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    I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi]


    I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi] Empty I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi]

    Post by Guest 15th November 2017, 3:22 pm

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    I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi] Empty Re: I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi]

    Post by Guest 15th November 2017, 3:47 pm

    Inari was never a dark mage. Not until after recent events at least. Being a child prodigy within the magic world it was said that one day she could join the Wizard Saints if she continued on her path, if not even surpass them both in magical power and fame.
    But then she died.
    And all her accomplishments and promise just seemed to vanish from all of Fiore. There was nothing left of her legacy, at least none that she knew. How long had it been? What year was it? What happened while she wad gone? Why was she even brought back? They were all questions the young storm mage had, but did not really bother to ask. The young necromancer who brought her back to life was rather intimidating to say the least, and Inari would rather not poke into things that may result in her getting sent back six feet under. There were times and places to ask, and she had to wait until the time was right. She rather enjoyed being alive again, even if her body was still a little numb and hard to move at times. But if you were dead and suddenly brought back to life simple motor skills would seem like an extraordinary task too.
    Thankfully by now Inari had regained some function and stability in said motor skills. She could move and talk, though of course not without some limitations. She was still rather stiff, so she found moving for large amounts of time or simple stretching too far to be rather... Impossible. But it was a miracle she was able to move at all, she guessed. To be alive.

    Though as stated before, never being a dark mage and all, she found herself unable to dodge this life style now that she was following Naomi. Then again she had no choice, did she? A corpse brought back by a necromancer could not live a solitary life away from the dark magic user. Stay too long out of range of her energy, and Inari faced becoming a dead corpse once more. So really, it was only natural she had to follow her, even if that meant no longer really being considered a good mage. Right now all she could do was go with the flow, as she had always done. She was stuck, and she had to deal with it.
    The smaller girl walked beside the tall woman, her monotone expression shifting every once in a while to look up to her before settling back on the leafy path ahead.
    They were going on a job. Something about burning a field down or something. She wasn't sure how they would do such a thing, but Inari figured they would come up with something. Naomi seemed to be as intelligent as her, though her sometimes childish attitude may lead you to think otherwise.
    Seriously. She wondered sometimes who exactly was babysitting who.
    Blue eyes twitched upward, spying the field of crops which she could only assume to be her target in the distance.
    She would say nothing, as Inari rarely spoke without first being spoken to. But they both probably knew this fact without saying anything.
    It was time to burn.

    WC: 539/500
    Shiori Saikawa

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    I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi] Empty Re: I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi]

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 15th November 2017, 5:31 pm

    I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi] Quwptwg I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi] PoA8vwK

    Naomi Enma Savage Skull D-Rank

    Dry leaves crunched underneath the witch's feet, having upon them were deep purple high heals, making the already tall woman a few inches taller. To match the shoes was a cheongsam dress of the same color, with a floral pattern coursing across it. It was long enough to touch her ankles, and up the side of it was a slit the stopped just above the middle of her thigh. Her long hair done up in a messy but still stylish fashion with floral pins and clips like that pattern of her dress. Her slender finger curled one of the two long silky strands of her black hair. Her red gaze was kept on forward, she silently hummed a random song to herself, her hips swaying to the tune of the song. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the undead teenager, her usual monotone expression painted across her face, silent as always.
    Naomi was proud of herself, she brought back Inari, so she was a zombie, but she did it much better then all those other supposedly amazing necromancers that summon a rotting corpse that is falling apart at the seams. Inari was for the most part human, she looked human, she wasn't rotting so stench didn't emanate from her, actually she didn't give off any kind of smell. So that was nice. She wasn't the best company, but at least she was better then any of the crazed and malevolent or completely robotic undead creatures that she usually summons. Naomi put more work into this zombie, but it still wasn't smart to let her get that far away from her. It was still fully possible that she could die again, and she didn't want to put in all the effort of doing all that again. Hopefully it'd get better the stronger Naomi's physical body and her magic on earth gets.
    The two females stopped before the farmland, the necromancer stopped her seemingly endless tune that she was humming. Dropping her hands to her sides and the proceeding to place one on her hip, she scanned her surroundings with crimson eyes. The young woman thought of how they should accomplish their tasks, she clicked her tongue, she brought and arm across her long torso to hold the elbow of her other arm. With a nimble finger she tapped her chin. "Aha!" she exclaimed dropping her arms she started walking along the edge of the field "Come along Inari" she said, though there was no reason to believe she wouldn't follow. The goddess came across a shed, well it was actually very nice looking building, but it was still small so I guess you would still considering it  a shed. She pursed her lips at the sight of the hefty padlock on the door, she went around to the side to peer through a window "There you are~!" Naomi said with a eager grin. Pressing her face up against the glass, she pointed a finger at some fuel that was probably used for some tractors, along with some other flammable fluids.

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    I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi] Empty Re: I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi]

    Post by Guest 15th November 2017, 6:53 pm

    Inari stopped the exact moment Naomi did, as if the two women shared some sort of silent connection. Well, not that they didn't. She supposed since some of the god's magic resided within her now they shared a sort of connection to some extent. But it was still funny how the undead teen was able to halt her movement at the same time, be it their connection or just because she was knowledgeable and was able to tell from the woman's movements that she was about to stop.
    Naomi ceased her constant humming and scanned the area. Inari however did not need to do such a thing. She was constantly fully aware of her surroundings, so she found no need to scout it out anymore. Instead the dark haired girl stared out into the field, and waiting for the goddess to finish assessing her surroundings. Once done she let out a pleasant noise, causing Inari to look up towards her from the corner of her vision. To no surprise she didn't tell the zombie what her plan was, and began to talk off after ordering her to follow. She would have informed the woman blankly that there was really no need to order her like that, but the goddess probably knew that already seeing as how that was how her magic worked, and Inari certainly hoped she knew well of her own magic. Instead she followed closely behind like ordered, not that she could do anything else anyway.

    After following Naomi around the edges of the crop fields for a little bit the two finally came across a rather nicely kept shed. Most likely the farmer's shed. Inari noted the padlock on the door before Naomi even noticed it, and watched as the woman made an expression like a disappointed child who got an apple for Halloween instead of candy. Couldn't she just use some of the magic to break it open or something? Inari found it weird that she would rather just look at her item of interest pressed up against a window than actually trying to find a way inside.
    The storm mage turned away from the eager Naomi to the metal padlock. She bent down to grasp the lock within her hands, and began to change the temperature around it. A part of being a storm mage was also getting to change the temperature around them. Otherwise how would their storms be summoned, yes? And heat melted metal. At least, the high temperature she was able to produce did the trick.
    The head radiating from her hands was actually rather uncomfortable to Inari. She found it rather intense, at least more intense than usual. But that was natural when you were decaying under the cool earth for so many years. Her body would once again have to get used to the extreme conditions of her magic.
    After a few moments of concentration the lock began to glow a bright orangery red until finally it twisted and deformed under heat. It seemed to just melt away from the lock in one big glob of glowing metal and plop onto the ground.
    Inari straightened herself and pushed the door open to see if it would. Which it did. The big wooden door swung open without a noise, revealing the dark inside of the shed. Blue, monotone optics looked back to Naomi, who was still looking into the window with the same goofy expression.
    "It is open now." Her quiet voice was unusual, as someone who didn't speak much, but it held a rather dark and raspy undertone to it. Her voice was sure to her more louder and better to understand the more she used it, but for now Naomi would have to deal with someone who sounded like they had a throat infection.

    WC: Achieved.
    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi] Empty Re: I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi]

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 15th November 2017, 11:01 pm

    I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi] Quwptwg I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi] PoA8vwK

    Naomi Enma Savage Skull D-Rank

    The death goddess grinned and waved at the storm magician through the small glass window, removing her face from the glass she went back over to the front of the shed. Naomi clapped joyfully at the sight of the open doors and the melted metal that could previously be called a padlock. "Thank you my dear" the young woman said, thanking Inari for opening the door for them, before she proceeded to gracefully step over the padlock and walked into the small building. Leaving down her slender and unnaturally tall figure, she reached down grabbing a bright red gasoline can. Hefting it up rather effortlessly, having more muscle, or at least more strength, then her skinny body shows her having. It was full of fuel, she could tell by the weight, but just in case she checked the barely see through canister. Just as she thought, it was filled almost more then it should be filled, almost spilling out the air hole in the back of it. She brought it back to her side "Time to get to work, go ahead and grab some other flammable fluids" she said, vaguely gesturing in the area beside her.
    Naomi trotted out of the building as she unscrewed the container's top off "And this kids is how you burn down a field, remember to use plenty of flammable fluids" the witch said in a teaching way to the readers as she tossed the cap to the side and started pouring out the fuel along the edge of the fields of crops of corn, wheat and other useful plants like that. The gasoline soaked into the fresh and previously healthy soil, and the drops that she splashed on the crops quickly dried as the liquid does. "It's best to burn down fields this time of season when the plants are nice and dry" she spoke aloud to you as she plucked a piece of corn, dousing it in flammable fluids before she tossed it back into the field. She splashed some of the fluids into the middle of the fields, at least as much as she could without stepping the far into the field. When she ran out she tossed the can aside, placing a slender hand on her hip as she walked over to see what the zombie girl was up to.

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    I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi] Empty Re: I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi]

    Post by Guest 15th November 2017, 11:49 pm

    The girl stepped back as to allow the dark mage to retrieve the gasoline they needed to pour over the fields. Ah, so they were doing that. If worse came to worse Inari figured she would just end up using her firestorm spell to light the crops on fire. But gasoline would help with this idea. The question was though if they had enough to really effect anything. From what she could tell in the shadowy shed there was only one small container left, not including the one Naomi now held in her hands. It surely wouldn't be enough to douse the entire field, but some was better than none she supposed. This would at least get them started and help the flames spread more evenly.
    Inari waited until the necromancer exited before she walked into the shed herself and carried out the smaller container of gasoline. She joined Naomi a little away from her, and began to pour the clear liquid out over the crops. For some reason the dark magic user started talking herself, or maybe someone who wasn't even there to begin with. Inari wasn't sure why she did this some times, talking like someone else was here with them. She obviously wasn't talking to the zombie. She was not a kid, and she already pretty much knew how to start a fire well. It wasn't rocket science. And she would know. She has a degree in rocket science. It was weird, and somewhat annoying to the undead teen as she didn't really like not understanding stuff. But trying to understand Naomi was a fruitless effort, she should know this by now. The woman was an mystery wrapped inside of an enigma. There was no understanding anything the woman did.
    Having tried getting the gasoline to reach out the furthest she could Inari threw the empty can into the field also, knowing whatever was left in it would end up getting used in the fire anyway.
    But after she did, a loud, angry shout sounded from the distance near the shed.

    "What in tarnation?!" the southern accent raged. "Who the hell's been in my shed?!"
    It was simply a guess, but Inari figured they had caught the attention of the farmer, given his cliche southern accent. It was time to act fast, before either of them got caught.
    Having nothing else on her to light the flame the teen once again directed her blue gaze onto the gasoline-covered crops before her. She concentrated her power, raising the temperature on the one specific spot. After a moment of staring a spark flashed, and an ember fell onto the crops. The ember, fueled by the gasoline, began to grow bigger and bigger until a small fire started at the base of the field. Just for safe measure, Inari rose a small wind within the area, as well as raised the oxygen levels ever so slightly so it would in no time grow into a monstrous blaze.
    Figuring it wasn't the smartest thing to do, standing around a fire and waiting to get caught, Inari walked over to Naomi.

    "I advise we leave now, it will lessen our chances of getting caught." She told her in a hushed tone, the creation starting to blaze brightly behind her.

    WC: Achieved.
    Shiori Saikawa

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    I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi] Empty Re: I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi]

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 16th November 2017, 3:07 pm

    I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi] Quwptwg I Broke My Glass Balloon ⊗ Private, Job [Naomi] PoA8vwK

    Naomi Enma Savage Skull D-Rank

    The necromancer turned her head at the sound of the heavily accented man, which the two of them both presumed to be the owner of these fields. Upon hearing how the man's voice sounded, she giggled, only slightly muffling herself by delicately covering her painted lips with the tips of her fingers. The farmer's voice was amusing to the witch and very over exaggerated, like something you'd hear out of some tv show or cartoon but rarely in real life. The young woman dropped her hand back down to gently intertwine with her other one. Her relaxed deep red gaze watched the undead storm mage as she raised the temperature enough in one spot, so much so a fire sparked up. It quickly started to spread right along where the gasoline was poured, along with clinging onto the plants. Unlacing her fingers she'd hold back the two strands of hair that dangled across her chest, leaning down she plucked a plant from its place on the ground, snapping it clean off from the stem that lead to the ground and to the fire.
    Though she didn't break it off to save it, she lit the end of it on fire and gracefully held it up, unfazed by the flame that was growing on the end of it, rather quickly spreading towards her fingers and hand. The witch lit the other line of fuel that she had created on fire before tossing the burning plant into the middle of the field. Naomi turned her snow pale face towards the younger girl, the witch's expression was serene and amused. She listened to the storm manipulators hushed tone speak forth a warning for the two of them. "I do believe you're correct" she said, wistfully turning on her toes to walk the opposite direction of the man. She didn't appear to worried about being caught, which was true, nor did she seem bothered that she was walking in between two fields that were currently burning to a crisp. Rather nicely she thought, there would be no way the man would be able to put it out all on his own, and he wasn't going to be able to get any help from the townsfolk.

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