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    There And Back Again [Job/Solo]

    Grema Fen
    Grema Fen

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Posts : 198
    Guild : Black Rose
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    Experience : 1850

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    First Skill: Holder Magic: Magitech
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    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] Empty There And Back Again [Job/Solo]

    Post by Grema Fen 29th September 2017, 10:12 pm

    Vintermyr did not look any different than when Grema was last there. Still cold. Freaking cold. This time a song does not occur to her. But at least the ride is quicker with her new companion. Turns out getting a pet wasn’t that bad of an idea, Game Changer turned out to be a useful oversized flea bag. He was very quick on his feet, even with the heavy Grema on his back. But with the quick pace they were at it was a fair bit colder. The winds were holing past her as the mage hung on for dear life.

    Game’s tongue was hanging out of his maw, waggling in the air happily. He was overjoyed at both the run and serving his master in the best way he knew. Also it was his homeland. His homeland was the best thing ever. It was cold, and icy, and glowing with his old pack mates singing in the distance, yummy prey that he resists hunting cause his master wouldn’t like that, and lots of open plains to run and play in.

    Grema’s thoughts on his homeland was the same but with a lot less joy. It was freaking cold, the wind was making her ears pop, her clothes didn’t block windshield all that well, so she was not happy. Her pets pack mates song was making her uncomfortable, she wasn’t sure if having an ex member meant they were safe from attacks. The open area around them meant that while they could see enemies, they could also easily be seen. It didn’t help that her costume wasn’t camouflaged to the area at freaking all. Also even the most harmless local fauna was proven to be dangerous.

    The reason they had returned to this lawless area was because dammit, Grema wanted one of those icicles. She had ranted about it at home and Game had reacted positively. She then dug some more and due to his vague doggy reactions, she summarised it was a good idea to try again for her prize. So here she was again, at the entrance to the crystalline cavern with her loyal companion.


    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] GOuA0G4

    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] AARluFl

    Grema's Social Theme:

    Grema's Battle Theme:
    Grema Fen
    Grema Fen

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 198
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Holder Magic: Magitech
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    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] Empty Re: There And Back Again [Job/Solo]

    Post by Grema Fen 29th September 2017, 10:12 pm

    Dice roll!


    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] GOuA0G4

    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] AARluFl

    Grema's Social Theme:

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    Posts : 23944
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    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] Empty Re: There And Back Again [Job/Solo]

    Post by NPC 29th September 2017, 10:12 pm

    The member 'Grema Fen' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] MPfmPli


    #2 'Monster Dice' :
    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] TV6mrb1
    Grema Fen
    Grema Fen

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 198
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Holder Magic: Magitech
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    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] Empty Re: There And Back Again [Job/Solo]

    Post by Grema Fen 29th September 2017, 10:18 pm

    “Game Changer, stay back.” The cyborg ordered her steed. So far he had shown no skill or inclination for battle, and Grema guessed that there would be a similar trail as last time. The Mire Wolf whined pitifully at being left out but obeyed his mistress and went off to hide.

    And she was correct to assume, for in the next moment she was besieged by a frost covered stag. Grema dove out of the way as the beast charged with its pointy horns, barley missing her. Grema righted herself just as the deer stopped its charge and turned around, four legs spread wide and head low, releasing a snort of frosty air to intimidate. Grema was hardly so. Of all things how could a deer harm her? She had recently faced off a hoard of monsters, the local fauna was nothing. Well, she had some backup for the other job, but it was just one measly animal.

    Or so Grema thought. The beast charged again and thig time Grema was going to jump out of the way. But she had forgotten one fact. The scientist had forgotten she was wearing snow shoes at the moment, thus making it harder for her to move outside of a roll. So instead of jumping well out of the way of the animal, she got hit full force and went flying away, screaming all the while.

    Fortunately while her front would be one large bruise for the next few hours (yay for healing effects) a large snow mound easily blanketed her landing. The cyborg then took no time to struggle out of the snow, expecting her enemy to bare down on her any second. But when she did get out onto firmer ground she was surprise the find that while the stupid deer was aggressively facing her, it was not charging. Grema took a cautious step forward, and yup, it snorted threateningly. Grema decided to use this temporary armistice to take off her troublesome snowshoes.

    She had to test something. One second the woman was relaxed, the next she was springing forward in a rush of wind. Now it was the stags turn to brace for a hit, but it was surprised when it never came. Then horrified when it found that the human was instead sprinting toward the cavern. With a calling sound the stag quickly caught up to the slow human and swerved into its path. The human tried to go one way. The stag blocked it. Another way. Block.

    Just as Grema thought, it was guarding the exact pace she was heading. Dammit, she hopes that it wont die from this battle. Grema hated unnecessary cruelty.

    “Magitech Blast!” The cyborg called out suddenly, lifting up her mechanical arm and sending a ray of energy toward the creature. It hit, causing the elk the neigh in pain and roll on the ground. But Grema was impressed when it got right back up again and charged. Fully prepared for that the woman flipped out of the way and in the air she yelled “Magi Shift: club!” Causing an club to form from her mechanical arm. Before the beast passed her she took a swipe at it, causing it to keen in pain. Grema flinched.

    The fight went on like that for a while, the male deer charging, Grema dodging and swinging an attack in the way. It never thought to change its attack or do something new, which Grema chalked up to it being an animal, strong, but still just an animal. After a while a giant bird and polar bear joined in, adding variety, but it was still useless. Grema defeated them using only her club. By the time they were on the ground in pain, barley able to move, almost 20 minutes had passed. Grema was rather exhausted herself. But the animals now had a look of fear in their eyes. Grema starred into them, then looked away, toward the cavern. She could feel their relief even with her back turned.

    So she start toward the glimmering cave, the lowering sun making it all the more beautiful. After that hard fight Grema was excited to finally get what she wanted. Her steps slowed as the air suddenly became a lot colder. Like, hella colder. It went right through her fur lined coat, causing the engineer to start shivering madly. Suddenly the area turned a white and light blue mist with sparkles bounced off the sun. Grema reluctantly loosened herself to get into a ready stance. Then got the heck out of dodge as spectral claw like things tried to take a chunk out of her. She dodged and rolled out of the way, then got a look at her enemy.

    It looked like a ghost of a Midi woman who had frozen to death, long flowing kimono, scattering long hair, semi translucent mostly in this mist, competently white and light blue. This caused her to be semi camouflaged in the mist but still visible enough for Grema. The ghosts weapon of choice seemed to be its nails turned icy claws. The cyborg did not want to get hit by those.

    The thing screeched and flew toward her, its once beautiful and sorrowful face contorted by rage and ugly now. Grema dodged the first few swipes then parried, only to find out that the claws went through the club. Not only that, frost encased the item and Grema had to halt the spell so not to be frozen. “Tech Lightening Shot!” Grema yelled out and a sizzling bolt struck the creature, making it give out a horrible screech. The mist became a blizzard.

    Then things literally began to change. Suddenly the snow beneath the cyborg hardened into ice, making her slip from the suddenness of it. The slip actually saved the woman from getting her throat ripped out by an angry ghost. But that wasn’t the end of it. The area around the joints of the genius’s limbs began to melt into water, form around each limb, then refreeze, immobilizing her. Grema’s mechanical limbs easily got out; her regular ones were still stuck.

    Somewhere a pitiful yet worried whine rang out in the area. Game Changer was worried for his mistress, but could do nothing.

    The stupid ghost stuck and Grema’s mind was stilled in a horrible freezing pain. Her leg, not so much. It lashed out with the pain clogging her mind the danger of that action didn’t register. The leg didn’t meet anyling, and froze, while not making the pain worse it put Grema in a whole lot of trouble. “Shit! Magitech Smash!” That did the trick. The ice erupted, freeing her limbs and sending the spectre flying. Her mechanical leg was still frozen though, making movement harder. Even in her pain, a plan began to form. A simple but effective one.

    Grema attached one device to another and threw them at the screeching she-devil at it approached the prone mage. Then she pressed one hot key, causing one of the small devices to encase the spirit in a round dome of glowing yellow runes. The thing screeched and scratched at the dome, while Grema was relieved that it even held it. She then began to power her leg up for an attack. The attack heated up the leg so that the ice melted, but if she didn’t release it soon her leg would explode. The cage was almost broken so Grema pushed another hotkey. The insides of the cage exploded with a blast, the ghost taken triple the damage from both the heat and a usually big bomb going off in such an enclosed space. The winter spectre wasn’t out of the heat yet though. "Tech Fire Shot!" Just as it recovered, it looked up and took a powerful fireball to the face. It was defeated.


    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] GOuA0G4

    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] AARluFl

    Grema's Social Theme:

    Grema's Battle Theme:
    Grema Fen
    Grema Fen

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 198
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Holder Magic: Magitech
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    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] Empty Re: There And Back Again [Job/Solo]

    Post by Grema Fen 29th September 2017, 10:32 pm

    The ghost looked and acted defeated, but still attempted to lead Grema away from her target. The poor thing was unsuccessful. Grema looked around in wonder at the glistening ice chamber.

    “Game! You can come out now!” The magitech mage yelled out, knowing from past experience that the ghost wouldn’t touch her after being defeated. Soon a grey and white blur rushed toward her, tongue lolling out happily at the fighting being over and joining his mistress again. Grema tried to turn with the mutt as he circled her worriedly. Finding a bloody wound Game attempted to lick it like he did with his pack mates, but Grema reacted quick enough to stop this from happening. Clamping her hands down on his jaw so kneeled down and looked him in his guilty but confused eyes just as she saw her guild mates do with their own companions. “No. No you are not allowed to lick my wounds.” She said firmly. Seeing as the intelligent beast was still confused as to why, and maybe a little hurt, Grema sighed. “I get why you want to, and I uh, am grateful, but my blood is literally poisonous and could hurt you. So no licking my blood, got it? You don’t need to anyways, its acidic natures fights away infection and makes me heal faster.” She explains to her pup, though is unsure how much he understands. But he yips happily and bounces toward the cave.

    It goes just like last time. Exactly like last time, unfortunately. Grema easily broke off the icicle and looked at it fondly. Then the next momment had Game Changer quickly snapping it out of her grip. “Shit, no, I need that! Bad dog!” Game Changer, again, didn’t listen to her though and Grema watched in horror as the icicle dissipated and reformed around the beast. It seemed to be new upgraded armor to better defend himself with.

    Once again, Grema did not get what she wanted. “Nooooooooo!”. She kneeled on the ground, the symbol of defeat while her wolf danced around nearby, overjoyed with the new armor.


    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] GOuA0G4

    There And Back Again [Job/Solo] AARluFl

    Grema's Social Theme:

    Grema's Battle Theme:

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