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    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi)

    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kumiho Descendancy: The Legion Master
    Position : None
    Posts : 252
    Guild : Pharoah's Call
    Cosmic Coins : 4
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chaos Legions
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    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Empty Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi)

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 18th October 2015, 4:37 pm


    Izayoi had decided to travel around a bit with Gina after rescuing her from the slavers, still unsure if she could be a mother but she would try. She ended up in Magnolia, she had not really set out a plan just wandering really. Gina seemed to be having fun though, apparently she didn't remember much before her time in the hold. Izayoi figured it was PTSD and didn't push the issue much. She was having quite a bit of fun, she had never been a mother, not one that got to see her children anyways. Somewhere in Earthland she had to daughters and a son, she might seek them out one day but not now. Izayoi knew that if she did right now, she would fall apart. She looked at Gina whom had run off and had her face pressed against a shop window, she had to be a good mother to this child first.

    "Hey mom? Can we get a couple of those?" Gina stepped back and put her finger against the window, pointing at what she wanted. Izayoi caught up and looked at what she was pointing at.

    Izayoi smiled, Gina was pointing at some pastries. "Oh i suppose we can, lets go." Izayoi held out her hand, which Gina took. Izayoi and Gina entered the pastry shop and walked to the counter. The lady behind the counter smiled at the two and asked if they could be helped. "OH we would like two of the cinnamon  rolls" The lady went about getting what was ordered and after a bit passed the two fresh cinnamon rolls. "thank you." Izayoi turned and gave Gina hers. "Lets go sit down and eat." Izayoi and Gina took a seat at one of the many tables and sat down. Little did they know, they had a job on the way.


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD
    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Empty Re: Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi)

    Post by King Gil 18th October 2015, 10:11 pm

    "If I was a commoner where would I be?"

    He grit hit teeth as he searched magnolia for a rather elusive pair. Under normal circumstances Gil wouldn't have wasted his time searching for anyone let alone the two he was searching for but it wasn't exactly normal circumstances. A certain job had come into his possession one that had peaked his curiosity. A treasury in the ancient ruins, ruins that at one point had belonged to a King. It was only natural that Gil were to claim this treasure as his own, as if he would let some filthy treasure hunters lay a hand on even a gold coin within that treasury without Gil's permission. However, Gil wasn't one to do a job on his own, he always required a servant or two, people in which he could stand behind and let them do the hard work. Unfortunately, Gil had rather slim picking when it came to guild mates to accompany him. It was only by chance that he knew of where one of them would be.

    Izayoi, and that little runt were supposed to be in Magnolia or at least that is what the little runt had informed him when she had invited him to accompany them. Much to Gil's displeasure the girl seemed to have deluded herself into thinking that three of them were some sort of makeshift family. That thought alone made him grimace, as if he could ever parent a child like her, with someone like Izayoi. He hadn't given her a response at that time but it would appear that Gil would be going to Magnolia and finding them anyways though not for the "family" time in which the girl had initially thought. With a frustrated sigh Gil was about to give up until he had passed by a bakery and caught sight of white hair.


    The little bell on top of the door chimed alerting to those within of Gil's presence. He plucked one of the pastries on display and merely tossed a few jewels in return. With an annoyed huff of air he slid into one of the empty seats at the table, leaning back in it, somehow managing to look as if he owned the placed, "My, my what a quaint little family picture we have here. Mother and daughter eating together." He mocked as he took a bite of the sweet not yet revealing as to why he was there in the first place but instead deciding to tease the two for all of the work they had inadvertently put him through by travelling to Magnolia.


    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kumiho Descendancy: The Legion Master
    Position : None
    Posts : 252
    Guild : Pharoah's Call
    Cosmic Coins : 4
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chaos Legions
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    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Empty Re: Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi)

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 3rd November 2015, 5:05 am

    Izayoi had not been facing Gil when he entered and when she heard his voice she suppressed a cringe. Gil was far from her favorite person in her guild, for quite a few reasons. She suppressed another cringe as Gina jumped from her char and ran over to the blonde mage.

    "GILLY!!" Gina cried as she ran up to him and dropped a hug on the man. "Where did you go after that day?" She asked as she stepped back from the man.

    Izayoi stood up from her chair and walked over to Gina, setting a hand on the young girls shoulder. "your making a scene Gina." Izayoi looked at Gil, "Well have a seat then." Izayoi motioned to their table's spare chairs. Izayoi steered Gina back to her chair and then sat down. "He has other things he has to do you know, he can't just follow us around." Izayoi wanted to laugh at the idea of that even happening, Izayoi imagined the Gil found her presence as intolerable as she found his. Izayoi picked up her cinnamon roll and took another bite, she was trying to hide her annoyance at the fact Gil had just shown up, but focusing on something else. After a minute or so she set what was left of her cinnamon roll down and turned to Gil. "So what did you need?" Izayoi wanted him to go away as soon as she could get him gone. Izayoi was kinda hoping that he just was here passing by and happened to see them, but she knew better if that had been the case he would have never come in, so he needed something from them.

    "Hey! Be nice." Gina poked at Izayoi, Izayoi rolled her eyes. Gina had picked up on her temperament faster then Izayoi had expected. Gina turned to Gil and asked basically the same question. "SOO! what brings you here?"


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD
    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Empty Re: Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi)

    Post by King Gil 3rd November 2015, 6:11 pm

    Gil could only grit his teeth as the child hugged him. He still wasn't used to such a physical touch, no one had outright hugged him like that since he was young. "Gil." He corrected before continuing, "The guild and more specifically my room." He sighed at just how short children's memories were. Gina had just seen him that day, in fact she was the one who had initially invited him to accompany her and Izayoi but had had naturally been shot down. Luckily before Gil could get on her for not properly paying attention to what he said, or what she had even said, Izayoi had stepped in. Apparently the woman had adopted become more mothering to the girl in their short time together.

    Leaning back in his chair, hands behind his head, and one foot propped up on the table Gil could only smirk. At the least Izayoi had cut to the chase, something Gil could appreciate. He truly hated small talk as it was nothing more than a waste of his breath. Only after Gina had asked the same question as Izayoi did he give the two of them an answer, "Just here to spend some quality time with you two." He took another bite of the extravagant pastry that he had plucked from the counter. He was clearly being sarcastic but Gina had apparently taken the words to heart, something akin to a squeal of delight escaping her lips. Placing his own pastry on the table, he slipped a job sheet out of his pocket, and passed it over to Izayoi. "This is why I'm here." He gave the woman a moment or two to read it before elaborating, "Seeing as no one else was in the guild I had no choice but to ask you two. Trust me you're not my first choice for this." He huffed as if inconvenienced and crossed his arms over his chest waiting for an answer.


    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kumiho Descendancy: The Legion Master
    Position : None
    Posts : 252
    Guild : Pharoah's Call
    Cosmic Coins : 4
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chaos Legions
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    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Empty Re: Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi)

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 4th November 2015, 6:41 pm

    Izayoi rolled her eyes when Gil said he came to spend time with them, sometimes the bullshit that came out of the mans mouth. She sighed and relented as it made Gina happy and because of that she kept her mouth shut about it. Izayoi watched as Gil put a job sheet on the table, she picked up up and read it. She put it back on the table and looked at Gina, she was unsure if she could handle that level of job. Izayoi watched as Gina took the job sheet and read it, she then looked at Gil and spoke.

    "So this job is what we are doing today?" Gina asked, "cause i think we can handle it."

    Izayoi smiled and stood up. "Well then i guess we better get going." Izayoi walked past Gil completely disregarding him, which she knew would drive him up a wall... or she hoped anyways. Izayoi stopped suddenly, she had been a bitch to Gil simply cause she didn't like him? Izayoi sighed and made a mental note to be nicer to him, despite that fact she thought him a pompous ass. Izayoi made it to the door and stopped, turning around to looked at the other two. "well come on lets get this over as fast as we can." She looked at Gil and narrowed her eyes. "so we can spend some time with Gil."

    Gina hopped to her feet and ran up to Gil and took his hand, trying to pull him towards the door with haste. "Come on Gilly! I want to see more of your magic!" Izayoi shook her head and stepped outside. She waited for the others to catch up and then lead the way to the trains. She had planned on getting them as close to the ruins as they could and that would mean jump the train after a while.


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD
    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Empty Re: Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi)

    Post by King Gil 5th November 2015, 5:34 pm

    Gil sat back in his chair simply observing the two as they each read over the job sheet. Izayoi didn't seem very pleased about it but she hardly seemed to be pleased about much. The moment the job sheet had met with the table, Gil had taken it once more back into his possession. "Can you?" He raised a skeptical brow at the child. He wasn't mocking but curious. He knew she was a celestial wizard but that was about the extent of his knowledge on her. He just had a rather hard time believing in young children's strengths as mages considering Gil himself wasn't able to develop any form of magic until he was in early teens.

    Izayoi had completely disregarded his very presence, something that would have under normal circumstances annoyed Gil to no end. However, it wasn't as if Gil was being ignored completely by the two. Where Izayoi would not pay any attention to the blonde, Gina would make up for it. Her endless abundance of praise and some strange sort of like for him almost made up for Izayoi's blatant rudeness. Plopping the remaining bite of his pastry in his mouth, Gil took his sweet time in at least rising from his chair. He would not have the likes of Izayoi bossing him around as she pleased. Gina on the other hand somehow managed to both irritate and please him at the same time, something that not many people could do.


    He corrected once more, his nose crinkling because she had touched him without permission. The only thing saving her from his complete wrath was the fact that she had wanted to see his magic. "Calm down would ya? You'll see more when we get there." He huffed shoving his free hand into his pants pocket while allowing the runt to hold his other. All the while he told himself that it was simply like walking a dog.


    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kumiho Descendancy: The Legion Master
    Position : None
    Posts : 252
    Guild : Pharoah's Call
    Cosmic Coins : 4
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chaos Legions
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    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Empty Re: Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi)

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 11th November 2015, 1:41 am

    Izayoi watched as the hyper little girl pulled Gil out the door, the look on his face gave her the impression that he was thinking something mean. She could not prove it so she let it go instead falling in behind the two. Izayoi didn't honestly know what Gina saw in Gil, as far as she could tell Gil as a selfish bastard who didn't care for anything if it didn't benefit him... Hence the selfish part. Izayoi placed a hand on one of her two blades, somehow she felt reassured that everything would be ok despite the company they currently kept. Izayoi looked up to the sky, watching the clouds drift a bit, she let out a sigh and returned her vision to the ground. "want forever the sky, but remember what you have on the ground." Izayoi mumbled to herself, her sight came on Gil and Gina. "One i could do without." Izayoi chuckled as to herself as they reached the train, she would be stuck in the same car as that man for over 2 hours, not to mention a hyper active little girl.

    Izayoi went and got the tickets for the train, leaving Gil to deal with Gina, her little revenge on the man. Petty as it was she reveled in it, it didn't take her more than a few minutes to get the tickets.


    Gina had dragged Gil to a bench and was looking around, she was currently bombarding him with questions about his magic. But was quickly distracted by a vendor selling candy apples. "OH OH! CAN I HAVE ONE?!?" Gina jumped to her feet from the sitting position she had on the bench. "GIL MAY I PLEASE HAVE ONE?" She turned to Gil and gave him her best pair of puppy dog eyes.


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD
    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 365
    Guild : Tartarus (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    Third Skill:

    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Empty Re: Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi)

    Post by King Gil 20th November 2015, 12:01 pm

    Gina innocently babbled throughout the walk to the train station. Her relentless talking alnost drove him up a wall but he gave a small nod of his head ecverytime she had looked to make sure he was paying attention. It was nice having someone value his attention so highly. Of course he desired more than one person's attention, he wanted a whole crowds attention, but everyone had to start somewhere. Izayoi remained away from the pair, mumbling to herself not that Gil was complaining. The more distance between the two the better. As Gina babbled a few stares drifted Gil's way, most of them from female onlookers. Captivated by his charm and apparent skill with children the women had all but melted at the sight. Gil was a physically pleasing sight, his looks alone could gather more than a few stares. His personality was anything but pleasing, yet with Gina by his side it gave the women a misconception of sorts. They couldn't look past the good looks, or the way he was hand in hand with Gina, to see the haughty and annoyed look upon his visage.

    Soon enough the trio had reached the train station. Izayoi had broken away to buy the train tickets, continuing to leave Gil alone with the child. Gina had dragged him to a bench, immediately leaning back and owning thr bench as the child seemed to be looking for something as she questioned him about hos magic. He gave a yawn but answered each of her questions, the women who had gathered continued to swoon over the male mage. Lazily he drifted his gaze over to what had caught the young girl's attention. A candy apple stand? "You just ate." He grumbled, his voice a deep rumble in his chest. Not to mention she had just had a cinnamon roll, the child still hyper from that. Gil could only imagine how much energy she'd have if she had yet another sugary sweet. He spared the child another glance before huffing in resignation,

    "If I get you one will you be quiet for a bit?"


    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kumiho Descendancy: The Legion Master
    Position : None
    Posts : 252
    Guild : Pharoah's Call
    Cosmic Coins : 4
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chaos Legions
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    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Empty Re: Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi)

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 27th November 2015, 5:33 am

    Izayoi returned quickly, mainly worried about what harm Gil would do to the girls mind, or more so her personality. She came back to Gil asking if it would keep her quiet, as well as a large group of women that were giving him ga ga eyes. Izayoi smirked and walked up to Gina and Gil like it was nothing, "Gil, Gina its time to go i have the tickets." Izayoi Smiled at the girl, she could feel the hatred being thrown her way, so many of the women wished they were in her position. If only they knew how much of a royal prick Gil was, then again they might like that. "Gil be quick about getting her that apple." Izayoi looked at Gina. "But to make sure he hurrys, i would hate to make the client mad by being late." There was no time constraint, but she was having a bit of fun rubbing it into all the women around her. *WHAT WHY?!?* she suddenly asked herself inside her head, Izayoi looked at Gina and Gil, somehow that pompous ass made Gina happy. She sighed to herself, "hurry up you two... Ill be on the train." and with that Izayoi turned and left to board the train.

    Izayoi Found their cab and stood outside waiting for the two to finsih what they were gonna do, she wondered about her future in Tartarus. She didn't really know what she was gonna do with herself anymore. All her plans had been ruined nearly 300 years ago, did she still want a family? She could not decide on anything yet, mainly cause she had nobody to call her own. She had found a little place in the outskirts of their castle and had set up a little lab, so for now she was happy. But what about tomorrow? and the day after that? She would stress about this for the entire trip.


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Three Peas(Gil/Izayoi) Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 10:45 am