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    so big / so small ╳ solo


    Imagination Sovereign

    Imagination Sovereign

    Posts : 113
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ╳ Imaginary Element ╳
    Second Skill: ╳ Mystic Eyes ╳
    Third Skill:

    so big / so small ╳ solo Empty so big / so small ╳ solo

    Post by Evan 5th August 2018, 11:31 am

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    so big / so small ╳ solo T0bRXJv

    Imagination Sovereign

    Imagination Sovereign

    Posts : 113
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ╳ Imaginary Element ╳
    Second Skill: ╳ Mystic Eyes ╳
    Third Skill:

    so big / so small ╳ solo Empty Re: so big / so small ╳ solo

    Post by Evan 5th August 2018, 12:46 pm

    The young imagination mage sat blissfully unaware as he laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling and the pattern that enveloped it. It was somewhat hypnotizing so the young man had gotten lost in the design of his room. After all, it has been a little while since he actually left his room. Summoning one of his screens in front of him with a downward motion of his hand, Evan looked at the date and time in the corner of it. It really has been a week since he left his room. He had managed to keep himself busy by deciphering whatever the Magic Council was doing as well as playing games that he had been meaning to catch up on what has happened. Speaking of which, the young man pressed the screen a couple of times in order to switch it to open his newest game. He was still grinding to level up his party because it was a RPG. He had enjoyed the storyline so far but right now, he had to do a lot of grinding because apparently, the final boss was going to be a wreck if he went in unprepared. He had already maxed out the character's as well as all of their possible classes and now he was stocking up on weapons. As he watched his party wander around the dungeon, he felt himself get a little bit of a reality check as he paused the game. Normally, games like this were marketed towards those who weren't mages. So, why was he playing it? He could do exactly what they were doing and explore the world. Although, the world had real people, it was infinitely vast. Looking at the door in his room that laid unopened for the past week. It's not like people were looking for him but maybe he should at least take it to himself to meet new people. He won't get over his social anxiety if he simply stayed cooped up in his room. Sighing, the young mage would hop off his bed and reach for the doorknob before pausing. Perhaps a shower is in order first though.

    Drying off his hair, Evan would slip into a white shirt with black and red plaid styled pants with suspenders as he looked in the mirror. If he didn't know himself, he could probably pass for a normal mage. However, if anyone talked to him, that facade of him would be broken. Smirking as he put on his glasses, he would grab a pair of red gloves as he slipped them on. It was a given that he wore gloves because if people touch his hands, he'll find out more about them than they would ever want to know. Sighing as he ran the gloved hand through his still slightly damp hair as he looked at the door again. He's been putting it off long enough. Taking a deep breath, the young mage would reach for the doorknob as he saw it twist. He let out a shriek of surprise as he heard someone on the other side proclaim they were at the wrong room and let out an apology as they walked away. Sighing, the imagination mage would squat with his heels on the floor as he let out another sigh. Man, he really was pathetic. Adjusting his glasses, Evan patted himself on his face in order to prepare himself even if it didn't do much. Reaching for the door knob again, Evan would grab it before taking a deep breath and opening the door. The sunlight hit his eyes and he squinted as he tried to adjust to the outdoor lighting. Sighing, the young man would step out of his room in order to be greeted with a view of the city. He seemed to have an amazing view of the Crystalli but never took the attention to look at it. Placing a hand over his heart, Evan would slip out of his room as he locked the door behind him to avoid other people seeing the mess in his room. Once the door actually locked, he thought to himself out loud.  "Actually, where am I going on a Sunday?"

    Wandering around Crystalli on a Sunday was actually quite fun because of the lack of crowds combined with the fact that the ship had landed in order for them to port at a nearby city, causing people to explore while they still can. The shops and cafes were closed except for a few local ones so Evan decided to stop by for a cup of coffee. The barista was a small girl that seemed to have a lot of energy, greeting the shy adolescent with a cheerful good morning. He awkwardly waved as he summoned a screen with his right hand in a downward swiping motion. The girl was pleasantly surprised by the use of technology and he typed something in quickly before flicking the screen in her direction. The holographic screen gently flew over to her as she caught it, surprising her once again because it was a physical mass and not just a hologram. On the screen when she saw the message, she let out a little chuckle.

    Hello! I'm not that great at talking but would I be able to have a cup of black coffee and a strawberry tart? You can send it over to me using the screen once it's ready. Thank you so much.

    It was really precious how polite Evan was being to the girl and her eyes fell onto the text box at the bottom of the screen, when she tapped it, a smaller screen emerged with a keyboard on it. Smiling, she typed out,

    No problem!

    When she hit send, she saw the young man smiled softly at another screen that he was typing on and he turned to her and mouthed a thank you. She chuckled to herself again while she walked behind the counter, the screen following her closely. Pouring the coffee into the disposable cups, she would place a lid on it as she prepared a bag to put the tart in. Placing both the coffee and the tart on the screen would cause it to slowly fly over to Evan as he stood up from his seat and made his way to the door. Waving goodbye, the woman behind the counter would say, "Please come again!" Evan smiled with a slight blush coating his cheeks as he waved goodbye, quietly saying, "Thanks. I'll be sure to."

    Stepping out onto the street, Evan would find himself walking closer and closer to the theatre district. Perhaps there was something going on here on Sundays. Taking a sip from his coffee and a bite out of the tart, the young man was now in front of the largest concert hall in Crystalli being the Crystalli Concertum. There was a young man who was standing in front of the hall who smiled and waved at Evan. Evan flinched a little bit from surprise as he looked behind him to make confirm that the one who was being called was in fact him. After becoming certain of this, Evan would walk over to the young man who would say. "Say, are you willing to learn an instrument? It won't take too long and I don't have any students today!" Evan's eyebrow raised at the offer. It sounded harmless although, the young teacher was getting a little too close for comfort. Placing his hands in front of his chest, Evan would chuckle as he said "Ah, it's fine. I think it's too late in the day to have a lesson." Evan's sense of thinking kind of stopped when the young man grabbed his hand to guide him inside. The young man's face was blank as he was sort of pulled in the storage area of the concert hall. It wasn't until they stopped when the young teacher noticed Evan's burning red face. "Oh! Are you okay? Are you like, coming down with a fever or something?" The teacher moved his hand to Evan's forehead as he leaned in to see if their temperatures were varying. Evan felt his knees almost buckle at the close quarters this young man came in. Pushing him away and holding his shoulder's at arms length, almost exasperated, Evan would say, "D-don't worry! I'm fine. Just a little tired after jogging our way to the storage area." The imagination mage was completely looking everywhere but the young teacher's clueless face as his eyes fell upon the piano in the room. Walking over to it, the teacher would smile as he spoke, "Ah, I love the piano. I can show you how to play it if you'd like." Evan wordlessly nodded as the two sat on the piano bench side by side. If it meant he could look at the man a little bit longer, he could probably afford to pretend to be clueless.

    The lesson went on for about forty five minutes with Evan receiving information about all the theory that he had learned about in the past. Not many people know but Evan is completely versed in instruments that he had bothered to learn. He actually was good at making arrangements. The teacher stretched his back as he said, "I'll grab some tea and cookies. You've been progressing extremely quickly! It's amazing." Evan chuckled while sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. The door would close as Evan assumed proper playing position. His fingers grazed the keys so gently in order to invoke a soft melody that echoed in the room and he was able to crescendo into the climax. However, he heard a tray slam onto a table as he nearly jumped out of his seat. Looking at his teacher who placed the snacks onto a counter, he was horrified that he was going to get accused for lying. But, the bright look in his teacher's eyes said otherwise. "Ah! I recognize that! You're Oracle right? On Lactube? I love your music." Evan sheepishly smiled as he nodded. "Since you are fan, I can teach it to you if you'd like. Sorry if I'm bad at explaining though." The roles seemed to switch and the two carried on learning the arrangement until the sky was dark.

    Stepping out of the concert hall, the pink haired employee would wave goodbye as Evan summoned a screen in front of him. Ah, he felt completely exhausted. Spending an entire day out means he could afford to treat himself and not leave his room for at least two weeks while he could recharge. It wasn't without it's benefits though. He met some nice people today and as he approached his room, he thought, "Maybe I should put myself out in the open more." Shaking his head in immediate dismissal of the thought. Nah, he was delusional. He got lucky today and if he went out again, it was probably going to be worse. With that, he promised to himself to stay in his room for at least three weeks and then see what he was willing to do.

    Total: 1,858/1,000


    so big / so small ╳ solo T0bRXJv

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:08 am