Fairy Tail RP

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    A Burning Web. (Private Ardere & Inerta.)


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 15
    Guild : Tartarus.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Arachne the Demon Spider.
    Experience : 0

    A Burning Web. (Private Ardere & Inerta.) Empty A Burning Web. (Private Ardere & Inerta.)

    Post by Inerta 13th November 2015, 12:34 pm

    Each strand had been woven to perfection every fiber in her fine silken threads built her new clothing as she smiled the grayed out basilisk fang symbol on her shoulder having been sadly inactive since she went back to sleep. The chittering of her children cooed her to smile as she bent down picking up a spider roughly half her size as she kissed their mandibles smiling, “Oh my dear child you feared I would not wake hmm? I am back to once again do as I need but first. . .” Her stomach would churn and snarl as it seemed she was in a large need of food and that would mean going to a human settlement as he set down her child smiling and getting up the silken tube that had been attached to her abdomen slowly pulling out a final egg rolling out of it as she yawned and stretched feeling her chest, “Have I gotten. . .Bigger?” She had to admit it was hilarious but she soon wove bigger clothing from her soft and strong silk walking out of the cave slowly her worried children trying to follow as she held them back, “No let me do this I may have just woken up but I need food.”

    As she approached the mountain town she could see deeper into the mountain was a massive castle that had not been there when she had gone to sleep, “What is this?! Did humans expand more? And it has a midi feel to it. . . I have not been there in a while but that is curious.” As she began to reach the gate she felt something magical in nature further in way above herself as she gasped slightly, “I have not felt power like that since Elijah. . .” With a chuckle her curiosity peaked she would open the doors of the town slowly walking inside as the eyes of people ready to see a new human customer were soon turned to fearful and even angry eyes each one burning into her as she sighed, “You silly humans always look at me like that.” With a slow walk she would approach a stall filled with assorted meats as she pulled out the last few jewels she had and set them down, “Would I be able to purchase some of that beef?” She could smell the blood coming off the meat but it was taking every bit of her strength to not kill the humans here and eat them as they had done nothing to invoke her anger. . . Yet.

    As the human denied her services saying that a monster like her should leave she would sigh and walking away begrudgingly, “Tsk you humans and your fear always ticks me off something wrong with my look hmmm?” With a glare back to the shop owner she would continue her look for food getting denied sadly almost every stall she went to as they all asked her to leave a small  bit of a frown growing on her face, “This is pathetic I have money to pay for it and I get denied. . .” As she was about to head to the next stall a man would walk up with a couple more behind him all armed to the teeth with swords, “Oi get out of our town monster.” They were blunt and to the point she had to kind of admire that fact, “I am no monster and have done nothing but try to buy food with legitimate money is that right of you people?” With a laugh the men would pull out their swords causing her to glare down at them obviously out sizing them, “No monster is ever served here so you can either leave and take your ugly spider ass out or we kill you.” the mention of the words ugly and spider set her off however a small glare towards them going from angry to harsh, “What?~ I think not you racist piece of shit. . . I shall stay in this town and attempt to get food like a regular human would you incessant bigot.” With that the men laughed and lunged at her trying to bring their longswords down on her as she moved much faster than something her size should be able to shattering the swords in her hands with her chitin covered hands and taking their heads off one by one as she looked at the now growing crowd which had begun to throw rocks at her, “Oh for the. . . I WAS DEFENDING MYSELF YOU RACIST ASSHOLES!” Her anger was only beginning to rise at this town filled with people she was ready to consider corpses at this point.
    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    A Burning Web. (Private Ardere & Inerta.) Empty Re: A Burning Web. (Private Ardere & Inerta.)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 13th November 2015, 1:17 pm

    Tuning the bass guitar, Ardere's pale fingers slid across the cords. It was slightly out of tune, but the turn of a few knobs and a keen ear would fix that. After it was tuned, the fire mage found himself sitting on a bench, strumming his bass. He enjoyed the rough feeling on his smooth fingers, and the sound that emitted was quite lovely. It was not lie a guitar, the sound was much lower than that. Closing his eyes, he let the music flow out of him. It had been a long time since he played the bass, being a guild master took away most of his hobby time. Letting out a heavy breath, he played an old song he learned back in Rose Garden during his first few lessons. The sound of an epic instrumental song echoed through Mountain Village. He drew a few intrigued eyes, but most of them were distracted for some reason. He was not insulted, but it was obvious something else had grabbed the attention of these villagers. Standing up, he spotted an interesting looking lady walking down the street. She was rather pretty, but the rest of her body reminded him of something he had seen during his exam. A woman with the body of a spider. The last one he met tried to eat him, but this one seemed to just be minding her own business. It was nothing to be concerned of, he had met and made friends with many nonhuman people.

    It was when the men appeared in front of her, that he grew concerned. Placing his bass into it's case and locking it, a majestic bird would soar through the air to pick it up. Celica was very good at timing these things, as Ardere was interested to see what was happening. Walking closer to the scene, his slayer senses allowed him to hear the entire conversation. His sword Clarent was still on his back, as usual. His long flowing cloak flapping in the wind, it was quite the predicament. They had seemed to just pop out of blue, with their swords. Yare yare. That's not good. He was actually kind of offended they called her a monster for no reason. He had seen monsters, they were evil men and women. This young spider-like lady did not mean any harm, from what he could tell. People had a tendency to freak out over things they did not understand, and in a small village like this it was expected. They drew their swords, coming at her. Kuzo. You guys are gonna get yourselves... Sighing, he gritted his teeth. ...killed. They could not hear him as he was far away, but his sigh was quite heavy. He understood she was defending herself, but damn. She had taken their heads right off. This was not good. Rushing over to the spider lady, he ran his fingers through his hair. Jeesh, this is a mess. You might wanna get out of here before the town guard comes, or else you'll have half an army after you. I can show you a way out, but you've got to follow my lead. The only way to solve this peacefully was to get her the Hell out of here before it escalated. Before either she killed more people, or they killed her. Killing men on the streets was sure to get her executed. Even if she was defending herself against armed men, the people would just view her as some monster. It was an unfortunate circumstance, but it was his town and his home. He could help prevent something like that from occurring. He did not pay much attention to her appearance, and it was obvious he was not gawking or distracted. The fire mage had seen many things, and not much was surprising or frightening anymore.

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    A Burning Web. (Private Ardere & Inerta.) FYZkfE1
    God Force:

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    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 15
    Guild : Tartarus.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Arachne the Demon Spider.
    Experience : 0

    A Burning Web. (Private Ardere & Inerta.) Empty Re: A Burning Web. (Private Ardere & Inerta.)

    Post by Inerta 18th November 2015, 11:24 am

    Her anger only rose more as the rocks and other things were thrown at her as the shadows around her began to twist and move on their own but to her surprise someone spoke to her from the side not yelling, not cursing and not even calling her a monster. No this voice said to come with them before the guards came, “What? Who are you?” Looking down to the man who had spoken she could see him running his fingers through his hair as she sighed, “Fine. . . I would prefer not to let this go on but it is better than death I suppose.” Following the man outside the city she would soon grab the man and begin to shift into the shadows as she would slither along them the man in the shadows with her able to see a sight not many had seen before as they seemed to run through a world of threads and silk soon shifting out back to reality just outside the walls of the city as she sighed. “Sorry for that. . . I would rather you not have been lyn. . .” With a quick gasp she could feel with power from him within moments, “You are the one with the power on the level of Elijah Escariot. . . You. . . Are you a guild master?” With a look at the man her six eyes would scan him looking for any form of tattoo unable to even see it due to the armor. “If you are from a legal guild then I suggest you leave. Guild Master or not associating with one of my ilk is a bad idea.” She would point to the almost completely faded Basilisk Fang tattoo on her shoulder and make a small hiss. “As you can see I am not the best to be around and judging from how we got out. . . You can guess much. . . But first I ne. . .” turning her head to the area behind her as her once proud and cautious nature seemed to go out the window.

    With a quick dash she ran over and picked up a four foot tall spider hugging it happily as it seemed to wrap its feet around her in a pseudo hug as she squealed happily. “Ah my babies you came to find me huh?~ Oh do not worry mother is fine.” With a small kiss to its head she would look back to Ardere blushing heavily, “A-Ah oh. . .Uhmmmm sorry I get a bit happy to see my children sometimes. . .” With a soft sigh she would look back to him and smile happily "Anyways I might need to. . .” Looking over she could see one of her children bringing a human shaped cocoon back into her cave as she sighed and looked back to Ardere, “Anyways. . . I never go your name.”


    A Burning Web. (Private Ardere & Inerta.) Monster-Musume-no-Iru-Nichijou-Anime-Rachnera-Arachnera-anime-gif-2332087
    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    A Burning Web. (Private Ardere & Inerta.) Empty Re: A Burning Web. (Private Ardere & Inerta.)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 18th November 2015, 12:19 pm

    Dashing through the city with the spider lady on his tail, Ardere lead her out of the city. Luckily most of the townspeople were off calling the city militia or the Rune Knights, and they did not see where they left. Even so, he had no doubt they would pursue. He could attempt to speak with them, and as the guardian of this town it might work, but relations would still be strained. He had no choice but to get the Hell out of here with her, before returning. Alright th- He was drug into the shadow, yanked like a rag doll. Luckily he was quite the sturdy mage, and received no injuries or sprains even being pulled with such force. Rubbing his head as the two reemerged, the guild master let out a sigh. It's alright, at least you're safe now. Rubbing the back of his neck, he arched a brow at her inquiry. Looking down at himself, he had forgotten how strong he had become. After his fight with Heero, such power lurked inside of his body. The stronger he became, the easier it was for people to tell. His magic power was flowing with such intensity, and he had not realized. Looking up to her, he slid a leather cover hand onto his hip. I am, actually. Of the guild that sits on the mountain tops above this city, Infinity Hydra. Elijah, he recognized that name. It was the most recent guild master of Basilisk Fang. Was she a member, or a former member? He was unsure until she pointed to the tattoo, but seeing as she wasn't necessarily harming him he would overlook such trivial matters at this point. It was quite faded. So a former member then? You don't seem so bad, other than you kinda ganked those guys back there. Then again you don't go waving your swords at people. Yare yare daze. Sighing with his native tongue, he looked towards her.

    Spotting the large spider, he did not move. He was not afraid of spiders, nor did he dislike them, but some could have a deadly bite. Fortunately with his fire body, he could completely avoid toxins being transferred into his blood. At least, the natural ones. Magical ones would likely still work to the fullest extent. Tapping his finger against his pale strong chin, Ardere found it kind of cute how she squealed when her spider child arrived. She was a mother, a mother of spiders. He had met quite the interesting woman today, but he could empathize with her. I know what you mean. I have a little girl myself. It was common knowledge that even the Fire King lit up around his daughter Malva, she was his pride and joy. The only other person who made hi mas happy was his love Sayrn, but his daughter certainly brought out feelings he could not describe. It was nice to meet someone who understood, but the large cocoon her child was dragging was a bit concerning. Hopefully she did not look to him for food, or any of her children. He had just begun to warm up to her, and now he felt a bit awkward. While he was not too keen on killing anyone with children, he would turn her to ash if she tried to harm him. Fortunately, he did not see this as very likely. It's Ardere, actually. And yours? Running fingers through his thick brown locks, he was not intimidated by her size or her stature. If you need someone to escort you home, I can do so. The villagers might be tracking you, so be careful. It was hard to discern whether or not she was a creature of darkness like the kind he swore to kill, but she had done nothing to warrant and attack yet. The only thing he could do was be wary, and not act rash. Perhaps she could turn into an ally of sorts, seeing as she appeared to be from around here.

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    A Burning Web. (Private Ardere & Inerta.) FYZkfE1
    God Force:

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