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    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 19th August 2017, 10:48 pm

    979 of 7,000 personal word count
    She had chosen a different appearance from the one she had been using recently, having regained enough energy to shapeshift within child forms. Kazehime could have never been happier to have some of her shapeshifting abilities back! Maybe she could occasionally pretend to be some random child so her guild-mates would not indulge in the hobby of dressing her up, something it seemed many especially her fellow ace Aru had come to enjoy immensely. Jiyu had been playing with her body and the mirror on the wall all morning. When someone could change any little detail of themselves expect their height? They had tons to think about when getting ready in the morning if they chose to change their appearance. The young woman had experimented with many things, even seeing once if increasing her bust size made her look older like this, sadly that failed. Thus if she was going to be stuck as a lolita, she decided that she would be good at it! On one hand she despised being dressed up by her guild-mates as if she was their doll, on the other hand, she did not mind dressing herself up since the wind was permitting it currently. At the moment she had the chance to enjoy clothing she had not enjoyed for years, like tights or long sleeve shirts! So today the child bodied mage chose to go with a simple t-shirt and long pair of jeans, though she remained bare foot as she always did, never once since her seventh birthday had she worn shoes and she was not about to correct that. “This should do.” the girl mentioned it to herself as she placed her feathers in her hair and grabbed the rest of her equipment grinning slightly from happiness that she was finally going to be doing what her task for today was.

    Some time ago she had let her ‘pet’ makoto get her own room and study magic in depth as the young kitsune wished to become a mage like her. Considering how she had been caring for the orphan since bringing her back from the forest? Makoto was more of an adoptive daughter compared to some pet that could be brought on missions and such at her whim! Thus the young mage was in need of obtaining some new creature to ride upon since flying did consume some energy alongside the fact she needed something just to go around with encase she could not levitate for some reason since she had poor stamina otherwise. Today the wind which was going to be heading towards Vintermyr in a quest to bond with one of the Mire Wolves located there, thus be able to take it home with her. It was something new that would be a sort of rite of passage for Black Rose Member’s at least that was what she predicted considering they were literally the only ones able to complete the task as the wolves rejected and viciously chased out all others.

    “Desiree.” she was not going on her mission alone, however, because what fun would venturing around Vintermyr for one of the first few times be if she could not take someone else with her. Thus she was dragging her mentee along for the trip, both of them striving to obtain an icicle which would apparently than become a collar they would place upon the neck of their bonded wolf. Hopefully, the younger girl who looked older would be ready to go because Kazehime did not want to be waiting around forever. Jiyu was actually rather nervous about just not having any wolf existing to bond with because she was a canine herself, maybe her having one would be weird. “You ready to go? We have to start out early if we’re going to make it before nightfall.” they did protect the place, but it was not as if it was too close to Rose Garden where the guild was based, it was just part of their territories. Once the other girl said she was prepared to go? Jiyu would lead the way down towards the restaurant so they could have breakfast before they left. Leaving the guild without eating something? Did not seem right, eating was a good thing, Jiyu liked to eat because there had once been a time where she had been unable to obtain adequate food supplies for herself. “Though we have time for Breakfast and don’t worry because I’ll be the one paying for it since you’re still learning.” and not making as much money as Jiyu herself was, so it made more sense for the higher ranked mage to pay for lunch.

    Within barely any time at all? Kazehime would be seated in one of the smaller booths with the breakfast menu waiting for Desiree to join her so the two of them could have breakfast before going off on their mission to befriend some wolves. Jiyu had to be careful what she chose to eat though since the menu was more designed for humans or just creatures without her extreme dietary restrictions. Everything sounded good, but half of it could murder her or make her extremely sick, so she had to pick food carefully. The only thing Jiyu knew was that she desired something with some form of meat, and maybe cherries, she really liked cherries but everyone else said they were best on top of ice cream instead of with everything and every meal of the day. Finally, she decided on something to order and folded her menu down, placing it off to the side to show she was ready to order, but since there was another menu across from her she would only order when her companion was ready. “Water please.” the waitress still checked on her thought and Jiyu gave her the benefit of asking for some water.

    Last edited by Jiyu Kazehime on 21st August 2017, 1:54 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by desirée 20th August 2017, 1:04 am

    Desirée Blooms
    Wc: 837 / 7000

    It had been about 5:30 in the morning when Desirée's alarm went off in her home, which meant it was time to go to the guild hall for breakfast. Typically Desirée skipped breakfast to sleep, but she had to talk to a special someone about a mission. She got out of bed and opened her dresser, which was neatly organized in stacks. Sitting on top of the stacks of clothes in the dresser was a new set of clothing she had recently bought from a winter-themed boutique in Rose Garden, in which she would wear for what was coming later today. She put on the long, flowy pink oriental clothing, slipped on some hiking boots to fit the occasion, and filled her purse with the necessities: Jewel for travel costs, her hoop of Crystals, and other useful items. She woke up Kiwi sleeping on the bedside chair, and then began her walk to the guild hall. It was still slightly dark outside, but the sun was just barely peaking over the horizon. This made the sky a beautiful shade of blue, which was leaning more towards the cerulean spectrum. The wind was calm and the air felt pure, blowing a cool breeze against Desirée's face. The streetlights were glowing a beautiful yellow-golden color, which were attracting beautiful moths of all shapes and sizes. Desirée had always admired moths, considering their lifespan was so short. Their life revolves around raising children, which Desirée thought was so generous of a living creature. "It's early, Des... I'm tired." Kiwi said, sitting on her shoulder kicking his tentacles in the air. "You don't have to share breakfast with me, then." Desirée said with a cocky tone, which Kiwi gasped upon. "I guess it is worth getting up so early." Kiwi admitted, rubbing up against Desirée. She crossed the street to look at the ocean, which was surprisingly calm at this time. The moon was beginning to set, which could be seen by the reflection on the water. "Look, a dolphin!" Kiwi exclaimed, pointing his smallest tentacle into the distance. A dolphin could be seen hopping through the air, resulting in a perfect dive into the water. "How beautiful.." Desirée said in a soft manor, twirling her hair around her index finger.

    She crossed the vacant street again, beginning to resume her walk to the guild hall on the sidewalk. "You know Kiwi, if we are successful on this trip, you may have a new friend at the house!" Exclaimed Desirée, which followed in Kiwi twirling around in excitement. "I wonder what they would look like..." He said, cradling Desirée's index finger in the air. The scent of fresh roses filled the air, which meant that they were getting closer to the Black Rose Guild Hall. On the way there from Desirée's house lay a small field of rose bushes, which fill the entire area with their scent. "The scent seems to be more intense at this hour,"] she commented, bending over to sniff one of them. She could feel the condensation on the roses, which dripped onto her freshly-done red-gold duo-chromatic acrylic nails. She had got them done a few days earlier, to give herself a little treat after winning Fiore's Next Top Model. Despite gaining such a title, she had not been recognized as much as she thought she would have been because of it. Desirée turned a corner, and a dim light shone through the windows of the guild hall many of her friends call their home: The Silver Moon Inn, which also functions as their guild hall.

    Near the smaller booths was a great friend of Desirée's, Jiyu Kazehime, which was her mentor of the guild. The guild felt very tranquil at this moment, since all of the wild members of the guild were still asleep: Thus, the wise early risers were all gathered here. Playing in the speakers were beautiful melodies of violin, which set the mood of peace and prosperity.  Desirée walked over to Jiyu's booth, and sat down across from her, along with Kiwi sitting on the table."Good morning, Jiyu! I am very excited for the quest we are going on today." Desirée exclaimed, looking down at the menu. She had never seen the breakfast menu before, and was appalled at how many choices there were to eat. She was craving fried chicken, but also wanted something sweet to go with it. Chicken and waffles caught her eye, which she began to read about. As she was reading, Jiyu mentioned that she would be the one to pay, since Desirée was her mentee. "For real?"Asked Desirée, "You are the best! I owe you!" As the waitress came to take their orders, Desirée finally made up her mind. "I would like a sweet tea, as well as the chicken and waffles. Thank you, ma'am!" She stated, giving the menu to the waitress and showing gratitude. "So Jiyu, have you found out anything else about this mission?" Desirée asked with curiosity, running her fingers through her hair.

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 10th October 2017, 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree IY2eFxu

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 23rd August 2017, 11:37 am

    1,859 of 7,000

    While Desiree had gotten up at 5:30 in the morning? It was almost guaranteed that if she had the option Kazehime's waking time had been significantly later by an hour or two since the wind mage tended to rise for the day and settle down for the night based on light levels so to speak. Honestly compared to her guild-mates she was nearly nocturnal, anything but diurnal really she had trouble staying up the whole day sometimes since she possessed the natural anatomy of a canine save for her ability to speak like humans and appear in bodies resembling them, she was an Inugami, a reborn canine who had died in a horrific way. Thinking of herself as undead or reborn? Was still weird, but how was one supposed to argue being a spirit of revenge when it was another god that told them what they really had become. Heck, even the four voices she had, her own and three other's, had started making sense now. However for now, until she regained more of her energy as a goddess the other three voices had quieted down leaving the last one in charge to herself as the other's rested.

    Violin's filtered through the air, which actually resulted in a slight down turned motion of Jiyu's elfin ears since they were more sensitive than a human's the noises of some violin notes just did not sound pleasant to her. Going somewhere like Motor City was next to impossible due to her magic, sense of smell and sense of hearing. However she was still easily able to hear when Desiree walked in, people's heartbeats, their breathing patterns the way they walked, even without being able to see well the dog sighted female could tell who was approaching her, maybe easier than humans could. Thing's that humans did not bother picking up on like two brands of strawberry shampoo actually smelled different? Were things that she could detect, though sometimes this backfired. When Desiree finally arrived the wind user simply made an order "Egg's mixed with Rice and sliced oranges, celery with peanut butter on the side." she was just going to continue having water to drink as many actual drinks were not the best for her, some could be fatal depending on how much she consumed. Having a dog's digestive tract? Was honestly quite the pain sometimes, especially since the number of people who actually knew it within the guild was basically sol, manga, and izayuki, she had not directly told many other's because they really did not need to know how to poison her. The only reason those working in the kitchen knew? Was so they would not accidentally poison her. So her breakfast choice might have seemed odd to Desiree, and her breakfast would look even odder since the chefs would likely keep in mind her limited ability to chew due to only 8 of her 42 teeth being molar's and another 8 of them being premolars as compared to humans 32 teeth with 12 of them being molars and 8 premolars. Basically? It boiled down to the fact that Jiyu's mouth was designed to tear and rip, maybe grind, but not chew.

    Everyone in the kitchen was cooking up their food as the two settled down into their seats together. "Yo Des." she greeted with a small grin on her mouth watching the other girl and Kiwi settle in. "Not very much more, we'll be the first two heading out after we made the deal to protect the land, so very much is unknown about what we're going to be heading into or even if we'll be deemed worthy, but hey we'll be the first two having this adventure." when she finished speaking the child actually stood up and nearly ran across the room to meet up with a little girl about the same age who possessed fox ears and an elongated tail.  

    "Oh yes, you haven't been introduced, Desiree, Kiwi, this is Makoto, she's a kitsune who lives here with me, she's studying to be a mage like me, I'm her legal guardian she used to live in the forest around here but.." she had never actually told anyone about Maka's deceased mother in front of the kitsune, but she nearly did this time, guess it just showed how natural having the purple haired girl around was. Honestly, the Inugami would be sad when her ward was ready to become a mage because it might lead to her going to another guild. "Maka hungry!" even though she currently appeared to be about the same age? Koto stilled looked to Jiyu for care and reassurance, it was kind of nice sometimes honestly, reminding her of the little sister's she had once possessed before forsaking her family and running away.

    The food arrived changing the blue haired girls focus on getting maka seated and starting to feed her the ice cream someone had brought out for the child. "Maka can eat." the Kitsune was quick to insist she could eat it on her own, taking the spoon from Jiyu and sloppily starting to eat it. Since her little companion had things taken care of? Jiyu picked up one of her celery sticks and flopped it into her mouth.


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by desirée 23rd August 2017, 1:45 pm

    Desirée Blooms
    Wc: 1273 / 7000
    As the food arrived, the fresh scent made Desirée gush in happiness. The waitress placed the plates down in front of the four at the tables, and Kiwi began to hop around in happiness. "Yay! Yay! Yay!" Kiwi exclaimed, twirling around the salt and pepper shakers sitting in the middle of the table. "Kiwi, calm down! I'll cut you some pieces in a second!" Desirée exclaimed, patting Kiwi on the forehead. She grabbed the smaller plate she asked for on the side, and began to cut small pieces of chicken in bite-size bites. She then sliced the waffles, pouring maple syrup on the smaller pieces for Kiwi. She reached into her purse, which carried a small fork and knife especially made for Kiwi. She placed them onto the plate, and proceeded to pour a larger quantity of maple syrup onto her waffles. "Eat with manners, Kiwi." Desirée told Kiwi, in which he proceeded picking up the small fork and knife with two of his longer tentacles. Before the food arrived, Desirée was introduced to the young kitsune girl sitting next to Jiyu, which appeared to be named Makoto. "Hi Makoto, it is nice to meet you!" Desirée exclaimed, smiling. She took note of the young kitsune's appearance, as she looked very cute.

    As Desirée began to eat her waffles, the texture was absolutely magnificent. They were fluffy but also silky, which made for the perfect breakfast. She also dipped her chicken into honey mustard, which came on the side of the meal. Kiwi was dancing while eating, considering this was one of his favorite meals. "Soo good! I think this is the best waffle I have ever had!" Kiwi exclaimed, hugging Desirée's arm. As the meal progressed, Kiwi seemed to look fatter and fatter, considering the generous portion of food Desirée had given him. He slowly floated down to the booth's stool, and fell asleep against Desirée's hips. Desirée dunked the final chicken strip into the honey mustard, and plopped it into her mouth. "That meal was so good, Jiyu! Thank you!" Desirée exclaimed, smiling. "So, shall we get going after y'all finish? I don't know how to get there, so you will have to lead the way!" She exclaimed, putting her hoop, Kiwi's utensils, and the sleeping Kiwi inside her purse. She stacked her plates on top of each other, and patiently waited for Jiyu and Makoto to finish eating. Desirée had always been a fast eater, so this was not a surprise for herself. Desirée began to play with her crystal hoop as she waited, flipping the circular worry stones around the circle.

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 10th October 2017, 9:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree IY2eFxu

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 30th August 2017, 12:07 pm

    2,141 of 7,000 words

    Honestly, the small wind user felt much better about the fact Makoto was more focused on her studies than going on missions with her, Jiyu hated to admit it but her currently smaller body left her with certain weaknesses she had not possessed before. Even if the wind witch still knew that she was powerful as she used to be? Kazehime doubted her ability to protect the small kitsune from danger out on missions with the draw backs she currently had. Briefly the conversation she had with Akeya a few months before came back to her mind, how she had been impressed by the Dragonkins level of power control compared to how little control she had over her own abilities, how she could not stop her magical abilities from harming her allies alongside her enemies. However she couldn't change her magic, she had been practicing it since was only a child, now over a decade since she started was likely too late to refine the massive damaging focus she had put into her power.

    She had been lost in her head for a few moments, but she shook her head slightly to bring herself out of it, her allies were smart enough to stay out of her way anyway. Today, the important thing was going on this quest with Desiree, which meant it was time to get into her winter gear "You bought winter gear to put on once we get close right?" Since her element currently would allow her to dress more than normal she was certainly going to insulate herself when they got to the cold location, and it would be wise for desiree to do the same thing.


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by desirée 31st August 2017, 2:35 pm

    Desirée Blooms
    Wc: 1441 / 7000
    As Desirée was playing with her hoop and cradling Kiwi, her disconnectedness was broken by Jiyu asking about Desirée's clothing. "Why yes, I am going to be perfectly warm with what I am wearing right now! This oriental outfit is very thick, and under it I am wearing a thermal bodysuit."she exclaimed, twirling a strand of hair through her fingers. "And I'm not effected by temperature, so I'll be fine!" Kiwi exclaimed, climbing up Desirée's long, blue hair. Desirée's outfit was a beautiful shade of pink, which had cherry and orange-colored accents running around the neck. It also had the designs of white flowers going up the chest, which complemented the flower crown that was in her hair. She had always loved to wear flowers, especially ones ranging in the colors of white and pink. As Desirée slipped her crystals into her purse, she began to rub Kiwi's forehead. "I'm ready whenever you guys are!" she exclaimed, drinking the rest of the water sitting next to her.

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 10th October 2017, 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree IY2eFxu

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 3rd September 2017, 5:01 pm

    2661 of 7,000 words

    Jiyu picked up the quiver for Night Hunt which had been laying under the table so she could get going swiftly today, a scarf and jacket wrapped around it, mitten inside with a hat serving like a cap for the quiver. "Smart, but I can't afford to carry too much weight on me all the time." she commented, her small hand gripping her bow before slipping it into her arm so that the item hung over her shoulder. Considering her weakened body, if she dressed warmly when it was not required then she would easily overheat, which was something that would not benefit anyone involved in this job. Of course, she had not thought a Kimono could be warm, her only experiences had been with kimono's on hot summer nights. When the female thought about that and looked at Desiree in her pink kimono, something that she had not thought of for some time came back to her head, making her expression fall.

    "Oh my gosh, Akane you look just like an old time princess!" the voice was soft and gentle, one of her favorite outside of her parents, this female speaking was the one that babysat her when both of her parents were busy. Apparently? The blue haired woman was a childhood friend of both her parents. "You look the same, Lacey!" the two woman linked hands and for a brief second the young child holding her mother's hand wondered why the other woman did not have claws like herself and her mother. However, Mikka did not consider this long as her parents sometimes became upset when she questioned why she had claws and fangs when the other's in the village did not. "Oh my gosh, we think we look like princesses, Mikka looks like the QUEEN." it was not Lacey bending down and waving, nor the other woman winning her prizes that night she remembers. What Jiyu recalled the most about that night? Was that after hours of begging her mother had permitted her to wear her hair up in pig tails which showed she had the same odd coloration in her optics as her mother.

    Kazehime only now understood why her mother never liked her exposing the fact her eyes were different colors. As she thought? The female lost some focus on her shapeshifting, her hair and fur turning black while she became more dainty one of her blue optics turning green. For a few moments? The child returned to what she actually appeared as when she was young herself, before shaking her head going back to how Des had first seen her this morning. "Let's get going." Why did seeing Deesire in that kimono remind her of Lacey that night, it did not make sense, she had barely thought of her family since she ran away, not that Lacey counted as a part of the family nor any spawn the woman may have produced from her coward of a father. Jiyu had lost her faith in Lacey when she became Lacey Ambrose, there should have ever only been Akane Ambrose.

    Hopefully they would get there soon.


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by desirée 3rd September 2017, 6:12 pm

    Desirée Blooms
    Wc: 2025 / 7000

    As Desirée began to get up from the table, she realized that Jiyu was stuck in a thought. "Hmm.. what could she be thinking about?" she thought, looking into her eyes. Desirée couldn't tell if it was fear, sadness, joy, or mere constipation, but she did not ask, since it was courteous to not to break her thoughts. Jiyu looked at her in a confused manor, which Desirée did not pay any attention to. They began to walk outside, and she soon realized that they had not discussed the mode of transportation they would take. She assumed this meant that they would fly there, which she had no way of objecting to. As Desirée reached into her purse, she had to search a bit before finally finding her Crystals. "From Chrysalis, I summon thee: Opal!" she exclaimed, gripping an iridescent crystal which harnessed many beautiful colors inside its milky-white exterior. This resulted in a flash of rainbow lights shining overhead, as well as Opal flying out of the light. "Hihihi~!! What can I do for youu~?" the winged being asked with a giggly tone, bowing at the site of the girls... and kiwi.

    "Can you please fly me alongside Jiyu to the desired location, please?" she asked the winged summon, smiling. "Only if I can smack your ass once~!" she exclaimed, rubbing her hands together. "Oh goodness... well, uh... I guess.. sorry about this, Jiyu." Desirée exclaimed, covering her eyes before the slap. "Woo-hoo~!" Opal screamed, hitting Desirée's rump with pure force and agility. "EEEEK~!" she screamed in agony, running around in circles. "Good one, Opal!" Kiwi exclaimed, high-fiving the winged angel. "That hurt..." Desirée responded, pouting. "Well, don't just stand there, Desirée! Grab onto my skirt!" Opal exclaimed, backing up into Desirée's area. Her and Kiwi both held on to the long skirt that was tattered, and she launched up into the sky. "Weeee~!" Kiwi yelled as they flew, holding onto Desirée's purse. She felt her ears pop as they reached a higher altitude, which resulted in her opening her mouth to pop them back into their regular state.

    As they began to cross the ocean, Desirée began to think more about her family. "Now that I think about it, Jiyu does have some certain mannerisms that of which my family had... or at least what I remember." she thought to herself, but she thought it was no way to be true. Her mind jumped back to the day she was abandoned in the woods, by her deceitful father that had nothing but pure hatred toward Desirée. "Why would he think that was okay..?" she wondered, while a tear trickled down her cheek. This tear was very warm, as anger struck a nerve in her body. She had no idea where or what that man was now, but she had vowed to never forgive what he did at that moment. "Screw you, Goody Blooms..." she said angrily under her breath, her face getting redder and redder as each moment went by. She hated that man, as if hate was an understatement. He made her childhood unbearable, but shaped her as a human being that had struggled in her past. "Not all idols have the greatest childhoods," she thought to herself, envying those that had loving parents. It had seemed as if she had always thought about sad things while being flown by Opal, but she felt as though it was because there were typically not that many people in the sky.

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 10th October 2017, 9:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree IY2eFxu

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 3rd September 2017, 9:58 pm

    3122 of 7000

    Jiyu tried her best not to think of her time in peace village at all, only occasionally letting Asty and Mint into her brain as they belonged to the allied Guild Golden Phoenix thus she ran into them from time to time. Luckily? Only Astrid knew who she was, she had not let Lulu know she was Mikka yet because she did not want to be Mikka anymore, Mikka died when her mother passed and her father promptly married Lacey, of course, that might be because he didn't want to make the same mistake he made with her mother who he chose to wait to wed. Her parents? Had wanted to wait until she was older, but Lacey had gotten pregnant like her mother did, maybe that was why he married her, so that he wouldn't regret that again. Either way, he was still a horrid man for doing it!

    The wind user was sitting on her feather twirling a few strands of her long hair around her left index finger, flexing the fingers of her right hand causing them to make a small cracking sound. When you lived in a small village in your young years? The habits and of your parents ended up being your own, as she chewed the inside of her lip she realized the two nervous tics she had just been performing were things she learned from Lacey while the older woman cared for her. "Ear popping is a bitch ain't it?" the wind user spoke up, as she saw the signs of it from Desiree, clearly not experiencing it herself. After her magic progressed far enough, it had just stopped happening, reminding her again she made the right choice running away to pursue her magic instead of sitting in that house growing even more bitter.

    Goody Blooms. she heard the name from Desiree's lips, having advanced hearing she could easily make it out, glancing at her slightly. Bloom's, that was Desiree's surname wasn't it? Now that she thought about it, wasn't that Lacey's original last name? No, it was a common surname for sure, no relation between them, besides Lacey had never shown any sign of having any family."Desiree, whoever Goody Blooms is, put him out of your mind, if he makes you that angry there is no reason you ever have to see him again, and part of the reason for learning magic is to escape from things like that anyway." after speaking she jumped from her feather, putting on her jacket, scarf and such as she floated downwards. Even though flying the whole way seemed best? It would be easier to find the cave by foot since it was not supposed to be on some mountain top according to what she had heard.


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by desirée 4th September 2017, 11:44 am

    Desirée Blooms
    Wc: 2630 / 7000

    Desirée's tears just got worse as the moments went by, each individual tear trickling down her face into the sky like raindrops. "It's just... It's just hard to put him out of my mind, since he's my father." she cried, as simple tears turned into waterfalls of emotion. "Now now, Desirée, I love you~" Kiwi said, rubbing up against her teary face. "Annnd I looove you too~!" Opal said in a very ditsy manor, giggling at the fact of what she was actually doing. How Desirée did not realize that Opal was completely wasted was unknown, besides that she may have been too distracted with the thoughts of her father. They were flying right over an icy sea, which was soon to approach the mountains they would land. The sea was almost completely covered with ice and frost, but had occasional holes which looked to be caused by narwhals. It was so cold in the air, Desirée's tears began to feel as though they would freeze while they poured down her face, which eventually permitted her to run out of tears. As they began to slow down to descend and land, Desirée felt it was finally time to tell Jiyu one of her secrets she had only told a few people of the guild.

    "So, about Goody Blooms... yes, he is my father, but he did something that fathers shouldn't do to their children." she said, while her face began to puff up with redness again. "My family desired a male heir to carry on the Blooms name and be able to reproduce, but weren't so lucky. Before me they had twins, two girls named Suzy and Lyra. These were their pride and joy, but still needed to fulfill their task to give birth to a baby boy. They only wanted three children total, and I was the third. That man abused me, tormented me, and on my fifth birthday- he abandoned me. He dropped me off in the woods far away from home. He didn't care what happened to me, and he still doesn't. But what made him think that was okay? I have absolutely no idea. I was almost killed by a bear in the woods, and I was founded by a wandering summoning group that lived in those woods. They were killed by hit-men, and he was most likely the reason why. I will never forgive him for what he did."

    As she finished, Opal set the group on the outside of the mountains, near where a trail began. "I guess this may be where we need to go, Jiyu. After all, it was the only path I saw up from the sky level." Desirée commented, hopping down from Opal's skirt. Opal dissipated into light and feathers, as her duty was fulfilled by flying them to Vintermyr. Surprisingly, Desirée did not feel cold due to her kimono and bodysuit under it, as she actually felt very warm and cozy. Desirée gripped her hoop of Crystals in her hands, as she did not know what would occur up the path ahead. She knelt over and felt the snow covered rocks, which felt extremely cold to the touch. The setting of the area was beautiful, as there were signs of wild animals nearby, a beautiful mix of spruce and birch trees covered in frost and white leaves, and occasional ponds that were iced-over. The plants lining the trees were beautiful, as they were the colors of green, blue, and purple. Snow rested on-top of them, but looked as though they could come alive at any second. After all, anything was possible with magic.

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 10th October 2017, 9:46 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree IY2eFxu

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 9th September 2017, 9:26 pm

    3,880 of 7,000 words

    So they both had somewhat difficult relationships with their father? Jiyu thought back to the last interaction she had with her paternal figure before running away, it had been a shouting match most of the village had likely heard, and likely become concerned about it getting physical. Even though he had done nothing to her, she couldn't stay after that night. Everyone in the village thought she was some trouble making lair when all she wanted was to be believed that someone had killed her mother, be allowed to practice the same magic that the woman used when she was alive! By the way, she had later found out that she was right about her mother's slaughter in spite of no one believing her, something that made the Inugami happy she had stuck it out stubbornly because, in the end, she was correct. Jiyu also to be even better with magic than she was with metal working alongside her father! While she may have never suffered the way she did if she had not run away, she also would not be entirely beyond proficient in magic like she now was.

    "Sorry that doesn't do much in terms of me getting it, I haven't really thought about my old man since I was nine." upon the day she chose to run away from her step-mother, her father, and her family, in general, the female had not let her brain wander to them since then. Some may call her cold hearted for this, but it was how she managed to live the way she did, it wasn't easy for someone family oriented to leave their family behind, but she had to back then and she could not look back now, she just could not. "My mother burned when I was seven, he married Miss Lacey and she had his kids shortly after, and after that..." she ran away and never called, never wrote, kept running until she eventually settled in Black Rose yet still sometimes felt the need to look over her shoulder, even though no one would ever look for her in Rose Garden.

    "Some people just do thing's." they did thing's that could never be excused or explained, the world was an incredibly cruel place and no one punished that cruelty. Of course since the emotion of revenge was what she fed off as an Inugami, the world being perfect would actually be bad for her. In spite of being an alright person so far in her life? She could not change the fact that her basic existence was reliant on revenge, the urge to get back at the men who caused her death was so strong that she simply could live for the rest of eternity on it, but she needed the hatred and vengeful spirit of other's for energy sometimes if she expended too much of her own at once. While she would regen eventually if exposed to rampant vengeance or evil the female guessed that she would regenerate much more swiftly. If she had more emotion to feed off, clearly she would regen her energy swifter.

    That was what she needed to do, find a hatred filled place run by vengeance to escape these child bodies!

    Jiyu mentally made a note to start on that journey upon them returning to Black Rose after this mission, look for some job that basically ensured she'd be exposed to that sort of environment. Right now, the focus would be obtaining her bonded wolf, and hopefully, Desiree would obtain one of them as well. Kazehime glanced at the other female again. "So you're saying he ordered your friends dead in an attempt to get to you and maybe erase you?" if the other female confirmed this statement? The Ace may very well go after Goody's life, to be honest. All she had to do was get her hands on him and transport him to her realm, then no one could prove her actions, she controlled the place, there would be nothing left when she was done. of course, it might be better to form a contract with Desiree and feed off any negative emotion she had towards her father, but she didn't do that, she learned from the one accidental contract she'd made that her power was dangerous.

    "This should be it, but stay on your guard, monster's may start showing up." the female warned with a small smile, glancing over at the other girl as she drew one of her arrows so she would be ready just encase.


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by desirée 10th September 2017, 2:31 pm

    Desirée Blooms
    Wc: 2984 / 7000

    "I believe everything does add up to reason that he did order my friends, and myself, to be killed by assassins. That night was terrible... It all began when I went to use the bathroom in my pajamas and I saw a flaming arrow mounted into my lifeless-master's head... Then the small sanctuary caught fire... we tried to escape, but everyone began to fall to vicious burns and the assassins slitting their throats. It eventually ended up being two people left; myself, and the leader of the group of assassins... I was lucky enough to have learned how to use my summons then, and Celestite sliced his throat open just like how he sliced my friends. I escaped, wounded, to the nearest city possible, and they saved my life at the hospital. I had burns all over my body, but they were gladly healed. My small group was not a trouble causing one, so it must had been done by him. He wanted me to die, that is why he abandoned me in the woods." she spoke, as her eyes were incapable of producing any more tears.

    As they were speaking, a small leaf flew toward Desirée, which caused a small cut to form in her arm. A small orb of blood flowed down into the snow, which dispersed into a light red. "Oh..?" Desirée commented, looking at the blood in the snow. Across from where they were, one of the trees began to rustle. She noticed there was a singe leaf by where the blood was, which was hinting toward the tree that did it. Immediately, the trees began to shoot their leaves at the girls, which missed by only a few centimeters. "From Chrysalis, I summon thee: Turquoise!" she yelled, holding up her hoop.

    A young girl in a green bunny-outfit appeared, wielding a stuffed-bunny and flowing blue hair. "Attack the trees, they are coming alive!" Desirée shouted, as she ran up and threw the bunny into the tree. It exploded, striking the leaves that were floating in the air. They fell onto the ground, scattering the area with white leaves.

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 10th October 2017, 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree IY2eFxu

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 26th September 2017, 9:05 pm

    4,600 of 7,000

    Desiree was speaking about what had happened and normally Jiyu would do her best to focus her attention and listen to someone when they spoke of stuff like this. Such tragic things? Normally classed as events she could sympathize with especially when her own history was considered. However this was not a normal situation, she was stuck in child form due to having used up too much of her own energy escaping the last time she was held captive. While her energy did naturally regenerate itself over time? This was a slow process, something that meant she had to be enraged and wronged hundreds of times before she even had near the energy to regenerate herself. The Inugami was starving, so low on energy, she could barely maintain the child form she did maintain, and here it was, Desiree was supposed to be her apprentice, a person she was meant to protect, but right now the blue-haired woman became a food source instantly, her assertive face wasn't giving her the choice.

    She hated having become this, the invisible wound from her last death pulsing with pale pain as she walked forward closer to Desiree, looking entirely animalistic. The second her body sensed the Negative Energy being placed so close to its weakened existence, everything she had been using shut down. Kazehime became incapable of hiding. The Jiyu Desiree was now faced with, was not the same one she had set off with. Long black hair coming right to the end of her rump, one of her eyes emerald green while the other was deep blue, darkened markings spreading across her face, claws emerging from her hands and feet. Alongside this? Her other canine features emerged, canine limbs replacing from her feet/hands to her elbows/knee's, her tail elongating and her ears becoming furry. "Don't be frightened Desiree, it's still me, just not the same me."  the markings on her face turned a gentle teal color, low growling emitting from her chest, panting from her mouth.

    She didn't have long before she would just steal it from Desiree, how was she supposed to explain this. "I'm an Inugami, a sort of Goddess, the energy I rely on though isn't holy" she sounded like a beast, small-clawed front paws reaching out towards her apprentice like hands. How was she supposed to explain this to the other female, when all she wanted to do was latch to her negativity and consume it, right now?! "I'm in a weakened state right now, and negativity like what you're feeling right now is what gives me strength." she pounced without being able to hold herself back any longer.

    Long wisps of black energy would flow from Desiree to her claw's and into her opened mouth, feet scooting closer until her paws would touch the younger female and the black energy engulfed her completely. Optic's closed she breathed heavy, leaning on her own apprentice and likely trying to forcefully pull more negative energy than was actually there for her to take. "Oh fuck, I didn't realize how starved I really am." when she backed up and hide her unholy features once more? Nothing major seemed to change about her. However internally she could feel the small swell of returned strength. Unluckily it felt like she could require a much larger source of hatred from multiple people to truly recover.

    "I didn't hurt you did I?." she only spoke again when the teal marking's faded from her face, she hit her knee's and focused on shapeshifting back into the appearance she had started the mission with. "Also please keep this a secret, the majority of the guild doesn't know. We claim to be a normal dog demon. Inugami...." some of the guild was versed enough to know someone had to die before becoming an Inugami, and she didn't want them to think about how they could have saved her. Izayuki had to know, but she already felt bad enough about that, she didn't want anyone else knowing. "We have four face's or souls, and our births are too violent to concerns others with. The face you deal with most of the time, me, is Mysterious, the one who just fed is Gentle. We're all Jiyu thought, our memory is shared." that had taken her some time to accept herself, suddenly having three other real voices that were herself.

    Last edited by Jiyu Kazehime on 30th September 2017, 4:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

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    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by desirée 30th September 2017, 9:10 am

    Desirée Blooms
    Wc: 3412 / 7000

    "Ji... Jiyu, what are you doing?" she asked her mentor, as her previously light-hair turned into something a lot darker than it previously was. She looked as if she was turning into an animal, something that Desirée had never seen or experienced her guild-member do before. Her eyes were multicolored and radiating a blue and green color, and locked eyes with Desirée's. Claws began to reach from her hands and feet, and she began to be developed in fur and canine features. "Please don't hurt me, Jiyu!" she screamed, as she covered her face with her hands as she expected to be slaughtered right there. Jiyu began to pant and slightly growl, as markings that stretched across her face turned a teal color. This scared Desirée even more, as she had experienced rather bad times with rabid animals in the past, thus being the reason that she has three scars across her back.

    "An... an Inugami?" Desirée asked her companion as she told her what she was, which she claimed was a goddess of some sort. Desirée had known of Inugamis after reading about them once while she was being educated as a summoner, as she had known of certain magical summons being similar to Inugamis, such as Kistunes and Warbeasts. As she thought about what she had just said, it had appeared that Jiyu had already pounced onto Desirée with her might. "Please... Jiyu..." Desirée said, as tears ran down her face into the snow. Black energy hit Desirée through Jiyu's paws, which made them both covered in a black, magical haze. Desirée could feel her flustered-situation and anger between her father temporarily ease itself, when suddenly Jiyu pounced away from her and returned to her normal state.

    "I... I don't know if I am hurt or not..." Desirée told her mentor, as her tears halted from running down her face. "I won't tell anyone, if that is what you wish.." she told her, as she listened more on Jiyu's explanation of what they are and the amount of faces and souls they had, which confused Desirée. "I would have never guessed.." Desirée told her, as she got up and brushed the snow from her back. As for Kiwi and Turquoise, they were running around the snow and throwing stuffed-bunnies at the trees in order to subdue the flora of the Vintermyr. "I appreciate you sharing this with me, Jiyu... It is an honor that you would trust me with this information." she told her, as she met Jiyu with a warm embrace of a hug.

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 10th October 2017, 9:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree IY2eFxu

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 1st October 2017, 3:13 pm

    5,188 of 7,000 words

    She did not wish to frightened people close to her, but fear was something her existence sustained itself upon. What Jiyu desired most of the time and what actually was required for her to continuing to live on in the earth-land realm, often were not the same thing. While on one hand, she was most of the time a rather friendly, rash and adventurous soul. The other hand wanted to inflict misery and pain on other's in vengeance and feed on the negative emotions sprouting up from the bad thing's in the world. The only silver lining right now was that she had managed to convince the other three shards of herself that it should be Gentle that fed instead of Assertive who wanted it most and would not have been at all kind with her apprentice, may have even gone as far as hurting her purposefully to make more food.

    "Chances are you shouldn't be unless my magic lashed out. My psychical body is weakened and my feeding drains negativity which most don't wish to hold onto. Heck, sometimes I can remove it entirely for a few days." the main concern though was the fact her magical abilities were violent and uncontrollable, to begin with when one added her mental state being altered than it was nearly impossible for the Inugami to control her abilities! Kazehime may very well be able to control her power if she really accepted her other side, but at the moment Leila had barely managed to make it possible for her to live with Assertive much less accept that they were truly the same entity with shared memories! So, for now, she had to deal with the fact she felt entirely drained from fighting herself even if she felt more powerful than before and had grown a few inches taller back towards her meager five-foot maximum.

    It was good that Desiree was not going to go running off telling everyone else, it made the female rather delighted that she could have her secret for a while longer once more. Jiyu let her body have the time to calm down, but her shapeshifting refused to work leaving her as a young tween child with hair to her ankles, extremely pale skin and mismatched optics. Apparently, she had the energy to sustain herself in a small form so her power wouldn't respond at the moment to converse energy. "Our shapeshifting won't work right now, so I guess you get your chance to say hello to what we actually look like." it was more natural sometimes to refer to herself the way she had started to after telling Desiree what she was, considering there actually happened to be four of her. "Though we're trapped in a younger form due to lacking the energy to maintain anything older." not that she took full grown forms, most of the time she manifested as someone around their late teens to early twenties, it seemed a prime appearance age for her, the easiest to maintain when she was perfectly healthy.

    "Shall we continue onward? Though since you know, do you mind if Gentle comes back out until we have to fight something powerful?" It would be nice to let one of her other face's take the helm for a bit when the chance provided itself and also would lessen the chance of one taking over at the wrong moment. Though there was only one person she could permit them to be free around, someone who had already seen Assertive.


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by desirée 11th October 2017, 7:53 pm

    Desirée Blooms
    WC: 4217 / 7000

    These forms that Jiyu could pull off were impressive to Desirée, as this was one of the first non-humans that she had ever truly met with this ability. The only type of situation in which Desirée had ever experienced something like this was when meeting a fan with split-personality disorder, but she knew that these two differed in many ways. She was as excited as she was terrified of seeing each of Jiyu's different forms, since she did not know what each of them would possess and what each would appear to be as. She hoped they would stray far from the scarier category, as Desirée feared that her young-looking friend would be able to turn into something a lot scarier than she already was. But alas, she could not control what Jiyu wished to do with her life and what she was capable of. After all, Jiyu was a lot stronger than she was, so she did not feel as though it was her place to be able to question her abilities and would rather want to respect them. Also, Jiyu would never be able to change this aspect of her life, so why would Desirée even judge her for that in the first place?

    "So... you can't live without feeding off of other people's sadness and grief? That is kinda sad, if you ask me.." Desirée told her, as she could hear the trudging of footsteps behind her in the snow. It was Turquoise and Kiwi, with Kiwi sitting inside her green and thick jacket which took the shape of a bunny. Sitting in her arms was her stuffed bunny, Bun-Bun, with what appeared to be a few bits of snow attached to its ears. "We took care of the trees coming alive, therefore they are all subdued. Let's hope that we don't get ambushed again~!" Turquoise exclaimed, as Kiwi bobbed in the air over to Desirée's head. "Those trees were wild, but we got them good! Now they should be calm for about an hour, enough time to pass through the area and up the trail." Kiwi told her, as she pet the surface of his head and hugged him tightly against her chest. "Thank you so much. How are you feeling, Turquoise?" Desirée asked the similarly blue haired summon, as the Crystal removed her hood from her head and shook off a few leaves that were situated in her hair and were slightly dipped in blood. "Meh, just a few scratches. I can still be here for a bit more though!" she exclaimed, as she hugged her stuffed animal tightly.

    "You can show whatever side of yourself you want, Jiyu. Just make sure you warn me first!" Desirée exclaimed, as Jiyu hinted that she wanted to continue onward the path. She bowed in a response, and turned to walk past the trees in which Turquoise fought as Desirée and Jiyu had their event. The trees were still covered in leaves, however it appeared as though all the darker variants of them were scattered upon their bases. This was due to the subduing of the Flora, which was capable of no other than the bunny-imitating girl walking behind them. A sweet and loyal summon, Turquoise was very helpful when it came to subduing enemies in a clean manor, since her types of attacks focused on different types of fabrics as well as stuffing and smoke. This is what was useful for taking the plants down in a way that would not destroy or kill them, considering the explosion of the stuffed bunny would only cause a flurry of damage to occur rather than destruction being its accomplice. However, Desirée's favorite quality of Turquoise's presence was her smiles and constant happiness. She had never seen Turquoise in an upset state, which was very nice to be able to say so. Desirée disliked seeing others in this mindset, as she always felt as though she was contributing to the effected person's cause of sadness.

    "Desirée, so have you found anyone you are romantically interested in? I think you have had the eyes for-"
    Turquoise began to say, as Desirée and Jiyu would be able to feel a large thud behind them where Turquoise was standing. Desirée turned and gasped, as Turquoise was now pinned to the ground by what appeared to be a wild-cat made of ice. Sitting in the trees was a large bird also made of ice, followed by a bear blocking their tracks. "Eeep~!" Turquoise screamed, as she pressed her stuffed bunny causing it to explode. Laying in the position in which she was in was a green and blue stuffed doll of the Crystal's appearance, followed by an angry ice wild-cat.

    "Jiyu, it looks like they are angry!" Kiwi exclaimed, as Desirée slowly reached for her hoop once again.


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree IY2eFxu

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 17th October 2017, 5:58 pm

    6,012 of 7,000

    While the different pieces of her soul were impressive to Desiree, the only thing they were to Jiyu was more noise within her head then she actually needed to process. In spite of the fact they stayed silent most of the time? All four of them were capable of being conscious at the same time even if only one of them could have full control of their body at a time, so most times the inside of her head was an incredibly crowded and painful place. Thinking about her own other sides? Brought Lu-Lu back to her mind once more, how he always referred to himself as 'We', how was her childhood friend dealing with his little voices these days? She hadn't much sympathy or belief for his voices when they were growing up, but now that she had her own, well it was much easier to get why he acted the way he did. To remain herself when there was four of her? Was difficult, she couldn't imagine making it if the voice's in her head, the other pieces of her brain started claiming to be different people.

    "Lonely actually." it was one of the first time's she admitted it, the fact she kept people arm's length, that living the way she did was immensely lonely. What was she supposed to do? Jiyu knew in a split second she could begin making bad things happen around her if she lost control of her own powers, and the negative energy held inside her body was not always the easiest to control even at its current low levels. "I can sustain on my own grudge, but I have certain abilities reliant on that same energy, recently I was put into a situation where I was unable to use my magic and had to rely on my Inugami abilities, which resulted in the current weakened state and hunger." it was the best way she could explain it, not that she really wanted to though, letting someone in like that was not her speed. The closer someone got to her? Well, it became easier for her to risk hurting them with her own strength.

    Upon being stated in the clear to let another one of her faces to take control for as long as it could function on this mission? Teal lines reappeared on her face, her eyes closing for a moment as the markings came back fully shaded in the light blue color. "Are you sure you're alright to stay? You look hurt, you shouldn't push yourself!" the young Inugami's hand reached out to rub a spec of blood from the girl holding a stuffed bunny, a sharp emotion of concern painted across her face. While the Mysterious face did show emotions? They were nowhere near as pronounced as the expressions and emotions now being displayed. "Oooh, you have eyes for someone? You should buy them flower's!" she jumped back when the feline's appeared, optics shaking as she backed up, hunching into herself. "Oh.. I.. I don't-."

    Jiyu went silent for a second, the marks bleeding black swiftly as the main face took over swiftly, grabbing three arrows from her quiver, holding two of them between her finger's as she positioned the third in the bow where it was meant to be. "Stay still Desiree, I'm not making these shots with my eyesight." the wind user took a deep breath as she planted her feet firmly, pulling the string back carefully, each second taking her closer to the shot. With the tension held for a few moments, she released it as the feline charged for them again seeming to miss until one realized she had hit a dead branch above the ice construct causing the object to fall and pin the beast, dealing with it. "One" she swiftly had the second of the three arrows in place, twirling on her heel as the avian had taken flight and was coming in behind them, she seemed to wait for too long, but at the last second she fired another arrow, causing a set of vines that had been hanging to get caught on the arrow and act as a net for the bird. "Two." she spun back around towards where the bear was advancing, releasing the third arrow to disturb snow above its head causing the bear to temporarily be buried beneath a large pile of snow. "Done." of course none of these were permanent solutions, within five to ten minutes the animals would easily find themselves freed from their own strength. "That gives us enough time to get away from them, the cavern can't be too much further." she stated, smirking slightly as she slung her bow back over her arm. Even if she couldn't punch someone and do damage to them? She was still very skilled at archery and with the wind as her aid she could hit targets even if she couldn't see them.


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by desirée 21st October 2017, 12:33 pm

    Desirée Blooms
    tags: @jiyu
    wc: 6217 / 7000
    Desirée felt very saddened when Jiyu mentioned that it was lonely keeping people at an arms length between her allies. After all, Desirée did definitely know what being lonely felt like. She knew that it was not a fun place to be in, and she knew that it was very boring and could cause sadness fairly easily. She was alone for most of her life, considering that she wandered the woods alone until she found Summoner's Stone. Those people were her best friends and new family until they were brutally murdered, all thanks to her disgusting father. She remembered Lele, her master, and how joyous and happy she was to train with Desirée. This brought a tear to her eyes, as she absolutely adored her with all of her heart. All of her fellow trainees that she surpassed in power, it was an absolute horror when she saw their flaming corpses on the burning floors of the old building. However, it made her determination grow stronger, which was definitely a double-edged sword. She had to take lives to have revenge for her friends at such a young age, but she also had to fend for her own as she was the primary target. This left her covered in blood and wandering the forest again, completely alone and with no friends or family. This entire story was now represented in a tattoo that was under her breasts, which was of a beautiful monochromatic moth with wings that stretched across her chest. These wings were flaming, representing the fire that burned the night of the attacks. The moth represented her bloody escape, as she ran away from that moment with open wounds of mental and physical pain. She was now extremely fortunate to have Black Rose at her side, as now she had a rekindled guild to love and regard as her family once again.

    But now they were surrounded by monsters that looked to be appeared by ice, which consisted of a wild-cat, a bear, and a large bird which appeared to look as if it were a swan. They looked as beautiful as they looked deadly, as their bodies shone a beautiful ice-like reflection with different hints of glimmers and iridescent triangles inside of their translucent bodies. Snow littered some areas as well, along with what appeared to be blue liquid inside some sanctums of their bodies which appeared to be their version of blood. This was as beautiful as it was useful for the girls, considering it would allow them to pin-point their vitals and use them to their advantage to know what would take them out the fastest. Desirée was able to see what appeared to be their organs, as well as a blue solid heart of thick ice directly in the center of their bodies. When her Crystal called Turquoise shattered due to her time being up, the wild-cat on-top of her, and detonating her bunny, she caused his body to turn into a liquid-like subdued state. However, she also felt as though killing them would not be the greatest of all options, considering that this was Black Rose territory and killing their own animals would not be seen as the greatest of options. They still looked to be powerful threats however, and they still needed to be taken care of in the ways of subduing.

    Jiyu had asked Desirée to stay still, in which she did so. It had seemed as though Desirée had not noticed that Jiyu had a bow on her person the entire time, considering now she was stringing it in a way where three arrows were beginning to be positioned in order to subdue the three beasts that surrounded them. As the first shot was fired, it had seemed as thought it traveled through the air in grace before spinning and slicing a branch above the swan-looking ice bird, causing the branch to crack and fall on-top of the bird. This caused it to pin onto the bird, holding down its wings and icy body causing it to not be able to attack the girls and Kiwi. A set of vines then fell onto the bird from a second arrow that hit above of it, holding the bird in place so it would not be able to move and would be concealed in a net. She then watched her mentor gracefully turn and pull her bow's string back with a final arrow pointed toward the bear, which struck a branch of hanging snow over it and caused the large mass to fall on-top of the beast, causing all of the enemies to be subdued in a way that would allow them to finally be able to pass.

    "That was very good Jiyu, I am very surprised with how talented you are with a bow and supreme aim~!" Desirée told her mentor, as Kiwi bobbed above their heads and began to twirl around them while glowing his usual, radiant green color. Kiwi was scared of the fauna that lived in the land they were in now, considering he had never seen something like them before and their violent looks certainly disturbed his presence. He was a scaredy-cat when it came to scary monsters, but what he would see later would certainly cause him to hop into Desirée's soul at the sight. Kiwi was fully capable of doing this and certainly was not afraid to do so, as it seemed to comfort him when he was scared. His being is drawn to the souls of idols, and he actually came out of her soul whenever they first met. When scared he is able to hop into her body and physically jump into her soul, causing him to not be visible to the naked eye. His body is the same frequency as souls are, making him able to slope into her soul and be completely safe inside of it. This would cause him to talk to Desirée as if he was inside her brain, and be able to cause a physical response in the form of a rub to console her in times of need. After all, Kiwi is her best friend and always will be, which means that he will do whatever it takes to make her in the right state of mind.

    As they traversed through the trail once more, winding through the beautiful trails of snow and ice covering large trees of spruce that shot up into the snowy sky. "I'm so glad you are my mentor, this is so much fun~!" Desirée exclaimed to Jiyu, as their footsteps left tracks behind them that were soon glossed over by the winds of the mountains which blew softly through Vintermyr. Desirée was proud to be a mage of Black Rose, as they did in fact own many beautiful places. Besides this beautiful snow-ridden area, she knew that they also owned Sakuramori, a beautiful place covered in complete cherry blossoms. She had heard that it was also littered with various types of monsters, which was where the guild members would sometimes go for trials in order to assert their strength among the other guild members. Of course, she had only been in the guild for a short time so she had not heard too much, but she definitely did listen around at what other members had to talk about. Her knowledge did expand extremely after she joined the guild as well as her name, considering now she was able to know many things she did not at the time of joining. Her efforts as a mage also payed off, considering she was being noticed by the magic council with every good deed that she did for others.

    As they strolled across the final hill of snow that the trail lead them up to, Desirée was struck with joy and fear with what they saw. Standing against the mountain was a giant hole in it that signaled that it was where they needed to go inside, but guarding this was something that Desirée's mind could not fathom. The area was completely cleared and the ground looked to be flat and up-kept, and it looked like its caretaker was a giant wolf. It looked to have white-grey hair and sharp claws and teeth, followed with blue undertones and snow lining its head and back. It looked to be covered in a beautiful and thick fur as well, which made Desirée think that he definitely would not be kept cold because of it. It looked to be turned away from the entrance of the clearing from the path, which meant that it would not be able to see the party as their footsteps approached the clearing.

    "It can't see us, we should be quiet whenever we are walking to the cave. I believe we could be able to make it inside without it even knowing we are here." she whispered to Jiyu, as she began to slowly traverse across the smooth snow and ice combination that lined the ground above the thick earth under them. The ice was a bit slick, but not slick enough to cause harm due to her boots which had traction under them. "Kiwi, am I making any noise?" she asked her floating companion, as he lowered toward her ear and cupped his tentacles around it to form a whisper. "Your feet are making a bit of a crunching sound due to the ice particles, but it isn't too loud." he whispered, as she began to slowly walk in order to stop the crunching. "Shit!" she exclaimed, as her foot slipped across a wet part and caused her to fall on her rump. This caused her yell to echo through the mountains, and the giant wolf turned around and its eyes began to glow. A giant roar could be heard throughout the mountains, and Desirée quickly looked at Jiyu with a panicked face. "Get in the cave, please run!" she screamed, as she began to run toward the longer direction of the cave in hopes to distract the wolf from Jiyu's presence with her own.

    As she sprinted toward the wolf and cave, spikes of ice seemed to shoot up behind her in a means to harm her body physically. Kiwi quickly hopped into Desirée;s body as she ran from the spikes, hopping from shots of snow firing from his mouth as well as a means of dispelling her from this realm. These spikes slowly formed into flat plateaus, which caused Desirée's brain to switch into an idea. She thought that if the stopped and rode one into the sky, she could be able to hop onto the wolf's body and then hop down safely to the front of the cave to go inside unharmed. Immediately during the thought she stopped running and was launched into the air with a firm grip to the ice under her feet, and hopped from it into the giant wolf's fur. The fur was extremely soft, but she only felt it for a second before she began to run toward the wolf's end. Once she reached this end, she glided down the tail as if it was a zip-line and jumped into the cave's entrance, hopefully meeting with Jiyu there as well.

    The cave was as beautiful as it was small, it harnessing many glowing shards of ice on its sides and roof. It looked like it only had room for about ten people inside, and the wolf would not be able to fit inside. Since the party was now inside, a large sigh could be heard from outside the cavern before its footsteps could be heard walking away from the clearing. They had finally made it to the cavern! Now they were supposed to try and remove a shard, and if they could, they would be able to continue with the mission. She would wait for Jiyu in order to take this shard off, considering she thought it would be very rude not to wait.


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree IY2eFxu

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 13th November 2017, 11:34 pm

    6,755 of 7,000 words
    As she walked forward, the female noticed that she would need to get some new gloves again, her current ones were not working too well, when she glanced down at her hand she could see a small stream of blood had formed on her finger's from the strain of the bow string against her delicate flesh. Often times? Some people wondered how someone as delicate as she was had ever managed to become a mage, but somehow she had kept at it and was now a rather well known magic user. Yet, at times her weakened solid form, her vulnerable body, still became an obstacle she had to fight so hard to overcome and occasionally even disguise, hide that one simple fact from the world. In the wrong hands? The information about her actual body being her biggest weakness could be devastating, the ways it could be used against her were so numerous. Right now though, she just wiped the blood off on the inside of her jacket to hide it from sight.

    Hopefully Desiree had not noticed or would keep quiet about it if she did, the wind user did not feel like explaining how her own bow string could cut her so deeply. "I suppose its natural for me by now, I've been holding a bow since I was around seven." the female uttered in response as they walked along, flipping the object over in her hand once. Even though she could never actually see where her arrow was heading? She had never used her eyes to see the world around her because she had other senses so much more advanced than her sight from the time she had been born, they were just more exaggerated after she awoke. Often times it took people a long time of being around her to notice she was pretty much good as blind, unable to see beyond a few arm lengths in front of her own body where humans would see clear to the horizon. How had she gone so long believing herself to be mortal?

    When they were faced with the wolf? She realized that Desiree must have taken note of her weakness sometime, truly realized it, as her apprentice urged her to run from the very psychical opponent they were now faced with. Was there even any plan in Desiree's head? This thing was dangerous! As the other girl took off running, Jiyu assumed she must have one, but feeling her environment Jiyu also came up with her own plan, largely influenced by the fact that she could detect an overhang right above the caves entrance, and this place was prime for use with her archery skills due to all the icicles and snow banks, or other such things. At first she did simply take the easy way towards the cavern, preserving her energy and keeping her fragile body safe so she could help Desiree in the way she was best at, from a distance. Once she reached the cavern the female used her flight ability to end up on top of the over hang. Jiyu sat there drawing another arrow focusing on where Desiree was and what she suspected was going on. Within moments? She had drawn her arrows once more and prepared to use them to aid Desiree if it was required.

    When her apprentice got close to the cave the wind user decided now was the time to make her move to buy Desiree and herself time to get their worth proved so the large wolf would cease its assault on them. Once the blue haired female was clear Kazehime released her arrow at an icicle in the roof, triggering a few of the to fall which would likely force the large wolf to have to back step a bit, take a different route to them, ensuring both of them got into the smaller cavern safely. Sadly she ended up bloodying her other hand though. "You good?" the wind user asked the question as she extended one hand to touch one of the colored icicles in this cavern, the one she touched easily fell off into her hand as if it knew she could not pull it loose. Apparently from everything she had heard about this whole arrangement? This meant she had a wolf waiting outside for her, somewhere. "ready, des?" the wind user asked glancing over at the other female as she rolled the icicle between her hands.


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by desirée 18th November 2017, 1:03 pm

    Desirée Blooms
    tags: @jiyu
    wc: 6818 / 7000

    Desirée slowly breathed as she rested her back upon a cleared spot of the cavern, along with Kiwi panting while floating in-front of her. They were very worn out for what they just did, and the thought just clicked that it could have been fatal if they were unsuccessful. "I just ran on-top of a giant wolf, what was I thinking Kiwi?!" she asked him as she breathed heavily, retying her hair that had recently came undone from its ponytail due to the actions that they just performed. The crystals producing on the cave were absolutely magnificent, and were certainly a way to prove that nature produced beautiful things in nearly every location one could venture to. As she ran her hand across the crystals, they were very smooth on the sides, and were also very hard. They each possessed different colors that wavered between them and white, and looked rather magic-filled like everything else in this property.

    Jiyu finally came inside, and Desirée released herself from the wall of the cavern and proceeded to walk right beside her as she walked toward the edge of the cave. She knew that what they needed to do was remove a crystal from the side of the cave, and it had become apparent that Jiyu had already done so in a quick manner. "Not wasting any time, eh?" Desirée asked her in a joking way, as she began to near the wall beside Jiyu and lock her hand around a singular crystal that was about the size of her hand. This crystal was a beautiful color of a translucent red, and switched between red and white to nearly make a pink when it met the center. As she pulled, it began to slowly loosen itself, but it was still not budging. She locked both hands around it and propped her feet against some cleared spots in the wall and used her entire body to pull, and to her dismay, it popped off the wall like butter to a knife. She quickly fell backwards into the snowy ground of the cave, holding the crystal in her hands. From outside the cave she could hear a soft bark, and by the hint of that, it meant that there was a wolf waiting for her outside... a new companion.

    "Yes, yes! I'm ready!" she exclaimed, as she quickly got up from the snow and brushed it off her kimono-esque bodysuit. She held the crystal close to her stomach as she began to jog out of the cavern, and gasped with the small being that she was greeted with. Standing right in-front of her was an adorable, and surprisingly small, mire wolf that was as white as the snow under it and possessed small streaks of red across its body. It began to quickly fly in the air before burying itself in her arms, meeting its neck with the crystal and forming a collar around it. Desirée thought this was the cutest thing ever, and with the hug came a warmth of the soft fur that lined its body. "Dessi! Dessi! Lets name her Pitaya!" Kiwi exclaimed, as he joined into the hug. "That is perfect, Kiwi! We will name you Pitaya." she would tell the wolf, as it would begin to nudge her shirt with its delicate nose as a sign for affection. Desirée expected that the wolf would have looked entirely different, but the surprise was certainly a good one. Not only did she get to meet a new life-long companion, but she was able to experience another journey with her mentor in the process!


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree IY2eFxu

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 21st November 2017, 5:45 pm

    While her apprentice went outside to meet with the small Mire Wolf, this cute white and red thing that was adorable in every way? The creature standing not far behind it closer to the 'mire wolf father' was much more closely compared to that beast himself. At first one might have not even really noticed the wolf meant for Jiyu, it was even possible the creature may have been following them as she appeared made of ice. However, unlike actual ice, the wolf had this dark purple stormy color across her pelt that lightened here and there, making her look almost like a storm cloud. "Frostine." the word was uttered from the wind user's mouth seemingly at random. Yet, the large human sized beast quickly sprinted over as if that was its actual name, standing there obediently as the wind user placed the icicle around her neck completely the bond. a small hand touch the frozen flesh of the wolf, but Jiyu's optics widened "She's warm, its like she's on fire." it was not the normal warmth of a living thing, the skin of her new companion literally felt as if she was ablaze somewhere deep beneath her icy fur. "We'll have to go somewhere later just the two of us girl, to see what you can do." she didn't want to exactly go right to testing Frostines abilities, that was better saved for another day. "Well than, let's get going back, alright Desiree?" the female commented, turning to look at her apprentice briefly with a small smile.

    WC complete.


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree H6NcPbM




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree Empty Re: Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree

    Post by desirée 21st November 2017, 7:29 pm

    Desirée Blooms
    tags: @jiyu
    wc: achieved.

    As Desirée looked up from snuggling her wolf, it had appeared that Jiyu had received one that looked nothing like Pitaya. Hers was much more purple and larger, looking nearly four times the size of her white plush of a wolf. However, Desirée did not mind in the slightest, as hers was just as adorable. Jiyu spoke to her wolf and it had appeared that these wolves were indeed for them, something that brought her immense joy. Jiyu signalled that they should leave, which was nothing less than what Desirée agreed with. Despite meeting a new companion on this trip, which was extremely adorable and totally worth the venture, she did risk her live on finding her. She was tired and worn out, therefore she needed to rest and go home. She felt accomplished for coming here, however, considering she escaped the deadliest enemy that she felt like she ever faced before. "Pitaya, lets." she told her wolf as she began to walk, when suddenly she was engulfed in fog and in a much larger form.

    Pitaya barked and walked to the side of Desirée, attempting to tell her to get on her back. Desirée could tell that this is what she was trying to accomplish, and immediately hopped onto her back. Desirée was surprised that the wolf was able to switch forms like that, but she thought it made her cuter and cuter. Her fur was extremely soft, feeling as if she was rubbing against one of the softest blankets in the world. Desirée looked at Jiyu and slowly rested her body on the back of her wolf, smiling as they began to quickly ride their wolves down the mountains of Vintermyr and eventually back to the guild hall.


    Wolf Bonding, Jiyu and Desiree IY2eFxu

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