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    Common Misconception.

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

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    Common Misconception.  Empty Common Misconception.

    Post by Ardere Kasai 6th November 2015, 11:50 pm

    Disclaimer: This has literally nothing to do with the current mods or admins, I love em and even with some differences I am not here to bash them at all. So dont come running in here defending staff, I'm not attacking them. This is just a discussion I suppose.

    Alright. A common misconception I am seeing is that to become an admin you must grind apps while being a mod. I agree you should work your way up to become an admin, but there is something I want to clarify.

    Being a good mod =/= Being a good admin.

    The two positions require two completely different mentalities.

    Mod Mentality: Constant work, grading apps. Keeping up with new members and making sure everything is graded on time, solving app issues. Moving things of course.

    Admin Mentality: EXECUTIVE decisions. Making hard decisions, changing rules. Most places dont have Dev Teams, and the admins make almost all of the systems.

    Mod work is super important. Dont get me wrong. But being good at grading apps does not mean you will be able to handle being a admin. Being staff is a job. Whether or not you have fun with it, is up to you. As an admin you have to be committed to hearing members out and taking suggestions, and not grading/moving things. To be a good admin has nothing to do with experience in grading apps, it has to do with experience with people. Making tough decisions, designing things, being active. Your job is to keep the member base stimulated. Not everyone can be happy. I get this. But you still gotta try and do watcha gotta do. You're going to get way more complaints as an admin than as a mod, and you need to be prepared for this.

    Just thought I'd clarify. If you wanna throw in your two cents, sure. If you disagree, that's fine. But there is no arguing the fact that being a Mod and being an Admin are two wildly different things. An Admin is not just a Mod with more authority, they have a new set of responsibilities. Thanks for your time.

    (You may move this to discussions if you like, I just hoped it would get more attention here)


    Common Misconception.  FYZkfE1
    God Force:

    Legacy Form:

    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Common Misconception.  Empty Re: Common Misconception.

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 7th November 2015, 2:28 am

    Aye, I agree being a good mod isn't being a good admin. However, it is a good first step. It is to see whether you can handle that level of responsibility before being given a higher level. It is a way of seeing how they handle people, other staff etc. On top of that admins do still have to deal with apps. They have to be good at grading apps in order to grade how trial mods grade apps. That's part of their duties.

    Its also good to test that they can handle the stress of doing things other than rping whilst on site and have the time to do so. I wouldn't want to force anyone to be 100% admin or staff with no rping because that is jsut depressing and defies the point of the site.


    Common Misconception.  Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Common Misconception.  Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Common Misconception.  Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
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