Fairy Tail RP

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    Stray Cat [Intro/Open]


    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 18
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kamille's Shift
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] Empty Stray Cat [Intro/Open]

    Post by Neyvahn 14th September 2017, 11:44 am

    Neyvahn ╪ D Rank

    At night, Rose Garden came to life. Its lights illuminated every face, and every storefront, leaving very little to miss for the wandering eye, and crowds of happily busy people shuffled through the streets. It was a lot to take in, especially for someone who hasn't seen this many people for a long time.

    Neyvahn just fiddled with the crest on his neck and continued through the river of tourists and local enthusiasts. The Silver Moon Inn was just ahead, and to be honest, it wasn't that impressive. It didn't stand out amongst its surroundings and its appearance was rather underwhelming, much like the many small storefronts in Rose Garden. It was easy to overlook. Even so, the right eyes could never miss it.

    The white-haired man pulled the door's handle and walked inside. A slight smile crept onto his face. "Not very colorful, is it?" he mumbled.

    No response.

    Neyvahn's smile dropped and he made his way to a stool, dropping a few jewels on the bar for an lemonade iced tea. A lot of faces around him seemed rather harsh, and he began to wonder just what might've happened to the friendly ones. Perhaps they found better places to be. Neyvahn couldn't say he didn't understand though. Silver Moon Inn wasn't the best place for most people. It was filled with mischievous misfits and reeked of bad intentions for the most part.

    Still, the place had its perks. Look past the tough facades, and you get a rather warm Inn filled with songs and stories, and you soon realize that the ominous aura is really just the smell of bad odor and ale.

    That's part of why Neyvahn preferred the drinks he did, they drowned out the stench of drunk sailors.

    Behind the bakeneko, his white tail flickered back and forth with a calm swinging motion, waiting for his lemonade iced tea.

    Location;; Silver Moon Inn, Rose Garden
    Word Count;; 314
    OOC Notes;;


    l "There are things about myself even I don't know. I wish it wasn't that way..." l
    Character l Neyvahn l Character
    Primary Magic l Kamille's Shift l Primary Magic
    Bank l Neyvahn's Belongings l Bank

    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♠ Kamaitachi ♠ Shiai Mahou ♠
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] Empty Re: Stray Cat [Intro/Open]

    Post by Itazura 14th September 2017, 1:36 pm

    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] GGfYIph
    Itazura Black Rose B-Rank Aruzati
    S o   I v e   l i e d   a n d   I v e   b e e n   t r i c k i n g   e v e r   s i n c e

    The weasel had been napping underneath a tree within a park that resided in Rose Garden, curled up in a little ball in his original form. Sleeping between large roots at the base of one of the larger trees, it was peaceful and quiet when he woke up, flickering open his bright blue eyes. Which made sense, because it was nighttime, even the popular shopping district that was Rose Garden slept at night. Which was something Itazura didn't usually do, being a nocturnal animal after all. Personally his favorite time to be up and around, people are still around but it's quieter. Plus he usually didn't have to wear a facade when no one was around, which was preferable for the henge yokai. Finally getting up after he'd opened his eyes, he stretched out his elongated body. Ruffling his orange, tan and brown fur and repetitively blinking his eyes to fully wake himself up at a faster pace. After a nice large yawn, he scampered back towards the guild hall of Black Rose, Silver Moon Inn.
    He made it there as a familiar figure entered, he entered with him in a very stealthy manner, making it so the white haired young man wouldn't notice his arrival. Sitting with his little furred front feet sitting in front of his tan belly. A mischievous and slightly human like grin spread on his weaselly expression. He knew they were familiar but he didn't know it was him, what a surprise an old guildmate that mysteriously vanished months earlier had returned. Who of which happened to be one of his favorite people to pick on, cause he usually so easily angry when he did so. The itachi hoped that he hadn't matured out of his shot-temper, cause that would be a downer on his easy entertainment. He looked slightly different from the last time he'd seen him, but not by to much. He could still recognize his appearance and scent, though he seemed weaker then the last time he had been with the fellow henge yokai.
    The inn was rather silent, the only noise came from a few patrons sat here and there, most drunk senseless. Which was amusing to the kamaitachi, humans and their ability to get drunk was so amusing. They acted like little toddlers, that of which was just a riot of laughter for the young looking boy. Soundlessly so the bakeneko wouldn't notice, he transferred into his usual human form, his grin more suited for this face. Tousled dirty blond hair hung in his dirty blond face, though it was shaded by black and white inverted hood. The sounds of bare feet stepping across the wooden floor was soundless, standing behind the young man he swiftly placed his nimble hands over the feline's deep blue eyes and in a playful tone he spoke "Guess who Ney-nyan~"

    W o r d    C o u n t:


    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] DsdPc3p





    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] Empty Re: Stray Cat [Intro/Open]

    Post by desirée 19th September 2017, 4:53 pm

    desirée blooms
    tags: @neyvahn
    wc: -
    It had been a warm night at the Silver Moon Inn, but quiet at that. Today, it was Desirée's turn to work the bar, so she had entered the back-way of the inn in order to clock in and do her necessary precautions before resuming her position. Kiwi, her bio-luminescent organism, began to tie her hair up in a ponytail as she began to write on the dry-erase board in the staffing room that she would be taking the bar for tonight. As she walked through the back doors, she noticed that the Inn was particularly quiet, with a few people giggling here and there due to drunkenness.

    As she began to walk toward the dispensers of alcohol to fix herself a very subdued drink of mimosa, she noticed a face at the bar that she had never seen before. She had also noticed a slightly familiar face of a guild member behind him, which she had never got to really talk to before. However, he appeared to be looking to startle the newcomer, so she decided not to direct her attention toward him. "I'm sorry for the long wait, one lemonade iced-tea coming right up~!" she told the unfamiliar boy, while she scooped up his payment and placed it inside the register near them. She bowed, and began to fill a large glass halfway with sweet tea, and halfway with lemonade. She took a clean spoon and stirred it, mixing the two layers of orange-brown and peachy-yellow into one. She garnished the cup with a slice of lemon, and brought it back to the man at the bar. "Here you go, sir. It sure is late, isn't it?" she began to say, pushing the glass toward him as she remembered two things: she hadn't introduced herself, and Kiwi was still sitting on her head. "Oh, and my name is Desirée Blooms, and this is Kiwi." she told him, as Kiwi danced around in her hair. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance!" she exclaimed, as she walked back to the back of the bar, continuing to make a large glass of mimosa for herself.

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 10th October 2017, 3:54 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] IY2eFxu


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] Empty Re: Stray Cat [Intro/Open]

    Post by Lilium 22nd September 2017, 6:08 pm




    Rose Garden, being the epitome of the modern age that Fiore was currently in, was always bustling. It was known for always being over-packed even in the later hours of the night. It could easily be thought of as 'the city that never sleeps', but that wouldn't define it quite well either. Tonight was a rarer one as the streets were near empty, apart from a few stragglers who were attending to their own business. The bars were open, but even then, tonight was just slow. Tourists may be disappointed that the city seems to have calmed down, but for regulars, such as those who are in the Silver Moon Inn, always appreciate the little bit of downtime that they are able to get. The holy mage was walking downstairs from the room she had been occupying. It had been a long week. She had been slowly getting into the trend of taking jobs again and she's been missing sleep over some of it. She honestly just needed some time to relax for a little.

    Now that she was in the bar, she was appreciating the quiet much more. There were handfuls of people here and there but it wasn't as rowdy as the bar could normally get. Smiling softly, Hikari's ponytail bobbed up and down as she walked over to the bar, spotting the peppy bartender for the night and a familiar weasel that she had seen usually in the city after she had first joined the guild. It seems like it wasn't really afraid of others and had a knack for screwing with them. Ah well, Hikari has learned at this point to leave people to their own devices. The redhead's gaze shifted over to a white haired male. Huh, that was a figure she hadn't seen before. Was white hair a normal thing or could this boy possibly be from another place other than Fiore. Hikari's curiousity to learn about the new figure caused her to approach him and sit in the bar stool next to him. Before she sat however, she noticed that the boy actually had a white tail as well. Hm, this new person just got a little more interesting.

    Chuckling slightly at the weasel, who turns out was actually Aruzati, which did surprise the holy mage as she didn't know that he could transform but the action that he did to the white-haired boy confirms that it definitely is him. Apparently, the boy's name was Ney? But considering how playful that this blonde haired male could be, it was probably a nickname. So, it'd be safer to wait for an actual introduction. The bartender seemed to not miss a beat with her introduction so Hikari smiled gently at the male and waved a hand at him. Hello there. Don't see someone like you come here often. My name is Hikari. May I ask of yours? The holy mage would shift her gaze, eagerly awaiting for his reply so that she could potentially ask him where he's from. Despite the confidence in asking for the newcomer's name, she decided not to try and order a drink because she doesn't usually order from the bartender, in fear of looking dim. Nevertheless, she still smiled after the newcomer's mixed drink was placed in front of him.

    deltra of gangnam style


    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] QOmg1XE


    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 18
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kamille's Shift
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] Empty Re: Stray Cat [Intro/Open]

    Post by Neyvahn 27th September 2017, 8:27 pm

    Neyvahn ╪ D Rank

    The Inn was surprisingly quiet... He expected excessive amounts of drunken banter and laughing, but he was hearing none of that. It was instead, rather quiet. Humble and modest compared to the Inn he saw so long ago.

    The bartender arrived to apologize for the wait, so Neyvahn just smiled subtly and held his hand up in a gesture as to say, "No worries." He had no intentions to hurriedly drink any stress away. It was part of the reason that he didn't order an alcoholic drink. That and he just liked lemonade iced tea.

    As the girl behind the counter left to prepare his drink, Neyvahn looked her over. She seemed rather well-behaved and charismatic, vastly different from most of the people Neyvahn had known. At first, he wasn't really sure whether it was because it was her job, or if she truly was like that at heart. Regardless, she definitely kept the Inn a little more energetic than it would have been otherwise.

    Neyvahn was cut off as his eyes were covered over, blocking his view.

    "Guess who Ney-nyan~"

    That voice was all too familiar. The white-haired bakeneko reached up with his hands, feeling around for the face of the "mysterious" figure behind him. His hands eventually found the culprit's face, and Neyvahn attempted to flick the weasel's forehead.

    Regardless of Ita's reaction, Neyvahn would turn around and flash a grin at him. Ita was mischievous, and Neyvahn was pretty sure that hadn't changed. However... it might have become a little more entertaining to him now.

    The bartender returned with Neyvahn's drink and set it down in front of him. As per the usual, he replied with one of his five emotions and responses: He smiled at her.

    The girl introduced herself as Desirée Blooms, and the odd glowing creature next to her as Kiwi. In response, Neyvahn bowed his head respectfully. He didn't say his name however. If he could, he would rather just stay in the background of everything. Much easier.

    Another figure sat down at the bar, right next to Ney, and he was inclined to look in their direction. His ears perked up. Once again, Black Rose has not failed to attract some of the more odd and more high-profile mages. This figure was a rather dignified female who was very well dressed. It almost reminded Neyvahn of a royal knight, as her attire seemed custom-tailored, carefully designed, and her physical appearance was paid close attention to.

    Unfortunately for Neyvahn, she introduced herself as well, as a mage named Hikari, and she asked for what he was hoping wouldn't really surface: his name.

    Neyvahn took a sip from his drink and cleared his throat. He turned to Hikari and bowed his head. "Neyvahn. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

    His voice was quiet, despite his best efforts to speak louder. Neyvahn just took another sip.

    Location;; Silver Moon Inn
    Word Count;; 480
    OOC Notes;;Sorry it took so long to respond xP

    Last edited by Neyvahn on 10th October 2017, 11:35 am; edited 1 time in total


    l "There are things about myself even I don't know. I wish it wasn't that way..." l
    Character l Neyvahn l Character
    Primary Magic l Kamille's Shift l Primary Magic
    Bank l Neyvahn's Belongings l Bank

    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♠ Kamaitachi ♠ Shiai Mahou ♠
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] Empty Re: Stray Cat [Intro/Open]

    Post by Itazura 4th October 2017, 9:21 pm

    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] GGfYIph
    Itazura Black Rose B-Rank Aruzati
    S o   I v e   l i e d   a n d   I v e   b e e n   t r i c k i n g   e v e r   s i n c e

    The weasel giggled in response the flick he got on the head from his fellow henge yokai, he placed a mischievous grin on his complexion. The bakeneko grinned also, though he didn't get the reaction he originally preferred, the kamaitachi was still pleased. He was happy to see the boy again, he'd always enjoyed his company and always felt something familiar about him. Now that he'd returned he hoped he could properly place it, maybe the feline knew. He did appear to have changed through the months that he'd been gone. Aruzati could tell by the way he poised himself, how he walked, how he immediately didn't go to talking but stayed silent. Maybe he found out things about himself, maybe he went through some things, maybe whatever happened was good or maybe it was bad. It was hard to tell, he'd have to pester him about it later, and hopefully get something out of him. Now he wasn't so sure he would, not as easily, he needed to reacquaint himself with his new Neyvahn. Whoever he was now.
    Despite the time, a lot of guildmates were there, though I guess that makes sense. Considering some live in the Silver Moon Inn, including him, or at least lived nearby. Plus a lot of them went on jobs and others might have other jobs. Well the blue haired girl did, if Itazura remembered correctly, he didn't know her name and he didn't know if she knew his. If the idol did, he hoped it was his alias, Aruzati, that he has been trying to go by. But it hasn't been working out as much as he preferred, maybe it would catch on in a decade or two, if he was still in the guild at the point. Time is weird being someone who barely ages and doesn't die of normal circumstances, he is a yokai after all. But back to earlier, about not knowing her name nor the regal redhead that had arrived all. Even though he is an ace and all, he doesn't make an effort to try and know everybody in the guild. He usually just happened to be there or in the area when most of the more recent Black Rose guild members joined.
    He now knew the two girl's names, if he would remember them, was something to find out later.  As expected they politely introduced themselves, as most did when they spotted an unfamiliar mage enter the guild hall. Afterwards, and with slight hesitance, the young adult introduced himself. The tone of his voice was different then before, it was quieter and softer, as if he was more uncomfortable with the concept of talking. Though maybe it was just him, but he was good at reading people, sometimes, so he assumed it to be true. He was curious as to why he didn't like talking, this curiosity was going to kill him. So much so you'd think he was a cat, sort of like this white haired gentleman before him. He placed his hands on the boy's shoulders and pulled him backwards, not considering that he might be holding his beverage and that it might spill. Or he did and he wanted it to spill, would make sense cause it would be more amusing for the yokai if that were to happen.
    "He's an old bestest best friend of mine...." he spoke, though he stopped his sentence at a place that it could be a full sentence. But the way he said it, sort of faltering. meant the he was going to say something else. Then showing off as always, he used the cat as a foundation for him. He pushed himself up, quickly he did a handstand and then followed it with a bridge, his bare toes pressing up against the counter. Then he would push himself out of the bridge into a squatting position, he'd turn on his toes and face the bakeneko. All of this would've happened in a few seconds. Then he finished his sentence "isn't that right Ney-tan dearest~" he said playfully, giving the young adult a pet name. Enjoying himself by flip flopping between different nicknames for the boy.

    W o r d    C o u n t:


    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] DsdPc3p





    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] Empty Re: Stray Cat [Intro/Open]

    Post by desirée 7th October 2017, 8:13 pm

    desirée blooms
    tags: @neyvahn
    wc: -

    After Desirée had slid him the drink he had asked for, she noticed that another Black Rose mage had walked into the area. "I wish I knew more people in the guild, it seems like I a lot more friends to make. But how to make acquaintance with them in a delightful manor?" she asked her companion, as her eyes watched Hikari sit down. Desirée had nobody but herself to blame for not knowing many other members of the guild besides Sakura, Jiyu, and Charlotte, considering she had not branched out much since joining the guild. She had never even met her own guild master! She felt as though part of the reason was that her residency did not stay in this Inn like many of the other members, but about a mile down the street from where she was now. This was like a double-edged sword for Desirée, considering she did not get to meet the other mages that stayed here at this time. However, her house was a very good deal, as it was large in the interior and exterior, following up with a giant backyard which was great for getting exercise and hiking. She did not get to go back there much actually, considering her entire life consisted of taking jobs for the guild as well as performing concerts around the world for her fans. However, her exercise did come from jogging a mile each morning to the guild hall to order a plethora of breakfast foods for her and her companion.

    Since it was apparent that the drunks in the booths had reached their drinking limits, Desirée figured that her job was almost finished for the night. However, these three other mages intrigued her and Kiwi, so they figured that they would stay down here for the majority of the night until they decided to part ways. Desirée finally finished mixing her giant glass of mimosa for herself and hopped onto the counter, sitting toward the other mages toward the other side. She grabbed a pink straw and slipped it into the glass, taking a few gulps before she began to pet Kiwi. "I guess I haven't had any opportunities to introduce myself to either of you... I'm Desirée Blooms, a summoner of this guild." she told them, as she mixed together the drink more in case it wasn't mixed enough. "This has too much sparkling wine, but I'll manage." she told them, as she realized that if she finished the entire glass she would be hammered by the end of the night.

    "Oh well, at least it tastes good."


    Stray Cat [Intro/Open] IY2eFxu

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 9:57 am