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    Foedus Seraphim: Summoner of Angels.

    Sarah McCloud
    Sarah McCloud

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

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    Foedus Seraphim: Summoner of Angels. Empty Foedus Seraphim: Summoner of Angels.

    Post by Sarah McCloud 24th February 2016, 7:29 pm

    Foedus Seraphim

    Primary Magic:
    Foedus Searphim: Summoner of Angels.

    Secondary Magic:
    Unused Currently.

    Caster or Holder:

    "God is a righteous judge, and a God who feels indignation every day."
    -Psalm 7:11

    The art of summoning the angels of her god was a gift given to Sarah in the form of two crosses one which singed her left hand and left a brand of black scourge where it lay. The other left a great cross of golden passion in her right hand of which was a grace in of itself. It was these two holy objects which Sarah uses together to summon her angels placing her hands together almost like she was in prayer as a great white rift tears open above her and the angel drops down graced in red light ready to bring down gods judgement on her foes. This magic is one that summons great beasts that her god made to aid Sarah in her quest to destroy those he deems unworthy and as such each is capable of great power while keeping their summoner alive for if she were to die then the gods plan may very well fail. In her mind Sarah is doing right and these angels are gift of great reward to destroy those her god sees as enemies and aid those it sees as worthy.


    ~ Has a natural cure for demons with all her summons being holy in nature.

    ~ Most of her summons are large in stature making them very hard to fight and even worse to try and avoid.

    ~ She is capable of buffing her own summons with ease or even allow them to deal more damage than before though temporarily.


    ~ Tends to rely on her summons to do the fighting rather than herself due to limited combat spells.

    ~ If her summons are killed she will have a tougher time.

    ~ Her buffs are temporary and cannot be kept up with ease.

    ~ The nature of her summons retroactively makes them take more damage from unholy magic.


    Avatar of Ilyria:

    Unique Abilities:

    ~ Blood of the Martyr: When her summons timeout after their duration ends rather than being killed in combat Sarah receives a 5% hp boost healing her.

    ~ Pact of the Angel: While her summons are out Sarah is able to deal half of all her active summons base damage on her own attacks stacking with her own damage. (If the damage has a decimal point it is rounded down rather than up.)

    ~ Grace: Sarah is able to spend 10% of her own HP to heal one of her summons by the same amount; however, this is not able to kill her and cannot be used while under 50% of her max HP.

    ~ Seraphim Brilliance: While her summons are active 50% of the damage that would be sent to Sarah is instead sent to the summons themselves (Split evenly among the active with damage being rounded UP if it ends in a decimal.)  but not vice versa.

    Summon Common Details:

    ~ All summons take 25% more damage from Unholy but also deal 25% more too them ~

    ~ Health of Summons ~


    ~ Damage of Summons ~


    Spells and Seraphs:

    ~ * Signature Spells: * ~

    Seraph of Lupus.:

    ~ * D-Rank Spells: * ~

    Seraph of Fornax:

    Seraph of Lyra.:

    Blessing of Ursa Minor.:

    Blessing of Perseus.:

    ~ * C-Rank Spells: * ~

    Seraphs of Gemini.:

    Seraph of the Phoenix. :

    Blessing of Ursa Major.:

    Last edited by Sarah McCloud on 1st March 2016, 9:14 am; edited 1 time in total

    Foedus Seraphim: Summoner of Angels. Empty Re: Foedus Seraphim: Summoner of Angels.

    Post by Guest 1st March 2016, 8:25 am

    Anything in this color is advised to be fixed.
    Sarah McCloud
    Sarah McCloud

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

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    Foedus Seraphim: Summoner of Angels. Empty Re: Foedus Seraphim: Summoner of Angels.

    Post by Sarah McCloud 1st March 2016, 9:14 am

    Bump for Edits

    Foedus Seraphim: Summoner of Angels. Empty Re: Foedus Seraphim: Summoner of Angels.

    Post by Guest 1st March 2016, 9:15 am


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