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    Human Possession


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Possession
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Human Possession

    Post by Tsyko 10th May 2018, 9:17 pm


    Primary Magic: Seith Magic: Human Possession
    Secondary Magic: TBD
    Caster or Holder: Holder and Caster
    Description: This magic allows the user to see souls and bind souls without a vessel to objects. From there, the user can manipulate the objects as they will, using the bound souls as an energy source to power them. The user does this by using their ability to view souls to search, then placing a large amount of magic into that soul, tying the user to it and almost ensnaring the soul, before pulling it into the vessel of the user's choosing. This leaves the user with a very small magic pool at most points, since most of their magic is used to keep the souls in check.
    The souls can then be used to project that magic, using the souls as a medium. They can be made to fly and maneuver freely in the air, including moving them in formations and colliding them with enemies, even grabbing objects, as well as shoot magic of the user's choosing, typically of a generic type or a simple beam. If the vessels of the wandering souls are destroyed, the user can transfer the souls to any nearby doll or vessel, with no expenditure of magic. It does not require magic to maintain them inside their vessels, they're rooted to it until destroyed. The vessels have 40HP and move at C rank burst speed. The amount of vessels a user has is equal to their rank. At D rank, you start with 3, and gain 1 vessel per rank until S rank, ending with 7.


    • The user is a long range mage with this magic, giving them advantages in large open spaces where their targets cannot get close to them.
    • The user can maneuver very easily by using the souls as transportation while also being offensive and using the remaining to attack.
    • The blasts provided by the souls are extremely destructive, giving a lot of punch to this magic.


    • The user themselves are typically very weak, more so than an average wizard, because they have to keep their personal magic pool rather low, so direct confrontation with the user can be devastating if the user is not properly armored or strengthened.
    • The user does have to have the mental strength to control multiple things at once. The souls assist in this, giving relief to the user normally, but precise movements take intense focus, so either they can have very strong tunnel-vision or possibly be very exhausted if they have to do it for extended periods of time.
    • Unlike most long-range mages, they aren't at a complete disadvantage in close quarters, but they are limited a lot more than usual.

    Lineage: Magician's Spirit

    Unique Abilities:

    • Soul Viewing - The user is able to see the souls of all living beings in a 30 meter range. This provides the easy detection of those around them, as well as intent and also possibly the true nature of a being. Focusing intently to learn information takes magic energy, but not too much.
    • Soul Harmonization - By pulling from the energy pools of the souls, he's able to harmonize with them, increasing his speed and the speed of the vessels by 1 rank. Touching the user also creates feedback, damaging any who touch them by 1 D rank attack and knocking them backwards by 5 meters.
    • Exorcism - The user is able to grab hold of any spirit rooted to a living being or object using magic and forcibly remove it. This doesn't require any sort of charge time, instead he just wraps his magic around the spirit, though the amount required is different depending on the strength of the spirit in question and how deeply it's rooted into the being or object. This process is also much more difficult when tied to a person, as doing it too forcibly or without caution can cause damage to the host's soul.


    Name: Magic Change
    Rank: D
    Type: Supportive
    Duration: 3 Posts, can be interrupted at any time.
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Description: The user places magic circles over the souls where the beams are fired, transforming the beam into the appropriate element. This takes little to no time to cast, probably the wave of an arm and the spell name, and can also be interrupted at any time. The spell itself is doesn't really have much of a range, since he uses the magic inside the souls to cast it. It also increases damage by 5HP of damage.


    • The spell allows for flexibility, giving them utility when needed such as burning wood or melting ice with fire, shocking or freezing water with electricity or ice, etc.
    • The generic energy of the blasts don't always cut it when attacking a target, and taking advantage of a weakness can be highly beneficial.


    • Making the wrong judgement could give an opponent the advantage, i.e. using an element on a slayer mage that matches theirs.
    • Despite only providing a small benefit, it can prove annoying when you need to use it again in a short time and are unable.

    Name: Defense Subroutine
    Rank: D
    Type: Energy, Defense, Multi-Target
    Duration: 3 Posts, can be interrupted at any time
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Description: This spell sets the spirit vessels to a defensive mode, attacking any threat that gets too close. This can be specified to a specific number of his vessels, or to just all of them in general. The vessels will stand in a circle around him, ready to fire at any moment. If someone attempts to attack the user in any way within a 5 meter radius, the vessels will snap to them and fire a blast at the threat for 10 HP. They will only attack if there is an attack on the user during the duration of the spell. This spell is limited to the number of vessels the user has available.


    • This spell is very useful when the user doesn't need to be outright attacking, or needs to focus on defending themselves specifically.
    • The spell isn't dependant on how many spirits you use, he could just use one for defense and the rest for attacking or other tasks.


    • For this spell, the less spirits you use for defense, the weaker it is. It's generally recommended to use 2 at minimum, to cover the front and back, otherwise you can be attacked from where you're not protected.
    • The spirits are only able to defend from what they see. If you manage to slip between their vision, or are undetectable by sight, you can attack him despite the spirits. Also, the spirits can only move so fast, so extreme speed can beat their reaction time.

    Name: Offense Subroutine
    Rank: D
    Type: Energy, Offensive, Multi-target
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Description: This spell sets designated spirits into attack mode. They will actively seek out targets based on the user's parameters, i.e. wizards, vulcans, members of a guild, etc. From there, they can travel up to 20 meters from the user for 3 posts and will attack on sight with a beam during the post they discover a target for 10HP. They will then follow the target and do additional attacks, 1 per post until the limit is reached. For example, say they discover someone on the first post. They'll attack once, then wait, then attack again, wait, attack a third time, then the effect wears off. If they do not find a target, they will return to the user. The amount of targets can be multiple, up to the amount of vessels the user has.


    • This spell is highly flexible, and can act as both a search tool or a basic attack spell.
    • Like the previous spell, this can be designated to specific spirits, up to the amount he has in vessels.


    • If the spirits wander too far or he uses too many to go and search, they can leave the user defenseless.
    • The spell can be rather destructive if the spirits are allowed free-reign, as their beams cause explosions.
    • If the parameters aren't set correctly, the spirits can go chasing after the wrong targets, as they act on command, not on personal decisions.

    Name: V Formation
    Rank: D
    Type: Energy, Offensive, Burst
    Duration: 1 Post
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Description: The user orders the spirits into a V shape in the direction he chooses. The spirits then fire forward.


    • The spirits come together, making them act as a shield.
    • The spirits fire together, adding their attack strength together.


    • This is not a spell that can be designated, he has to use all of his spirits. As such, you can take advantage of his momentary weakness.

    Advanced Spells:

    Name: Barion Formation
    Rank: D+
    Type: Energy, Offensive, Single Target
    Duration: 1 Post
    Cooldown: Until the next day
    Description: The Spirits come together in a circle formation and begin to spin, charging energy between them, until they are a whirling circle and fire a large beam of energy. This varies in size depending on how many spirits the user has at max. The beam goes for about 100 meters and pierces through most solid surfaces, though it stops short if it hits the ground, at max going 10 meters below the ground. It's completely straight and cannot be adjusted. The spell does 60 HP of damage on hit.


    • This is one of the strongest spells in the user's arsenal, and is often used as a finishing move.
    • If the user knows where their target is, they can fire through objects, piercing through them and getting at their target.


    • This spell can only be used once a day, since it saps most of the magic energy out of the souls.
    • With little endurance training, this can leave the user highly vulnerable to attacks, as this will most likely leave them stunned or exhausted.

    Last edited by Tsyko on 17th May 2018, 11:23 am; edited 3 times in total

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Possession
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Human Possession

    Post by Tsyko 17th May 2018, 10:35 am

    ready for grading


    Human Possession Tsyko

    Completed Re: Human Possession

    Post by Guest 17th May 2018, 11:43 am

    Hey there, Tsyko!

    This magic looks great so far, but requires a few edits before approval. (: I highlighted the corrections needed in this lovely color. Please edit and bump this thread once you have finished!
    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to message me. Thanks!


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 12:20 pm