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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 24
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Mura Kensho 10th March 2016, 9:24 am

    (OOC: Using my only Lacrima Milk here and here: Breasts Under The Sand.)
    Job Description:

    Mura was on another mission, just as always. However, this one was special; very special. It would be his first B-Rank mission; despite that he’s a C-Rank Mage, he managed to be sent out for this mission, although not alone. What he heard from the Magic Council was that they would let him accompany another mage, probably from another guild. It would be a good opportunity to learn other mages beyond his own guild to know and maybe create some strong connections with them.

    He would go off from the guild hall after receiving information about this mission and head straight for the village. It would be a few miles away, which probably was an illusion for him; it would obviously be further away. But Mura wouldn’t really pay attention to that, as he always had interesting company; his fellow samurai spirit, Musashi; or Kyuken, which he calls him all the time. They would always discuss or have a chat with each other while doing mission, and this time, Mura was getting some information about swordsmanship…

    He finally caught sight of the village where she was reported to be, and as he stood still for a moment, he let out a faint sigh. “She’s supposedly seven… and yet, she could cause all this trouble? People nowadays…” he expressed while toggling Harusame on his back. Kyuken was, as always, by his side, floating in the air like a bluish, little ball. “We should hurry up and catch her, before she starts devastating any more…” Kyuken replied to him, and Mura would nod at him, while moving again.

    While walking pass the gates to the village, he quickly realized the empty atmosphere around this creepy town. Not a single soul was to be found; not even real souls. Souls usually wander around, as free as they are, but here… it was too empty to be true...

    Last edited by Mura Kensho on 31st May 2016, 6:29 am; edited 3 times in total


    Blood Plus
    Blood Plus

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Huntress Mango
    Position : None
    Posts : 724
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 25
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Acquiescene
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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Blood Plus 15th March 2016, 1:50 pm

    Words: 542
    Tags: Mura Kensho

    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    "Thought I was doing this thing alone."

    Ibara mentioned, hands pocketed while glancing at the silhouette clouded in mist only a few metres ahead of him. He looked pretty casual despite the aforementioned desolate scene that he now laid his eyes upon. The situation seemed shocking but Ibara refused to let it show, there was no point in scaring his teammate now, not at such an early stage anyway. This place most certainly gave him the absolute creeps though, it vaguely made him reminicize back to the Spooky Forest; a location he had vowed never to go back to again. Ibara could only hope he wouldn't re-live such traumatising experiences in lifetimes from now. For a few moments, Ibara had forgotten he'd drifted off, his eyes glazed over while emerging into deep thought, slowly wandering his mind back as to how he'd got there in the first place.

    A few hours before...

    Ibara sat in the Sabertooth Guild Hall, a letter on the table infront of him. The bartender had slapped it down infront of him, indicating it was from the Magic Council before turning to go. Was that worry on his face? Surely the remark couldn't have been that serious. Then again, the last call from the Magic Council had deemed Ibara a necessity when fighting against a severely high-ranked enemy whom had almost succeeded in the total annihilation of Hargeon Town and the eventual destruction of Earthland if they had succeeded. Ibara held his breath and he tore open the letter with one hand, spinning the open piece of paper with one finger before throwing it back on the table in a similar manner to how the bartender had performed it. His eyes drifted over the words.

    "Spooky Forest. Murderer. Eight... What the hell?!"

    Despite Ibara's attempt at picking what he deemed to be the keywords in that succinct later, the young dragon could make neither head or not tail of it. What did they need him for to deal with a little girl who pleasured herself by killing Dark Mages? Besides, it wasn't really his area of expertise; dealing with children that is. Nor was attempting to be civil and rearing in criminals to their arrest; his hot-headedness usually got in the way but sadly the plea was from the Magic Council and considering his current financial predicament -- it was truly an offer he could not refuse.

    "Soo.. where's the murderous devil child?"

    Ibara smirked at his rather pathetic joke. There was no one to be seen nor heard other than the brown-haired boy that now stood infront of him. His spiked hair was a sight to be seen, rather unique amongst most of the people in Earthland. The general appearance of his soon-to-be partner intrigued him; now it was only his personality that was in question. But Ibara didn't care about any of that, he wanted the job done and fast. He glanced around a few times again and took another few steps forward. There was an ominous aura to the air, thick and misguided as if someone was leading them straight into an illusion of purely malicious thoughts but Ibara didn't heed his step; he continued walking, straight past his partner and into the village ahead.


    Last edited by Blood Plus on 29th March 2016, 2:06 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] CNMQ731
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 24
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Mura Kensho 16th March 2016, 8:48 am

    Mura would still be curious about the unusual lack of wandering souls in this area, when Kyuken poked him on the shoulder. “Master, we should begin our mission now,” he reminded Mura, “We can’t let her keep straying around like this.” “I know,” Mura answered with a low voice, while proceeding to walk further into the village, “Who knows? She might just be a mentally disturbed, little, innocent girl… with magic.”

    His feet stopped up, as he caught sight of his job partner; a mage of average height, with hair and eyes that resembled a furious flame, looking right into your core. The first thought that came to mind when seeing his inner soul was immense; he had this presence… of something inhuman. Kyuken could feel it himself. However, Mura didn’t want to waste any time on speculating about that; he shook his head and walked after him, a few meters behind.

    “So… are you Ibara?” Mura asked him. He’d got the name of his partner from the Magic Council back at Magnolia, “I’m Mura. Just a reminder, so you know my name when we get lost or something.” They definitely needed to work together; that’s what partnership is all about. It would be nice, and non-awkward, to know each other’s names. Although, he seemed careless, as he just walked pass him before. Maybe he just wanted this job done as quickly as possible. That would be fair enough; Mura pretty much had the same plan.

    A spark caught Mura by surprise, when he heard a sudden, clear and loud “whisper”. It made echoes around him and seemed to origin from every direction. All it said, though, was “Begone. Begone...” “Can you hear it too?” Mura asked his temporary companion, “Those whispers…” He quickly pulled Harusame out, holding the long katana in his right hand, while looking around. Kyuken would stand ready too; despite being a spirit, he still had the habit to stand ready for fight when suspicious sounds like that appeared. Mura could only conclude that it was the little girl that they were supposed to find; but how she could whisper like that was straight-out mysterious…


    Blood Plus
    Blood Plus

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Huntress Mango
    Position : None
    Posts : 724
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Acquiescene
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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Blood Plus 28th March 2016, 6:43 pm

    Words: 308
    Tags: Mura Kensho

    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    "A ghost with an attitude problem. Yeah, I can hear it."

    His back remained fixated on his partner. His close analytic stance on the boy was hardly noticed and it was likely that his attention on the boy could've been deemed as ignorance but for now, the young dragon put it to the back of his mind. As of this moment, his brain had tacked onto another thought. The constant sound, a repetitive echo of the same two words, over and over and over again.

    Get out...

    Two words that were so effective, it surprised the young dragon. The voice emanated with power despite it's lack of origin. The village was absolutely deserted and the sound didn't originate from either Ibara nor his partner. They both remained there with their mouths closed and ears pricked. The ominousity that exuded from every orifice, every building, every empty hollow reminded Ibara of a very certain memory that the young dragon did not want to relive. He opened his mouth and stepped forwards, cupping them around his hands as he did so. Before speaking, fire rampaged out from his cupped hands and spread in a wide cylindrical arc into the air. He growled a few times before speaking.

    "We're not going anywhere. Say it to my face, baka!"

    Ibara's animalistic nature radiated from his body, his two-toned eyes glowed in the gloom and his body exuded with the occasional flame which licked his bare skin tearing holes in his clothes in some places. He beat his chest once and continued walking forwards into the village while the sounds of the mysterious creature grew louder and louder, driving to a screaming-point once Ibara stood at centre-stage within the haunted village that no one would dare have stood where he now remained. He challenged the ghost directly, he was ready for a fight.


    Last edited by Blood Plus on 29th March 2016, 2:06 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] CNMQ731

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by NPC 28th March 2016, 6:43 pm

    The member 'Blood Plus' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] NormalMonster
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 24
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Mura Kensho 29th March 2016, 7:53 am

    It appeared that Mura’s partner was getting fired up already; literally. He could hear his words, while watching the fierce blazes erupting from his body. A strange figure appeared for Mura; this guy spread out a very carnal appearance and began to resemble a beast more and more. Mura shovelled his present thoughts away; he needed to focus on the objective. “She must be hiding somewhere…” he replied to his last comment, while looking towards the village. It looked odd and empty for inhabitants, and the buildings looked like ruins. He would move towards the village’s center, while his partner’s flames left ashes on the ground…

    The whispers were getting wilder, as they approached. Although, it still had the same message; whoever talked right now, wanted those two mages to leave. While his partner stood at the middle, seemingly and surprisingly ready for battle, Mura would cautiously move his head around, searching for the source of the voice. “Master,” Kyuken tipped his shoulder and pointed towards a very strange phenomenon; flying blades in the air. Mura quickly moved up his katana in a fighting stance, but noticed that the blades didn’t rush at him… until they suddenly came 10 meters closer. It happened in the blink of an eye and Mura got a little startled by that. “Watch out for the blades..!” he warned his dragon-slaying partner, but when he looked away, the blades moved closer to them. They were getting closer every second, and after a brief moment, Mura jumped up in the air, trying to dodge those swords, who then targeted his fellow with a high speed. Mura would hope that he heard his warning, or the blazing fellow would get stabbed in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile in the air, he took his time to check around the village, and when landing again, he had approximately four good hideaways to take a look on…


    Blood Plus
    Blood Plus

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Huntress Mango
    Position : None
    Posts : 724
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 25
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Acquiescene
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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Blood Plus 29th March 2016, 2:05 pm

    Words: 401
    Tags: Mura Kensho

    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    Ibara made out an audible sound from behind him. A warning of some kind which emanated from his boyish, younger partner. He shouted almost but Ibara was lost in a sea of his angered emotions from the continuous, repetitive echo that screamed for their repentance from the area. Ibara was unphased by the warning but his entanglement of rage enabled him to completely disregard the warning that his partner had attempted to heed. Kyuken was agile and dodged the swords that narrowly approached the young dragon from behind. Ibara was sharp and his reactions as fast as flame itself but nothing could inhibit the blade that dawned on him from behind. His neck inclined and twisted within a millisecond of distance between his yellow eye and the cylindrical, steel sword.


    The sword dashed forwards with seemingly no wielder and it collided with Ibara's face head on. No damage came forth. No blood, no cut, no removal of his limbs and more importantly.. no loss of sight. The blade was intangible and it phased through him as quick as it came. It's slashes continued, moving further and further into Ibara's metal state. The idea of a sword that moved through him rather than to seemingly hack off his limbs was a pointless concept yet the idea of it terrified the young dragon but instead of dawning on such a notion, Ibara counted his blessings. He stood there and placed his hands on his hips, turning back to his partner as the sword continued to relentlessly hack and slash at him.

    "So much for that ominous presence we felt earlier. This sword is complete garbage."

    Such useless magic only aroused questions within the young dragon's mind. Such a powerful presence but only capable of such useless magic? This couldn't be all. The presence remained and the echo continued over and over like a broken tape recorder.

    Get out... GET OUT!

    The voice epitomized all of a sudden; releasing a shrill shriek that went so far as to shatter some windows of the abandoned homes that now surrounded them. Magical power ascended from every angle and Ibara almost felt literally crushed by the particles of raw mana that now exuded from every available location. He did his best to maintain his balance but what could it be and where did it come from? One thing was clear. This battle was far from over.


    Last edited by Blood Plus on 29th March 2016, 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] CNMQ731

    Posts : 23944
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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by NPC 29th March 2016, 2:05 pm

    The member 'Blood Plus' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] NormalMonster Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] WeakMonster Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] NormalMonster
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 24
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Mura Kensho 30th March 2016, 5:43 am

    It seemed that Mura’s flame-haired partner didn’t react in time. His loud warning didn’t really bring out any reaction from him in a brief second, before the draconian guy turned around and… got stabbed? The swords that were supposed to have cut his head, arms and eye out went right through him, without leaving a scratch. That was surely strange; maybe this could be an illusion? Maybe the little girl was hiding somewhere and trying to scare them away? That would explain enough for Mura, as he would stand still for a moment and watch the swords go right through himself. Kyuken looked shocked at him; it took some effort to stand completely still and just let the blades go through. However, his inkling was right; it was some kind of illusion. Now that he knew that, he would strive to find her…

    “I see…” Mura commented the experience, “So she’s perhaps trying to trick us, huh?” To be honest, it was a rather distant strategy for Mura; to hide somewhere and troll them around with illusory swords. Mura almost let his guard down, when a repeat of the voice from before appeared. However, this time, it was more intense. More angered. Enough to break windows and to give Mura and Ibara a very shocked feeling of a presence somewhere, even though that they didn’t spot anyone else. As magic would begin to flow from every direction and surround them in a hurricane of mana, Mura did his best to stand focused and tried to look after her. “Kyuken?” Mura called his spirit fellow, who didn’t get physically affected by all this. The spirit nodded in response to his indirect question and answered: “No, I don’t see her anywhere.” Whispers began to appear in their minds; cold, threatening whispers that could drive many people insane…

    Last edited by Mura Kensho on 30th March 2016, 11:40 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Posts : 23944
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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by NPC 30th March 2016, 5:43 am

    The member 'Mura Kensho' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Boss Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] WeakMonster
    Blood Plus
    Blood Plus

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Huntress Mango
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    Posts : 724
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 25
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Blood Plus 30th March 2016, 4:55 pm

    Words: 605
    Tags: Mura Kensho

    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    Whispers. A continuous rhythmic crescendo that seemed to be some sort of traumatising tactic in a vain attempt to plant fear within the two mage's minds. Ibara didn't know about his partner but for all he was concerned, there was no change in his attitude. The whispers did connect with him sure, but Ibara doubted they had the desired effect. They only pissed him off more and more. Veins began pulsating from his head and his eyes began to narrow. They repeated the same words that Ibara had been hearing from the moment he had set foot in this village.

    Get out.. Get out..

    The tone was the same, maybe a little deeper at times, but it echoed with a melodious note that could have been mistaken for the same sort of voice that you hear when children sing nursery rhymes. However, it had an eerie melody too it, butchering the tranquillity that nursery rhymes would usually bring about. Ibara was about to raise his fist to swat at the moving swords again when the voice suddenly changed and the words differed. They emulated the voice of a little girl. A small giggle followed by words that struck Ibara's heart strings.

    Little Dragon... Spiritual Child... I'll tear you both pieces, heehee!

    What did she mean? Spiritual Child? Little Dragon? It was as if she had delved into the minds of both the mages within a matter of seconds of her arrival. She wasn't visible at the moment but she didn't need to be. That ominous presence that the two had felt before had doubled and literally forced Ibara to his knees. Dark magic, magic that shouldn't have to be felt anyway exuded from this one differentiated voice and Ibara did his best to force coughs of absolute pressure back down his throat. What the hell was going on?

    Now you'll learn your lesson!

    She spoke like a teacher reprimanding her students. A disembodied shadow formed from the corner of the village. All that was visible were two pupiless white eyes, a set of razor-sharp teeth and a darkened dress embodying a small, female child. In her hand was the silhouette of a small puppet. It dangled from her fingertips while her smile grew wider and wider, much similar to the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. She skipped forwards and removed herself from the shadows but they seemed to follow her, coating her skin in a black mist that concealed most of her facial features. She pointed at Ibara's partner. Why she focused on him rather than the young dragon who was stirring up all the ruckus to begin with was a notion that was beyond him but the fact that Ibara was driven to his knees left him inhibited at attempting to help.

    "You will go first, heehee!"

    Her hand raised, the hand embodying the puppet and despite it's classification as a somewhat inanimate object, it too raised it's hand in a similar fashion to the way it's owner did. They both chanted a few inaudible words and suddenly spectral chains rose from the ground at blindingly fast speeds towards it's designated target; Mura. A question of whether he dodged or not was a matter of great importance. Would this blow seal and determine his fate?

    "Underneath you! Look out"

    Ibara's voice stammered slightly, still feeling great weakness within his very soul but he relinquished all that to deliver a final warning to his partner. He would do his best to support him while he could. It was only a matter of time before the dragon spread it's wings again and rejoined the fight.




    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] CNMQ731
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Mura Kensho 31st March 2016, 4:18 am

    All these whispers provoked him a lot; it seemed to provoke Ibara even more, though. They began to repeat all over again, while Mura was trying his best to figure out a way to stop all this. He moved his head slowly towards his partner, who was getting even so pissed that his veins were about to jump out of the body. He could understand him; this was psychotic torture. However, they HAD to keep their sanity, or they would lose to “simple” illusions…

    The swords returned again. Just as annoying as always, their effect was pressing those two mages to the limit. Despite that they knew that it was all illusions, Mura’s senses couldn’t stop warning him from the incoming blades. He needed to forget those swords for a moment and take it easy. That’s when the sound suddenly said something new; it seemingly named those two mages here and followed up with another threat. “Just come out and face us, demon!” Kyuken shouted in vain. The raw mana around them turned darker and heavier, almost heavy enough to smash them down to the dusty ground. Mura was pushed to one knee, but trying to remain sane. “This… is irritating,” he expressed with a voice of annoyance, mixed with anger. But before he could continue complaining, he spotted a shadow-like appearance at the other side of the village. When taking a closer look, he spotted its shark-like teeth, demonic expression and most of all its amazing magic power that could be felt from here. It held a little doll, similar to her own appearance. She began smiling towards them and moved, followed by the shadows from which she came from. With an uplifted hand, she pointed right at Mura; a chill rushed down his back. “You will go first, heehee!” came out of her hellish mouth, as she would lift up her slender hand, mimicked by the doll. In a quick second, ghostly, black chains erupted from the earth, charging towards Mura and Kyuken. The warning from his buddy made Mura’s muscles to jump, which in this case saved him. Kyuken would’ve been unaffected, as he was a striving soul, separated from this world, yet still connected. While in the air, the chains would follow him in the air, trying to get him mid-air. He took Kyuken’s spirit in his hand, formed as a blue flame ball, then emerged it into himself. A sharp light would erupt from his body, fading away and revealing a blue, fire-cloaked Mura. He’d now emerged with his spirit and quickly dodged the incoming chains in the air, thanks to his awakened reflexes from Kyuken. He looked at her face in a moment, discovering that she was mainly targeting him now. “Ibara!” he called to the grounded, draconian guy, hoping to prompt him to attack her when she wasn’t paying enough attention…
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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Blood Plus 7th May 2016, 12:56 am

    Words: 708
    Tags: Mura

    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    "With fire in our bellies and the sun in our soul!"
    Veins continued to pulsate on the young dragon's forehead as he managed to maintain this internal struggle within his mind, nothing else was very prominent at the time, he could only wrestle with this mental struggle as the little girl's magical power attempted to overcome him in actuality but Ibara had faced a lot worse than a demonic child with severe daddy issues. No, the fiery dragon slayer had a lot more up his sleeve and he was almost ready to deliver it. He could hear the sound of crashing chains against the grounds and by matter of deduction, Ibara could only hope and assume that the chains had missed their desired target and his verbal warning had been of some use. Then another voice came through the thick fray, that of his partner who seemed to issue a warning or perhaps a prompt?

    The young dragon struggled at first but through a sea of sweat that now draped his forehead and clung his hair to his skin, he glanced upwards, making out the verbal audibility of his partner issuing what seemed to be an opportunity. The young girl had recoiled from the fray with her chains beginning to retract. It seemed they had a cooldown time, she could use them once but it would take time for them to return to her before they received their desired effect once more. This was indeed an opportunity and the young dragon wasn't going to let it go to waste, especially not while it endangered the lifeforce of his temporary partner, Mura.

    Speaking of his partner, it took him a few moments to comprehend what had exactly happened. His aesthetic visuals looked drastically different, with a glowing god-like aura and blue flames to match which coated his body in a similar fashion to times when Ibara was angered or upset. Also, was the man hovering?! The fiery dragon slayer had never seen anything quite like it and the moment passed with much more time than it should have because it gave Lillith time to recover and launch herself towards the still-downed dragon slayer, obviously deeming the fiery god-like child as the more-powerful one and therefore dismissed him until later. Ibara was about to prove her wrong. Her palm was outstretched and raised towards Ibara, it glowed with dark energy clearly prepared for some kind of spell.

    "You shouldn't let your guard down so easily."

    A fanged grin spread onto Ibara's face, it wreaked of maliciousness and the young dragon shot to his feet, splintering the earth underneath him with raw power as his body almost set ablaze and combusted in a few places, leaving fiery scorch marks in a circular formation around him. He roared and the veins pulsated on his head once more, but this time for a very different reason. It was no longer his time to struggle, the shoe was indeed on the other foot.

    "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

    Lillith was seemingly coming in way too fast and she hadn't interpreted for the young dragon to make such an unexpected return to sanity but little did she know that it took a lot more than a simple visage to break the dragon's iron will. Her lesson would be learnt as Lillith, unable to stop or even slow herself down, came face to face with a fist that lived and breathed fire. You could hear the crunch of her shark-like teeth as splinters rose from the brief contact. Ibara had avoided the fist by sidestepping it in a matter of moments while simultaneously grabbing her wrist and immobilising her. Lillith was stunned and hung in a limp manner in Ibara's grasp. The young dragon lifted her up so they came eye-to-eye.

    "Now you're going to see what it's like."

    Ibara's hand rocketed backwards and he performed a full-armed toss with Lillith in tow over his head. The young demonic girl was sent flying, already dazed by Ibara's previous spell, and ultimately smashed into a nearby tree, shattering it completely due to the force of the young dragon's throw. He dusted his hands off and glanced back towards Mura while a sword simultaneously phased through him but Ibara didn't even bat an eyelid.

    "We're going to end this. Now."




    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] CNMQ731
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Mura Kensho 7th May 2016, 4:08 am

    It appeared that, despite the apparent struggle, Ibara managed to grasp his words; just in time, as Lilith turned her gaze at the young dragon. The chains that chased Mura a moment earlier were trailing back towards her, like if she couldn’t stretch them any longer. 15 meters…, he thought and saved within his memory, She stretched them 15 meters. She might not be able to move them any further. While he saved that thought for later, she threw away her attention at Mura and, instead, focused on the dragon slayer. Maybe she assumed that fighting with Mura was a waste of her time; no matter the reason, she was about to attack him now.

    That was when Ibara was getting fired up; a grin appeared on his face, as the little girl charged towards him. All of a sudden, his body set ablaze, revealing his fire magic and its massive power. A roar erupted from him, and Mura was quickly shocked by Ibara’s present expression, as he could clearly sense the presence of… a dragon. Although that Ibara appeared very human to Mura, the picture of a fierce, blazing dragon appeared before him every time that he looked at him. Is he… a dragon?, he began to think, while soaring in the air. Ibara was covered with blaze, and as the terrifyingly dark girl charged at him, he caught up on her and fired a massive fist at her face, engulfed with his flames. “Nice punch,” he spoke up in surprise, soaring to the ground. Ibara had her at his grab, and threw her away with intense force. When she smashed into a tree at the other side of the area, Mura was quite shocked over the boy’s physical strength.

    “I see,” he said to him, “You’re a Dragon Slayer, am I right? That explains the weird presence of a dragon somewhere... it's you.” That could be the only logical reason of the constant presence of a draconian beast inside Ibara; besides, it wasn’t the first time that Mura met a Dragon Slayer. He could easily distinguish them from other elemental mages. After he questioned, he moved his eyes at the trees where Lilith had landed. “You’re right. Let’s strike her now, while she’s afflicted,” he replied to the dragon’s statement, “She’s stronger than we think, so let’s not hold back.” Within a moment, Mura lifted up Harusame and held it in a diagonal stance. He sled his feet across the ground, finally standing steadfast to the ground, and sliced the air before him with the katana. “She’d used darkness spells for now, so this might work,” he stated, while mana erupted from his body.


    The sliced air lit up brightly with mana, as if something was ignited by Mura’s blade. It lit up the entire village like the halo of an angel, as the cloak of bluish mana cracked. The light exploded in several, crescent slashes that charged towards the same target; the girl that was laying among crushed logs.

    “Halo Blade!”

    Multiple explosions appeared at the target, fiercely destroying most of the area around Lilith. Mura kept his eyes at the location, trying to find out if he hit her or not. Using a light spell, it was certain that she would have trouble blocking it with a dark spell; or that’s what Mura concluded. However, the fight wasn’t over at all, not yet…
    HP: 200%
    MP: 90%
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    Blood Plus
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    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Lightning Bolt Gif

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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Blood Plus 7th May 2016, 1:15 pm

    Words: 983
    Tags: Mura

    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    "With fire in our bellies and the sun in our soul!"
    Ibara's eyes were focused on the shadows that intertwined beneath the ghostly branches from where Lillith had crashed only a few moments ago. Mura seemed astounded at the strength that Ibara had conjured up from his being as the demonstration of his spell had momentarily put his partner to a pause of silence within astoundment. With his arm previouusly cocked back, he allowed both weapons to hang gently by his sides while rising to his full stature (which wasn't all that impressive anyway). He began to remark on Mura's comments from before.

    "You aren't so bad yourself. Lighting yourself on fire like that. I thought I was the only one. Not to mention you can fly."

    Ibara could only grin at the following comment. Mura's remarking on his dragon-like magic was natural, in fact he thought it such a commonly idea that Mura had assumed such a thing already. He shrugged it off before realising that they had to focus back on the task at hand. There was a swirling shadow within the area that Lillith had just crashed in. Power was rising again, she was regenerating, recuperating and ready to strike back with a cold vengeance that wasn't there before. Her powerful arrogance had been substituted with a concentrated rage and now she was all the more deadly.

    Mura was smart. He seized the opportunity and heeded the young dragon's advice to attack her when she was down but Ibara was beginning to regret the swift decision. She had been knocked down but now she was on guard. She recognised their power and now she was all the more vigilant. She was a more powerful opponent and with her observance came danger. Mura's attack came thick and fast, it was impressive and almost unavoidable to the eye, incomprehensible to react to but the swirling shadows began to accumulate further and further.

    An explosion ruptured from the strike which Mura had placed perfectly with the precision of natural expert. His strikes were swift and clean but the decimation that came of it was something to gasp at. Trees fell swiftly and the shadow was unleashed, light opening up on the spot where Lillith was. Or where they thought she was. The shadows began to clear and nothing was there. It was as if the young girl had been eviscerated by Mura's blade to such an extent that she had quite literally dissolved. If only that were the case.

    "You really think it's that easy?! Punks, I'll slaughter you both."

    Ibara couldn't still get used to the fact that such a young girl had such a capable foul mouth. Then again, there was the possibility that this woman wasn't a human at all. Her appearance was much more demonic than child-like anyway. There she stood, on top of one of the trees at quite a distance away. It had maintained it's stature and hadn't been eviscerated by Mura's blade. She actually seemed quite un-harmed but that was the price to pay by striking her with such a powerful blow. They had missed their chance to do the necessary damage to her while she wasn't on her guard. It could only lead uphill now.

    "Stay on your guard, she's watching us closely."

    Ibara's words were quiet so they were only audible to his partner as his yellow and red eyes narrowed on the target. Fire soon began to radiate from his body as magic was channeled throughout him. He raised both arms and pulled them backwards so they cocked and met just behind him. His shoulder blades flexed and he grimaced before beginning to chant.

    "Fire Dragon's.."

    Inferno markings shot straight up his arms on either side. They blazed with an orange and red intangible glow as his whole body began to give off an immense amount of heat. The very ground underneath him began to singe, forming a small blackened ring around his figure while his eyes narrowed.

    "...Wing Beat!"

    His arms moved forwards again in a clapping formation. His ablazed arms ran down towards his palms and as the flames met between them in a clapping formation, two wing-like flames emerged from his clapping palms and raced towards Lillith whom was still standing on the trees. Her movements were swift though and before the two mages could comprehend her movement, she was gone from the tree. The tree erupted in a mass of explosions as did several other trees around its vicinity.


    Ibara's eyes were trained on where Lillith had positioned herself next. She'd used the explosions as a means of boosting her speed and had spiralled towards the spirited wizard with outstretched arms. Chains erupted from her small dress which were augmented by her already gaining speed and it almost seemed impossible to dodge. But Ibara was one step ahead of her. The spiked chains moved ahead of her in a deadly arc but the young dragon closed the gap between him and his partner in a matter of seconds, allowing the chain to pierce straight through his arm in order to slow and eventually inhibit further movement. Lillith grinned despite the fact that it hadn't struck her intended target.

    "A valiant effort that you'll learn to regret. Heehee!"

    The doll in her hands began to glow, it's eyes illuminating a deep and sickly purple. Before the two wizards could comprehend what was going on, Ibara began to motion into the air, dragged by the one segment of chain that remained pierced into his arms. The young dragon attempted to cry out in pain but his voice was silenced. It was like his ability to move freely was inhibited and he'd been turned into a simple dummy by the demonic ventriloquist. Ibara's eyes gestured back to his partner thought. While she was lifting him, her attention remained focused solely on the young dragon. This was Mura's chance. His chance to strike.




    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] CNMQ731
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Mura Kensho 8th May 2016, 5:07 am

    Mura felt a little proud by Ibara’s compliment, despite the fact that it wasn’t exactly real fire that he used. But the fact that he could fly was true enough; of course, the Onmyōji could fly. Having trained in mastering the five major elements and Yin-Yang at Midi had granted Mura many abilities, which one of them was flying. He felt the need to explain to him about all that right now, until he realized something; over at the devastasted trees, a dark figure could be spotted by both of them. Mura was quite surprised to see that the little girl was doing fine, despite being directly hit by a light spell. "You really think it's that easy?! Punks, I'll slaughter you both,” she spoke up to them with a sinister smile, just like before. “No way, she’s all fine,” Mura spoke back in surprise, watching at the seemingly unharmed girl. As Ibara warned him about staying on his guard, Mura nodded and closely moved his eyes around him.

    Radiant heat erupted from Mura’s partner at the moment. The fire dragon was about to strike at Lilith with intense heat, causing the ground itself to weld away. Mura watched at the young girl closely, hoping for Ibara’s attack to succeed. It was an unusual stance; he’d pulled his arms back and engulfed them with orange blazes, which immense heat hit Mura like a bat and cracked the ground at the same time. When he finally released his spell, it appeared as racing, blazed wings that charged right at the little figure that stood on the tree. Mura kept his eyes on her location, soon to realize that she was gone. “Huh…” he spoke up, wondering about how she dodged such a spell, “She dodged… darn it. How strong is she?” While the tree burned to the ground by Ibara’s spell, Mura heard a call that turned out to be a warning. The girl, who took advantage of the explosion, was charging towards Mura with outstretching chains of darkness. Mura couldn’t fully manage to dodge it, when…

    A figure had jumped between Mura and the demonic child. He heard the sound of piercing meat appearing from the spot. It was Ibara; he’d closed the gap and blocked the chains for Mura, by the cost of his arm getting pierced. “Ibara..!” Mura spoke up shockingly, but in vain. One of the chains were still stuck at him, and the young girl lifted him up mercilessly by the chain. He appeared in pain, and Mura couldn’t just stand there and watch him suffer like that. Not when he’d just saved him, no matter if Mura was in real danger or not. So when the hurt dragon gestured his eyes towards Mura, he decided to strike immediately. He was angry, of course, and that anger would soon appear as a sudden dark aura that engulfed Mura, as he was charging at the devilish girl. The host of Pluto was about to awaken.

    He lifted up Harusame in order to send a stab on her inhuman body, but her eyes were fast and managed to catch sight of him. A dome of dark substance covered her from the tip of Mura’s blade, protecting her from him. “Hng..!” Mura growled in rile, pushing the blade deeper into the dome, “Don’t you dare try and hide yourself from me..!” The dark aura that leaked out of Mura began to boil, covering him in a completely purple-black cloak of shadow-like aura and causing his hair to bristle up, turning more purplish. A fearsome expression exploded from him, totally different from his usual, calm attitude; even the little girl could sense it, as her smirk faded away. Suddenly, Mura had manifested a giant figure that surrounded him; it resembled the torso of Kyuken, holding  a sword onto the dome. However, the figure was dark and sinister, compared to normal. "HAA!" Mura roared, as Kyuken's sword was launched into the dome as well.

    Within a moment, the dome that was covering the little girl broke, shattered by the force of Mura and Kyuken, exposing the young girl. He didn’t waste any time and swung Harusame towards her shoulder, seemingly cutting right through it. Her right arm was cut off, the one that held her doll. Right after that, Mura moved his blade towards her legs; however, he was aiming at the chains that were holding Ibara at the moment. The demon jumped back, saving her legs from the blade, but losing the control of the chains. Somehow, when Mura clashed the dark magic, it was instantly nullified by his unusual, dark aura. Now that he’d managed to scatter her from the chains, he watched at the small girl and her shadow-like arm, which disappeared in a matter of seconds…
    HP: 200%
    MP: 75%
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    Blood Plus
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    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Lightning Bolt Gif

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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Blood Plus 19th May 2016, 3:35 am

    Words: 986
    Tags: Mura

    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    "With fire in our bellies and the sun in our soul!"
    The young dragon remained suspended in the air while his slowly began to glaze over as his mind struggled to engage while suffering through the intense pain that ricocheted up his arm and into his nervous system. The links in the chain were beginning to loosen though and the young dragon could hear Mura's battle cry from below but his vision was simply too hazy to visualise the tremendous amount of power that the spirited warrior was about to perform. The links began to undo themselves within his flesh, as each link of shadow snapped, more and more pain sent tremendous shivers up the entirety of Ibara's shoulder and back again. Wave upon wave of ecstatic tremors, each one more excruciating than the next. The young dragon struggled to keep his composure despite his survivalistic attitude; this was getting a little too much, even for him. Lillith wanted to deliver a lesson; a lesson not to mess with her and she wanted to deliver it now while the young dragon remained in her grasp, even she knew she wouldn't get many chances in the future, not now the young dragons wings were spread and his guard was up.

    An explosion of magical energy occured from bellow which rocketed and pulsated through Ibara's body, magic clashing upon magic, a battle of wills and something was about to burst. Another blood-curdling scream was released from Mura down below, an impressive shout of power from someone whom looked so fragile at first glance. Then a cracking sound emanated from within the once silent air before the shattering of an earth-like substance sent debris flying upwards, only narrowly missing the young dragon's still-suspended body. It was clear to Ibara that Mura had broken through Lillith's defence and now advanced upon her position. Ibara's vision was beginning to brighten again, the demonic magician was losing her focus; her intention on Ibara was developing into a softening touch rather than a threatened grip.

    Then another sound, a silent slice that felt as quick as the wind itself. Another blood-curdling scream wrenched into the metallic filled air but this vocal tremor was much more inhumane, much more terrifying and with it launched a dark release of magical energy, enough to send both mages flying backwards at the sheer power of such a release.


    Ibara's body struggled to hasten into battle position again as wave upon wave of magical shadows began pressing down on the two of them. The young dragon was unable to locate his spirit-bound partner whom also resided somewhere within the darkness. The young dragon couldn't stand being so helpless and with such a thought in mind, slowly clenched onto the ground. The mud beneath him threatened to uproot itself and send the fiery slayer into oblivion but Ibara refused to budge. His eyes began to glow again, filled with that same determination of his first attack and he glanced through the shadow. It was true that he couldn't see Lillith, that these shadows did prove to be effective as some visual distraction but that didn't excuse the smell of rotting-flesh that Lillith emanated with his slayer-enhanced nostrils.

    "No Lillith. You'll be the one that pays. Dearly."

    Red illuminations began to tear apart the black deluge that set forth upon the two wizards. As fire poured from Ibara's orifices, nostrils, eyeballs, ears, mouth; Mura's silhouette slowly began to visualise within the young dragon's minds eye. He could sniff out his partner and the path was clear to him. With the flames covering his body already, his speed was augmented and with a simple stroke of the foot, Ibara bounded off the ground from his kneed position to a full throttled leap to cover many metres in a matter of milliseconds. Within a moment, a kick of dust and a skidding to a halt, the young dragon appeared at Mura's side in a flash of brilliant orange and yellow.

    "It's not much of a plan but I'm telling you to roll with it. If we're to come out of this alive we have to think fast and that means making decisions that could either save or lives or put them at serious risk. If we don't trust eachother we can forget about returning to our guilds in one piece. Got it?"

    Ibara stuttered slightly as he spoke, he knew everyone second he spent wasting words on explanations with Mura left him and his partner vulnerbale to detection via vocal reverberations. He could already hear Lillith's dark chuckle emanating from somewhere else within the black waves that continued to pour onto the forest that the two wizards were situated in; clearly this chuckle signified she'd located them.

    "I'm going to attack her with everything I've got. That will serve as a means of distraction. I've seen what your magic can do, how it negates her magic which makes you her prime target. If she sees you coming head on, she'll most likely solely target you without paying much mind to me, she's seen what you can do. If I attack first then I'll force her to focus on me, giving you an opportune moment with which to strike. We don't have time for questions. You're just gonna have to trust me, like I said earlier."

    Without even giving Mura the chance to breathe in response, the spirited wizard would be able to feel an intense increase in the heat-levels that arose from Ibara's body, radiating with flames that leaked out of every orifice possible. Within a split second, the young dragon was gone, only leaving a trail of burnt dust in his wake. Mura could hear the surprised scream of Lillith within the shadow signifying she had been attacked by Ibara. Now was his chance to strike, Ibara kept her occupied with a roar of determination. Seconds passed, would Mura trust his aggressive, impulsive dragon-like partner?




    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] CNMQ731
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Mura Kensho 19th May 2016, 7:21 am

    It appeared that the little, demonic, psychopathic girl quickly recovered from her lost arm. In mere seconds after Mura’s last attack, she let out a cry; loud enough to make his spine twitch a little, and strong enough to launch him back. “Woah…!” came out of his troubled mouth, as he noticed the entire battlefield in a shadow’s descent. It was as if the entire area turned into night time; he couldn’t see much more than a few meters before him. If this continued, then he wouldn’t be able to see his own hand in front of himself.

    He stabbed Harusame into the ground, trying his best to keep his foothold. It was quite difficult, due to the massive energy surging out of her. “Nng… She doesn’t look shocked at all,” he slowly spoke to his spirit companion, “Even after losing an arm..!” He tried to move his feet forward, slowly but progressing, in order to prepare for any sneak attacks. However, his eyes gave a sidelong glance at a fierce light in the eye of the black hurricane; Ibara, who released such power, had appeared before him faster than imagined. His entire body worked as a lamp; it illuminated the darkness around them. “Huh… are you okay, Ibara?” he quickly asked the suddenly all-energetic dragon slayer. Despite being stabbed through his arm, he appeared just fine. He told Mura about the intensity of this mission, and that they should put their trusts in each other, if they ever wished to return safely. Mura nodded quickly in response, agreeing with the seriousness and level of this job. It wasn’t an ordinary job, that’s for sure.

    “Then we must strike now…” he was about to reply, before Ibara spoke up about a plan of his. He was going to give it his all against the girl; maybe she would pay attention to him, instead of the one who could negate her magic. The one who would appear as her prime target. Although that Mura didn’t know how the outcome would be for Ibara, or even for himself, he decided to stick to that plan. He had to trust his partner, or else this would end in failure. Besides, Mura had already thought about a plan to land great damage to the little devil. Just as Ibara radiated once more, causing the air to grow in temperature and Mura to sweat a little, the red dragon had left the position right beside Mura in the speed of light. He could see the trail of burnt rock beneath his path. It appeared to surprise Lilith a lot; she wasn’t quick enough to react and got overwhelmed by the roar of that heating lizard. “Now’s our time, Kyuken..!” he spoke up, launching himself up in the air. The spirit form that surrounded him (like a Susano’o from Naruto) would follow his every movement, slowly readying its auric sword by pulling it backwards. With a smooth move, it got slashed down at the point where Lilith was trying to step back to, in order to avoid any attacks from the intimidating Ibara. While successfully hit, the ground beneath the sword was devastated, like the effect of a meteor...

    He was quite sure that it hit her. Although, she appeared to be fine, as tentacles surrounded the spirit form, slowly squeezing it. It had a good grab; Mura found it difficult to make her let go of him. “Aaaargh..!” he roared in pain, trying to release the grab. Blood flew out of his mouth, as the grab was intensified in strenght. The Lilith girl appeared to laugh at his pain, as her devilish mouth grinned at him, showing no remorse. However, in the middle of his enduring pain, he appeared to be reaching Harusame, which was flowing in the auric pool that the spirit form consisted of. It was quite rough, but the second that he grasped a touch to it, 3 other Mura’s appeared around the original one. They were all surrounded by the Susano’o-like spirit form of Kyuken, and each moved their blades at the girl. In a brief moment, lights of slashing blades travelled through the air, aimed at the darkness around Lilith. Meanwhile, Mura took the chance and caused the spirit form to grow in size, and eventually release the grab. “… Nng, I need some time!” he roared at the draconian warrior, “Distract her again! If she’s recovering from my attack, charge!” The spirit form grew massively, slowly pushing the tentacles away from him. “Kyuken, don't give up! Keep expanding!”


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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Blood Plus 26th May 2016, 3:56 pm

    Words: 725
    Tags: Mura

    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    "With fire in our bellies and the sun in our soul!"
    Mura's fighting style was impressive. The visage of several versions of himself, each coated in a suit of gargantuan armour worthy of draconian-esque praise. The young dragon would have stayed to marvel at the sight of his battle style if Lillith's constant screaming and outbursts of dark matter weren't distracting him first. Mura's encoutner with Lillith earlier from when she had released him through a devastating combo of attacks from the spirited child''s arsenal had left Ibara skidding a few metres backwards from the sheer demonstration of power which caused him reeling. He managed to stay on his feet though and dust kicked up from where the power had threatened to propel him into the trees from whence he came.

    Ibara stood his ground and swiped through a second black deluge of shadow, another burst of raw energy that emanated from the encounter. His feet locked into some tree roots at his feet to keep him grounded while he assessed the situation ahead of him. Mura stood several metres back, he was recovering from Lilliths' recent grab; clearly her moves were far more impressive than the two mages had originally interpreted. They had to approach and assess this with even more caution than before if they were to come out of this alive.

    That's when the fiery dragon slayer noticed the movement of Mura's mouth. He attempted to decipher the words but he simply couldn't. There was too much haze between the two of them and the black chains that swarmed from the ground in a spherical form sealed the deal on attempting to communicate with Mura. A whirlwind of shadows kicked up and corrupted the very dust underneath them. Screams upon screams echoed murderously around the vicinity and that alone was almost enough to send both mages into a psychiatric hospital for special treatment. Their opponent was terrifying and they had to be too if they were to overwhelm her.

    "Y'know, back in a simpler time.. it was dragons that ruled the world, not demons. I'm about to teach you why."

    As soon as Ibara opened his mouth to unleash that sentence, flames began to erupt from every angle of the young dragon. Forget about covering just the orifices, his very skin radiated flame and heat. Even his eyeballs were on fire, leaking with torrents of red hot flame. His features were indistinguishable. He was a black silhouette amongst an orange wave of flame that covered him from head-to-toe. The shadows around him shrivelled in response and they sank away, revealing Lillith within the midst of chains.


    A small chuckle could of been heard from the flames. Not any ordinary laugh though. A savage laugh, like a hyena that was about to successfully devour it's prey. The chuckle intensified and slowly it became hollow and without emotion which terrified even Lillith into silence despite her loud abbreviations from earlier.

    "I suppose you'll have to learn that children don't always get what they want."

    Ibara shook his head and while maintaining that same maniacal laugh from before, the silhouette from within the flames could be seen raising his hands to his mouth to form a cone-like shape with his fingers around the opening hole. From the darkness of the mouth, light began to add to the amassed flames that built up around his body.


    From the flames that coated the young dragon, another set of flames, an ovular column this time, shot out from infront of him and rocketed towards Lillith, dispersing the shadow around it and literally blazing through the chains that attempted to protect her. Through careful precision on Ibara's end, the fiery dragon slayer did much more than keep her distracted. That very column of flames washed Lillith away from the ground, making her losing her footing and was sent careering through the trees, continually pushed by the column of flames infront of her. They rocketed into the ground too, decimating a path into it and into the forest where Lillith had been thrown into. Ibara still remained ablaze however despite unleashing the spell. His body angle turned to Mura although it was impossible to tell whether the dragon slayer was looking at him or not due to being simply a silhouette amongst an inferno.

    "She's all yours."




    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] CNMQ731
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Mura Kensho 29th May 2016, 3:39 am

    After released from the grip, Mura took a quick look at the young girl. What she just did was almost disrespectful; to grab your opponent like that and just squeeze the hell out of them was pathetic. Bursts of auric energy flowed around him, increasing in wildness and magnitude. His spirit golem would increase in size, slowly, while the other clones did as well. Although, she was quite the tough one, to be honest, but he wouldn’t stop yet. He had lots of energy. Plus, he assured himself that Ibara might’ve heard his call. However, he couldn’t see anything clearly, as the entire area was filled with dark energy and chains, chasing the spirit mage. He jumped into the air, trying to dodge the chains effectively, but the sudden scream of pure murderous expressions made his entire body stun for a brief moment. What bloodlust, it was unreal to him. He couldn’t believe that someone had so much corruption in them; not to mention a little girl. What was wrong with her?

    He couldn’t spot Ibara anywhere. The fog of shadows was supposedly meant to keep them separated, cancelling any chances of support. “Darn, where is he..?” Mura spoke to himself, while throwing glances at the mysterious shadows that could lead you into death itself. That was when something marvelous happened; in an instant, the shadows around them disappeared and revealed the little devil, exposed and unprotected. He swung his gaze around, trying to find the source of this phenomenon, when he finally found his partner; as fierce as ever, Ibara erupted flames in every angle, pushing the darkness away. “Way to go, Ibara!” Mura cheered him, before focusing on the devilish being. Fear began to spread in her; he could clearly spot her soul losing concentration from the hyena-like chuckles that surrounded the area. Before his very eyes, a blast of blazing flames passed his body, aiming the girl. She was literally overwhelmed by it, as her body seemed to disappear into the light that blasted her. Those flames pushed all the shadows away, even her magic couldn’t defend her from such an attack. It left a giant path of destroyed ground on its way, as the furious roar seemed to end. What a roar…

    She’s all yours,” was heard from the dragon, which triggered Mura’s mind to act immediately. Now was the time to strike; the girl was clearly shocked by the previous attack, causing her to not be ready for the next one. The spirit mage would charge at the girl, while his spirit golem followed him like am armor. Of course, the girl wasn’t done yet; with a swift of her hand, she released shadow-like slashes towards the charging samurai. Those slashes seemed to destroy anything at its path, but the young warrior easily negated them by swinging his katana at the multiple shadows, pushing them away from his path. In an instant, he appeared before the girl, charging the giant sword at her. It caused the ground beneath them to shatter and leave a giant hole in the middle of the two opponents, Mura and Lilith, while the samurai moved back a little. He appeared to take his time, while the young girl moved up again; surprisingly, she was still not on her knees yet. Nevermind, Mura was ready; the 3 clones from earlier suddenly appeared from the air above them, all charging down their blades at her. Such devastating attack caused even more of the floor beneath them to scatter, as the cracks even reached Ibara on the other side.

    When the clones disappeared again, Mura appeared in the middle of destruction; the entire village was turned into a risky area, seemingly ready to break down anytime. “… Oh no,” the young spirit mage expressed, while face palming himself, “What’ve I done…?” He didn’t mean to cause all this… disaster; he just wanted to bring the young girl down at the moment. He didn’t even get to finish sulking, before a giant blast erupted from the hole beneath them, causing Mura to get launched back. He landed harshly, as his spirit golem slowly disappeared, leaving him exposed again. “What… how much power does she have?” he spoke up in surprise, as he focused his gaze at the crater. There she was, heavily damaged but seemingly still able to fight. “THAT’S IT,” a cracking voice roared, almost like a scream of pain, “I’M DONE PLAYING AROUND WITH YOU MAGGOTS. YOU’LL DIE NOW… AND I START WITH YOU.” She moved up her finger and pointed, not at the one who just wrecked her, but at the dragon behind him, while grinning with her nightmare-like teeth. Somehow, it triggered an idea in Mura’s head; if she was going after the dragon first, then it might’ve been a good idea to support him in a quite obvious way that he just appeared to remember; he was a Dragon Slayer, and he'd learned about how they can eat their respective elements... now was the time. “Hey, Ibara…!” he spoke to the young lizard with a grin on his face, “It’s dinner time!” By those words, he clapped his hands together, and in a brief moment, the entire village changed. Heat erupted from everywhere, the ground beneath them burned and the houses turned into buildings of hell itself; everything was pure fire. Mura had just used his newly awakened Onmyōji powers, turning the entire area into one of its respective elements. He hoped that the dragon would understand quickly and begin to eat, because Lilith appeared to ignore the flames. They didn’t really hurt anyone, so she should’ve found out by now…



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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Blood Plus 30th May 2016, 5:23 pm

    Words: 1433
    Tags: Mura

    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    "With fire in our bellies and the sun in our soul!"
    The conclusion of this fight was drawing nye. Upon Lillith's dismissal from the young dragon's personal space within the space of only a few short seconds conjoined with that of a cylindrical, explosive column of flames, Ibara was pretty pleased with himself. He noticed Mura vanish from his side and into the now decimated forest to follow up on the previous attack. Their synergy was remarkable considering their short time together and Ibara had the utmost confidence within Mura that the fight would end within his next attack. He could see his golem-like clones approaching from a more overhead direction, each of them specifically zoning in on Lillith's location. Surely there was no escaping Mura's next move. It had to be checkmate for the demonic little girl.

    While the forest emanated with a burst of energy, Ibara waved his hand to allow the inferno-like armour which once obscured all of the features on his body to dissipate; he thought it was the end of the fight after all such was his naivety. With the flames now disappearing, his vision began to uncloud, allowing him to truly absorb the surroundings which radiated with the destruction that the two mages and Lillith alike had caused. The situation caused him to gasp but no battle was without hardship he reminded himself. Everyone suffered a little after combat and this village would build anew without the hindrance of a murderous little girl in their wake. Ibara knew they would come to terms with what happened here because the alternative would have been a lot worse. If there were to be any alternative.

    A screech reverberated off the broken stumps that used to be trees and an overwhelming sense of familiarity burst onto the destructive vicinity. A deluge of shadows once again burst outward from the trees and threw the young dragon off balance, forcing him to take a knee if he were to hold his footing at all in the face of absolute danger. Lillith had escaped Mura's final attack and she now zoned in the fiery dragon slayer. Clearly she wanted revenge for Ibara's last attack and frankly, he didn't blame her, not only was it devastating to her body as represented by the fact that she now missed a leg as well as an arm from earlier, but it was slightly embarrassing to underestimate an opponent so much that you get decimated as a result.

    "You really don't know when to quit, do you?"

    Ibara sounded exasperated. Clearly he was reaching his limit too. With Lillith's demonstration of her power beforehand, having her backed against a corner like this in such a plea of desperation was never a good thing. She had nothing to lose now. No way of escape from the two mages, all she could do was stand and fight and that is exactly what she had planned. There was no stopping her now; she was in a suicidal state and she would stop nothing to rid the two world of these two particular mages.

    "Then I guess we got something in common.."

    The fiery dragon slayer burst forwards at her, using a little boost of flame from his feet to augment his speed tenfold. His body lowered itself and his back arched in the form of a purely physical attack, no spell included. If he could ground her somehow, maybe Mura would finally be able to finish this once and for all. However, as this skirmish had included, it was full of underestimations and despite Lillith's weakened state, she tossed him aside easily with a simple flick of her hand; sending the young dragon directly into a tree which shattered and crumpled on top of him albeit it did prevent him from going any further.

    Her walk was slow and devastating and her signature cackle rose to a crescendo of epitomised evil. She wanted to end this, shadowy tendrils drooping from her dress while droplets of darkened blood flooded from her decapitated body parts. It was rather undignified as she hopped towards him rather than a normal two-footed walk but that didn't make it any less terrifying. The young dragon could have taken off her other leg, forcing her to literally crawl to victory but this wouldn't diminish this murderous aura that gushed out of her just as her blood did. Was this the end?

    "It's dinner time."

    These were the only words that Ibara heard and within a second or so, the whole village illuminated into this orange and red mass. Flames burst from every orifice that the amassed buildings had to offer and the whole vicinity flooded the young dragon with a new found power. His eyes began to glow and his stomach growled in response to the all-you-can-eat buffet that now lined out infront of him. He licked his lips and soon the fear that Lillith had attempted to strike home into his heart began to fade away and ultimately dissipate. His mouth opened wide and the characterised suction of any Dragon Slayer began to take place. The flames moved and slid off their current surfaces and made their way to one singular spot; down the young dragon's gullet. The process was seemingly endless and Ibara began to literally glow with radiated power, blinding Lillith and causing her to stagger back for several seconds. It was then that fire erupted from that one singularity that was the fiery dragon slayer's body and the whole vicinity filled with a new found light.

    "Thank you, Mura. I won't let you down."

    From the light, the tree that once held the young dragon down burst out from it, evaporating mid-air from the fire that covered it head-to-toe; and from within the light emerged a figure, similar in appearance from before but something about him from different. Human-like scales adorned his arms and decorated his cheeks, spanning from the bottom of his eyes and then downwards, his forehead too. His two-toned eyes now glowed with the radiance of the sun and any onlooker would feel a temporary blindness and hypynotisation simply by looking upon them. Flames licked at parts of his skin, his calfs and biceps dripped with the combusted substance.

    The next few minutes was a blur. A whizzing figure that surrounded Lillith. Incomprehensible speed followed by unrecognisable strikes, one after the other rained down upon the demonic figure who could do nothing but wail and scream in defense. It soon became apparent that she was not only screaming to get out but for literal mercy at the hands of the young dragon slayer. A mop of red hair moved into the sky and for a moment, Ibara's figure was recognisable, gleaming brightly as if he had replaced the sun itself. Red, fiery wings now glittered on his back, augmented like before but tinged with blue on the rims which characterised Mura's flames which had aided him in achieving this state of atonement. Lillith was grounded, lying flat on her face but her chest moved up and down. She was still breathing somehow but she was missing another arm, her only other limb was that singular remaining leg. The missing arm dropped from the sky, clearly having occupied Ibara's mouth, he must have bit it off in the process.

    The wings faded from the young dragon's back and he dropped back to the ground again with one foot finding it's way onto Lillith's back as she tried to get to her feet again. The foot redirected itself to the top of her head where he pushed her face into the dirt and inclined his head downward so his mouth reached the tip of her ear. A growl reverberated from the depths of his throat as he warned her to stay down. A handful of blue flames spontaneously appeared in Ibara's free hand and he held it directly next to her face.

    "I won't hesitate if you move again. Your arm won't be the only limb that goes missing next time."

    Satisified with his threat, the flame in his hand dissipated and his foot removed itself from the top of her head. He turned away from her, confident that she wouldn't be moving anymore and approached Mura. As his walk slowed towards him, the scales on his face, arms and legs began to evaporate themselves and the red and blue flames also vanished into thin-air. His walk towards Mura got slower and slower before he ultimately lost the energy to continue fighting any longer. He dropped to his knees and, with a smile, passed out with a final thumbs up in Mura's direction.




    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] CNMQ731
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Mura Kensho 31st May 2016, 2:45 am

    (OOC: It appears that I need another post, min 700-800 words to finish my part ;_; dangit)

    It appeared that Ibara was quite aware of Mura’s short statement. “Dinner time” seemed to trigger something within the Dragon Slayer, an expression of hunger engulfed him, as Mura watched the phenomenon; flames from every direction charged towards the dragon’s mouth, slowly getting devoured by him. It was some marvelous sight for him, and the first time that he saw the phenomenon. He felt that all he could do now was simply sit back and watch Ibara do the rest of the work.

    The dragon was impressive; his skin turned slightly scaled and the flames intensified in brightness, causing even the ground beneath them to melt continuously. Mura took a close look at the guy; he wasn’t human anymore. He was literally a dragon, or that’s what Mura felt by the atmosphere surrounding him. He could, once again, sense the presence of some beast in the background of Ibara, as if it was some kind of spirit around him. Although, he could only spot it for brief moments at a time, due to his eyes getting stung by the heat that erupted from Ibara’s body. “Woah… I can barely see anything,” Mura expressed, while covering his face with an arm. Everything was brightened up by the dragon; the ground began to shatter and blow away from him, causing a small crater to appear beneath their feet. The excitement raised, and he was getting even more sure that Ibara could handle Lilith by himself now. Therefore, the young spirit mage soared upwards, while the dragon began its rampage on the devil. Woah, Lilith was in trouble; she couldn’t manage to handle such strength of that draconian embodiment. “He’s… actually bringing her down,” Mura spoke in surprise. The aura around him faded away, and revealed the samurai spirit beside its master. “Master… it’s terrifying,” Kyuken spoke up, “That boy is quite the monster…” Mura switched his gaze at Kyuken, while he stated the above-mentioned, then looked back at Ibara. “That’s it! Keep wrecking her, Ibara!” he cheered the dragon slayer, while simply sitting at the sidelines and spectating. Honestly, Mura was very excited and wanted to battle as well, but judging the situation, he might’ve would get in the way of Ibara. So for now, he watched and waited for the dragon to end his job…

    It took a little while, but the impossible appeared to have happened; Lilith was laying on her face, completely wrecked apart by the dragon slayer. She was still alive, judging by the movements of her chest, as she inhaled and breathed out again. She’s done, he hoped. The intense atmosphere disappeared around them, and the multiple, annoying swords left their sights as well. It all turned back to normal; or almost. The entire village was gone, due to Mura’s last action. However, no one was present at the houses, so he found it okay enough. Now, he stood at the middle of nowhere, with a burned out dragon and heavily damaged girl. “… We did it… Finally,” he let out, while throwing himself onto the ground. The skies above them were darkened, indicating the amount of time that they had used to fight this monster. He was quite pleased with himself; he turned out to perform his best in the battle. And even though that Ibara took the final punches, which annoyed Mura a little, he felt that they turned out to cooperate quite well, despite being the first time meeting each other. As he saw Ibara approach him, he could clearly see the ashes on his face and body, showing the amount of strain that had been put on him during this battle. “Hey, are you…?” Mura was about to finish his question, when the dragon dropped, showing a smile and a thumbs-up to the spirit mage, “… Hey, Ibara! What the hell!” The young samurai rushed to his aid, quickly lifting Ibara up again. The dragon was quite done, and he didn’t really know how to describe it otherwise. Well, it was obvious; they’d been through a lot, especially the ever-burning dragon that laid on his arms right now…


    Blood Plus
    Blood Plus

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Huntress Mango
    Position : None
    Posts : 724
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Acquiescene
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    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Blood Plus 31st May 2016, 10:37 am

    OOC: Just do a post detailing our journey home and you're golden!



    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] CNMQ731
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 24
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood] Empty Re: Horrifying, Little Girl [Lilith Job, Mura and Blood]

    Post by Mura Kensho 31st May 2016, 11:13 am

    The roads would’ve helped a lot right now, due to the village’s sudden disappearance. All Mura could do was walk across the forest with absolutely no ways of locating his destination. Plus, his package was heavier than before; the body of the burned out dragon didn’t move since their battle against Lilith, so Mura had to carry him all the way back to the Magic Council again. Man, it was so annoying; not only did he land the last, and possibly the fiercest attack on the nightmare, but he also decided to chill all the way back to Era by letting Mura carry his knocked out body. “…” Sounds of teeth grinding together could be heard from his mouth, “Why’d he finish it all by himself… argh, I was so fired up back there.” The samurai spirit behind him was carrying the… remains of Lilith. No arms, one leg, a hole in her chest, scars on her face and everywhere around her body, plus ripped-off hair. She was still alive, as he could clearly see her spirit intact inside of her. “… Master,” the samurai slowly spoke back to the spirit mage. Mura slowly moved his head back, as Kyuken’s voice was lowered and quite… worried. Something was clearly wrong with him, but he didn’t know what. “… Can we switch?” the samurai scaredy-cat continued, which caused Mura’s head to snap. A sweatdrop trickled down his face. “What?! No, no way..!” the young boy replied in shock, “I’m not carrying HER! You’re a ghost; you wouldn’t get hurt if she woke up and went on another rampage..!” The spirit began rethinking the possibility of such accident, then nodded in agreement and moved on…

    “… He’s getting heavier,” Mura suddenly spoke up with a lowered voice, “Hey, Kyuken, I just remembered something…” Mura’s feet would suddenly levitate into the air, causing his entire body to ignore gravity and fly upwards. The spirit looked quite shocked, not by the fact that he could fly, but at the fact that he forgot it… right after having used it previously. “… You just used it… how’d you forget..?” the samurai confusingly asked the younger samurai, who grinned and replied: “Are you sure? I don’t remember flying around…” he would begin to boost up his speed and suddenly fly across the skies as some kind of superman, while holding Ibara’s semi-crisped body. The samurai spirit would follow; as a spirit, there were a lot of things that Kyuken could do, and flying was one of those things. While crossing the wet clouds, which caused all their clothes to soak, Mura quickly moved his gaze around the earth below them, trying to spot the HQ of the Magic Council. They were quite far away from any town, that was true; he couldn’t spot any towns or villages yet. “Huh…” he sighed for himself, “… Next time, I’ll finish things, Ibara.” The young boy looked back at the dragon’s exhausted body, then smiled and continued crossing the giant water poolings that floated on the sky...



      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:28 pm