Fairy Tail RP

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    fancy ball fancy tuna here I come


    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Mentor : myself
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Manipulation
    Second Skill: Music/Sound
    Third Skill:

    fancy ball fancy tuna here I come  - Page 2 Empty Re: fancy ball fancy tuna here I come

    Post by Bitterblue 1st July 2016, 9:40 am

    do you trust me?
    There i sat alone in the car the weight of what you'd done around me oh all around me and with the water rushing down my eyes it was all that i could do, not to scream but oh, it's alright, now it's over, oh baby, this was the night and oh mr. moon, shines down on my home, it's where i belong without you

    recall, i want a recall, you are crying on my telephone but oh no, oh no no no no bones crack and fingers blister, i might console you, but look at my sisters brilliant like fireflies up in their bedroom but oh, mister moon shines down on my home, it's where i belong without you and oh, what can be said for the gift that has flown into my hand? in my hand There i sat alone in the car, the weight of what you'd done around me all around me

    TAG: @user WORDS: ### NOTES: words

    After Nessa had told her story she looked down trying not to cry and make it obvious she was trying not to cry at the same time. Though she did then feel a hand come atop of her own. She looked up and saw that Hana was giving her a real smile unlike her last one. That smile warmed Nessa's heart and made her smile a real one as well. Nessa than listened to Hana's story. She giggled at some of the parts of the story which is odd for Nessa. She never really giggled at anything but, there was something about Hana that made Nessa do little things she never done before. After Hana was done with her story Mr. John started a little around of applause which everyone joined in doing of course. This isn't so bad, she thought. After Mr. John told a story about his childhood as well which Nessa thought quiet funny. Next his sister went and told hers. "Now how about the boys tell you a little story from their childhood, hmm? Jordan you go first." Nessa was laughing but froze as those words left Mr. John's mouth. She looked at Peter than wondering what he would say about his. Will he say it or no, she thought over and over again.


    fancy ball fancy tuna here I come  - Page 2 GIFPuhU
    Be cautious love is the most dangerous thing
    Hana Akki
    Hana Akki

    Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 464
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Yuki the Snow Dragon (Ice dragon slayer magic), 5th Master Heero (registered mentor), and Akeya (Secondary magic)
    Experience : 3,112.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    fancy ball fancy tuna here I come  - Page 2 Empty Re: fancy ball fancy tuna here I come

    Post by Hana Akki 26th July 2016, 5:53 pm

    After Hana had shared her childhood story, on continued Mr. John and his sister until eventually it was the boys' turns to share their stories. Announcing that the boys should tell tales from their childhood as well, Mr. John had found it suitable that Jordan go next. Giving a slight but polite nod of his head, Jordan spoke loud enough for the entire hall to hear. "Well, I do remember when Peter and I were small children that we used to have a tree house. We used to climb up there and do all sorts of things. One time we had a fencing match with each other and we ended up cutting some leaves down so we made mustaches and beards with them and pretended that we were dad, slapping each other with books occasionally."
    As Hana had looked on with interest, a small giggle escaped her lips which caused Jordan himself to smile a bit as well. Although she had envied the boys for having such fond memories with a fatherly figure, her happiness out-beat that, causing her negativness to be casted out and freely smile without fear of the high class family.

    Just gonna put these in to show who looks like what, you can choose Peter since he greatly affects Nessa:


    fancy ball fancy tuna here I come  - Page 2 WkNRvMP

    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Mentor : myself
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Manipulation
    Second Skill: Music/Sound
    Third Skill:

    fancy ball fancy tuna here I come  - Page 2 Empty Re: fancy ball fancy tuna here I come

    Post by Bitterblue 1st August 2016, 10:05 am

    do you trust me?
    There i sat alone in the car the weight of what you'd done around me oh all around me and with the water rushing down my eyes it was all that i could do, not to scream but oh, it's alright, now it's over, oh baby, this was the night and oh mr. moon, shines down on my home, it's where i belong without you

    recall, i want a recall, you are crying on my telephone but oh no, oh no no no no bones crack and fingers blister, i might console you, but look at my sisters brilliant like fireflies up in their bedroom but oh, mister moon shines down on my home, it's where i belong without you and oh, what can be said for the gift that has flown into my hand? in my hand There i sat alone in the car, the weight of what you'd done around me all around me

    TAG: @user WORDS: ### NOTES: words

    Nessa hadn't quite been paying attention but she started to when Jordan mentioned the tree house. She had been there a couple of times as a child with Peter but no one knew that besides Peter and herself. She laughed as Jordan described what they had done with the leaves that they had cut. When Jordan was done talking he sat back in his seat. Everyone waited for Peter to start a story from his childhood. Will he do it, will he tell them, she thought over and over in her head. Peter sighed and finally stood. "I guess its my turn then?" He looked around the table from his father ending on Nessa. Nessa's heart was pounding wondering what story Peter would say. "Hmm, a story from my childhood that I remember would probably be when Father, Jordan, and I went out of the house and were taking a walk around the grounds. Father said that we could run around and do whatever we pleased. So Jordan went to the tree house while I explored the gardens. While I was there I wasn't really watching were I was going, because of that I ran into a girl. She was around my age. I helped her up of course and we started talking. She was quite the girl to be honest. One time when Jordan was out with Father I took her into the tree house. We played around in there for sometime and it was probably the best moments of my life." Peter than ended his story there and while he was sitting down Nessa saw that his eyes never left her. She felt it so intensely that she started to blush. She had remembered those moments like they were yesterday but no one knew about them besides Peter and herself. When Peter sat down his father was still laughing along with his sister, Jordan, and Hana. Peter and herself were giving small chuckles of course. After that they talked a bit more and then breakfast was over. Now I just got to make it threw the day, she thought.


    fancy ball fancy tuna here I come  - Page 2 GIFPuhU
    Be cautious love is the most dangerous thing
    Hana Akki
    Hana Akki

    Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 464
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Yuki the Snow Dragon (Ice dragon slayer magic), 5th Master Heero (registered mentor), and Akeya (Secondary magic)
    Experience : 3,112.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    fancy ball fancy tuna here I come  - Page 2 Empty Re: fancy ball fancy tuna here I come

    Post by Hana Akki 17th August 2016, 8:13 pm

    Listening to Peter's story,  Hana's heart couldn't help but mellow at the fondness of such a memory that she herself had wanted to share a moment as such with a special person. As she thought on,  she couldn't help but wonder,  'Well where is that girl now?'. But she didn't ask in fear of being rude,  so she continued to smile and laugh along with everybody else at the table. "Well,  this was a lively breakfast, but if you don't mind, I have work that needs to be done. Please feel free to make yourselves at home young ladies."
    Getting up and giving a slight bow of farewell,  Mr. John had left the table to what she assumed had been his office where he must have worked on piles of paperwork. However, bow that Mr. John was busy,  she herself felt confused. How was she supposed to keep herself busy in such a high-class home?  Looking towards Nessa with concern in her oceanic orb,  it soon turned to one of confusion and slight worry. "Uh....  Nessa? Are you feeling okay? Your face is red..." Placing her small, pale hand on Nessa's,  she was in attempt to cool down the red face of her job partner in hopes that she would feel a bit better. Due to the fact that Hana had been the Ice Dragon Slayer,  her temperature was rather cool for a normal person,  in fact,  she was pretty much like walking ice herself that never melted and never ceased to heat up from the warm temperatures of the sun. "Well, if you ladies don't mind, I'll be reading in the library. Until we meet again during lunch." Jordan gave a quick bow,  and soon enough he was gone too as Hana stayed attempting to cool Nessa's flushed face unaware of the fact that she had actually been blushing from Peter's story.


    fancy ball fancy tuna here I come  - Page 2 WkNRvMP

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 10:58 am