Fairy Tail RP

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    Izayuki's Banquet


    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requiem
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Izayuki's Banquet

    Post by Hania 29th August 2017, 12:50 pm

    Job Title: Izayuki's Banquet
    Rank: C Rank
    Player Requirements:C Rank or the equivalent, at least five rolls must be done, word count of 4k words
    Job Requirements: Cook and serve a banquet befitting Izayuki
    Job Location: Sea of Devils
    Job Description:
    Izayuki has been slave driving others working hard all day and has now went back home but is grumpy and to tired to cook a meal for herself. It is the task of the unwilling mages who have stumbled upon her home to cook an evening meal to remember that will make Izayuki happy once more. To make it worse you only have an hour to make a five course banquet and you need to get the most vital ingredients of it yourself. You don't want to end like the last lot who failed to impress believe me.


    x4 - 10 Griffins, these creatures protect the farm near Iza's home. They can use wind base attacks that deal 50% rank damage but also knock opponents of same rank or lower 10 foot back, their talons do rank damage with an additional 25% per claw, Iza even taught them how to heal themselves and each other for 50% rank damage, watch out if they take off because they will dive bomb their intended target dealing double rank damage. When you defeat them you are able to gain some eggs and milk. They need four hits of same rank damage to knock out.

    x6 - 12 Fairies, you might not think these small creatures are much of a bother but nothing could be further from the truth. They're elemental and will do one rank of damage with an additional 50% added on per attack, to make things worse they can use illusion magic so hide the right ingredients or send you looking in the wrong place. When flying they are near invisible to the naked eye, they also gain a 50% speed buff to help them evade unsuspecting invaders mages. When you get past them you can get fruit and vegetables. They each need two hits of same rank damage to knock out.

    x8 - 16 Tanuki, as we all know Izayuki is the taknuki queen herself and so has made an enclosure to protect the adorable tikes. What you don't know is that the faeries have released them and let them into the kitchen where they're getting into everything, while others are hiding. You need to find them all and put them back into the Tanuki sanctuary before cleaning up the mess. Which is easier said than done as they bite for 50% rank damage and have 75% increase to their speed, if you pick them up and look into their eyes you'll be paralysed for a turn where they will leap from your hands and when you move you'll forget that they just paralysed you. They each require four hits of same rank damage to knock out.

    Izayuki, once everything is done and somehow you've managed to make the meal. You now have to present the meal to the mistress of the manor herself and tell her how you made each dish. You might want to leave out the fact that you hurt her friends, didn't turn out well for the last people who didn't. If she is satisfied with your the banquet you made for her you will be well rewarded if not you will have to fight her. All physical attacks will be 50% rank damage, all magical attacks will be rank damage with an additional 25% added on, her magic of choice is fire based so watch out because fire spells will burn for an additional turn. (You must roll a normal dice to see if she is satisfied or not. Odd nope, even yup) In addition Iza may summon her companions to her side, she has two special attacks Gunther the Banhammer which gives a 50% debuff to everyone's defences with a secondary effect that prevents them leaving the room (banning them from the world outside), her secondary attack is called Oxyclean which removes all positive buffs. She takes eight hits of same rank damage to take down.


    9'000 jewel and normal job rank exp if you have fight her.
    12'000 jewel and normal job rank exp if you satisfy her.


    Last edited by Tamashi on 30th August 2017, 6:05 am; edited 1 time in total


    Izayuki's Banquet 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Completed Re: Izayuki's Banquet

    Post by Guest 30th August 2017, 6:01 am

    Instead of same rank, i simply suggest to just put "C rank" so the mods don't get confused and accidentally add A rank exp for example xD

    Completed Re: Izayuki's Banquet

    Post by Guest 30th August 2017, 6:09 am

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 5:37 am