true intentions, perhaps even a mole. So, I guess, my question is, when were you assigned this job?" He asked, he wanted to know how long this plan had been in the works. Just how long they had known, how much time they had in which they could have contacted him instead, given him a way out. How long had they sat on the decision to leave him in the dark. He sighed at Deleronark's question, shrugging, normally he would dodge such a question, pass it off with a random remark or joke. But for some reason, Artemis didn't feel like playing around the bush. It wasn't like it was worth trying to keep secrets from this guy, he had seen him at near enough his worst. What else was their to hide? Also, he didn't feel like Deleronark was the type to go blabbing about such things.

    "I'm sure you're aware my family come from a long line of prestigious nobles, my ancestors had long since lived a life of high class and upstanding nature. Every Dagger is expected to live respectably and are expected to carry the strength of the family name in their existence. No one ever failed that expectation, until me. You see, I was born without magic, weak and powerless. A disappointment from the beginning, were I belonging to one of the outer rings of the family, this may not be so much of a concern. But, I am not. I am the first born son of Lucarius Dagger, and therefore the heir to the family's estate as well as position in society. My life has never followed the same path as the rest of my family, and I know that. So I guess, I resist it. I do not wish to abide by the laws they attempt to govern me with, but live by my own volition. My own rules. Yet as you can see, that doesn't always work in my favour."

    WC: 843
    Total: 2743



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Death Dealer
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    Fallout Empty Re: Fallout

    Post by Deleronark 13th March 2019, 9:35 am

    Word Count: 532
    Total WC: 2,533


    Deleronark kept his gaze upon the Dagger heir as they spoke, every once in a while, breaking eye contact to scan the room. After enough time, the assassin became quite confident that they made a clean get away. He knew the authorities would be much more worried about what had happened to the guild hall and would probably not be looking for two men drinking at a dive bar. The remaining guild members would all assume Artemis had perished, or was not within the hall when it collapsed, meaning at least for now the two mages were safe.

    Del nodded when Artemis spoke about his fathers false ‘worry’, although the assassin believed there was some truth to what he had said, that the Mr. Dagger was, at least in some part, worried for his child. He doubted any member of that family would be able to admit such a thing. Besides, it was true the public face of Dagger was certainly forefront on Mr. Daggers mind. Deleronark himself wondered why Artemis’ father had gone to such lengths, he could have easily paid Del, or anther group to just ferret Artemis away before any of this happened. Yet, for some reason the elder Dagger mealy escalated the entire event. The assassin knew, there had to be something moving within the background of corporate politics to lead to such a decision, and as always, that was a world even the cold blooded assassin wanted no part in.

    When Artemis once more spoke Del listened and nodded to his assumption. “I do not know all the details, part of the job, but what I do know is your father had a mole within the guild. One who had discovered the truth, as well as the danger you were in. I was called in rather recently, to ensure that your fathers plan succeeded, and most importantly my mission was to get you out without… unnecessary… harm.” Deleronark paused when speaking that word, the truth was Mr. Dagger, or more so, whoever reached out directly to Del knew there would be danger and knew Artemis could get hurt. Del was not told to keep him safe, and to coddle the younger Dagger. No, unnecessary were the exact words they used. They wanted Artemis to get his hands wet. “I was assigned this job last minute, informed of the location, given your picture, and told what to expect. Within the week I was in town and setting up our escape. I knew nothing more before then.” In truth, Del was not even informed of Black Rose’s true agenda, he had not heard what Artemis did, and he was not listening in on the conversation. In truth, he just watched the fight break out, and did his job. Reasons mattered little to the Assassin… at least, on paper.

    Del listened in rasp attention as Artemis spoke of his family, and what had led to the events of the evening. It sounded like, even from a young age Artemis had lived up to heavy expectations, in truth it was no surprise that he rebelled. In the end, Del found himself cracking a small grin. “Favor or not, you survived to live another day, and continue to ‘disappoint’ your father. Might as well have fun along the way?” Del said holding up the liquor to the other youth in a small toast.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Fallout Empty Re: Fallout

    Post by Artemis Dagger 23rd March 2019, 1:51 pm

    So it turned out the man sat across from him wasn't as involved as Artemis speculated, a private agent that was hired last minute to handle the matter within the space of a week. And handle it he had, the two of them somehow managed to 'handle' the entirety of the remaining Black Rose members without much effort at all. Artemis felt a small notion of relief, knowing that he wasn't sitting with a man too intertwined with his family. It would have been hard to feel comfortable trusting all this stuff with someone who was in his father's pocket.

    After finishing his long explanation about why it was he always seemed to find himself in these 'awkward situations'. Artemis would bring his drink to his lips once more and knock it back, draining the contents of the glass completely. Feeling he needed it after being so thoroughly honest about a part of his life he rarely felt he could talk about. Whenever anyone asked him about his family, he always changed the subject or gave them a vague answer. Because frnakly, he didn't like talking about it, or they generally misunderstood. Like Amora, when he had tried to tell her he was restrained by his name. She had answered so casually, telling him that a person's name didn't define who they were or who they could become. Yet he was living proof this was a lie. If his name didn't mean anything then why was he so trapped by it. He hadn't even been able to exist as a member of Silver Wolf without his Grandfather breathing down his neck about not doing anything to ruin their reputation. Then there was this whole Black Rose ordeal, a perfect example of how his father's eyes were always on him. Watching him like a hawk, and ready to take action without even consulting Artemis on how he might feel about the matter. She had been so naive, Artemis saw that clearer than ever now.

    Artemis reached over to the bottle and top his drink up another round. His could feel the alcohol starting to kick in, making him feel lighter. The weight that was resting on his shoulders almost felt like it was lifting off slightly. He was feeling a little better, but not a great deal. He was still fairly worn down by the whole ordeal. He glanced at Deleronark as he spoke, he eyed him for a moment. The red-heads lips curled into a smirk, he let out a soft chuckle. "Might as well,"  He said, raising his drink, he would tap it gently against the 'assassins' making a rather satisfying clinking sound as he did. "Cheers to parental disappointment."  He said in an amused tone, before taking another drink. He didn't drain the drink this time, only took a hearty gulp, swallowing it down before lowering his glass. Licking his lips, he tilted his head thoughtfully, "So if you don't mind me asking, what's with the career choice? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not judging. Do what suits your skill set right? But you seem like a pretty talented mage, why not be a guild mage like so many others seem to do." The guy's magic had been that of someone who was well-trained, Artemis may have been assuming too much. But the whisky was giving him a somewhat looser tongue, and he wanted to know. It wasn't every day you got to have a casual chat with a professionally trained assassin. The twenty-two-year-old was curious, what was it that led someone down such a cold path?

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    Fallout Empty Re: Fallout

    Post by Deleronark 13th June 2019, 1:37 pm

    Word Count: 440
    Total WC: 2,973


    Taking a sip of his drink the assassin glanced back and forth taking in the environment. In truth, he had never expected to be in such a situation, helping protect one of the elite rather than killing them, or their enemies. However, the Dagger head had paid very well, and quite surprisingly Deleronark has found himself liking the younger Dagger.

    Black Rose was no more, cops were on high alert, and the entire situation was, well, life threatening. Yet, despite all of that the two adults found themselves sharing a drink, and discussing in the open. A quick glance at the red-haired youth however told Del this is exactly what was needed. He was taking it easy on the drinks, especially knowing that the other man would not be. It was strange to have a connection like this; with a man he did not know.

    That being said, Deleronark really did not know who was, and who was not, his type. He could not name a single friend, or remember a single face, from before six months ago. Taking a breath, he started to contemplate the other man’s question. In truth, he was not sure why he was an assassin, he did not know how he knew magic, where his equipment went, or in truth the focus and true power of his abilities.

    He did know one thing though, he distained guilds, and their members. Every Mage he had met just disappointed the man. In reality his reason for being an assassin was probably simple. He learned early on that he was good at killing, then learned he could make money doing such a thing. I mean, they always say do what your good at… at least, that is what Del assumed people said.

    “In truth. Because I am good at it. Guilds are too complicated, and not my style. This… This is simple, and something I can do. No need to worry about others, or rely on those I can not trust.” Deleronark said looking Artemis in the eyes. The other man did not need to know everything after all.

    “I look at it in the same way you do, I guess. I want to live of my own violation, and by my own merits and rules. Sure, the Magic Counsel might not like it, but they haven’t found me yet. Besides… There will always be need for someone like me. You would be surprised how many… upstanding citizens, and ranking officials find me useful.” Del added. He doubted Artemis would be surprised, after all his own father was one of those upstanding citizens, at least… according to media.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Fallout Empty Re: Fallout

    Post by Artemis Dagger 28th June 2019, 9:23 am

    Artemis would nod his head casually as Deleronark explained him, although his answer was fairly simplistic. It seemed that it was just the man's fate that had led him to this lifestyle. Much like how Arty's birth had led him to his. But still, morally, the twenty-two year old still couldn't quite wrap himself around the notion of killing so easily. He knew his father had killed, as had his grandfather and his father before him. His uncles and other members of his family surely had too. It was encouraged amongst the Daggers, not to be killers but to have the stomach to do it if necessary. To take out your enemies at any cost. His father seemed to expect it of him, although for what reason he wasn't entirely sure. He knew as heir to the Dagger household and business, it was his responsibility to take charge and run the family. But did that really require all of that? Artemis wasn't sure what to expect, all he knew was dread, dread and uncertainty for the time it came to be. As much of a pain as he was, he would hope his Grandfather and own father would have a long life expectancy. So that they could shoulder that burden for as long as possible, and so he could keep his freedom.

    As the man continued, he would relate to Artemis's need for independence. Which actually did help him come to understand where the silver-haired fellow was coming from. "I suppose that makes sense. Guess it's just not something I could see myself doing, to be honest." He told the guy, blissfully unaware of the bitter irony in those words. If only he knew in a few months time that the very work he was quizzing the man about, would be the work he would be forced to undergo. The position he would be made to take as a result of his family. In this moment of time, he would but remain pleasantly ignorant. Drinking in the company of a man who was practically a strange, thinking that hopefully after tonight, things would return to normal.

    "So like... are you one of those all work and no play types or do you do other stuff too? I can't imagine being a non-stop..." He glanced around, remembering they were in public and terms like 'contract killer' probably wasn't ideal. "'you-know-what' would get a little stressful, or maybe even dull? Then again, perhaps normal hobbies would seem dull in comparison."  He added with a thoughtful shrug, before taking another hearty sip of his whisky. This was better, he was feeling comfortable enough to talk to the man normally. If it hadn't been for the whole mass-destruction of Black Rose thing, it probably would've been a decent affair. It had been a long time since Artemis had gone out drinking with a mate, a lot of his 'drinking buddies' were busy these days. Settled down with girlfriends, or trying to make an honest living. Sometimes they came out, but less frequently than they used to. It was just so hard to find anyone decent to party with these days.

    WC: 523
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    Fallout Empty Re: Fallout

    Post by Deleronark 17th December 2019, 6:22 pm

    Word Count: 283
    Total WC: 3,256


    Del would watch the other man closely as he spoke, it was strange just how different the two youths were, yet how alike they seemed to be. The assassin was certain in his own way the scarlet haired man understood him. When he spoke up Del would raise an eyebrow, and cock his head. He understood the bases of what the man said, but was not sure if he agreed. “You would be surprised… how easy it is…” Del would say, almost to himself. “Hold onto that though, every man has something he is willing to kill for. Something… or someone… which will bring them over the edge… Stay resolute to your ideas.” Del would say with a smile, not yet knowing how much things would change in such a short time.

    Del would again crack a smile as the other man spoke up again. All work no play huh? “Oh, I can enjoy myself. When I am not saving the life of… independent red heads.” The assassin would say in a joking manor. Del would then raise his hand and call for a bottle to be brought to the table, before informing the staff member that he would be opening up a tab.

    “I guess we should get this party started?” The white haired main would ask, glancing about the bar. Honestly, this was probably the last place a guild recently destroyed would look for a couple of murderers, and the last thing the Magic Police would think those responsible would be doing. All in all, the two would be quite safe in their night or revelry, and Deleronark had already noticed a few attractive looking women who seemed to be empty of their drinks.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Fallout Empty Re: Fallout

    Post by Artemis Dagger 26th January 2020, 4:34 pm

    The warming buzz of the whiskey was really starting to sink in now, this much of the undiluted alcohol was enough to make even an experienced boozer like himself a bit tiddly. But that was okay, that was good actually. After the shock of the nights experience, he needed this. To let it slip away into a haze of intoxicated, a distraction of merriment to pull himself from the tragic reminder of his families hold on him. Not to mention the pull of death that Morte had once again brought into his life, something that lurked after the demon no matter how much he tried to avoid it. The more death Morte into his life, the greater his own fear grew. Fear that he would become like him as Morte once suggested to him, several years ago.

    As Del explained to Artemis how easy it was for him, how merely if something worthy was on the line then anyone could be pulled into to doing it. "So I guess if I have nothing...or rather no one to kill for, I'm less inclined to. Ha! Good thing I am the eternal bachelor then isn't it?" He remarked chuckling over his glass, he had been single for many years now. Aside from the odd fling here and there, the most he'd formed since her was the occasional friends with benefits scenario, and even that never lasted. Which was fine, things were simpler this way, less messy.

    He laughed at the silver-haired jokes, "Ahh yes, my hero, well I'm sure a dashing damsel like me was worth your precious time, much jewels and my charming company." He quipped back, flicking her hair back in an effeminate manner to add to the joke. Before having a final swig of his glass, fortunately for him, the good man had the sense to order more. Artemis approved, the night was young and he still had much to drink before he was a semblance of okay. If he could okay after this, that was yet to be deterred. But still, distraction, in any manner, was welcome. Artemis followed Del's gaze as he suggested they liven up the party. He would catch the eyes of the women that he had spotted, and a devilish grin split across his face. "Now you're talking."

    WC: 386 Art's Total: 4255
    Thread total 7511 Tag: @Deleronark


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