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    Underwater Adventure


    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
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    Underwater Adventure Empty Underwater Adventure

    Post by Obe9813 26th July 2016, 7:07 pm


    Kai slowly came aboard the land dripping water. Spending two days at sea swimming from Hargeon Port to Crescent Island, would be an impossible feat, for most, even mages. Kai on the other hand was not someone, empowered for aquatic endeavors. The sea was like an amusement park with free food. With study Kai thought he may even be able to make better friends with a lot of the fish inside the water.

    Still he made to his destination Crescent Island. From what he could tell the name was really a misnomer. Unless part of the crescent part was underwater and he just did not notice. Still he made his way along the beach towards the research team he was looking for.

    Apparently these scientist was discovering ways to allow folks to breath underwater. Not that he cared. It would be unnecessary for him. Still he planned on getting a ship in the future. Any of his crew could fall in. Keeping the technology for his future mates was the reason he was here.

    A little ways up a tent came into view. People scrambled frantically about between the shore and the tent. Some with beakers some just looking at the water. There have to be about eight people going back and forth. “Excuse me! Is this the Laguna research company tent?”

    WC: 222 (1 post)

    Last edited by Obe9813 on 4th August 2016, 6:00 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Player 
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    Underwater Adventure Empty Re: Underwater Adventure

    Post by Obe9813 26th July 2016, 7:09 pm

    “Yes how may I help you?” A gray haired wiry old man stepped out from the tent and approached Kai.

    “I read your add and traveled all the way here. I was wondering if I could be of assistance?” Kai felt naughty as the man examined him. When being examined most people would flinch and turn away. Kai found it sexy. Examine him as close as you want.

    “You seem adequate. My name is Doctor Lazuli,Step this way.” Kai followed the scientist into the tent. A few people looking at him here and there. “The fact that you made it here must be due to the fact that you are a mage of sorts. Now we will put the air lacrima on your head. You must dive under and retrieve the glowing red talisman to complete our research.” Kai put on the helmet and stayed in his shorts. Walking back out the tent he felt stupid and removed the helmet. “If you do not keep that on, you could very well drown!!!!” The Doctor panicked.

    “Don’t need it. I can breath underwater.” The doctor looked incredulous, before assuming a more bland facial expression. Kai dove under the water to look for the relic. The familiar tickle of watering entering his lungs made him smile. The odd sensation becoming pretty normal after a while. The sensation of breathing air started to freak him out a bit more. He inhaled and exhaled slowly swimming deeper into the water, a school of fish swam lazily about to his left. So Kai started swimming in that direction lazily.


    Last edited by Obe9813 on 4th August 2016, 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Underwater Adventure Empty Re: Underwater Adventure

    Post by NPC 26th July 2016, 7:09 pm

    The member 'Obe9813' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Underwater Adventure NormalMonster

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
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    Underwater Adventure Empty Re: Underwater Adventure

    Post by Obe9813 25th August 2016, 7:45 pm

    The sea is a mysterious place. Kai swam following the fish for a bit. Till he got bored. Not like the fish did anything remotely entertaining. They probably just thought they would have gotten eaten if they stopped swimming. *bamf* Kai managed to get hit in the back. It was a mild annoyance and it did not really hurt much. Being inside the sea made him more resilient. His body started to repair itself as soon as it happened.

    Turning around had to be one of the largest Stingrays Kai must have ever seen. The stinger wished back in forth as the creature came in too ram Kai again.. “No Way!” Kai held out his palms towards the Stingray, as if trying to catch an overgrown football. The force from the ray was enough to push Kai back in the water. Not a cool experience to be thrashed about like an large flee. Kai was starting to get a bit angry, an overgrown sea pancake just throwing him around. Wait a minute!

    Being who he is water naturally sustains him. It curbs his appetite, which is great as most sea life flee. Instead of continuing to fight why not stop the hunger slowly approaching. So Kai did the only sensible thing he could do. Bite the Ray and started chewing. The texture was weird and kinda slimy. Having the consistency of paste. The Ray thrashed more in pain. Kai did not want to be a cruel person. Sure he was hungry and he forgot the Ray had feelings to. In fact it is hard to remember things like that when being attacked. So kai made a small water sword, to jam its guts out.

    WC: 282



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    Underwater Adventure Empty Re: Underwater Adventure

    Post by NPC 25th August 2016, 7:45 pm

    The member 'Obe9813' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Underwater Adventure StrongMonster Underwater Adventure NormalMonster Underwater Adventure NormalMonster Underwater Adventure WeakMonster

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