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    Performance of the Wolves


    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Fluffy
    Experience : 337.5

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    First Skill: Legacy of Orion
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    Performance of the Wolves Empty Performance of the Wolves

    Post by Waterz 20th May 2018, 7:57 am

    This was certainly not what she was thinking when Quill asked her out on a date. But it was interesting enough, despite her wearing a brand new dress for the day. The Silver sundress and straw hat on her head was designed to take it easy, not putting on a performance. The mansion was quite nice. The type of place she would love to cook in some time. As they were invited to the center. Mizumi looked on at the audience behind mask. They were the entertainment, by why did this feel so familiar. Her eyes almost immediatly locked on the woman in white. To the Huntress, she knew the importance of Fight or Flight, and right now she was getting every signal to initiate flight.

    After nodding, her fingers went to the back of Quill's sleeves, gripping lightly. Her eyes already showing regret in coming in her. As she is beckoned forward, she watches as the purple gas fills the room. The room turning into a small village in a remote grassland. A thatch style mud hut nearby. As the wind billows through the plains, ruffling ehr skirt. she knew exactly were she was. The blunette turned seeing everything of her birth home. She hadn't been here since she was eight. Her left hand trembled with the vey thought about her life here and what happened next. Her fingers flexed. Her eyes starting to track motions in the area. She was not the same scared little girl she once was.



    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Fluffy
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Legacy of Orion
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    Performance of the Wolves Empty Re: Performance of the Wolves

    Post by Waterz 20th May 2018, 7:58 am

    die roll



    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Performance of the Wolves Empty Re: Performance of the Wolves

    Post by NPC 20th May 2018, 7:58 am

    The member 'Waterz' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Performance of the Wolves TV6mrb1 Performance of the Wolves MPfmPli Performance of the Wolves UtKyMUJ Performance of the Wolves MPfmPli Performance of the Wolves UtKyMUJ Performance of the Wolves MPfmPli Performance of the Wolves UtKyMUJ Performance of the Wolves MPfmPli Performance of the Wolves UtKyMUJ Performance of the Wolves UtKyMUJ Performance of the Wolves UtKyMUJ Performance of the Wolves UtKyMUJ
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 329
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental equipment
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    Performance of the Wolves Empty Re: Performance of the Wolves

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 20th May 2018, 8:21 am

    Quill had found a flier to a event that seemed to be nice, he hadn't heard of this kind of festival before though it was nice to try something new, he asked Mizi if she want to go as a date. He was so joyed when she yes, the event was in a location called Terra Ignis, he has never been to this location before but he believes that Mizi might of been though he didn't know that for sure. She was wearing a beautiful sun, i wasn't until he got there that they would be performers which Quill didn't know,"Mizi I am sorry i didn't know that this will happen but hey, maybe it will be fun and we can get a laugh out of it as well." Everyone but them were wearing strange mask, a tall man then lead them to a stage then when on about something about fighting monsters or something, he wasn't paying attention because he notice Mizi was acting a bit strange, then a strange mist starts to come out of no where.

    The strange mist starts to fill up the courtyard up and the yard started to form a cave where Quill knew where it was from. It was a cave that Quill had fell in and was attacked by a bunch of monsters, this was also the same cave where he found Theia and was saved by his own berserker mode, it scared him that he will have to be in a cave where his berserker's rage first flared up like fire.


    Performance of the Wolves 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 329
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental equipment
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Performance of the Wolves Empty Re: Performance of the Wolves

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 20th May 2018, 8:23 am

    Dice roll


    Performance of the Wolves 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Performance of the Wolves Empty Re: Performance of the Wolves

    Post by NPC 20th May 2018, 8:23 am

    The member 'Quill Scorchwood' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Performance of the Wolves TV6mrb1 Performance of the Wolves TV6mrb1 Performance of the Wolves MPfmPli Performance of the Wolves MPfmPli Performance of the Wolves X6fB6gw Performance of the Wolves MPfmPli Performance of the Wolves TV6mrb1 Performance of the Wolves TV6mrb1 Performance of the Wolves TV6mrb1 Performance of the Wolves TV6mrb1 Performance of the Wolves TV6mrb1 Performance of the Wolves MPfmPli

    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Fluffy
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Legacy of Orion
    Second Skill:
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    Performance of the Wolves Empty Re: Performance of the Wolves

    Post by Waterz 20th May 2018, 8:53 am

    C-rank || Silver Wolf|| 395/250 || 3/20 post

    Right before her eyes were groteque mangled humans. Each one, an innocent person she had hunted in the name of a contract. Before she was ever a mage with Silver Wolf, she was ordered to slay humans for sport for her Master. The first two out of the mist were the twins that that she was made to use as target practice after she was first bought. Holed through thier scantily clad bodies showed the arrow holes that once made them magical pin cushions. Behind them were innocent tranvelers she was amde to hunt in the forest behind her Master's home. Mostly young women, all of them with some disfigurements. One was holding her own head, another split in half, crawling along the ground. One had her head backwards, while another was dark blue and drifted with the wind. The last was the only one she didn't feel for. The one she took in pure rage. Her Master. A bloated sack of fat, holding chains in his hand.

    These chains darted out like snakes striking at her body. One chain going right to her neck forming a thick steel collar in place. Two going to her wrist locking with a pad lock, while the last went around her waist forming a belt. After she was pulled forward by these chains, she looked up as an angel descended. It was Poko. A sweet innocent face in this sea of the dead. Her own angel to look on as she was dragged to hell. Digging in her heels, she screamed out loud. The power of her grown and honed body shaking the chains. The poison in her arm reverberating with her emotions. Once her scream subsided, both fist lunged forward, driving through the twins' skulls causing them to burst away. "Bad news for your...entertainment. All you've done is bring out my past. When I was a Serial Killer. I killed these people. I drank thier blood. I hunted them down like pigs all for that fat bastard's 'entertainment.' I hope you enjoy your show." She started laughing. It sounded like a sweet giggle at first, and then it slowly morphed into a sadistic cackle. Some of the guest, out of thier sight was starting to get visibly distrubed, not that either of them could see it as the huntress visiously stomped down on the crawling girl's head.

    7 Weak Former "Hunts" 1 1 1 1
    1 Normal "Poko" 5/5
    4 Strong Chains 14/15 14/15 14/15 14/15
    270/300 HP 300/300 MP
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 329
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental equipment
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    Performance of the Wolves Empty Re: Performance of the Wolves

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 20th May 2018, 9:12 am

    While Quill was wandering around in the cave of his past he heard Mizi screaming,"Mizi, where are you? I can find you, if you can hear me. I am sorry i brought us to this location, i thought it would be nice to bring you somewhere that would bring joy to you. As Quill said that 7 figures appear before him, 5 of them were his guild mates but they looked like they were ready to kill something, they were talking about how they should kill Quill. This kinda freaks him out a bit, next was someone he didn't notice, it was a young boy that looked similar to Quill. The boy said,"Why are you so irresponsible, I will never be like you father nor will i ever be. You have left me and mother to rot in this world when you left us to adventure to somewhere we do no." Quill now knows who this is, a vision of his future son. The final figure was himself but enraged, the doppelganger said,"You have went soft with these people, you forget who you are. Who we are, we are the berserker clan. WE ARE RAGE AND DEATH THEMSELVES, WE ARE DRAGONS AMONG HUMANS." As the doppelganger said that Quill took out his guns and activated magma weapon then firing it into the crowd 3 times hitting them all on one blast from each shot from the spell. Quill's eyes turning from a scared look to the look of a heartless killer.


    Performance of the Wolves 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Fluffy
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Legacy of Orion
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Performance of the Wolves Empty Re: Performance of the Wolves

    Post by Waterz 20th May 2018, 9:35 am

    C-rank || Silver Wolf|| 291/250 || 5/20 post

    "I can find you, if you can hear me. I am sorry i brought us to this location, i thought it would be nice to bring you somewhere that would bring joy to you." She heard that sound. It caught her attention but couldn't bring her out of her blood lust. Not yet. Her wedge strap snapped as she stomped her foot into the dirt. Each hand wrapping around a chain to pull at them.

    "You know, Master, that there is only one thing I like to hit someone with more than my arrows." With a burst of strength, she pulled the fat lard off his feet and through the other three in front of her. She then whipped the chains over his back before gathering all four in her magically enhanced grip. "I like hitting one bastard with another." With sadistic glee, she used the chains that was meant to hold her down and spin the bloated corpse around. Soon the sack of lard flew through the illusionary cave wall and smack into the five false wolves. The chains pulling her along behind them delivering a hit as she went over the Scorched Earth.

    As "Master" faded, so did the enemies she didn't know where there. Her hands moving up through her hair. The black goo of her past smearing over her face, psychotically. It was only when her eyes caught Quill, that she was snapped out of it. Her face looking down at her hands. She never wanted any of her guildmates to see her like this. She made sure she was always stoic in battle. Never moving, Shooting her prey. Taking logical even strides. Ever classy. Not this demon she was raised to be. Not this...this monster.

    10/20 Ghost
    5/10 Fears 5/5 5/5 5/5 2/5 2/5
    2/2 Chains 12/15 12/15
    "Mizi" 25/25 "Quill" 22/25
    240/300 HP 300/300 MP
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 329
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental equipment
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    Performance of the Wolves Empty Re: Performance of the Wolves

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 20th May 2018, 9:55 am

    The two false figures splintered from the group as Quill launched 2 more rounds into the group, killing the 5 guildmates. Quill dropped his guns a collapse to his knees is regret,"Not again, i can't keep doing this, i can't keep killing them. My life keeps getting worst and worst, killing more people as i save less, they are right, a berserker only bring death to where ever the go." This wasn't Quill speaking but what he felt that ever time he has to kill people he knows, the scare on his chest starts to appear though his clothing like a beam of light burning him as well with more rage. Then the fake Quill came up and kicked the real into a wall, the real Quill sees a glimpse at Mizi fighting her own demons as well looking like a monster,"So, she has a bit of berserker in her as well, uh, life sucks when you find out stuff about the people you like." As Quill finishes talking the illusion of his future son slams his fist into Quill's face screaming,"Look at the monster you will create, the next generation of berserker and your death here FATHER." Quill then slugs the boy in the face launching him into the fake Quill,"How about I teach you what a real berserker is like you illusions, you might have my face but you do not have my rage." As he says that he rips a massive chunk out of the ground.

    Battle note: Normal enemies 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5, boss 21/25, weak enemies, 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

    Last edited by Quill Scorchwood on 20th May 2018, 10:16 am; edited 1 time in total


    Performance of the Wolves 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Fluffy
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Legacy of Orion
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Performance of the Wolves Empty Re: Performance of the Wolves

    Post by Waterz 20th May 2018, 10:12 am

    C-rank || Silver Wolf|| 279/250 || 7/20 post

    Mizi was slugged from behind by some one with a club. When she looked around, she saw herself. In the same dress. Everythign was the same as herself. Poko flew in behind her and seemed to have "her" back. Yuvon and Zephyr appearing right next to them. The chains still around her as she slowly rolled over onto her rear. She saw that she had Quill's chain as well. She gave it a laugh. That was what she had become. SOmeone to shoulder someone else's problums.

    "Quill, it looks like we aren't done yet. Take care of the small fry will you?" She sprang up onto her feet and started to twirl the chains from her wrist. Several ghost like figures charged through the hole. Most likely they will be Quill's equivelent to her hunts. She charged herself, the chain lashing across them as she strafed around them. She wanted to avoid any contact with them at all. Her hands lashing across the fake Mizumi doubling her over. She was already taking in the fact that this perfect mirror of her wasn't using Orion's Bow. Either she was trying not to draw more poison out, or....After the third lash came down the top of her head, she looked to Quill. "Quill. Our doubles can't use our Unique Abilities." She could feel her vitality moving through the chains. So it wasn't just the zombies hurting her. These chains were also the enemy.

    Useless. Pathetic. ****. No one respects you. No one will ever love you." Her ears burned as the fake team walked towards her. These words were not coming from her. Where on Fiore were they coming from?

    10/20 Ghost
    3/10 Fears 5/5 5/5 5/5
    2/2 Chains 9/15 9/15
    "Mizi" 22/25 "Quill" 21/25
    165/300 HP 255/300 MP
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 329
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental equipment
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Performance of the Wolves Empty Re: Performance of the Wolves

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 20th May 2018, 10:34 am

    As he can see Mizi a bit clearer she says to him,"Quill, it looks like we aren't done yet. Take care of the small fry will you?" Quill saloots to her and says,"You got it Mizi, and again if i know this would happen i would of taken you somewhere less murdery and more romantic." Quill fires 2 more rounds into the lesser group of enemies, they were push overs and died in the blast, all 10 of them. Then his double slugs him in the face making Quill drop his guns, he tried to get to it but the mizi double basically flying dragon kick him away from it,"Wow Mizi, you got a nice kick to ya." Quill then notice that Magma weapon wore off and that was not good for him because that means its one on one until he can get his guns back. He had blocked his doubles attack but he did get a good one and launched him into Mizi's fear which were her guild mates,"Did know you and I had the fear of being killed by the people we like, strange." As Quill said that he heard Mizi double say,"Useless. Pathetic. ****. No one respects you. No one will ever love you." He then stands up and say while blushing like a tomato,"You are wrong, I will love her even if die or she hates me I will love her." As he said that his nerves gave in and he puked a little bit from being nervous,"Have I ever told you how much i hate being nervous about confection like that, and i do mean what I say."

    Battle note: Weaks 0/20, normal 5/10, strong 2/2, bosses 2/2


    Performance of the Wolves 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Fluffy
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Legacy of Orion
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Performance of the Wolves Empty Re: Performance of the Wolves

    Post by Waterz 20th May 2018, 10:46 am

    C-rank || Silver Wolf|| 268/250 || 9/20 post

    Hearing Quill's confession caused her to laugh a little. There was a bit of darkness in her eyes at this moment. Her body facing Poko, Yuvon, and Zephyr. Zephyr slowly morphing into Quill. The chains moving up and down as her hands fidgeted lightly. THe motion causing a constant undualtion as the links couldn't stay still. "Araid of being killed by them? No." The chains came up, each of them swiping at Mizi and Quills false Quill, not minding the three that just stood there. One slash went across each of their doubles' face. "If I die, I die. I never feared death."

    The next swipe on their doubles came across the neck. Slashing like a seriel killer's knife, causing each of them to double over breathless. "I can't stand their eyes. I can't stand how they look at me. How they make me feel important or worthy. I will never live up to their expectations of me." Her hands flew up over her head before slashing down hard on the double down their spines causing them to scream out in unison. "I will never be the light that they hold, but I will be their shadow and take thier darkness myself." With the chains coming up to her sides coiling, the Bright team smiled to her and faded away. Tears slowly streaming from her eyes. "I will kill that woman in white as soon as I am out of here. Mark my words." She locked her crying eyes with the false Mizi and Quill. The only things left besides the chains she was beating them with.

    0/20 Ghost
    0/10 Fears
    2/2 Chains 6/15 6/15
    "Mizi" 19/25 "Quill" 18/25
    135/300 HP 255/300 MP
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 329
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental equipment
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Performance of the Wolves Empty Re: Performance of the Wolves

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 20th May 2018, 11:05 am

    Quill looked at Mizi who seemed to have fully lost herself, Quill tried to run up to her and stop her from hurting herself in the process but was stopped by his double who had a big slash across his face now,"You forget your place, your not a hero but a monster that only brings death to where they go. The only reason why you even joined that stupid guild was to make a life for yourself there and not live in anyone's shadow anymore, why keep lying to yourself, why keep yourself chained up and beat yourself to keep yourself in check. Your grandfather taught you to fight and to kill and yet here you are, on a date with someone you barely know of, another monster. Do you really think you will ever truly love anything, the only reason you love her is because of the sweet words she whispers in your ears, you really think you truly found someone you can call a lover." Quill stood there for a hot second and then slammed the double into the wall and deeper with 2 more hits screaming,"I do love her, even if she is a monster herself I don't care. She is a smart and beautiful woman who just wants to live her own life as a free woman, she is like me, I to want to live my own life but you always whispering in my ears does not help my case, i will kill you right here right now to end my madness so i may live the life i always wanted. If i am seen as a monster by my own guild mates, it does not matter they accept me for me not for what i am or who i was but for the person they see before them."

    Battle notes: Quill double 19/25


    Performance of the Wolves 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 2:00 pm