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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]


    Lineage : Oblivion Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by LerotheRabbit 2nd June 2017, 7:21 pm

    "Hey, you two!" A man decked out in white robes and jewels shouted, grabbing the cloth around his legs to lift them as he rushed over to Radulfer and Jozuma after he spotted the guild mark on one arm. He wasn't the fittest of people which were evident as he puffed and huffed. Circling around the pair so he could stand in front of them, he held up a hand in permission for them to listen to him.

    "T-There's an infestation, out on our path. A bunch of imps," The man huffed, one of his thick arms gesturing towards a caravan, "Real nasty creatures. The-They're not letting anyone through. We already lost some cargo trying to cross, and we can't go to any of the guilds in the area... Our goods, well, you don't need to know other than they're questionable," he continued to babble, not quite realizing that the guild mark upon Radulfer's arm was that of Infinity Hydra.

    "Please! We already know where the nest is, we just need to someone to go out there and beat them!" He pleaded, clasping his hands in front of him as he fixed his dark eyes upon the two. He paused for a moment before wildly digging his hands through some pockets before bringing out a fistful of jewels. "And we can pay! 14,000 jewels, split 7,000 between the two of you! Please, j-just get rid of them."

    Throughout the begging of the caravan man, Radulfer just awkwardly shifted from one foot to another, his hand raised to scratch as his shoulder where his guild mark was stamped upon. He wasn't sure if they would be able to take on the job, considering it wasn't being requested in an orthodox way and the simple fact that their "goods" were too questionable for legal guilds. But there was still a fact that a group of people needed help, along with the fact that those imps could pose a problem for others.

    Turning his attention, Radulfer glanced at Jozuma and shrugged his shoulders as if he was saying, "I don't care if we do this". Back at Oak Inn they had talked of going on a job, and this seemed as good as any. There was also the fact that Imps were a type of demon. They might be the chihuahua of demons, but wouldn't Demon Slayer magic be capable of wiping them nevertheless?




    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
    Second Skill:
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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by Jozuma 3rd June 2017, 12:07 am

    Jozuma thought about the man's plea. It didn't seem that difficult of a task to accomplish, imps were meddlesome creatures but they were far from the most dangerous of creatures you can find on the road. Regardless of his cargo, it personally didn't matter to Jozuma that much, the man was asking for help and an infestation of imps can be a bit of a nuisance of others too. Calcifer agreed. "Imps, we can kill them in our sleep this is more of a detour than anything." Radulfer turned to Jozuma and shrugged his arms. Jozuma turned to the man accepting the job. "Eh, I'm game show us where the imps are." "Oh thank you so much!" The man had a huge look of relief on his face. Jozuma didn't mind the detour and this would provide a good opportunity to witness Radulfer's magic in action. The man lead the two down the path to a fork in the road. There lied a group of imps raving and yelling around a broken caravan. They approached the group of imps which noticed them and started growling. Jozuma gave Radulfer a pat on the back giving him a "go get them" as he pretty much said just that. "Alright Radulfer show me what ya got."
    213 words
    OOC: If at any time we roll boss before killing 10 imps it's considered a strong monster.

    Last edited by Jozuma on 3rd June 2017, 12:08 am; edited 2 times in total


    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] D9970a10

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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by NPC 3rd June 2017, 12:07 am

    The member 'Jozuma' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] NormalMonster

    Lineage : Oblivion Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by LerotheRabbit 3rd June 2017, 12:52 pm

    Sticking his hands into his pockets, Radulfer quietly walked alongside Jozuma as they were lead to the apparent imp infestation. They didn't even have to be up close to spot the horde of imps, their jousting and high-pitched voices loud in the air as they jumped around a broken caravan. Several of them had already looted the clothes and jewels that were once within the cargo carts seeing how some of them were wearing necklaces and robes that were too big for their bodies. But they then spotted them and it brought a stop their tomfoolery as they instead growled. Surging together in a protective group in front of their loot, it was obvious they wouldn't mind picking a fight or two.

    Turning his attention to Jozuma, Radulfer's brow pricked upwards at the pat to his back. Scratching the back of his neck with one hand, he simply shrugged his shoulders again. "Okay then," the mage answered nonchalantly before turning back towards the imp. Radulfer quickly took a deep breath, the fact that it would be the first time that someone from his guild would be watching him do his magic. He wasn't sure what expectations Jozuma had for him, but he was sure that he didn't want to fail them.

    Taking some steps forwards, Radulfer's approach was met by a howl from one of the more regularly-sized imp. Before the nasty creature could have time to launch itself at him, Radulfer activated Lyn's Body, resulting in a quick flash of blue-tinged light transforming his upper torso. Lunging himself forwards, Radulfer swung out a transformed fist in a fast punch, knocking the imp out of the air as it made a jump towards him. With a comical squeak, it hit the ground and laid dazed for seconds before making a speedy recovery. Hopping onto its feet, the imp made a high-pitched screech as it stretched out claws that seemed much too big for a creature of its size.

    With a guttural growl that was much too high-pitched to be threatening, the imp went in for another attack. This time it went for a less direct attack, bounding to Radulfer's left in an attempt to land a hit on the mage. Jumping for his waist, the imp reached out its claws so it could sink them into Radulfer. Unfortunately for the demon and fortunately for Radulfer, the man was able to take a step outwards with one leg, his body twisting out of reach in a way that could only be granted by the Takeover Spell. With a grunt, the imp hit the ground again and was once more forced to push itself to its feet.

    It made an annoyed shriek before trying to jump back at Radulfer, clearly eager to take down an enemy to make a name of itself within the imp horde. But its attempts were shattered once Radulfer coated his newfound claws in lightning as Lyn's Wrath was activated, the sparking claws catching the imp and throwing it back. It was launched earthwards by the attack, but this time it took it much longer to get up. Its attempts to recover were feeble, and by the time it had finally dragged itself away, Radulfer stepped back towards Jozuma.

    "Hey, it's your turn," Radulfer stated to the Demon Slayer, glancing at him as he gestured with one hand towards the horde. Seeing how they still had quite some enemies, the man didn't deactivate his Takeover since it would've been a waste of magic.

    Spell Used:


    Last edited by LerotheRabbit on 8th June 2017, 7:54 pm; edited 7 times in total



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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by NPC 3rd June 2017, 12:52 pm

    The member 'LerotheRabbit' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] NormalMonster Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Boss

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by Jozuma 4th June 2017, 11:53 pm

    Jozuma watched as Radulfer took out one of the imps. Radulfer's body changed shape and took a swing at the imp that charged at him. The fight then became a little bit of a skirmish but Radulfer seemed to keep his composure the whole way through, clearly this wasn't his first fight. Lightning then emitted from his body as the imp charged at him again and he caught it throwing it back with a good shock. Jozuma was quite intrigued with Radulfer's abilities but such pondering had to wait as Radulfer signaled Jozuma to step in. Jozuma walked up towards the horde and this time 2 imps arrived to face him, one looked just like the one Radulfer defeated while the other was slightly bigger with more sharpened claws. The larger one gave off a feral vibe, drooling from the mouth and chomping at the air while making various grunts and snarls as if it was dieing from hunger. It seems they were now not taking chances and were going to attack together, though a better attempt the poor creatures still seemed to not understand the gravity of their situation, if they did they would have brought the entire horde with them. Jozuma took a deep breath preparing to completely wipe them out but he was interrupted by a child-like voice in the distance. "Attack, Zorro!" A huge gust of wind blew at the the imps expanding into a vortex spinning them around, the high speed winds cutting into them, and dropping them on the ground. Then a a small dark figure jumped in and kicked both imp away, knocking out the smaller one, and walked towards Jozuma. When Jozuma got a better look he could see it was Mona, Jozuma's exceed companion. Jozuma was sure he left him at the guild but he should have known better that he wouldn't just sit around and and stay there. "Mona, what you doing here I thought I told you to rest at the guild?" "You've been gone for a week I got bored so I came looking for you myself." "How did you even find me?" The exceed gave a condescending look. "Heh I can find anyone if I really want to." Jozuma crossed him arms. "Alright then, well I'm already heading back to guild with our guildmate here but we took a stop to clear out these imps care to lend a hand." Mona smiled and started making his way to Jozuma's side. "No problem." Jozuma turned back towards the imps Mona kicked away, the smaller one was completely out cold but the larger one started to stand again. Without interruption this time the white of Jozuma's eyes turned black and he took a deep breath. "Ice Demon Rage!" Jozuma let out a huge blast of magic energy from his mouth at the larger imp. The imp screeched as the light infused blast slowly disintegrated its body, when the dust cleared only the imp's ashes remained. The horde stood in complete shock and Jozuma shot them a look that could be only read as "you're next" as Mona got into a fighting stance.
    523 words
    Personal word count: 736
    Jozuma HP: 220/220
    MP: 100%
    Spells Used:
    Pet Spells Used:

    Last edited by Jozuma on 7th June 2017, 5:25 am; edited 1 time in total


    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] D9970a10

    Demon Force:

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by Jozuma 5th June 2017, 12:08 am

    Let's roll some imps! (you can roll more if ya want)


    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] D9970a10

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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by NPC 5th June 2017, 12:08 am

    The member 'Jozuma' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] NormalMonster

    Lineage : Oblivion Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by LerotheRabbit 5th June 2017, 1:35 pm

    Don't mind if I add an additional monster for Radulfer.



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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by NPC 5th June 2017, 1:35 pm

    The member 'LerotheRabbit' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] StrongMonster

    Lineage : Oblivion Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by LerotheRabbit 5th June 2017, 5:16 pm

    As Jozuma stepped up to launch his own attack, Radulfer moved as to not get hit by the Demon Slayer's spells. He wasn't sure how wide his attacks could reach and he didn't want to get caught up in one of them, considering how stronger the man was (and his magic advantage over his own). Crossing his arms over one another, the man clicked one claw against another, his eyes narrowing while Jozuma seemed to take a deep breath. Some sort of exhale attack?

    Suddenly, a distant-sounding voice that seemed to belong to a child cried out, causing Radufler to jump in his skin. From somewhere, a wind spell attacked the imps before a cat creature revealed itself, and from its conversation with Jozuma the two seemed to be familiar. The white-haired man remained quiet as he turned his attention to the imps, one of which begun to stand up as Jozuma faced his opponents once more. This time, the demon-slayer managed to attack his enemies, his eyes curiously turning black as he shouted something about "Ice Demon Rage". His spell was released in a light-infused blast of magic, which promptly disintegrated the body of the imp he was facing.

    The magic was intriguing to Radulfer, seeing how this was his first time actually encountering a Demon Slayer, and it would seem that the imp horde was shocked as well. Their surprise quickly turned into howling anger at the slaughter of several of their brethren, something they didn't quite seem to take too kindly. From their ranks shot out two more imps, one being one of the more average member of the horde and another being somewhat feral. It would be the first time Radulfer would face off against the more wild imp, though its body seemed to be weakened by its state of hunger.

    The pair of imps pegged Radulfer as their target, evident as the two rushed together. The savage imp, driven by starvation, was the first to reach him. Aiming for his legs, the imp jumped forwards, its claws reaching out for him. Taking a diagonal step backward, Radulfer felt the tip of the creature's claw nick his leg, leaving a scratch. Again it lunged again towards him only for Radulfer to kick out with his foot, catching the imp in the stomach and sending it up into the air. The imp flailed its limbs as Radulfer moved forwards, his dominant arm pulling backward. Before its descent could truly begin, Radulfer swiped his claws across its back, spiking it downwards. With a screech, it smashed into the regular imp with a painful sounding crunch. The sound made Radulfer's body shiver before reminding himself that it was either the imps or himself. It wasn't like their attacks was unprecedented, seeing how they attacked passing by caravans.

    Radulfer watched as the pair of imps tumbled backward, their limbs becoming a tangle. Done in by the kick, attack to its back and earthward fall to earth against its "comrade", the feral imp gave in. Despite its stronger body, it was weakened by starvation, unfortunately leaving it with a body as durable as the weakest of the imp horde.

    Meanwhile, the other imp stumbled to its feet and continued with its attack. While the imp jumped towards Radulfer, the transformed mage dropped backward, landing on his hands in a bridge-like form with the help of Demonic Reflexes. Feeling his muscles strain, Radulfer quickly turned himself over and climbed back onto his feet, Radulfer made his own attack against the small imp. Swinging his claws down, he caught the imp as it began to turn around. To ensure that the mess of teeth and claws wouldn't flail around and hurt him, Radulfer tossed the imp back. It rolled for a moment before coming to a stop and didn't come back up.

    HP: 90/100
    MP: 100%/110%
    WC: 639+987=1626/2400
    Radulfer's Remaining Enemies: 3/7



    Last edited by LerotheRabbit on 8th June 2017, 7:55 pm; edited 2 times in total



    Lineage : Oblivion Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by LerotheRabbit 5th June 2017, 5:21 pm

    I forgot to add the monster roll, sorry



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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by NPC 5th June 2017, 5:21 pm

    The member 'LerotheRabbit' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] WeakMonster Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] NormalMonster

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by Jozuma 6th June 2017, 5:56 pm

    Jozuma started walking towards the horde with Mona as two more imps went after Radulfer, he trusted that he could deal with them so he kept going. Two imps ran from the horde to combat Jozuma, both of them were rather small and Jozuma even found them kinda cute which made it a real shame that he had to eliminate them. "Mona, you know what to do." Mona nodded understanding what Jozuma had in mind ran off and turned invisible vanishing from the battlefield. The small imp ran towards him claws fully out and making a very annoying high-pitched screech. The small imp jumped a Jozuma attempted to jab it's claws into his chest but Jozuma simply took a stepped to the side and avoided the attack. When the imp started flying past him Jozuma gave a good punch in the the gut and the imp lost it's breath. Jozuma kept the momentum of the punch tossing the imp down into the ground in front of him. The imp hit the ground and bounced up a little then Jozuma met it again with his foot stomping it into. The imp was dead and embedded in the ground with substantial cracks in the ground surrounding it. The next imp and made it's charge just as ferociously as the first one seeming to completely ignore what happened. This imp was swiftly shut down however as Mona appeared from invisibility in the sky landing on the imp and smashing its head into the ground. "All yours." Mona said as he grabbed the imp by it's head and arm and tossing it in Jozuma's direction. When the imp got to him he hit it with his knee sending it up into the air. Jozuma then shattered his body and reformed above the launched imp and elbowed it back into the ground. The imp made no more movements after it crashed into the ground. When Jozuma landed he looked back at Radulfer to see how he was doing and, seeing the mangled imps in the ground gave him his answer pretty quickly. "Looks like Rad is doing fine." Calcifer then spoke in Jozuma's head. "You guys done yet." Jozuma responded in his mind. "Not yet we still got a quite a few." "Then I'm going to take a nap then wake me up when it's over." Calcifer's voice faded and Jozuma turned back to the imp horde. He and Mona continued staring them down as they slowly walked closer and closer to the imp horde.
    420 words
    Personal word count: 1156
    Jozuma HP: 220/220
    MP: 100%
    Spells Used:


    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] D9970a10

    Demon Force:

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by Jozuma 8th June 2017, 5:47 am

    2 imps coming up! Don't know if you were waiting for me to do the roll if you were then sry! Regardless if you were or not you can just roll them yourself if I don't.

    Also 2 weak monsters you got this! :D

    Last edited by Jozuma on 8th June 2017, 5:51 am; edited 3 times in total


    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] D9970a10

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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by NPC 8th June 2017, 5:47 am

    The member 'Jozuma' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] WeakMonster Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] WeakMonster

    Lineage : Oblivion Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    Third Skill:

    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by LerotheRabbit 8th June 2017, 7:48 pm

    (Sorry for the wait, I was busy with some other things. Thank you for waiting!)

    Once Radulfer was sure that the two imps were not going to rise once more, the mage returned his attention to the horde. Jozuma was already inching close with his strange cat, leaving two dead imps behind them. If he remembered correctly, he had already hurt three imps yet there was unfortunately still quite the amount left.

    After taking a deep breath, Radulfer began to walk closer to the horde, eyeing the imps rather warily. It wasn't that he was scared to face them, or that they were stronger than him. So far, many of them had gone down in a couple of punches and kicks. But it still made him feel uneasy whenever the imps made crunching or squeaking sounds against the ground. It didn't help that some of the smaller imps seemed to be passable as plush toys.

    Speaking of the smaller imps, it would seem that two of the miniature had jumped away from the horde. Eager for battle, they hissed in their demonic little way as they started to weave and bounce towards Radulfer. Despite their small size, their claws were large ones, as if some mage shrunk all of their body save for their claws. But, other than that the imps seemed to be rather weak with their seemingly frail bodies.

    Picking up his pace, Radulfer decided to make the first move and lunge forwards, one of his claws swinging down to catch a chibi imp. But, it quickly bounced out of the ways of his claws, its body unsurprisingly agile. Coming to a stop, the take-over mage spotted its pair bounding forwards, swinging his hand forwards as the imp jumped towards him. Timing it just right, Radulfer swung his hand and caught the imp, batting it away like how a ping-pong player sends the ping-pong ball flying off with a flick of the wrist. The chibi imp crunched into the ground and rolled, and once its momentum disappeared and it came to a stop the imp did not move another inch.

    While that was going on, the remaining chibi imp comically growled for assistance from its horde before rushing forwards in a last-ditch effort. With the confidence of a kamikaze soldier, the chibi imp threw itself towards Radulfer, aiming to sink its oversize but razor claws into the mage's leg. But before that particular scenario could occur, Radulfer jumped back and extended his own hand, slashing downwards as the imp approached. Claws met claws, with the imp being thrown down by the clash. Before it could make a recovery and attempt one final attack, it was kicked away by the mage's leg.



    Cooldowns & Durations:

    Last edited by LerotheRabbit on 8th June 2017, 7:56 pm; edited 2 times in total



    Lineage : Oblivion Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by LerotheRabbit 8th June 2017, 7:50 pm

    Here's your monsters, Jozuma!



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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by NPC 8th June 2017, 7:50 pm

    The member 'LerotheRabbit' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Boss Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] NormalMonster

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by Jozuma 11th June 2017, 8:37 pm

    More imps! (OOC: After I kill these guys the boss imp can officially spawn and I would have killed my 7 req but we can keep going if we are still short of the word count)

    Last edited by Jozuma on 11th June 2017, 8:41 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] D9970a10

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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by NPC 11th June 2017, 8:37 pm

    The member 'Jozuma' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] StrongMonster

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by Jozuma 12th June 2017, 11:07 am

    Jozuma continued walking slowly towards the imp horde seemingly unstopped by any of their attempts to slow him down. Radulfer was behind him getting business done with any imps that decided to just go around him. The main horde of imps now had a bit of fear in their eyes watching their brethren fall one by one to both of them, the thought that their days might be numbered was finally staring to sink in as Jozuma continued getting closer unfazed by any of their attacks. The look though quickly subsided as their fear turned into primal rage as the imps let out loud screeches and charged ahead with bigger numbers. A few went past Jozuma towards Radulfer and 3 stood before Jozuma. One was small and danced around like a maniac making hisses. The 2 larger ones were like the feral one he fought a short while ago with large sharp claws, thin malnourished bodies, and excessive drooling as they bit at the air. The small one was the first too attack charging at Jozuma while making a high pitched screech. The small imp jumped at him trying to embed its claws into his torso but he quickly swiped the small imp to the side. The flew off bouncing across the ground until it skidded into a stop. The small imp lied on the ground its limbs twitching and seemingly out cold. Jozuma turned back to the 2 feral imps. "Next." The 2 feral imps made their charge together at Jozuma as he pulled his head back taking in a big breath. The feral imps got just close enough and he unleashed his attack. "Ice Demon Rage!" Jozuma unleashed another blast of magic energy at the two imps; one got away at just the nick of time but the other was hit dead on and its body disintegrated completely by the magic energy. The other feral imp now was moving much more carefully around Jozuma seeing what happened to the other one. Jozuma stood still awaiting its next move. The imp started dashing towards Jozuma's leg but Mona kicked him back and as Mona tried to follow up the feral imp dodged and jumped towards Jozuma. Jozuma blocked the feral imp's attack with his arm but it's claws did dig in hurting Jozuma a little so he retaliated by grabbing the imp and punching it back to the ground. The feral imp slowing rose once again and gave a loud screech before jumping again this time jumping much higher and ended up high above Jozuma and Mona. The feral imp dived down towards Jozuma claws fully out and Jozuma lifted his arm. "Icicle Wave." A sword of ice formed from Jozuma's arm and he swung it at the imp slicing into it an freezing it solid. Jozuma then caught the frozen imp and smashed it into the ground. "And that's done." Jozuma looked back at the horde and continued his slow approach towards them now staring to get very close and the horde continued their howling and screeching at him as more prepared to fight. As Jozuma was getting closer he noticed an imp in the back of the horde sitting quietly in the back watching the events unfold, it's skin was black and its eyes glowed bright red. It caught Jozuma's interest but he kept moving ignoring it for the time being.
    564 words
    Personal word count: 1720
    Jozuma HP: 210/220
    MP: 90%
    Spells Used:


    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] D9970a10

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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by LerotheRabbit 14th June 2017, 5:40 am

    Making some imps for Radulfer!



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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by NPC 14th June 2017, 5:40 am

    The member 'LerotheRabbit' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] StrongMonster Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] NormalMonster

    Lineage : Oblivion Might
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    Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma] Empty Re: Hunting Imps [Job/Jozuma]

    Post by LerotheRabbit 18th June 2017, 8:14 pm

    Radulfer could feel the effects of his spell beginning to weaken as he uneasily walked around the last two imps that he had just taken care of. He wouldn't have long before Lyn's Body deactivated itself, meaning that he would need to activate another one if the battle continued. Turning his attention towards the horde, it would seem that they were growing extremely agitated and even worried? Perhaps they were sentient enough to realize that unless they did something soon, they were about to be wiped out. The thought was an uneasy one, but it would not be unjustified. The imps were a source of terror and were attacking those who tried to pass through the route. They had to be dealt with, and it was just unfortunate that to get them to stop was to attack them.

    As he neared, one of the imps waiting on the outer rings of the Horde launched itself without abandon at him. Its claws were primed for an attack as it screeched, no doubt hoping that it could put a halt to Radulfer's advances. One incoming mage was better than two, after all.

    The Takeover Mage, spotting the approaching imp, took action and activated one last spell before Lyn's Body dispersed. Energy surged at his fingertips as Radulfer lunged forwards, putting the rest of the magic of his takeover spell into the form of lightning crackling at his fingers. Lyn's Wrath coated his hand as he punched the imp, knocking it away from him. The electricity coursed through his body to that of the imp, the demon twitching as its body spasmed. It was barely able to climb properly onto its legs seeing how its small body was paralyzed, giving Radulfer ample time to strike the imp once more with his claws.

    Radulfer's body then promptly flashed in a blue crackle as Lyn's Body disappeared, returning his torso and arms to normal. The man took a moment to flex his fingers before curling them into a fist, his nails digging into his palm. Looking ahead of him, he could spot a feral imp stealthing its way over to Radulfer, trying to take advantage of his spell deactivating.

    Radulfer jumped back as the imp began to run at him, bouncing off his heels as he activated Lyn's Wings. His torso flashed blue again before a pair of wings unfurled, flapping themselves and lifting Radulfer out of the feral imp's reach. Lightning crackled around his wings, and using them as a catalyst, spread to other parts of the mage's body. Radulfer quickly glanced at Jozuma before moving farther away from the Demon Slayer, to ensure that if he was knocked into him, he wouldn't get electrocuted by his "partner's" lightning.

    But the same consideration didn't apply to the feral imp, and with a flap of his newfound wings, Radulfer sent himself at the imp. He swung out an arm, hitting the imp before flying away from the creature. The blow sent it rolling back, and with uneasy steps, it managed to climb to its feet. Swooping down once more, Radulfer reached out and touched the imp, sending another dose of lightning coursing through its body. It stood there as its body spasmed before falling over once more.

    It was then, did the black imp make the decision to appear. With a truly demonic screech that caused its brethren to grow quiet, the small demon ambled out of its former hiding place. Its body was black with a sheen to it, and it appeared to be just as big as the regular imps. With wicked and malicious red eyes, the imp raised its palms and with a roar shot two balls of fire at both Radulfer and Jozuma.

    MP: 90%/100%
    HP: 90/100
    WC: 622
    Total WC: 2686/2600




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