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    Settling In (Private/Katherine)


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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by Ahote 24th December 2017, 11:33 am

    It had been only a few minutes since the branding of Katherine, and Ahote spent no time delaying her settling in. Since that branding, the boy no longer felt excited or anxious, both prevalent emotions he experienced when doing such a thing to the woman. The adrenaline that coursed through his veins lifted, and the hot blood that rushed to his face when the heat of the hot iron became apparent now settled into its usual paleness.

    Topaz hues focused ahead of him as he and his acquaintance, Katherine, made way to his quarters. He said nothing to her as they walked through the dimly lit corridors of the Basilisk Fang fortress. The cold stone that surrounded them became so familiar to the raven haired youth, knowing every crack, crook, and cranny of this fortress. He had so much time to lurk and wander about these desolate halls, it was only expected that it become so homely to him.

    Ahote ambled down the corridor in silence, mind jogged with thought as it usually was. His eyes drifted down to the stone floor in which they both walked, breathing quietly, softly. So I guess I'm in charge of her now. I've tasked myself with this duty and I must see it through, I musn't disappoint Mom. If those cries and all the pain associated with this initiation is what I must endure in order to grow, it is but a small sacrifice of my innocence.
    Not that I have been innocent for the longest while, now. If it is death I must witness in order to become useful, to protect my guild, my family, my parents. . . then I can. . . no, I must
    endure it, grow used to it, grow to use it. It's. . . I hope I can. . . I. . .
    he thought to himself, but before he could finish his complete thought, a familiar door to an even more familiar room came into view. His room, it was, and the pair approached it.

    A cold, fleshed hand wrapped around the metal knob of his room's door, Ahote twisted it and pushed inwards,  revealing the chaos that was his dorm. Stacks of books, scattered documents layering the floor to a point where one must dig through them to see the actual floorboards, several unlit, wax candles on a shelf. Surprisingly, it was a very clean room. Not a speck of dust, no stains, no dirt or any other grime. The raven haired youth turned to face Katherine with a tired expression, running his metal digits through his threads, "Well, this is it.
    Don't move anything, I find this chaos soothing."
    He entered the room, stepping over piles of books and documents, into his seat stationed next to his large, wooden desk, "You'll be sleeping here until I can find you somewhere to stay. You'll be sleeping in my bed as long as you don't soil it. But don't get too comfortable, I want you out of here as soon as possible. A week at most is how long you'll be staying in this room. Are we clear?" He queried with scrunched brows.



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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by KatherineNeel 24th December 2017, 9:14 pm


    There wasn't a single feeling in her body as she followed Ahote down the dark hallways of the fortress. She was numb aside from the stinging left over from the branding that had happened only minutes prior. She walked only as fast as she needed to, prefering to keep her distance from the boy, with her arms wrapped around her waist protectively. It hurt like hell, sure, but it was the only thing keeping her somewhat sane in that moment. The mage needed some reassurance that she was still alive and that this wasn't her personal purgatory.

    Ahote stopped in front of a door and wrapped his hand around the knob before pushing it open. What she saw inside made her cringe; it was a disaster. How anybody could live like that baffled her, but she decided not to question it. He led her in, stepping over numerous objects and piles of things. She didn't really want to think about it. He turned once they were in and she stared back at him with a dead expression. He told her not to touch anything, but it wasn't like she really wanted to anyway. She didn't want to do much of anything if she was being honest. Katherine didn't say a word in response to his jabber. Soil his bed? What does he think I am, an animal? Her thoughts didn't show on her face, she only appeared cold and emotionless.
    I can't really control how long I'm here now can I? Despite her feelings toward him and her stabbing want to fight him, she nodded. She stayed silent and complied, knowing that he didn't deserve to see her riled anymore than he already had. As she processed what he'd said further, she wondered about something. She hadn't wanted to talk at all, but this was a thing she felt she had to ask.

    "What about you?" She asked flatly. "Where will you sleep if I'm in your bed?"
    ( tags: N/A . words: 328 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by Ahote 25th December 2017, 10:44 am

    Ahote looked about his room aimlessly, noticing all the small details he might've missed before Katherine's arrival. It was an appalling cesspool of disorganization to any normal person. But to this boy, it was it's own little chaotic world where every individual object had a place, a position, a space to fill. The pile of books in that one corner was always in that one corner, the scattered documents detailing recent or ancient events must always be on a certain part of the floor, and nothing must ever be on the bed. He felt as if everything moved a millimeter to the left, he'd noticed. Unfortunately, he seemed to be the only one who worked productively in an environment like this.

    He twisted back into his chair, facing his desk once against. In the center was a variety of handwritten documents detailing the ecosystem of Mt. Hakobe, nothing particularly interesting. But it did kill quite a bit of time, time he did not know what to do with. Really, he's spent most of his life reading modern and older literature, analyzing data of seemingly trivial statistics, studying past and current events of faraway places. It was the books and documents stored away in Basilisk Fang's rooms that taught him, not his parents, not this guild. It was an especially lonely life so far, his parents never being around, never having the ideal family life he imagined other children must be experiencing. But it was enough for him to be happy.

    When Katherine suddenly broke her strike of silence and mentioned where he'd be sleeping, Ahote perked up, stroking his chin with fleshed digits while in thought, "Oh,
    I didn't think about that. . ."
    he commented, turning back to look at Katherine with a frown, "alright, change of plans then. I'll be sleeping on my bed, and you can sleep quite literally sleep anywhere else by following those same rules. In fact, you can sleep on my bed when I'm not using it. Alright? Is that clear?" he queried. Of course, it wouldn't make much of a difference considering he slept only every few days.

    "Anyway, you'll be following every other rule we have here as a guild. Don't leave this fortress without my permission, behave, don't wander unless you know where you're going, don't disturb me or Famine, and don't even think about eating everything in the kitchen.
    Food's tough right now. These aren't. . . exactly the rules of Basilisk Fang, but still follow them. Famine can detail you on the guild later, I guess."
    He lectured, rambling on about his own personal rules. Truthfully, he had no idea what the rules of his guild were. But he didn't want to admit that. He knew the basics, anyway.



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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by KatherineNeel 25th December 2017, 2:20 pm


    It seemed then that it was quite a good thing that Katherine rarely slept. Often times she found herself going for days without any rest and still functioning properly, well, for the most part.
    When she ran into Ahote, she hadn't gotten a wink of sleep in about two weeks, so she felt that that might have had something to do with her irrational behavior in the storage cabin. Whatever it was wasn't important at that moment, however. She found herself exhausted now, more so than she had been in a long while but telling by the current situation and the boy's response... She'd be taking her nights rest standing. If she wasn't allowed on the bed when he was present, that would lead her to believe she must sleep on the floor. Only...there wasn't any floor space clear for her to lay down. Katherine stifled a yawn mingled sigh. She really was sleepy. Considering her current situation though, she couldn't possibly take such a risk as this. He was in control, not her, so she was therefore in no position to ask him for anything at all.

    The mage stood by the door, across from Ahote who sat at his desk. She kept staring at him, saying not a single word. She didn't have much she thought was necessary to say anyhow. Another yawn was swallowed and suddenly her stomach growled. Her eyes widened and she blushed, pulling in a sharp breath through her nose. She wrapped her arms tighter around herself, looked at her feet and remained silent, but her starving organs thought to do otherwise. Again came a growl of hunger and Katherine mentally kicked herself. This is what I get neglecting to feed myself for three days... In the dungeons, she hadn't bothered to even look at the food Ahote had made. She'd been too angry at him. But now that she was as calm as she could be considering...she deeply regretted not eating it. She was so hungry that it distracted her from any other pains she was feeling, including the brand on her ribs.

    This had to be the perfect situation. She was starved and her body begged for her to shut her eyes for more than five minutes at once; but she was too prideful, or embarrassed rather, to ask for anything. She might croak at this point. While she was still on the fence about taking her own life, she was beginning to think that she was just too tired to really want to do anything about her inner turmoil. She just wanted some food and sleep. Then maybe after she could decide. If she were going to die, she wanted to do it on her own terms; full stomach and well-rested without a single regret... The last goal was impossible to achieve now since she had gathered so many regrets just in the last few hours.

    Another rumbling of her stomach came and went, pulling Katherine out of her thoughts and with heavy eyelids, she looked back at the boy before her.
    ( tags: N/A . words: 511 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by Ahote 26th December 2017, 11:18 am

    Ahote leaned back into his chair, staring into the stone walls before him. Their dull, grey color was nothing unfamiliar to the boy. But having a guest, he's never taken the time to absorb the finer details. But there were far more interesting subjects to discuss than the cracks in the wall. Having been sheltered his entire life, Ahote fantasized of faraway lands, worlds, even. The closest thing to the reality of those places were updated maps and geographical textbooks in addition to his imagination. Here Katherine was, travelling far and wide for all he knew. She was the embodiment of information, a beacon of enlightenment. But she was more of a mystery than the lands she's visited, and he was simply in no mood to question her on those subjects at such detail.

    The quiet, awkward pause that separated the two broke upon Katherine's empty stomaching growling several times. Ahote's brows furrowed, a sigh slipping pass his lips, "Maybe you should've eaten the food I worked so very hard to prepare for you when we were down in the dungeons? Though it's a bit late now, the rats or some other lurkers will get to it before we have a chance to retrieve it." he grumbled, lifting himself from his relaxed position in the chair and onto his feet, pushing his raven threads aside for a clear view of his acquaintance, "It's been a long day, Katherine. Do you want me to fix you something else?" he proposed, smiling softly. The boy would rather occupy himself cooking and fixing meals than sitting at a desk with a silent woman standing in the middle of the room.



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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by KatherineNeel 27th December 2017, 9:33 am

    Begrudging Benevolence

    Katherine blinked tiredly. "If you were offended, I apologize. But yes, if you wouldn't mind. I can give you something in return, if you'd like?" The mage almost regretted making the offer; she had no idea what he might ask for, if he asked for anything at all. And if he did, she hoped it was nothing impossible, or worse, inappropriate. Of course, she was in no way expecting that to happen, but it had before and she wanted to be cautious. To be honest, she wasn't sure how old he actually was. Ahote looked fairly young, but his behavior was almost too mature for the numbers she'd tried to place. The question might come off disrespectful, so she opted to save it for a later date.

    Heaving a sigh, Katherine gripped her hair and knotted it into a pony tail. She really did need to cut it some; it was getting far too long to manage. Not to mention heavy as all hell. How she had managed to go this long without chopping half of it off baffled her. She wiped her eyes roughly to wake herself a little and stood with her arms crossed.

    "So," She started, staring at him slightly more alive than before. "Where to, Master Ahote?"
    ( tags: N/A . words: 211 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by Ahote 27th December 2017, 6:39 pm

    Ahote sighed with raised brows at her gratitude and offer, "There's nothing of yours I would want or's worth having. But I shall take you up on that offer should hell freeze over and I need it," he droned with a playful simper. Clearly, he did not believe he would ever need help from someone of her caliber, but he wasn't so foolish not to seize the opportunity to secure that word of hers. Just in case.

    The boy leaned back into his chair, letting his raven threads sprawl across his face, dividing his view of the untouched wall between strands of hair. I guess bread would be alright. A sandwich, maybe. We're low on resources as is, I can't waste too much on her, I guess. he pondered, pinching the ends of his locks. There clearly wasn't a lot to do on this mountain, much less in this fortress, besides cook and clean, fight and bicker. What a humble home this was, a home the boy cherished so very much.

    Ahote twist his view over to Katherine, now with tied up, long, red locks. At first, he had found her crimson locks infatuating. Attractive, perhaps. It was very exotic to him, seeing such a warm color for hair. He was used to more diluted, cooler colors. But as of the present, he only associated her appearance with her beaten and broken form back in the dungeons. No infatuation, no attractiveness, just a dog that simply must be house broken-- trained.

    "Why, the kitchen, of course. It is our only facility with the tools and. . . did you just call me master Ahote?" the boy hissed, scrunched brows morphing his expression into one that exhibited his confusion and irritation at its prime. Ahote raised himself from his seat and strolled towards the door, metal fingers coiling around the knob, "Alright, well, be a good girl and follow your master to your feeding grounds, understood? Don't bite." huffing, he opened the door and ambled out into the corridors, assuming that Katherine would follow as told.

    The pair would find themselves arriving at the center of the fortress, the tavern. There lie a large fireplace with its hearth bearing burning logs and a crimson fire cackling within, a bearskin rug with old couches and love seats and a round table in the center, a full ashtray and empty glasses on top. An assortment of unlit candles lined up against the walls was also apparent, leading into a separate room; the kitchen.

    Ahote strolled into the space, making way into the kitchen without looking back to Katherine, "Take a seat, I'll be preparing you some bread and butter. Perhaps an orange or some rice. I'll figure it out." Ahote instructed, reaching up to pull open the cabinets, retrieving a bag of white, jasmine rice, a small orange and some whole wheat bread.



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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by KatherineNeel 27th December 2017, 10:06 pm


    Katherine smiled brazenly at his reaction and pressed her fingers to her lips to keep from giggling. His annoyance was laughable alone, but the way he went along with what she'd said made it so much harder to supress. However, the tugging it caused in her chest sprung forth shots of pain through her ribs and she winced, the smile she wore faltering slightly but still present. As he walked passed her and out of the room, she tried to hide her amusement, but it only turned into a strange smirk. "Bite? But of course not, Ahote." The mage spoke sweetly, sarcasm dripping between her lips. "You're far too salty for me anyhow..." Smothering another laugh, along with a wince, Katherine followed him down the dark halls of the hell-hole he called 'home'.

    They entered a tavern type area and the first thing she noticed was the fireplace. The heat that radiated from it was comforting and she suddenly felt a lot less tired than before. Still exhausted, of course, but more alive. They strode through the room and into the kitchen. He told her to sit, but she didn't much feel like sitting so she leaned against a counter instead and watched him. Bread, rice and an orange... Hm. I haven't had an orange in years.

    "What ever works for you, Master Ahote." Deciding to keep up this act she had going, she emphasized 'master' a lot heavier than the other words. The mage really did want to see what he would do about it, since he apparently owned her now. Why not have some fun with it? She could ignore her inner troubles for a bit, couldn't she?
    ( tags: N/A . words: 280 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by Ahote 27th December 2017, 11:07 pm

    It was an art to him, cooking. It was a series of chemical reactions that result in a wonderfully crafted meal. Or, perhaps, smacking two slices of bread together with fruit spreads over them. Either way, it was an enjoyable procedure for him. It was almost therapeutic. But to his dismay, the extent of his meal preparation would be boiling rice and slicing the loaf of bread.

    His mind jogged with thought regarding the meal and what he may feed himself, Ahote held his chin between his thumb and index finger. However, his train of thought came to an abrupt halt when Katherine's honeyed lips spoke of 'master' yet again, a word that rang in his ears and flushed the tip of his nose and the edge of his ears. The youth turned to face her with irritated, weary, topaz hues, "You're really getting a kick off of this, huh? That's fine, I insist you continue. See what awaits you." He scoffed, almost throwing snide remarks a kid would. Turning back to face his ingredients, he gave it his undivided attention once more.

    Ahote stepped about the kitchen space, grabbing the butter, handling the knives and letting the metal saw through the smooth, rich butterfat and fluffy whole wheat bread. After a few minutes of preparation, on a plate were four slices of bread with an equal serving of butter spread over them.

    While the breading had been ready to serve, Ahote had not been satisfied with the meal himself. In fact, in preparing it, he felt himself growing hungry. Quietly, he placed the bread knife down on the counter, eyes darting from the bag of uncooked jasmine rice over to the idle Katherine, "I'm going to cook the rice. You can wait fifteen to twenty minutes, right? I'm making some as well." he droned.



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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by KatherineNeel 27th December 2017, 11:47 pm


    She couldn't comprehend how someone could cut bread so artfully. Thinking that made her feel stupid, but that was all she saw watching Ahote. He turned suddenly and was obviously irritated with her. Oh, so he noticed? How funny... It was clear the word was getting to him and Katherine really didn't want to make him too upset, all she'd wanted was to poke some fun. But as long as he was handling her life in its entirety, she figured then that she best be careful. "You don't like me calling you that?" She dropped her ploy and took on concern of a sort. It felt wrong. She'd been through so much in the last few hours and yet she still felt her true nature pushing its way to the forefront. It was in her really, to be kind and respectful no matter the situation she was in and with each passing second her guilt chewed at her insides, much like her hunger.

    Had she not been so reckless coming up the mountain in the first place, all of this wouldn't have happened the way it did. Although...Katherine could appreciate what little good there was to be found. She was warm and about to be fed, albeit by an annoyed...teenager? She still hadn't figured that out, but besides that she was thankful for it at least. There was always something good to be found in a bad situation and she guessed this was it.

    Now the mage had to figure out what to do for a good twenty minutes. She kind of figured she wasn't allowed to leave his sight, so wandering wasn't an option. But... That creeping guilt kept seeping in and she felt bad watching him do all of the work. He wasn't a slave, she was, technically. It wouldn't hurt to offer... "Um, would you like some help maybe?" She hoped it hadn't come off as an insult, but she was bored and guilt-stricken.

    One's true nature wasn't something you could just get rid of, hence her sudden change in behavior. It might seem weird to anyone else but her and that worried her a little. Absently, she crossed her arms under her chest-

    "Ah- Ow..." She hissed through her teeth and was reminded once again that she had a fresh injury underneath the shirt she wore. She tried her hand at healing it a little to no avail. The stinging wouldn't fade in the slightest and she could only hope that it would eventually.
    ( tags: N/A . words: 418 )
    made by jinx of adoxography


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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by Ahote 29th December 2017, 5:47 pm

    There wasn't a particular reason Ahote could come up with as to why he felt so perturbed in being called "Master." It simply irritated him to be addressed in such a way, whether it was legitimate or a joke. But regardless of his qualms with the title, he kept quiet and would allow her to experience some comedic relief. He deemed it too trivial to address so quickly, but found it to difficult no contempt for her in doing so.

    Ahote's topaz hues darted from the bag of rice to Katherine's ruby ones with a small frown, "No, I don't. I let you off the first time, but now it's. . ." Ahote droned, turning back to his work space before he could finish and made way to the cabinets just above the stove, retrieving a fairly small pot and reaching into another cabinet to grab a jar of salt. After grabbing what was necessary, he turned twisted the knob for the the gas burner on, and almost instantly did a fire light, waving freely in its small space on the burner. Meanwhile, Ahote stepped over to the sink and the faucet hovering over it, filling the pot halfway with cold water and placing it back onto the flame, followed by the rice being poured in. A basic procedure, it was.

    Although Ahote had already prepared everything for cooking, Katherine offered her own assistance, and following her offering came a hiss of pain. The youth sighed with arms folded over his chest, patiently waiting for the rice to cook, "No, thank you. I don't need your help, I am perfectly capable of cooking rice. And there's nothing left to do but wait, anyway." Ahote assured her, eyes drifting down to just below her breasts, where he had branded her, "And maybe you should sit still. That is a fresh brand, after all." He jested, although it really wasn't too funny.



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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by KatherineNeel 29th December 2017, 8:55 pm


    Katherine took his denial in stride, but the stinging of her fresh brand made her eyes water. He was right, it was probably best that she didn't move, but yet she still would. Temporarily ignoring her modesty, she lifted her shirt to inspect the burn just below her left breast and pressed on the lace bra cup to see it better. The lines were red and angry and she could feel the heat radiating off of them. The image was of a basilisk head but inbetween the details a pale blue could be seen developing. The mage moved to touch it gingerly and was filled with immediate regret. Through gritted teeth came a groan of pain and she mentally slapped herself. She let down her shirt and leaned onto the counter more, supporting her weight with her elbows as she held her head in her hands.

    The bright red strands of her bangs hung in front of her eyes as did those of her make-shift ponytail drape down her back and sweep across the backs of her knees. Much time was needed for her to completely cool off but she was beginning to feel a whole lot calmer, despite the agony her injuries caused. While her stomach growled impatiently, she felt her eyelids become heavier until she kept jolting herself awake. She slipped down, her elbows faltering under her weight until she felt her forehead smack on the cold countertop. Her body hunched over itself and she held her skull as it ached from the impact, now making for three sources of discomfort. The concussion Ahote had given her was still prevalent of course, but she was so tired she'd nearly forgotten it. The smacking of her head on the counter didn't make the migraine she had any better.

    Her eyes watered and she mumbled to herself, "Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry... You aren't a baby..." She'd gotten a little dizzy then and stumbled a bit, but caught herself on the edge before she could fall. Katherine really wasn't in her best state in that moment and she was a little embarrassed that Ahote was there to witness her folly. Sure he'd caused a good amount of it and he probably enjoyed seeing her discomfort, but she didn't care much for showing her weakness.

    "Come on, get your shit together." she said to herself and shook out her hands to wake herself up. It didn't work very well, but it did something. Every moment she made caused her to wince when pain shot through her, so she stopped moving and just held her hands infront of herself to keep steady. She decided against closing her eyes for fear that she might doze off again and kept her gaze forward, indirectly at Ahote.
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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by Ahote 30th December 2017, 12:07 am

    Several minutes had came and went, and Ahote occupied himself by pinching an undetermined amount of salt into the boiling rice. It was quite a tedious activity, but there was little else to do in between the silence he and Katherine maintained. He sighed, fleshed fingers running through his raven threads, I still need to get her a map of the fortress. I don't want to have to have her in my sight twenty-four-seven. Hopefully she'll prove able enough to become independent, but. . . he pondered, unsure of when that day would come. With her current amount of obedience and respect, if he had let her waltz around aimlessly, some intolerable man or woman would discipline her by means Ahote would never resort to.

    The atmosphere in this guild was always heavy and serious, there was never a moment of lightness or relaxation. To most, the weight of the atmosphere would be beyond what they could handle and would break under the fortress's silence, emptiness, and the member's bitter attitudes. But to Ahote, it was like home, and felt strangely attached to that feeling of weight, not wanting it to change or be disturbed. Katherine's ferocious, stubborn, argumentative behavior was beyond his understanding, and frankly did not try to understand it. He tried to bend, break, and control it. However, it was not a resolve of his, he deemed. He wasn't as passionate about controlling her as he was satisfying his mother, but it was a relationship that needed to be further established. Or, that's what he thought of it in his head.

    Ahote stared blankly at the lidded pot, lost in thought. But suddenly, a jolt of shock ran through him, body twitching briefly and head jerked to the location of what sound had startled him. His eyes were wide in surprise, but after realizing that it was only Katherine's head bumping into some sort of surface, his eyelids rolled back down on his eyes and brows scrunching up, turning his face from one of shock to one of irritation.

    The raven haired youth droned, raising himself from his leaning posture against the counter and over to the weary, agonizing Katherine. Topaz hues viewed him from head to toe before taking his fleshed hand and cupping it around her jaw, "You're so needy. . ." he quietly scoffed, "where does it hurt? Make it quick." Ahote queried with a grumble. She annoyed him. Her very existence was annoying. So high maintenance, so snappy, so argumentative. Although his voice was soft as usual, his eyes twinkled in irritation. But despite this, his grip was gentle and caressed her skin carefully, his eyes never meeting her own.



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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by KatherineNeel 30th December 2017, 12:11 pm

    A Nuisance She'll Be

    The woman was honestly suprised when he treated her with concern despite how irritated his eyes said he was. What little sight she had was fairly blurry and the feeling of his hand on her jaw was unreal, like it wasn't actually there, only she knew for a fact that it was. When he asked her to identify the source of her pain, she wasn't sure how to reply. A good many things hurt in that moment, but she guessed he meant her head, seeing as that was what she'd hit so abruptly. With a shaky sigh she spoke up.

    "I- Sorry, I started to fall asleep." She said tiredly, her voice unnaturally quiet and a little hoarse. She lifted her hand to her forehead and pushed back her bangs to reveal a red splotch on the skin. "My hand slipped and..." The mark throbbed terribly and she wanted to touch it, but she knew if she did it would only make it hurt worse. How many times had she hit her head now? She thought it was two, but it seriously felt like many more.

    Katherine began to tear up, which annoyed her, but it wasn't for emotional reasons. Her head felt like it was filled with rocks, hot ones that when she moved even a little bit seared the inside of her skull. The amount of pain she'd had inflicted on her in such a short period was like nothing she had ever experienced before and she just wanted it to stop. Stop for her own well-being, but also because it was becoming a burden for Ahote. Of course, he'd taken on the responsibility, but she really didn't intend to make it any more difficult than she already had.

    "I don't mean to be needy...I-" A heady wave of nausea rushed over her and she shut her eyes tightly. She let out a breath through her mouth. "I think I need to sit down..." But she didn't. The mage kept standing and waited for him to say or do something because maybe he didn't want her to rest. Or maybe he did, just so he wouldn't have to hear her talk or cry anymore, but she didn't know so she just stood there woozy and disoriented.

    Suddenly, as if not on her own accord, Katherine pulled his hand away. Staring him in the eyes she said, "Actually, don't make yourself take care of me. I know you don't want to. Go back to what you were doing and I'll deal with this myself." She blinked. "Somehow. I'll figure something out."
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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by Ahote 1st January 2018, 7:26 pm

    It was painfully clear that Katherine had been under a good amount of physical and mental stress, judging by the hoarseness of her usually, or relatively, loud and proud voice and the groans in between. The boy could only imagine what many pains she was going through, her concussion combined with the branding, tender to the touch, in addition with overwhelming hunger and soreness. Knowing this, he wished not to empathize.

    The unique smell of the rice slipped through the lid of the pot, filling the room with its salty scent, only five or so minutes away from being cooked. Knowing this, the boy did not want to divide his attention among more than one or two things, knowing he'd get carried away and fall behind between said things. He grew impatient and listened in silence to what Katherine had to say.

    The crimson haired woman spoke of her condition in various ways. A slip of the hand, the need to sit but the inability to do so, her not intending to be needy, then followed by her removing his hand and denying any sort of help. Ahote simply scoffed and turned back to the rice, "Well, you're right about one thing, at least. No one ever wants to take care of someone who only whines, fights, and takes up resources without ever repaying the kindness." the boy rolled his eyes, shrugging, "Decline offers of help and aid so you can feel less helpless. Real mature. But alright, you take care of yourself, Katherine. You figure something out. It'll be amusing to watch." Quietly, Ahote took a nearby wooden spoon, lifted the lid from the pot to be greeted with a cloud of hot vapor, and stirred the rice.



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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by KatherineNeel 1st January 2018, 9:31 pm

    Lost Girl
    Katherine's sickly pale cheeks turned hot with a blush of embarrassment. No matter how angry his words might have made her, she knew she needed to keep her cool, if not just for the sake of her own comfort, then for his favor if it were possible to ever recieve it. All of this was just mind over matter, so if she could push down her pain and sudden need to throw up... She took a slow, deep breath and focused her attention on him and him alone. Nothing else, she wouldn't think about anything else...

    "I won't whine. I won't fight you. Whatever you want as payment, information most likely, I can provide it. I'm denying your help now, not for my own sake, but yours in a weird way because I know you really don't want me here. She said all of this and felt winded but continued anyway. "So...do you have a knife I could borrow and a quiet place I could take up? I do feel that you might not want to see my method of dealing with this. Unless of course...you enjoy watching people kill themselves?" Her voice, while raspy and quiet, was very serious in tone. She did know that if she tried to leave Basilisk Fang she would be killed, so getting out of his hair would be much easier if she took liberties into her own hands. "Oh, and whatever you wanted to know before, it might be best to ask now so I can tell you. I won't be able to later." The thought itself was sad, but only to her for all she knew. Katherine felt like she was stuck on a high fence, rocking back and forth between two sides and wondering which she'd fall into. One side was filled with sharp teeth-like rocks, the other was a safe haven. The worst part was though...she didn't know which side was which. Which side was living and which side was dying.
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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by Ahote 4th January 2018, 8:28 pm

    With the rice being cooked and seasoned, he twisted the burner off and placed it on a cold one, waiting for the rice to cool down enough to eat. The water vapor layered his face with moisture and burned the tip of his lips, Ahote pulling away just after he set the pot down. But before the boy could turn to face his crimson haired friend once more, topaz hues would widen in hearing what words would come out her mouth.
    Suicide? What is she thinking? The woman's lost it. . . he thought to himself, turning over to face her with stressed eyes.

    "Listen, Katherine," the youth spoke softly, "I don't like you,
    and you don't like me. We both understand that much. But unlike you, I know that you can't run away from your problems like that. You can either work to fix them or struggle through it. Your method of dealing with your issues is. . . terrible. Idiotic."
    Ahote stepped over to the woman, calmly placing his right hand on her scalp, "Let's compromise, alright? Like I said before, life here isn't so bad once you get used to it. All we ask is for one to pull their weight and show some respect, and we won't hesitate to do the same. Besides, I'm in charge of you. You can do anything within reason, and taking your life is not within reason." he continued, his hand rubbing her head gently. His topaz orbs drifted elsewhere, not wanting to make eye contact, "You're annoying. Like, really annoying. But I don't like seeing any person I hold some amount of concern for hurt. Now will you please hush up, eat, and go to bed? So dramatic. . ." he hushed. What he said is what he felt. She was annoying, disrespectful, needy, and every other negative emotion. But he was convinced that he was responsible for her life, and that it was his duty to nurture her into someone useful and someone who was capable of providing those things.



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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by KatherineNeel 5th January 2018, 12:10 pm

    Off the Fence

    Her body swayed on the edge of the 'fence' she stood upon and the weight of it took her down until she landed on the softer side. She was surprised; it hadn't been her death, but staying alive that was the better option. Katherine's eyes widened and her brows scrunched together at his words. He was right about one thing so far, she really didn't like him at all. Then he laid his hand on her head and she frowned. He rubbed the spot, but wouldn't look at her as he talked. The only thing on her agenda now, as he'd said, was to hush up, eat and go to bed.

    "Um, sure." Was all she could get out. She was generally speechless and stood stiffly, digesting everything that had just happened. He wasn't allowing her to kill herself even though she annoyed him, which was something she couldn't really comprehend. She'd gotten the impression that he wouldn't have cared if she died, by her own hand or by another's. They'd only known each other for less than a day and he'd said she was worthless, that no one would care if she disappeared, that the world was better off without her and yet... Here he was. Patting her head and telling her not to kill herself. What kind of backwards shit is this? She thought, but was now too bothered by the entire situation to even contemplate suicide. Oddly, her heart pounded in her chest but she didn't feel like crying a single tear. She was more confused than anything else.
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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by Ahote 7th January 2018, 7:05 pm

    Soft, fleshed fingers would trail down from her scalp and cupped around her right cheek, giving it two gentle pats before returning to the boy's sides, "Alright, good." he nodded, returning to the stove, taking the wooden spoon and beginning to stir the rice once more.

    After careful stirring and a few extra pinches of salt, Ahote began to finish her meal by pouring some of the rice onto the empty space on the plate, fixing himself his own in the meantime. Everything had been prepared, as planned, and their session seemed to be coming to an end. The raven haired youth grabbed the full plate by the rim and handed it over to Katherine, "Here. Eat and go to sleep. Go back to my room, but clean up anything you spill and leave the plate on my desk." he ordered in his soft, gentle voice.

    Ahote would grab his own small plate of rice and make way out of the kitchen and into the tavern, sitting down on one of the tough couch cushions, gazing deep into the dirty hearth before him. In silence, he nibbled away the grains. Hope she'll recover quickly. Having someone so lethargic around is irritating. Ah, what a headache. . .




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    Settling In (Private/Katherine) Empty Re: Settling In (Private/Katherine)

    Post by KatherineNeel 7th January 2018, 11:20 pm


    Katherine stood stiffly with furrowed brows as he pat her cheek and handed her a plate before he left her to follow his brief instructions. She stared down at the dish's contents, not really looking at it but into space. The mage kept trying over and over again to understand all that had just happened but she still couldn't wrap her mind around it. After a few moments of standing alone in the kitchen she shook off her stupor, carefully this time, and followed her memory's map to his room.

    Once she'd gotten to his room, she wasn't sure where she was supposed to sit but eventually decided to take a seat at the end of the bed. With the plate in her lap and finally being at a complete state of rest, she took a breather. She picked at the rice and tore the bread into tiny pieces, popping the shreds into her mouth slowly and without thought. After what had come to be almost a day, and felt like too many at once, she was by herself again. Surprisingly, she didn't find herself enjoying the solace much. She was struck with an overwhelming loneliness that bothered her to her core. For going so long without any human interaction, finally receiving some, and screwing it so royally... It was like a pit had opened up in her gut that wanted to swallow her whole, but because it was inside all it could do was suck up her innards until she was empty and just a shell of a young woman, lost and purposeless and waiting for something good to come and save her. Because it was obvious by this point that she couldn't be her own hero anymore.

    Katherine had been sitting in silence, in the darkness of the room for more than an hour. Maybe less, maybe more. She'd lost track of any concept of time. With the now empty dish in her hands, she left it on his desk like he'd asked and crawled onto the bed like a child. One looking for comfort where there was none. She laid herself in the middle, not bothering to pull up the covers, and rested her head on the pillows. A bed like this had become a rarity for her and she tried to let herself get comfortable, but just the feeling of it reminded her of where she was and what had happened. What she'd done. Her fingers gripped the comforter that was trapped underneath her and she exhaled heavily with a slight shake. Katherine had thought she was done crying, but apparently that was not the case. One could always use a good, lonely cry whether they wanted it or not and that was what she'd have as she laid in a stranger's bed with a new, terrifying life ahead of her.

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