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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 96
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1587.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Ancient Beast Soul
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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Rosabell 29th June 2018, 1:35 pm

    Like usual, Rosabell had been having a fairly decent day, being a nuisance, stealing undergarments, the usual, However lately she had found herself being extremely bored, she hadn't had a good challenge in forever. Nothing to smash with her fists, nothing to bite with her fangs, so being the pragmatic woman she was she decided to do something about it. Heading up to the mission board, she grabbed the first B-rank she saw.

    Reading over it , it seemed she had to help someone gather materials for some kind of amazing painter. Art had always fascinated her, ancient depictions of gods and monsters, moments captured in a single frame preserved throughout time. Art was a type of history after all, of course she was a terrible artist though, she couldn't even draw a straight line much less paint a masterpiece. That didn't stop her from enjoying other peoples art though and the thought of being envious of other peoples talents has never crossed her mind, everybody has their own talent and niche, being upset because someone has a talent that you don't was just plain stupid in her opinion. You should be happy with what you can do, not upset with what you cannot.

    Like usual with Rosabell, her body walked on autopilot as she rambled on about random and unimportant things, and before she knew it she smacked face first into a wall, instantly snapping her out of her ditzy aimless daze. She heard a few giggles out of the civilian passerby as she rubbed her scarred nose sorely, but before she could retaliate with a retort, she saw the address of the wall she had slammed face first into and smiled.

    As fortune would have it, the building she had so ungraciously smacked face first into just so happened to be the temporary residence of the legendary painter she was looking for. Marching up to the front door she made a loud knock, and before she knew it she heard a loud "Come in" from a voice laced with a heavy accent she did not recognize in the slightest, she didn't know if she was hallucinating or not but she could've sworn she had heard pop music coming from the inside. Deciding to take the unknown man up on his offer, she waltzed in and was instantly assaulted by a barrage of colors. Everything ranging from green to orange was seen and it was odd yet somehow beautiful. She had never seen such an array of colors all in one place before, and this was only his temporary home. She couldn't imagine what his main location looked like.

    Deciding to stop gawking and actually greet this now proven great painter, she was dumbfounded at what she saw. A rather portly man with one of the most ridiculous moustaches she had ever seen was twirling around the room paintbrush in hand, fully dressed in a dark pink bathrobe. Was he..dancing..? Rubbing her eyes to make sure that she wasn't hallucinating, she was dismayed to find that he was indeed...still twirling.  Letting out a frustrated huff she would make a loud cough to get his attention while waving the job papers in the air. "Uh, excuse me but I am here for the job you poste-"  

    Just as she was about to finish her sentence he suddenly twirled up to her in a rather silly fashion, immediately making her close her trap. "Non, non, non, mademoiselle! there is yet another, who has accepted my task of utmost importance! I beg of you, please wait until both of ze pretty Madame's are here before I can explain myself!" He would state as he once again twirled away to do whatever he was doing. "Uhh..okay..?" She was praying to all of the seven gods, that she didn't know existed that her fellow 'pretty Madame' was no where near as weird as this painter was.

    WC: 623/11,000
    Sayuri Katsuya
    Sayuri Katsuya

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Bearer of the Cosmolight
    Position : None
    Posts : 262
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 5,187

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twisted Realities
    Second Skill: Elementaris Apocalypta
    Third Skill:

    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Sayuri Katsuya 30th June 2018, 4:16 pm

    Sayuri was running late. And if there was one thing she hated, it was running late. But it couldn't be helped. She'd had one hell of a morning. She was planning on moving from the inn she'd been staying at to the residences provided under the guildhall, but she hadn't quite managed it yet, and that was probably the source of her troubles. Ryoka, her little fluff ball of a kitten, had bolted when she had opened the door to leave. That had lead to a frantic chase through the streets until Sayuri had finally managed to catch the feline. While the cat had lived on the streets before Sayuri had taken her in, she definitely wasn't old enough to survive on her own, although she clearly didn't know that yet.

    After closing the kitten back in the safety of her room, Sayuri headed back out, rather exhausted now. What a great way to start a job. She just hoped she wouldn't make a bad impression with the famous painter she was supposed to be helping. She'd dabbled in painting before, although she was hardly an expert. But it did make sense for her to do so. After all, her magic was very visual, which went hand-in-hand with painting. In fact, it often took more concentration and detail than painting. So she did have some experience in those aspects. Still, she'd chosen magic as her art, not painting. Both skills took a lot of time and practice to develop, so she'd forced herself to focus solely on one.

    But if she could use her magic to assist with other art, well, that was a pretty good goal, right? So when she'd come across a job from a painter in desperate need of supplies, well, she'd jumped at the chance. After all, it had a very good reward, and it seemed easy enough. After all, gathering painting supplies couldn't be that dangerous, could it? A good job with no fighting- now that was something Sayuri would enjoy doing.

    So here she was, scrambling around looking for the place this painter was staying, which was harder than it sounded. She was still new here and learning the layout. But on the bright side, she only got lost twice! Such an impressive accomplishment, right? But she'd finally found the right address. Or at least she thought she had. She knocked nervously on the door, and almost immediately got a response.

    "Ah! Come, come! Ze other madame is already here!"

    Uh... It took Sayuri a long moment to decipher that statement. The other woman? Was this the wrong house after all? Well, there was only one way to find out. She slowly opened the door and stepped into... Chaos. The sheer number of colors splattered around was giving her a headache, the music was killing her ears, and her brain was refusing to process the pink robe. As far as she was concerned no one should ever wear that color. She would have thought she as in the wrong place were it not for the paintings. Damn those were good. This had to be the guy, and she was starting to think she's made a mistake when she'd taken this job. Then she recognized the other girl and relaxed slightly.

    "Oh. Hello. It was Rosabell, right?"

    She recognized the one who'd given her flute lessons just a little bit ago. She'd been practicing the instrument ever since, looking forward to the next lesson. Now it seemed like they'd be doing this job together. An exciting prospect, to be sure. She'd really liked Rosabell.

    Then she turned her attention back to the painter, who was starting to speak again.

    "Now zat ze lovely madame's are 'ere, we shall tell you ze task I 'ave set for you. I am in ze middle of a very important piece, you see, and I 'ad a shipment of supplies coming in, ze ones I use to make my paints. But horror! Ze supplies were sent to the wrong place, and I will never get zem in time to finish my piece! And zat is why I need your 'elp. I need to to find me the supplies I need, and bring zem back to me so I can finish ze piece. I don't know if you will be able to get everything I need, but I need at least something to work with. I need ze iris petals and seeds for my purple paints, ze eggs of ze water lizards to use as ze base for my paints, ze feathers of ze great birds of dawn to color my paints, and ze scales of ze draconic moon beast. Get zis for me and I will reward you."

    Post Word Count: 789
    Total Word Count: 1,412/11,000



    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 96
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1587.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Ancient Beast Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Rosabell 1st July 2018, 1:19 pm

    It took all the willpower that she had to not walk out of the horrible place, where she was forced to witness this..things dancing, it boggled her mind that someone so well respected could be so..creepy. Her mind was running a mile a minute as she tried to think of who this other woman the painter mentioned could be, her mind being the creative one that it was, immediately imagined a large woman in pink, with the stature and features of a gorilla who loved to dance to pop music. She shuddered, if someone like that walked in she couldn't handle it. Hefty reward be dammed, no amount of jewel was worth having to work with something like that.

    Of course immediately a soft, gentle, and familiar voice greeted her immediately turning on her heel to make sure that it wasn't a smooth talking gorilla that had addressed her. Her fears were put to rest though as the familiar face of Sayuri greeted her, a smile of glee graced her features and her worried eyes immediately brightened in happiness. This couldn't have gotten any better, not only was it someone from her guild, but it was also someone that she recognized and had already met before. "Ah, heya Sayuri! It's nice to see you again, glad that the 'pretty Madame' he referred to was someone I actually know!"

    Of course before she could have more time for socially stimulating conversation, the creature known as their boss for the day opened his mouth again and began to describe the details of what they were supposed to do, of course with a heavily overexaggerated accent and terminology. She grinned slightly, the man may have been unbearable to be around but from the way he described what they would have to gather, it seemed more fun was to be had than originally expected, especially the moon dragon part. She thanked all that was holy that the location of their gathering was already marked on the job papers, making remaining conversation wit the man negligible. She looked at the man, with the best fake sincere smile she could muster and nodded. "We will get all that you have asked of us without fail." before the man could even utter another word she would swiftly attempt to grab Sayuri's arm and pull her away from the dreadful place, letting out a sigh of relaxation as soon as they were outside.

    "Sorry for grabbing you like that, I just couldn't stand to be inside that hellhole for a minute longer." Turning on her heel she would head towards the flight deck, tilting her head as if indicating for Sayuri to follow, while she could just fly to the island with her wings, she felt like saving up her magic power, as there was no doubt going to be some monsters that needed bashing.

    "You have no idea how happy I am to have you on this job with me, I thought his sister was going to show up or something! Regardless, since were going to be working together I say we get a feel for each others abilities, I use takeover magic, mine specifically revolves around wielding the souls of ancient beast that were once either worshipped or spoken of in mythology. It can range anywhere from giant wolves to undead horsemen! Rosabell took great pride in her magic, there were few people who even used her archetype of magic, and none that she knew of were famous. Of course she didn't really keep up with modern day events so it wasn't of much surprise that she didn't about know people of that caliber. "So..how do you fight?"

    WC: 613
    Overall WC: 2,025/11,000
    Sayuri Katsuya
    Sayuri Katsuya

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Bearer of the Cosmolight
    Position : None
    Posts : 262
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 5,187

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twisted Realities
    Second Skill: Elementaris Apocalypta
    Third Skill:

    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Sayuri Katsuya 1st July 2018, 3:30 pm

    It did not take much persuading to drag Sayuri out of the room. Matter of fact, it didn't take any dragging at all. She was quite content to leave.

    "What she said! Rest assured, we'll bring you all the supplies you need!"

    The words were tossed over her shoulder as she headed out the door, as fast as humanly possible without seeming too rude. Hopefully he'd take it as them being very eager to get on with his task for him. And she had plenty of things to think about. Flowers, eggs, bird feathers- that didn't seem too difficult. But the scales of some dragon-like beast? Yikes. She hoped Rosabell was really good at fighting...

    "I understand completely. I think I would have gone blind if I'd stayed in there any longer. I don't know how you managed- you were in there longer than me. Also, that accent was so ridiculous it has to be fake, right? I so hope it's fake. If there are people who really talk like that I feel so sorry for them."

    She sighed, a horrible image popping in when Rosabell mentioned the possibility of the artist having a sister. That would be one hell of a nightmare, that was for sure. She didn't even want to picture that, but she couldn't help it, and she shuddered.

    But she was somewhat relieved as she heard the other girl describe her magic. Take overs of ancient beasts? That sounded really powerful, actually. She would bet Rosabell was one hell of a fighter, and that would definitely come in handy for their task at hand. Still, she cringed inwardly, hoping Rosabell wouldn't be too disappointed by Sayuri's magic and combat abilities.

    "That sounds like a really cool magic. My fighting mostly relies on my swords."

    She rested her left hand on the pommel of one of her blades to emphasize the point.

    "As I said last time we met, I'm very good at making distractions- I'm an illusionist. My magic revolves around mental effects, not physical ones."

    Her tone was just a hair apologetic at the end there. It was sometimes hard for her to admit that her magic wasn't exactly combat-based. It was something she'd been judged for at her previous guild. Sure, she was pretty good with her swords, but... Well, she'd never been the popular one in any crowd she'd been in.

    Sayuri glanced briefly at the other woman to try and judge her reaction to what she'd said, then decided perhaps a demonstration would explain her magic better than any words could.

    "It's definitely a good way to mess with people's heads, though. I can make them see whatever I want them to."

    All she had to do was concentrate and fix a mental image in her head, and suddenly she looked like a perfect clone of Rosabell. She only left her illusion up for a few moments, though, before she let it slip away. Maintaining spells like that took a fair amount of magic power, and she didn't want to waste too much energy. After all, they were probably going to encounter at least one dangerous enemy.

    Still, unfortunately, her magic was kind of spotty when it came to animals. If they weren't logical then often times they weren't aware enough to realize that it was a trick. At the same time, their senses were usually stronger than a human, so sometimes their hearing and smell would give her away. It was a funny thing, her magic. Very unpredictable. Speaking of, she should warn her partner about that too, before they got into a dangerous situation.

    "Of course, it's often hard to tell how anyone will react to my magic, and that's doubly true for animals, but it can also have surprising benefits at times too."

    Post Word Count: 634
    Total Word Count: 2,659/11,000



    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 96
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1587.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Ancient Beast Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Rosabell 3rd July 2018, 5:59 pm

    Rosabell listened intently as Sayuri began to describe her magic, a bright smile on her face from the brief compliment given to her. She didn't understand why the woman seemed so hesitant to explain her magic, swords and illusions seemed awesome to her. As much of a physical fighter that she preferred to be, she knew there was multiple angles to winning a fight ,each equally powerful and important in a battle. Brute force wasn't always the answer, and sometimes a more tactical and mental approach was needed in a battle.

    She was about to compliment the woman, and giver her some words of encouragement before she decided to provide Rosabell with a personal demonstration of her magic, almost instantly changing her form to be an exact replica of Rosabell herself. To say Rosabell was impressed would be an understatement, Sayuri had gotten every detail down perfectly, from the crimson flowing hair to her fang like teeth, she even made sure that the left fang was slightly bigger than the right one.

    "That's awesome Sayuri! You could do so much with this, I bet it requires a lot of concentration to use though, I just tend to activate mine and go ham. Although they tend to make me look rather..frightening at times, especially ones that involve my face, but don't get me wrong I've got some really pretty ones too!"

    Deciding to follow Sayuri's example and provide a demonstration she would channel some magic to her shoulder blades allowing a pair of large rainbow colored wings to sprout out from her back, instantly showering the area in bright light, making some random passerby look on in awe, some even taking pictures.  

    "This is probably my most pretty one that I have right now, although it lacks combat ability providing more healing support than anything, oh and it lets me fly so that's cool." Deactivating it so that she could conserve magic energy for the probable battles to come, and remove all of the unwanted attention. She would put her hands behind her head and smile, happy to see that they had arrived at the flight deck. She would hand the job to one of the pilots so that he would know their destination, before gesturing to one of the smaller airships making sure to open the door in a polite manner.

    "Ladies first! oh wait..I'm a lady too..so uhm, younger ladies first?"She would say, not realizing that Sayuri was in fact older than her, although judging by physical appearances one would never tell, most people never believed that Rosabell was only nineteen. It was probably the feline like features that Rosabell possessed, cats are said to have nine lives after all. Regardless she would get on the airship after Sayuri and they would take off towards the destination, Rosabell could only hope that the job was as fun as it sounded.

    WC: 445
    Overall WC: 3104/11,000
    Sayuri Katsuya
    Sayuri Katsuya

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Bearer of the Cosmolight
    Position : None
    Posts : 262
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 5,187

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twisted Realities
    Second Skill: Elementaris Apocalypta
    Third Skill:

    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Sayuri Katsuya 4th July 2018, 7:15 pm

    Sayuri relaxed substantially as Rosabell seemed to be interested in her magic. That was a relief, for sure. Of course, there was one small detail about her magic that she hadn't shared, but that could wait until later. She couldn't lie- she was really nervous about that. It had broken up so many relationships, even with her own family, so she was reluctant to bring it up, to say the least. Maybe some day, when she knew Rosabell a little better.

    She smiled as the other girl showed off her takeover. It didn't take much to see why she was proud of it.

    "That's gorgeous! And I'm sure the flight comes in very useful. I bet it makes life a lot easier at times. And yes, my magic generally takes a lot of concentration, with just a few exceptions. The other catch is that I can't actually see my own illusions, so I sort of just have to assume they're working as intended. It's never fun when I lose hold of an illusion without realizing it. I'll just be standing off to the side thinking they can't see me and get blindsided. Thankfully that doesn't happen very often."

    Her grin widened slightly at Rosabell's comments as she held the door open.

    "Well, whether I'm younger or not remains to be seen, but I'll go ahead and take the invite anyway."

    She settled into one of the seats, crossing her legs and glancing out one of the small windows. It was odd how she never really thought about how high up they were until she looked over the edge like this. She wasn't afraid of heights, exactly, but they didn't exactly excite her either.

    She brushed the thought away, turning her attention back to her companion.

    "Well, I guess we have one hell of a job ahead of us. The flowers should be pretty easy, really. Lizards... Unless they're like komodo dragons or something, getting a few eggs shouldn't be too difficult. Once we get to the birds, though, I think that's where things are going to get tough. I have a feeling your wings might come in handy there. And a moon dragon? That one might be a little... Tricky."

    She lapsed into silence again, hoping she wasn't sounding like she was weak. It wasn't that she was afraid per say, but she had a realistic view of her abilities. A dragon, or even a dragon-like creature, was probably a bit out of her league. If she were on her own she'd avoid the beast, but with Rosabell there they might have a shot. After all, they didn't have to kill it- just get some scales. Still, she had a feeling that even if they weren't planning to kill it, it would still be trying to kill them. Then she shrugged slightly. It was probably best to take things one step at a time and handle that problem when they got there. They could make as many plans as they wanted, but chances were they would be forced to adapt to the circumstances anyway.

    "Speaking of, I'll be the first one to say I don't have experience with any of these creatures we're going to be dealing with. I don't even know if I've dealt with any similar ones, because I don't know what they're like."

    She laughed quietly. It was certainly a true statement, that one. She might have a few vague guesses, but she really had no idea what they were walking into. But considering the nature of her partner's magic, she might have more experience dealing with interesting beasts.

    "So how about you? Have you ever seen or even just heard of any of these animals?"

    Post Word Count: 619
    Total Word Count: 3,723



    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 96
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1587.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Ancient Beast Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Rosabell 8th July 2018, 11:35 am

    Rosabell would immediately hop into the ship right after Sayuri, leaning back and putting her arms behind her head. It had been a while since she had been on something like this, as she was never the richest person and flying with her own powers was just that much cheaper. Plus flying on ones own just felt a whole lot better than in a ship, the feel of the wind blowing on your face, and the infinitely blue sky never ceased to amaze her, of course she had hit more than her fair share of birds on accident but that was a tale for another time.

    Hearing Sayuri's voice immediately broke her out of her musing, and she listened with interest as she described her own opinions on the matter of the job to be, nodding along n agreement with Sayuri's opinions.  Gathering flowers and eggs didn't seem like they'd be anything more than farm chores, but as Sayuri had said the birds is where the difficulty would probably ramp up, and the moon dragon scales who Mr. exaggeratedly French had so haphazardly thrown into the job description could end up being problematic, of course that didn't stop the large grin upon Rosabell's face at the thought of fighting such a thing.

    The job may have said that they didn't have to kill it to get the scales, but it also didn't say that couldn't kill it either, and Rosabell was sure that with a partner, especially one that has a good head on their shoulders that slaying a moon dragon couldn't be that difficult. Gathering scales was nice and all, but Rosabell had an ulterior motive for wanting to slay such a legendary beast. The meat, Rosabell was simply dying to taste the divine draconic flesh of the creature. There were so many things she could make with it, dragon liver tar-tar, dragon soup, dragon on a stick- the possibilities were endless!

    Of course if the dragon ended up being too powerful she would retreat, as much as she wanted some meat- she was not willing to endanger her or more importantly Sayuri's life just to satisfy her taste buds.

    Hearing Sayuri ask about her knowledge on the subject matter of beasts immediately made her eyes light up, it was not often that people asked her about her know how on anything really. It was probably due to how ditzy and seemingly unobservant she could seem at times that caused this though.

    "Well, I don't really know much about the lizards- but when it comes to birds and dragons I know a fair bit. The birds we are going after, are often more simply referred to as 'Rainbow birds' are harmless, but elusive creatures known for their colorful feathers, hunting them in broad daylight is ill advised, as they're simply too fast and tricky to catch, but if we wait until dusk when they are returning to their nests we have a much better shot at getting them." Taking a deep breath and a pause to let the information soak in, she would continue.

    "This 'moon dragon' he wants us to hunt isn't actually a dragon, it's just a beast that is shaped like a dragon with wings and scales, which often get it confused with the actual beasts. It's fast, strong and got more than a fair share of long ranged moonlight based attacks, of course as the name implies it doesn't venture out until dark and even then it stays near the mountain tops, if we want to take it down we can't just charge in wildly-as fun as that sounds." and almost on cue with her rambling being over, the airship would descend and land on the unknown island, with the pilot promptly handing the job papers back to her.

    Opening the door rather forcefully she would hop out, stretching her arms out happily, glad to be rid of the cramped ship. "Alrighty Sayuri, lets get us some art supplies!"

    WC: 665
    Overall WC:4,388/11,000
    Sayuri Katsuya
    Sayuri Katsuya

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Bearer of the Cosmolight
    Position : None
    Posts : 262
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 5,187

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twisted Realities
    Second Skill: Elementaris Apocalypta
    Third Skill:

    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Sayuri Katsuya 8th July 2018, 6:24 pm

    Sayuri listened with interest as the other girl shared what she knew about the beasts they'd be tackling. She supposed it made sense that Rosabell would know that information, but it still impressed her. She didn't have the memory for those sorts of things. Then again, she'd grown up a fair distance away from here, so she hadn't really had a reason to learn.

    "Well, I suppose that makes our timeline pretty easy to figure out. We have a good amount of time until sundown, so I guess until then we'll go flower picking and wrangle some lizards. Should be a nice, relaxing day out, huh? Then at dusk we tackle the birds, and go for the moon dragon whenever it shows itself."

    After all, there wasn't much they could do to change that order. Unless they wanted to go poking their heads into caves up on the mountain in the vain hope that they might somehow stumble across this mysterious beast's lair, they would just have to wait for it to show itself.

    She stepped out of the ship, scanning the island. It was beautiful, really. They'd landed in a little field, and she could see the patches of purple dotting it, which she presumed to be the flowers they were after. The field tapered down to a sandy beach, although to the east some rocky outcroppings began to rise above the shoreline, eventually developing into a craggy coastline. A beautiful beach, really. Quite picturesque.

    Then she turned behind her to scan the other part of the island. It was clear they had landed far off to one end of the island. Toward the interior the field led into a scattering of underbrush that quickly evolved into a forest of sorts, and farther back she could make out the profile of a solitary mountain peak reaching high into the sky. The top was even obscured behind the clouds, although she could make out a white crown of snow at the top.

    It didn't take her but a few moments to sum up the situation. The flowers would obviously be found in this field here, easy enough. She remembered that the painter had said he needed the eggs of 'water lizards.' So she supposed the lizards would probably be down by the water somewhere. Took so much thought to figure that out, huh? Birds would probably be in the trees, more places to nest and whatnot. And Rosabell had said the dragon creature stayed near the mountain tops, so that was where they would find it. It seemed that they had a pretty logical path to follow for this.

    She realized that she'd just been standing around staring for a good while now. She probably seemed like an airhead, and a rude one at that, just ignoring her partner like this. Probably because she wasn't very used to having anyone else around worth talking to. But she should probably share her musings, since there was someone to talk about.

    "Presumably these are the flowers we're after. Lizards should be by the shore, and I can imagine the birds must nest in the trees back there. And as you said, the dragon hangs around mountains like the one back there. With any luck we ought to be able to find everything we need right here, hopefully by tonight. And of course, our guild marks provide us a quick exit, straight back to Crystalli, so hopefully we can dump this stuff on the weirdo and make a mad dash for the exit before he blinds us with anymore of his obnoxious bathrobes."

    It would be nice to get the job over in a day. Otherwise they might end up camped here overnight, and that would mean they'd have to wait until the next night to go after the dragon, which would cost them a lot of time. Speaking of...

    She turned to study the sun for a moment. It was starting to get dangerously close to the horizon. It seemed that it was later in the day than she'd originally thought.

    "Well, I suppose we ought to get the flowers and eggs before it gets too late. Do you think it will be faster to do it together, or split up and each do one part?"

    Post Word Count: 714
    Total Word Count: 5,102



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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Rosabell 13th July 2018, 3:31 pm

    Looking around the area they were in, it was clear that everything that they needed to do would pretty linear much to Rosabell's satisfaction. The last thing she wanted was to run out of daylight before they could get the easiest of materials, and then end up camping because they weren't able to make a solid place in the mountains to look for the dragon. Thankfully they had an instant way of getting back to the Crystalli, and wouldn't have to wait till morning to call in an airship to pick them up.

    She gave Sayuri her full attention as he heard her explain where everything was, and the general plan for the day, her grin widening a bit as she mentioned making a mad dash away from the client they were going through all this hassle for. Looking up at the horizon slightly, she would frown in annoyance, it seemed that airship ride had taken longer than she originally planned. After hearing Sayuri ask whether they should split or stay together, she immediately had her answer.

    If it was earlier in the day then going together would've been nice, as they could go at their leisure and even do a little sightseeing, but as it was later than she had originally planned, if they split up they could simultaneously gather both the flowers and the eggs and meet up at the same place round the same time instead of practically doubling it by going together.
    "I say we split up for now, that way we get both of the materials at the same time saving time. Since my magic is much more...aggressive, I say I should take the eggs, as it's slightly more dangerous than the flowers. Once we're done we should rendezvous at the tree line, so that way we're both ready to capture the birds without having to make an extra walk." She would say this while pointing towards the large forest oppisite of their direction, just for clarity.

    Knowing that Sayuri would understand her reasoning, she would head toawrds the coast to go after the water lizards eggs that were down by the rockyshoreline. She had forgotten what the job said he needed them for, only slightly remembering something about binding materials together. If she was being honest she would've actually liked to learn a thing or two from the man, if he wasn't a completle freak of nature that shouldn't exist, but alas his revoltingness was a reality and she would rather eat lead and drown before taking lessons from him.

    Arriving at the coastline, Rosabell would take a deep whiff of the air, smiling happily at the familiar odor that the sea always seemed to give off. The gently moving waves brushing up against the soft sand that was practically begging for Rosabell to take off her shoes and feel it inbeetween her toes, but alas she had a job to do- lounging like a lazy bum on the sand could wait.

    Finding one of the little dugouts that the lizards resided in, she was nearly scared out of her wits as the tiny creature hissed at her presumably protecting her eggs from poachers like Rosabell. Sighing lightly she decided to stick out her leg above the hole, watching with a neutral gaze as it jumped up in an attempt to bite her leg, of course Rosabell had anticpated this and quickly pulled her leg back, swinging out with the back of her hand to strike the lizard, sending it flying quite a distance into the water. Leaning down she would carefully place the eggs into a pouch happy that she had found six in one hole.

    Heading over to the next hole she would do the same process watching with a bored expression as the creature was sent skidding off into the water. After seeing how smart Pandora was, she was kinda dissapointed that the lizards here acted like mindless beasts running on pure instinct. Although Pandora was a special case, so she couldn't really blame them for failing to be entertaining. With a dosen eggs now in tow, she would head towards her designated location at the treeline, arriving and leaning against a smaller tree, not sure if Sayuri had finished collecting flowers yet.

    WC: 713
    Overall WC:5725
    Sayuri Katsuya
    Sayuri Katsuya

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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Sayuri Katsuya 13th July 2018, 7:08 pm

    Sayuri nodded at Rosabell's answer. Quite frankly, she'd been thinking the same thing. It made more sense for them to split up and cover more ground. They had a lot to get done, after all, which was why she'd made the suggestion in the first place. And she was actually quite pleased with the suggestion that Rosabell handle the lizards. She wasn't a huge fan of reptiles, honestly. Especially not ones that would almost certainly be angry with her for trying to steal their eggs. Yeah, that would go real well.

    "That works for me. You handle the little beasties, and I'll have a nice relaxing flower-picking trip. Win-win all around, right?"

    As the other girl headed off toward the shoreline, Sayuri walked toward one of the patches of purple scattered throughout the field. Some iris petals, and a few seeds if she remembered correctly. Shouldn't be too hard.

    Well, not hard, but it was certainly tiring. She seemed to have misjudged how far away the flower patch was. Either that, or she was just really slow at walking. One way or the other, it seemed to be taking her forever to get there. Also, did she mention it was hot? Well, it was. Not the kind that hit you right away. It was the sort that you didn't notice right away, but it slowly ate away at you little by little.

    By the time she finally reached the little flower patch she had worked up a sweat, which was not pleasant. Still, the flowers were quite beautiful, really. She studied the delicate blooms for a long moment, admiring them. Such a rich, beautiful color. No wonder the artist wanted it for his paints. At least he still had some small measure of taste. It seemed like a shame to kill such lovely flower, but she supposed it was only a couple, and there were plenty more. Not to mention it was for a good cause, she supposed.

    She picked one of the flowers, carefully pulling off the stem. She carefully placed the flower in one pocket, making a mental note to be very careful not to crush it later on. She reached for another flower...

    And then shrieked. A spider just crawled on her hand! She shook her hand violently, but the vile creature was still hanging on. She swatted at her hand, but it was crawling around on her! The next five minutes were filled with much shrieking, shaking, swatting, and just generally acting a fool, until the spider finally disappeared somewhere. She didn't want to think too hard about where it might have gone. She just quickly grabbed a couple more flowers, shoved them in her pocket.

    Her task complete, Sayuri headed toward the tree line, feeling quite foolish at the moment. She'd sure managed to make a huge deal out of such a simple task. What would happen when they finally found the dragon? This really might be too dangerous for her. She just hoped she wouldn't be a liability.

    She spotted Rosabell waiting for her at the meeting spot. Wow, she had less distance to travel, a less difficult task to accomplish, and she still managed to get here after the other girl. That had to be impressive. She decided to play it cool and act like less of a bumbling idiot than she felt like.

    "Well, I got some flowers. Impressive, huh? Now we need some feathers. I'm going to guess the birds are... Somewhere in there. It's pretty close to sunset. I guess keep an eye out for something extremely colorful? If we follow one back to its nest maybe we can catch it and get some feathers."

    As she was saying that, she caught something out of the corner of her eye. She whipped around just in time to see the most gorgeous bird she'd ever seen. Spectacular, with plumage of every color she'd ever seen, and a good deal besides.

    "There!" She pointed, excited. "That's one of them! We should follow it!"

    She took off without thinking, not wanting to lose sight of it. She was no great runner, but she sprinted after that bird with everything she had. And boy was it fast. Thankfully she managed to stay just close enough behind it to see it disappear into a nest high up in one of the trees. Oh, there was no way she was going after that alone. And that's when she realized she'd taken off without making sure her partner was following her. Well hell.

    "Rosabell? Are you here?"

    Post Word Count: 760
    Total Word Count: 6,485



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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Rosabell 15th July 2018, 4:01 pm

    Rosabell simply smiled brightly at Sayuri once she revealed she was successful in her task, and in turn Rosabell simply patted the bag she had at her hip with a slight amount of pride, as she managed to get here before Sayuri. "Good to hear, I managed to get the eggs without much resistance, although it would've been cool if a giant momma lizard came out to fight me." She then grinned and looked towards the mountains with a slight look of excitement in her eyes, her fanged smile becoming a little more feral looking in the process. "Although I think we'll both get out fill of giant lizard later.."

    Seeing exactly what Sayuri had seen she immediately took off, sprouting her own set of rainbow colored wings and dashing forward in a burst of speed. Although the trees made it a wee bit difficult to maneuver herself like she was generally used to, thankfully the bird managed to stay within the sights of Rosabell and she quickly dashed after it suddenly increasing her speed once again as she reached out and managed to grab it's neck, quickly snapping said body part as she landed on the branch of what she assumed to be the now dead rainbow birds nest. In it sat three bright blue eggs, which immediately gave Rosabell dinner plans, as eager as she was to fight this 'Rainbow Dragon' she wasn't going to let her and Sayuri be impaled at the end of a claw simply because they didn't eat.

    Hearing Sayuri call out her name in questioning, she quickly shoved the eggs in her pouch before hopping down from a branch, making sure her presence was known with a quick flap of her wings. "Don't worry I'm right here, and I got you a present!" Without even thinking about Sayuri's opinion on the matter she quickly tossed the dead rainbow bird to her, its head lolling to the side as it flew through the air towards Sayuri. "If you don't mind, when you're done collecting the feathers you need, could I have that body back? It won't be dark for a little bit still, and I figure we make camp near the base of the mountain that way I can whip up something real quick, after all there's nothing worse than battling on an empty stomach!" she would say, as if she didn't just throw a dead bird at her partner.

    Taking the lead she would begin to head northward, using her view she got from earlier as a base for which direction she would need to head. After a little bit more walking she eventually began to see the forest clearing, before quickly frowning as the ground transferred from soft flat dirt, to uneven rocky ground not fit for settling anything on, much less a camp fire. Looking around for a bit she would see a flat platform of stone, the only problem being that it was a little high up- and climbing would waste way too much energy. Sighing reluctantly she would squat down so that Sayuri would be able to piggy back on her. "G-get on..I'll fly us up there.."

    WC: 530
    Overall WC: 7015
    Sayuri Katsuya
    Sayuri Katsuya

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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Sayuri Katsuya 15th July 2018, 6:58 pm

    Sayuri hadn't realized that her companion had been flying after the bird. And could anyone blame her for that? Even though Rosabell had shown her her wings earlier, no one really expected people to start flying. So she was rather blindsided when she heard her reply. In fact, she actually jumped, startled, before peering up at the nest. She spotted her quite easily, as well as the bird she was holding. She didn't realize it was dead, though, until Rosabell tossed it to her.

    She managed to catch the bird, holding it gingerly as the other girl took off before Sayuri could respond. So she sat on the ground, eyeing the beautiful bird sadly. It was a shame, she thought. She wouldn't have killed it. Then again, she didn't really kill anything bigger than a spider, so there was that. Still, it was such a beautiful creature, it pained her to see it dead. Although she supposed this would make it easier to gather the feathers.

    She sighed. If Rosabell was going to kill the poor creature, couldn't she have at least dealt with the results herself? She closed her eyes for a long minute, calming herself, then carefully began pulling out several feathers of each color, tucking them into her pocket with the flowers. She'd just finished with the feathers when she heard an ear-splitting shriek from behind her.

    Sayuri whipped around. Her initial thought was that Rosabell had somehow gotten behind her and been hurt. But as she turned she realized that the sound had not come from a human. No, it was another one of these birds, a huge one. And it was diving right for her!

    She ducked. It's massive talons missed head by only a matter of inches, but they tangled in her hair, tearing a few strands out completely. As it turned around for another go at her, she realized it must have seen the other bird dead. She'd heard these birds lived in mating pairs, perhaps this was the other one's mate. Either way, while she felt horrible about the first bird being killed, she had no intention of letting this one terrorize her. She waved her arms at it dramatically, hoping to scare it off.

    "Go on, shoo! Get out of here!"

    The bird was not impressed. It dive-bombed her again. This time she covered her head to be safe. A good thing, too, because its talons grazed her arms. Okay, that was it. She drew her sword, waving at the bird with it. Matter of fact, she whacked the bird with the flat of the blade, knocking it off balance for a moment. Thankfully that had the desired effect, and the bird clearly decided dealing with her wasn't worth the risk, and it finally flew off, still making horrible shrieking sounds.

    Sayuri re-sheathed her sword, then looked at her arm, wincing slightly. They were just shallow scratches, really, barely any blood, but it still stung a bit. She sighed again. Oh well, that was just how life went sometimes. Birds. They tended to be cranky animals, at least in her experience. Not quite as cranky as dragons, though, she would assume.

    When Rosabell arrived again, she eyed her for a long moment. She wasn't entirely sure she wanted to go off flying with her. I mean, flying was cool and all, but she preferred it in a closed airship. It felt a lot more... Secure. Still, she supposed she didn't have much of a choice. She handed the dead bird over to her.

    "Well, if we're going to do that, I won't really be able to hold on to this."

    She couldn't quite keep the slight bit of reproach out of her tone. But she certainly wasn't sorry to have the bird off her hands. She gingerly grabbed on to Rosabell, feeling a bit awkward as she waited for the other girl to bring them to whatever spot she'd picked out for their temporary camp.

    Post Word Count: 664
    Total Word Count: 7,679



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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Rosabell 16th July 2018, 9:36 am

    Rosabell winced slightly as she heard Sayuri's tone, realizing that it was a little unthoughtful of her to just hand a dead animal over to someone, especially someone that didn't have the same wilderness mentality that she did. She mentally kicked herself, forgetting that not everyone had had to survive off the land for as long as she did, and due to this not everyone had become as neutral as she had to the prospect of killing wildlife.

    Taking the bird back with a little haste after seeing that Sayuri wasn't all too comfortable with handling it, she would gently lay it down in her pack with the eggs. As soon as Sayuri latched on she would take off, glad that the distance to the flat area wasn't too far off. As fun as flying was, doing it with someone who wasn't that much lighter than yourself wasn't all that enjoyable, especially if there was already an awkward tension between the pilot and passenger.

    Once they landed she made sure to let Sayuri get off before deactivating her wings, not wanting to drop her and make the ice she was walking on thinner. The area was much flatter than the ground from which they had flown from covered in a bunch of loose rocks, no doubt falling from the mountain tops above them, the area provided a view overlooking the forest from which they had came. Behind hem was a rocky wall which led directly upwards, meaning they would have to climb if they were going to get any higher. While she could just fly, the increase in altitude would've made it much harder to keep a steady flight speed and strength, possibly expending even more energy than it would have to simply climb upwards instead. Thankfully there seemed to be some shrubs nearby, which would provide decent kindling without her having to head back down and gather some firewood from the forest.

    "I'm uh, gonna get some wood to start the fire with, can you try and get about three flat, plate sized rocks for me? If that's no trouble of course!" She would say before quickly scurrying off towards the shrubs, she didn't want to come off as pushy by asking her to gather stuff, but she didn't want Sayuri to think that she wasn't trusted to help out with camp making.

    It didn't take her long to cut the bushes and shrubs, getting a decent amount of sticks and twigs to create fire with, looking around she managed to get two sharp looking rocks which she would be able to start a fire with. Returning to the designated place of rest, she would plop herself down and start gathering a bunch of spare rocks in a decent sized circle, before making the classic tipi shape with the sticks she had gathered, shoving some twigs in the center. Getting the sharp rocks she would quickly clash them together with practiced technique, getting a spark almost immediately, which would soon turn into a full blown fire.

    Looking into her bag, she would grimace at the sight of the bird figuring that Sayuri probably wouldn't want to eat the creature, from how gently she had carried it earlier. So instead she just grabbed the eggs she had gotten from the nest, figuring that they could just get a more filling meal at the Crystalli. Letting out a sigh, she began to think about the various ways she would apologize for her unthought fullness earlier that day. She could just outright say she was sorry, but then it might sound like she didn't mean it, or she could give a more formal apology with deep words and stuff, but then it also may seem like she's over embellishing it on purpose. The thought of not even apologizing at all even crossed her mind, as it might seem that Rosabell thought she was weak.

    Growling at herself slightly, she decided on just going with a simple heartfelt apology as it would seem more genuine, quickly deciding to rehearse it, to make sure it sounded decent.  "I uhm..I'm sorry for being so callous with handing you the bird, which in turn caused unneeded tension which could have easily been avoided had I not done so. I forgot that not everyone is as..neutral as I am when it comes to killing animals for survival, and should have take your personal feeling into consideration. After she was done she let out a heavy sigh, not sure if that was okay or not. Completly forgetting that Sayuri was probably back from the relatively simple task Rosabell had given her.

    WC: 774
    Overall WC: 8,450

    Last edited by Rosabell on 16th July 2018, 11:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Sayuri Katsuya
    Sayuri Katsuya

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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Sayuri Katsuya 16th July 2018, 6:11 pm

    Sayuri had to admit that she was rather relieved to be back on solid ground. She took a minute to turn back and admire the breathtaking landscape below the mountain. A wide swath of tree tops spread out from the base of the mountains, with periodic flashes of bright color that she guessed were more of the rainbow birds returning to their nests. The sun was setting, gradually sinking into the ocean and painting the tranquil waters a vivid crimson. Of course, while the sunset made the scenery even more beautiful than before, she'd already seen the view.

    So why was she studying it again? Well, she had to admit that there was an air of awkwardness between her and her partner. She supposed Rosabell must have sensed Sayuri's discomfort over the bird. She wasn't quite sure how to handle the situation, so she was buying herself a little time to think it through. And how to explain herself without sounding weak, or even worse, idiotic. Despite what had just happened she genuinely liked Rosabell, and she didn't want to ruin her chance as a long-term relationship.

    She turned back to face Rosabell, still thinking over her next words, when her companion temporarily solved the problem with her plan. It definitely made sense to build a fire and eat, and the separation while they were both performing their respective tasks would give her time to think on the matter. She nodded slightly, acknowledging the other girl's requests.

    "Yeah, I can do that. No shortage of rocks around here, after all."

    The attempt at a joke was, well, feeble at best, and it probably sounded really stupid, but she brushed that off. Instead of dwelling on it, she turned to her new mission, rock hunting. Which was a little harder than it sounded. The ground was mostly scattered with small rocks and pebbles. There were few large rocks. There were also only a few flat rocks. So the number of rocks that were both large and flat? Well, those were definitely a bit scarce.

    "Oh, just look at yourself," she muttered under her breath, a slight smile twisting up the corner of her lips. "The great and mighty picker of flowers and hunter of rocks. Won't everyone be so impressed when you tell them of this?"

    She snorted at her own warped humor as she continued her search, finally finding some rocks that at least closely matched the parameters requested. Well, they would have to do. She'd already spent enough time on her little scavenger hunt, and not necessarily unintentionally. She may have been taking her time. But they hardly had a whole lot of time to spare, so she headed back to the campsite, noticing that Rosabell was already there. And she arrived just in time to hear her little dress rehearsal for her apology speech. She froze for a moment, processing what she had just heard. She hadn't meant to make Rosabell feel guilty about the whole thing. After all, she understood why she did it. Still, she couldn't help but smile slightly. She really did sound sorry, and that meant a lot to her.

    "It's okay," she said quietly, stepping closer to the fire. "I just... Wasn't expecting it, that's all. I'm not a huge fan of killing things. Kind of hypocritical, actually, considering I'm not exactly a vegetarian and I do handle raw meat when it comes to cooking. But actually seeing the animal before it's dead makes things harder to handle. It's a weakness of mine. I'm too sympathetic for my own good. But you're right, hunting is a pretty routine and necessary part of life, even if some of us don't always think about it. I'm definitely not used to it, but it's not wrong to do. I was just caught off-guard."

    She then held out the requested rocks, almost like a peace offering of sorts.

    "Also, as surprising as it may seem, I did mention to track down my target, with my acute tracking skills and at exceptional danger to myself. I know, I know, you're super impressed, but please no autographs at the moment."

    She flashed a quick grin toward Rosabell to emphasize the humor, although she doubted the other girl would take her seriously. Then again, things like that had happened before. Apparently her sarcasm could be too good at times.

    She moved to sit by the fire, spreading the stones out by Rosabell's feet.

    "You're going to use them to cook the bird, right? I mean, unless you're secretly planning to brain me with them and decided it would be fun to ask me to fetch my own murder weapon."

    Post Word Count: 779
    Total Word Count: 9,229/11,000



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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Rosabell 22nd July 2018, 12:45 am

    Rosabell immediately was broken out of her musings as she heard Sayuri speak, her face quickly becoming flushed as she realized that Sayuri had heard her rather open apology. Although her embarrassment quickly turned into relief as Sayuri seemed to forgive her rather easily. Sayuri seemed like a genuinely nice person, and she didn't want their budding friendship to wrecked by a bird of all things. Any remaining tenseness would quickly dissipate as Sayuri held out the rocks, Rosabell herself blinking owlishly as she looked down at them, forgetting that she asked Sayuri to gather them just a little bit earlier. Combine that with the extremely sarcastic remark that immediately followed the rocks popping into their heartfelt conversation, Rosabell couldn't help herself from beginning to giggle.

    Eventually her small chuckles erupted to full blown laughter, tears forming in her eyes as she did so. She couldn't really explain why she was laughing, Sayuri's comment wasn't all that funny, and moments earlier the tone had been quite somber, yet at the same time laughing felt..appropriate. The complete disruption of tension by rocks of all things, just made her want to laugh in pure glee. If there was any doubts about their renewed friendship beforehand, it was certainly gone now, much to Rosabell's happiness.

    Eventually she managed to calm down enough to wipe the tears out of her eyes, and give her partner a brilliant smile. "I'll just have to get an autograph from the great lady Sayuri later then!"

    Seeing Sayuri spread the rocks by her feet, Rosabell would immediately pick them up and begin to inspect them with a critical eye. After a few moments of silence she would set two of them down, before holding the third one up to eye level. It was the thinnest of the three slabs that had been brought to her, so it would be ideal to cook the aforementioned food on top of it, as the heat would rise through more easily.

    She was going to go ahead and start before an idea suddenly popped into her mind, reaching to her side she would quickly pull out her trusty hunting knife, twirling it in her hand with experienced precision. Then with zero hesitation she would thrust her arm forward, piercing the slab of rock with the knife making a noticeable slit in the rock, she would repeat the process three more times before sheathing her knife. It was a messy and makeshift job, but somehow she had managed to make a cooking grid out of stone. Satisfied with her job she would place the slab on top of the stick tepee to let it heat up, while she reached towards her pack to pull out the bird. She would the pause and look towards Sayuri with a slightly nervous expression.
    "You might want to look away for a moment, this part tends to be a bit..messy, especially if you're squeamish."

    Satisfied with her warning, she would pull out the dead bird along with her hunting knife from earlier. She decided to just take the legs, as cutting the jugular and letting it bleed out would take too much time. With zero hesitation in her movements, she would quickly begin to saw at the birds thighs, eventually taking both legs off, before quickly tossing the bird over the cliff. She would then repeat this same process, just with the legs and talons. Thankfully there wasn't much blood splattered, save for her thighs, but it didn't get on her face so Rosabell didn't mind to much. Then with careful care she would begin to pluck away at the two appendages, stripping them both of all feathers and setting them to the side in case Sayuri needed them as extras.

    Looking over to her wild grill she was happy to see that it was steaming hot, ideal for cooking the bird. Setting the pair of meaty legs on the stone, she was satisfied with the loud sizzle that accompanied it. "Alrighty! All we have to do is turn them every once in a while and we'll have some delicious bird on our hands." Letting out a sigh of relief that she didn't know she had, she would quickly look up to Sayuri, deciding to pass the time with some small talk. "Since we have some time on our hands, why don't you tell me a little about yourself, if you don't mind of course!"

    WC: 741
    Overall WC: 9970
    Sayuri Katsuya
    Sayuri Katsuya

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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Sayuri Katsuya 22nd July 2018, 8:49 am

    Sayuri was glad her attempt at humor seemed to have gone over well. It certainly seemed to dispel the tension, and Rosabell's laughter was so contagious that she could help but crack up as well. She finally managed to pull herself together, though, watching her companion handle the rock. She never would have thought of cutting the stone like that, that was for sure. Nor would she have been strong enough to do it, actually. Still, it was a good idea.

    She was grateful when the other girl warned her she was about to handle the bird, and she turned to gaze at the view once more while she waited for her to finish the messy yet necessary job, not turning back until Rosabell's comments alerted Sayuri that she was done with the bird. She had to admit that the sizzling as the bird hit the rock was definitely starting to make her hungry, and she was starting to be glad that her partner had decided to throw together a meal.

    She considered Rosabell's question for a long moment. She was normally a pretty private person. Sharing personal information had come back to bite her before. But then again, something told her that the other girl wasn't like that, so she decided to trust her.

    "Well, there isn't really much interesting information to share, but I'll do my best. My family is from down South, and my parents are pretty wealthy. My dad's a business man, involved in the local government, all that jazz. My mom's more of a trophy wife sort. I also have two sisters. Mayumi's a few years older than me, and I heard she recently joined Black Rose. She'd a pretty good requip mage. Kiyoko is younger, and she's our half sister. She's a bit... Well, angry, I guess you could say, and she's starting to take the wrong path in life, but I'm trying my best to help her out, and hopefully she'll change her mind."

    "Anyway, I guess you could say I'm not really close to my family. My parents have really high standards, and I didn't exactly live up to them. Especially with my magic, which is too weak for them. The breaking point was when Kiyoko outed me as being bi. My mom flipped out, and I decided it was time for me to leave. I write to my sisters sometimes, but I haven't spoken to my parents since I left home."

    She shrugged slightly. There were a few other reasons for that, like the unmentioned vase throwing incident that had motivated her leaving, but she decided sharing that could wait.

    "Anyway, that was several years ago. At first I joined another mage guild, small and not even worth mentioning the name, but they weren't the most friendly of people so I only ended up staying for a couple of months before I left there too. After that I decided I wanted to travel, so I've sort of bounced around since then, taking whatever jobs I could find in the area."

    "Oddly enough, a lot of those ended up being in restaurants. Waiting tables, washing dishes, and a couple of times I even got to actually cook something. I also did a lot of housekeeping, cleaning, and pet-sitting. A couple of times I modeled for a magazine or two for some extra cash, which is definitely a weird experience, since I don't really like being so... Out there. They were small ones, nothing big, but every once in a while I run into someone who recognizes me and it freaks me out a little. Oh, and I did tutor someone's teens in swordsmanship once, which was pretty fun. So yeah, I guess you could say I've done a lot of random things."

    "Of course, obviously I ended up in a guild again, since, you know, I'm kind of here. So far it's going a lot better than my last experience. But anyway, I like cooking, and sword fighting, of course. I have a little troublemaker of a kitten I found out on the streets, named Ryoka, and she gets into everything. And I consider myself a pretty good story-teller. Having illusion magic lets me enhance the experience. I think that's about everything work mentioning, really."

    She glanced over at her partner. Some of her earlier comments had made her think that she had one hell of a life story to tell, and she was definitely interested in getting to know her better. Assuming, of course, that she was willing to talk about.

    "So how about you? What's your story?"

    Post Word Count: 767
    Total Word count: 10,737/11,000



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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Rosabell 25th July 2018, 2:25 pm

    Rosabell sat there silently watching with great fascination as Sayuri told her tale, making sure to absently mindedly roll the chicken with a stick everyone and awhile, the smoke form the meat rising up to the mountaintop caves, giving Sayuri's tale an extra mystifying effect. Of course when the spotlight came to herself, Rosabell sat up straight and coughed, a brilliant smile on her face as she spread out her arms dramatically. "Well for starters let me thank you for telling such a arduous tale, it's not every day I get to hear another travelers life story after all, but now it is my turn to tell my tale."

    Lifting up her hand she would silently make sure that counted three fingers, before quickly stuffing said hand in her pockets and looking at Sayuri through the smoke. "My folks live out to west, and both of them are Archeologists, extremely famous one's at that, to the point that they are considered high class nobles. I'm an only child and was actually raised kinda pampered and rich. That's where I learned all of these fancy words like callous and arduous, I guess I talk improper on purpose as a way of rebelling against them, but sometimes my fancy side just kinda slips out.." Shaking her head to quickly to clear it, she would once again turn the meat before speaking.

    "Surprisingly enough both of my parents are unable to use magic, and when they found out I could..they weren't all too gleeful. Especially when they found out how..bestial it was. They would lock me inside, teaching me useless junk like how to properly hold a spoon, and how to drink soup without slurping. They even wanted me to learn calligraphy! Like..why would I need such a dumb skill!?" Letting out a sigh to calm herself down, she would look to the sky with slightly glossy eyes.

    "I kinda broke after they told me I had to get married before I hit 21, so I left. There was a lot of yelling, and atrocious words tossed about, but eventually I left them and decided to be my own person. I didn't take a single penny from them..and you know what? I'm glad I didn't, I built myself up from nothing to be where I am, and I wouldn't have it any other way." She let a wistful smile grace her face, her normally exuberant and happy eyes filled with a longing sadness.

    "That was three years ago, I haven't written a single letter and neither have they. Three years of travelling alone, barley scraping by at inns and hotels. The only thing keeping me afloat being my flute, and random mercenary work. A lot of the time I ended up sleeping in the woods and had to survive for myself. It hurt being all alone..no one to talk to, no parent to give you comfort, no friends to support you when you're down. One good thing did come out of being alone though! I got to explore to my hearts content, I'd always heard stories about my parents archeological escapades, so I went and did the same thing, by myself of course."As if a mask had been put on, her eyes were now bright and happy again and her trademark smile was now plastered on her face.

    "Eventually, I just didn't want to be alone anymore, so I hopped on the Crystalli the first chance I got and here I am! Oh and whadda know, the bird's ready! Looks like it's time to ea-" Suddenly a loud roar entered her ear, coming from directly above them. Looking up slowly she would find exactly what she hoped she wouldn't find. The Moon dragon in all its glory looking down directly at her makeshift grill, the hunger obvious in its eyes. "U-uhm Sayuri..? Make sure to uh..grab your meat..we d-don't want it to go to waste..right..?

    WC: 654
    Overall WC: 11,391/11,000
    Sayuri Katsuya
    Sayuri Katsuya

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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Sayuri Katsuya 28th July 2018, 6:14 am

    Sayuri listened to Rosabell's tale with interest. She had to admit that she definitely related to some of what she said. Controlling parents who didn't support your magic? Trying to make it on your own after an upbringing that taught you almost no practical life skills? Yeah, those both sounded pretty familiar to her. And she knew how hard it could be to share things like that, so she appreciated that the other girl trusted her enough to talk about it. She smiled.

    "Well, I'm glad you've found somewhere to settle, and I'll definitely be here any time you want to do a job, or even just to talk."

    She was about to continue what she was saying when the dragon suddenly appeared. She made a sharp squeaking sound, caught totally off-guard for a moment. Then her self-preservation instincts came back to her and she realized she had a massive dragon-like beast hurtling straight for her. Not exactly the best place to be... Rosabell's comment registered with her, and she swiped the meat off the fire and got out of the way. And just in time too, because moments later the dragon released a magical moonlight attack, obliterating their makeshift fire pit.

    "Uh... I think now would be a good time to bring up the fact that I can only do damage to this thing if I can get close to it..."

    She pondered the issue while dodging another attack from the dragon. She knew Rosabell probably had the advantage over her when it came to fighting. That's when she noticed something. The dragon was focused on her, not Rosabell. Odd, that. In fact, it seemed to be focusing on her hand... She waved the piece of meat experimentally, and realized that the beast's eyes followed it. Interesting...

    "Hey Rosabell, I have an idea. I think this thing wants to try out your cooking. If I can distract it, you might be able to get behind it and sneak up for an attack or two before it catches on."

    It finally occurred to Sayuri that it might not be the best idea to stand here ringing the beast's dinner bell unarmed, so she quickly drew her sword. She preferred to have both of her blades, really, but it would be hard to do that with her bait held in her left hand.

    She stepped slightly to the side, and as she suspected the dragon's gaze followed her. That was a good sign. Well, sort of. It meant her plan might actually work, assuming Rosabell agreed to go along with it. She had to admit that it might be rather dangerous if the dragon turned on the other girl suddenly. But Sayuri didn't exactly see a way that she could get close to the dragon without getting eaten, so there was always that issue... She hoped her partner liked the plan, because it was the only one she had at the moment.

    Post Word Count: 491
    Total Word Count: 11,882/11,000



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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Rosabell 30th July 2018, 12:46 am

    Rosabell watched with horror as her pride and joy that was formerly known as the fireplace was destroyed in a brilliant flash of moonlight created from none other than the antagonistic Moon Beast itself. For a moment she saw red, the only thing keeping her sane being the fact that she managed to get her precious chicken leg out of the area before the obliteration.

    She was about to charge in to assist her partner after seeing her narrowly dodge an attack from the shimmering beast, before having to duck to the ground as its large tail nearly cleaved her head from her shoulders, promptly preventing her from rushing to Sayuri's side. However something strange seemed to up with the beast, all of it's attention was focused on Sayuri and not her, yet every time Rosabell would try to approach it would lash out with it's tail, almost as if it as trying to protect something.

    Thankfully before Rosabell tried anything drastic to test her theory, Sayuri informed her of the situation, making Rosabell's eyes light up in pride. Her cooking must've been damn good to get a beast of this claiber wanting a taste. Looking down at her own leg of bord she quickly took a large bite sighing blissfully as the smoky taste put her mouth into a rapture. Realizing that she had left Sayuri waiting for an answer, she quickly turned to her with a mouthful of meat, giving a goofy salute as she did so. "Unmerstoof!" She would say, before uttering a muffled incantation for her Wings of Quetzalcoatl, and taking off towards the sky.

    Eventually she got to the point where the moon dragon was nothing but a spec, and Sayuri was invisible. She sat there for a moment tossing the now cleaned leg of bird away, before releasing the partial takeover and falling back towards the ground at a moderate speed. Of course that was when she grinned and uttered a few words, her voice gradually becoming more gruff and animalistic. "Full Takeover: Fenrir"

    Not hesitating for a second she would quickly begin to spin her body around, turning herself into a grey and white maelstrom of claws, now on a crash collision course for the dragons head. Of course this was accompanied by an extremely loud sound akin to bomb being dropped out of a plane, the loud hum able to alert any to the oncoming doom. She hoped Sayuri would be able understand that moving was the best course of option, because a few seconds later she had collided with her target. Sadly she had not hit it on the head, but instead she nicked the side of its neck, causing a loud shredding sound to be heard as scales were sent flying as well as blood.

    She wasted no time though, quickly leaping in the air and channeling as much power as she could into her leg, feeling her lineage give it a an extra kick with an adrenaline rush. Then with all her might she would kick it in the side of the face, watching with satisfaction as she felt its jaw cave in as it was sent flying into the mountainside with a resounding thud, of course she knew that it would take more than that to take the best down.

    "How pathetic! This moon beast is nothing more than trash! I bet I can handle this thing alone!"She would say as she cracked her knuckles and walked towards the area the beast had been kicked towards, arrogance laced thickly in her tone, completely forgetting about her plan with Sayuri her mind now altered to the point of such a detail not mattering.  

    Of course she wasn't expecting to suddenly be blasted by a beam of moon energy sending her flying back with a scream of pain, tumbling a little bit as she felt her face skid along the hard stone floor.

    After she successfully managed to get up, albeit painfully she glared at the beast hatefully, her cold blue eyes meeting the silver ones of her opponent to be.  It was bleeding heavily from the side of it's neck and it's lower jaw seemed askew, but other than that it seemed more angry than hurt. "Lucky shot"Is all she would growl out, her vendetta against the beast now more personal than anything.

    HP: 295/375
    MP: 235/300

    WC: 719
    Overall WC: 12,601/11,000
    Sayuri Katsuya
    Sayuri Katsuya

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    Age : 27
    Experience : 5,187

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twisted Realities
    Second Skill: Elementaris Apocalypta
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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Sayuri Katsuya 31st July 2018, 6:07 pm

    Sayuri seemed to be doing a good enough job distracting the dragon as her partner disappeared into the sky. She wasn't sure what exactly the other girl was going way up there, but she decided to trust her on this. She dodged another dragon attack, although just barely. This was starting to get old. Then she heard some loud, almost shrieking sound, like something falling from very high up. She looked up, and sure enough, there was something hurtling down to earth at an alarming rate of speed. Her money would be on her guildmate. She decided she didn't want to be anywhere near the scene of that impact, and she decided to beat a speedy retreat.

    She backed away, getting out of the way just in time. The sounds of the impact was frightening. Then she got the pleasure of watching Rosabell kick the dragon across the site. Wow. How was that even possible?

    Unfortunately, the time she took to be impressed meant she didn't realize the beast was targeting Rosabell until the attack was already underway.

    "Look out!"

    Of course, her warning was too late, and the attack hit her partner. She realized that the dragon was about to follow up on its advantage, and she knew she couldn't let it do that. She cursed, then charged it from the side, slashing at it twice with her sword. One hit just glanced off its tough scales. The second made a slight scratch, knocking a few scales loose in the process. Oh joy. It managed to get the dragon's attention on her, though. It swiped her with its massive claws, knocking her back as she yelped from shock and pain. It's claws managed to cut pretty deeply into her arm. She knew she needed to distract it before it went in for a kill shot, so she waved the bird leg she was still holding, then tossed it off to the side, away from both her and Rosabell.

    The dragon lunged after the meat, proving her theory that that was what it had been focused on. It managed to catch it before it even hit the ground. Sayuri took advantage of the break to dart forward, scooping up a decent amount of scales that had been knocked off the animal by her and Rosabell's attacks.

    "I have the scales!" She informed her partner breathlessly. After all, that was what was needed to complete their job. Were it up to her, she would probably skip out of the fight and teleport back to the guild ship to avoid injuries, but it wasn't just her. She had a feeling that Rosabell wanted to stay and fight the dragon, and if that were the case she would stay and back her up.

    Post Word Count: 460
    Total Word Count: 13,061



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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Rosabell 3rd August 2018, 2:16 pm

    Rosabell's eyes darted towards Sayuri's as she voiced her success at gathering the scales, making one part of the job done. Teleporting away would have probably been the best option, as they had completed their task and there was no need to fight this beast, who was obviously stronger than the two of them, but Rosabell still wanted to fight it really badly. Maybe it was Fenrir's prideful mannerisms making her desire to fight the beast stronger, or maybe she just wanted to prove herself against a strong opponent. Either way she had her mind made up, she was going to beat this thing, and judging from how Sayuri hadn't teleported away by herself-she was going to assist her in this endeavor.

    For a moment she felt the urge to tell Sayuri to back off and let her fight this thing herself as herself, but she managed to swallow her pride that came with the form and gave her a full toothed smile. It probably appeared more frightening than comforting, but the gesture got the same point across regardless. She wanted Sayuri's help.

    Despite that though, she knew that Sayuri wasn't as battle experienced as she was, and she wouldn't forgive herself if she let Sayuri seriously hurt. She wasted no time muttering out a quick 'Artic Kin', her eyes still focused on the dragon as her snowy creation appeared right next to her.

    Kneeling down slightly she would quickly whisper some instructions. "Cover my partner for me will ya?" Then, as if by magic the wolf would run over to Sayuri and growl challengingly, although she just willed it to do so. Nodding in satisfaction, she would charge forward with a loud roar, quickly stomping on the ground and causing a row of Ice-spikes to charge towards the opponent, with chilling speed.

    Of course the dragon simply lashed out with one of it's claws and easily destroyed the attack before it could reach him, but Rosabell planned on that. Using the distraction caused by the attack to her advantage, she would quickly make a large leap successfully landing on its neck before grabbing onto both of its horns, raking her claws across its eyes as she did so.

    Obviously the creature bucked around a lot, especially as it was temporarily blinded, but Rosabell held firm, riding it as if it was some sort of bull, even steering it around slightly with its horns. Lashing out with one of her legs, she would strike it directly in its neck wound causing it rear up on its hind legs and let out a roar of pain. It's underbelly was exposed now, giving Sayuri and her wolf the perfect opportunity to strike the dragon and deal some serious damage.
    "Sayuri! Go for it!."

    WC: 463
    Overall WC: 13,528/11,000

    Sayuri Katsuya
    Sayuri Katsuya

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    Second Skill: Elementaris Apocalypta
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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Sayuri Katsuya 4th August 2018, 9:14 am

    Sayuri's eyes widened as she watched her companion charge head-long at the beast they were fighting. That seemed a bit, well, suicidal. Still, she wasn't going to make Rosabell take it on alone. She had to admit, though, she was glad to have the little ice wolf as back-up. They would probably need it.

    For a few moments, she watched the fight with some measure on indecision, watching for any weakness she could exploit. Then the dragon reared up in pain, and Sayuri realized that was her opportunity. She charged in, both sword drawn. To her relief, the small wolf followed her. She began stabbing and slashing at the beast's exposed belly. The scales here weren't nearly as thick or protective as the ones on its side, and the blades sunk in. The dragon roared in pain as blood gushed from a couple of pretty deep wounds. The wolf also took a hand in the assault, scratching at the creature, then latching on with its teeth and refusing to let go.

    The dragon flailed wildly, and Sayuri suddenly realized that it was about to come crashing back down to protect its stomach. She wasn't sure how she knew, but she was sure. She quickly shoved one sword back into its sheath and grabbed the small wolf. It didn't want to let go of the dragon, but she ripped it off before running to safety. She knew the creature was a summons of sort and getting crushed probably wouldn't do any long-term damage, but she thought it would be useful to have around for as long as possible, so she didn't want to leave it in the danger zone.

    The pair got out just in time, and the dragon's claws smashed down right where Sayuri had been just moments before. It turned to face her, and she realized that one of its eyes was now open, and staring right at her with murderous intent. Just great. Apparently it wasn't very pleased with her right now... It began charging at her, and she knew she had to do something to slow the beast down.

    "Mahi Suru!"

    She threw the spell out, targeting one of the dragon's front legs. The effects, she knew, could be pretty devastating, as the spell would make the target's limb go numb. Sure enough, the dragon, still running at her head-long, couldn't compensate for the sudden feeling, or lack thereof, and stumbled, crashing to the ground. She took the opportunity to dash in close, slashing the beast across the face with the sword. However, it then managed to swat her away with its other leg, claws digging in as she was knocked backward. It may have followed up on its advantage, but the wolf latched on to it again, allowing Sayuri to retreat for a moment to see what the creature, and her partner, would do next.

    Post Word Count: 479
    Total Word Count: 14,007/11,000

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    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Rosabell 5th August 2018, 11:12 am

    Rosabell wasted no time as the Dragon went stumbling down from the weird spell that Sayuri had cast, immediately putting her fists together and slamming them down on the skull of the beast, over and over and over eventually drawing blood and sending scales flying. Thankfully as the beast's attention was diverted between not only Rosabell slamming its face into the ground, but the wolf tearing into its exposed arm, it didn't have any time to target Sayuri, who at the moment would be the most vulnerable to one of those moonlight attacks. The last thing Rosabell wanted was for her partner to be blasted by one of those, the still searing wound on her stomach as a testament to how badly they hurt.

    She could feel it, the beast was on it's last legs. Not only could it not stand up due to Sayuri's paralyzing spell, but it was also bleeding heavily from its neck, underbelly, arm and now head. She didn't care how strong or feared you were, if you had wounds like those you were bound to not have much strength left. Without wasting any time she would hop off of the beast, making sure to grab the wolf by its snowy scruff so that the creature couldn't gain its bearing and kill it.

    She would quickly deactivate her Full Takeover, instead opting to activate her wings once more, as they would slowly help mend the searing wound on her stomach, as well as letting her provide an effective conclusion to this fight. Honestly she didn't care about the meat of the damn thing anymore. She was tired, and all she really wanted to do at this point was give the funny man his ingredients and collapse in her bed.

    With that she raised her hand into the air and summoned one of her personal favorite attacks. A circular blade made of pure light, shimmering like a rainbow. Not only was it a hidden gem among her plethora of annoyingly rough takeovers, but it was damn powerful as well. Channeling some magical power into her weapon she would quickly toss it with practiced grace, the blade sailing through the air looking particularly harmless as it did so. Of course right before it hit the dragon, she snapped her fingers immediately causing it to explode in a gigantic burst of light, completely engulfing the weakened creature.

    When the smoke cleared, the beast lie on its side, breathing labored and covered from head to toe in lacerations and burns. Turning her back to the beast she went over to her satchel making sure that she had all of the eggs she needed collected. Slinging it over her shoulder she walked over to Sayuri and gave her a small smile.
    "Alright, lets go back to the Crystalli. We'll let the poor thing die in peace.."

    WC: 476
    Overall WC: 14,483/11,00

    Sayuri Katsuya
    Sayuri Katsuya

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Bearer of the Cosmolight
    Position : None
    Posts : 262
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 5,187

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twisted Realities
    Second Skill: Elementaris Apocalypta
    Third Skill:

    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Sayuri Katsuya 5th August 2018, 3:46 pm

    Sayuri eyed the dragon for a long minute. She knew it was in pretty bad shape- that much was obvious. It probably wouldn't survive. Half of her wanted to go over and put the dragon out of its misery, end this here and now. But... At the same time, it could probably still hurt her badly if she got anywhere close to it, so that wasn't a great idea. She'd just have to leave it to whatever would happen.

    She turned to her guildmate, giving her a tired smile.

    "I agree- let's get out of here."

    She checked her pockets one last time, relieved to find that all of her flowers, feathers, and scales were still there. Some might have been just a hair beat up, but they would have to be ground down to make paints anyway, so she was sure it would be fine. Satisfied that they had everything they needed, she activated the magic in her guildmark, and moments later found herself standing back on the airship their guild was headquartered on. She paused for a minute, making sure Rosabell was also on the ship.

    "Alright, let's go give this weirdo his stuff and get out of there. I don't want to go blind!"

    She headed toward the artist's apartment, which thankfully wasn't too far away, and tentatively knocked on the door, shuddering at the thought of what was to come. She could faintly hear some kind of music playing inside, and she hoped that this time it would be something... Tasteful.

    "Come in, come in!"

    Ugh. Sayuri didn't want to, but she pushed the door open. The painter was still wearing that same hideous pink robe, and still had the same horrendous music playing. He didn't seem to have made any more progress on his paintings since they had first been there that morning. Then again, she didn't have any paints, so perhaps that wasn't surprising. The colors, though, were still very overwhelming, and it felt like her eyes were going to start melting any minute now.

    "Ah! It is ze lovely madams again! Do you 'have ze supplies for me?"

    Sayuri jumped on the opportunity.

    "Yes! We have them. Here!"

    She pulled the odd collection of ingredients out of her pockets, practically shoving them at the artist, hoping her partner would do the same. The quicker they gave him the stuff, the quicker they could leave...

    Post Word Count: 401
    Total Word Count: 14,884/11,000



    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 96
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1587.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Ancient Beast Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya) Empty Re: Art Supplies(Rosabell and Sayuri Katsuya)

    Post by Rosabell 7th August 2018, 8:35 pm

    Rosabell followed after Sayuri without hesitation, channeling a bit of magical energy into her guildmark before suddenly landing on the Crystalli as if they hadn't just fought a ferocious moon dragon on a far away secluded island in the middle of nowhere, of course her still burning stomach wound and shimmering wings were a testament to the hard fought battle.

    She quickly followed Sayuri to the artists abode, somewhat happy that it was close to her current location, meaning they didn't have to walk very far..of course that also means she had to meet that..thing again. She was still mentally scarred from his pink robe and strange music that apparently..inspired his art. She heard it along with Sayuri, his thick accent reverberating through the door way.

    She had no qualms with letting Sayuri go before her, as even someone like herself needed a wall of protection from that..creature. She made sure to turn off her wings though, because as nice as it was to get a little healing, the last thing she wanted was that abomination of a man to oogle her shimmering flight mechanisms. She wouldn't forgive herself if he ended up making a picture of her, simply because she forgot to turn off her takeover.

    Walking into his main area brought many a traumatizing flashbacks. Everything was the exact same..the horrendous music, the horrifying robes, and that dance..that weird combo of sinning and twirling that would forever traumatize the inner reaches of her mind. She would never look at art the same, that much was for sure.

    Following Sayuri's example, she would quickly take the satchel off of her back-quickly handing it to the man, not using as much force as Sayuri had so that the eggs didn't break. Of course she quickly rectified this action by shoving the job papers into the mans hands, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for him to sign off of it. Which she had to say took way too long, for someone who could twirl around super fast, his handwriting was exceedingly slow.

    Of course once the man finished and handed it back she gave him the best fake smile she could muster, although it appeared more strained than natural.

    "Ah uhm..thank you very kindly for uhm..being patient on our acquisition of the job materials, but Sayuri and I have this thing..to go to and we're almost late so..bye!"

    Before the man could utter a single word, she quickly turned on her heel and dashed out. Repeating the same process as she did earlier by grabbing Sayuri's hand on the way out. The quicker they left that place..the better.
    "Sorry if I was a little rough..I just really wanted to get out of there."

    WC: 456
    Overall WC: 15,340/11,000

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:41 am