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    A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event)


    The Maker's necromancer

    The Maker's necromancer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 637
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: SOTL
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    A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event) Empty A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event)

    Post by weretiger5411 11th February 2016, 12:08 am

    Zecarayus had not expected to be doing anything for valentines day, in fact he had never heard of it before. This was easily caused by his own upbringing and lack of understanding of fiore’s holidays. However, one day at his house he saw a letter put on his doorstep. Curious he had opened and read it, describing a blind date? “Hey daniel, do you know what a blind date is?” The sound of armor coming down stairs showed what appeared to be a living suit of armor with one red orb glowing under the helmet to signify an eye. “Blind date? I didn’t know you were interested in that kind of stuff zecarayus.” he said with a friendly but echoey tone. Zecarayus looked at him confused, “I don’t even know what a blind date is daniel.” “Oh, then why did you ask?” daniel responded confused. Zecarayus handed him the letter to the ghostly knight “It’s whats on this letter.” “Oh ok, hrm lets see here....Oh! Ah zecarayus you fortunate soul you! It seems you get to go on a blind date.” “Daniel im asking what a blind date is.” Daniel looked at zecarayus oddly, he had been grateful to the young necromancer for assisting him in his time of need, but swore he spent too much time around spirits. “A blind date zecarayus, you and a mysterious woman going out to dinner, maybe walk about town, oh so many things the two of you could do!” Zecarayus after hearing that responded, “So i’m courting a woman I never met then?” Daniel was relieved at this, at least zecarayus knew some form of a date was “Yes you are, and by the looks of it, she will be expecting you tomorrow!” Zecarayus looked surprised, and then worried “I...I have too?!” “What? zecarayus this is an opportunity to find love and you're not going to go get it?” “No, it’s just-”

    He would have been cut off by another voice “It’s just that love to you will only be a hinderence.” His mentor, kel-thuzad had overheard their discussion, except now decided to phase through the wall to join the conversation. Daniel kept his distance from the lich, he was never sure why zecarayus allowed the cursed thing in his house, but has already decided he did not like him. “Kel, I don't think love would be a hindrance, but I don't think going in unknowing is a good idea.” he said, of course this was how kel-thuzad was involving zecarayus and any relations with life. Daniel spoke up, “Hey hey hey! You act like this is going to be the worst thing in the world. If anything this is just a time to enjoy yourself, if it happens to end in love then so be it.” Kel-thuzad gave his usual emotionless look at zecarayus then said, “I can’t stop you from doing this anyways zecarayus, it was a warning.” Zecarayus nodded in acknowledgement and thought to himself about the whole idea. To have the chance to find love, it was something he lacked back at home and was denied even. But here where their was so much freedom, so much new things for him to experience..."All right, I... will go tomorrow." he said.

    The next day, zecarayus found himself at the ace of spades, with the afternoon turning into an evening. He had found himself here because the note stated that he would meet his blind date near the tavern of the city...which happened to be the station to get to the sabertooth guild itself that was high in the air. He wondered how he got to the ball without noticing the height when he attended it some time ago. He sighed and waited outside the tavern though, he was told this was to where he would meet her and was trying to think out how it would all go. However he was not alone in his wait for the woman he was suppose to meet. So how do you think she looks? daniel asked in his head. Usually kel-thuzad would be in his head, but for this date to help zecarayus out, daniel decided to take kel’s spot for the day. I don’t know daniel, all though she is suppose to meet me out here...right? he thought to himself and looked at the letter. You know, I could be earlier than expected daniel. Hey that’s fine! She will like your commitment to this then! I guess we will see. He finished the conversation in his head as he waited by the tavern. He had dressed the best he could with the time he had, wearing a fancy black jacket buttoned up with a white collared shirt underneath with a tie, along with dark blue pants ironed out, and finally black dress shoes that, while not new, were hardly used so they still looked nice enough for a date. With all this, and his hair back as usual, he thought he looked very well for what he had to work with. All though if he actually looked good or not depended on his blind date, whomever she may be.


    "Those who do not fear power, are too easily destroyed by it."

    "Humans are the biggest monsters. How else can you explain a dragon's need to burn down their homes, a demon's need to slaughter them, or a god's attempt at brainwashing them to devote loyalty? It is because we have the greatest chance to destroy them with whatever else gets in our way, and slayers are not the only method how."-Zecarayus Trevelean

    Note: Until I get this in his character sheet, his name is changed to nevarran. Same soul though!

    info on apps:

    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Mentor : myself
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Manipulation
    Second Skill: Music/Sound
    Third Skill:

    A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event) Empty Re: A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event)

    Post by Bitterblue 12th February 2016, 5:46 pm

    do you trust me?
    There i sat alone in the car the weight of what you'd done around me oh all around me and with the water rushing down my eyes it was all that i could do, not to scream but oh, it's alright, now it's over, oh baby, this was the night and oh mr. moon, shines down on my home, it's where i belong without you

    recall, i want a recall, you are crying on my telephone but oh no, oh no no no no bones crack and fingers blister, i might console you, but look at my sisters brilliant like fireflies up in their bedroom but oh, mister moon shines down on my home, it's where i belong without you and oh, what can be said for the gift that has flown into my hand? in my hand There i sat alone in the car, the weight of what you'd done around me all around me

    TAG: @user WORDS: ### NOTES: words

    Nessa had just finished her job helping at a cafe when she came home to find a letter taped to her door. Hmm, what's this?  She thought to herself.  She grabbed the letter off the door, opened it and started reading.  "A blind date?"  She said out loud.  She continued to read.  "Tonight?!"  She exclaimed.  I bet this had something to do with Stars, she thought.  She went inside her home and sat at the island in the kitchen thinking over the letter.  She decided to actually call stars to tell her that this was probably her funniest trick but, when she called, Stars told her that she hasn't been to her house since yesterday.  Than who did this, she thought.  She decided that it might be best if she went just to see who she would be meeting for this blind date.

      When she was done getting ready she was wearing a knee length, laced, navy blue dress.  She had also curled her hair with a wand. Wow this is way better than using a curling iron, she thought.  She was also wearing creamed colored high heels.  Now she never liked wearing high heels but she thought that it might be a good idea to wear them since that's why her mother had bought them for her.  She was also wearing little diamond earrings and her golden necklace that was in the shape of a little tiger, and in the middle it was holding a small midnight blue gem. Nessa forgot what type of gem it was cause she got it so long ago. Nessa took one more look at herself in the mirror, than with a nod went to go meet her blind date.


    A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event) GIFPuhU
    Be cautious love is the most dangerous thing

    The Maker's necromancer

    The Maker's necromancer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 637
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: SOTL
    Second Skill: NA
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    A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event) Empty Re: A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event)

    Post by weretiger5411 17th February 2016, 7:03 pm

    Zecarayus kept standing there, by this time it was nearing time for his blind date to show up. Of course, he had grown nervous, wondering what kind of woman would show up. However he heard the clacking of heels approaching the front of the tavern and he looked in the direction of the source. He was surprised by who was coming. She was wearing a dark blue fitting dress and had her wavy hair out, though it moved as she walked showing a glimpse of what appeared to be diamond earings. Of course though, zecarayus was just staring at her and it took him a moment to realize that perhaps this was his blind date. Well? daniel spoke in his head. He grew nervous again all of a sudden, what if she was not his date? Or what if she was, but he was not good looking enough for her. Hey stop thinking and just do it! daniel spoke in his head.

    He watched as she approached, and once she was close enough he spoke to her. "Excuse me, I..I uh, was suppose to meet a blind date here. Are you perhaps here for the same thing?" The lady merely replied "No I already have a date...excuse me..." she said as she went by him to enter the tavern. Zecarayus was embarrassed but realized that he did not know who this mystery woman would be. Cmon, you got to try again daniel spoke in his head, and zecarayus did. However, after a few woman who were not his date and politely declined(for the most part at least). Finally zecarayus simply leaned on the side of the tavern, he had started to give up on this blind date. However, at this point nessa would have approached the tavern as stated on the message, and zecarayus watched her on arrival. She was dressed in a navy blue dress with frills, not the most fancy but zecarayus thought it looked beautiful on her all the same. And it was clear  with her hair done that she was going somewhere important. All though he did not dare get his hopes up, he knew the chance for her to be his blind date was slim to none after the other tries, but he had to try. "Excuse me miss, I am suppose to meet someone here who received a letter similar looking to this one" at this point he would have brought out the letter he received from his coat pocket, which would have looked very close if not exact to the one she received. He would have continued, "Are you here for the same thing?"


    "Those who do not fear power, are too easily destroyed by it."

    "Humans are the biggest monsters. How else can you explain a dragon's need to burn down their homes, a demon's need to slaughter them, or a god's attempt at brainwashing them to devote loyalty? It is because we have the greatest chance to destroy them with whatever else gets in our way, and slayers are not the only method how."-Zecarayus Trevelean

    Note: Until I get this in his character sheet, his name is changed to nevarran. Same soul though!

    info on apps:

    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Mentor : myself
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Manipulation
    Second Skill: Music/Sound
    Third Skill:

    A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event) Empty Re: A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event)

    Post by Bitterblue 18th February 2016, 7:39 pm

    do you trust me?
    There i sat alone in the car the weight of what you'd done around me oh all around me and with the water rushing down my eyes it was all that i could do, not to scream but oh, it's alright, now it's over, oh baby, this was the night and oh mr. moon, shines down on my home, it's where i belong without you

    recall, i want a recall, you are crying on my telephone but oh no, oh no no no no bones crack and fingers blister, i might console you, but look at my sisters brilliant like fireflies up in their bedroom but oh, mister moon shines down on my home, it's where i belong without you and oh, what can be said for the gift that has flown into my hand? in my hand There i sat alone in the car, the weight of what you'd done around me all around me

    TAG: @user WORDS: ### NOTES: words

    Nessa wondered how she was supposed to tell what guy was supposed to be her blind date. "It should have at least told me what he was going to be wearing." She muttered to herself.  Nessa was kind of nervous to be meeting her blind date for 3 main reasons.  The first was because the place they were supposed to meet at was the station that went to her guild.  So any of her guild mates could have done it just to see if she would actually come.  Second was that if she some how found who was supposed to be her blind date would they like her?  Would they like her outfit?  Or would they think that she went over bored when they saw her that they left?  Lastly what would happen if they actually did like her and on their date she did something stupid?  I got to make sure that I don't do anything stupid, she thought.

    As she got close to the station, she started looking around for her blind date.  What am I supposed to do ask every guy I see that doesn't have a girl at his side if he's here to meet a blind date?  She thought.  With a sigh she realized that, that was exactly what she was supposed to do.  She saw one guy with a blue blazer and a light yellow button down shirt, tan jeans, and  brown dress shoes.  Nessa walked up, took a deep breath and said "Um, Hi I'm supposed to meet someone here for a blind date.  Are you perhaps here for the same thing?"  The guy looked her up and down but then said "No, sorry I got I date I'm supposed to be meeting," he looked at his watch that Nessa now noticed he was wearing "And it looks like I'm late dang it!"  Than the man ran into the tavern. Well that was humiliating, she thought.

    After a few more tries, and more humiliation she finally decided that she would go wait in the tavern. I bet that whoever it is wont even come, she thought.  The last time that Nessa had gone on a date, it wasn't very good.  As she went towards the tavern she noticed a guy standing by the door wearing a jacket with a white button down shirt and tie. I wonder, she thought.  As she approached the man started to talk to her.  He told her that he received a letter and that it said he was supposed to meet someone with the same letter. "Um, I am actually."  Nessa said, she opened the purse that she brought with her -(this is not normal for her to bring a purse)- and looked through it.  She found the letter and took it out to show him. "So I guess your my blind date?"  She looked at him again but closer.  Maybe this thing wont be so bad after all, she thought


    A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event) GIFPuhU
    Be cautious love is the most dangerous thing

    The Maker's necromancer

    The Maker's necromancer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 637
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: SOTL
    Second Skill: NA
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    A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event) Empty Re: A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event)

    Post by weretiger5411 21st February 2016, 1:17 am

    The surprise on zecarayus's face was noticeable as he realized this woman was his blind date. "Ah yeah! I mean *ahem* " he made sure that the next part he spoke would not stuttered or break. "I mean yes, I believe so anyways since our letters look the same, but uh even without the letters...I would have still wanted to court you now that I have seen you." In his head, daniel made a facepalm, not even he used such terms and he was a knight! Still he did not want to talk right now as it could possibly ruin this. Zecarayus continued "But uh, since the letters never carried any names, then I need to introduce myself. I am zecarayus trevelean, and I would like to take you to a dinner at the rose gardens if you would like that." he finished with a nervous smile on his face, his face starting to show  a little blush.  He actually asked because he wanted to make sure this was something she wanted to do, his intention was to try and make this date a pleasant one for her. If she would have agreed then he would have led her to the train which would have taken them to the rose gardens.


    "Those who do not fear power, are too easily destroyed by it."

    "Humans are the biggest monsters. How else can you explain a dragon's need to burn down their homes, a demon's need to slaughter them, or a god's attempt at brainwashing them to devote loyalty? It is because we have the greatest chance to destroy them with whatever else gets in our way, and slayers are not the only method how."-Zecarayus Trevelean

    Note: Until I get this in his character sheet, his name is changed to nevarran. Same soul though!

    info on apps:

    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Mentor : myself
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Manipulation
    Second Skill: Music/Sound
    Third Skill:

    A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event) Empty Re: A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event)

    Post by Bitterblue 29th February 2016, 10:17 pm

    do you trust me?
    There i sat alone in the car the weight of what you'd done around me oh all around me and with the water rushing down my eyes it was all that i could do, not to scream but oh, it's alright, now it's over, oh baby, this was the night and oh mr. moon, shines down on my home, it's where i belong without you

    recall, i want a recall, you are crying on my telephone but oh no, oh no no no no bones crack and fingers blister, i might console you, but look at my sisters brilliant like fireflies up in their bedroom but oh, mister moon shines down on my home, it's where i belong without you and oh, what can be said for the gift that has flown into my hand? in my hand There i sat alone in the car, the weight of what you'd done around me all around me

    TAG: @user WORDS: ### NOTES: words

    Nessa laughed slightly at the mans way of talking to her. She was very used to talking to boys, one of the advantages of leaving with many brothers. Though she could see that he wasn't really used to talking to girls. As he was talking she was going to burst out laughing when he started talking as if they were in the mid evil times. That's actually pretty cute, she thought. She smiled when he was done talking. Nessa saw that he was also blushing a little bit. Wow, he really is sweet, she thought. "I'm Nessa Rose Blue, and I would love to have dinner with you at the rose gardens." She really wanted to see were this date was going to lead to.


    A blind date without blindfolds?(valentines day event) GIFPuhU
    Be cautious love is the most dangerous thing

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 10:36 am