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    Private UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by Guest 16th May 2017, 6:32 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ SS Rank

    Things were far from what the youthful Bakedanuki observed as comfortable. Black Rose was working like a well-oiled machine, and she had bothered to step up and get a good amount of the paperwork done, allowing Seika to work on other things. The white-furred hybrid Ayakashi had been in no mood to even speak much, as of late, and used nonverbal communication to interact with Izayuki. At the very least, Seika was no longer avoiding her as much, and slept soundly next to the silver-furred raccoon dog.

    Elyx’s mansion had become home to her, and the guildhall, Silver Moon Inn, could only be seen as a secondary house. In her tiredness, Izayuki curled up on the couch, and lightly dozed, her breathing soft and steady. Small noises easily awoke her, be they the calls of birds from outside, or the stirring of Seika, who was brushed up against her. Because of work as being the master of her guild, she did not get to spend much time at ‘home’, but when she did, she found comfort in every second on it. The sofa in the parlor, particularly, would bring back memories of happiness, which further consoled the stressed tanuki.

    With the scent of her surroundings, and of Elyx and Ignite, fresh in the house, Izayuki found herself relaxed for once. Despite all that, she still was unable to get to sleep, and transformed back into her mostly human shape to cuddle into the pillows on the couch. She held gently onto Seika, and allowed the tiny yokai to rest on her lap while she waited in silence, at peace, but also slightly restless. A confusing feeling overall, and one she would prefer to be rid of.

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by King Elyx 17th May 2017, 12:57 pm

    Home? It was all plastic to him. What the hell happened, why did it happen? Where did Adrelissa go after the attack, how did she survive? These were things he needed to know. It was only recently, but he was able to obtain a massive amount of power from, Shima once again. It burned within his body when he executed an attack, and it required him to sacrifice the attacks he knew already, but he was able to trade that in order to have enough power. Power for the truth, there was no more time for him to leave things unanswered.

    So the bounties were ignored until now, he wanted to face them on his own. The problem was, he was going to have to leave all ties that he had one back in Fiore. They weren’t as plastic to him, but they were not real while he had doubts. Even the heaviest of feelings were unreal to him until he could take his mind off of what happened in Shadelle. It was not an addiction anymore, but now he wanted the truth. Why did things happen the way they did, why were his parents killed, why did they suddenly resort to attacking the one he deemed his lover back then? More questions, oh so many of them, none of them being answered.

    Ignite? Resting back at the mansion perhaps. Maybe the guild hall. He didn’t know at this point, nor did he really care. She was full well able to hold her own in a fight, and maybe she can just put some pieces together. Hopefully she wouldn’t miss him too much if he did not come back from this alive. Adrelissa, she will definitely be able to do that. Whether or not she tries to stop him is up to her, but he was confidence that her burn paralysis abilities can only do so much to him while he had this new strength.

    Iza. Hm, that was a tough one. Without a doubt impossible to just guess. Maybe she will be able to do the same thing. It was impossible for him to current cut all traces of him off, so why bother even trying. It was a waste of magic, a waste of time as well. The most he could hope for was her just assuming he was away on some hundred-year magic job again. Wouldn’t be the first time he just went off doing just that. And in a way, this was exactly that. It just wasn’t rewarded with jewels, but knowledge.

    His body was covered up by a long cloak that moved down to his ankles and had a hood over his eyes, leaving his nose and lips to show. In case physical appearance was the only way for someone to tell it was him. His music had been spread far in Fiore, as well as a reputation for being able to complete a massive number of jobs within a short amount of time. Perhaps some might respect him and not call him out, but such chances could not be taken.

    So he proceeded to make an exit from Lavantir, using teleportation to move around. It took him a short distance per teleport used, but it was able to swiftly move him around the house without even so much as a sound made. Eventually, he got to the door, looked back once, then proceeded to teleport from within the house to the outside. Shadelle was awaiting him…

    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by Guest 17th May 2017, 1:42 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ SS Rank

    Izayuki remained sitting quietly on the couch, gently stroking Seika’s alabaster fur as the smaller yokai snoozed on her lap. It was not until she noticed the presence of Elyx leave from one direction, and reappear somewhere else. His familiar scent betrayed him, as it suddenly appeared in the direction of the door. Quickly picking up Seika and moving her to the opposite sofa cushion, the Bakedanuki quickly stood up. Elyx’s scent and presence was no longer at the door, but still in that direction.

    Activating her own teleportation, Icestep, Izayuki moved from her standing position at the edge of the couch, and quickly re-appeared in the front lawn area of the house. It was almost nighttime, she suspected, as the shadows on the ground grew longer. Her expression was confused, though perky, but quickly morphed into one of worry. She noticed the cloaked figure standing a few feet in front of her, with his back turned on the house. The shape of the silhouette was familiar, and his scent continued to betray him.

    “Leaving without saying goodbye…” she murmured gently, attempting to sound carefree and joking, even though the worry in her voice inevitably broke through. Gingerly, the Bakedanuki would take a few steps forward, to slowly close the distance between her and the cloaked and hooded figure. The clothes he wore proved that he was heading out for more than just a casual one hundred year job. Why need he conceal his identity? Unless…

    She only knew traces of his history, based on bits and pieces that he had told her in the past. Did this have something to do with that? They had already taken his life once, and were some of the few he would need to hide his face from. Nevertheless, she could not be sure, and would hate to assume. Whatever it was, why did he feel the need to leave without talking to her first, to at least communicate?

    As she closed the distance, she would attempted to give him a gentle hug from behind, if he did not turn to her, or from the front if he did. “You can talk to me, you know, Elyx. You don’t have to avoid your wife,” she stated in a low, tender voice. The confusion and worry was clawing at her; was he trying to leave her alone, or abandon her? After what she had done on that one snowy night, she could not really blame him. Even though it had been seemingly resolved, there was no true closure, and the memory still weighed on her mind.

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by King Elyx 17th May 2017, 1:53 pm

    He stopped without even flinching as she arrived, her voice clearly broken from his action. It was somewhat painful for him to hear it, so he closed his eyes to numb the pain with his wincing instead, though not easily shown through the hood he had on his face. A small, cut inhale was all he could execute before he let out one word. "Shadelle." The brunette said to her, looking to the side to the house right beside them. It was something she could not quite understand. Shima would look down in spirit onto him, her arms crossed as she looked down onto Iza. Hm... But not a trace of action would be executed. Elyx was riding solo on this one for now. "What... Happened..." The brunette would ask, somewhat to himself, somewhat to Iza as he would continue to walk forward. His objective was to just simply brush on by and make his way, now not caring if she got in the way of the attempt. Of course, he himself wouldn't lay a finger on her for such a reason. She was not the one who brought Adrelissa to her knees and began to butcher her body with a knife. Quatro held his peace as he too would float behind Elyx. Stella was sleeping, not so aware like the other two have been. Quatro was a mute, and Stella was in slumber, so neither of them could give their input on the matters. All they would do is just follow him, even in his attempt to walk past her. Despite his vague words, they made sense, but only to him.

    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by Guest 18th May 2017, 5:50 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ SS Rank

    Shadelle. Memories flashed through her mind as the name of that unique location was said aloud. The place where she was born, with vibrant and lush forests, and a beautiful snow-capped mountain; home to plenty of wildlife, as well as a human village of people known as Lerales. At the very least, this was what she knew of it. The last time she had mentioned her old home, which just so happened to be Elyx’s, it had triggered the brunette into a rage. One way or another, he had come back to his senses, and promised not to destroy the continent.

    Why was he mentioning it again? Was he really…

    His next two words, that should have formed a question, trailed off. What happened? Izayuki’s lips parted as she breathed in a soft inhale to respond, when he started to move again, and away from her embrace. Upon him doing so, she tightened her arms around him; not threateningly, but tenderly, while still strong enough so that he could not get away as easily. With her touch, he would not be able to teleport or blink away either, with any movement abilities or spells.

    “Just stop a minute, Elyx,” Izayuki pleaded, resting her head against his back as her embrace would tighten. “Please… just tell me what’s going on.”
    Shadelle… leaving… he had much to tell her, though the Bakedanuki was not about to repeat it. She would wait for him to disclose what was going on and answer the obvious questions running through her mind. “Why are you leaving…?”

    Naturally, the most important question was left unasked. Was it her fault, or something she had done? The insecurity weighed on her mind, never to leave her at ease. This was unlike the calm and understanding young man she had grown to love so dearly. He seemed… detached. Determined, but not in the way she formerly looked up to. She longed to understand for once, no longer the naive young tanuki from the past.

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by King Elyx 19th May 2017, 1:37 pm

    Ignorance was bliss, Ignorance is weakness, who even knows anymore? Her embrace tightened around him, clearly not letting him go too far. "Is ignorance bliss, or is it hell? For me, it's hell... Why did they batter her? Am I supposed to ignore that for the rest of my life? Why did they hunt me down? Am I supposed to ignore that? I want to know why things are the way they are! His voice echoed through the air for a short amount of time, the silence amplifying it's power for a bit. Of course, Elyx left out some details, but his rush to get to Shadelle was making him act far more on impulse if anything, not logic or attention to detail. "Let me go, this is the mission I have wanted to carry out ever since Fiore declared me D rank. I'll confront Cain one on one, make him answer!" Half of that was meant for himself, as if to tell himself that what he was doing was the only way of going about things. Shima crossed her arms, her right leg bending over her left as she would take an air seat behind the brunette. This Tanuki, damn. If she keeps doing this, she'll just keep pissing him off... Then who looks like the bad guy, him again?" She thought to herself, keeping these silent thoughts in the back of her mind. It was not too much a concern for him. "Consider it another 100 year job... I need this though..."

    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by Guest 19th May 2017, 3:00 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ SS Rank

    His questioning reminded her of the time when he had explained the horrors of his past, which had allowed Izayuki to realize that he was not much different from her. “Elyx…” her voice trailed off as his own echoed out into the still air. She continued to keep him held tightly in her embrace as she considered what he said, and formed a response.

    “Let me ask you this-- are you doing this for closure, or for revenge?” she asked steadily and flatly, with little edge or emotion in her tone as she inquired. His questions could lead her to believe the former, but as he brought up the fact of Cain, and the mission that brought him to Fiore, Izayuki began to believe it leaned more towards a hunger for revenge. “You say you need this, but for what? Don’t you already have a peaceful life here? Isn’t Addy alive and safe?”

    The Bakedanuki used the nickname for Adrelissa, the childhood friend of her former husband. Though she personally did not get along too well with the powerful Lerale, she knew that the blue-haired girl was still a close friend of Elyx, and did her best to keep the peace whenever she was around. Did Adrelissa approve of what Elyx was about to do, or did she even know?

    “Do you really need this?”

    Her own questioning. She recalled her fight between her human and ayakashi self back in Kemuira’s realm. Perhaps a long time ago, she had wanted revenge on Yukionna. However, her human side taught her that it was not revenge that she hungered for, but peace. Was it the same for her partner? Unconsciously, she was still tightening her embrace, though not uncomfortably so; only out of her worry and desperation to understand.

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by King Elyx 19th May 2017, 3:10 pm

    "I want to make things right. Whether that be peace, or war, it's for closure." The brunette explained, stepping forward as he intended to pull her weight with him until she just gave in. Adrelissa was indeed alive, and they knew where they both are. However, they did not mean that there was a lot of unfinished business to do. The only difference was him not wanting revenge this time, he wanted answers. Now he they strength to nearly guarantee that he will not be dead when he got to Shadelle. Bounty Hunters existed for a reason, they were on him, but he shunned them all away. There was a contractor looking for him years after, and that's something he's supposed to ignore? "Let me go, I''m not changing my mind on this one." And that was a fact, he was dead set on making sure he got to his former home. Perhaps current? He didn't know, but he did know that it was going to be quite the distance away from here. It was going to take a lot more than just a couple days like the usual... Hundred... Year missions did. It was something that not even Yuni was able to make a quick transport for him. "Adrelissa is safe, you are here. Yet a mage can have all his dreams come true, and ignorance will crush those dreams to nothing but dust. I refuse to stay ignorant any longer, with or without support. I'm going." He stated, trying to convince her not to stop him. But if this just won't work, he did have some newfound abilities to allow for evasion.

    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by Guest 19th May 2017, 3:38 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ SS Rank

    Izayuki sighed as she heard his first response. Closure was something she could accept and understand. That, and she was relieved to not be the reason behind his will to leave home for the task, selfish as that might have been.
    He began to try to move again, though likely could not against her strength. Though he was the stronger mage, her physical strength still trumped his by far. Before she let go, she would speak again, as he declared he would not change his mind. “If that’s the case, I’m going with you,” the Bakedanuki said as she slowly released him from her embrace. Her spell would still be over him, not allowing him to teleport away, and at least for the present, she trusted him not to run.

    “I promised you that long ago, didn’t I~?” she chimed, attempting to give a sincere and warm smile. Their moment in his house, when he had seen her illusion of their former home and boldly said he would destroy it, only to later promise he would not. In turn, she promised to help him settle things with Shadelle, even if it meant going as far as killing everyone in the human village. “I wouldn’t mind seeing my birthplace again, anyway, to see how the forests have changed," the Bakedanuki mused aloud, folding her hands behind her back as she moved around Elyx to walk alongside him.

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by King Elyx 20th May 2017, 10:04 am

    "You're going to get hurt, you know that, right?" The brunette would explain as he would cross his arms, but not turning his body around to face her. His head would instead dip forward a small amount, looking at the ground below him as he could think of a few ways that could go wrong. Besides, the Lerales had the same amount of time he did to get stronger. Last Elyx checked, he was not strong enough to take on Shadelle back when he was S rank. The reason why he was going now was because he was X rank, a legendary figure in Fiore, perhaps enough to take down people easily if he needed to. Iza however, was confirmed to still be at S rank. "Not because of the strength of the people, but because of what you will have to do. There are people out there who want my head, and I might have to cut a few as well. This isn't going to have a happy ending, you know that, right?" He explained as he would proceed to step forward a few steps, looking to the side as he would spot a nearby piece of scrap. A trace of the old guild that Black Rose used to once be, it was still there in spirit it seemed. "Hm, you run a guild. I forgot about that, shouldn't you be tending to them first? Besides, they are the ones that are supposed to be closest to you. Which perhaps was a reason why I couldn't do it. No motivation to make such a commitment, especially considering how this nightmare just keeps coming back to haunt me."

    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by Guest 20th May 2017, 1:00 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ SS Rank

    “Nobody gets out of missions without getting hurt a bit,” Izayuki responded plainly, in a calm and solemn voice. He mentioned having to do not so favorable things, but it made no difference to the Bakedanuki. She had grown accustomed to the blood of others being on her hands, and while it was something she was not proud of, it was not entirely against her nature either. She would give warnings, but if someone was unwise enough to keep attacking her, she rarely let them off with mercy. “Perhaps not a happy ending, but it would bring you peace of mind. That’s good enough for me.”

    It was then that he brought up the fact of her guild. It had barely been on her mind until he mentioned it, which made her gaze at the Lavanitir scrap he had spied. “My guild would not begrudge me helping out one who I consider family. The Aces of Black Rose are perfectly capable of running the guild in my absence. You said I could consider this just another One Hundred Year Job, right? They can do the same,” she responded again in a calm, but mildly stubborn manner, as her gaze fell back on him. Chuckling lightly, Izayuki took a few steps towards him. “I’m going with you; nothing you say or do can stop me~” she said in a playful tone, despite the gravity and honesty in the words.

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by King Elyx 20th May 2017, 1:57 pm

    "Oh Iza..." Elyx replied, closing his eyes as he would continue to take a few steps forward. She really cared, and it pained him to have to shun her from the reality of Shadelle. It was for her own good, those people can crucify those who dare not have enough power to defend themselves. People as powerful as Cain, those are the ones capable of doing such a thing. His steps stopped as he would then propose an idea."The enemies there are by far the most dangerous you will ever see for a while. If you care so much to accompany me on the task..." His body turned around as he would then open his eyes, looking at her directly now. "Prove to me your strength, in a rematch. No suicide jumps, but you need to beat me at full force. If you can't handle my strength, you can't handle the strength that Shadelle can do." The brunette explained, the wind blowing as his scarf would begin to flow to the side, his hands in his pockets, and his eyes half-closed. His lips were sealed tightly in a small smile, the one that was deemed casual. It has been a while since that one has been revealed to anyone. Perhaps maybe at A rank, that was the last time such a smile appeared. "I'm not looking to stop you for your strength, but this is truly something I believe I need to face on my own. I would rather not have them rip the blood of the girl I love again... So what do you say?"

    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by Guest 20th May 2017, 2:35 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ SS Rank

    Izayuki kept silent as he spoke, explaining to her the difficulty of the task. Her rose-hued eyes remained on the hooded figure of her husband as he took a few steps away, only to finally turn to her. His next words and proposition surprised the Bakedanuki, causing her to take a step back as she listened. At first, she would have been hesitant to dare engage him again, with the horrors of their last battle fresh in her mind.

    Was this what she wanted, he had asked, as he finished taking the full force of her attack. Of course not… she only had wanted to prove her strength to him, and to herself, at that point in time. However, her selfish move had only resulting in punishing Elyx, Astrid, and herself, discouraging her from ever attempting something so reckless again. But here came a beautiful example of how the world got back at her. He directly was telling her to prove her strength to him, in order to help him. Was not this one of the things she had always wanted?

    All she had left to do was succeed. His word of no suicide jumps eased her mind as she nodded, while her silver-furred tail swayed back and forth happily as she observed his calm smile. How long had it been since she had seen that? She began to walk forward again, narrowing her eyes despite her lips revealing a small grin. “As long as there are no tricks… and no holding back. I want to prove my strength to you once and for all, this time,” she stated smoothly, beginning to close the distance between them.

    The small, white-furred Ayakashi sat quietly on the roof, observing with disapproval. She disliked the idea of the Bakedanuki leaving the guild, or off to a dangerous place in general. Nevertheless, Seika held her silence, cyan eyes narrowing at the brunette suspiciously. Something was off, from what she could sense. Levitating down towards Izayuki, Seika transformed herself into a diamond pin, attached to the other Yokai’s scarf. In case anything went wrong, the glacier goddess would be ready. Night was falling.

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by King Elyx 20th May 2017, 5:58 pm

    "Well then, let's begin."
    "Well then, let's begin."

    Both voices would declare as he would proceed to create four spears from his sides before raising his right palm outwards towards her direction. Matter-Make, a new form of magic that allows him to make anything from his imagination. Already one of his favorite abilities. Each spear fired in a straight line, not really anything special about them. This of course was just to provoke a start to the battle, and he would leave it at just that as he then crossed his arms, though he summoned eight more spears behind his back. These spears just float behind him at the command of his mind, they were like his servants. Such control, it took such power and craft to make literally anything become a tool for his own use. The Tanuki was obviously bright enough to not just take those sudden hits. If she did... He might as well just end it all before it begins, as this would just be a massive waste of time. It was going to be a much rougher battle in this case. Shima stood behind him with her arms crossed, mimicking his own moves. It was her power that he was borrowing from in the first place. They technically shared the pool of magic, and neither of their own magics can allow for the power of creation to be done it the first place. In the legends of Endelle, Seria had the power of Creation, it was like he had a mini-version of her power.

    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by Guest 20th May 2017, 7:07 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ SS Rank

    As the four spears appeared and were launched towards her, Izayuki stood her ground. How was she to prove her strength by running or dodging? No, she planned to show her husband just how much she could handle, as he had asked. The spears would deflect off of her with ease, leaving no trace of visible damage as she grinned. “That won’t do,” she commented as she watched the eight other spears generated.

    Grinning, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a black-colored plastic spork. It was fabulous, and she had yet to be convinced otherwise. The act of pulling out the spork was meant to be more of a distraction, as she summoned frost to form around the spears that would penetrate the matter, and destroy it. At the same time, six ice sporks would appear around Elyx- two above his head, two behind him, and two in front of him, all at angles circling him. They would instantly move inward, all within a second, in an attempt to pierce through him. Meanwhile, the temperature around her would begin to drop as per her cold affinity, to at least the temperature of freezing water.

    Granted he dodge, as she somewhat expected of a swift mage, Izayuki was ready to use her teleport to move anywhere he went; to appear right behind him with three well-aimed, quick strikes from her claws. She preferred close range melee fighting, after all.
    Despite her movements, the Bakedanuki could sense a new sort of gloom and heaviness in the air. Odd and foreign, and obviously magical. Wind Magic was what she remembered him using… but what could explain this new aura and type of magic? It perplexed her, and made her all the more curious to find out.
    King Elyx

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    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by King Elyx 21st May 2017, 11:25 am

    One huge advantage that helped him was Shima, she was a lookout for him in this fight. And considering they shared magic in order to make a new one, they were able to share the same pool. Therefore, Shima herself can activate spells and abilities whenever she wanted to. Another thing was that she was able to see things from a different pair of eyes. "Hm, she's not phased. There's something blocking, but those sporks of hers..." Shima would stop as she saw them coming down right where Elyx was. Good thinking, but it was going to require far more than that to stop him. She instantly placed his body in the pocket dimension, where a year could be ten, or perhaps just one second. All time belonged to them, so they have the ability to plan things out. "Careful, do you think she's really going to let those sporks do anything? Remember her fighting style, physical attacks, which can bring nightmares to her if she sticks around too long. Stay on pursuit if she tries to run out of range." With that, she opened up the dimension, right as the sporks just tried to hit him, but missed. The next part was the teleportation to bring him a barrage, but Shima quickly triggered the Force Palm on Elyx's body, his right arm moving to the right side to force Iza's body to move away from him to the side. "She herself has some pesky defense, unleash hell. There's more than one layer to an onion."

    Nodding his head, he placed his palm out, mixing her power with Shima's to summon 4 layers worth of spears, 10 in each layer. They surrounded her in the fashion of a dome, leaving no corners open. So they each launched, wave by wave in an attempt to get through as many defenses as they could. "And now it's Aiyana's turn." Elyx declared as he would flick out the black and gold key in his key inventory. Placing the magic item against his heart, he grew a pair of purple fox ears and nine tails as well. It was the Kyuubi, Frostfire now in his arsenal. To add to the barrage, one giant spear of Frostfire would from above Iza's head, in which Elyx instantly closed his palm, and the frostfire would aim to slam down furiously.

    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by Guest 21st May 2017, 12:15 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ SS Rank

    As expected of the higher ranking mage, he easily avoided her sporks of ice, which were created for the sole purpose of testing his defenses. She recalled how he preferred to evade, rather than to take an attack head-on. It would be problematic, seeing as she tended to gravitate towards close range melee combat. Even so, she still had other tricks up her sleeve.

    Her physical assault was met with her being tossed aside ten meters by some type of spell. As she was knocked away, however, she would send a wave of snow his way, to further propel her backwards, and also to deal damage should any of it touch him. The wave of snow was ten meters in length, and helped give her some distance from Elyx, by at least twenty yards.

    He summoned more spears out of matter, and directed them towards her. This was a battle to prove her strength, was it not? She already showed him that she could take the full force of attacks, but how about her evasion? Her teleports would not work- the heavy aura around was crushing, and sealing off what she had little by little. The Bakedanuki would be forced to fall back on a last resort defense. The spears came for her, and would hit her. Instead of being deflected, however, they would move through her and go out through the back.

    Izayuki grinned once more as she watched him use Aiyana’s key to access the star suit, which gave him fox-like features, similar to her own tanuki ones. She sensed the frostfire spear being generated up ahead, and began sprinting ahead at full speed back towards Elyx, claws flexed, and dodging the attack. She kept hold of the plastic spork, and launched it towards him, throwing it and thus discarding the eating utensil. Assuming he would dodge with either a teleport or his own speed, Izayuki would follow up with another attack in her pursuit, three more slashes of her claws. One thing at a time, after all. She could be patient.

    King Elyx

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    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by King Elyx 21st May 2017, 1:34 pm

    "The pressure of the auras are beginning to wear her down. Hm, durable, but not enough for Shadelle." Shima would comment as she would place the tip of her pointer right finger on her chin, tilting her head to the side before then looking down to Elyx, a small smile on her face. It seemed like he was going to be doing a lot more damage, though at what cost? It seems the wave arrived, so he would unleash the wave of Frostfire to counteract. Guardians Aura took care of the rest. But suddenly, he felt a slight chill running through his blood. "Hm, seems like that hit had something special in it. Next time, evade. But... That does give me an idea." Shima explained as Elyx continued to battle, feeling his energy draining a small amount. But it was not enough to hold him down, as he himself was going to execute some attacks of his own. A magic portal would take in the spork launched at him, sealing it in there to prevent it from doing anything else. With that, he would then dissolve in the air, leaving his replica in his place before it took the brunt of a melee attack, resulting in it shattering. Finally, Shima triggered the spell, a new energy flowing through his body. "When she attacks you, she'll have some nasty surprises coming her way. If your body can hold up for long enough, she won't know what will hit her." She explained to him, and so he did his best to conserve as much of his energy as he could.

    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by Guest 21st May 2017, 2:30 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ SS Rank

    “Strange…” the hybrid yokai mused to herself as her spiritually-aware eyes observed the raven-haired spirit communicating with the brunette. Seika recognized the woman as a deity of some sort, and a powerful one, while not on too grand a scale. What did she want to do with the couple locked in combat? Though Seika remained in the form of a diamond pin on Izayuki’s pink scarf, Erimaki, she was not personally helping the Bakedanuki with the fight. Was this battle really two on one? Izayuki had the ability to see the woman, though usually kept the spiritual powers that her Wonderland magic granted her toggled off, if she could help it. How useful they would be about now. Speaking in a quiet murmur, she allowed Izayuki to hear her voice, just barely. “Iza, use your Wonderland Magic. Something’s not right here.”

    If her opponent was going to receive help, Seika was at least going to assist Izayuki in becoming aware of that factor. Meanwhile, the Bakedanuki finished slashing the clone only to find it was a phony, and that Elyx had reappeared a good twenty five meters away. Only then did she hear the hushed voice of her companion, who would be unheard by anyone else. The pink-haired girl clenched her teeth, disliking the notion of using her secondary magic spells. After all, they only brought her closer to her demise at the hands of the Daemon, and slowly drove her further into madness. Was it really worth using them for a mere spar?

    Izayuki considered Seika’s words. Ever since that night where she had had some of her power stolen by the Ayakashi, the two had been on icy terms. They still remained in each other’s company, though there was always that edge of suspicion and uncertainty. No closure. However, if Seika spoke now, it probably was important.

    Sighing, Izayuki directed her focus at Elyx again, standing a few meters away. She felt a slight twinge of pain as he redirected some of her Ice Hunt back at her. However, she dared not react. The tanuki girl began to walk towards him at a steady pace, her eyes watching for any sign of him coming to attack. There was one thing she could do, to show him her strength, that she could win this without drawing it out for too long. “Mad Hatter,” she murmured in an unintelligible whisper, as she came within twenty meters of him. Before she had even finished speaking, an invisible wave of madness was sent out, with her full power behind it. It was invisible, and pretty much impossible to notice, except for her obvious use of magic power, along with the sudden heaviness and emotional acknowledgement of provoked madness and insanity, perhaps.

    As her spell was used, she continued walking towards him in a casual way, ready for him to make the first move again. As her Wonderland power grew active from within her, Izayuki began to make out the form of Shima standing behind Elyx as a new form of energy was sensed. “Did you plan on introducing me~?” she asked in a relaxed manner, crossing her arms as she walked closer. She was referring to the spirit standing behind him, who was obviously assisting the brunette in the fight.

    King Elyx

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    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by King Elyx 21st May 2017, 4:23 pm

    "Hm, it looks like the spell factor has been broken into. Don't worry though, your body can still sustain the damage. That key doesn't run out either, so that makes life easier." Shima explained. It didn't take long for Iza to know of Shima and her presence. Cool, looks like they got to meet in battle. But instead of replying to Iza, he would just ask Shima a question. "She knows, think that will hinder us in any way?" The brunette asked, crossing his arms. After a small silence, she would summon the spear dome again. "No, I don't see that being the case." And off they fired down onto the Tanuki like the other times. Looks like they were aiming to take care of any more layers that were there before they could get some thick damage inflicted. Wherever she went, he prepared by making the Frostfire spear strike up from below wherever her presence was. It was more an attack that had the element of surprise. At this point, he needed to be lofty like that. His body took a pretty good amount of damage, but he prepared to bring it up as soon as the ice within him would just stop being a bother.

    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by Guest 21st May 2017, 5:18 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ SS Rank

    Being flat out ignored was never a good feeling, even if it was at least acknowledge that she could see the woman. Izayuki gave an irritated huff as Elyx asked the spirit a question, but refused to respond to her. She quietly noted to ask him about the spirit later… who appeared to be doing the bulk of the fighting. Was this really two on one? If this was some sort of test, she would prove to him what she was capable of. She could take on the horrors of Shadelle, and would show him just that.

    Sudden spears, and not ones that the Bakedanuki was willing to put up with. She resorted to changing her body into a flurry of ice and snow, while maintaining her humanoid shape as the spears of matter from above and frostfire from below went through her. Once she sensed nothing else floating in the air or coming at her from below, she solidified her shape once more and snapped her fingers. Instantly, she would fill the vicinity with her snow, as it began to fall quickly, seemingly from the sky, fueled by her cold magic. He had sealed a good amount of her power overall, and without that, she had no time to lose. “This ends now,” she said, as the snow began to fall harder.

    King Elyx

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    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by King Elyx 21st May 2017, 5:43 pm

    "Well, you did do the challenge. She's proven herself. But you haven't, looks like you aren't ready for Shadelle." Shima explained, crossing her arms as Elyx looked up. Yeah, it seemed that way. If he could not even beat Iza, there was no way in hell he could cross someone like Cain. Damn, and to think he was actually getting anywhere with this. The blizzard came. The brunette closed his eyes and breathed in as calmly as he could. So annoying, but it was the truth that he was forced to swallow. As the snowflakes came, he set up his own wind matter to push away the snowflakes away from his body, making a matter-make dome exclusively for pushing away the snowflakes from his body. The more they generate, the more wind he genterated around him to prevent the snowflakes from coming to him. In the process, he proceeded to make one of the "Promises", allowing it to form as a music note before tossing it over to her."Good job. But perhaps I'm not strong enough yet to go to Shadelle. A shame, really. But I guess that's life." He explained to her with a smile on his face before then looking back. "Hey Quatro, to Utopiasphere. I need a moment." An right at the end of his last sentence, he, Shima, and Quatro would all disappear to where Stella had been sleeping. Elyx had been so confident in his abilities, but he couldn't even beat one mage. Such a shameful ending, but at least he found this out now instead of in Shadelle itself.

    Private Re: UNDER A STARLIT NIGHT ♦ private

    Post by Guest 21st May 2017, 8:38 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ SS Rank

    As the snow continued to fall, Izayuki felt a slight flash of anger as the raven-haired woman spoke, talking to Elyx. What right did the spirit have to declare that he was not ready for Shadelle? He began to generate wind to protect himself from the blizzard, evidently recognizing what would happen if he dared encounter any of the snowflakes. She was done with playing around and prolonging the fight. How much would it take to prove her strength to him?

    … Not much more, apparently. The Bakedanuki narrowed her rosy eyes at the shiny object he created in his hand. She noticed no dangerous magic presence from it, so as he tossed it, she went ahead and caught it, while relying on her shields in case he tried anything. However, the words to follow quickly told her otherwise. “Elyx, wait!” Izayuki shouted as she allowed the snow to stop and took a spring towards him with her outstretched free hand. “Don’t listen to her!”

    Gone. He had turned his head to speak to some shadow-like spirit standing behind him, and just like that, disappeared. Her fingers reached empty air as she came to a sliding halt, panting slightly in mild panic. Just what and who were those spirits, and why were they with him? What kinds of lies were they filling his head with while he was away and alone? Maybe this was some simple ruse to have her drained so he could go on to their old homeland alone. Regardless, it would not stop her. Izayuki had not meant to prove him as weaker, but only herself as strong enough to take on the horrors of his old village. Despite his words, did they mean anything if he was only going to view his own power in a negative light?

    That was not how she intended for their brawl to play out. She was there to support him, not crush him further. If he was hiding for now, she would wait until morning for his return. If he was not, and went on ahead without her, she would catch up to him, and find a way to Shadelle on her own.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 2:00 pm