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    Ravana FINISHED


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
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    Posts : 112
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 30
    Experience : 50

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    First Skill: Dragon's Bane Sword of Flame
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    Completed Ravana FINISHED

    Post by Ravana 7th April 2016, 8:01 am

    || GENERAL ||

    Name: Ravana Ka'elli
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22 Years Old
    Birthday: October 31st
    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    Personality: Adventurous to a fault, more resourceful than a Swiss Army Knife, and as calm as can be in a crisis, Ravana is a woman who thrives off of the moment, immersing herself in the physical realm as much as she can, whenever she can. With confidence enough to make a king blush, and the skill to back it up, she’s inviting (to a point), practical, and flexible. This comes from her previously mentioned “immersive” attitude, as she is constantly seeking to understand what’s around her, if only so she can pick it apart and put it back together just a little bit better.

    “I wanted to live the life, a different life. I didn't want to go to the same place every day and see the same people and do the same job. I wanted interesting challenges.”

    Driven by instinct and impulse, Ravana is a woman whose has lived, one way or another, “on the edge”. Whether through dangerous, oftentimes suicidal missions for the Saints or her own, sometimes reckless initiatives, the woman has found herself put into danger time and again- and has always come out ahead.

    “We can shoot it, stab it, burn it, or blow it the fuck up. ”

    Sometimes, the quickest solution really is the best. Driven by a lifetime of harsh living, Ravana is a person who knows how to get things done in the quickest, most efficient way possible, and this near militaristic mindset carries over into everything she does; whether it be shopping for (or stealing) food, she is always on the lookout for how to rid herself of the flaws in her methods, without sacrificing their strengths.

    “A bullet to the head is not, in fact, ‘too good’ for my enemies.”

    Despite what most people might think, having access to a near limitless supply of magic does not make one invincible, a fact that Ravana knows well- having slain more than her fair share of magic users without the stuff, the woman has come to accept that magic is not, in fact, the answer to everything, and does her best to focus all decisions through this mindset. Because sometimes, punching someone in the face really is the best option.

    “I am the Child of the Flame. Fight me if you dare.”

    Ever sure of herself, Ravana’s natural tendency when faced with new situations or people is to put her best foot forwards, projecting an aura of absurdness that speaks through actions more often than words; even when her ideas and actions fail to achieve their intended effect, the witch simply shrugs it off and pushes forwards, remembering each failure and yet never letting them weigh her down (too much).

    “Do it! Just do it! Don’t let your dreams be dreams!”

    Always unwilling to sit still, Ravana has lived her life decisively, choosing her path and sticking with it no matter what happens. Driven to act rather than think, the mage has always attracted those who do not (or will not) think for themselves, inspiring and motivating even the laziest of men into action with naught but a few words and a simple kick in the pants.

    “Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice.”

    Beneath the layers of confidence, charisma, and adventure, Ravana is a woman who values the calm, logical approach before all others; rarely letting her emotions get the best of her, the mage always takes the time to analyze the situation before acting, choosing the best course of action for herself and anyone she happens to be with at the time (in that order)- the fact that she can do so with more speed and clarity than most is simply just an added bonus.

    “What you do has a far greater impact than what you say.”

    Unwilling to simply sit back and watch as others act on her behalf, Ravana almost always chooses to lead from the front, toiling side by side those who work under her (for everyone she works with is under her) in the mud without a care in the world- indeed, she is practically compelled to do so, as the very nature of her soul drives her to immerse herself into every facet of the world and the people around her, if only so she may pick it all part and put it back together just a little bit better than before.

    The flip side to her adventurous ways, Ravana’s ingrained proclivity towards the more dangerous sides of life oftentimes push her to recklessness just to have some fun. Combined with her near unlimited (albeit well hidden) supply of arrogance and the cold, cynical heart that lies within, the witch is little more than an opportunist, taking whatever advantage she can get no matter what she has to do or who she has to hurt. It is this self-serving attitude that drives Ravana at her most basic level, and is ultimately what has led the woman into every single problem she has ever encountered.

    “It’s just good business.”

    Growing up among a cult bent on taking over the world rarely lends to a positive outlook on life, and Ravana is no exception- indeed, the years have not been kind to the mage, and as such she has adopted a worldview that is more befitting of a war veteran than a young woman: Unwilling to believe anyone acts with kindness or charity for free( other than her own self ), the woman has long since abandoned any hope of trusting another person in favor of a quiet, reserved cynicism that doubts everything and everyone she meets, no matter what.

    “Annnnnnd yeah, no. This is boring. I’m out of here.”

    The negative half of her adventurous ways, Ravana’s tendency to seek out thrills and excitement has left her with a flighty absent-mindedness during periods of calm and quiet that pushes her away from anything she deems “boring” or “stupid” in favor of the next thrill.

    "Shut up filth. You aren’t even worthy of licking the shit from my boots.”

    A byproduct of the mental conditioning inflicted on her by the Saints (one that has only been reinforced by her continued ability to survive through anything), Ravana’s belief in herself and her actions goes beyond mere self-absurdness. Every thought, word, and action she makes is made with the conviction that she is, without question, better than everyone else, to the point that she will recklessly ignore her own instincts just to prove it.

    “Never stop. Never stumble. Never surrender.”

    Unable to give in even in the most hopeless of situation, Ravana’s refusal to accept defeat, or even a setback, is oftentimes a great asset in tough times, but when pushed to the utter brink she becomes more than just tenacious- stubborn as a mule and impossible to persuade. The witch plows through everything and everyone that gets in her way, regardless of how difficult things become or how easy it would be to simply take another path.

    “I do what I have to; my survival is more important than anything else.”
    At the very core of her being, Ravana’s interests lie with one person and one person alone; herself and the true magic of the earth. Beneath her cynicism, beneath the arrogance, beneath even her parasitic nature, the mage is a woman who will always look out for her own needs before anything, or anyone, else, always choosing the path that will bring her the greatest gain no matter what it costs.


    :It seems odd that this woman can have such an undying love for a flower, but Ravana is passionate about the smell of the purple and blue hued white plant. Perhaps it derives from some unknown entity or is a hidden part of her long history, none the less she will make note of the fragrance if she comes across it. That and it is her favorite flavor for tea.

    :She believes that knowledge is the key to success, so in her active search to meet her goals she is avidly researching. Any topic that peaks her interest she is sure to find some form of scripture on the matter; This can cover a wide birth of subjects, including Lost Magics to Cooking Guides. She collects her records in a stored Journal along with other events she has kept throughout the Years.

    :She enjoys the art of Calligraphy, and not just with a light pen or some source of metal ink pen either. She enjoys the rice paper, ink well, water vase, and paint brush calligraphy and has recently taken up the art. Ravana likes to decorate her designated rooms and areas with hung quotes and words in traditional writing.

    :Because of recent travels around the world, Ravana has grown a strong liking to music, modern and older styles. She also likes to sing along with these melodies or perform by herself. Though she tends to refrain from singing around other people.


    : Ravana considers herself the heroine of her own story; So why would she need some goody-two-shoes to come into her business and tell her how she is doing injustice. To Ravana she is in the right, only following what her heart and mind tell her, and the definition of good and evil is opinionated. Therefore she will never admit she is wrong, because she finds that her actions are always right by her. This also ties hand in hand with her foolhardy determination to never ask for aid.

    Loud Noises
    : Rava really can not stand sounds, be they high pitched or loud... She enjoys the peaceful sensations of quiet and will grow rather irritated if someone is talking to loud, or too much. She even disapproves with loud thunderous sounds; but is somehow fond of loud music and the sound of bells ringing. In this sense, she herself is quite hypocritical because any noise she creates be it loud or soft is justified.

    The Dark
    : Her tan skin is an obvious sign that she prefers the harsh sun compared to dark rainy and murky days which make her sneer in disgust. Her favorite weather is that of bright rays and cooling breeze, and so for the most she will often parade around at day time, or venture out when it is dusk, trying to avoid the cold night at all costs.

    :Not her own... It is the large ego of others she loathes. As that would make them better than her and Ravana does not believe that anyone is more entitled to anything anymore than someone else. So for those that talk about their power constantly without being able to back it up with actions causes her to act in great disapproval. She also does not appreciate people talking down to her in such a way that would place her beneath them.


    :There is little Rava wouldn't do for Knowledge. Sure she will never kill, lie, or cheat for her gain but has instead developed different methods for obtaining wisdom. Ravana has been known to give her allegiance to whoever can help her gain intelligence on whatever subject she wishes at the time.

    : Rava wants to help those who are not as privileged as she was. She lived a struggling life as an adult, and cannot remember what it was like to even be a child. She will often put time in nearby Villages to care for those that need it. By cooking and cleaning for them, as well as helping to provide clothing and essentials to the helpless.

    : Because she sets reachable goals for herself as an individual, she hopes to achieve each one over and over, and therefore prove not only to herself but those that doubt her that she can achieve greatness as a mage.

    :Though it is a cliche fear, Ravana fears failure, becoming very depressed and disappointed in her own actions when she can not meet her set goals. She despises the idea of giving up and the only way to fail, is to give up entirely because you should try until you succeed. It is a good thing she sets reachable goals instead of aiming for something foolish.

    Falling in Love... Again  
    : Most aim to find their soulmate and settle into happiness, but Rava fears giving someone her heart for the second time. Time heals all wounds, but it is difficult to heal a broken heart when the patient does not want to let go to the pain.

    :Another cliche fear, but she is afraid of pain, death and destruction. Therefore she exerts extreme caution when coming across something potentially life threatening.

    || APPEARANCE ||

    Clothing & Attire:There is a certain freedom that this woman has gained by living alone,-- a kind of forced acceptance of the inevitable that leads one to realize the innate insanity the world calls “Fashion” and “Style” until, at last, you a freed from it to wear whatever you wish, regardless of what others think. It is this open defiance of what society considers a “normal” wardrobe that defines Ravana’s choice of attire, allowing her to wear whatever feels most comfortable to her, regardless of what others think or feel on the subject.

    “I wear what I wish in public. And if you find that attractive? Good on you.”

    When going out in public, Ravana often chooses clothing of the simplest form-- a plain, ashen gray leotard of comfortable cotton-blend or silk (if she is feeling adventurous), an over tunic that acts much like a protective armor for the knight and matching tights, usually a dark grey or transparent color with designs over them, makes up the bulk of the outfit; though this is not always the case, as weather and desire can alter her preferences with ease. Accented with a worn leather belt and silver buckle, the woman cuts an attractive figure most days- particularly when she is chooses to don her favorite ensemble, a tight garment with long sleeves that are lined with soft fur; the entirety is matched with tall boots that vary in bright colors.

    ”To be comfortable in my own home- that is all I want.”

    When safe within the relative seclusion of her (current) woodland camp, the witch prefers to wear something even more casual than when she is out in public; preferring to “let it all hang out” when at home, her usual outfit consists of little more than a thin white tank top and matching white shorts which leave little to the imagination as to what is truly there. However, anything she deems “comfortable enough to sleep in” can (and will) be worn when she is lounging in her tent, and she has often gone completely nude at times, wishing nothing more than to feel the soft kiss of a warm summers breeze on her skin.

    Indeed, even when faced with the possibility of entertaining guests, Ravana still chooses to walk around half-naked (though she does have enough sense to at least cover up the “naughty” bits), donning little more than a jacket or robe in the cold as, in her word, “so long as my feet are safe, I really don’t care.”

    “I am a Knight. Deal with it.”

    Least seen of her small collective of clothes is the mages’ “official” uniform, worn only during “formal” occasions, when performing dangerous magic , or when the mage knows she will be heading into battle- a modified version of the Saint’s traditional armor uniquely tailored to her personal needs and stylistic desires. Made of a hard dragon scales ( or what she was told is dragon plate ) and fitted mail, the outfit consists of a longsleeve rich black and gold tunic variant with hip high (rather than thigh high) splits on all sides and long, thigh length heeled boots of red and gold. The red and earthen toned plate is placed over this while her arms are covered by a pair of fingerless maroon gloves, trimmed with gold like the rest of the piece. Three red sashes adorn her waist, completing the outfit with just the right touch of vibrancy need to make it stand out from the crowd.

    These alterations allow for an increased mobility while sacrificing none of the uniforms intended purpose to protect and declare the identity of the wearer to all who lay eyes on her- that of a Knight of the highest caliber, yet one who has not lost sight of what makes her so dangerous, or so alluring.

    Physique: The first thing one might notice about Ravana is that she is rather well endowed -- in her build that is. One might even be inclined to say that at a grand height of 5 feet, ten inches tall -- when bare foot, she can be an intimidating sight.

    Her weight has remained fairly steady at one hundred and thirty pounds, a number that gives her a healthy layer of “padding” to her otherwise muscular frame. Though she despairs about the “excess” that never quite leaves about her middle and the thighs-- usually noticeable in her outfit of choice-- Ravana reluctantly acknowledges that she still has what some would consider quite the attractive silhouette; curvy without being unhealthily so.

    In spite of being much at a loss to appropriately describe the exact shape of her body (narrow hips with an ample amount of padding to the rear, thicker thighs on her longer than average legs and a shorter, narrower torso complete with an ample bust and shoulder width), Ravana figures she's somewhere between the “cello” and the “pear” in terms of overall figure and is even more self conscious about her body than before.

    There are some things a woman can never quite get away from, and somewhere close to the top among-st them is their body. Regardless of form, shape, or size, women over the centuries have obsessed over their physical form, going to great (and often times insane) lengths to improve their looks just that tiny bit more, hoping beyond hope that this time it will be enough, that this one final alteration will somehow make them feel as beautiful as people say they are. This frenzied desire for beauty is something Ravana has done her best to avoid and, ironically, the very disinterest with what others think of her is what grants the woman the appeal so many of her sex wish to attain; that of being comfortable in one’s own skin, no matter what anyone else says or thinks.

    It is this comfort-ability with herself that defines all of the witch’s actions; whether walking down the street, dancing in a tavern, or beating down a man with her bare hands, the woman always appears as if she is in control of herself, leading many to think that she has control of the world around her as well.

    Though more than capable of expressing herself verbally should the need arise, much of what people notice about the sorceress comes from visual cues; the way she sits, the forceful (yet never forced) grace and fluidity of her stride, the ever present sense that, no matter where you are or what you are doing, she can see you, even through the back of her head.

    Always looking towards the present, her gaze is often set less on the distant horizon than it is on what’s right in front of her; the people, the things, the sights, sounds, smells of her environment all filter into the woman’s mind, each sense painting a part of a larger picture than anyone could ever hope to make alone. Often mistaken for someone of high status or acclaim, the knight’s attitude almost never reflects her misconstrued social standing, as an open, inviting smile is her default expression, though only the most observant of people will notice that this smile is rarely reflected in her eyes.

    One of the key aspects of her behavior is the distance she keeps between herself and others- even when in a crowd of bustling tourists, the woman still manages to keep everyone at least an arm’s length away, engaging those around her without ever letting them draw close. This distance is mirrored in both her speech and facial expressions, as those who attempt to draw closer without her approval are met with disapproval and scorn; or worse, anger and rejection.

    Hair & Eyes: Now six years after the death of her beloved brother, Ravana's hair falls a little over halfway down her back in clean, straight, layers and is parted down the center, leaving an “n” shaped expanse of her bangs to taper to across her forehead. Most often worn down and caressing her shoulders as it typically falls where is pleases.

    More unusual than the length, is the color of her tresses; a pure flame red shade that earns her strange looks. Even in a world where young people constantly dye their hair in colors every shade of the rainbow.

    Her eyes, now on the larger side with long, dark lashes, used to be a deep honey-brown in color and were a very pretty, if standard, almond shape that came naturally to someone of her heritage. Though their shape has not changed, the wary expression constantly present is almost as alarming to those who knew her as the drastic change in color; the brown giving way completely to a chilling shade of crimson, reminiscent of her history.

    Voice Description: Flirtatious and playful, Ravana’s tone can range from that of an amused acquaintance to one of a jilted lover at a moment’s notice; though quiet when not aroused, her voice can take on a surprising enthusiasm when a topic peaks her interest, particularly when it has to do with magic or the magical world. Because of her innate distrust of authority, the woman’s temperament and speech rarely changes, regardless of where, when, or who she is speaking with.

    Few have ever heard the soft, quiet fury of her rage, slipping in between the cracks of a person’s defenses to hit their sore spots like a knife in the back.

    Even less have even seen the pain and fear the lies behind her hard, calloused eyes.


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: Ravana's Guild Tattoo rests on the outside of her right thigh and is a matte maroon color that matches her hair. (when she would get one )
    Rank: D RANK

    Last edited by Ravana on 23rd July 2016, 3:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Completed Re: Ravana FINISHED

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 11th April 2016, 12:24 pm

    Ravana FINISHED 5Rt7ZEK


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    Completed Re: Ravana FINISHED

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 20th July 2016, 6:37 pm

    Unlocked and moved upon request!


    Ravana FINISHED V4W5D0r


    Seru's Main Theme


    Seru's Battle theme


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
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    Completed Re: Ravana FINISHED

    Post by Ravana 23rd July 2016, 3:50 pm

    Bump. Just took out broken Image


    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
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    Completed Re: Ravana FINISHED

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 31st July 2016, 12:40 am

    Ravana FINISHED BTSjguv


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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