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    Alternate Pets/Armory


    Lord of Domination

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Daddy 25th December 2016, 12:11 am

    So to get to the nitty gritty of this, it'd be nice for the item cap to be lifted to have more leeway. Before the pitchforks get raised let me explain. This wouldn't change what we could use in a thread, but give us alternatives. Say for example someone has two combat pets, depending on the job they would use the one that would be more useful, or the same could be said for armors. Going to do a job at sea? Use an armor that gives a benefit in the water or so. Also, those of us that are getting gifted things that are already full don't have to sell them or shelf them till they have a character that can use them. It can obviously be limited to like one or two alternatives.


    Alternate Pets/Armory JAgwtRZ

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Bass 25th December 2016, 3:16 am

    Perhaps. This could work, but you'd have to decide at the beginning of the job


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    Alternate Pets/Armory 8Xdz1Cq

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 26th December 2016, 1:09 pm

    I actually wouldn't mind this.
    We could keep the cap, however, it would only be capped during the topic and not in your inventory. I actually like that idea. ((Also wouldn't mind a Guild Armory, but w/e.. Idea for another day))


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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Eris 26th December 2016, 5:15 pm

    Except if you have it why can't you use it?   

    There isn't a reason IC for such a limitation.   However,  there's already no reason IC for the current limitation to begin with so eh.    Difference is if you actually have the item made and described,  have it's connection to your character,  and then your character randomly can't use it in this or that topic it's a disconnect whereas you simply haven't obtained or acquired the item to begin with in the current limits..

    I think the limits should just be pushed,  and events such as that gift giving event should simply allow excess,  along with the last half or so of the job ranks,  difficult jobs get rewards that actually reward and so on.    You might cry power creep and unfair advantage to newer members,  but they'll have all the same opportunities to grow themselves just as they do anyway,  but in either case 99% of everyone wont even reach S-rank anyway, if they even made it to A.   if they even made it to B... or even C.      

    The members who are already on the higher end of the stick can't be around all the time and they, we I guess,  come and go,  giving time for it to maintain a cycle of newer blood rising up to the top either with or replacing the old regardless of the creep potential.   The ones who don't rise wouldn't likely have risen regardless, which isn't to speak poorly of them, just that there are different spheres and stories to explore. 

    Overall I'm just leery of any form of rules that conflict with in-character reason or continuity,   this is just a bit sketchy in that regard.


    Alternate Pets/Armory NvVyM98

    Alternate Pets/Armory CkggyrF

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Bass 26th December 2016, 8:14 pm

    Well, IC wise you could just have (for weapons and armor) that its too heavy to bring all of it with you or too cumbersome. I mean yeah I can carry four swords, but thats gonna weigh me down and make moving awkward.

    Whereas if I have in my 'bank' a suit designed for water combat and i'm going to the ocean...i'll take it, but I wouldn't take it to a desert environment.

    That being said this could also make requip mages redundant to some extent


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    Alternate Pets/Armory 8Xdz1Cq

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Almyra Bys 27th December 2016, 3:02 pm

    I don't see how it'd make requip mages redundant. Requip mages can summon the equipment they need when they need it, whereas everyone else would have to choose their loadout at the beginning and stick with it.


    Alternate Pets/Armory 3MA5V3N
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    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Vlad 28th December 2016, 7:44 am

    My opinion is as such. I do believe that we should be able to have multiple, it could lead to a variety of new scenarios and allow for more robust rp. On the same token if it is to not conflict with the current regulations there would need to be some new regulation implemented. I agree with choosing at the beginning of the thread/job. I would even go as far as to say that if a person is going on a job that is of a higher rank than themselves they should have the limit pushed up to two. This would be due to, ICLY, the person not being completely confident in going on the job?


    Alternate Pets/Armory Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Vlad 28th December 2016, 9:58 am

    Veil Crane wrote:Well, IC wise you could just have (for weapons and armor) that its too heavy to bring all of it with you or too cumbersome. I mean yeah I can carry four swords, but thats gonna weigh me down and make moving awkward.

    Whereas if I have in my 'bank' a suit designed for water combat and i'm going to the ocean...i'll take it, but I wouldn't take it to a desert environment.

    That being said this could also make requip mages redundant to some extent
    Not necessarily. I'm sure there would simply be a higher limit. Not limitless. Also, being a requip has many, many benefits. Not much redundancy in my opinion.


    Alternate Pets/Armory Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Guest 28th December 2016, 10:50 am

    So, this is actually being taken into consideration (up until one of the other admins says no >.>*coughs*aiyana*coughs*), but until then, I would like some suggestions on how this can go about that mods would be able to keep track of weapons/armors/items/pets/etc would be used in a job thread?

    So far, we've come up with the thought that the limitation will be used, but only 1 weapon, 1 armor, 1 item, and 1 pet can be used while in that job and that the job will be denied if the stuff selected for the job are not used, but something else is.

    This is not solid information, so please don't go passing this around as if it's been confirmed, it's still in the works and may be changed.

    But thoughts? Input? Suggestions? How do you want this to work?

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Vlad 28th December 2016, 11:42 am

    Add a new part to the job sign up. Simply have them state what theyare using.


    Alternate Pets/Armory Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Aliannah 28th December 2016, 11:45 am

    We have already talked about that and what we would be editing into the template.



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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Roku 28th December 2016, 1:06 pm

    Simply list what we are taking if they have more than the normal limit.


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    Omen Angel

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Aliannah 28th December 2016, 1:15 pm




    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Eris 28th December 2016, 1:17 pm

    Marceline Anicetus wrote:
    So far, we've come up with the thought that the limitation will be used, but only 1 weapon, 1 armor, 1 item, and 1 pet can be used while in that job and that the job will be denied if the stuff selected for the job are not used, but something else is.

    But thoughts? Input? Suggestions? How do you want this to work?

    Taking away / limiting what is already available to members is one of the worst things a site can do.    

    What would be the point of that anyway other than to be overbearing and restrictive?    That's just a new imposed limit without benefit. 

    Just keep things the same,  the same current limits,   but allow people to own more items than the current limits provide,  but you can simply only take the limit into jobs.  ie;  There is no Ownership limit (Except for Mythicals),  and the current ownership limit becomes a new Usage limit. 

    1Myth, 2Arts, 2Armors, 3 Magic Items. 1 Legendary, 1 Strong, N/A Weaks. 
    (Then there were the raffle events that allowed additions to this limit)

    This way it is only a net benefit for everyone,  a positive change to the site. 

    Otherwise you unnecessarily cripple those who may have worked hard to fill those slots.   Imagine if you were a minimal to no magic Knight character who relied on your items,  and now suddenly more than half your gear was unavailable.     Besides, any warrior worth anything takes more than 1 weapon and 1 item anywhere they expect a fight,  and "armor" can be anything from a suit of armor to a protective bracelet.

    Example:  You just changed pets,  allowing an unlimited number of noncombat pets.  But only one per topic.   That is a benefit to the site,  it does not limit anything anyone already can do.  It just allows people to possess more noncombat pets,  when they already could only use one per topic previously.
    This is exactly like that.    No change to what already exists,  just the addition of ownership over more.  

    It would probably be best for no change at all to this system.  

    Last edited by Eris on 28th December 2016, 1:26 pm; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : Forumotion likes to add grand canyon sized spacing between lines sometimes.)


    Alternate Pets/Armory NvVyM98

    Alternate Pets/Armory CkggyrF

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Guest 28th December 2016, 1:28 pm

    Eris wrote:
    Marceline Anicetus wrote:
    So far, we've come up with the thought that the limitation will be used, but only 1 weapon, 1 armor, 1 item, and 1 pet can be used while in that job and that the job will be denied if the stuff selected for the job are not used, but something else is.

    But thoughts? Input? Suggestions? How do you want this to work?

    Taking away / limiting what is already available to members is one of the worst things a site can do.    

    What would be the point of that anyway other than to be overbearing and restrictive?    That's just a new imposed limit without benefit. 

    Just keep things the same,  the same current limits,   but allow people to own more items than the current limits provide,  but you can simply only take the limit into jobs.  ie;  There is no Ownership limit (Except for Mythicals),  and the current ownership limit becomes a new Usage limit. 

    1Myth, 2Arts, 2Armors, 3 Magic Items. 1 Legendary, 1 Strong, N/A Weaks. 
    (Then there were the raffle events that allowed additions to this limit)

    This way it is only a net benefit for everyone,  a positive change to the site. 

    Otherwise you unnecessarily cripple those who may have worked hard to fill those slots.   Imagine if you were a minimal to no magic Knight character who relied on your items,  and now suddenly more than half your gear was unavailable.     Besides, any warrior worth anything takes more than 1 weapon and 1 item anywhere they expect a fight,  and "armor" can be anything from a suit of armor to a protective bracelet.

    Example:  You just changed pets,  allowing an unlimited number of noncombat pets.  But only one per topic.   That is a benefit to the site,  it does not limit anything anyone already can do.  It just allows people to possess more noncombat pets,  when they already could only use one per topic previously.
    This is exactly like that.    No change to what already exists,  just the addition of ownership over more.  

    It would probably be best for no change at all to this system.  

    You're literally telling me what we're already doing. xD We're dropping the current limits, but only allowing one of each category within a topic...

    Your example at the bottom explains what we're doing like to a T.

    Noncombat pets are unlimited anyway, but only one can be in a topic at a time and can be changed throughout the topic if you want.

    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Eris 28th December 2016, 1:33 pm

    Marceline Anicetus wrote:
    Eris wrote:
    Marceline Anicetus wrote:
    So far, we've come up with the thought that the limitation will be used, but only 1 weapon, 1 armor, 1 item, and 1 pet can be used while in that job and that the job will be denied if the stuff selected for the job are not used, but something else is.

    But thoughts? Input? Suggestions? How do you want this to work?

    Taking away / limiting what is already available to members is one of the worst things a site can do.    

    You're literally telling me what we're already doing. xD We're dropping the current limits, but only allowing one of each category within a topic...

    Your example at the bottom explains what we're doing like to a T.

    That's exactly what I'm saying not to do though. 

    That is limiting what people are already capable of,  extremely so.    That is a massive limitation out of nowhere to how the site has functioned for years. 

    It effectively has no benefit,  it is purely a massive limit. 

    I'm saying you shouldn't touch what people are already capable of,  the current allowance remaining the current allowance.    

    Just let people list in their bank Reservoir, a list of items they possess in excess of what is normally allowed.
    When signing up for a job they can say in the job template "Replacing X (Item they normally have) for X from the reserve". 

    Then it will be quick, efficient, and purely a benefit to everyone. 

    Last edited by Eris on 28th December 2016, 1:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forumotion added massive spacing again. Why? Mystery.)


    Alternate Pets/Armory NvVyM98

    Alternate Pets/Armory CkggyrF

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Guest 28th December 2016, 1:35 pm

    So, then you're against this thread? Okay. We're just trying to do what's best for the site and even took this thread into consideration, but now I feel like its not wanted at all... There can't be things without limitations or consequences~ just saying.

    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Guest 28th December 2016, 1:36 pm

    Eris wrote:
    Marceline Anicetus wrote:
    Eris wrote:
    Marceline Anicetus wrote:
    So far, we've come up with the thought that the limitation will be used, but only 1 weapon, 1 armor, 1 item, and 1 pet can be used while in that job and that the job will be denied if the stuff selected for the job are not used, but something else is.

    But thoughts? Input? Suggestions? How do you want this to work?

    Taking away / limiting what is already available to members is one of the worst things a site can do.    

    You're literally telling me what we're already doing. xD We're dropping the current limits, but only allowing one of each category within a topic...

    Your example at the bottom explains what we're doing like to a T.

    That's exactly what I'm saying not to do though. 

    That is limiting what people are already capable of,  extremely so.    That is a massive limitation out of nowhere to how the site has functioned for years. 

    It effectively has no benefit,  it is purely a massive limit. 

    I'm saying you shouldn't touch what people are already capable of,  the current allowance remaining the current allowance.    

    Just let people list in their bank Reservoir, a list of items they possess in excess of what is normally allowed.
    When signing up for a job they can say in the job template "Replacing X (Item they normally have) for X from the reserve". 

    Then it will be quick, efficient, and purely a benefit to everyone. 

    So basically... let them break the limitation.... might as well just get rid of the limitation then... doesn't make sense to have a limitation if it can be broken. This alone doesn't make sense...

    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Vlad 28th December 2016, 1:41 pm

    OK guys. What "we" want is to keep what we have. And simply allow for us to own more. Don't crete a new limit on what can be in the thread. We meaning whoever agrees tbh.

    Last edited by Vlad on 28th December 2016, 1:42 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Alternate Pets/Armory Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Lich of hell

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Eris 28th December 2016, 1:42 pm

    Marceline Anicetus wrote:
    So basically... let them break the limitation.... might as well just get rid of the limitation then... doesn't make sense to have a limitation if it can be broken. This alone doesn't make sense...

    That's the point of this topic.  Which I said isn't necessary,  but going along with this topic,  then yes.  Exactly that.

    No change to current limits.    But ""Break"" the limit to simply own more items than normally allowed,  separating them from your normal items in your Bank where you're required to list them anyway.

    When signing up for a job,  just say you're replacing an item for an item from your "Reserve".

    Nobody appreciates random limits like suddenly only being able to use 1 weapon.   That's the opposite of what this thread was asking for.


    Sword of Sharpness - Artifact
    Mace of Bluntness - Legendary
    Arrow of Pointiness - Strong

    Shield of Sturdiness - Artifact
    Helmet of Knoggin Guardin - Legendary

    Ring of Shiny - Legendary
    Ring of Gems - Legendary
    Ring of Allure - Legendary

    Spear of Longness - Artifact
    Hammer of Wollups - Legendary

    Plate Mail of Magnificence - Legendary

    Crown of Sparkles - Legendary

    Last edited by Eris on 28th December 2016, 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Alternate Pets/Armory NvVyM98

    Alternate Pets/Armory CkggyrF

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Guest 28th December 2016, 1:45 pm

    Eris wrote:
    Marceline Anicetus wrote:
    So basically... let them break the limitation.... might as well just get rid of the limitation then... doesn't make sense to have a limitation if it can be broken. This alone doesn't make sense...

    That's the point of this topic.  Which I said isn't necessary,  but going along with this topic,  then yes.  Exactly that.

    No change to current limits.    But ""Break"" the limit to simply own more items than normally allowed,  separating them from your normal items in your Bank where you're required to list them anyway.

    When signing up for a job,  just say you're replacing an item for an item from your "Reserve".

    Nobody appreciates random limits like suddenly only being able to use 1 weapon.   That's the opposite of what this thread was asking for.

    From what I understand... it's not the opposite, because they get an unlimited armory, with 8 artifacts being the limit and 1 mythical across all accounts. However, can only use 1 weapon, 1 armor, 1 item, and 1 pet in a thread, but may change what they use throughout the thread as long as it's noted.

    This is excluding requip magi.

    Omen Angel

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    Alternate Pets/Armory Empty Re: Alternate Pets/Armory

    Post by Aliannah 28th December 2016, 3:10 pm

    So dev and admins have come into an agreeance with some new weapon/armour/pet/item rules.
    This suggestion will now be locked and moved.



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