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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]


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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by KatherineNeel 30th December 2017, 12:04 am

    Letter Call

    It had been but a week since Katherine had met Lucia and helped take care of the weed problem in the Beanstalk Village. She'd made her way to her next destination and was staying with a new host when she was given a letter by a messenger. It was from the Herbalist she'd met with the fox and it requested her immediate presence. She could only imagine that her accquaintence had recieved the same message as she. It seemed quite urgent so she went to pack her things and was on her way by early morning the next day. As her destination drew closer she began to notice something strange. The plants that they had weeded out for the Herbalist seemed to be popping up outside of the village now, and a little far from home too. She took note of this and continued on her lengthy walk. It wasn't unusual to feel watched when walking through a forest, but this sensation she recieved was a lot different than normal. This time it felt like someone, or something, really was watching her. The mage made a plan to stop for rest and in doing so, found that someone had been following her all along. Between the trees she spotted a dark figure and she froze, staring at whoever or whatever it was. She blinked, stood and kept her eye on them as she stepped away, opting not to get into a fight with a being she had no clue the strength of. With full knowledge that the figure might still be present, she ignored it and picked up her pace with the desire to reach the village as soon as possible. She hoped Lucia would be there so she could ask if she'd seen the figure as well.

    As she entered the village and headed toward the Herbalist's house, the dark cloak of the figure kept flasing in her peripheral and made her uneasy, but she kept walking. Her own cloak swished around her legs and her boots scuffed the dirt beneath her feet in her subtle hurry. She came up to the house and stopped, whipping around to make sure the figure wasn't there. She couldn't see them, but she could feel their presence and that was bad enough on its own.
    ( tags: N/A . words: 383 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty Re: The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 30th December 2017, 6:36 pm

    Lucia had decided to stay in Beanstalk Village since her last job with Kathrine finished, just in case any more plants popped up and she needed to deal with them. Luckily there were no plants around and life was peaceful. Her daily activities involved going to the park, going to the bar, and sleeping. There wasn't much else to do in a small town like this. One day as she was playing with the children in the park, she noticed a robed figure quietly lurking in the shadows. She squinted her eyes to get a better look but as soon as the figure made eye contact with her, he fled back into the shadows.

    This continued on for several days, unnerving the spirit to no ends. She was in her child form so she assumed that it was a creepy old man looking to take her away... Either that or someone who could actually cause harm to the world, either way it was bad news. She arrived back at the in but as she was nearing the door a man came running up to her with a letter "You're Mistress Lucia right? I was told to deliver this letter to you but I couldn't find anyone matching the description." he said with a confused tone.

    The Herbalist had only seen her in her adult form so she nodded "Ah, yes. Sorry that is me." she took the envelope out of the mans hand and sat down at a table in the inns bar. She opened the letter and read it carefully. The message had neat handwriting and was indeed addressed to her from the Herbalist himself. The old man seemed quite distraught about something and needed her immediate presence. The young cat-like child stood up with a nod and headed out the door to the herbalist house. Little did she know that she would be followed all the way there.  

    The young spirit opened the door to the herbalist house and spied her previous partner Kathrine already present. With a loud gasp she smiled widely "Hey Kathy." she said with a giggle upon realizing that the red head had not seen her in this form yet "It's me, Lucia!"

    Now that everyone was present it was time to begin the request and Lucia was ready.



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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty Re: The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by KatherineNeel 31st December 2017, 12:03 pm


    Katherine sat inside of the Herbalist's house feeling particularly shaken by what she'd seen on her journey to meet him, and Lucia she hoped. She had been there for maybe a good fifteen minutes before a small girl showed up and addressed her as Kathy. The mage looked at her strangely before she mentioned that she was... "Lucia?" She could honestly say that she was a little shocked. But now that she was here, they could begin the request they'd gotten.

    "The plant I had the two of you collect last time has turned out to be quite resilient, in that it's roots can break through nearly anything in their path. In order to do so, it breaks down the physical materials of the other plants so that it can spread more easily. Once they've spread a good amount, the roots sprout a new plant at the surface."

    When the Herbalist has finished her explanation, Katherine turns to Lucia slowly with plenty on her mind. "Lucia... Did you by chance have a strange shadowy figure follow you here?" Upon hearing this, the Herbalist decided that it might be better for her to send this information to a friend, who is both a scientist and a wizard. The atmosphere had turned quite serious and the mage wanted to find some way they could help protect their research.

    "We'll catch him for you, don't worry." Katherine said, standing from her seat and laying her hand on the Herbalist's shoulder. She then looked to her partner. "Kill him if we have to."
    ( tags: N/A . words: 259 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


    I'm canceling myself.
    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty Re: The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 4th January 2018, 6:36 pm

    Lucia listened to the herbalist's research with a tone of seriousness. She was concerned as to what it was exactly that they picked up. The girl had lived in the wilderness her whole life and she had yet to come across a plant that was so peculiar. "Breaks through..." she muttered softly to herself as she looked down at the floor in thought.

    Her eyes glanced upwards at Kathrine when she heard her ask about the mysterious figure "I don't think I have run into any mysterious figure." she cocked her head to the side, confused for a second. Her eyes suddenly got large "Oh! Oh! Oh! there was a man who has been watching me for a few days but I didn't think to check to see if he followed me here... I just thought he was an old man praying on little children." she looked at her partner with innocent eyes.

    She got visibly nervous when told to kill the man if he was found "Ah... O-Okay." she twiddled her thumbed together. She had honestly never killed without reason before. She only killed in order to live and that was the code she stood by. But in the end, this was her job and she would see it to the end.



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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty Re: The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by KatherineNeel 5th January 2018, 7:53 pm


    Katherine had never been afraid to kill. Of course, she didn't like to but if it was necessary she'd do it in a heartbeat. The mage left the herbalist to her business and walked out to the street, assuming Lucia would follow her. She searched the area carefully for any signs of the cloaked man, but didn't see him in their immediate vicinity. They would need to look around some to find him, that she was sure of.

    "We're going to have to walk around a bit to attract his attention..." The mage started her trek through the village, getting them further away from the herbalists house to be safe. "Let me know if you see him, yeah?" But she didn't have to wait long. Out of the corner of her right eye she saw the man round a corner and she rushed to go after him. He weaved between the buildings quickly, probably having noticed that she'd caught onto him. She nearly ran into a light pole once and another time she almost tripped over a loose stone in the street, but she finally caught up and grabbed the back of his cloak, pulling him back roughly.
    ( tags: N/A . words: 198 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty Re: The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by NPC 5th January 2018, 7:53 pm

    The member 'KatherineNeel' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] X6fB6gw
    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty Re: The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 15th March 2018, 8:14 pm

    The small fox girl followed her partner closely as they left the herbalist's house and continued to trek down the village, keeping a careful eye out for the cloaked figure as they walked. It was silent for a while until Lucia decided to open her mouth "So, Ka-" her words were cut off by her partner running away from her. Lucia stood there for a second, dumbfounded, the gears in her head turning carefully in order to process what just happened. After a couple of seconds she snapped out of it and took a deep breath before rushing after the two.

    She turned corner after corner until it was clear that she had lost both the cloaked figure and Kathrine. She stomped her foot and pouted "Kathyyyyyyy!" she cried as she kicked the ground with her foot and continued to walk through the town, giving up on the kill and hoping that Kathrine had the situation handled accordingly.

    She walked around for a few more minuets, in what seemed like forever, until she turned a corner and saw the her partner gripping the figures cloak. She smiled wickedly and approached the two, waving her finger side to side "Tsk Tsk and here I thought a lost you guys!" she said with a laugh before stopped abruptly in front of the pair "You sure this is the guy? I have no doubt in my mind that it is... I just don't want any unnecessary disturbances that's all." she said looking at Kathrine with a wink.



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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty Re: The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by KatherineNeel 16th March 2018, 4:06 pm


    The cloaked figure struggled against her grip at their back, but she held on tight, her annoyance being what fueled her strength. She pulled them close and growled in their ear, "I don't know who you are, but you're not going anywhere. I'd suggest you stop struggling if you have any desire to live." And yet, they still squirmed. Katherine sighed and looked around. It was then that she realized she'd lost Lucia.

    Then, as if the universe had read her mind, the girl showed up. "Lucia! I'm sorry I ran without telling you, I just barely caught them," she said. The firgure jerked and Katherine stumbled a little, but managed to save her footing. She jabbed her elbow into their back and they groaned in pain. "You must have a death wish."

    "So must you," they said darkly. The mage froze, which was a fault. It gave them a chance to take advantage of her shock. The figure brought up their fist, quickly, and punched her nose. She cringed at the impact, but instead of letting go of their cloak, she gripped it tighter. She wiped at her nose with her free hand and bristled when she saw the blood that smeared across the back. An angry growl escaped her throat and a normally locked vault in her magic cracked open, the contents rearing its ugly head. Self-defence would kick in and a rage that burned near as hot as the fires of hell would take over, bringing out the power of her previous self. But only for as long as she could stay angry and with the way this seemed to be going... She wouldn't need it to last.

    She looked as if she was on fire, every strand of her hair lit and billowing around her. She could have let them go, so she could have the satisfaction of a real fight, but she already had them in her grasp and she wasn't about to let them have the chance to beat her.

    Taking their hand in hers, she broke every bone fragment until all that was left was a limp shape of fingers in her fist.
    ( tags: N/A . words: 360 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


    I'm canceling myself.
    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

    Developer/GFX Artist- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty Re: The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 23rd April 2018, 10:51 pm

    Lucia gasped as the cloaked figure punched her partner in the nose. She clenched her fists and scowled for a second before noticing that something had already happened. She stared on at her partner's and she noticed that the way the mage had previously carried herself had all but gone, what replaced was rage. The wolf-mage lowered her head when she heard the breaking of bones and giggled "Tsk Tsk, do you always resort to violence when something hurts you?" the small girl asked, raising her head to reveal a wicked grin.

    The previous cute demeanor the fox had was all but gone at this point, being replaced by a wolf with a hunger for blood. She widened her toothy grin at Kathrine and tilted her head sideways "I mean if we must turn to violence... I try to stay away from it." she clenched the palm of her hand, a flame engulfing it fully. She slowly took a few steps forwards before she was face to face with the cloaked man who was already writhing with pain "Honestly, it's like men don't have enough respect to not hit a lady nowadays!" She whined. The girl looked up at her partner "You may want to move out of the way..." she said quietly as she reeled her burning fist back and planted it firmly into the mans gut. The flames burst into an explosion which would cause knock back to the man sending him into the nearest building.

    HP: 100/100
    MP 90/100
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    Last edited by Lucia on 25th April 2018, 4:39 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty Re: The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by KatherineNeel 24th April 2018, 10:49 am

    Old Flames

    Katherine let the man go and he dropped to her feet, writhing and clutching his hand in pain. She pushed him away from her person with her foot, the heel of her boot digging into his side and drawing an extra yelp from him. The blood smeared on the back of her hand was thick and dark, almost textured like sludge. Normally she wouldn't have bled but the man had punched her with such strength that it broke through and her unflowing plasma slipped down from her nostrils. Whatever the cause for her bleeding had been was already healed and gone, so she wiped the rest from her face and off onto her cloak. She side-eyed Lucia, her irises still burning bright from her sudden rage fit, "Yes." She put it bluntly and without hesitation, her voice low and dark; a contradiction to her burning. On the inside, she wanted to smile at the next comment the girl made, but the strength of her burst prevented anything other from coming forward.

    Katherine could feel the change in Lucia's aura just as she could feel her own and before she could say a word, the mage stepped away and leaned her shoulder against a light post to watch what would unfold before her.
    ( tags: HP: 100/100 MP: 200/200 . words: 213 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


    I'm canceling myself.
    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

    Developer/GFX Artist- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty Re: The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 25th April 2018, 4:55 pm

    Lucia watched as the man flew into the side of a building, a result of the explosion that came off of her fist. She licked her lips with satisfaction and wore a cocky smirk on her face. She turned on her heels to face her partner and nodded, her hands still aflame. She shrugged "What can I say, I like to start things off with a bang." she smiled widely at the other mage. While her back was turned the cloaked male had the chance to brandish a black rapier from his cloak and charged at the spirit girl. He hit her on the back of the head with the butt of the sword and as she turned around the blade cut her cheek.

    Lucia winced from the pain as she felt drops of blood trickle down her face and onto her neck. She clenched both of her fists as rage induced her whole body. She let out a loud roar and pushed the guy to the ground using her foot. She would use her knee to keep him on the ground as she laid three punches to the mans face, each one exploding upon impact. After she was done with her little out burst she fell off of him and landed next to the figure on her butt. She took a few breaths before looking at him lying there. The flames that once encased her hands dissipated and she stood up.

    The girl walked over to Kath and stared at the mans scorched face and broken body "Heh, I think I went a bit overboard..." she was out of breath but she wore a calm smile on her face as she brought her hand up and wiped the blood that was dripping down.

    HP: 90/100
    MP 90/100
    ENEMY DAMAGE - Seven




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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty Re: The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by KatherineNeel 25th April 2018, 7:46 pm

    Pleasant Surprise

    The slightest visage of a smile started to show on Katherine's face at the comment Lucia made about going out with a bang until it was pulled back down by the cloaked figure swiping his rapier across the girl's cheek. The blood the beaded and dripped from the cut caused a sense of maternal worry to course through her, but before she could have ever made a move to assist, the girl was on the man already, pounding him in to cobblestones with surprising force. As she finished her work and flopped to the side on her bottom, observing her handiwork, Katherine stood still and looked her in the eyes until she turned to attention. As Lucia came over, the mage reached out and grabbed the girl by her cheeks and without a pause of hesitation pressed her lips to the cut. No more than a second later, she would pull away and the wound that had once been on Lucia's person now appeared on Katherine. On her, it wouldn't really bleed but show the same thick sludge of old blood that had previously come from her nose. "Going overboard is no matter, as long as you're alright." And then Katherine smiled, letting the girl go from her gentle grasp and turning to the charred body. "I'm going to check him; see if there's anything left on him..." She knelt down and picked through what was left of the man. All she could fine was the remains of a used match, nearly completely destroyed by Lucia's attacks, and a silver coin. Flipping the coin in her hand she would find two symbols, one on either side; a hand and a skull. "How peculiar... What do you think of this?" She asked the girl, showing her the coin. After her answer, if there was one, Katherine would pocket the items and stand to her full height. "We'd best get back to the herbalist now. We have much to tell them."
    ( tags: HP: 100/100 MP: 200/200 . words: 329 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


    I'm canceling myself.
    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

    Developer/GFX Artist- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty Re: The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 17th June 2018, 12:36 am

    Lucia blushed a little bit when her partner pressed her lips up against her. "H-Hey... I'm fine... its just a cut." she muttered placing her hands on her hips and pouting. She then watched as Kathrine searched the body in looks for clues as to what was going on. She knelt down and joined the girl on the ground.

    She placed her finger over the coin and rubbed it for a second before sighing "Honestly, it's like going from one mystery to the next!" she threw her hands into the air and chuckled as they fell gently behind her head. She looked at Kathrine with one eye open and shrugged. Before nodding "Right, lets go tell the herbalist." she said as she turned on her heel and made her way towards the house.




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    The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia] Empty Re: The Shrouded Stalker (The Plague pt. 2/5) [Katherine/Lucia]

    Post by KatherineNeel 17th June 2018, 10:43 am


    Upon returning to the herablist's house, Katherine would brief them on the occurances, but not give them the grusome details and only specify that the person was dead and out of their hair. She wouldn't mention anything about the objects they had found and would keep them pocketed to look over further at a later time. The herbalist would thank them and hand them their reward, thus leaving them to go on their way and part once more.

    ( tags: N/A . words: 78 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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